Sutterby Fluid Flow Past A Stretching Sheet Embedded in A Porous Media With Viscous Dissipation

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International Journal of Ambient Energy

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Sutterby fluid flow past a stretching sheet

embedded in a porous media with viscous

M. Venkata Subba Rao, Kotha Gangadhar & P. R. Sobhana Babu

To cite this article: M. Venkata Subba Rao, Kotha Gangadhar & P. R. Sobhana Babu (2021):
Sutterby fluid flow past a stretching sheet embedded in a porous media with viscous dissipation,
International Journal of Ambient Energy, DOI: 10.1080/01430750.2021.1945491

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Published online: 30 Jun 2021.

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Sutterby fluid flow past a stretching sheet embedded in a porous media with viscous
M. Venkata Subba Raoa , Kotha Gangadharb and P. R. Sobhana Babuc
a Division of Mathematics, Department of Sciences and Humanities, Vignan’s Foundation for Science, Technology and Research, Vadlamudi, India;
b Department of Mathematics, Acharya Nagarjuna University Ongole Campus, Ongole, India; c Department of Mathematics, Sri Vasavi Institute of
Engineering and Technology, Nandamuru, India


This article mainly concerns investigating the fluid flow, heat, and mass transfer of a Sutterby fluid (Biofluid) Received 19 February 2021
towards a stretching sheet saturated with a porous medium with considering viscous dissipation. The solu- Accepted 15 June 2021
tion to the transformed similarity equations is derived using the Spectral Relaxation Method (SRM). The KEYWORDS
SRM is established with modest iterations. This scheme is initiated with the diminution of the order of the Sutterby fluid; porous media;
momentum equation and regrouping the derived governing equations. The precision and convergence of shear thinning; shear
the results are also presented. Graphs, tabular forms of the individual parameters associated with the cur- thickening; viscous
rent perusal were exhibited, correspondingly. Besides, the local Sherwood number, Nusselt number, and dissipation; SRM
surface shear stress were also computed. It is found that strengthening the porous media values improves
the shear stress of the surface. Shear-thinning fluids have a higher velocity than that of shear thickening
fluids and opposite behaviour was observed in temperature and concentration fields.

1. Introduction
MHD nanofluid embedded in the porous medium. Later several
Analysing the fluid flow characteristics over the stretching sur- physical situations with thermal effects have been incorporated
face is a prime factor in many of the production processing with free and mixed convection. But most of the preceding anal-
industries like glass, plastic sheets manufacturing, polymer pro- yses focused only on wall temperature. Alternatively, when sur-
cessing, paper production, etc. Boundary-layer flow caused by face heat flux depends on the local surface temperature, then
a stretched surface is an attractive content for many researchers a convective flow emerges. Newtonian heating is an instance in
because of the modest geometry of such problems. Crane (1970) such cases (Lesnic, Ingham, and Pop 1992; Mahmood and Merkin
deliberated on the problem of the Newtonian fluid flow caused 1998; Merkin and Mahmood 1998).
by a stretched surface. Chiam (1997) studied the consequences Many of the cooling processes in biological, engineering,
of dissipation, heat generation over a stretching sheet. An anal- and industrial sectors employ various non-Newtonian fluids.
ysis of steady laminar flow over a stretching surface is car- Vast utilisation of non-Newtonian fluids is compelled to scru-
ried out by Elbashbeshy, Emam, and Abdelgaber (2012). Many tinise their rheological properties. The principal Navier-Stokes
authors (Gangadhar, Suresh Kumar, and Ranga Rao 2018; Gan- equation is inadequate to illustrate the functioning of complex
gadhar et al. 2018; Venkata Subba Rao, Gangadhar, and Varma fluids like oils, paints, polymer melts, gasoline, suspended liq-
2018; Gangadhar, Kannan, Sakthivel, et al. 2020; Zaib et al. 2018; uids, etc. The power-law fluid category shows the rheological
Mohammadi and Rashidi 2017; Prasad et al. 2017; Seth, Tripathi, properties of such fluids significantly. The Sutterby fluid type
and Rashidi 2017; Yousif, Mahmood, and Rashidi 2017) examined (Sutterby 1966; Batra and Eissa 1994) has been employed by its
the flow induced by the stretching sheet under distinct physical dense mathematical formation and the proficiency to express
circumstances by SRM. the features of dilatant and pseudo-plastic fluids.
Detailed mathematical studies on boundary-layer flow of var- Many researchers delivered meaningful reports to explore
ious fluids through porous media along with convection were the consequences of viscous dissipation effects on different flu-
reported in Ingham and Pop (2005), Vafai (2005), Nield and ids over various geometries. Studies reveal that higher Eckert
Bejan (2006). Sharma, Choudhary, and Makinde (2017) explored number in fluid flows, induce heat (Patrick Oosthuizen and David
slip boundary layer flow and heat transfer analysis with porous 1999). Thermal dissipation influences the fluid temperature, and
medium and heat source. Eegunjobi, Makinde, and Jangili (2017) the Eckert number has to fix as non-zero in the scrutiny of
examined unsteady chemically reacting and radiating mixed convection heat transfer (Brinkman 1951). The consequences
convection slip flow past a stretching surface through a porous of viscous dissipation were reported by (Tyagi 1996; Basu and
medium. Sekhar et al. (2018) scrutinised multiple slip features on Roy 1985). Afterward, numerous studies (Aydin and Kaya 2007;
MHD flow over a stretching sheet with radiation and Joule heat- Pantokratoras 2005; Mamun et al. 2008; Aydin and Kaya 2009;
ing. Eid and Makinde (2018) studied solar radiation effect on a Abo-Eldahab and El Aziz 2005; Gangadhar, Kannan, Dasaradha

