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RRS22-Asia&Pacific-WRC-23 - Terrestrial

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Terrestrial issues at WRC-23

Terrestrial Services Department

Radiocommunication Bureau

Regional Radiocommunication Seminar 2022 for Asia-Pacific, Nadi, Fiji, 15-20 December 2022
Topics on the WRC-23 Agenda
Spaceborne radar sounders
1.1 3.3 ≤ MS & IMT ≤ 10.5 GHz (2ndary) 1.12
1.3 0.694 ≤ HIBS ≤ 2.7 GHz EESS (active) @ 45 MHz 1.13
1.4 SRS @ 14.8-15.35 GHz 1.14
1.5 470 ≤ BS, MS ≤ 960 MHz Remote-sensing observation
requirements - EESS (passive)

WRC-23 @ 231.5-252 GHz

Sub-orbital vehicles
New AMS(R)S) VHF alloc. agenda A-ESIM & M-ESIM (GSO Ku-FSS)
1.8 UAS CNPC links via FSS ISS / Sat.-to-Sat. links 1.17
Dig. techno. for aviation NB MSS for IoT (L/S-bands) 1.18
1.9 safety-of-life applications (App.27) Ka-FSS (s-E) (R2) 1.19
New AMS alloc. (around 15.5 & 22
1.10 GHz)
for non-safety applications Satellite regulatory issues 7
1.11 GMDSS modernization
and e-navigation
Note: The WRC-23 agenda item numbers are indicated in italic (agenda items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 (9.1, 9.2, 9.3) and 10 are not mentioned here).
► 19 specific and 11 standing items, see Res. 811 (WRC-19)
Mobile issues
(agenda items 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 9.1 topic C)

470-694 3300-3400 3600-3800 4800-4990 6425-7025 7025-7125 10-10.5

WRC-23 agenda item 1.1

AI 1.1 - protection of aeronautical and ship stations in international

airspace and waters from stations within national territories in the band
4 800-4 990 MHz, review the pfd criteria in No. 5.441B
► Resolution 223 (WRC-19)
▪ WRC-19 identified 4800-4990 MHz for IMT in 39 countries,
subject to a PFD limit and No. 9.21
▪ PFD limit protects aircraft, ships in international waters and is
very stringent
(> 500 km)
▪ No special provisions in current RR for protecting stations in
international airspace/waters
WRC-23 agenda item 1.1

WRC-23 AI 1.1 – ITU-R Studies (responsible group’s WP 5B

and WP5D)
▪ The latest draft CPM text contains 6 Methods:
▪ Method A - No change to the RR
▪ Method B - Keeping the existing pfd and applying it to all countries listed in RR No. 5.441B
▪ Method C - New pfd value
▪ Option 1 – under study
▪ Option 2 - −140 dB(W/(m² · MHz)) in the bands 4 800-4 825 MHz and 4 835-4 950 MHz produced up to 19 km
above sea level at 20 km from the coast for protection of AMS and −134 dB(W/(m² · MHz)) in the band 4 800-
4 990 MHz produced up to 30 m above sea level at 20 km from the coast for the protection of MMS.
▪ Method D - New pfd value and applying it to all countries listed in RR No. 5.441B
▪ Method E – No additional measures for protection of AMS/MMS stations in international
airspace and waters
▪ Method F - Bilateral/multilateral coordination between concerned countries
WRC-23 agenda item 1.2

AI 1.2 to consider identification of the frequency bands

3 300-3 400 MHz (sub-Reg.1 & Reg.2 *), 3 600-3 800 MHz (Reg.2 *),
6 425-7 025 MHz (Reg.1*), 7 025-7 125 MHz (globally*) and 10.0-10.5 GHz (Reg.2*)
for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), including
possible additional allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis,
in accordance with ► Resolution 245 (WRC-19)
▪ ultra-low latency and high bit-rate IMT require contiguous blocks of
▪ mid-band spectrum - good balance for coverage and capacity,
support MIMO and beam-forming
▪ Challenge: protection of co-band and adjacent band existing services
“compared with lower and higher frequency bands, the mid-band spectrum can provide
better balance for meeting needs for both coverage and capacity” *
* From Res. 245 (WRC-19)
WRC-23 agenda item 1.2
WRC-23 AI 1.2 – ITU-R Studies (responsible group WP5D)
▪Possible Methods are under discussion
▪Method A – No change to the RR, except suppression of Resolution 245
▪Method B (For no existing primary allocation to the mobile service) – Make
an allocation to the MS on a primary basis and identify the frequency band
for IMT
▪Method C (For existing primary allocation to the mobile service) – To
identify the frequency band, or portions thereof, for IMT
WRC-23 agenda item 1.3

