Clase B1.1 08 - 12 - 2022

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Lear to dance
2. Eat good tacos
3. Make a posada
4. Broke piñatas
5. Study for the new semester
6. Study English
7. Visit my brother
8. Visit my nana
9. Go to a lot of posadas
10. Return to the gym

Plans (100% sure)

I’m studying geotechnics for my new semester this weekend.

In December I’m going to my town’s posadas.


The next Monday I am going to see my friends.

I am going to make a posada the next weekend.


Soo I will visit to young brother, and I’ll give him a cake.

I will visit my nana in these days.

Scheduled Event

Every day I go to run at the 9:00 a. m.

I travel to CDMx every Sunday to visit my young brother.

Past Simple

Past perfect simple

Past continuous

Pas perfect continuous


I was 6 and I was running away from elementary school. That day I went to the school and discovered that I had
forgotten to do my homework and I was very stressed. It would be a normal stage for any child, but until that day I had
never forgotten any homework, it was being a new and stress experience.

When you have a problem, you start to think in a solution for your problem, and what would be the advantages and
disadvantages of this solution, but it only happens when you’re an adult or you’re more 6 years. Unfortunately, I was 6.

And I thought that go out by an old church for run away from school and find a cyber – café for do my homework was a
good idea.

I had chosen the lunch hour to go to the cyber-café, and when the bell rang announced the break I was already running
to the church, I had only 30 minutes to do my plan.

I had been walking for the principal streets until I saw the cyber – café. I have tried to look normal all time but isn’t
normal see a little student without any adult, the whole walk had been harrowing, I could feel the looks, the morning
cold air in my lungs and the excitement of crossing a street without any help.

When I got to the cyber – café I did fast my homework and go back to the school.

But when I come back, I had felt more nervous that when I was alone in the streets.

All teaches had been counting to all students, and the students looked as if they had been standing in the cold for a long
time, they did it.

I had tried to go unnoticed and get with my friend, a serious and friendly child who told me that a lady told to the
teachers that she saw a student out of the school and the teachers had been looking who the missing student was.

I was in panic, but I didn’t say anything and in the less of the day I thought that I was a win, I had my homework, and no
one knew who the missing student had been.


My uncle was the cyber owner and he got me to my parents.

You can imaginary the rest of this history.

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