CONTACT Kotha Gangadhar,

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Ramaiah, et al. 2020) deliberated the significance of viscous ∂ T̄ ∂ T̄ ∂ 2 T̄ μ0 2 μ0 ∂ ū 2
dissipation in the existent of different physical constraints. v̄ + ū =α 2 + ū +
∂ ȳ ∂ x̄ ∂ ȳ k0 ρcp 2ρcp ∂ ȳ
Based on the existing literature survey, the authors are con-    
vinced that there is no current work illustrating the effects of mB2 ∂ ū 2
× 1− (3)
viscous dissipation, flow, mass, and heat transfer evaluation on 6 ∂ ȳ
the Sutterby flow field over the stretching sheet of the porous
media. From the above literature, authors have been inspired ∂ C̄ ∂ C̄ ∂ 2 C̄
v̄ + ū = De 2 (4)
to explore the impact of viscous dissipation on Sutterby fluid ∂ ȳ ∂ x̄ ∂ ȳ
by considering a permeable channel. The governing equations
are non-dimensionalised and transformed as ordinary differen- Here ū and v̄ denote the velocity components, υ = μ0 /ρ
tial equations. The solutions of the modified similarity equations refers the kinematic viscosity, μ0 indicates the viscosity of the
are obtained using the SRM. Results are compared with pub- fluid, m represents power-law index with m > 0 for the dilatants
lished works. The influence of essential physical parameters on or shear thickening fluid, m < 0 is for the pseudo-plastic or shear
velocity, temperature, and concentration profiles are examined. thinning fluid and m = 0 indicates Newtonian fluid, B symbol-
The forthcoming portion of the current article classified as four ises material constant, T̄ and C̄ denote the temperature and the
sections in which section two illustrates flow analysis; section concentration of the fluid, respectively, ρ represents density, Cp
three explains the SRM solution process; section four presents indicates specific heat, k0 signifies permeability and α = k/ρCp
the analysis of computational results, and part five describes denotes thermal diffusivity and k refers the thermal conductivity
outcomes. of the fluid.
The suitable boundary conditions are

2. Flow structure and mathematical analysis

ū(x̄, 0) = ax̄, v̄(x̄, 0) = 0, T(x̄, 0) = T w , C(x̄, 0) = C w (5)
Consider a laminar, incompressible, boundary-layer flow of Sut-
ū(x̄, ∞) → 0 , T̄(x̄, ∞) → T̄∞ , C̄(x̄, ∞) → C̄∞ (6)
terby fluid past a stretching sheet saturated in a porous media.
The flow is two-dimensional, and the impact of viscous dissi-
pation is considered. The considered sheet is parallel to the In the above equation, T̄w denotes wall temperature, and C̄w
plane ȳ = 0 and confining the flow to ȳ > 0. The surface is denotes the concentration at the wall.
stretched linearly to initiate the flow by exerting two equivalent By using the subsequent transformations and stream func-
and contrasting forces towards the x̄-axis, which is exhibited as tion ψ to the Equations (2)–(4)
a schematic diagram (see Figure 1). The sheet velocity is consid-
ered as uw (x̄) = ax̄, which is stretched linearly by keeping the 
a √ T̄ − T̄∞
origin fixed. The pressure gradient is not considered in this analy- ξ= ȳ , ψ = υa x̄ h(ξ ), β(ξ ) = ,
υ T̄w − T̄∞
sis. Here a(> 0) stands for the stretching rate, x̄ which symbolises
the co-ordinate measurement along x̄-axis. T̄∞ , C̄∞ are a con- C̄ − C̄∞
g(ξ ) = (7)
stant that stands for fluid temperature and fluid concentration C̄w − C̄∞
at ambient media, respectively.
The governing boundary layer flow Sutterby fluid problem The resultant system of coupled ODEs is as below:
(Azhar et al. 2018; Azhar, Iqbal, and Maraj 2016) is expressed as
h + h h + ReDe h2 h − (h2 + kp h ) = 0 (8)
∂ v̄ ∂ ū 2
+ =0 (1) 1 m
∂ ȳ ∂ x̄ β  + Pr hβ  + Pr Eckp h2 + Ec h − De Re h = 0 (9)
2 4
  3  2 6
∂ ū ∂ ū μ0 ∂ ∂ ū mB2 ∂ ū μ0
v̄ + ū = + − ū (2) g + Sc h g = 0 (10)
∂ ȳ ∂ x̄ ρ ∂ ȳ ∂ ȳ 6 ∂ ȳ ρkp

Here prime denotes the differentiation respect to ξ , Pr =

υ/α, symbolises The Prandtl number, α symbolises ther-
mal diffusivity. De = B2 a2 defines the Deborah number, kp =
μ0 auw (x̄)
ρk0 a the porous medium parameter, Re = υ defines the
Reynolds number, Ec = cp (T̄w −T̄∞ )
describes the viscous dissipa-
tion parameter or Eckert number, the Schmidt number is defined
as Sc = υ/D.
The transformed boundary conditions for Equations (5) and
(6) are

h(ξ ) = 0 , h (ξ ) = 1 , β(ξ ) = 1 , g(ξ ) = 1 atξ = 0 (11)

Figure 1. Flow model of Sutterby fluid with co-ordinate system. h (ξ ) → 0, β(ξ ) → 0 , g(ξ ) → 0 asξ → ∞ (12)

The values of Cf , Nux̄ , Shx̄ are attained as (Gangadhar, Kannan, derivatives of the unknown variables a differentiation matrix D
Dasaradha Ramaiah, et al. 2020) is established.

