Chemical Straightening

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Certificate III in Hairdressing

Straighten and relax hair with chemical treatments


Assessment 2 Part 2 Written questionsd

Assessment type ():

✘ Questioning (Oral/Written)

Practical Demonstration

3rd Party Report

Other – Project/Portfolio (please specify)

Assessment Resources:

Learning guide Allowe resources SHBHREF002 Straighten and relax hair with chemical treatments

Learning guide 2 powerpoint SHBHREF002 Straighten and relax hair with chemical treatments

Access to computers

Pens paper

Access to blackboard

Assessment Instructions:
For this assessment 2 part 2 you are required to answer the following written knowledge based
The skills and knowledge and expertise you have obtained, you will be able to answer the following
questions. Please complete the following written questions and submit to your lecturer. Your lecturer may
oral question you if further evidence is required.

Assessment Instrument:

Assessment 2 part 2 see below

Straighten and relax hair with chemical treatments


Assessment 2 Part 2 Written questions

Unit/s of
SHBHREF002 Straighten and relax hair with chemical treatments (written)
Part 2

Student name: Student ID:

Assessor name:
For this assessment you are required to answer the following questions.
The skills and knowledge and expertise you have obtained, you will be able
to answer the following questions. Please complete the following written
questions and submit to your lecturer. Your lecturer may oral question you
Task Description:
if further evidence is required.

Verbal questions, lecturer to record Students answers.

Attach a photo of a hairstyle and

Q1 identify the following elements

and principles of design relating
to straightening and relaxing hair
 Line
 Shape
 Direction
 Size
 Texture
 Colour
 Balance
 Gradation
 Repetition
 Contrast
 Harmony
 Dominance
 Unity
Wide toothcomb.
This is the most commonly used tool for chemical relaxing. It
may be used to completely straighten the hair by combing the
curls smooth or could be used without too much tension for
relaxing the curl.

Bowl and tint brush.

Describe 3 different methods

These items are used to apply and distribute the chemical
you can use to keep the hair relaxer onto the hair. Avoid getting any of the product onto the
smooth during the chemical scalp or skin.
straightening process


Boards are used for control and to support the hair for the
processing of chemical relaxation. The product is applied to the
hair that has been combed over the boards. This allows the hair
to attach to the board, preventing it from bouncing back to its
original shape during the processing time
Briefly describe how the
a) Protein Fillers:
Q3 following affect the hairs
structure when chemically
straightening hair Protein fillers are products that contain proteins, often derived
a) Protein fillers from sources like wheat or silk. When used in the context of
b) Chemical and chemical straightening, protein fillers can help reinforce and
strengthen the hair structure. The chemical straightening
c) Neutralisers process can sometimes weaken the protein bonds in the hair,
d) Post process leading to potential damage. Protein fillers work by temporarily
conditioners filling in gaps and providing additional structural support to the
e) Application of heat
hair shaft, contributing to a smoother and healthier appearance.
during the process

b) Chemical Straightening Solutions:

Chemical straightening solutions typically contain active

ingredients like thioglycolic acid or similar chemicals. These
solutions work by breaking and rearranging the protein bonds in
the hair's keratin structure. Specifically, these chemicals disrupt
the disulfide bonds, allowing the hair to be reshaped into a
straighter form. The process is essentially a controlled
weakening of the hair structure to achieve the desired
straightening effect.

c) Neutralisers:

Neutralisers, also known as neutralizing solutions, play a crucial

role in the chemical straightening process. After the application
of the straightening solution, neutralizers work to stop the
chemical reaction and restore the hair's pH balance. This helps
"lock in" the straightened structure and prevent over-
processing. Neutralizers often contain oxidizing agents that
further stabilize the hair's new configuration.

d) Post Process Conditioners:

Post-process conditioners are applied after the chemical

straightening procedure. These conditioners are formulated to
replenish moisture, nourish the hair, and provide additional
support for the hair's overall health. The chemical straightening
process can leave the hair dry and in need of hydration, and
post-process conditioners help restore moisture, impart shine,
and improve the overall texture of the straightened hair.

e) Application of Heat During the Process:

The application of heat is a crucial aspect of the chemical
straightening process. Heat helps activate the chemical
reactions in the straightening solution, allowing it to effectively
break and rearrange the protein bonds in the hair. Heat
application also facilitates the reshaping of the hair into the
desired straight form. However, excessive heat or improper use
of heat tools can contribute to hair damage, so it's important to
follow recommended temperature guidelines and use heat
protectants to minimize potential harm to the hair structure.
Describe how the following
a) Hair Porosity:
Q4 can affect the success of your
chemical straightening service
a) Hairs porosity Hair porosity, referring to the hair's ability to absorb and retain
b) Hair condition moisture, can significantly impact the success of a chemical
c) Degree of initial curl straightening service. Highly porous hair may absorb the
or wave in the hair
chemical straightening solution more quickly, potentially leading
d) Product type and
strength to over-processing and damage. Low porosity hair, on the other
e) Processing times hand, may require more time for the solution to penetrate
f) Environmental effectively. Understanding the porosity of the hair helps in
adjusting application times and product formulations for optimal

b) Hair Condition:

