Existing Structure Concurred in by Finance Department

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No.HFW-MSIII-MSNG1M-0011-2023 2 0 I -16 /H, Dated the 0 December, 2023

Sub: Restructuring & Corresponding Revision of Pay Structure of different

posts in the Odisha Radiographer Service Cadre of Health & Family
Welfare Department

Keeping in view the increase in number of public health facilities, and

corresponding increase in patient load at Government Hospitals, Government after
careful consideration have been pleased to restructure the Radiographer Service
Cadre in public interest for smooth and efficient functioning of health care facilities in
following manner.

Odisha Radiographer Service Cadre

Existing Structure Concurred in by Finance Department

SI Level / Sancti Level / Sancti
No. Scale of Pay oned Scale of Pay oned Residency period for
Designation Designation
under ORSP streng under ORSP streng promotion
Rules, 2017 th Rules, 2017 th
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5 years as
RSO or 25 years
(Level-12) of service in the
1 Assistant
Director Rs.56100- 1 cadre out of which
177500/- 1 (one) year as
Radiation Safety
5 years as Sr.
Radiation (Level-11) I or 20 years of
2 Safety Rs.47600- 46 service in the
Officer 151100/- cadre out of
which 2 years as
Sr. Radiographer
5 years as Sr.
Sr. (Level-10) II or 15 years of
3 Radiographer Rs.44900- 136 service in the
Level-I 142400/- cadre out of which
2 years as Sr.
(Level-9) Sr. (Level-9) 08 years of
4 Radiographer Rs.35400- 26 Radiographer Rs.35400- 322 service as
112400/- Level-II 112400/- Radiographer
(Level-7) (Level-7)
5 Radiographer Rs.25500- 695 Entry stage by
Radiographer Rs.25500- 655
81100/- direct recruitment
Total 721 1160
The detailed analysis of the Restructured Radiographer Cadre :
1. Out of sanctioned strength of 695 base level posts of Radiographer in the scale of
pay of Rs.25500-81100/- (Level-7 under ORSP Rules, 2017), 40 posts shall stand
abolished in lieu of creation of 479 posts at different levels in the cadre hierarchy
leaving 655 posts at base level.

2. The existing 26 posts of Sr. Radiographer at the Pay Level-9 shall be re-designated
as Sr. Radiographer Level-II. In addition to this, 296 posts of Sr. Radiographer
Level-II at the same pay level shall be created arriving at total 322 posts, which is
the 1st promotional hierarchy.

3. There shall be creation of 136 posts of Sr. Radiographer Level-I at Pay Level-10,
which is the 2nd promotional hierarchy.

4. There shall be creation of 46 posts of Radiation Safety Officer at Pay Level-11,

which is the 3rd promotional hierarchy.

5. There shall be creation of 1 (one) post of Assistant Director at Pay Level-12,

which is the 4th promotional hierarchy.

The total cadre strength will be 1160.

Necessary changes in the Odisha Radiographer Service (Methods of

Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2019 will be effected in due course.

This Resolution shall come into force with effect from the date of publication of
the Gazette Notification.

This has been concurred-in by the Finance Department and GA & PG

Department in their OSWAS File No. FIN-SOS3-ESTT-0005-2019 and GAD-SC-
RULES-0031-2023 respectively.

(Order-Ordered that the Resolution be published in the extraordinary issue of ODISHA

GAZETTE for general information and copies thereof be forwarded to the Secretary to
the Governor, Odisha, Bhubaneswar I A.G. (A&E), Odisha, Bhubaneswar / Secretary,
OSSSC, Bhubaneswar / All Departments of Government.)

By order of the Governor

Commissioner-cu retary to Government

Memo No. 30/I I /H, Dated the oi. la • a3

Copy forwarded to the Director, Printing, Stationery and Publication, Odisha,
Cuttack [Soft Copy by e-Mail in the address of deputvdirectorpp@rediffmail.com] / I/C
Odisha Gazette Cell, Commerce & Transport (Commerce) Department with a request
to publish the Resolution in the Extraordinary Issue of the Odisha Gazette and supply
20 copies to this Department for official use.

Additional etary to Gover ment
Memo No. 30 /IV /H, Dated the OT. la . 023
Copy forwarded to the PS to the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Odisha/ PS to the
Hon'ble Minister, Health & F.W. Department / OSD to the Chief Secretary, Odisha /
PS to the Commissioner-cum-Secretary to Government, Health & F.W. Department
for kind information of the Hon'ble Chief Minister/ Hon'ble Minister, Health & F.W./
Chief Secretary/ Commissioner-cum- Secretary, Health & F.W. Department
Additional Se ry to Government
Memo No. 30117 /H, Dated the 01.1a .023
Copy forwarded to All RDC/ All Directors under Health & F.W. Department / All
Collector I All CDM & PHOs I All Superintendents of MCHs I All Sections of Health &
F.W. Department/ Guard File (5 Copies) for information and necessary action.

Additional Se ry to Government

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