τw x̄qw x̄qm ∂hr+1
Cf = , Nux̄ = , Shx̄ = = Dln hr (ξn ) = Dhr , l = 0, 1, 2, . . . . . . . . . N̄ (24)
ρu2w k(T̄w − T̄∞ ) De (C̄w − C̄∞ ) ∂ξ
and Here N̄ + 1 represents the number of grids, D = 2D/L, and h =
  3    [h(ξ0 ), h(ξ1 ), h(ξ2 ), . . . . . . . . . f (ξN̄ )]T is a column vector at the
∂ ū m ∂ ū ∂ T̄ collocation points.
τw = −μ + Re De ; qw = −k ;
∂ ȳ 6 ∂ ȳ ∂ ȳ ȳ=0
ȳ=0 hr (p) = Dp hr (25)
∂ C̄ Here p indicates the order of the derivative. On employing
qm = −De (14)
∂ ȳ SRM, Equations (16)–(19) are transformed as

A1 hr+1 = B1 , hr+1 (ξN̄ ) = 0 (26)

Here μ refers Sutterby fluid’s dynamic viscosity, k denotes
Sutterby fluid’s thermal conductivity. A2 Sr+1 = B2 , Sr+1 (ξN̄ ) = 1, Sr+1 (ξ0 ) = 0 (27)
On employing similarity variables in (7), we attain the local
A3 βr+1 = B3 , βr+1 (ξN̄ ) = 1, βr+1 (ξ0 ) = 0 (28)
Reynolds number as below
A4 gr+1 = B4 , gr+1 (ξN̄ ) = 1, gr+1 (ξ0 ) = 0 (29)
= h (0) + DeRe(h (0))

1/2 3
− Rex̄ Cf (15) where
Rex̄ Nux̄ = − β (0) (16) A1 = D, B1 = sr+1 (30)
Rex̄ Shx̄ = − g (0) (17) m
A2 = diag 1 + Re De s2r+1 D2 + diag [hr+1 ]D − kp I,
ax̄ 2
The local Reynolds number is defined as Re = υ . B2 = s2r+1 (31)
A3 = D + diag [Pr hr+1 ]D, B3 = −Ec Pr (kp s2r+1 + s2
r+1 ) (32)
3. SRM implementation
A4 = D2 + diag [Sc hr+1 ]D, B4 = 0 (33)
The efficient spectral relaxation technique is employed to obtain
the solutions of the Equations (8)–(10) (Motsa 2014). In the Here I, diag [] symbolises identity, diagonal matrices of size
current scrutiny for the discretisation of differential equations, (N̄ + 1) respectively and r indicates the iteration number.
Chebyshev spectral collocation methods are employed (see For Equations (24)–(27), the primary approximations to com-
Canuto et al. 1988; Trefethen 2000). We ascertained via numer- mence the SRM satisfying the boundary conditions are randomly
ical analysis that η∞ = 100 with the grid points N̄ = 120, to taken as
proffer adequate precision for the SRM.
h0 (ξ ) = 1 − e−ξ , s0 (ξ ) = e−ξ , β0 (ξ ) = e−ξ , g0 (ξ ) = e−ξ (34)
In the current scrutiny, spectral methods are adopted due to
their exorbitant precision and straight forward execution in dis- Repeat the iteration still the convergence is acquired. The
cretising and solving linear differential equations with variable required convergence rate of the SRM concerning the infinity
coefficients having smooth solutions in simple domains. To start norm is defined as
the SRM iteration scheme, assume
Er = Max(||hr+1 − hr ||, ||sr+1 − sr ||, ||βr+1 − βr ||, ||gr+1 − gr ||)
hr+1 = sr+1 , hr+1 (0) = 0 (18) (35)
The precision of the method is entrenched by surging the col-
With the effect of (16), Equations (8)–(12) becomes as follows location points N̄ till the solutions are consistent and additional
surging does not alter the estimate of the solutions.
m The convergence rate of the SRM is refined appreciably by
1+ ReDe s2   2
r+1 sr+1 + (hr+1 )sr+1 − kp sr+1 = sr+1 (19)
2 employing the SOR technique to Equations (24)–(27). In SOR
βr+1 + (Pr hr+1 ) βr+1 = − Pr Ec(kp s2r+q + s2
r+1 ) (20) framework, to control the convergence a relaxation variable ω
is established as
gr+1 + (Sc hr+1 )gr+1 = 0 (21)
sr+1 (0) = 1, βr+1 (0) = 1, gr+1 (0) = 1 (22) AXr+1 = (1 − ω)AXr + ωB (36)

sr+1 (∞) = 0, βr+1 (∞) = 0, gr+1 (∞) = 0 (23) The outcomes in the coming section with ω < 1 will establish
that on employing the SOR, the proficiency and precision of the
The decoupled Equations (16)–(19) resolved by exerting the SRM is refined.
Chebyshev spectral collocation scheme. To execute SRM the The outcomes are validated with comparison with the pub-
computational interval [0, L] is metamorphosed as [−1, 1] by lished results. The results for the Newtonian fluid with no porous
applying ξ = L(η + 1)/2. At collocation points, to appraise the medium and no viscous dissipation at distinct values of Prandtl