The overall health and condition of the hair are critical factors in
the success of a chemical straightening service. Damaged or
weakened hair may be more susceptible to breakage during the
chemical process. It's essential to assess the hair's condition
during the consultation and recommend appropriate pre-
treatments or alternative styling options for clients with
compromised hair.

c) Degree of Initial Curl or Wave in the Hair:

The starting texture of the hair, whether it's naturally curly,

wavy, or straight, influences the success of the chemical
straightening service. Highly curly or tightly coiled hair may
require a stronger formulation or longer processing times to
achieve the desired straightening effect. Conversely, hair with a
mild wave or loose curl may respond more quickly to the
chemical treatment.

d) Product Type and Strength:

The type and strength of the chemical straightening product

selected play a crucial role in the outcome of the service.
Different formulations cater to various hair types and textures.
Using the wrong product or strength can result in under-
processing or over-processing, leading to unsatisfactory results
or damage to the hair. Professional stylists should choose
products based on the client's hair characteristics and desired
e) Processing Times:

Adhering to the recommended processing times for the

chemical straightening product is vital for success. Insufficient
processing time may not achieve the desired straightening
effect, while excessive processing can lead to damage and
weakened hair structure. Following the manufacturer's
guidelines ensures that the chemical process is controlled and
produces consistent results.

f) Environmental Humidity:

Environmental factors, particularly humidity, can impact the

success of chemical straightening. Humidity can affect the hair's
ability to hold the newly straightened form, potentially leading
to reversion or frizz. Stylists may consider environmental
conditions when planning the service and may recommend anti-
humidity styling products for clients to use post-treatment to
maintain the straightened effect.
Recent Chemical Treatments:
Q5 Clients who have recently undergone chemical treatments such
as coloring, bleaching, or other hair straightening processes may
have compromised hair structure. Applying additional chemical
treatments too soon can lead to excessive damage.

Damaged or Weak Hair:

Hair that is already damaged, weak, or excessively processed

may not be suitable for chemical straightening. The process can
further weaken the hair, leading to breakage and other issues.

List 4 contraindications that will Presence of Open Sores or Scalp Irritations:

affect you performing the
chemical straightening service Clients with open sores, cuts, infections, or other irritations on the
scalp should avoid chemical straightening services. The
chemicals can exacerbate these conditions and cause discomfort.

Allergies or Sensitivities:

Individuals with known allergies or sensitivities to the chemicals in

straightening products may experience adverse reactions. It's
essential to perform patch tests and inquire about any allergies
before the service.
Different strengths available:
Q6 Chemical straightening products often come in different strengths
to accommodate various hair types and textures. They may be
labeled as mild, regular, or strong, indicating the level of
straightening effect.

Formula of the Chemical Straightener:

The formula typically contains chemical ingredients like

thioglycolic acid or similar agents that break and reform the
protein bonds in the hair for a straightening effect.

Research Wella Straighten It

Purpose of the Chemical Straightener:
product and identify the following
The primary purpose is to permanently alter the structure of the
Make sure you answer each of the hair, providing a straightened or relaxed appearance.
 Different strengths
 Formula of the chemical How the Chemical Straightener Affects the Hair Structure:
 Purpose of the chemical The chemical straightener works by breaking the disulfide bonds
straightener in the hair's protein structure, allowing the hair to be reshaped
 How the chemical and set into a new form. This process is typically irreversible.
straightener affects the
hair structure
 Mixing and application
instructions Mixing and Application Instructions:
 Processing and
development times Detailed instructions on how to mix the product (if it comes in
 Health and safety
multiple parts) and how to apply it to the hair. This may involve
requirements (use SDS)
sectioning the hair and applying the product evenly.

Processing and Development Times:

Specific time frames during which the product should be left on

the hair to achieve the desired straightening effect. This may vary
based on the product's strength and the client's hair type.

Health and Safety Requirements (Use SDS):

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) provide information on the potential

hazards of the product, safe handling procedures, and emergency
measures. These documents are crucial for understanding health
and safety requirement

Attempt Attempt
Not Yet

SHBHREF002 Straighten and relax hair with chemical

1 2
treatments (written)
Part 2
Student name and ID no.:

Date of assessment:

Yes No Yes No

√ √ √ √ √
Q1  
Q2  
Q3  
Q4  
Q5  
Q6  

The Student’s performance was:

Feedback to Student-

Assessment 2 Part 2
Satisfactory 
Not Yet Satisfactory 
Student signature:
(once feedback has been received)

Assessor signature:
(once feedback has been provided)

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