Cbse Test Paper-01 Class - Xi Biology (Locomotion and Movement)
Cbse Test Paper-01 Class - Xi Biology (Locomotion and Movement)
Cbse Test Paper-01 Class - Xi Biology (Locomotion and Movement)
(Locomotion and Movement)
General Instruction:
2. What is arthritis?
3. What is the total member of bones present in the left pectoral girdle and the left arm
respectively in a normal human?
5. Define a joint.
6. What is osteoporosis? Name two factors which are responsible for osteoporosis.
7. Explain the initiation of muscle contraction. What is the role of sarcoplasmic reticulum,
Myosin head and F – actin during contraction in striated muscles?
8. What are the three types of muscle tissue? Write two characteristic points about the
structure of each of them?
CLASS - XI BIOLOGY (Locomotion and Movement)
Ans 07. The muscle contraction is initiated by a stimulus that arrives at the surface of
the muscle at neuromuscular junction in form of neurotransmitters.The action potential is
conveyed to all the muscle fibres at the motor unit. At the opening of each transverse tubule
onto the muscle fibre surface the action potential spreads inside the muscle fibre.
Role of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum: It releases calcium ions, that bind to the troponing and
bring about conformational changes; so the active site on F – actin for myosin becomes
Role of Myosin head : It provides the specific binding site for F – actin to from cross – bridges,
it also contains sites for ATP complex formation with Mg ions.
Role of F – actin: F – actin are specific to myosin head for cross bridge formation.
They are not striated and contains less myosin and cannot generate much tension.
They are innervated by autonomic nervous system.
They are involuntary in nature.
They are striated like skeletal muscles, but differ in the plasma memembrane composition
and action potential.
These muscles are found exclusively in the heart.
They are involuntary in nature.
Ans 09. A nerve impulse arriving at neuromuscular junction stimulates contractile response.
Due to the depolarization of the surface of sarcomeres it spreads quickly. Neurotransmitter
is releases at the enormous collar junction. It enters into the sarcomere through membrane
channel. Na+ moves inside the sarcomere. It is called inflow of Na+. Action potential is
generated in the sarcomere. Action potential travels to the full length of muscle fiber.
The sarcoplasmic reticulum, then release the Ca2+ which is stored here. It binds to the
specific sites found in the hooping of the thin filament,called actins. Change takes place in
troponing active sites of F – actin, which are then exposed to myosin head. Myosin head
shows Mg2+ dependent ATPase activity. During relaxation of muscle Ca2+ is pumped back
into sarcoplasmic reticulum. Consequently the troponing component is freed to inhibit the
active sites for myosin head and cross bridges betwwn filaments are broken. The filaments
assume their normal positions and muscle fiber is then in a relaxed state.