Table 1. Individual averaged squared residual error using the values of tolerance
error. Using Re = 0.1, De = 0.5, m = 0.2, kp = 0.1, Pr = 0.71, Ec = 0.2 and
Sc = 0.66.
h s β g
tol εr
εr εr εr εr
10−3 7.2677 ×10−4 3.0342 ×10−4 1.8298 ×10−4 1.8355 ×10−4
10−4 7.1792 ×10−5 2.9970 ×10−5 1.8101 ×10−5 1.8115 ×10−5
10−5 7.0923 ×10−6 2.9673 ×10−6 1.7880 ×10−6 1.7917 ×10−6
10−6 7.0065 ×10−7 2.9275 ×10−7 1.7635 ×10−7 1.7703 ×10−7
10−7 6.9217 ×10−8 2.8842 ×10−8 1.7408 ×10−8 1.7489 ×10−8
10−8 6.8387 ×10−9 2.8559 ×10−9 1.7243 ×10−9 1.7270 ×10−9
10−9 6.7512 ×10−10 2.8198 ×10−10 1.7000 ×10−10 1.7059 ×10−10

number, are compared with the outcomes reported by (Nadeem

and Hussain 2013; Gorla and Sidawi 1994; Goyal and Bhar-
gava 2014) has been computed in Table 1. Convenient correla-
tion is acquired when compared to the outcomes evaluated by
(Nadeem and Hussain 2013; Gorla and Sidawi 1994; Goyal and
Figure 2. Streamlines for kp = 0.1.
Bhargava 2014).

4. Results and discussion

The present section explains the outcomes of the SRM solution.
To authenticate the precision of the SRM a convergence exam-
ination is used which is given by the comparative difference of
the estimated values of the new functions at the second itera-
tion. In the current scrutiny, new functions signify flow param-
eters h(ξ ), s(ξ ), β(ξ ), g(ξ ). The unknowns are evaluated until
the subsequent measure of convergence is achieved at the rth
||χr+1 − χr ||∞
≤ε (37)
||χr+1 ||
where χr states an unknown function at rth iteration, ε gives the
convergence acceptance level. Here, the convergence tolerance
is fixed as ε = 10−8 . To determine the minimum value of N̄ which
provides a reliable solution inside the error extent, it is explored
the consequences of N̄ (number of collocation points). To deter-
mine the ideal value for N̄, it is initiated with, say N̄ = 120 and Figure 3. Streamlines for kp = 10.
resolved the governing equations with a certain set of param-
eters as input to acquire the reliable solution which converges
in the extent of error (eight decimal places). Here, N̄ is surged
with step size 10 and repetition of solution approach is done with
the larger value of N̄. Approximations of unknown functions are
acquired with the latest value of N̄ and compared with the cor-
responding preceding values. If the approximations are inside
the error extent (ε), the final value of N̄ is considered as the ideal
value. This procedure is continued by taking distinct values of N̄
till a reliable solution is acquired. Identically, one can acquire the
ideal value of ξ∞ with an initial value of ξ∞ = 1 and surge ξ∞
with step size one.
Additionally, to authenticate the solution, a comparison is
fabricated with formerly published results. Here the physi-
cal parameters are fixed as De = 0.1, kp = 0.1, Pr = 0.71, m =
0.2, Re = 0.5, Ec = 0.2, and Sc = 0.66.
Figures 2 and 3 show that the streamlines for different kp val-
ues. It is observed that for kp = 0.1, the streamlines are closed
to stagnation x = 0 than that of kp = 10. From Figures 4 and
5, it is noticed that streamlines are closed to stagnation x = 0 Figure 4. Streamlines for m = 0.5.
with increasing values of m. A graphical representation is given

Figure 7. Graph elucidating the influence of Re on h (ζ ).

Figure 5. Streamlines for m = 50.

Figure 8. Graph elucidating the influence of De on h (ζ ).

Figure 6. Graphical representation of Logarithm of the SRM error Ed.

between the logarithm of the error (Equation (7)) and the num- fluids (m > 0), velocity surges for larger values Re number, but
ber of iterations which elucidates that depletion in error for in shear-thinning fluids (m < 0) for high values of Re, the vis-
the number of iterations. The graphical illustration for the log- cous force diminishes. Thus, the flow of the fluid reduces notably.
arithm of the error Ed against the iterations for distinct values The impact of Deborah number De on the velocity profile is
of the porous parameter kp is shown in Figure 6. A substan- presented in Figure 8. De number exhibits conflicting nature
tial decline in the error can be distinguished for rising values of on velocity for both m > 0 and m < 0. For m > 0, velocity
kp . Higher values of porous parameter lessen in error stipulates upsurges by rising De number. But, for m < 0, velocity dimin-
that the method gives reliable solutions besides convergent. ishes for increasing values of De number. An increase in De
It is easy to distinguish that the convergence rate surges for number amplifies the elastic effects and consequently increases
higher of kp . Figure 6 illustrates that for kp = 10at least eight the velocity for dilatants fluids and decreases in the velocity of
iterations are required for convergence of the solution with a the pseudo plastic fluid.
precision of ε, ten iterations for kp = 5, thirteen iterations for The impact of the porous parameter kp on the velocity for m
kp = 2, and twenty-five iterations for kp = 0.5. Here m denotes < 0 is illustrated in Figure 9. For Sutterby fluid, it is perceived
the power-law index parameter. For m > 0, it characterises that there is a drop in velocity when kp is increasing. It happens
the shear thickening behaviour, m < 0 characterises the shear because of the dense pores of the surface. Also, the thickness of
thinning behaviour, and m = 0 characterises Newtonian fluid. the momentum boundary-layer reduces for higher values of kp .
Figure 7 exhibits the consequences of m, Re (Reynolds number) The massive resistance induced by the porous media in fluid flow
on velocity profiles. It is easy to differentiate that more velocity produces slight changes in the momentum boundary-layer.
distribution is witnessed for increasing power-law index param- The effects of De number and Re number on the tempera-
eter. It is concluded that velocity distribution is more elevated ture profiles for both dilatants (m > 0) and pseudo-plastic fluids
for shear thickening fluids when compared to shear thickening (m < 0) are presented in Figures 10 and 11. It is evident that the
and Newtonian fluids. Figure 7 reveals that in shear-thickening thickness of the thermal boundary-layer shrinks by escalating Re

