Design of Cold Rolling Mill Components

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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-3, Issue-10, March 2014

Design of Cold Rolling Mill Components

Firoj U. Pathan, Santosh N. Shelke

Abstract— the process of plastic deformation of metal by The earlier production of plate iron in Europe had been in
passing it through the rolls called as the metal rolling. Rolling is forges, not rolling mills. The slitting mill was adapted to
widely used forming process, which can have high production producing hoops (for barrels) and iron with a half-round or
figures and precise control of final product. Rolling is classified other sections by means that were the subjects of two
in two major parts the cold rolling and hot rolling. Every part has
patents of c. 1679.Some of the earliest literature on rolling
its own theory, development of rolling process and subsequently
the designing of the cold rolling mill components, like rolls and mills can be traced back to Christopher Polhem in 1761 in
rolling mill housing. The aim of the present paper is to Patriotism Testament, where he mentions rolling mills for
understand the various methodologies which are used to design both plate and bar iron. He also explains how rolling mills
the cold rolling mill. We have focused on the history of the can save on time and labour because a rolling mill can
rolling process; it is understand that the rolling process was produce 10 to 20 and still more bars at the same time which
adopted since year 1590. Although it was raw method but it is wanted to tilt only one bar with a hammer. A patent was
initiated the slitting rolling mill and the actual experimentation granted to Thomas Block leys of England in 1759 for the
were started from year 1670. In those days rolling was concerned polishing and rolling of metals. Another patent was granted
with rolling of bars only after few years the rolling of bars were
in 1766 to Richard Ford of England for the first Tandem
started. We also tried to discuss the earlier patents which were
granted in 18th century and was related to the tandem mill which Mill. A tandem mill is where the metal is rolled in
were using copper and brass as the rolling materials. In year successive stands; Ford’s tandem mill was for hot rolling of
1783, after the entry of grooved rolls the rolling production wire rods. Rolling mills for lead seem to have exited by the
increased up to 15 times and that was the start of modern rolling late 17th century. Copper and brass were also rolled by the
mill. While reviewing the design of rolling mill components our late 18th century.
area of interest is to visit design of rollers and rolling mill
housing. We have discussed the different parameters and factors III. MODERN ROLLING
that affect the roll design. The calculations for the power The modern rolling practice can be contributed to the
required for rolling operation and the roll dimensions are also
discussed. In reviewing the design of rolling mill housing, we try
efforts of Henry Cort of Fontanel Iron Mills, near Fare ham,
to explain the load that comes on the rolls during the rolling England. In 1783 a patent was issued to Henry Cort for his
operations and how it affects the bearing life. The rolling mill use of grooved rolls for rolling iron bars. With this new
housing designed optimisation has achieved by using different design mills were able to produce 15 times the output per
Finite Element Analysis techniques and various experimentation day than with a hammer. Although Cort was not the first to
for rolling mill housing structural analysis is also reviewed. use grooved rolls; he was the first to combine the use of all
Keywords— cold rolling, plastic deformation, design the best features of various iron making and shaping
methodologies, housing, rolls, Split end, central burst processes known at the time. Thus the term “father of
modern rolling” was giving to him by modern writers. The
I. INTRODUCTION first rail rolling mill was established by John Birkenshaw in
Design of rolling mill is a tough process where the 1820 where he produced fish bellied wrought iron rails in
designer should have clear knowledge and understanding of lengths of 15 to 18 feet. With the advancement of
the rolling process. There are various conflicting goals technology in rolling mills the size of rolling mills grew
which need to satisfy, many investigations need to be done rapidly along with the size products being rolled. Example
for the complete analysis [1] of this was at The Great Exhibition in 1851 a plate 20 feet
long, 3 ½ feet wide, and 7/16 of inch thick, weighed 1,125
II. HISTORY OF ROLLING MILLS pounds was exhibited by the Con set Iron Company. Further
The earliest rolling mills were slitting mills which were evolution of the rolling mill came with the introduction of
introduced from what is now Belgium to England in 1590. Three-high mills in 1853 used for rolling heavy sections.
These passed flat bars between rolls to form a plate of iron, IV. DESIGN METHODOLOGY
which was then passed between grooved rolls (slitters) to
produce rods of iron. The first experiments at rolling iron The process of rolling mill design starts from finalizing
for tinplate took place about 1670. These were followed by the specifications of the product. In initial stage there can be
the erection by 1697 by Major John Han bury of a mill at approximation and goes on to specific values.
Pont pool to roll 'Pont pool plates' - back plate. Later this According to Dixit, Robi and Sarma [1], in designing
began to be reenrolled and tinned to make tinplate. rolling mill there are three stages. Conceptual design,
embodiment design and detailed design. Broad solutions are
the results of conceptual design for the problem statement
under study. In relation to design a rolling mill, conceptual
design deals to different patterns to arrange the rolls, the
Manuscript received February 2014. power driven and suitable mechanisms, arrangement and
Firoj U. Pathan, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sir
Vishwashwarrayya Institute of Technology, Chincholi, Sinnar, Dist. Nasik,
decision of power sources generally the electrical motors. In
India. next embodiment design stage, the concept are moulded to
Santosh N. Shelke, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sir solid forms. The critical rolling specifications are decided
Vishwashwarrayya Institute of Technology, Chincholi, Sinnar, Dist. