Stress Management

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Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event
or thought that make you feel frustrated, angry or nervous. Stress is your body
reaction to challenge or demand.


 It is a wide spectrum of techniques to control a person’s level of stress,

especially chronic stress.
 Stress produces numerous physical & mental symptoms which vary according
to each individual situational factor.
 These can include & decline in physical health such as headache, chest pain,
fatigue, sleep problem as well as depression.
 The process of stress management is named as one of the key to a heavy &
successful life in modern society.
 Life often delivered numerous demands that can be difficult to handle but
stress management provide a no. of ways to manage anxiety & overall


 Just stress perceive differently by each of us. Stress affects us all in ways that
are unique to us.
 One person’s expression is headache while another person find stomach upset
is a common reaction & 3rd person may experience any of no. of other
 While we all react to stress in our own way. There is a long list of commonly
experienced effect of stress. That range from mild to life threatening.
 Stress can affect immunity which can impact virtually all areas of health.
Stress can affect mood in many ways naturally.
 So creating a stress management plan is often one part of a plan for overall


 There are several different types of stress but not all are harmful. E.g. EV
stress is positive form of stress but chronic stress has being too many serious
health issues & a type of negative stress.
 We also keep positive stress in our life even good stress can contribute to
excessive stress level which can leads to feeling over excited.
 This is why it is still important to learn to relax your mind & body periodically
& cut down unnecessary stress.

What is a good management of stress?

 Eat healthy
 Exercise
 Get plenty of sleep
 Give yourself a break
 If you feel stress out take care of your body

Influence of health on physical & psychological wellbeing: Stress have been

implicated heart disease, eating disorder, stroke, sleep disorder, ulcer, cancer,
decreased immunity, chronic headache, down syndrome infact estimated are that
50-80% all physical disorders have stress related origin.

Sign of Stress: Sign of stress may be physical or mental. Some people called this
storing stress in the body (physical) or in mind (mental). Some common physical
stress include: Rapid heartbeat, headache, tight shoulder, rapid breathing, sweating,
stomach upset or diarrhoea. Also sign of stress reflects on thinking, behaviour or
mood (mental).

Stress management strategy: Structure in minimum 20 min. of aerobic exercise/

day in well balanced meal. More whole grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables, avoid
caffeine, reduce refined sugar, excess sugar cause frequent fluctuation of blood
glucose levels adding stress to the bodies physiological functions.

 Reduce alcohol & drugs

 Get at least 7 hours sleep at night
 Spend time each day with 1 relaxation techniques (playing, imagining, day
dreaming, yoga, prayer, meditation etc)
 Take a warm bath
 Go for a walk
 Get in touch, hug someone with hand & hold hand of someone
 Physical contact is a way of stress relaxing.


 Injury prevention is an effect to prevent or reduce the severity of bodily

injuries caused by external mechanisms such as accidents, before they occur.
Injury prevention is a component of safety & public health & its goal is to
improve the health of the population by preventing injuries & hence
improving quality of life.
 Injury prevention & health promotion share the common goal of reducing
mortality & morbidity by bringing together coalition & communities to develop
& implement educational, behavioural & structural initiatives.
 W.H.O estimated 5.1 million deaths from injuries in 2002 in the world or 9%
of all deaths disproportionately affecting the young. These are a leading
cause of premature death & DALYs at age of 5 to 45 years.
 Examples of effective injury prevention: National highway speed limits,
”Cycle” helmet laws, child passenger restraint laws.
 Injury prevention should be an important part of every physical activity,
because it not only helps you achieve your training goals but also keeps you
healthy & safe.
 Injury prevention researchers attempt to identify environmental & behavioural
risk factors & patterns that contribute to injury. Public health lawyers use the
results of this research to use or change laws to ensure that they effectively
prevent or reduce the causes of injury.
Injury prevention & health promotion:

 Using health promotion for injury prevention & control can help reduce health
care costs & improve the quality of life & should be encouraged by health
planning agencies & health systems.
 Injuries, which include both unintentional injuries & violence, are a major
public health problem imparting individuals, families & communities in which
they live. Injuries & violence are widespread affecting population across the
 Injury prevention & health promotion share the common goal of reducing
mortality & morbidity by bringing together coalitions & communities to
develop & implement educational, behavioural & structural initiatives.

Injury prevention & health promotion have a common appreciation of the

multiple determinants of health that include:

 Individual behaviours: The choices people make about their own

behaviours such as alcohol & drug use, vehicle speeding, helmet use, diving n
shallow waters, non use of seat belts or other risks often predispose one to
injuries & are often connected with factors in the social & physical
 Physical environment: Environments at home in the community & on the
road can affect the rate of injuries related to falls, fires & burns, traffic
injuries, drowning & violence. Changing the environment can often make safe
behaviours more salient.
 Access to health services: Access to health care services such as clinics,
GPs, Hospitals & diagnostic facilities can often determine the outcome of an
injury event. Improved access to pre hospital & emergency services, acute
care facilities & rehabilitation services can reduce the consequences of fatal &
non fatal injuries, log term disability & death.


Violence prevention is focused on preventing violence & its consequences so

that all people, communities, families are safe, healthy & free from violence.

Why Preventing violence is important/ importance of preventing violence:

 Exposure to violence can increase the risk of smoking, alcohol & drug abuse,
mental illness & suicidal tendency, chronic disease like heart disease,
diabetes, cancer, infectious disease such as HIV & social problem such as
crimes & further violence.
 Violence is an important global public health problem that claims the lives of
over 1.6 million people each year & results in numerous other health & social
consequences. It is also a preventable health problem.


Youth & community violence are serious problems that can last harmful
effects on victims, their families & their entire communities. So prevention on
community violence is possible. A strong growing research based shows that
multiple prevention strategies are scientifically proven to reduce violence &
associated risk factors.

Strategy Approach Example

Individual &
Strengthening Economic
household financial Tax credit
Promote family
Early childhood home
environment that support Nurse family partnership
healthy development
Provide quality education
enrichment with Child parent centres
early in live
family engagement
Strengthening young Universal school Good behaviour game, life
people skills based programme skill training
Modified the physical
Create protecting & social environment Alcohol policy, compulsory
environment Reduce exposure to education law
community level risk
Violence prevention strategy also include providing training for parents on
child development, problem solving skills development without violence, discipline,
promoting parental involvement in the lives of children & mentoring programmes to
develop attachment between high risk youth & caring adult to build social skills.

Mental Health Programme:

 These programmes are important in the primary prevention of both violence

affecting youth & intimate partner violence.
 Expressing violence can contribute to mental health problems especially post
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
 Mental health violence prevention programme recognise the intrinsic
relationship between good mental health & preventing violence that affect
young people.

School based Programme:

 It is probably the largest set up prevention programme having the most

extensive evaluation. May be the basis for broader community efforts &
typically are where community members go fast when time to develop a
broad initiative.
 Since children spent so many hours in schools throughout in their lives
programmes in the school setting have the potential to have a strong impact
on their attitudes, knowledge & believes about violence & violent behaviour.

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