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2017 Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems

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June 8, 2017 12:9 ws-book961x669 BC: 10577 - Modeling, Analysis and Control of DS 1st Reading ws-book975x65 page 1

Chapter 1

Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical

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The first chapter is devoted to the significant role of various friction laws applied
to mathematical modeling of a friction phenomenon in engineering sciences. Both
advantages and disadvantages of the frictional process are taken into a deep con-
sideration and discussed. It is shown how the static and dynamic friction laws and
modern friction theories coexist in pure and applied mathematics. An important role
of purely theoretical and experimental investigations is attenuated, wherein the ap-
propriate friction models regarded to a particular applications are outlined, putting
special emphasis on the well-established approaches like the models proposed by
Bay–Wanheim, Dahl, Bliman–Sorine, Lund–Grenoble and many others. Friction
treated as a complex process being in an interaction with wear, emission of heat
and deformation is also partially considered. Then an influence of dry friction mod-
els on the theory of modeling of dynamical systems is reviewed. At the end of this
chapter, including the experimental and numerical analyses, an application of the
asymmetric friction force model used in investigation of a dynamical response of
a mechanical system with two-degree-of-freedom is presented.

1.1 Introduction

The relative motion of solid bodies with regard to adhesion is an disequilibrial

process, in which the kinetic energy is transformed into the energy of irregular
microscopic movement. This phenomenon is related to dissipation of energy (as
heat, for instance) and leads to friction and wear on surfaces of the contacting bod-
ies. Widespread occurrence of friction in technology and in everyday life is the reason
for extensive scientific research that would result in widened theoretical knowledge
in the process of friction. The aim of such research is to provide a detailed compre-
hensive description of this phenomenon.
In contrast to many advantageous uses of friction, for instance in metalworking,
movement of vehicles, drive transmission with the use of frictional elements, even
walking or vibration of strings in musical instruments, there are numerous negative
aspects of friction in the form of noise, wear and unpredictable behavior of various

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2 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

mechanisms. Special attention needs to be paid to harmful self-excited vibrations

in engineering systems with friction that are associated with a periodical supply of
energy from a constantly operating source that is controlled by the system’s motion
by means of a feedback mechanism. Such a relation leads to a reciprocal reaction
between the regulating device and the nonlinear vibrating system; thus the self-
excited system may control its own energy balance. As a result, despite inevitable
losses, some non-disappearing periodic vibrations can be exhibited by the system.
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Self-excited vibrations in kinetic junctions are usually harmful and undesir-

able. Especially in extreme cases, they may result in destruction of a vibrating
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object. Among the phenomena, those in question are the vibrations caused by ro-
tation of air around oscillating flexible connectors, strings or coatings (vibrations
of electric wires or a plane’s wing “flatter”) [Ibrahim (1994b)]. Mechanical systems
with coupled movements may generate self-excited vibrations at the expense of en-
ergy from the drive system. Such characteristics may be attributed to the “shimmy”
vibrations, which cause snaking of a car’s front wheels. Among typical examples of
the occurrence of self-excited vibrations in nature are sounds of speech and whistle
of slender twigs in the wind. However, the same vibrations that cause such acous-
tic phenomena as a creak of old hinges or a loosened joint or a grid of a blot are
associated with the negative characteristics of dry friction.
The disturbance in the fluency of motion caused by self-excited vibrations re-
sulting from an abrupt change of real sliding speed of frictional bodies is called
a stick–slip effect. It can often be observed in measuring devices, precision tools and
during machining processes.
The basic property of friction conductive to stick–slip vibrations is the fact that
the maximum friction force at the adhesion loss is larger than the force that occurs in
the system during the slip phase at low relative speeds of sliding bodies. Mechanical
devices with kinetic junctions characterized by friction of this type are exposed
to additional mechanical vibrations, which in many cases cause disturbances in
operation or damages. The occurrence of friction-excited vibrations in such systems
as a knife and a support or a stock and a metal working machine results in worsening
of the processed surface roughness.
Scientific treatises concerned with research on self-excited vibrations, includ-
ing stick–slip vibrations, aim at thorough exploration of the essence of this phe-
nomenon. An occurrence of self-excited vibrations results from the lack of stability
of the states of equilibrium or stabilized motion. The presumable presence of such
vibrations in a kinetic slide junction should be detected, because the states of equi-
librium may fall into undesirable vibrations leading to malfunction of the machine.
Therefore, various scientific research works that determine the characteristics of
friction, study on stability or identification of the parameters of friction with the
dominating role of self-excited vibrations significantly contribute to general under-
standing and elimination of that phenomenon together with its usually unwelcome
side-effects on operating mechanical devices.
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 3

1.2 Modeling of Dry Friction

All mechanical and mechatronic systems that effectively use friction require appro-
priate designing, which involves accurate understanding and detailed phenomeno-
logical description of the contact area. Excessive friction of the elements during
vibration often causes decreasing precision of a mechanism’s work and generates
limit cycles or loss of smoothness caused by stick–slip effect. Therefore, various
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compensation techniques have been developed in order to improve dynamics and

to minimize the negative influence of friction. The procedures employed in such
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cases usually consist of accurate determination of conditions in a friction point, ap-

plication of friction law and determination of all movement coefficients. A correct
theoretical description supported by an experimental model embracing all of the el-
ements operating together lay basis for compensation of friction effects in vibrating
Unfortunately, a long-term research on external friction of solid bodies, which
is common in every-day life and in technology as well, has not developed a general
theory that would have fully explained this phenomenon. Some hypotheses, formu-
lated at the turn of centuries, were based on the process of dry friction that belongs
to the general theory of dynamic friction of solid bodies. The modern description
of friction presented in Sec. 1.2.2 is based on well-known models.
Making a simplification, all the models delivered in Sec. 1.2.2 treat static and dy-
namic friction as two separate processes from the dynamic modeling point of view. It
is worth noticing, that in general, between static and dynamic friction there exists
a region during which the solid rubbing bodies get a very small relative shift due
to surface layers’ elastic deformations before the friction surfaces slip. The phe-
nomenon may have great influence on the stick–slip behavior on certain conditions
especially when the slip phase is small enough.

1.2.1 Classic Friction Laws

It is a generally known fact that external dry friction occurs on non-lubricated
surfaces of solid bodies that move relative to each other during adhesion. Research
on friction conducted in the period between the 15th and the 19th century allowed
Moore to formulate the classic friction laws presented below [Moore (1975)].
It was Leonardo da Vinci who concluded that the friction coefficient is not depen-
dent on the nominal contact surface. He developed his theory from an observation
of friction of a coiled rope stretched out by applying a force. Leonardo da Vinci’s
mechanical theory was based on the observed phenomenon of the bodies varied ca-
pability to slip, which resulted in varied values of friction. The law formulated by
Leonardo da Vinci is limited in certain aspects since it is true only for the materials
of determined yield points.
At the end of the 17th century Amontons formulated an observation-based dry
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4 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

friction law which claimed that the friction force was proportional to the normal
force perpendicular to the contact surface of frictional bodies (F = μN ) with a di-
mensionless coefficient of proportionality μ, independent of a load. In fact, the
friction coefficient depends on the load as well as on the mechanical, geometrical
and chemical properties of the frictional surfaces. Despite the fact that Amontons’
formula lacks accuracy, it has been widely applied in calculations.
The next classic friction law derived from an observation that the static friction
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coefficient is larger than the dynamic friction coefficient, as a matter of fact cannot
be applied either to elastic or viscoelastic materials. That leaves us with one more
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classic friction law that claims that the friction coefficient is independent of the
sliding speed. It is obviously a false statement since it makes the law applicable
only to metals at low and medium relative velocities.
Mechanical theories of friction laid foundations for further study of this com-
plex phenomenon. Amontons’ theory referring to the classic dry friction law was
expanded by Coulomb in the 18th century by a dry friction law in the form of
F = μN +C with correction parameter C that allowed for the dependence of the fric-
tion force on molecular reaction of the frictional surfaces [Coulomb (1809)]. Coulomb
assumed that for flat surfaces correction C has a constant value independent of the
normal loading and the contact surface.
Mechanical theories of dry friction include also the theory of [Bowden and Tabor
(1950)]. It is based on an assumption that it allows for plastic deformations of
frictional solid bodies’ real contact surface. The basic feature of this theory is the
view on creation and destruction of junctions appearing on the contact surface, and
the frictional resistance is defined as the sum of the resistances of cutting the joined
asperities and the resistance of pushing the deformed material.
The knowledge on the phenomenon of dry friction was developed due to molecu-
lar theories of Tomilson and Deryagin, mechanical–molecular theories of Kragelskiy
and energy theories of [Kragielskiy (1944)].
In [Epifanov (1975)], the author developed Bowden and Tabor’s theory, however
his own friction theory was based on an assumption that a moving slide representing
a single asperity of the surface cuts the build-up that is formed in front of it.

1.2.2 Modern Description of Dry Friction

The process of external dry friction that occurs in various junctions of machines and
mechanisms has been investigated with utmost attention these days [Awrejcewicz
and Pyryev (2002)]. The attempts to come up with a qualitative explanation of it by
means of an appropriate mathematical notation face numerous difficulties related
to the contact surface’s complex structure, heat emission and wear processes. These
problems do not close the list of all processes that occur in the adhesion area. There-
fore, an analytic and experimental explanation of the character and the mechanisms
of their occurrence is a priority in the investigation of discontinuous dynamic sys-
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 5

tems. That is why, in order to develop a friction model, mathematical equations

that describe the frictional contact are formulated and experiments on true real
systems with friction are conducted. The methods of mathematical analyses, nu-
merical simulations or empirical experiments are varied. The classic friction laws
are applied when motion is only slightly affected by friction. Empirical experiments
are conducted to verify the results of measurements with the use of analytic mod-
els. For the investigated frictional pairs and the conditions of motion their own
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friction models that take into account the specific conditions of the investigated
junction are formed.
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Due to the researchers’ various approaches to the problem and their different
methods of description, in what follows only the most important models of static
and dynamic friction have been distinguished and described. The static friction
models describe the dependence of the friction force on the relative sliding velocity,
whereas the dynamic friction models take the form of differential equations, which
also describe the friction in the stick phase of the frictional elements, i.e., when the
measured relative sliding velocity is equal to zero. Static Models

Vibrations excited by friction often cause problems in industrial mechanical de-
vices such as junctions of turbine blades, junctions of robots’ parts, electrical en-
gines’ drives, water-lubricated bearings used in ships and submarines, machine tools,
brake and clutch systems, valve trains with cam-driven valves, and camless valve
drives. Vibrations of this kind are undesirable, and their side effects often affect the
mechanical system’s efficient operation in a negative way [Ibrahim (1994a); Popp
et al. (1996); Feeny et al. (1998)].

k 0

0 vr
0 vr

(a) (b)

Figure 1.1: Friction characteristics: (a) Coulomb law, (b) the exponential law.

The analysis of a system with one degree of freedom with friction in [Andreaus
and Casini (2000)] is based on the assumption of a harmonic exciting force and
a standard excitation in the form of a belt moving at constant velocity. The main
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6 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

purpose of the work was to determine in what way the system response depends
on the belt’s velocity and the friction model. The numerical investigation has been
based on the friction coefficient’s discontinuous dependence on the relative sliding
velocity vr (see Fig. 1.1) described by: (a) Coulomb model; (b) a model with
the negative slope of friction characteristics, in which the static friction coefficient
μ0 decreases exponentially with the value of the dynamic friction coefficient μk . In
Fig. 1.1(b) the area marked by horizontal lines denotes low relative sliding velocities
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at which sticking of the mass occurs.

The friction characteristics described with Coulomb’s law serve to show that the
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motion of the mass is stable during pure slips as well as during the subsequent stick
and slip phases. The conditions in which it is possible to avoid the noise and stick–
slip vibrations in the system have been presented. The influence of the belt’s velocity
on the amplitude of transfer and the adhesion time has been investigated, and
the results prove that beyond a certain value of the belt’s velocity, the oscillator’s
response does not change and the stick–slip vibrations vanish.
The transient motion has also been analyzed to determine the conditions that
should be satisfied by the system’s initial state, in order to obtain a sequence of pure
slips and avoid stick states at the same time. In the case of the friction characteristics
presented in Fig. 1.1(b), the relative velocity at which one can observe only the pure
slip phases increases along with the fall of the exponential branches.
The work also emphasizes a significant dependence of the system response on the
belt’s velocity. It shows the period-doubling bifurcations as well as n-periodic and
chaotic solutions. An additional analysis of a one-degree-of-freedom system with
harmonic excitation shows that the period’s length and the number of “sticks” per
one cycle of motion may significantly increase.
The problem of stick–slip vibrations that occur during friction described with
Burridge–Knopoff earthquake model is presented in the works [Burridge and Knopoff
(1967); Vieira (1999); Van de Vrande et al. (1999); Galvanetto (2001, 2002); Awre-
jcewicz and Olejnik (2003a)]. If the system presented in Fig. 1.2 includes more
masses (in series elastically connected blocks vibrating on the belt), then modeling
of stone blocks’ slips during earthquakes will be possible on the base of the theory of
seismic vibrations. Vieira demonstrated with a three-block system the appearance
of synchronized chaos. A consequence of this study was the conclusion that earth-
quake faults, which are generally coupled through the elastic media in the earth’s
crust, could synchronize even when they have an irregular chaotic dynamics [Vieira
Numerical analysis of Burridge–Knopoff model with the number of blocks re-
duced to two has been conducted considering the dependence on the dynamic fric-
tion force described by the following formula:
⎧ 1

⎨ , if vd > v,
1 − γ(v − vd )
Fk (v − vd ) = −1 (1.1)

⎩ , if vd < v.
1 + γ(v − vd )
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 7

k1 x1 m1 k12 x2 m2 k2
m1g m2g

T1 vd T2
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Figure 1.2: Approximate Burridge–Knopoff model.

