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Learning in health and wellbeing ensures that children and young people develop the

knowledge and understanding, skills, capabilities and attributes which they need for mental,
emotional, social and physical wellbeing now and in the future.This piece of academic writing
will mainly be based on core-set skills that promote healthy and well being of the learning

It is cognisant to take note that, learning through health and wellbeing enables children and
young people to make informed decisions in order to improve their mental, emotional, social
and physical wellbeing.It also helps experience and enjoyment.This way,learners would be pron
and eager to grasp the knowledge being imparted to them.They are said to experience positive
aspects of healthy living and activity for themselves(Renkl,2018).

Furthermore,they are in a best position to apply their mental, emotional, social and physical
skills to pursue a healthy lifestyle and on the other hand make a successful move to the next
stage of education or work .This onwardly improbes to establish a pattern of health and
wellbeing which will be sustained into adult life, and which will help to promote the health and
wellbeing of the next generation of Scottish children. It also enables some to perform at high
levels in sport or prepare for careers within the health and leisure(UNESCO,2019).

However,students need to see themselves as part of the classroom. They need to understand
that what they are learning is relevant to their lives and deepen their understanding by
interacting with the content being taught. To do this properly, there are certain core-set
components that are essential to best optimize a healthy classroom.

One key component is safety,every individual in the class needs to feel safe. Students need to
know that no physical harm will come their way. Emotionally, students need to feel accepted
and know that they are accepted for who they are. The classroom should be clean, an
appropriate temperature, and students should have access to needed materials. Routines and
protocols have to be in place so that participants know what to expect in their classroom.

Therefore,in an environment where there's safety it gives both the learners ,guardians and
parents an assured guarantee that their children are in a good conducive safe environment.This
in turn makes it easier for the learners to perform and exel to their potential best with worrying

On second note,There has to be an inclusive setting which implies that students must feel part
of the group. The classroom should welcome and celebrate all students with no whatsoever
discrimination . Efforts to include all members regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual
preferences, religious backgrounds, and socio-economic status are vital.

The classroom participants need to have a vested interest in each other, and they need to
attempt to understand each other. If students do not feel part of the class, they could become
ostracized, making learning all the more difficult.In which when learning becomes difficult and
non achievable for the learners this would put a strain on the teacher, affecting both a learner
and the teacher(Powell,2013).

One other vital aspect that should not be ignored is the fact that,students need to understand
and see themselves in the lesson. Having resources, texts, or focused experiences similar to
their own background or cultural experiences allows students to identify with the curricula. It
affirms students’ place in society and makes the learning more meaningful. With lessons and
resources that resonate with students, motivation and understanding will increase.

In addition, culturally relevant lessons reinforce the inclusive nature of the classroom and this
would aid in better understanding of what is being taught to the learners and this way they
would be less likely to forget what was being taught.

A key component for students to take charge of their learning is to be involved in decision-
making. If students are able to make decisions, then they will feel more invested in their
choices. This can range from a variety of decisions depending on the content. A shared
ownership will help students be involved, learners will like an essential part of the classroom
resulting in a healthier environment.

If an unhealthy atmosphere exists, student learning becomes more difficult. Without a safe
environment, students are too worried about their wellbeing to focus on learning. If people do
not feel a part of the room, they will feel further removed from the process, not see themselves
represented, and will have a harder time connecting with their learning.

However,it should be noted that, having input on their studies, students become passive
receivers of content, and the lack of knowledge depth will reduce retention and motivation.
Simply put, learners need to see themselves and believe they are part of a healthy community
to make the most gains(Horne-Martin,2017).

Henceforth,if students know what to expect while in the classroom, the more comfortable and
safe they will be. Clearly defined expectations and rules makes it clear for everyone how to
behave and how the rest of the community members will act. This helps to develop a trusting,
predictable environment for all. Involving students in the creation of class expectations allows
further buy-in as students see their role in the development of their community.

In addition, phrasing the rules as action items sets a tone of what behaviors are encouraged.
For example, instead of “Don’t talk when others are speaking”, phrasing it as “listen to one
another” tells students what to do, focusing on the proper behavior.

Therefore,just as students need the predictability of behaviors, having clear procedures also
sets a clear tone of the norms of the classroom. Whether it is academic procedures (collecting
work, use of feedback/grades, rubrics) or more general routines (walking in the hallway, tools
needed for class), students’ ability to understand the expectations and know what the teacher
is requiring of them assists in positive interactions within the classroom.

Adding on,SEL better known as social/emotional learning is the ability of one to understand
how emotions impact development, decision-making, and interactions for themselves and
others. Classrooms that value and include time to teach students and staff to check in with their
feelings and recognize how to deal and process stress while seeing how emotions impact
behaviors helps foster a better insight into oneself and others(Bonwell,2021).

However,this allows for better opportunities for a clearer mind and learning. Mindfulness is one
technique within SEL allowing people to replace potentially negative behaviors with positive
coping skills such as breathing, positive reframing, and even rewiring your brain.This really
helps the learners in a tremendous way.

It is suffice to say that,in a healthy environment, the teacher shares control with the
learners.Learners respond by making decisions that matter to them, resulting in increased
concentration,participation, learning does take place.

Prior to that,there are procedures and routines that help students know what to expect.
However, it is well known that things are never routine.Embracing those unplanned events
promotes flexible thinking and a positive response to change.

This is relatable as to whether it is a global pandemic, an unexpected fire alarm, or a teaching

point that students struggle to understand, adjusting to the situation allows students to see
that it is possible to encounter and deal with change.

Therefore,the wellbeing of a learner should be considered and looked at as a keen aspect to

society and it's needs.This can be attributed to how well and competent they can be following
such regard.

In conclusion,a safe environment would mean everyone performs better. Developing a healthy
classroom environment allows for clear expectations, enhances opportunities for learning, and
allows for risk-taking in a safe manner for learners. Allowing students to see themselves within
their education and the power to have choices for their learning will yield a better outcome for
all at a greater length.


Bonwell, C. (2021). Active learning : creating excitement in the classroom. James A. Eison. Washington,
D.C.: School of Education and Human Development, George Washington University.
Horne-Martin, S (2017). "The classroom environment and its effects on the practice of teachers".
Journal of Environmental Psychology.

Personalized learning, Dreambox. Retrieved 2016-04-06

Powell, S(2013)."Working with exceptional students: An introduction to special education". San Diego,
CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Renkl, A.(2018). From example study to problem solving: Smooth transitions help learning. Journal of
Experimental Education.

UNESCO (2019). Empowering students for just societies,A handbook for secondary school teachers.

Ways Mobile Technology Is Transforming Learning Spaces, The Journal, August 25, 2015. Retrieved

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