Figure 9. Graph elucidating the influence of kp on h (ζ ).

Figure 12. Graph elucidating the influence of kp on β(ζ ).

Figure 10. Graph elucidating the influence of Re on β(ζ ).

Figure 13. Graph elucidating the influence of Ec on β(ζ ).

Figure 11. Graph elucidating the influence of De on β(ζ ).

Figure 14. Graph elucidating the influence of Re on g(ζ ).

number and De number. For m > 0, any upsurge in De and Re

also intensifies the viscous force and elastic force. Sutterby fluid velocity consequently rise in thermal resistance.
Figure 12 shows the impact of the porous parameter kp on the Figure 13 explicates the response of temperature for Eckert num-
temperature profiles for Sutterby fluid. The temperature is esca- ber (Ec) dealing with air and water. The Ec number is the ratio of
lated when kp surges it is due to the massive resistance induced kinematic energy and enthalpy. Furthermore, from Figure 13, it
by the porous media in fluid flow causes a reduction in the is evident that an upsurge in Pr number reduces the temperature

Figure 15. Graph elucidating the influence of De on g(ζ ).

Figure 16. Graph elucidating the influence of kp on g(ζ ).

Table 2. Comparison of −β  (0) (Re = De = m = kp = Sc = Ec = 0).

Nadeem and Gorla and Goyal and

Present Hussain Sidawi (1994) Bhargava
solutions (2013) [HAM [Newton (2014) [FEM
Pr (SRM) method] Method] method]
0.2 0.16908897 0.169 0.1691 0.1691
0.7 0.45391616 0.454 0.5349 0.4539
2 0.91135768 0.911 0.9114 0.9113
7 1.89540326 1.8905 1.8954
20 3.35390035 3.3539 3.3539

inside the boundary-layer. For the largest values of Pr the ther-

mal diffusivity is significantly decreased because of a decrement
in the diffusion rate. Thus, a decrease in the temperature inside
the thermal boundary-layer is witnessed.
Figures 14 and 15 illustrate the influence of Re number and De Figure 17. Graph elucidating the influence of Sc on g(ζ ).
number on the concentration profiles for both dilatants (m > 0)
and pseudo plastic fluids(m < 0). For m > 0, it is found that
the thickness of solutal boundary-layer thickness lessens with (Sc) on the concentration profiles. Here Sc = 0.22, 0.66, 0.94, 2.62
the upsurge in Re and De and opposite behaviour is observed are taken into consideration. It is apparent that for raising the
for m < 0. values of Sc number, the species concentration, and thickness
The interesting role of the porous parameter kp on the con- of the boundary-layer diminishes remarkably. Table 1 represents
centration profiles are revealed in Figure 16 for shear thickening the individual averaged squared residual error against the tol-
fluids. Figure 16 exhibits that the concentration escalates with a erance level. Here, it is perceived that by surging the tolerance
surge in kp . Figure 17 clarifies the influence of Schmidt number level, the total squared residual error reduces.

Table 3. Numerical values for Rex Cf at the surface in the case of shear thinning fluid for various values of Re, De and kp with Pr = 0.71, Ec = 0.2 and Sc = 0.66.
Rex Cf
Re De kp η∞ Iter Basic SRM ω η∞ Iter SRM with SOR
0.1 0.5 0.1 57 66 1.04741843 0.75 35 14 1.04741843
0.2 0.5 0.5 32 66 1.04601079 0.75 35 14 1.04601079
0.3 0.5 1.0 42 66 1.04458819 0.75 47 14 1.04458819
0.4 0.5 1.5 47 66 1.04315013 0.75 46 14 1.04315013
0.5 0.5 2.0 45 65 1.04169609 0.75 33 14 1.04169609
0.5 0.6 60 65 1.04022553 0.75 42 14 1.04022553
0.7 51 65 1.03873785 0.75 35 14 1.03873785
0.8 34 65 1.03723245 0.75 27 14 1.03723245
0.9 43 65 1.03570864 0.75 35 14 1.03570864
1.0 31 65 1.03416573 0.75 32 15 1.03416573
0.5 33 26 1.21373738 0.85 26 12 1.21373738
16 18 1.39748390 0.9 15 11 1.39748390
14 15 1.55779467 0.9 20 11 1.55779467
13 13 1.70122863 0.95 14 10 1.70122863