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The kinetic friction force is usually a function of the relative velocity vr = v − vd

between the mass and the belt. The coefficient γ ∈ [0.4, 3.4] has a positive value,
as it is presented in Fig. 1.3, because the kinetic friction force decreases at small
values of the relative velocity.
Introduction of the friction model described by the dependence that takes the
form of formula (1.1) enables observations of non-standard bifurcations and it proves
the existence of the attractive sets of solutions. An analysis of the obtained results
leads to a conclusion that such assumptions as the lack of back slip and the ex-
istence of symmetry in the system may cause negative consequences in the form
of inaccurate solutions. Considering all the conclusions drawn from the observa-
tion, some new assumptions have been made for a geophysical interpretation of
Burridge–Knopoff model.


Figure 1.3: Friction characteristics for the Burridge–Knopoff model.

A detailed numerical study of certain fundamental aspects of a one-dimensional

homogeneous deterministic Burridge–Knopoff model has been presented by [Carlson
et al. (1991)]. The work describes the model by a massive wave equation, in which
the key nonlinearity is associated with the stick–slip friction characteristics shown
in Fig. 1.4.
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8 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

1 }

1 vr
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Figure 1.4: Stick–slip friction law defined in Eq. 1.2.

The friction law with the stick–slip velocity-weakening friction force at the in-
terface between tectonic plates takes the form

⎨(−∞, 1], if vr = 0,
ϕ(vr ) = 1−σ (1.2)
⎩ , if vr > 0.
1 + vr /(1 − σ)
The function ϕ in (1.2) states the law dependent on the relative velocity vr of
order 10−8 or smaller, and σ is a parameter determining the slope of the curve.
Braking systems with anti-lock brake mechanisms (ABS) prevent the wheels from
blocking during sudden applying of the brake, which improves the directional sta-
bility and shortens the braking time. A two-dimensional nonlinear dynamic system
with switching control is one of the simplest mechanisms with anti-lock brake sys-
tems. The nonlinearity in the system is manifested in the relation between the slide
and the dynamic friction coefficient. An analysis of the dynamics of an anti-lock
brake system with various methods of control has resulted in obtaining limit cycles
of various shapes.
A physical model of an anti-lock braking system for a wheel, that includes nonlin-
ear coefficients, is presented in [Fu et al. (2001)] (see also the theoretical foundations
presented in [Fling and Fenton (1981); Choi and Lou (1991); Perko (1991); Yeh and
Day (1992)]). A very popular mathematical model of an anti-lock brake system is
a system of three first-order differential equations in the following form:
mv̇ = −F,
J ω̇ = −(Tb − rF ), (1.3)
Ṫb = u,
where m and v denote the vehicle’s mass and velocity, respectively, F = μN is
the kinetic friction force (described by means of Coulomb law) that occurs between
the wheel and the road, N is the normal force, J denotes the wheel’s moment of
inertia, ω is the angular velocity of the wheel with radius r (the distance between
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 9

the wheel’s axle and the road’s surface), Tb is the brake’s torque on the wheel, and
u denotes the speed of the braking torque’s change.
The conducted experiments confirmed the existence of a nonlinear relation be-
tween the kinetic friction coefficient and the slip s. The wheel’s torque may be
presented as:
J(1 − s)
Te (s) = rμk N 1 + ,
mr2 (1.4)
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s=1− .
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The control in an anti-lock brake system consists of keeping the kinetic friction
coefficient μk in the proximity of the boundary value μc that causes such braking
that creates the greatest possible friction force F without blocking the wheel and
slipping of the tire on the road’s surface. The authors of the work also present
an analytically numerical approach to obtaining periodic solutions of a piecewise
nonlinear autonomous anti-lock brake system with boundary control.
Measurement of the static and kinetic friction coefficients is a frequent and
well-known problem that appears during the investigations of systems with fric-
tion. [Brandl and Pfeiffer (1999)] contains a description of a tribometer (see also
[Dweib and de Souza (1990)]), which serves for the determination of the dependence
of the coefficient of friction on a relative velocity between sliding bodies. It also en-
ables us to determine the static and dynamic friction coefficients for the majority
of pairs of frictional materials.
Coulomb law has been applied during the simulation, and the friction coefficient
dependent on the relative velocity has been approximated by a function in the
following form (see Fig. 1.5):
−δ|vr |
μ(vr ) = sgn (vr ) (μ0 − μk ) exp + μk , (1.5)
μ0 − μk
where μk denotes the kinetic friction coefficient when the motion’s relative velocity
vr goes to infinity, μ0 is the static friction coefficient, and δ denotes a constant.
The results obtained from the measurements conducted in a true system and in
a computer simulation have helped to prove that an appropriately adapted model
of a tribometer and friction law depicted in Fig. 1.5 may serve as a perfect tool (as
long as recurrence of results is obtained) for detecting and experimental visualizing
of friction.
Worthy of our attention are the still-developing techniques of measurement of
frictional resistance leading to estimation of friction coefficients of various pairs of
contacting bodies. A kind of micro-tribotester has been designed and fabricated by
[Guo et al. (2007)] to evaluate the static and kinetic friction coefficients on lat-
eral contact surfaces of a single-crystal silicon material-based MEMS device. The
micro-tribotester was fabricated with the standard bulk-fabrication and bonding
processes. Finally, dynamic and static frictional coefficients of the fabricated struc-
ture were measured with the micro-tribotester under microscope. The tested static
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10 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts


0 vr
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Figure 1.5: Exponential law of friction versus relative velocity.

frictional coefficient was 0.9 and a kinetic frictional coefficient was in the range of
[0.24, 0.35].
The properties of passive vibrations absorbers with dry friction are significantly
different from those linear ones. An interesting phenomenon that can be observed
in passive absorbers is their capability to damp all forms of excited vibrations. It
is affected by a small area of the friction characteristics and a well-evaluated static
friction threshold. [Hartung et al. (2001)] includes theoretical considerations and
the results of experiments on the shape of the characteristics and its influence on
the operation of a passive absorber.
Passive vibrations absorber is a mass-elastic system connected with the hous-
ing in order to control its periodically forced vibrations. Figure 1.6 illustrates the
positions of the masses and the connections of the absorber system.

x1 x2
k2 m2
dry friction
Acos(t) m1
Figure 1.6: Mechanical model of a passive vibrations absorber.

Mass m1 and spring k1 are used to model the housing, while the absorber system
is made of mass m2 , an elastic connector characterized by rigidity k2 and viscous
damping d. Mass m1 is forced by a harmonic motion with amplitude A and circular
frequency ω. Dry friction that occurs between mass m2 and the guiding surface
brings the problem down to an analysis of a strongly nonlinear mechanical system.
Active structural vibration control concepts are the efficient means to reduce
unwanted vibrations. In the contribution by [Gaul and Becker (2014)], two different
semi-active control concepts for vibration reduction are proposed. They adapt to the
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 11

normal force of attached friction dampers. Simulation and experimental results of

a test structure with passive and semi-active control of friction dampers have been
compared for a stationary excitation of narrow band. For simulations of the control
performance, transient simulations had to be employed to predict the achieved
vibration damping. That transient simulation of systems with friction and normal
contact requires excessive computational power due to the nonlinear constitutive
laws and the high contact stiffness involved. Commercial finite-element codes do not
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allow simulating feedback control in a general way. Therefore, a special simulation

framework has been proposed to allow efficient modeling of interfaces with friction
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and normal contact by appropriate constitutive laws which are implemented by

contact elements in a finite-element model.
A problem of active damping of vibrations in a 2-DOF mechanical system in-
cluding Saint–Venant elements has been studied in Chapter 14.
Classic study of the motion in mechanical systems with dry friction is in most
works based on deterministic laws that have been defined as the product of the
kinetic friction coefficient dependent on the relative velocity at the contact area
and the normal loading dependent on time [Ibrahim (1994a,b)]. The author of these
works has made an assumption that the normal force is constant during motion. By
means of the characteristics described in Fig. 1.7(a)–(c) there has been also intro-
duced a boundary value of the static friction force.

Fs Fs Fs

0 vr 0 vr 0 vr

-Fs -Fs -Fs

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1.7: Friction models: (a) Coulomb, (b) of a falling characteristics, (c) for
Fs > Fk .

The simplest way to notate the friction force is Coulomb law (see Fig. 1.7(a)),
according to which static friction force Fs is equal to kinetic friction force Fk de-
pendent only on the direction of motion. In the case of the falling characteristics
presented in Fig. 1.7(b), Fs is still equal to Fk but there is a linear dependence of
the kinetic friction force described by a decreasing function on the velocity of mass
m2 (for instance, compare with Fig. 1.4). The case presented in Fig. 1.7(c) involves
a constant kinetic friction force that is smaller than the static friction force Fs > Fk .
An interesting consideration has been conducted whether various models of fric-
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12 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

tion induce any significantly different phenomena and responses of the passive vibra-
tion absorber. The most optimal use of the vibration absorber has been estimated
on basis of the frequency characteristics. Comparisons of the shapes of the frequency
response curves for a Coulomb model with the falling curve show little qualitative
A change of the kinetic friction coefficient at the same assumptions as the pre-
viously mentioned for the model of friction in Fig. 1.7(c) moves the damping of the
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high vibration amplitude movements towards larger values of the static friction co-
efficient. If there is a small difference between these coefficients, the system behaves
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in such a way as if Coulomb law described the friction; see Fig. 1.7(a). Practical
application of the models of dry friction described above and comparison of the
obtained results prove that the system response is affected by a small area of the
friction characteristics and the static friction coefficient influences the character of
the transition between the stick and the slip phases.
Another study has also been conducted in order to observe the stick phase and
to identify a dry friction model. The friction model has been identified (the shapes
of its characteristics have been obtained as a result) not only by the change of
such mechanical parameters as the relative velocity or the normal force, but also by
the change of the frictional junction’s material properties. In order to eliminate the
additional influence of temperature and wear on friction, a special kind of brake pad
friction material widely applied in engineering has been used [Schmieg and Vielsack
The conducted experiments lead to a conclusion that the efficiency of a passive
vibrations absorber with dry friction is conditioned by the existence of the stick
phases. The displacement during the slip phase should be big enough to make
the mechanical energy dissipate from the system. However, these requirements are
satisfied for large boundary values of the static friction coefficient (the static friction
force is applied from the outside). Moreover, the analyzed shapes of the kinetic
friction characteristics in the slip area slightly influence the dampening that occurs
in the passive absorber.
In engineering, dry friction often causes undesirable effects. It may cause some
self-excited vibrations that generate noise and affect the durability of a system’s
elements. There are complex systems in which stick–slip vibrations may be ob-
served [Arjun Patil and Teodoriu (2012)]. The most interesting among them are the
structures of some drilling elements on the deep-sea drilling platforms [Baumgart
(2000)]. A mathematical model for the drilling process comprises a mud (Moineau)
motor which rotates the bit relative to the lower end of the pipe. The model ac-
counts for buckling of the pipe due to excessive torque and longitudinal forces, as
well as for the effect of hydraulic pressure on the deformed pipe. Weight on bit and
torque on bit are computed from characteristic curves which are functions of the
penetration of the bit into the rock and the angular velocity of the bit. Numeri-
cal simulations show self-excited oscillations of the drillstring, including bit take-off
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 13

from the bottom hole and large amplitudes in the bit’s angular velocity.
The authors of [Van de Vrande et al. (1999)] take up an analysis of the torsional
stick–slip vibrations that occur in rotational elements of the drills used on the
deep-sea drilling platforms. Self-excited stick–slip vibrations caused by dry friction
occur between a drill and the thin-walled pipes that lead the drill down into the
seabed. They may cause damage to the working and fixing parts that is why control
systems are necessary to secure the whole construction against such vibrations.
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In order to describe the friction that occurs in this system the following formula
of the friction characteristics is applied
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T± (vr ) = sgn(vr )μk (vr )N, vr = 0,
T1 (vr ) =
Ts ∈ [−μ0 N, μ0 N ], vr = 0,