AI 1.3 to consider primary allocation of the band 3 600-3 800 MHz to

mobile service within Region 1 and take appropriate regulatory
actions, in accordance with Resolution 246 (WRC-19)

“for African countries, especially those in tropical areas, the operations of FSS systems are more
reliable for use in at C-band frequencies (3 400-4 200 MHz), rather than in higher frequency
bands” **

** From Res. 246 (WRC-19)

WRC-23 agenda item 1.3
WRC-23 AI 1.3 – ITU-R Studies (responsible group WP5A)
▪ The band 3 600-3 800 MHz is allocated to the FS and FSS on a primary basis in all three
Regions. In Region 1, this band is allocated to the MS, except AMS on a secondary basis while
it is on a primary basis in Regions 2 and 3. Some administrations in Region 1 are currently
using this band, or part of this band, for IMT implementation. For African countries, especially
those in tropical areas, the operations of FSS systems are more reliable for use in at C band
frequencies (3 400-4 200 MHz), rather than in higher frequency bands.
▪ Sharing and compatibility studies are being conducted with FSS systems. 4 methos are under
▪ Method A: No change
▪ Method B: Upgrade of the allocation to the MS except AMS on a primary basis within Region 1 without
▪ Method C: Upgrade of the allocation of 3 600-3 800 MHz to the MS except AMS on a primary basis within
Region 1 with regulatory and/or technical conditions. This Method includes five alternatives for the
▪ Method D: Upgrade of the allocation of 3 600-3 800 MHz to the MS except AMS on a primary basis
within Region 1 without conditions, and identification for IMT
WRC-23 agenda item 1.4

▪ AI 1.4 - use of HAPS as IMT base stations (HIBS) in the mobile service in
bands below 2.7 GHz already identified for IMT ► Resolution 247 (WRC-19)

▪ HIBS can be a part of IMT. Connectivity to underserved, rural and

remote areas, large footprint
▪ Some frequencies in the 2GHz band are already allowed by RR for
HAPS in the mobile service
▪ Candidate bands are 694-960 MHz; 1 710-1 885 MHz, 2 500-2 690
MHz, with regional limitations
WRC-23 agenda item 1.4

AI 1.4 – ITU-R studies (responsible group WP5D)

▪ The latest draft text contains preliminary Methods to resolve the band-by-band

Issue A B C D
694-960 MHz 1710-1885 MHz
1 885-1 980 MHz, 2 500-2 690 MHz
2 010-2 025 MHz and
2 110-2 170 MHz

Method 1 A1: NOC to RR B1: NOC to RR C1: NOC to RR D1: NOC to RR

Method 2 A2: To identify this B2: To identify this B2: To identify these D2: To identify this
band for HIBS by a band for HIBS by MOD bands for HIBS by band for HIBS by a
new footnote and to RR 5.388A and MOD to RR 5.388A new footnote and
WRC Res. revised Res. 221 (Rev. and revised Res. 221 new WRC Res.
WRC-07) (Rev. WRC-07)
WRC-23 agenda item 1.5
Studies to review the current spectrum use in the frequency band 470-960 MHz and
consider regulatory actions in the band 470-694MHz in Region 1 ► Resolution 235 (WRC-19)
Draft methods currently available in the Draft CPM text (Doc. TG6-1/106 Annexes 2 & 5)
▪ Method A: NOC
- Method A1: NOC
- Method A2: NOC, to review the situation at future WRCs
▪ Method B: Primary allocation to MS in the band 470-694 MHz in Region 1
- Method B1: without identification to IMT
- Method B2: with identification to IMT
▪ Method C: Primary allocation to MS in the band 470-694 MHz in Region 1
- Method C1: in the allocation Table
- Method C2: by a footnote
▪ Method D: primary allocation to MS in the band 470-694 MHz in some countries
WRC-23 agenda item 1.5