Table 4. Numerical values for Rex Nu at the surface in the case of shear thinning fluid for various values of Re, De and kp with Pr = 0.71, Ec = 0.2 and Sc = 0.66.
Rex Nu
Re De kp η∞ Iter Basic SRM ω η∞ Iter SRM with SOR
0.1 0.5 0.1 57 66 0.41334033 0.75 35 14 0.41334033
0.2 0.5 0.5 32 66 0.41304729 0.75 35 14 0.41304729
0.3 0.5 1.0 42 66 0.41275078 0.75 47 14 0.41275078
0.4 0.5 1.5 47 66 0.41245069 0.75 46 14 0.41245069
0.5 0.5 2.0 45 65 0.41214689 0.75 33 14 0.41214689
0.5 0.6 60 65 0.41183926 0.75 42 14 0.41183926
0.7 51 65 0.41152766 0.75 35 14 0.41152766
0.8 34 65 0.41121194 0.75 27 14 0.41121194
0.9 43 65 0.41089194 0.75 35 14 0.41089194
1.0 31 65 0.41056751 0.75 32 15 0.41056751
0.5 33 26 0.35024659 0.85 26 12 0.35024659
16 18 0.26754212 0.9 15 11 0.26754212
14 15 0.17844125 0.9 20 11 0.17844125
13 13 0.08261917 0.95 14 10 0.08261917

Table 5. Numerical values for Rex Sh at the surface in the case of shear thinning fluid for various values of Re, De and kp with Pr = 0.71, Ec = 0.2 & Sc = 0.66.
Rex Sh
Re De kp η∞ Iter Basic SRM ω η∞ Iter SRM with SOR
0.1 0.5 0.1 57 66 0.42649253 0.75 35 14 0.42649253
0.2 0.5 0.5 32 66 0.42626397 0.75 35 14 0.42626397
0.3 0.5 1.0 42 66 0.42603290 0.75 47 14 0.42603290
0.4 0.5 1.5 47 66 0.42579926 0.75 46 14 0.42579926
0.5 0.5 2.0 45 65 0.42556296 0.75 33 14 0.42556296
0.5 0.6 60 65 0.42532390 0.75 42 14 0.42532390
0.7 51 65 0.42508200 0.75 35 14 0.42508200
0.8 34 65 0.42483715 0.75 27 14 0.42483715
0.9 43 65 0.42458925 0.75 35 14 0.42458925
1.0 31 65 0.42433819 0.75 32 15 0.42433819
0.5 33 26 0.39414081 0.85 26 12 0.39414081
16 18 0.36399218 0.9 15 11 0.36399218
14 15 0.34054341 0.9 20 11 0.34054341
13 13 0.32166966 0.95 14 10 0.32166966

Table 6. Numerical values for Rex Cf at the surface in the case of shear thickening fluid for various values of Re, De and kp with Pr = 0.71, Ec = 0.2 and Sc = 0.66.
Rex Cf
Re De kp η∞ Iter Basic SRM ω η∞ Iter SRM with SOR
0.1 0.5 0.1 31 66 1.05019061 0.75 60 14 1.05019061
0.2 0.5 0.5 32 66 1.05155601 0.75 52 14 1.05155601
0.3 0.5 1.0 29 66 1.05290815 0.75 50 14 1.05290815
0.4 0.5 1.5 45 66 1.05424741 0.75 61 14 1.05424741
0.5 0.5 2.0 41 66 1.05557413 0.75 37 14 1.05557413
0.6 42 67 1.05688867 0.75 53 14 1.05688867
0.7 46 67 1.05819134 0.75 35 14 1.05819134
0.8 32 67 1.05948244 0.75 30 14 1.05948244
0.9 53 67 1.06076229 0.75 53 14 1.06076229
1.0 27 67 1.06203115 0.75 32 14 1.06203115
0.5 31 26 1.23500634 0.8 31 13 1.23500634
29 19 1.42943739 0.9 24 12 1.42943739
46 16 1.60187120 0.9 14 12 1.60187120
12 14 1.75875743 0.9 11 11 1.75875743

The variation of skin friction coefficient (Cf ), local Nusselt Re = 0.1, De = 0.5 and kp = 0.1 iterations are decreased 66 in
number (Nux̄ ), and local Sherwood number (Shx̄ ) values for dis- SRM solutions to fourteen iterations in SRM with SOR solutions.
tinct values of Re, De, and porous parameter kp are presented The behaviour of Cf , Nux̄ , and Shx̄ for distinct values of Re, De and
in Tables 3–5, respectively for shear-thinning fluids. It is worth kp are shown in Tables 6–8, for shear thickening fluids. The values
mentioning that the values of Cf , Nux̄ , and Shx̄ are decreased for of Cf , Nux̄ , Shx̄ are increased due to the increasing Re and De val-
increasing the values of Re number and De number. Moreover, ues. Besides, from these figures, it is revealed that the skin friction
these figures reveal that the skin friction coefficient increases, coefficient increases, whereas the local heat and mass transfer
whereas the local heat and mass transfer rates are decreased due rates are decreased due to increment in porous parameter kp .
to the increment in the porous parameter. Convergence itera- Convergence iterative rate is more improved in SRM with SOR,
tive rate is more improved in SRM with SOR, i.e. for example at i.e. for example at Re = 0.5, De = 0.5, and kp = 0.5 iterations