⎨ 1, vr > 0,
sgn(vr ) = −1, vr < 0,

⎩ 0, v = 0,
μk (vr ) = ,
1 + δ|vr |
where μk (v) is the function of the relative velocity dependent coefficient of kinetic
friction; μ0 is the coefficient of static friction; and δ is the parameter defining the
rate of changes of the kinetic coefficient of dry friction with respect to changes in
the relative velocity vr .
The use of the dependence for μk (vr ) makes it possible to find such sets of
parameters for which the stability of equilibrium points changes accordingly to
super- and subcritical Hopf bifurcation. The occurrence of such a bifurcation of
solutions influences formation of respectively stable and unstable periodic solutions.
In many mechanical systems the frictional elements tend to stick and slip occa-
sionally, which often results in undesirable malfunctioning and uncontrolled behav-
ior. Computer simulations of mechanical systems with dry friction are difficult to
run due to strongly nonlinear friction characteristics in a proximity of zero sliding
[Tariku and Rogers (2000)] presents two improved friction models. One of them
is based on the method of equilibrium of forces. The other uses the elastic and
dampening properties of a system during the stick phase. The two models have
been tested in many one- and two-dimensional systems with damping and elasticity
and with excitation changeable in time and normal contact forces using the same
methods of study.
In [Karnopp (1985)], Karnopp has used the relation of the dynamic friction
force during the slip formulated by Coulomb. However, the friction force during the
stick phase has been determined on basis of the equilibrium of forces. A rigid body
becomes physically stuck during friction if the relative velocity and the acceleration
tangential to the friction surface equal zero. Since zero values of those variables
cannot be obtained in numerical calculations, only small velocity “windows” are
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14 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

defined (for example, when the relative velocity is within the range [−0.001, 0.001]),
in which an assumption that the mass becomes stuck is made.
Some piecewise continuous analytical solutions have been compared to the so-
lutions of other friction models based on equilibrium of forces and the elastic-
dampening properties of the system during the stick phase. A method that enabled
us to estimate the dimensions of a velocity “window” in friction Karnopp model has
been developed [Karnopp (1985); Tan and Rogers (1996)]. The results obtained from
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the tests of the proposed method show that the new algorithm of the equilibrium
of forces used for estimation of the velocity during the stick phase produces smaller
Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

errors in comparison with the original method. Moreover, the algorithm does not
produce sharp “peaks” at the beginning of the stick phase.
The method developed by Karnopp for the equation of motion

mẍ + cẋ + kx = A cos (ωt) + F, (1.7)

can be described in the following way:

(i) if |ẋ| > ẋ1 , then a body with mass m remains in the slip phase and the
kinetic friction force is described by the equation Fk = −μk N sgn ẋ.
(ii) if |ẋ| ≤ ẋ1 , then the “net” friction force affecting the mass can be calculated
by means of the formula

Fnet = A cos (ω(t + t0 )) − (mẍ + cẋ + kx).

(iii) if |Fnet | > μ0 N , then a body slips and Fk is determined in the way as in
point 1.
(iv) if |Fnet | ≤ μ0 N , then a body becomes stuck and is affected by the force
Fk = −Fnet . The other constants c, k, A and ω in Eq. (1.7) denote the
damping coefficient, the coefficient of system rigidity, the amplitude and
the frequency of the exciting force, respectively. Moreover, if the value of ẋ
is very small and ẍ = 0, then regardless of the equilibrium forces, the value
of Fk may be accurately approximated by Fk ≈ −A cos (ω(t + t0 )) + kx.

The criterion of stick detection in the described method consists of the observa-
tion of the change of the sliding velocity’s sign, rather than the attempts to define
a velocity window. An alternative criterion may be an external net force less than
the maximum friction force. When the system becomes stick, the sliding velocity
falls to zero and changes its sign. Defining a low velocity window allows the al-
gorithm to omit the stick phase. The use of the modified model results in lower
constant stick velocities in comparison with Karnopp’s method.
As soon as sticking is detected in Antunes model [Tariku and Rogers (2000)],
a rigid spring and a damper are fitted along the motion’s direction. Thus the fric-
tion force during sticking can be notated as a sum of the elasticity and damping
forces. The method of stick phase detection consists of simultaneous fulfilling the
following conditions: (i) the sliding velocity changes its sign; (ii) the elasticity
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 15

and damping force during sticking is less or equal to the friction force during slip-
ping. The stick phase is over as soon as the elasticity and damping force overpowers
the dynamic Coulomb friction force.
In the quoted publication, the original Antunes model, which includes the elas-
ticity and damping force, is modified according to the following criteria: (i) The
dynamic and static friction coefficient are taken into consideration; (ii) Due to a very
small calculation time-step, the original algorithm of Antunes model applied in the
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

work sometimes detects sticks during the sliding velocity’s change of direction even
when the net friction force Fnet is greater than the maximum friction force. In or-
Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

der to avoid such a temporary sticking, the model has been modified by imposing
a condition that the sticking may occur only when the net force is less than the
maximum friction force.
The modified friction model with elasticity and damping forces presented by
the authors of the discussed publication assumes simultaneous fulfilling of the fol-
lowing criteria in order to detect sticking: (i) the change of sign of the velocity;
(ii) the external net force must be less than the maximum friction force; (iii) the
additional elasticity and damping force related to friction during sticking should
be less than the maximum friction force. When sticking occurs, the algorithm acti-
vates the elasticity and damping force which makes the system return to the state
a few time-steps before and carries the calculations on until the friction force dur-
ing slipping matches up with the friction force from the additional virtual spring
and damper. The algorithm converges again at the point of zero velocity with the
still active elasticity and virtual damping. It is necessary to add that the additional
elasticity and damping tangent to the direction of motion applied during sticking
are by no means related to the real physical values.
Numerous simulations confirm the fact that modified algorithms based on equi-
librium of forces and application of an additional elasticity and damping force signif-
icantly improve the existing methods. As a result, the stick–slip problem in dry fric-
tion systems can be solved with greater accuracy. During sticking, an equilibrium-
of-forces model keeps constant low velocities, whereas a model with an additional
elasticity and damping force gradually lowers the values of the stick velocity and
thus more accurately approximates the zero velocity in the stick phase.
There are certain difficulties in estimation of a “window” at determining the zero
sliding velocity in Karnopp’s model with equilibrium of forces [Karnopp (1985); Tan
and Rogers (1996)]. Therefore, the stick phase is often omitted in the calculations
and too high sliding velocities are reached at high velocities of the base (frame). The
improved method is not based on determining the velocity windows and it keeps low
sliding velocities, which are usually much lower than in the previously mentioned
Karnopp model, during the change of sign.
A mechanical object consisting of a system of frictionally interacting masses that
viscoelastically oscillate on a transmission belt is presented in [Bogacz et al. (1990);
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16 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

Bogacz and Ryczek (1997)]. The aim of the research was to formulate a model
of dry friction that would describe the problem of stick–slip and quasi-harmonic
vibrations. The research included the motion’s relative velocity, the acceleration,
the adhesion time and the velocity of the friction force increase at the moment
preceding the stick–slip transition.
The empirical research aiming at determining the friction model’s parameters
was conducted at the test stand used to investigate the vibrations of self-excited
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systems. The laboratory stand consisted of a mechanical system made of a system

of masses connected by springs and an optical-electronic measuring system used for
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visualization, collecting and digital processing of data.

The experiment brought coordinates of masses that allowed to determine the
motion’s dynamic characteristics. The obtained dependencies of relocation, velocity
and acceleration in time allowing to determine the static and dynamic friction force
as a function of the investigated system parameters.
The investigation of the dynamic friction force as a function of the relative
velocity and the acceleration’s sign, as well as the investigation of the static friction
force dependent on the sticking time and the velocity of the force change made it
possible to formulate a dry friction model (see Fig. 1.8) for a steel-polyester frictional


0 vr


Figure 1.8: General form of a dry friction model (F — friction force, vr — relative
velocity, Fs — friction force at the beginning of sliding, vmax — maximum relative

The experimental research, modeling and computer simulation of the vibrations

of a self-excited system in case of the assumed model of dry friction proved that
the belt’s velocity significantly influences the system’s behavior. The analysis of
the occurrence of stationary solutions proved that there are stick–slip relaxation
vibrations in the system and that the system’s vibrations are strongly influenced
by the static characteristics of friction. Along with an increase of the belt’s veloc-
ity greater than 0.25, one can observe a transition between the qualitatively new
vibrations types of various frequencies — characteristic of supercritical Hopf bifur-
cation. On further increase of the belt’s velocity to greater than 0.4, the self-excited
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 17

vibrations disappear and the system approaches a stable slip, in which the relative
velocity assumes a constant value equal to the belt’s velocity. In spite of the occur-
rence of such ranges of the belt’s velocities where the static or the dynamic friction
force is more important, the system’s instantaneous motion depends on both char-
acteristics of friction due to the model’s sensitivity to the system’s history. This
phenomenon is characteristic of friction models with memory.
An analysis of self-excited vibrations in mechanical systems with many degrees
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

of freedom was conducted in [Awrejcewicz (1987)]. The experiments showed that

a steel plate modeling a superficial contact of frictional bodies that was connected
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by elastic elements with a rigid body with three degrees of freedom vibrated almost
harmonically with such velocity amplitude that a harmonic linearization of the sgn
function occurred. It was assumed that the mass contacts of the frictional bodies in
the feed motion systems of heavy machine tools might perform a similar role.
Mathematical approach
Considerations of the mathematical approach in the study of discontinuity, includ-
ing the analysis of complex phenomena of friction, are presented in [Bothe (1999);
Fečkan (1997, 1999); Filippov (1988); Guckenheimer and Holmes (1983); Kunze
and Küper (1997); Kunze (2000)]. Assuming multivalent representations (for an
sgn function, for instance) and using the equations of discontinuous oscillators as
simple differential inclusions dependent on small parameters, the manifold of peri-
odic solutions and sufficient conditions of their occurrence were investigated.
Another example of the work that presents numerical solutions and mathemat-
ical considerations on the structure of the bifurcation parameters of nonsmooth
oscillators with dry friction is [Kunze and Küper (1997)]. The author investigates
a periodically-excited dry friction oscillator with one degree of freedom, the exciting
force of which is assumed in the harmonic form of A cos (ωt), where A, ω are the
amplitude and the exciting force frequency, respectively. The elasticity proportional
to relocation x(t) is modeled in accordance to Hook’s law, the dry friction force is
described in accordance to Coulomb law, and the change of the relative velocity is
described by function sgn (v(t) − 1).

0 vr
Figure 1.9: Friction characteristics for a periodically excited oscillator.

With the use of the second Newton’s law, the following second-order differential
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18 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

equation has been obtained

ẍ + x + μk [μ(1) + sgn(v − 1)μ(v − 1)] = A cos (ωt), (1.8)

where μ(1) is the value of friction coefficient when the velocity is equal to 1. The
dynamic friction coefficient (see Fig. 1.9) is described by the following relation
μ0 − μ1
μk (vr ) = + μ1 + λ1 |vr |2 , (1.9)
1 + λ0 |vr |
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where μ0 is the static friction coefficient and μ1 , λ0 , λ1 are constants.

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The discussed work presents a difference between continuous and discontinu-

ous dynamic systems that is related to the existence of Lyapunov exponents. In-
terestingly enough, the assumed three-dimensional space degenerates due to the
trajectory’s return to a discontinuous surface of a lower dimension. Therefore (as
the calculations confirm), the first Lyapunov exponent converges to infinity. The
second exponent is equal to zero by assumption (the system evidently depends
on time) therefore the motion’s character is entirely described by third Lyapunov
exponent. Such a situation is beneficial since it allows using Eq. (1.8) to reduce
the investigation of the system to the investigation of one-dimensional Poincaré
map. Moreover, based on the obtained bifurcations of solutions, a conclusion was
drawn that there are still many structures of that type that require thorough inves-
tigation and explanation.
The block-on-belt model (see Fig. 1.18) designed to take into account variations
of the normal load during the braking process was analyzed by [Pilipchuk et al.
(2015)]. It has been shown that due to the adiabatically slowing down velocity of
the belt, the system response experiences specific qualitative transitions that can
be viewed as simple mechanical indicators for the onset of squeal phenomenon.
The model has been described by the friction force F depending upon variations
of the vertical load as follows,
M k3 x21 c2
F = μmg 1 + λr − y1 + − ẏ1 . (1.10)
m mg 2r mg

The graphical representation of the friction law shown in Fig. 1.10, which is the
dependence of friction coefficient on the relative velocity at the friction interface,
Vrel = ẋ1 − vb , is given
μ0 β
μ (Vrel ) = 1+ tanh αVrel , (1.11)
1 + γ|Vrel | cosh αVrel
where μ0 is a constant parameter controlling the spike on the friction coefficient’s
characteristics, assuming that the range of relative velocities is narrow enough, the
parameter γ is responsible for the decay of friction force as the modulus of relative
velocity is increasing, α controls the curve’s sharpness near zero, and finally β
controls the magnitude of spikes near zero. In other words, the rate of original
drop of the friction coefficient just after the main mass quits the “creeping” area. In
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 19

μ [-]

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-0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50

Vrel [m/s]

Figure 1.10: Friction coefficient and friction interface (dashed line), and the effective
friction coefficient of the model (solid line) obtained under the following parameter
values: μ0 = 0.5, γ = 3.0, α = 200.0, β = 0.7.