Draft methods currently available in the Draft CPM text (Doc. TG6-
1/106 Annexes 2 & 5)
▪ Method E: primary allocation to MS in the band 470-694 MHz in Region 1
with later date of entry into force
▪ Method F: primary allocation to MS in the band 470-694 MHz in Region 1
with technical condition limiting operations to downlink
▪ Method G: secondary allocation to MS in the band 470-694 MHz in Region 1
▪ Method H: in conjunction with Methods C, E, F or G, upgrade of the radio
astronomy allocation to primary status in the band 608-614 MHz in Region 1
WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, Topic C
Studies to consider the use of IMT systems for fixed wireless
broadband in the frequency bands allocated to the fixed service
on primary basis ► Resolution 175 (WRC-19)
Draft methods currently available in the Draft CPM text (Doc. 5A/597
Annexes 8 & 9)
▪ Alternative 1: to have a WRC-23 Resolution or a RA-23 Resolution to
continue conducting the studies since there was no progress in this study
▪ Alternative 2: neither a WRC Resolution nor a RA Resolution is needed
since WP 5A and WP 5C may continue conducting studies on this matter,
taking into account the existing and new ITU-R Study Questions.
Aeronautical and maritime issues
(agenda items 1.6, 1.7, 1.10 and 1.11)
Aeronautical issues (WRC-23 agenda item 1.6)
Studies to consider regulatory provisions to facilitate radiocommunications for sub-
orbital vehicles ► Resolution 772 (WRC-19)
▪ Fly below and above 100 km, as aircraft and as spacecraft
▪ Require spectrum for voice/data, navigation, surveillance, telemetry, tracking and command
▪ AI started at WRC-19, different views on regulations, challenge of communications blackout
Draft methods currently available in the Draft CPM text (Doc. 5B/649 Annex 1)
▪ Method A: NOC
▪ Method B: A new WRC Resolution containing the provisions for sub-orbital vehicles. Three
alternative approaches were considered:
- Approach A: Providing definitions of sub-orbital flight and sub-orbital vehicles; Listing
minimum required frequency bands;
- Approach B: Referring to Report ITU-R M.2477 for definitions; to use the existing allocations
instead of listing the specific frequency bands;
- Approach C: Providing definition of stations on a sub-orbital vehicle; to identify the specific
services to be used by such stations. Report ITU-R M.2477 and
WD PDN Rep. on [suborbital
vehicles studies] (Doc. 5B/649
Annex 23)
Aeronautical issues (WRC-23 agenda item 1.7)

Spectrum needs, new allocations and regulations for the aeronautical mobile
service for non-safety applications ► Resolution 428 (WRC-19)
Draft methods currently available in the Draft CPM text (Doc. 5B/649 Annex 2)
▪ Method A: NOC
▪ Method B: New allocation to the AMS(R)S in the frequency band 117.975-
137 MHz
- Method B1: ICAO existing plan procedure; requirement of the protection
of adjacent band services operating above 137 MHz by limitation of Draft New Report ITU-R M.[Space-
unwanted emissions; (Doc. 5B/649 Annex 15)

- Method B2: in addition to the conditions in Method B1, to apply RR No.

9.11A coordination procedures (including RR No. 9.14) and non-
protection from AM(R)S and AM(OR)S
Aeronautical issues (WRC-23 agenda item 1.8)
Studies to consider, appropriate regulatory actions, a view to reviewing, if
necessary, revising Resolution 155 (Rev.WRC-19) and No. 5.484B to
accommodate the use of FSS networks by control and non-payload
communications of unmanned aircraft systems. (Use of FSS networks by UAS )
► Resolutions 171 (WRC-19) &155 (Rev.WRC-19)

Draft methods currently available in the Draft

CPM text (Doc. 5B/649 Annex 3)
▪ Method A: To suppress RR No. 5.484B together with
Resolution 155 (Rev.WRC-19) as well as Resolution 171
▪ Method B: To revise Resolution 155 (Rev.WRC-19) in
accordance with Resolution 171 (WRC-19); the revision ITU-R M.2171, ITU-R M.2233

of RR No. 5.484B as an option.