Table 7. Numerical values for Rex Nu at the surface in the case of shear thickening fluid for various values of Re, De and kp with Pr = 0.71, Ec = 0.2 and Sc = 0.66.
Rex Nu
Re De kp η∞ Iter Basic SRM ω η∞ Iter SRM with SOR
0.1 0.5 0.1 31 66 0.41391643 0.75 60 14 0.41391643
0.2 0.5 0.5 32 66 0.41419969 0.75 52 14 0.41419969
0.3 0.5 1.0 29 66 0.41447988 0.75 50 14 0.41447988
0.4 0.5 1.5 45 66 0.41475708 0.75 61 14 0.41475708
0.5 0.5 2.0 41 66 0.41503139 0.75 37 14 0.41503139
0.5 0.6 42 67 0.41530288 0.75 53 14 0.41530288
0.7 46 67 0.41557162 0.75 35 14 0.41557162
0.8 32 67 0.41583769 0.75 30 14 0.41583769
0.9 53 67 0.41610115 0.75 53 14 0.41610115
1.0 27 67 0.41636208 0.75 32 14 0.41636208
0.5 31 26 0.35544015 0.8 31 13 0.35544015
29 19 0.27668150 0.9 24 12 0.27668150
46 16 0.19290197 0.9 14 12 0.19290197
12 14 0.10399904 0.9 11 11 0.10399904

Table 8. Numerical values for Rex Sh at the surface in the case of shear thickening fluid for various values of Re, De and kp with Pr = 0.71, Ec = 0.2 and Sc = 0.66.
Rex Sh
Re De kp η∞ Iter Basic SRM ω η∞ Iter SRM with SOR
0.1 0.5 0.1 31 66 0.42694245 0.75 60 14 0.42694245
0.2 0.5 0.5 32 66 0.42716394 0.75 52 14 0.42716394
0.3 0.5 1.0 29 66 0.42738321 0.75 50 14 0.42738321
0.4 0.5 1.5 45 66 0.42760031 0.75 61 14 0.42760031
0.5 0.5 2.0 41 66 0.42781531 0.75 37 14 0.42781531
0.5 0.6 42 67 0.42802826 0.75 53 14 0.42802826
0.7 46 67 0.42823921 0.75 35 14 0.42823921
0.8 32 67 0.42844822 0.75 30 14 0.42844822
0.9 53 67 0.42865532 0.75 53 14 0.42865532
1.0 27 67 0.42886057 0.75 32 14 0.42886057
0.5 31 26 0.39742387 0.8 31 13 0.39742387
29 19 0.36845816 0.9 24 12 0.36845816
46 16 0.34607644 0.9 14 12 0.34607644
12 14 0.32816959 0.9 11 11 0.32816959

are decreased 26 in SRM solutions to 12 iterations in SRM with (4) Increasing the porous and viscous dissipation parameters
SOR solutions. Flows driven thermally via porous media with the exhibits augmentation in the thickness of the thermal
above physical situation have numerous engineering applica- boundary-layer.
tions, such as pebble-bed nuclear reactors designing processes, (5) The concentration profiles surge with the rising porous
geothermal engineering, crude oil processing, food process- parameter’s rising values, while it diminishes with the Sc
ing and storage, and artificial CO2 sucking process, metallurgy, number’s increase.
underground water management, etc. (6) The local heat and mass transfer rates are decreased for
higher values of the porous parameter.
(7) The convergence of the solution is improved when SRM
5. Final outcomes
with SOR solutions compare to SRM solutions.
The influence of viscous dissipation on Sutterby fluid boundary-
layer flow towards a stretching surface in porous media is Acknowledgements
numerically examined. The solution to the transformed similar-
The authors are highly obliged and thankful to unanimous reviewers for their
ity equations is derived by using the SRM. The influence of Re
valuable comments on the paper.
number, De number, power-law index m, porous parameter kp ,
Ec number, Pr number, and Sc number is analysed.
Disclosure statement
(1) Shear-thinning fluids have higher velocity than that of shear No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
thickening fluids, and opposite behaviour are observed in
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∂ ȳ υ ∂ζ 2

