Case Report
Surgery Section
Abdomen: A Rare Case Report and
Review of Literature
Ectopic spleen is due to failure of fusion of the mesogastrium and the lining body wall epithelium, resulting in lax or absent supporting
ligaments of spleen, making it abnormally mobile. This case presented as lump abdomen with history of recurrent attacks of abdominal
pain. Clinical diagnosis was unidentified abdominal mass. The radiological imaging was suggestive of the diagnosis, and the exploration
of abdomen has clinched the diagnosis.
case report Adhesions were released, spleen was derotated. The surface of the
A 24-year-old woman presented to the out-patient Department spleen has shown clear infarcted area even after derotation. Hence
of General Surgery, Kakatiya Medical College/Mahatma Gandhi splenectomy was done [Table/Fig-3]. The postoperative course was
Memorial Hospital, Warangal, Telangana state, India with complaint uneventful. Patient was given vaccines. Patient was discharged
of lump abdomen and chronic intermittent pain abdomen. On after recovery.
physical examination, her vital signs were within normal limits. There
was no history of bowel or urinary symptoms. Patient underwent Discussion
two times caesarean section. Examination of the abdomen revealed Ectopic spleen is a rare entity. The incidence of torsion is estimated
a freely mobile intra abdominal mass in right lumbar, right iliac fossa to be less than 0.2% [1]. Incidence is higher among multiparous
and umbilical regions [Table/Fig-1]. woman [2]. Most cases are diagnosed in adults aged between 20 to
On abdominal ultrasonography (USG), the spleen was not found to 40 years [2]. So far, about 500 cases have been reported [1].
be in its normal anatomic position, and bowel loops were observed The clinical presentation of an ectopic spleen is variable. Affected
in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen with normal position of patients may be asymptomatic and this condition may be incidentally
kidneys and ovaries. An enlarged spleen extending to the pelvis discovered on physical examination, or on imaging studies
from right lumbar region with large hypoechoic area was noted. No performed for other unrelated reasons, as an abdominal or pelvic
blood flow in the splenic artery and vein was observed on Doppler mass that may or may not be accompanied by gastrointestinal or
USG. On abdominal intravenous contrast-enhanced computed urinary symptoms [3-5]. Differential diagnosis includes adenopathy,
tomography (CT) scan, the spleen was not seen in its normal lymphoma, extramedullary haematopoeisis. The patient may become
anatomic position, but rather was located in right lumbar region, symptomatic due to abnormal mobility, torsion and compromised
extending to the right adnexal region. The splenic parenchyma blood supply. Patients may have mild, intermittent abdominal pain
showed a non-homogeneous enhancing area suggestive of due to splenic congestion with intermittent torsion and spontaneous
infarction [Table/Fig-2a,b]. Complete blood picture was normal. derotation, as well as splenomegaly as a result of vascular
Based on physical examination USG and CT findings, a laparotomy congestion [4,5]. Patients may present with an acute abdomen
through a midline vertical incision was performed. It was due to torsion of the splenic pedicle with subsequent infarction [2].
intraoperatively noted that the spleen lacked its normal ligamentous Differential diagnosis includes acute appendicitis, ovarian torsion,
attachments and was suspended only by an elongated vascular cholecystitis. The splenic torsion is sometimes associated with
pedicle in right lumbar, umbilical and right iliac fossa regions gastric or pancreatic tail volvulus. The intestinal obstruction by
with adhesions to liver and bowel loops. The pedicle of spleen splenic flexure volvulus is the only colonic manifestation reported
was twisted two times (720 degrees). There was mild free fluid [6]. In the present case, patient presented with lump abdomen
in abdomen; the left hypochondrium was filled with bowel loops. associated with chronic intermittent pain abdomen.
[Table/Fig-1]: Clinical photograph demonstrating lump in right lumbar, umbilical and right iliac fossa regions, [Table/Fig-2a]: Coronal and sagittal sections of computed axial
tomography scan showing spleen in right lumbar, right iliac fossa, umbilical regions with non enhancing areas suggestive of infarction
[Table/Fig-2b]: Axial computed tomography scan showing an ectopic spleen (S) in right lumbar region and umbilical regions
Ectopic spleen, with or without torsion is a rare clinical entity. Imaging
modalities play an important role in the diagnosis. Early diagnosis
and treatment of an ectopic spleen may reduce the frequency of
splenectomy. Therefore, if there is no spleen at the normal anatomic
location by imaging studies, one should consider the possibility of
an ectopic spleen in patients who present with palpable abdominal
mass, with or without pain abdomen.
1. Associate Professor, Department of General Surgery, Kakatiya Medical College/ Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Warangal, Telangana, India.
2. Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery, Kakatiya Medical College/ Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Warangal, Telangana, India.
3. Professor, Department of General Surgery, Kakatiya Medical College/ Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Warangal, Telangana, India.
4. Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery, Kakatiya Medical College/ Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Warangal, Telangana, India.
5. Junior Resident, Department of General Surgery, Kakatiya Medical College/ Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Warangal, Telangana, India.