Aeronautical issues (WRC-23 agenda item 1.9)
Studies to review Appendix 27 of the Radio Regulations and consider appropriate
regulatory actions and updates based on ITU-R studies (Review of Appendix 27 )
► Res. 429 (WRC-19)
▪ Introducing wideband digital technologies in AP27 currently limited to 2.8 kHz
Draft methods currently available in the Draft CPM text (Doc. 5B/649 Annex 4)
▪ Method A: NOC
It may be considered that the current version of Appendix 27 does not
preclude the digital HF communication for the relevant type of classes.
▪ Method B: Inclusion of the relevant part of the Rules of Procedure relating
to RR Appendix 27 into the RR and the introduction into RR Appendix 27 of
other provisions related to wideband digital communications, e.g., to
replace JXX by J2B, J2D, J7B, J7D, J9B, J9D.
Aeronautical issues (WRC-23 agenda item 1.10)

Studies to conduct studies on spectrum needs, coexistence with radiocommunication

services and regulatory measures for possible new allocations for the aeronautical
mobile service for the use of non-safety aeronautical mobile applications (Non-safety
AMS allocations) ► Res. 430 (WRC-19)
Draft methods currently available in the Draft CPM text (Doc.
5B/649 Annex 5)
▪ Method A: NOC
▪ Method B: AM(OR)S allocation in 15.4-15.7 GHz band with
an associated footnote
▪ Method C: AM(OR)S allocation in 22-22.21 GHz band with
an associated footnote WD to PDN Report ITU-R M.[NON-SAFETY
▪ Method D: Combination of Methods B and C STUDIES] (Doc. 5B/649 Annex 24)
Maritime issues (WRC-23 agenda item 1.11)

Regulations to support the modernization of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
and the implementation of e-navigation (Resolution 361 (Rev.WRC-19)
▪ IMO works on modernization of GMDSS and implementing e-navigation -> reflect
in the RR
▪ Issue 1 (modernization of the GMDSS), Method A removal of Narrow Band Direct
Printing (NBDP) for distress and safety communication, since after the revision of
SOLAS by IMO, Chapter IV no longer include NBDP as a part of the GMDSS,
introduction of a new Automatic Connection System (ACS) for MF and selected HF
▪ Issue 2 ( implementation of e-Navigation) NOC
▪ Issue 3 (introduction of additional satellite systems into the GMDSS) Method C1:
No Change (NOC), Method C2 regulatory actions to introduce an additional
satellite system into the GMDSS (Option 2).
Overlapping frequency bands
between some WRC-23 agenda items

1.2 1.4 1.16 1.17 1.18

(IMT) (HIBS) (non-GSO FSS ESIMs) (ISL) (narrowband MSS)

2 010-2 025 MHz 2 010-2 025 MHz

(Region 1 & 3) (Region 1)
3 300-3 400 MHz 3 300-3 315 MHz
(region 1 & 2) 3 385-3 400 MHz
(Region 2)
27.5-29.1GHz (E-s) 27.5-30 GHz(s-s)
29.5-30 GHz (E-s)
* E-s: Earth-to-space; s-s: space-to-space.

▪ The responsible groups are invited to exchange the necessary characteristics, parameters and protection
criteria to complete studies addressing mutual compatibility and sharing feasibility among the applicable
▪ They should coordinate their work and review, as appropriate, the progress of studies so that any potential
difficulties can be addressed.
Standing agenda items
(AI 2, 4, 8, 9.2…)
“House keeping” agenda items

▪ AI 2 – Revision of ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference in the RR

▪ AI 4 - Review the Resolutions and Recommendations of previous WRCs;

▪ AI 8 – Deletion of country footnotes or country names from RR footnotes

▪ AI 9.2 – Consideration of BR Director’s Report on difficulties and inconsistencies

in the application of the Radio Regulations
ITU-R Preparatory Studies for WRC-23

Resolution 811 (WRC-19) contains the WRC‐23 agenda

(note (c) indicates annexes on draft CPM texts) www.itu.int/go/rcpm‐wrc‐23‐studies
Thank you!

ITU – Radiocommunication Bureau

Questions to brmail@itu.int

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