∂ ū ∂ ∂h ∂2h a ∂ C̄ ∂g ∂ζ a ∂g
= ax̄ = ax̄ 2 (A5) = C̄ = C̄ (A19)
∂ ȳ ∂ ȳ ∂ζ ∂ζ υ ∂ ȳ ∂ζ ∂ ȳ υ ∂ζ
∂ ū
2 ∂ ∂h ∂ h
2 ∂2h ∂3h ∂ 2 C̄ ∂ a ∂g a ∂2g
= a + ax̄ = 2a + ax̄ 2 (A6) =  C̄ = C̄ (A20)
∂ x̄ 2 ∂ x̄ ∂ζ ∂ x̄∂ζ ∂ x̄∂ζ ∂ x̄ ∂ζ ∂ ȳ 2 ∂ ȳ υ ∂ζ υ ∂ζ 2
∂ ū
2 ∂ ∂ h a
2 a ∂ h
2 3 Thus, concentration Equation (4) becomes
= ax̄ 2 = x̄ (A7)
∂ ȳ2 ∂ ȳ ∂ζ υ υ ∂ζ 3 ∂h ∂g ∂g a ∂2g
   2 ax̄C̄ − a hC̄ = αC̄ (A21)
∂ ∂ ū 3 a5 x̄ 3 ∂ 2 h ∂ 3 h ∂ζ ∂ x̄ ∂ζ υ ∂ζ 2
=3 2 (A8) υ
∂ ȳ ∂ ȳ υ ∂ζ 2 ∂ζ 3 Multiplying the above equation by DaC , we get
On substituting the values of ū, v̄, ∂∂ ūx̄ and ∂∂ ūȳ , then momentum ∂ 2 ϕg ∂g ∂h ∂g
Equation (2) can be turned as + Sc h = Sc x̄ (A22)
∂ζ 2 ∂ζ ∂ζ ∂ x̄
∂h ∂2h μ0 a2 x̄ ∂ 3 h where Sc = Dυ .
a2 x̄ − a2 x̄h 2 =
∂ζ ∂ζ ρ υ ∂ζ 3 The boundary conditions
 can be turned as:
  2 At ȳ = 0, ζ = ȳ a
→ ζ = 0,
μ0 mB2 a5 x̄ 3 ∂ 2 h ∂ 3 h μ0 ∂h υ
+3 − ax̄ (A9)
ρ 6 υ 2 ∂ζ 2 ∂ζ 3 ρk0 ∂ζ ∂h ∂h
ū = uw (x) = ax̄, ū = ax̄ = ax̄ → =1 (A23)
Dividing the equation above by a2 x̄, we get ∂ζ ∂ζ

 2 v̄ = 0 → − aυh = 0 → h = 0 (A24)
∂h ∂2h ∂3h m ∂2h ∂3h ∂h
−h = + ReDe 2 3 − kp (A10)
∂ζ ∂ζ 2 ∂ζ 3 2 ∂ζ ∂ζ ∂ζ T̄ − T̄∞ T̄w − T̄∞
T̄ = T̄w , β = →β= =1 (A25)
a2 x̄ μ0 T̄w − T̄∞ T̄w − T̄∞
where De = B2 a2 , Re = υ , kp = ρ k0 a .
The partial derivatives of T̄ are specified as: C̄ − C̄∞ C̄w − C̄∞
C̄ = C̄w , g = →g= =1 (A26)
C̄w − C̄∞ C̄w − C̄∞
T̄ = T̄∞ + β T̄ (A11) 
as ȳ → ∞, ζ = ȳ ⇒ ζ → ∞,
Here T̄ = T̄w − T̄∞ v
  ∂h ∂h
∂ T̄ ∂β ∂β ∂ζ ∂β ū → 0, ū = ax̄ ⇒ →0 (A27)
= T̄ + T̄ = T̄ (A12) ∂ζ ∂ζ
∂ x̄ ∂ x̄ ∂ζ ∂ x̄ ∂ x̄
 T̄∞ − T̄∞
∂ T̄ ∂β ∂ζ a ∂β T̄ → T̄∞ , β = ⇒β→0 (A28)
= T̄ = T̄ (A13) T̄w − T̄∞
∂ ȳ ∂ζ ∂ ȳ υ ∂ζ
   C̄∞ − C̄∞
∂ 2 T̄ ∂ a ∂β a ∂2β C̄ → C̄∞ , g = ⇒g→0 (A29)
=  T̄ = T̄ (A14)
∂ ȳ2 ∂ ȳ υ ∂ζ υ ∂ζ 2 C̄w − C̄∞

On substituting all the above values, the energy Equation (3) can be From (A10), (A17) and (A23), the co-ordinates (x̄, ȳ) are transfigured
turned as as (ζ , ψ). On replacing the partial derivatives w.r.t ζ in (A10) with differ-
ence quotients give rise to a difference-differential equation that holds only
∂h ∂β ∂β
ax̄T̄ − a h T̄ derivatives w.r.t ζ . One can resolve them by employing numerical techniques
∂ζ ∂ x̄ ∂ζ which are utilised in resolving non-linear ODE. On employing the discreti-
  2  2 
a ∂2β 1 μ ∂h a ∂2h sation process, all the differential expressions are converted as difference
= αT̄ + (ax̄)2 + μ(ax̄)2 (A15) equations.
υ ∂ζ 2 ρcp ρk0 ∂ζ υ ∂ζ 2
Hence, Equations (A10), (A17) and (A23) become
Multiply with αaT , Equation (A15) can be turned as m
h + h h + DeRe h2 h − (h + kp h ) = 0
 2 2  2
∂2β ∂β ∂h 2 ∂ h ∂h ∂β
+ Pr h + Pr Ec kp + = Pr x̄ (A16) 1 
β + hβ  + Ec(kp h + h ) = 0
2 2
∂ζ 2 ∂ζ ∂ζ ∂ζ 2 ∂ζ ∂ x̄ (A31)
υ u2w μ 1 
where Pr = α, Ec = cp T and kp = ρk0 a . g + hg = 0 (A32)
The partial derivatives of C̄ are specified as:
The boundary conditions are
C̄ = C̄∞ + g C̄ (A17)
h = 0 , h = 1 , β = 1, g = 1 , atζ = 0 (A33)
where C̄ = C̄w − C̄∞ . 
  h → 0, β → 0, g → 0 , asζ → ∞ (A34)
∂ C̄ ∂g ∂g ∂ζ ∂g
= C̄ + C̄ = C̄ (A18) The prime denotes the derivative w.r.t ζ .
∂ x̄ ∂ x̄ ∂ζ ∂ x̄ ∂ x̄

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