particular, the thin line illustrates the shape of friction law at μ0 = 0.5, γ = 3.0, α =
200.0, and β = 0.7. Such parameters are chosen below for numerical simulations.
If γ = 0, the friction law (1.11) becomes similar to that introduced in [Pilipchuk
and Tan (2004)] for modeling the so-called “creep–slip” dynamics of a typical 2-DOF
mass-spring model on a moving belt within the class of smooth functions.
Application of the above friction law has allowed one to observe the creep–slip
leading to a significant widening the spectrum of the dynamics at the final phase of
the process.
A generalized Bay–Wanheim friction model that describes the mixtures of thin
lubrication films was applied in industrial programming utilizing the finite element
method [Dubois et al. (1996); Guérin et al. (1999)]. A three-dimensional axial-
symmetric problem was presented and subsequently verified during the tests of
circular compression by comparison of the obtained empirical and analytical re-
sults. The Bay–Wanheim model was also used to describe friction that occurs dur-
ing the rotary and the slip motion of a processed sample with low and medium
loading in the adhesion area. The methodology of friction coefficient identification
was developed and the advantages as well as the disadvantages of the Bay–Wanheim
model and its supremacy over Coulomb model were pointed out.
The Bay–Wanheim friction model proposed in [Wanheim and Bay (1978); Bay
(1987)] is characterized by lubrication processes that occur between the fixed base
and the sample that rotates and slides on it, and it is described by the following
P vr
= −μα , (1.12)
Pmax ||vr ||
where P emphasizes the reduction of the pressure force that appears during friction
with respect to the coefficient of the real contact area α and an average friction
coefficient μ, Pmax is a maximum pressure force during pure shearing, and vr denotes
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20 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

the relative velocity. It is essential to add that the model utilizes the material’s
physically non-measurable roughness. The coefficient α, defined as the ratio of the
real and measured contact surfaces, increases along with the increase of the pressure
adequate to the type of interactions on the rough surface and it depends on the
assumed theory of elasticity.
Identification of the average friction coefficient μ (in formula (1.12)) in the Bay–
Wanheim model is conducted according to a reverse approach that depends on
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

comparison and verification of empirical results with the use of the finite element
method. The method has also been applied to compare the Bay–Wanheim model
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to the Coulomb model of friction. A procedure based on an assumption that the

pressure force at the contact area is independent of the friction coefficient is applied
to determine the friction coefficient for Coulomb law. Moreover, it is assumed that
for a friction coefficient smaller than 0.15 the deflections of the effective plastic
deformation are sufficiently small and may become independent of this coefficient.
The use of the Bay–Wanheim model leads to a more accurate estimation of
the average friction coefficient μ, and subsequently, to a better determination of
the fields of plastic deformations in the contact area proximity. Combination of
the sample’s rotation and slide with the generalized friction Bay–Wanheim law
accurately represents the conditions in the frictional adhesion area of surfaces.
[Panagiotopoulos et al. (1994); Mistakidis et al. (1998)] deal with the problems
of fractal geometry and fractal behavior during unilateral contacts. The adhesion
surfaces and the friction laws that apply to contact surfaces are modeled by means
of fractal geometry. A fractal nature of the applied friction laws includes randomly
located asperities on the contact surface that influence the friction force.
The fractal law and the fractal contact surface in a fractal model were examined
in the form of two different functions yielded as a result of a fractal interpola-
tion. With regard to these assumptions, the fractal friction law was approximated
with a sequence of nonmonotonic, usually multivalent C 0 -class curves. The effective-
ness of the numerical analysis of all nonmonotonic problems was improved by the
use of the advanced solution methods that approximate a non-monotonic problem
with a sequence of monotonic problems. The work describes some numerical appli-
cations of the advanced solution methods for a static analysis of structures with
cracks. The analysis employed fractal geometry and fractal friction laws formulated
for friction contact surfaces with cracks.
The authors were mainly focused on the laws’ fractal nature and their relation
with the friction contact surface’s fractal geometry. The application of fractal ge-
ometry allowed them to define the contact surfaces with cracks and to assume the
friction mechanism.
A variational formulation of the fractal friction problem was based on a sequence
of semi-variational problems, however the adhesion surface’s fractal approximation
was made first. Unilateral contact conditions were assumed in a normal direction to
the adhesion surface, whereas the fractal friction law (the characteristics of which
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 21


0 vr
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Figure 1.11: Fractal friction model for an unilateral contact.

is presented in Fig. 1.11) was assumed to be tangential to it.

The assumption of the adhesion surface’s fractal geometry and its fractal be-
havior in the problem of the unilateral contact led to yielding a correct model. The
model accurately described the complicated geometry of a cracked surface with in-
stantaneous loading and relative relocation leaps caused by partial damage to the
adhesion surface. The velocity of the algorithm’s convergence to the solution of the
friction problem in a system with a fractally-modeled structure strongly depends on
the fractal friction law and the fractal dimension of the adhesion surface. The char-
acter of the generated loading additionally influences the velocity of convergence of
the proposed algorithm.
Machine and mechanism junctions
The junctions in machines and mechanisms in which one can observe clearances
and friction may be modeled as systems of non-deformable bodies connected by
elasto-plastic systems (the so-called multibody discrete systems) with unilateral
One of the most important characteristics of bolted joints is their capacity for
damping as a result of friction between the parts of the joints. Extensive reviews
of this subject in [Gaul and Nitsche (2001)] have been completed. The review ar-
ticle indicates approaches for describing the nonlinear transfer behavior of bolted
joint connections. From a theoretical point of view, the carefully made overview
of modeling issues [Stribeck (1902); Canudas de Wit et al. (1995)] is very use-
ful and numerically applicable. The analyzed cases include classical and practical
engineering models. Constitutive and phenomenological friction models describing
the nonlinear transfer behavior of joints are discussed in [Majundar and Bhushan
(1991)]. Hertzian contact [Johnson (1985)], the nonlinear relationships between fric-
tion and relative velocity in the friction interface, and a few solution techniques
[Johnson (1985); Den Hartog (1956); Levitan (1960); Yeh (1966)] commonly ap-
plied to friction-damped systems have been presented.
[Pfeiffer (1999); Wösle and Pfeiffer (1999)] present how a three-degree-of-freedom
mechanical system with friction and unilateral contacts was used to investigate the
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22 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

conditions of the transient states’ occurrence. Discontinuous characteristics of fric-

tion and contact laws served to determine the transient states observed in machine
and mechanism kinetic junctions.
The discussed work studied the following configurations of unilateral constraints:
separation, stick contact and slip contact. For a mechanical system with n unilateral
constraints, the number of all possible combinations of all constraints’ states equals
3n . Thus, for the systems of a great number of unilateral constraints the number of
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

combinations suddenly rises. Only one of them fulfills all of the well-defined kinetic
and kinematic conditions.
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Formulation of the rigid body’s dynamics equations and the contact law, and
finding solution to the contact problem were accompanied by the linearization of the
static friction cone (with the use of Coulomb law). The characteristics of dry friction
presented in Fig. 1.12 was applied to formulate the equations of the normally and
tangentially directed constraints (using the notation of accelerations).


0 vri
Figure 1.12: A decaying characteristics of dry friction for ith constraint.

A preliminary theory (including extended method of Lagrange multipliers) for

the problem of a three-dimensional contact was given, and subsequently an oscillator
with dry friction made of one rigid body (placed on a slant surface), on which
three unilateral constraints were placed, was analyzed. The rigid body with mass
m1 placed on the slant surface was periodically forced by a rotating mass m2 with
unbalance e. The contact surface’s inclination angle δ and the exciting mass’ angular
velocity Ω (see Fig. 1.13) were assumed. An experiment gave evidence for occurrence
of a stick–slip phenomenon during the motion. The oscillator’s locations were also
measured and the results (obtained on basis of the previously applied theory for
multibody systems with unilateral constraints) were compared with a computer
Investigation of the stick–slip phenomena in rigid multibody systems with uni-
lateral friction contacts allows us to find an explanation of certain difficulties that
occur in three-dimensional systems. They are especially visible when the behavior
of one junction affects the other junctions. The analysis of such a case based on the
dynamics of constraints leads to compatibility of the stated problem.
As it turns out, the use of a linear formulation of the problem (the linearization
of the friction cone) does not result in finding only one combination of the states
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 23

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Figure 1.13: Oscillator on an inclined plane.

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of all constraints, if the direction of the friction force that occurs in a constraint
instantly after the transition from the stick phase to the slip phase is unknown. Such
a situation leads to a nonlinear completion of the problem that may be solved by
means of a few methods and algorithms roughly presented in this work. Additionally,
if the conditions on the contacts are reciprocally dependent, then certain difficulties
with a mathematical formulation of the stated problem appear.
The methods discussed in the quoted work, including Lagrange’s extended
method of multipliers, may be applied to multiple impacts with friction. Coulomb’s
impact model with friction is extended to a three-dimensional multiple impact with
friction to be subsequently solved with the use of a modified method of Lagrange
Atomic scale
The friction force in the friction model presented below on the atomic scale [Zwörner
et al. (1998)] is constant for small values of the motion’s velocity. A study conducted
with the use of a microscope for various forms of carbon (diamond, graphite and
amorphous carbon) was focused on investigating the influence of velocity on the
point contact with friction. The results show that the friction force is constant in
a vast range of sliding velocities of order nm/s or μm/s. The use of an FFM micro-
scope — a more developed scanning force microscope (SFM) — allowed the authors
to investigate the frictional properties of the point contact on the nanoscale. The
behavior observed during the friction process was significantly different from the be-
havior characteristics for the macroscopic friction models. An especially interesting
observation was that friction forces were proportional to the real contact surfaces,
which in turn were not proportional to the forces exerted by the adhesion surface
If the second derivative of potential with a negative sign after relocation is larger
than constant elasticity (between the mass and an atomic chain that is parallel to
its motion and generates a potential’s field), then some unexpectedly significant
changes of relocation appear in the form of discontinuous stick–slip movements
(leaps from one potential’s minimum to another). At high velocities, the motion is
dominated by viscous damping and the friction force at that time is proportional
to the sliding velocity; see Fig. 1.14.
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24 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

F [nN]

vr [nm/s]
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10-2 vm 103
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Figure 1.14: Friction force F as a function dependent on the sliding velocity vr .

For low sliding velocities, friction force F is determined by dissipation of en-

ergy and thus it is constant in the range of such velocities. The more the sliding
velocity increases, the more the friction force is described by a linear dependence
(the straight line corresponding to viscous damping that crosses point vm on the
vr -axis). Summing up, the work proves that macroscopic friction laws are not ap-
plicable on the microscopic scale. Dynamic Models

Friction force in static models depends on sliding velocity. However, there is another
approach according to which friction, as a phenomenon changeable in time, should
be described with differential equations and viewed as a dynamic system. The de-
scription of friction with the use of differential equations is often applied to control
oscillating systems with friction [Walrath (1984)].
Dahl suggests in [Dahl (1976)] a simple model of controlling systems with fric-
tion. The conclusions drawn from his experiments suggest that some microscopic
irregularities located in the frictional surfaces’ contact area are the reason for the
occurrence of dry friction (according to the classic mechanics of solids). The starting
point for Dahl’s model is the curve representing the relation between the pressure
force and the deformation [Ramberg and Osgood (1943)] presented in Fig. 1.15.
According to [Bliman (1992); Åström (1995)], Dahl suggests notating the curve
in Fig. 1.15 as a differential equation of the following form,
dF F
=k 1− sgn v , (1.13)
dx FC
where x is the relocation, v denotes the velocity of motion, F describes the friction
force, FC denotes friction Coulomb force, k is the coefficient of rigidity, and β (usu-
ally equals 1) denotes the shape parameter of the curve representing the relation
between the pressure force and the deformation (stress–strain characteristics). Ab-
solute value of the friction force will not be larger than FC , if it satisfies condition
|F (0)| < FC .
It is essential to notice that friction force in Dahl’s model is only a function of
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 25

slope k0 v<0

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Figure 1.15: The relation between pressure and deformation.

relocation and the sign of velocity [Krasnoselskiy and Pokrovskiy (1980); Bliman
(1992)]. Such a model may be also described in the domain of time by the following
dF dF dx F
=v = kv 1 − sgn v . (1.14)
dt dx dt FC
If we assume that α = 1 and substitute F = kz, then we obtain the system of
two equations:

⎨ dz = v − k|v|z ,
dt FC (1.15)

F = kz.
A model described with the equations (1.15) used to be widely applied in avia-
tion industry, but presently it has been commonly used to describe friction in ball
bearings. The system of equations efficiently “avoids” the numerical inconveniences
that appear in static models. Often applied in compensation of the effects of fric-
tion, the system is not faultless, since it does not enable us to describe a stick–slip
motion or allow for the Stribeck effect.
Several types of Bliman–Sorine models are presented in [Bliman and Sorine
(1993, 1995)]. On basis of the experiments conducted by [Rabinowicz (1951)] they
assume that friction depends on the sign of velocity v and variable s notated as
s= |v(τ )|dτ. (1.16)
The Bliman–Sorine model is represented by the following system of differential

⎨ dx = Bx + Cv,
ds (1.17)

F = Dx.
Complexity of this model, as well as the previous one, depends on the dimen-
sion of the state’s space. The description of friction with a first-order differential
equation is in this case identical to Dahl’s approach — there is no stick phase in
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26 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

consequence. However, if the constants included in Eq. (1.17) have the following
⎡ −1 ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
0 ⎢ ηεf ⎥  
⎢ ηε ⎥
B = ⎣ f −1 ⎦ , C = ⎢ ⎥
⎣ −f2 ⎦ , D = 1 1 , (1.18)
εf εf
where η, εf , f1 , f2 are certain parameters of the model, then a stick–slip motion
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can be observed and system in Eq. (1.17) functions as a link between Dahl’s models
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for low and high relative velocities.

