B2G9 210435 Hemant Verma

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GI|CE|IITK CE331A: Geoinformatics Exercise

Experiment date:-6 November

Submission Date:-13 November

Exercise Number :12

Course Code:-CE331A


Name:-Hemant Verma

Roll Number:-210435

Batch Number:-2

Group Number:-9
● The objective of this exercise is to collect coordinates for the creation of a
foundation plan. The specific goals are as follows:

1. Set out a building foundation plan on the ground, so excavation can start for the
2. Mark the foundation and wall outlines on the ground using threads.


● Total Station
● Tripod
● Bipod
● Pendrive
● QGIS software
● Prism Target
● 6x Wooden Pegs
● 30m Measuring Tape


2.1 About the lab exercise

Geoinformatics, an essential discipline within the realm of geographical data
management, revolves around the comprehensive collection and effective administration
of geographical data. The core focus of this exercise is the proficient utilization of a Total
Station operating in automatic mode to acquire spatial coordinates. Total Stations,
remarkable surveying instruments, amalgamate the functionalities of a theodolite,
electronic distance measurement (EDM), and advanced data recording capabilities,
thereby empowering geospatial professionals in their data collection and mapping
2.2 Concept used
- Control Points: These are strategically positioned reference points,
meticulously surveyed and precisely characterized by known coordinates. They
serve as the foundation upon which accurate spatial data is built.

- Resection: The technique of resection stands as a pivotal component in the

process. It involves the meticulous determination of the Total Station's precise location
through the sighting and utilization of these aforementioned control points. The resection
process, which can be executed through techniques such as backsighting and free
station establishment, underpins the entire spatial data collection effort.

- Attribute List: An essential facet of the exercise is the crafting of a meticulous

attribute list, an inventory of features that will be scrutinized, documented, and stored.
This list is instrumental in organizing the collected data.

- Contouring: Creating contour lines is integral to this exercise. It entails the

meticulous connection of points with identical elevations, thereby sculpting an accurate
representation of the terrain's relief. Contouring serves as a fundamental component for
generating topographic maps and understanding the lay of the land.

- Scale of Plot: Determining the appropriate scale for the map underpins the
successful representation of the geographical area under examination. Scale selection
is vital, as it impacts the level of detail presented on the map.

- ArcGIS: As a powerful software suite, ArcGIS plays a pivotal role in the

post-data collection phase. It facilitates geospatial data management, visualization,
and in-depth analysis. It is an invaluable tool for crafting comprehensive maps and
insightful geographical analyses.

- QGIS: veísatile geospatial softwaíe, plays a pivotal íole post-data collection. It

excels in data management, visualization, and in-depth analysis, making it an invaluable
tool foí compíehensive maps and insightful geogíaphical studies.


- We used the following methodology to set out:

- Start with planting one of the six pegs at a random point near/visible from one of
our previous control points.
- This point is considered as the apex of the ‘L’ shape building corner that is being
set up.
- Using this point as a reference we place a peg at 30ft+1m = 10.144m distance
from the initially placed point.
- One outer wall is hence lined.
- Now, place the Total Station on Apex and sight the other peg.
- Press zero on TS to make HA on reference line 0degree.
- Now, move the reflector until HA becomes either 90 degree or 270 degree,
depending on whether the rotation is CW or ACW.
- When the desired angle is reached it ensures that any line segment on this line
is perpendicular to the already instated boundary wall.
- Measure and Mark 25ft+1m = 8.62m, instate a peg on this point.
- Both outer walls are now ready.
- Now, moving the Total Station once on both alternate outer boundary walls for
1m, and following above process for inner points, we marked remaining two
- The last point, or inner apex, is taken on the intersection of the parallel lines we
made using measuring tape and Total Station.
- NOTE: 1m is used as the clearance on either side of the L shape is 50cm.

Now, we sighted all the points using our Total Station placed on one of the control
points. Input the points into ArcGIS software and generated a map of the L shape
foundation wall using previous knowledge and coordinated.


If there is any problem with link , Please let us know.


● Our approach was methodical, encompassing resection techniques,

precise data gathering, and parameter adjustments. Strict adherence to
our method guaranteed the acquisition of essential data.

● This activity bolstered our practical comprehension of surveying and

geoinformatics, particularly in the realm of topographic map construction.
Effective planning and collaboration played a pivotal role in our
achievements. The capacity to obtain and arrange spatial data is a
fundamental skill within the domain of geoinformatics.
● In summary, this exercise establishes a solid basis for upcoming advanced
geospatial data collection and mapping initiatives, pushing us closer to a
deeper grasp of this ever-evolving field.



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