- This chapter is full of Rizal’s longing for his Rayadillo- popular as the uniform for Filipino
family and his hometown. He was sent to study troops during the days of First Phuilippine
in Binan Laguna. Routine as a student. Republic
Chapter 3 From January 1871 to June 1872 Teodora Alonzo y Realonda- Rizal’s mother and
imprisoned for about 2 and half years because
- Event that really devastated since Rizal’s of charge that she acted as an accomplice in the
mother was taken away and imprisoned, leaving attempt to poison her brother’s wife. Also the
them without guidance. first teacher of Jose Rizal.
Chapter 4 (1872-1875) and 5 (Two years in Francisco Mercado- father of Jose Rizal.
Lesson 7: Life of Rizal
– Rizal recounts his time as a student in Manila
especially at the Ateneo de Manila. He states Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo
the rules implemented by Ateneo to ensure the Realonda- full name of Jose Rizal
competitiveness of every students. As well as Doctor- complete his medical course in spain
the different books he reads. and was conferred the degree of Licentiate in
Chapter 6 (April to December 1877) medecina by the Universidad Central de
– This chapter dedicated to Segunda Katigbak.
Rizal’s first love. This period of his life with Jose- chosen by bis mother who was devotee of
bitterness. They were both young when they the Christian St. Joseph.
met and Segunda was already engaged to Protacio- from Gervacio P which come from a
someone. Christian calenda, in consideration of his birth.
Chapter 7 (From January to December 1878) Rizal- from the word “Ricial” in Spanish which
-there were no significant events on this means a field where a wheat cut while still
chapter green, sprouts again.
Alonzo- old name surname of his mother Uncle Jose- who encourage him to sketch,
paint, and make sculptures.
Realonda- it was used by Dona Teodora from
the surname of her Godmother based on the Uncle Manuel- encouraged him to pursue his
cultural that time. physical development involving wrestling,
swimming and other sports.
June 19, 1861 and Calamba Laguna- date of
birth and place of birth of Rizal. Yaya- who told stories that awakened the
imagination and the creativity of the young boy
Fr. Rufino Collantes- the one who baptized to
Rizal. Justiniano Aquino Cruz- maestro of Jose Rizal,
he was quick to discipline his students for any
Domingo Lamca Lakandula- the last king of
infraction using a short, thin stick.
Tondo and the great grandfather of Jose Rizal.
Juancho- the one of the person who help rizal
Siblings of Jose Rizal;
to prosper the knowledge in painting.
As a student in ateneo (1872-1877)
Narcisa Poems written by Rizal under the guidance of
Olimpia Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez;
In the memory of my own towbn
Intimate alliance between religion and
good education
Through education motherland
receives enlightment.
Soledad Agustin Saez- rizal’s professor in painting
At the age of 3 Rizal was learned the alphabet Teodoro Romualdo de Jesus- a noted Filipino
and prayers. sculptor. Rizal’s professor in sculptor.
Some of the stories that read of young Rizal Fr. Pablo Pastel S.J- the mentor of Jose Rizal
together with his mother; when he joined the Organization Marian
El Amigo de las Ninas (The Children’s
Friend). Fr. Jose Villaclara, S.J- the one who encouraged
The story of the moth him to pay attention to the science and
Maestro Celestino - first tutor (Arithmetic)
Marian Congregation- a religious society
Maestro Lucas Padua – Second tutor wherein Rizal was an active member and later
(Arithmetic) became the secretary.
Leon Monroy- a former classmate of Rizal’s
Father. Instructed jose in Spanish and Latin. He
died five months later.
Father Lleonart- impressed by Rizal’s sculptural Storm over the Southern Sea- another piece
talent, requested him to carve for him an image work by sueshiro. Said to be similar to the novel
of Sacred Heart of Jesus. of Rizal Noli Me Tangere.
Paciano- elder brother of Rizal who advised not Governor General Camilo de Polavieja- the
return to the Philippines due to mainit siya sa person who signed the court decision to
mga mata ng Spaniard. pursue the gallows of Rizal
Rizal productive life in Hongkong December 30, 1896- the Death anniversary
of Rizal.
He wrote the constituition of the
organizational “La Liga Filipina” Mi Ultimo Adios- considered as the longest
He translated “the rights of the man” composed poem of rizal. It was all about
written in French to Tagalog. “Ang mga farewell to the Filipino people
Karapatan ng Tao”
Important traits and virtues of Rizal
He was applied for license to practice
medicine in Hongkong and this was Love of God
granted. Love for Parents
Love for Country
The end of Rizal’s Life
Love for Fellowmen
He won lottery with Captain Carnicero Love for the environment nature
and Francisco Equilor. He bought land in Courage
Talisay. He constructed a house, clinic, Initiative
and school. Courtesy and politeness
He helped the livelihood of the people Thrift
He modelled the invention on a Belgian gratitude
example of making bricks.
He did operation to his mother’s eye
He wrote poems while in Dapitan and
*El Canto del Viajero
*A Ricardo Carnicero