Bliman and Sorine prove the dissipative character of the first- and second-order
models and also show that if constant εf is close to zero, then the system of first-
order differential equations approximates the classic friction Coulomb model, and
the second-order differential equation allows, additionally, for the stick-phase in it.
[Altpeter et al. (1998)] determines the relation between the dynamic friction
model presented in it and standard models of dynamic friction. The authors pro-
pose two classes of friction models to control and analyze mechanical systems: (i)
a dynamic friction model; (ii) Lund–Grenoble model.
Models of the first type include the dynamic friction models in which friction
force depends on sliding velocity. As it was mentioned in Sec. 1.2.1, Coulomb was
the first who made observations of friction; see also [Coulomb (1809)]. The study
of a loaded element that slid on a smooth surface at various velocities showed
that viscous friction (in contrast to dynamic friction) slightly influences character
of the phenomenon. Dynamic friction is almost constant and oppositely directed
towards the direction of motion. The discussed work describes friction with the use
of Coulomb law and denotes it as Fc ; see Fig. 1.16.


0 vr


Figure 1.16: Dynamic friction model.

The boundary static friction force that occurs during the sliding element’s tran-
sition from the stick phase to the slip phase is called a “braking force” and denoted
as Fs (sometimes Fs = Fc ). The following relation describes the dynamic friction
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 27

force in the analyzed equation of motion:

F = k2 v + k0 g(v) sgn (v) + (1 − | sgn (v)|)) sat(Fu − Fg , Fs ), (1.19)


⎪ Fu − Fg > Fs ,
⎨ Fs ,
sat(Fu − Fg , Fs ) = Fu − Fg , −Fs ≤ Fu − Fg > Fs ≤ Fs ,

⎩−F , Fu − Fg , Fs .
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In the above, Fg is the gravity force, whereas k0 g(v) includes Stribeck effect
[Choi and Lou (1991); Brandl and Pfeiffer (1999)], and k2 v describes the viscous
friction that occurs at high sliding velocities.
A sgn function in the Coulomb friction model serves as a switch between three
different models for the negative, zero and positive velocities. The basic assumption
is that friction force F depends on sliding velocity v and force Fu acting from the
direction of the medium.
The Lund–Grenoble model governed by equations:

⎨ F = k0 z + k1 ż + K2 v,
⎪ |v| , (1.20)
⎩ ż = v − z
assumes that frictional contact occurs between two porous flat surfaces. Variable
z denotes an additionally introduced state that models the average deflection of
the porous surfaces. Porosity deflection of both surfaces generates the friction force
k0 z + k1 ż, where k0 and k1 are the coefficients of rigidity and damping, respectively.
The two friction models presented above differ from each other in their com-
plexity. The dynamic friction model is relatively simple to use but it turns out it
cannot be differentiated during analyses and simulations. On the other hand, the
Lund–Grenoble model is continuous and due to the possibility of using Lipschitz
condition, it enables us to find solution for known initial conditions. Its primary
fault is that it introduces an additional immeasurable variable z that ought to be
taken into consideration during calculations.
A singular perturbation model described in the discussion [Altpeter et al. (1998)]
binds the models mentioned above. Thus they may be represented as a system of
equations with a coefficient that functions as a transition from one model into an-
other. The binding coefficient in the proposed notation of the singular perturbation
model determines similarity between the Lund–Grenoble model and the dynamic
friction model. According to the results of the analysis of cases Fc = Fs and Fc = Fs ,
the differences described by the coefficient of perturbation between the two friction
models are significant (on basis of the relation between the friction force and the
sliding velocity obtained from a numerical simulation) only for low sliding veloci-
ties. If the angular velocity is high (v > 1.5 rad/s) and constant, then the dynamic
friction model appears to be more effective. However, when the sliding velocity is
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28 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

low but changeable in time, then the two considered models describe friction with
approximately the same effect.
Interesting considerations that focus on the study of friction and wear of brake
block friction linings are presented in [Ostermeyer (2001)]. There are certain char-
acteristic structures on the contact surface in a disc-friction lining type of brake
system. They are caused by material wear, which is closely related to the equilib-
rium of the stream of increase and destruction of firmly stuck “patches” on the
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

contact surface. These patches — clusters of scraps detached from the surface of
the block’s lining due to abrasion (presented on photographs taken with the use of
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a microscope) — modify the value of the adhesion surface friction coefficient.

The overall aim of the research was to determine the basic principle of the
brake blocks wear and to formulate a new type of second-order differential equation
that would describe the changes of the dynamic friction coefficient. The differential
equation proposed by the author describes a short-term stationary behavior during
friction of the brake block lining against the brake disk, which seems to be the
model’s serious limitation.
In this case, engineers attempt to maximize the friction force and minimize the
wear in order to achieve appropriately long endurance of the system’s frictional
elements. Brake block linings usually consist of over twenty different chemical com-
pounds. The chemical constitution of the brake systems’ contact surfaces affects the
friction processes and thus influences the shaping of the structural coatings in the
contact areas.
Due to the fact that not all relations between the surface’s chemical constitution
and the dynamic friction coating are known, extensive research has been made on the
use of optical microscopes that are capable of characterizing tribological surfaces on
the nanomechanical level [Eriksson and Jacobson (2000)]. Producers of brake blocks
manufacture their own materials for their products. The trial-and-error method is
often applied to optimize the chemical constitution of the brake block lining.
As it turns out, friction in brake systems is not sufficiently explained as far as
physics and dynamics are concerned. The value of the friction coefficient is usually
within the range [0.1, 0.9] and it falls as the disc’s temperature and the friction
force decrease. The value of the friction force in cars is usually 500 W/cm2 and the
temperature in the contact area reaches 300 ◦ C. The effect of decreasing the friction
coefficient along with an increase of the friction force is called “fading effect”. It
is caused by a non-uniform increase of the thermal force. The results of an exper-
imental analysis prove that rather periodical changes of thermal boundaries occur
on brake discs.
Another effect that appears in clutches and brake systems is a periodical change
of the dynamic friction coefficient in time. The length of the vibration period changes
from a few to a few hundred seconds. The fading and the periodical change of the
dynamic friction coefficient have been explained in [Ostermeyer (2001)] by means of
a second-order differential equation. Some theoretical hypotheses derived from the
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 29

analyses of this equation have been empirically verified.

friction surface
wear heat kinetic energy
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motion resistance
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Figure 1.17: Basic energy flow in systems with friction.

An energetic analysis of friction has resulted in an observation that a friction

force between a rigid body excited by an external force and a flat slip surface should
be as big as possible to help maintain the non-zero sliding velocity. Streams of
energy, the density of which should be independent of the sliding velocity according
to Coulomb, correspond to the contact areas of the brake block lining and the
brake disc. The energy’s density occurs physically in the thermal energy, in the
changes that occur on the contact surfaces and in the material itself. In order to
study the elementary friction processes, an analysis of basic energy streams has
been made. Figure 1.17 contains a diagrammatic representation of such streams.
The considerations presented so far serve as a basis for an assumption that due
to the complex dynamics of friction, the friction coefficient μ ought to be deter-
mined with a system of differential equations that describe the energy changes. The
considerations on the friction surface structure in the brake block lining adhesion
area form foundations for an energetic friction model for brake systems represented
by the following system of nonlinear differential equations:

μ̇ = −a(nvμ − η),   (1.21)
η̇ = −c(η − η0 − αnv) − γ η 4 − η04 ,

where nv is a non-dimensional parameter dependent on time, which describes the

normal force and the tangential force, η0 = b/aTef , Tef is an effective temperature
on the surface on the adhesion area, and a, b, c, α, γ are the model parameters.
Neglecting the small nonlinear terms and assuming n and v to be constants, the
following stationary solution is obtained:

η = η0 + αnv,
η0 (1.22)
μ= + α.
Temperature is a linear function of velocity and normal force, whereas friction
coefficient is described by the falling (due to the velocity and the normal force)
characteristic. Ostermeyer also emphasizes the necessity of taking wear into consid-
eration in modeling brake systems with dry friction.
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30 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

Empirical observations of fading prove that a leaping decrease of the friction

coefficient’s value occurs during a leap of the brake disc’s rotational speed. The
given friction model explains fading effect caused by a smaller increase of the speed
of the contact area destruction in comparison to the speed of the development of
the strongly fixed patches.

1.3 Dry Friction and Dynamical Systems Theory

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The theory of modeling friction processes described in Sec. 1.2 embraces a wide range
of problems investigated in order to discover physical and dynamic phenomena as
well as to determine the mathematical relations that describe them. Many theories
have been developed on the grounds of the nonlinear theory that enable us to
make qualitative or quantitative analyses of the behavior of discontinuous dynamic
systems described with the use of various friction models. Therefore, apart from
the works that focus on investigation of typical systems with friction this work will
also include the literature that describes such well-known problems in the nonlinear
vibration theory as periodic and chaotic vibrations, Poincaré portraits and sections,
Lyapunov exponents and bifurcations of solutions.
The phenomenon of self-excited vibrations caused by friction has been exten-
sively described in technical literature. A simple oscillator of one degree of freedom
[Stoker (1950)] was the first to show the occurrence of such vibrations. The neces-
sary condition of the occurrence of the vibrations in that oscillator was a nonzero
deflection of the dry friction characteristics given in the form of a relation of the
friction force and the relative velocity between the moving belt and the rigid mass
that oscillated on it. In [Hassard et al. (1981)] the authors also investigated an os-
cillator of that type, but in order to explain the phenomenon of self-excitation of
vibrations, they chose an approach based on the use of the theory of discontinuous
systems’ bifurcations.
Interesting considerations on self-excited vibrations are presented in [Awre-
jcewicz and Lamarque (2003)], where a mechanical system of four degrees of freedom
serves as a model of a singular surface contact between two masses. Friction force
depends in this case on the frictional bodies’ relative velocity and on the change of
the normal force. The solution of the system of nonlinear ordinary differential equa-
tions describing the system’s motion can be found with the use of the approximate
analytical and numerical methods supported by experiments. The approximate an-
alytical method taken into account in this work forms foundations for formulation
of averaging nonlinear first-order differential equations. An example of self-excited
vibrations caused by dry friction in a system of two degrees of freedom used to de-
scribe the procedures required in that case has been used. Applying the presented
method allows us to analyze the stationary and non-stationary states that occur in
the investigated system.
Among various examples of the occurrence of self-excited vibrations there are
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 31

also high-voltage transmission lines and bridge suspension structures exposed to

constant operation of winds, or pipe lines immersed at water reservoir outlets ex-
posed to operation of water currents. Self-excited vibrations may damage or destroy
the structure in such situations, and we mention Tacoma Narrows Bridge for in-
stance. In certain conditions, self-excited systems disperse energy in the form of
a harmful noise. Sometimes their presence in electronic devices, such as analog-to-
digital converters, may be desirable and intended, since they enable one to utilize the
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

dynamics related with them to scan the frequencies that characterize the input state
[Feely and Chua (1992)]. Deterministic models with static and dynamic dry friction
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are applied to describe the dynamics of faults and to explain earthquake tectonic
processes [Carlson and Langer (1989)] (see also the Burridge–Knopoff model pre-
sented in Sec. Self-excited vibrations cause premature wear of co-operating
machine parts — as it is presented in [Knudsen et al. (1991)] that deals with the
problem of dry friction occurring during motion of rail-vehicles (see also the results
of numerical calculations presented in [Hinrichs et al. (1997)]).
Another problematic aspect of mechanical vibrations excited by the friction of
cutting tools and a processed object may be found in [Minis et al. (1990)]. The
squeaking noise of machine cutting tools (a lathe tool, for example) during ma-
chining is an undesirable phenomenon. The accompanying disadvantageous effects,
such as noise, increased roughness of the processed surface and the tool’s decreas-
ing strength, add to the shortening of the tool’s useful time. The list of numerous
coefficients that cause the squeaking noise during machining includes exciting, re-
generative and self-excited vibrations. The self-excited and regenerative vibrations,
which depend to a great extent on the relative motion between the tool and the pro-
cessed object, are especially interesting. The squeaking noise caused by self-excited
vibrations during turning may occur as a result of the changes of the friction force
on the cutting tool’s blade, which in turn are caused by a dynamic change of the
friction angle and the cutting angle.
Work by [Stefański et al. (2000)] contains a description of a self-excited oscil-
lator with friction designed and constructed for empirical analyses of dry friction
effects. A mathematical model is also formulated and the influence of different types
of classic friction characteristics on the behavior of a proposed oscillator is investi-
gated numerically.
The phenomenon of friction induced in many physical systems by self-excited and
parametric vibrations is analyzed in [Cunningham (1958); Hayashi (1964)]. When
those types of vibrations occur in a system simultaneously, then the problem be-
comes more complex as far as the mathematical notation and the physical inter-
pretation of the system’s behavior are concerned. Such types of vibrations occur in
mechanical devices, such as a combustion engine for instance. In certain conditions,
self-excited vibrations of a piston and parametric vibrations of a crankshaft can be
Self-excited and parametric vibrations caused by dry friction in a three-degree-
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32 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

of-freedom system are also described in [Awrejcewicz (1990)]. The work analyses
a nonlinear parametric system consisting of a rectangular rotor placed on an oscil-
lating rigid base. The areas of parametric instability are identified with the method
of power distribution with extension due to two perturbation parameters related
to the parametric excitation and the friction coefficient. A mathematical analysis
serves to determine the influence of chosen parameters of the systems on the shape
and the size of the instability areas of the first kind.
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The self-excited character of vibrations and the discontinuous form of differential

equations enable one to observe stick–slip phenomena in real mechanical systems
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or in numerically modeled systems. As it turns out, the relation of friction force

and relative velocity in case of two oscillating bodies also leads to the occurrence of
non-decaying vibrations in a two-degree-of-freedom autonomous system. The tran-
sitions from the slip phase to the stick phase, which occur during the changes of the
phase space’s dimension (within the range from 4 to 2), play a principal role in the
system’s dynamic behavior. [Urabe (1967); Naranayanan and Jayaraman (1989)]
are particularly interesting for their examples of vibrations in mechanical systems
caused by friction, in which stick–slip phases are observed.
Stick–slip movements that occur in the case of a pendulum with dry fric-
tion (also called Coulomb friction) belong to the less complex ones [Deimling
(1992)]. [Den Hartog (1931)] describes the scientific research, the aim of which
is to prevent stick phases from happening on the friction surface. It is necessary to
add that although the study of such systems was initiated by den Hartog in 1930,
it was not continued until the 1950s [Szablewski (1954)]. Den Hartog simplified the
problem of vibration with friction and presented a periodic solution (that consisted
only of the slip phase; see also [Hong and Liu (2001)]) of the oscillator’s response
with harmonic excitation modeled with Coulomb law. Much later, a similar problem
was analyzed with the use of the following techniques: numerical research in various
domains of time, research in various phase spaces [Hundal (1979)], an incremental
harmonic balance, an equivalent linearization method [Nayfeh and Mook (1979)]
and others.
Hartog’s work served as basis for the calculation of periodic solutions (occurring
only during the pure slip phase) for the response of an oscillator with Coulomb
friction affected by harmonic excitation described in [Hong and Liu (2001)]). The
work presents a comparison of Hartog’s results [Den Hartog (1931); Stoker (1950)]
with regard to an additional new calculation in relation to the maximum velocity
and its delay time. The basic advantage of the new approach is that a simple
relation has been derived to calculate the minimum of the amplitude of the exciting
force necessary to provide the pure slip phase between the oscillating body and the
adhesion surface. Compatibility of the assumptions and accuracy of the results have
also been proved by means of a comparison with the exact solutions [Hong and Liu
Finding solutions to the systems of differential equations that describe the dy-
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 33

namics of systems with friction often evokes numerical problems, such as impos-
sibility to determine the stick phase correctly or too long calculation time, for
instance. Therefore, [Awrejcewicz and Olejnik (2002b); Olejnik and Awrejcewicz
(2013a)] apply Hénon method [Hénon (1982)] to solve a self-excited two-degree-of-
freedom system with dry friction. Significant shortening of the calculation time and
improved accuracy of the phase trajectory with a clearly marked stick phase have
been obtained on basis of conducted analyses.
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

Work by [Awrejcewicz and Olejnik (2003a)] analyzes a self-excited two-degree-

of-freedom system with Coulomb friction. The friction characteristics are approxi-
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mated by an arctan function. The problem refers to a classic system of two masses
located on a moving belt. The belt’s equations of motion are brought to a non-
dimensional form. A lot of interesting examples of nonlinear dynamics have been
discovered regarding the stick–slip phenomenon.
In [Carlson and Langer (1989); Carlson et al. (1991)] the authors have inves-
tigated the stick–slip effect in multi-dimensional systems and formulated a theory
and conditioning of a mechanism responsible for earthquake-like events and noises.
[Oden (1985); Persson (1998)] contain some interesting formulations and a theory
concerning the stick–slip phenomenon. According to an observation, basic difficul-
ties that appear during the description of this phenomenon result from the nature
of friction law, which changes the direction of the friction force during the change
of the relative velocity’s sign. Observations conducted by Oden have proved that an
occurrence of the stick–slip motion in a model system does not require the assump-
tion of the difference between the static and the dynamic friction coefficient. [Wikiel
and Hill (2000)] utilizes that conclusion and assumes a singular value of the friction
coefficient in relation to the relative velocity (in the form of an sgn function). In
a mechanical system consisting of two masses connected by a spring and oscillating
perpendicularly in a cylindrical pipe, non-smooth Coulomb friction characteristics
has been applied.
Undoubtedly, friction, wear, heat emission or deformations caused by a tempera-
ture increase are complex processes that require a special approach. In [Awrejcewicz
and Pyryev (2002)], a nonlinear problem of a thermoelastic contact of a rotating
shaft and a rigid bush fixed by springs onto the base have been investigated. In
their research they have applied Laplace transform and the perturbation method,
and they have assumed that the friction coefficient is a nonlinear function of the
relative velocity. The problem has been reduced to a nonlinear system of differential
and integral equations. The numerical analysis has resulted in the observation of
self-excited vibrations during the stick–slip movements and the areas of stability of
a stationary solution.
The dynamics of an oscillator with two degrees of freedom with dry friction
is investigated in [Guran et al. (1996)]. The system consists of a mass shaped as
a channel bar oscillating on a base that moves at a constant velocity, and another
mass (supported by a spring) located inside the channel bar and capable of per-
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34 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

pendicular movements. A constant friction coefficient is assumed on the contact

between the channel bar and the base’s surface. Solutions that lead to obtaining
boundary cycles during subsequent stick–slip phases are described. The results of
numerical analyses lead to a conclusion that one of the reasons for the occurrence
of the stick–slip phase in the system is the channel bar shift coupling tangential to
the friction plane with the oscillating mass’ perpendicular motion.
The unstable nature of vibrations that is revealed during stick–slip motion has
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

been observed in Van der Pol oscillators, in which the friction coefficient decreases
along with an increase of the relative velocity [Ibrahim (1994a); Guran et al. (1996);
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Feeny et al. (1998)]. It also happens in the case of oscillators with an additional
spring, which is fixed onto the oscillating mass, that causes a change of the pressure
in the normal direction towards the friction surface [Oden (1985)]. Experiments
justify considering the elasticity that influences the change of the perpendicular
pressure onto the friction surface. Conducted observations confirm the assumptions
that the mass’ relocations in a perpendicular direction towards the contact surface
occur during the slip phase.
Among many mechanical devices there are ones that are equipped with an
additional system with a disc that serves to generate an intended effect of fric-
tion. The most popular are car brake blocks, computer hard discs or circular saw
machines. The study of dynamic instability of such mechanisms described in [Mote
(1970); Iwan and Moeller (1976)] refer to an analysis of stationary discs excited by
a rotating loading and a disc affected by constant loading. In all the cases men-
tioned above, the investigated system’s transition into unstable states occurs at
certain specific values of the parameters like mass, rigidity and damping.
Friction modeling by description with regard to progressive (following) force
is widely known in literature on disc vibrations. [Ono et al. (1991)] investigates
friction with regard to following force, which appears in disc drives of personal
computers. Interestingly enough, the results confirm the fact that the vibrations
propagate in the direction that corresponds to the occurrence of instability observed
on the disc surface.
The occurrence of vibrations during motion of elevators belongs to the less thor-
oughly investigated problems. A simple mass-spring-damping system to model an
elevator’s drive system with a drive wheel has been used in works [Miwa (1967);
Sissala et al. (1985)]. Continuing their study in [Wee et al. (2001)], Wee and others
investigated nonlinear, velocity-dependent, stick–slip vibrations that occur during
a sliding-metal contact. The nonlinear behavior of that kind (observed during ele-
vators’ motion) is characterized by the occurrence of discontinuity on the adhesion
surface between the wheel and the guide rail. The described analysis aims at showing
the effects of nonlinear dynamics on the contact of the studied elements, suggesting
a mathematical model with a two-step evaluation of its parameters and suggesting
a method of determining them on basis of computing techniques.
The stick–slip motion is unstable due to the slip phase caused by a decrease of
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 35

the friction force value along with an increase of the relative velocity in a susceptible
mechanical system. [Bowden and Tabor (1950); Halling (1957); Van de Velde and
de Baets (1997)] explain that process thoroughly. Stick–slip vibrations are usually
explained starting from the initial state in the stick phase and then the study of
the entire phase stability is carried out, including verification and calculations for
subsequent phases that follow within a long period of time [Banerjee (1968); Bo
and Pavelescu (1982); Van de Velde and de Baets (1998a)]. It is also necessary to
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

mention work by [Nussbaum and Ruina (1987)], which, as one of the few, includes
the study of the consequences of starting stick–slip motion from the point in space
Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

that corresponds to the phase of a “weak” slide. That case has been developed
into a problem of determining the time instant or the point in the phase space in
which the stick–slip motion can be eliminated from a mechanical system through an
increase of velocity beyond its critical value and then a decrease back to its initial
value [Gao and Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf (1990)].
The problem of stabilization of nonsmooth systems is illustrated and discussed
in [Lozano et al. (2000); Goeleven et al. (2003)]. An importance of the contact
and impact phenomena in many mechanical systems are discussed in [Komanduri
(1993); Ramachandran et al. (1994)] (grinding and deburing problems in manipu-
lators performing tasks), [Shia et al. (1998)] (filamentary brushing tools for surface
finishing), and [Studny et al. (1999)] (robotic systems).
In general, collisions associated with friction and impact are considered as harm-
ful behavior, but in some cases impacts are provoked intentionally in order to dissi-
pate energy and contribute towards stabilization of the considered system [Brogliato
et al. (1997, 2000)]. The accurate conditions for various types of stability properties
of the closed-loop system involving a free motion phase, a permanently constraint
phase and a transition phase are formulated in [Bourgeot and Brogliato (2005)]. In
addition, the existence of a specific transition between permanent constraint phases
and free-motion phases is rigorously proved.
The analysis of the research described in [Van de Velde and de Baets (1996)]
and further developed in [de Baets et al. (2000)] shows that friction that causes
self-excitation of tangential vibrations in the stick–slip motion may be the reason
for a sudden significant increase of the acceleration value and the vibration ampli-
tude. According to observations, probability of an occurrence of a stick–slip phase
during deceleration is significantly bigger because of lengthening of the phase that
corresponds to the decrease of the acceleration value and to the tangential increase
of the system’s rigidity.
In [Brace and Byerlee (1996)] authors have initiated experimental research on
the analogy between subsequent seismic events and stick–slip motion. Numerous
critical analyses of the mechanisms for the seismic slide of blocks of rock appeared
consequently. Some of them referred rather to the analysis of the slip phase (with
the use of a discontinuous change of the sliding velocity step) before the occurrence
of instability. Moreover, the physical aspect of normal relocation in the slip phase
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36 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

was not fully explained. Experiments proved that vibrations perpendicular to the
contact surface occur (for various materials) during the stick–slip motion. Direct
measurements of metals in a test stand proved that a change in electric conductiv-
ity of the contact surface with stick–slip vibrations is caused by normal vibrations
[Bowden and Tabor (1939)]. Similar vibrations were also observed during an inves-
tigation of rubber foam. A photography technology applied in that case helped to
observe relocations of light-emitting diodes (LED) placed a few centimeters below
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

and above the slide surface [Brune et al. (1993)].

During the experimental analysis with the use of LEDs described in work
Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

[Anooshehpoor and Brune (1994)], a peculiar behavior of two rubber foam masses
was observed: within certain time intervals in the slip phase they were losing ad-
hesion. The results of the presented investigation may lead to a conclusion that
a decrease of a pressure component in the normal direction in the slip phase is
caused not only by perpendicular vibrations but also by total loss of adhesion be-
tween contact surfaces. It means that the value of pressure in the normal direction
tends to zero. The stick–slip phenomenon occurred only when pressure was very
low, yet it could not be fully explained when the contact surfaces separate during
heavy pressures in the adhesion area and when the slip surface roughness influences
the system dynamics (see also the results of numerical analyses in [Tworzydlo and
Hamzeh (1997)]).
[Bouissou et al. (1998a)] includes the research results that describe the phase
of adhesion loss in stick–slip motion within a vast range of pressure values per-
pendicular to the adhesion surfaces of investigated polymethacrylic samples. The
analysis described in this work constitutes a part of extensive experimental research
[Bouissou et al. (1998b,c)] focused on determining parameters and describing how
normal pressure on the adhesion surface, loading velocity and roughness influences
the stable slide in stick–slip motions.
In order to comprehend the changes of friction force causing stick–slip motions,
the relation between friction force and velocity in the slip phase has been determined
through empirical measurements (see Sec. on experimental static friction
models, and also [Bell and Burdekin (1969); Bo and Pavelescu (1982); Lee et al.
(1996); Marui and Endo (1996)]). The authors of the quoted works are preoccupied
mostly on determining a loop that would not intersect on the surface in the friction
force-relocation relative velocity coordinates. The results of the investigation do not
bring any sufficient explanation for the mechanism of such a type of friction curve
shape. [Van de Velde and de Baets (1998b)] shows that the shape of an intersecting
or a not intersecting loop on the surface in the friction force-relative velocity co-
ordinates may be obtained through changing the rigidity of a spring tangential to
the friction surface of the investigated frictional pair. Moreover, the occurrence of
the intersecting loop in the investigated system of co-ordinates is not produced by
a real physical phenomenon, but it is a result of the vibrations’ “neglecting” some
velocity changes which happens for most cases of rigidly connected and sliding
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 37

