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Project 4 Edtpa

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EDCI 3220 Assessment of Student Learning

edTPA Project 4
Performance Assessment and Analytical Rubric
Name: Rilie Falconio-Gray
Performance Expectations

Students will be able to respond to direct questioning about Greek Myths. The direct
questioning will have students be able to identify common characteristics of Greek Myths and
demonstrate a clear understanding of key vocabulary.

Description of Performance Assessment Task

Students will be asked to write five to seven sentences to sequence one Greek Myth events
OR students will plan, draft, and edit a fictional narrative in the style of a Greek Myth.

Step-by-Step Instruction for Students

1. Students will be given step by step direction on what to write five to seven sentences to
sequences of one Greek Myth or writing their own fictional narrative in the style of a
Greek Myth.
2. Students will be able to use any graphic organizers from the unit, to find the correct
information from each reading that was covered in the Greek Myths unit.
3. Students will be given 45 minutes to write five to seven sentences.

4. Instructions include: (in red)

5. Place your name on the top of the paper, with the date.
6. On the top of your paper please write either “My own Greek Myth” or “The Greek
Myth of ____”
7. Please write at least five to seven sentences. You may use any of your graphic
organizers or our knowledge wall.
8. You will have to write this on your own. Each student will be given a privacy screen
and will be separated.
EDCI 3220 Assessment of Student Learning

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Neatness The final draft of The final draft of The final draft of The final draft is
the story is the story is the story is not neat or
readable, clean, readable, neat, readable and attractive. It looks
neat, and and attractive. It some of the pages like the student
attractive. It is may have one or are attractive. It just wanted to get
free of erasures two erasures, but looks like parts of it done and did
and crossed-out they are not it might have not care what it
words. It looks distracting. It been done in a looked like.
like the author looks like the hurry.
took great pride author took some
in it. pride in it.
Spelling and There are no There is one There are 2-3 The final draft
Punctuation spelling or spelling or spelling and has more than 3
punctuation errors punctuation error punctuation errors spelling and
in the final draft. in the final draft. in the final draft. punctuation
Character and errors.
place names that
the author
invented are
Problem/Conflict It is very easy for It is mostly easy It is easy for the It is not clear
the reader to for the reader to reader to what problem the
understand the understand the understand the main characters
problem the main problem the main problem the main face.
characters face characters face characters face,
and why it is a and why it is a but it is not clear
problem. problem. why it is a
Creativity The story The story The story There is little
contains many contains a few contains a few evidence of
creative details creative details creative details creativity in the
and/or and/or and/or story. The author
descriptions that descriptions that descriptions, but does not seem to
contribute to the contribute to the they distract from have used much
reader\'s reader\'s the story. The imagination.
enjoyment. The enjoyment. The author has tried to
author has really author has used use his
used his his imagination. imagination.
EDCI 3220 Assessment of Student Learning

Solution/Resolution The solution to The solution to The solution to No solution is

the character\'s the character\'s the character\'s attempted, or it is
problem is easy to problem is easy to problem is a little impossible to
understand and is understand and is hard to understand.
logical. There are somewhat logical. understand.
no loose ends.

Characters The main The main The main It is hard to tell

characters are characters are characters are who the main
named and clearly named and named. The characters are.
described in text described. Most reader knows
as well as readers would very little about
pictures. Most have some idea of the characters.
readers could what the
describe the characters looked
characters like.
Title Title is creative, Title is related to Title is present No title.
sparks interest the story and but does not
and is related to topic. appear to be
the story and related to the
topic. story and topic.

Total Out of / 32 possible points

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