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Epoxy Concrete Overlay

Product Description Installation & Coverage: Installation instructions are available

CRACKBOND® BRIDGE-GARD is multi-purpose epoxy polymer within this Technical Data Sheet (TDS). Due to occasional
concrete overlay system designed for high-stress infrastructure updates, always obtain the most current revision. In order to
applications. It may be successfully applied and cured at achieve maximum results, proper installation is imperative.
temperatures between 65 °F and 95 °F (18 °C and 35°C). Coverage may vary according to the porosity of the concrete. 1.6
gallons (6.1 L) epoxy plus 113 lb. (51.3 kg) of aggregate yields
General Uses & Applications approximately 1 ft.3 (0.03 m3).
 Extends deck life in bridges and parking structures
 Bridge nosing material for joint headers and edges Clean-Up: Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment
 Repairs concrete spalls such as safety glasses and gloves. Clean uncured materials from
 Levels or corrects concrete grading or ruts tools and equipment using a mild solvent, such as CRACKBOND®
 Rehabilitates concrete flooring and loading docks INDUSTRIAL CITRUS CLEANER from Adhesives Technology Corp.
Cured material may only be removed mechanically using a sander or
Advantages & Features grinder. Collect with absorbent material. Flush area with water. Dispose
 All-in-one easy to use system in pre-measured containers of in accordance with local, state and federal disposal regulations.
 Pave from 3/4 in. to 10 in. cross-sections
 Rapid cure - open to traffic in < 3 hours @ 75 °F (24 °C) Limitations & Warnings:
 High tensile strength coupled with high elongation for  For professional use only
superior rutting resistance  Do not thin with solvents, as this may affect cure
 High early bond strength  Concrete should be a minimum of 28 days old prior to applying
 Non-shrink as overlay
 Moisture insensitive  Compressed air equipment must have an oil/air separator
 Excellent oil and chemical resistance  BRIDGE-GARD is a vapor barrier after curing
 No field chemistry required  For placements > 10 in. and/or structural applications, contact
 Made in the USA in accordance with CFR 49 section 50101 an ATC representative
 Consult ATC when mixing or placing outside of the temperature
Availability: Adhesives Technology Corp. (ATC) products are recommendations listed.
available online and through select distributors serving all your
construction needs. Please contact ATC for a distributor near you Safety: Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for
or visit to search for a distributor by zip code. CRACKBOND BRIDGE-GARD published on ATC’s website or call
for more information at 1-800-892-1880.
Color & Ratio: Part A (Resin) Clear: Part B (Hardener) Dark
Specification: The epoxy overlay system shall be an epoxy
Amber, Mix Ratio: 2:1 by Volume (Neat).
system supplied in pre-measured containers. At 7 days and a
Storage & Shelf Life: For best results, store between 50 °F (10 temperature of 75 °F (24 °C), the neat epoxy shall have a tensile
°C) and 95 °F (35 °C). Shelf life is 24 months when stored in strength of 3,960 psi (27.3 MPa) and an elongation of 59.2 %
unopened containers in dry and dark conditions. per ASTM D638. The epoxy overlay shall be CRACKBOND
BRIDGE-GARD from Adhesives Technology Corp., Pompano
Beach, FL.

Revision 1.0

Florida, USA | 1.800.892.1880 | WWW.ATCEPOXY.COM 1

Epoxy Concrete Overlay


0.67 ft3 1.34 ft3

Package Size
(19 L) (38 L)

Part # BG0671 BG1342

72 units Part A
Pallet Qty. 72 units
144 units Part B

Pallet Weight (lb.) 1,391 1,927

1. One 0.67 ft kit includes Part A and Part B in a case: part # B1G-BG, One 50 lb. bag of
sand: part # AG-ECS50# and one 25 lb. bag of rock: Part # AG-ECR25#.
2. One 1.34 ft3 kit includes Part A: part # B1.3G-BG-A, Part B: part # B85-BG-B, two 50 lb.
bags of sand: Part # AG-ECS50# and one 50 lb. bag of rock: part # AG-ECR50#.

TABLE 2: CRACKBOND BRIDGE-GARD performance to ASTM Standards1,2

Cure ASTM Temperature
Property Units
Time Standard
75 °F
(24 °C)
Gel Time - 60 Gram Mass C881 min 20 Temperature
°F Cure Time
Consistency or Viscosity D2556 cP 103
psi 4,750
Compressive Strength3 24 hr C39 62
(MPa) (32.8) 4.5 hr
psi 1,800,370
Modulus of Elasticity3 C469 67
(MPa) (12,413) 4 hr
psi 3,960
Tensile Strength (Neat) 7 day 72
(MPa) (27.3) 3 hr
D638 (22)
Tensile Elongation (Neat) 59.2
2.5 hr
Tensile Bond Strength psi 490 (25)
to Concrete4 (MPa) (3.4) 82
24 hr 2 hr
psi 575 (28)
PPC Bond Strength3 CP-L4302
(Mpa) (4.0) 85
1.5 hr
3 psi 3,750 (29)
Rebound Hammer 4 hr C805
(MPa) (25.9) 1. Table 3 shows average temperature of material
and substrate. Site conditions will dictate actual cure
Water Absorption 7 day D570 % 0.68 response for open to traffic time.