Investigation of the adhesion area during friction is a complex process, because
it depends on many physical, mechanical and material parameters. It is also de-
pendent on more or less complex relations that cause difficulties in formulating
a mathematical description and understanding the essence of the problem (see also
Sec. on the mathematical approach to modeling friction, and [Tabor (1981);
Zhuravlev (1998)]). In order to learn about the conditions on the adhesion surface
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

during dry friction motion, which cause changes in the friction force, several theories
based on various hypotheses have been developed. The basic conclusions include the
Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

following: (i) for a state in which the adhesion surface has a constant quantity and
for which micro-relocations remain in a linear relation with a force tangential to
that surface, the dynamic friction coefficient depends on the stationary adhesion
(sticking) time [Brockley and Davis (1968)] — this phenomenon explains the con-
nections made on the adhesion plane, which in time become stronger; (ii) during
the slip-phase, the dynamic friction coefficient is assumed in many theories (see
also Sec. on dry friction static models) as a function of the relative sliding
velocity [Rabinowicz (1958); Pavelescu and Tudor (1987)].
[Ferrero and Barrau (1996)] contains an analysis of dry friction occurring at small
relocations (about 50 μm) on the adhesion surface and at almost zero sliding velocity
(kept below 0.2 μm/s, see also Sec., where a dry friction model on the atomic
scale is described). Due to those conditions the quoted hypotheses and the standard
approach theory could not have been applied in that case and the work describes
the experiments conducted in order to explain the above mentioned aspect of dry
friction. The results of the experiments show that the dynamic friction coefficient
value increases after the conditions of the stationary adhesion on the investigated
surface have been satisfied and it decreases along with an increase of the slide length
during the micro–slip. The changes measured on the adhesion surface are continuous
and depend on the relocation within asymptotic boundaries.
An oscillating system, excited by a stream of air and made of a mass con-
nected elastically with a stable base and a pendulum, is analyzed in [Tondl and
Nabergoy (1994)]. Continuing the previously mentioned research, the authors ad-
ditionally included in [Tondl and Nabergoy (1995)] the conditions of dry friction
in the connection of the mass and the base, which significantly affected dynamics
of the system. With the use of the mathematical analysis supported by numerical
calculations, they showed that the trivial solution of the motion’s system of equa-
tions is stable, whereas the semi-trivial solution (in case of a motionless pendulum)
is unstable within the entire range of the air stream velocity values.
[Hinrichs et al. (1997)] presents an analysis of a linear dynamic system with
damping connected with a nonlinear one-degree-of-freedom system, in which ad-
hesion conditions and Lagrange multipliers have been applied. The dampers that
utilize dry friction for functioning are assembled into a nonlinear elastic system in
the form of a bar and also determine its fields of asymptotic stability.
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38 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

The mathematical approach to nonlinear physical phenomena involves many dif-

ficulties connected, among many other things, to the fact that they are described
by differential equations with discontinuous and sometimes non-differentiable right
sides. Monograph [Kunze (2000)] contains an extensive analysis of mathematical
aspects of discontinuous dynamic systems with friction and impacts and it also de-
scribes mathematical methods applied by engineers during experiments. The author
devotes a lot of attention to the problem of dry friction leading to differential in-
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

clusions, often called multivalued differential equations [Aubin and Celina (1984);
Filippov (1988); Deimling (1992)]; see also Sec. Furthermore, he investigates
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the problem of almost periodic solutions [Deimling et al. (1996)] and methods of
calculating Lyapunov exponents for a pendulum with dry friction. The work also
contains a formulation of the relation between the dynamic parameters of discon-
tinuous systems with friction and impacts [Eckmann and Ruelle (1985)].
One of possible perspectives devoted to nonsmooth systems dynamics is ad-
dressed by [Georgiadis et al. (2005)], where shock isolation designs based on nonlin-
ear energy pumping caused by non-smooth stiffness elements are studied. The term
energy pumping is understood in a sense of the not reversible transfer of vibration
energy from its point of generation into a predetermined spatial area (the nonlinear
energy sink), where the vibration localizes and dissipates. In contrast to classical
linear vibrations absorber it is shown that the nonlinear energy sinks are capable
of efficiently absorbing energies caused by transient broadband disturbances.
The rigorous approach to dry friction problems is presented by [Fečkan (2005)],
where the existence of a continuum of many chaotic solutions for certain differen-
tial inclusions, i.e., small non-autonomous multivalued perturbations of ordinary
differential equations possessing homoclinic solutions to hyperbolic fixed points are
[Matrossov (1996, 2001)] focused on the uniqueness of solutions of the motion
equations for a mechanical system with dry friction. The equations refer to a general
case. The works quote several definitions applied to formulate (and subsequently
utilize) the theorems on existence and uniqueness of solutions.
Vibrations described with a mathematical model consist of a stick-phase with
a relatively large static friction coefficient, and a slip-phase, in which the dynamic
friction coefficient is considerably smaller. That is why the systems with dry fric-
tion are sometimes characterized by static behavior and more often by various dy-
namic behaviors represented by periodic, quasi-periodic and chaotic motions [Tolstoi
(1967); Shaw (1986); Feeny and Moon (1994)].
The works by [Ueda (1979); Lorenz (2002)] gave beginning to the observations
of chaotic movements in simple discrete nonlinear systems described by differential
equations of at least the third order.
The plane dynamics of a rigid block simply supported on a harmonically moving
rigid ground exhibiting unilateral contacts, Coulomb friction and impacts has been
studied by [Ageno and Sinopoli (2005)].
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 39

The results that enable one to observe the stick and slip phases in chaotic dynam-
ics of simple dynamic systems with one degree of freedom and friction are presented
in [Galvanetto et al. (1993)]. Its authors focus on numerical and analytical analyses
of the search for chaos during the stick phase or the slip phase. Melnikov’s method
applied to the investigations of discontinuous dynamic systems with dry friction is
a main topic of [Awrejcewicz and Holicke (1999)]. The authors examined the prob-
lem of the search for chaos during a slightly forced stick–slip motion in a dynamic
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

system. A stick–slip chaos analytical prediction has been confirmed analytically.

Two-dimensional maps for second-order differential equations, for instance, can
Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

be made in a simple way using Poincaré map. Therefore, such a simple mapping
can be made for investigations of an extensive class of dynamic systems modeled
by nonlinear oscillators [Awrejcewicz (1989, 1991); Maistrenko et al. (1994)]. Such
a mapping may also serve as a useful tool for explaining sudden leaps of a phase
trajectory. In real systems, trajectories are attracted by other attractors exactly
after a leap, which consequently is the main reason for bringing an attractor to
infinity [Filippov (1988); Szemplińska-Stupnicka (1990)].
Calculating Lyapunov exponents belongs to one of the most fundamental issues
related to a quantitative analysis of dynamic systems. The theory developed by
[Oseledec (1968)] and the numerical algorithms derived by [Benettin et al. (1980)]
and [Wolf et al. (1985)] enable to estimate the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents for
the systems described by continuous equations of motion. Moreover, if the equations
of motion are unknown or are presented in a discontinuous form, then other methods
are applied, such as the ones based on the reconstruction of an attractor from a time
series, for instance.
There is a growing tendency to consider real mechanical systems with friction
or impacts as discontinuous dynamic systems. Numerous works on the theory of
dynamic behavior of nonlinear systems with friction have appeared recently (see
the works described above). Nevertheless, only a few of them, [Wolf et al. (1985);
Hinrichs et al. (1997); Müeller (1995)] for instance, contain a genuinely innovatory
approach to calculation of Lyapunov exponents for that type of systems.
Synchronization of chaos [Pecora and Carroll (1990)] has been applied in works
[Stefański and Kapitaniak (2000); Stefański et al. (2000)] to present a method of
calculating largest Lyapunov exponent for a system with friction and impacts, which
is based on investigations conducted by [Fujisaka and Yamada (1983)]. They found
a nonlinear relation between the value of a coupling coefficient (corresponding to
the synchronization between two identically examined systems) and the value of the
largest Lyapunov exponent. The synchronization condition was formulated only for
negative symmetric back couplings between the analyzed systems.
An exact solution of a discontinuous system of differential equations (e.g., de-
scribing a mechanism with dry friction) requires sometimes the use of sophisticated
methods that enable one to determine the points of the real movement trajectory
on the phase plane regarding all peculiarities (see also Sec. and references
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40 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

[Aubin and Celina (1984); Filippov (1988); Deimling (1992); Kunze (2000)]), such
as the stick–slip transition, for instance. Therefore, the references like [Awrejcewicz
and Olejnik (2002a); Olejnik and Awrejcewicz (2013a)] present solutions of the
system of ODEs that describe the motion of a two-degree-of-freedom system with
friction derived with the use of an “exact” Hénon method [Hénon (1982)]. In or-
der to achieve constant time intervals between the trajectory’s points, the obtained
trajectory is interpolated and Lyapunov exponents are calculated from a time series.
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

At the end of this section, let us mention about another broad survey about
friction modeling for dynamic system simulation performed by [Berger (2002)]. The
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author concludes that the system model and friction model are fundamentally cou-
pled, and they cannot be chosen independently. Furthermore, the usefulness of
friction model and the success of the system dynamic model rely strongly on each
other. Across disciplines, it is clear that multi-scale effects can dominate perfor-
mance of friction contacts, and as a result more research is needed into computa-
tional tools and approaches capable of resolving the diverse length scales present in
many practical problems.

1.4 Friction Advantages: A Brake Mechanism

Nowadays, when computerization and technology are highly developed, the meaning
of principal branches of science has been increasing significantly. Modern technol-
ogy requires high-speed functioning or unerring precision of machines (for example,
heavy machines such as cranes, traveling bridges, manipulators, robots, and others)
in varied environments. Therefore, accurate modeling of a great number of dynamic
phenomena that occur in machine systems has become a necessity.
The present level of numerical methods’ development and the progress in highly
advanced computerization enable one to choose adequate physical and mathemati-
cal models. Yet, the overall purpose is not to formulate a real and general description
of a given phenomenon at any cost but to reflect its “nature” in a specific regime
of the investigated system. Moreover, the well-known and traditionally described
phenomena often require re-modeling based on new achievements of principal sci-
ences and enhanced computing methods. Analyses of such a complex phenomenon
as friction include all aspects of the above mentioned approaches.
As confirmed above, friction has been a phenomenon of interest of many branches
of science: mechanics [Renard (2001); Hartung et al. (2001)], tribology [Sokolov
(2002)], mass and heat transfer [Ahn (2001)], the theory of elasticity and plastic-
ity, materials science, fluid dynamics, intermolecular connections physics, or even
physical-chemical processes (e.g., corrosion or frictional materials work in varied
environments involving possibility of chemical reactions). In general, friction is ac-
companied by a number of other phenomena, such as stresses, material wear, heat
emission, etc. In addition, friction along with impacts belongs to the group of discon-
tinuous processes that require precise mathematical determining [Popp and Stelter
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 41

(1989); Awrejcewicz and Delfs (1990a,b); Monteiro-Marques (1994); Van de Vrande

et al. (1999); Kunze (2000); Fu et al. (2001)].
It is extremely difficult (perhaps even impossible) to build a general friction
model including all possible accompanying processes. Moreover, it seems to be
pointless, since only some of the above-mentioned processes dominate in a spe-
cific object of study. The difficulties involved with explaining numerous effects of
friction that appear during confrontations of mechanical (geometric), molecular (ad-
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

hesive), mechanic–molecular and energy theories with experiments created the need
to model friction with the use of simple dynamic systems for analysis of friction-
Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

induced processes [Qiao and Ibrahim (1999)].

Diverse characteristics of friction can be observed in real dynamic systems. Many
models do not require taking friction into account, although numerous systems are
based on utilizing friction — hence omitting the friction-induced effects is impossi-
ble. Friction reveals its dominating nature in friction clutches, belt drive systems,
as well as in the brake systems in which friction force between a wheel’s brake drum
and brake blocks causes braking of a vehicle [Hulten (1997); Ostermeyer (2001)].

1.4.1 Engineering Approach

The most widely applied brakes are the ones, which are assembled in the wheels of
vehicles with certain brake mechanisms.
Let us examine a theoretical brake mechanism illustrated by the structural model
in Fig. 1.18. It shows that the system is constructed in such a way so that the
direction of friction force F is opposite to the force incoming from springs acting
besides on mass m on the belt. Obviously, when the force in spring k1 is larger
than friction force F , then a loss of adhesion occurs and mass m moves in direction
−x. At that time, spring k1 expands and if its length exceeds its free length, then
the perpendicular arm of the angle bracket is “pulled” in the direction −x and the
angle bracket is turned in direction −ϕ. The horizontal arm of the angle bracket
expands spring k2 , which decreases the pressure force exerted by the spring on mass
m oscillating on the belt. The coupling repeats in the system throughout the entire
friction process as long as the belt’s linear velocity vd is not equal to zero.
The fundamental element that needs utmost attention while estimating the sim-
ilarity of the described system (the model) to a brake mechanism (a real object) is
the coupling of the mass m transfer on the belt induced by friction (see Fig. 1.18)
with the normal pressure force affecting the belt. A model of a brake mechanism
with intensified braking force is shown in Fig. 1.19.
As is shown in Fig. 1.19, when the element that initiates braking starts to press
the brake block against the disc, then friction force occurs between the block and the
disc of a wheel. In effect, the brake block moves in direction x, the coupling element
moves or turns and by an increase of the normal force intensifies braking. When
the initial pressure decreases (the release of the brake lever), friction force between
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42 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

s M, J

angle body

c.g. k3 c2 horizontally


m x1
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

k2 mg
Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com


support F

Figure 1.18: 2-DOF structural model of a brake mechanism.


Brake initiating
element Coupling
Guide bar
Brake block x

Brake disc

Figure 1.19: Model of a brake mechanism with intensified braking force.

the brake block lining and the brake disc also decreases and the return spring k1
may pull the brake block back to its initial position. As it can be noticed, coupling
of the friction force with the pressure force may function as power-assistance to
the braking system. That is why the pressure force on the brake lever may be
significantly lowered during braking. The described mechanical coupling can also
be obtained with the use of a hydraulic oil system with a pump.
The brake block lining has low susceptibility and it can be modeled with a belt
when the experiment’s conditions are satisfied; see Fig. 1.18. Additionally, it is
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 43

possible to choose the materials of the brake disc and the block of mass m.
According to the conducted investigation, there is a similarity between func-
tioning of the dynamic systems presented in Fig. 1.18 and 1.19. The friction model,
which is examined, assumed for the system in Fig. 1.18 approximately corresponds
to the brake block lining’s friction against a car brake drum (or a disc). Assum-
ing that the same materials are chosen, the model enables us to investigate the
phenomena that result from friction and wear of sliding surfaces.
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

The method of friction modeling that includes the relation between the friction
force and the sliding bodies’ relative velocity, and between the friction force and
Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com

the changes of the normal force may also be applied to the study of friction-induced
dynamic phenomena in the braking system presented in Fig. 1.20.

Brake block 1
Hydraulic drive

Return spring

Brake block 2

Figure 1.20: A scheme of the girling duo-servo brake mechanism [Awrejcewicz and
Olejnik (2005a)].

Shown in Fig. 1.20, the structural model of the brake mechanism is assembled in
a popular type of girling duo-servo brake. When a hydraulic servo initiates braking,
the blocks are drawn aside and pressed against the inner surface of the drum. As
a result, friction forces T1 and T2 are exerted between the blocks’ linings and the
drum and the wheel stops. A careful analysis of the mechanism reveals a certain
type of coupling [Olejnik (2002)]. Brake block 1 (also called a “backward” block)
takes over a larger part of the friction force at the initial stage of braking, whereas
brake block 2 (called a “concurrent” block) impedes with a weaker force. However,
the coupling element (the angle bracket in the system in Fig. 1.18) combines the
circumferential motion of brake block 1 with the motion of brake block 2 and the
pressure force of the latter on the drum’s inner surface increases.
The ratio of the braking forces exerted by brake blocks 1 and 2 is about 2:4. Brake
blocks are connected by the return spring in such a way that it enables them to
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44 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

return to their initial position as soon as the braking process is over. In practice,
there are several types of braking mechanisms that function in a similar way.
The purpose of the considerations is to show that a simple self-excited system in
Fig. 1.18, with a changeable pressure force on the belt, may function as a starting
point for analyses of friction in braking systems represented by drum brakes.

1.4.2 The Model

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The study and prevention of self-excited vibrations of systems with friction is very
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important in industry and there is still a need for friction pair modeling that could
correctly describe dynamic and static friction forces change between two movable
surfaces. A further developed model can govern dynamics of the girling duo-servo
brake mechanism. Therefore, the schematically illustrated in Fig. 1.18 dynamical
system is analyzed numerically and investigated experimentally.
The self-excited system is almost equivalent to a real test stand in which block
mass m vibrates on the belt in the x1 direction, and where the angle bracket rep-
resented by the moment mass of inertia J is rotating about point s with respect to
direction of angle ϕ. The analyzed system is constituted as follows: (i) two bodies
are coupled by linear springs k2 and k3 ; (ii) the block on the belt is additionally
coupled to a fixed base using the linear spring k1 ; (iii) angle bracket is excited only
by spring forces; (iv) there are no extra mechanical actuators; (v) rotational mo-
tion of the angle bracket is damped by virtual actuators mainly characterizing air
resistance and they are marked by constants c1 and c2 ; (vi) damping of the block
is neglected; (vii) it is assumed that the angle of rotation ϕ of the angle bracket is
small and it is within the interval [5, −5] degrees; (viii) a rotation is equivalent to
the linear displacement y1 of arms of the angle bracket; (ix) the belt is moving with
constant velocity vp and there is no deformation of the belt in a contact zone.
Non-dimensional equations governing dynamics of our investigated system have
the following form:

⎪ ẋ1 = x2 ,

ẋ2 = −x1 − [η1 (x2 + y2 ) − y1 − T2 (vr )] /α1 ,

⎪ ẏ1 = y2 ,

ẏ2 = (−β3 y1 − η12 y2 − x1 − η2 x2 )/α2 ,
where x2 , y2 are velocities of the block and angle bracket, respectively; vr = x2 − vp
is a relative velocity between bodies of the investigated system; α1 = ω 2 m/k2 , α2 =
ω 2 J/(k2 r2 ), β1 = (k1 +k2 )/k2 , β2 = μ0 k3 /k2 , β3 = (k2 +k3 )/k2 , η12 = ω(c1 +c2 )/k2 ,
η2 = c2 ωμ0 /k2 , η1 = c1 ω/k2 , are the remaining parameters; ω is a natural frequency
of vibrations of the mass m. Friction force is described in the following way

sgn (vr )T2± (vr ), if vr = 0,
T2 (vr ) = (1.24)
Ts ∈ [−Ts− , Ts+ ], if vr = 0.
The T2+ (vr ) and T2− (vr ) friction force characteristics are described by a linear
and an exponentially decaying function, respectively (see Fig. 1.22).
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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 45

1.4.3 Experimental Investigations

In this section, the laboratory test stand [Olejnik (2002)] designed for observations
and experimental research of frictional effects including friction force measurement
is described. A photo of the test stand is presented in Fig. 1.21.
The general view, component parts and some connectors like coil springs corre-
spond (cf. Fig. 1.21) to those schematically indicated elements presented in Fig. 1.18.
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6 5

1 - pendulum
k ky


Figure 1.21: The drum brake inspired block-on-belt system on the laboratory test
stand: (1) the pendulum coupling linear motion of the block with a normal force
acting in the contact surface on the belt; (2) an aluminium shaft rotating in ball
bearings fixed in the frame; (3) the block creating a frictional contact with the belt;
(4) incremental encoder; (5) a microcontroller for data acquisition; (6) a direct
current motor with gear; (7) a direct current motor driver.

Displacement of the block and angle of rotation are measured using a laser
proximity switch and a Hall-effect device, which guarantee a non-sticking method
of the measurement. Both of the sensors provide a linear dependency of the mea-
sured quantity versus analogue voltage output. Measurement instruments connected
through PCI computer card to LabVIEW software allow one to perform a dynamic
acquisition of the two measured signals. Disturbances of whole construction, noise
in electrical circuits, and other additional maintenance have an observable influ-
ence on the accuracy of any measured signals. Therefore, some signals are filtered
digitally and a real differentiation preventing formation of high peaks is applied.
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46 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

Appropriately transformed equations of motion (see Eq. (1.23)) can be used

for friction force calculation after real-time measurement of state variables in the
investigated system. Characteristics of friction force versus relative velocity between
belt and block for positive and negative velocities of the belt are shown in Fig. 1.22.
One may observe that zones occupied by functions of the friction model differ
significantly. It is a regularity, since angle bracket causes reinforcement of friction
force for negative vr . Owing to these considerations, friction forces are described by
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

the linear T2+ (vr ) and the second-order exponential function T2− (vr ) as follows:
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⎪ T2+ (vr ) Ts+ − T2+,min

⎪ = 1 − |vr | , vr > 0,

⎨ Ts+ Ts+ vr,max
T2 (vr ) = T2− (vr ) a1 − |vr |−v r,min a2 − |vr |−v r,min

⎪ = −1 + e b1
+ e b2
, vr < 0,

⎪ Ts− Ts− Ts−

⎩ T ∈ [−T , T ] ,
s s− s+ v = 0.

In Eq. (1.25), the following nomenclature is used: vr is the velocity of the relative
displacement of contact surfaces; vr,min and vr,max are the minimal and maximal
values of the relative velocity; T2± (vr ) stands for two cases of the function T2 (vr ) for
the positive and the negative relative velocity vr ; Ts± is the maximum static friction
force; a(1,2) , b(1,2) are the shaping coefficients of the experimental characteristics.



Figure 1.22: Friction force characteristics T2 (vr ).

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Friction Laws in Modeling of Dynamical Systems 47

1.4.4 Dynamical Analysis — Bifurcations

The system of differential equations (1.23) and the friction force model given by
Eq. (1.24) are transformed to the non-dimensional ones, and then, using bifurca-
tion diagrams, a dynamical analysis of the 2-DOF mechanical system is carried
out. The parameters of friction force characteristics obtained after measurements
and identification are as follows: Ts+ = 3.63, T2+,min = 0.86 N, vr,max = 0.27
m/s (T2+ model); Ts− = 7 N, vr,min = −0.28 m/s, a1 = 3.2345, a2 = 2.8736 N,
by on 11/12/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

b1 = 0.0342, b2 = 0.3053 m/s (T2− model). Numerically performed dynamical anal-

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ysis with implementation of introduced friction force dependency has resulted in

the diagrams presented in Fig. 1.23.

1 1

4.2 3.5

4.0 3.4

3.8 3.3

3.6 3.2

3.4 3.1

3.2 3.0

3.0 3.9

2.8 2.8
0.17 0.43 0.68 0.93 x1 0.2 0.35 0.5 0.65 x1
(a) (b)

Figure 1.23: Bifurcation diagrams for the system parameters: (a) α1 ∈ [2.8, 4.4]
versus the displacement x1 , and moreover: α2 = 1.16, η1,2,12 = 0, β2 = 0.577,
β3 = 1.825, γ1 = 0.2, γ2 = 0.8, vp = 0.6, μ0 = 0.7; (b) α1 ∈ [2.8, 3.6] versus the
displacement x1 , and moreover: α2 = 1.093, η1,2,12 = 0, β2 = 1.73, β3 = 2.44,
γ1 = 0.2, γ2 = 0.8, vp = 0.6, μ0 = 0.7. Zero initial conditions are assumed. A
solution for each value of the bifurcation parameter has been observed after omitting
any transient motion dynamics within the non-dimensional time τ = 5 · 104 .

The bifurcation diagrams are constructed by changing the parameter α1 in

an interval of changes with the step 0.001, where one gets hundreds of Poincaré
maps. Then one of the phase space axes is taken and all results are presented versus
the bifurcation parameter. One may do it in two ways: (i) start each solution for
a different bifurcation parameter with the same initial conditions; (ii) start from ini-
tial conditions at the beginning, and then, change the parameter during the solution
after a prescribed period of time (the solution should not leave the attractor).
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48 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Friction and Impacts

An example of the bifurcation diagram is shown in Fig. 1.23(a). Beginning from

the smallest considered values of α1 , one observes a one-periodic motion, but for
α1 ≈ 3.3, some period tripled bifurcation with an increase of α1 occurs. In the vicin-
ity of the bifurcation point α1 ≈ 4.12, the period tripled bifurcation with a decrease
of the bifurcation parameter is observed once again. It should be emphasized that
for large interval of changes of the bifurcation parameter, only periodic motion is
exhibited by the analyzed system.
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An interesting example of more complex bifurcations is showed in

Fig. 1.23(b). One may trace how the successive period-doubling bifurcations (ac-
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companying a decrease of α1 parameter) lead to a chaotic motions regime, which

begins for α1 ≈ 3.11. Additionally, alternating n-period windows (approximately,
for α1 = 3.25, 3.19, 3.11, 3.05) are reported.
The classical and modern approaches of friction phenomena in various mechani-
cal objects have been presented in this chapter. It was emphasized that foundations
for present studies of difficulties connected with nonlinear dynamics are provided
by the well-known mechanical theories.
Friction laws described by a slip velocity-dependent coefficient were introduced
to model the non-smooth stick–slip phenomenon. The friction mechanism yields
self-sustained vibrations in mechanical systems with dry friction. The discontinuous
dynamical aspect seems to be more important in the behavior of such systems. Some
of the theoretically and experimentally-obtained friction force or friction coefficient
characteristics tend to prove that their implementation depends especially on the
type of engineering application.
Owning to the complexity of multi-dimensional systems with nonlinearities as-
sociated with dry friction, the unilateral contacts can develop instabilities even if
the basic Coulomb friction law is chosen. Therefore, the law with a slip velocity
dependent coefficient is still used as a good approximation of stick–slip motion
Engineering investigations and a numerical approach have allowed for estima-
tion of the dry friction force model presented in this section. Two non-symmetric
branches of the friction law confirm that some tribological effects in the contact
zone are more complex. It is worth noticing that the experimental characteristics
represented by the model T2− (vr ) is the first approach recommended to be used dur-
ing analysis of friction effects occurring in systems, where the normal force acting
between cooperated surfaces varies with time. From the point of view of practical ap-
plication of the experimentally determined friction law for changes in normal force,
especially, the nonlinear model T2− (vr ) can be applied to investigate tribological
effects affected by friction, occurring between brake blocks and the brake disc. An
idea for the friction pair modeling using both laboratory equipment and a numerical
simulation is proposed, allowing for the observation and control of friction force.

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