Surface Abrasion Resistance5 ---- CT 550 ---- No Abrasion Loss

1. Results based on testing conducted on a representative lot(s) of product. Average results will vary
according to the tolerances of the given property.
2. Results may vary due to environmental factors such as temperature, moisture and type of substrate.
3. Property tested with aggregate (Extended).
4. Property tested with aggregate (Extended) - 100 % Substrate.
5. Six cylindrical samples (with topping sand and without) 100 mm diameter by 50 mm high test in
accordance to California Test 550 - Surface Abrasion Resistance Testing.

Revision 1.0

Florida, USA | 1.800.892.1880 | WWW.ATCEPOXY.COM 2

Epoxy Concrete Overlay
Installation Instructions
Surface Preparation
Concrete or surface must be clean prior to application, structurally sound and free of laitance (poorly bonded materials) and delaminations.
New concrete should be a minimum of 28 days old. All dirt, oil, debris, wax, grease or dust should be removed. The surface should be
prepared mechanically using a scarifier, sandblast, shotblast, chipping, hydro-demolition or other cleaning processes which would provide
proper surface preparation for a long-lasting polymer overlay and/or patching system. The final surface should be clean, free of oil, dirt,
curing compounds, and other materials to create a surface profile of exposed sound aggregate that will provide a strong bond surface for
the BRIDGE-GARD system. Unsound concrete areas should be located and removed until a sound concrete base is established. All metal
surfaces in contact with BRIDGE-GARD should be sandblasted to white metal finish and wiped clean with solvent.

CAUTION: Check the expiration date on the container to ensure it is not expired. Do not use expired product! Epoxy materials may
separate, which is normal and may be expected when stored over a period of time.

NOTE: Typical work time is 45 minutes, depending on temperature. BRIDGE-GARD is best used at temperatures between 65 °F and
95 °F (18 °C and 35 °C) - see Table 3. Trial batches are recommended to determine work times and set times based on anticipated
application temperatures, conditions, and lane closure timing.

Mixing Pre-Measured Units

BRIDGE-GARD is supplied in pre-measured units. Mix these products ONLY in complete units. DO NOT THIN or add any solvents prior
to mixing. Pour Part B (Hardener) and Part A (Resin) into an appropriate mixing vessel and mix thoroughly for 3 minutes with a Jiffy Mixer
paddle or similar on low-speed (300 rpm) until material is a uniform consistency. NOTE: Keep mixer at bottom of mixing vessel to avoid
introducing air. After liquid components are mixed, pour liquids into mortar mixer, making sure to remove all resins from sides and bottom
of pail with spatula or similar tool. Slowly add Part C (Aggregate). Mix on low speed until all aggregate is wetted out, stop mixer. DO NOT


Clean surface as directed above. CRACKBOND V120 LO-MOD may be used as a primer before placing BRIDGE-GARD. IMPORTANT:
carefully follow the mixing and installation instructions from the CRACKBOND V120 LO-MOD technical data sheet. Apply primer as
recommended by ATC at 125 ft2 - 150 ft2 (11.6 m2 - 14 m2) per gallon. Distribute mixed resin with a flat squeegee, broom, roller or paint
brush. Remove excess or puddled material. Begin placing BRIDGE-GARD while primer is tacky. Tack time will depend on temperature
of the surface, application method and site-specific conditions. If primer gels or loses its tack prior to placement of BRIDGE-GARD,
re-apply primer.

Patching Applications
Saw cut a minimum 3/4 in. depth shoulder around the edge of the prepared area, chip out and remove delaminated area. Blow off or
sweep away dust from saw cutting operations. Prime the spall with CRACKBOND V120 LO-MOD as directed above. Mix BRIDGE-GARD.
Immediately place patch. Set screeds or float to desired level, strike off, thoroughly compact and finish the surface. Broadcast finished
surface with specified sand, broom or tine finish.

Overlay Applications
BRIDGE-GARD may be placed using a vibratory screed or a slip form paver. A mechanical tining device can be arranged on a slip form
paving machine to achieve a uniform tined surface for superior skid resistance. Longitudinal tines or transverse tines are acceptable.
BRIDGE-GARD should be mixed and vibrated to produce a polymer concrete material with a slight excess bleed resin coming to the
surface, which may be addressed by broadcasting topical aggregates. Resin content may be adjusted to accommodate the proper
amount of bleed resin.

Additional notes: BRIDGE-GARD may be placed at thicknesses of 3/4 in. - 10 in. (1.1 cm - 25.4 cm) in a single pass to account for grade
adjustments necessary on rehabilitation projects. The mix design may be adjusted to handle super elevation and still remain placeable.
Wood forms, steel pipe and slip form devices may be used to set final grade.

Revision 1.0

Florida, USA | 1.800.892.1880 | WWW.ATCEPOXY.COM 3

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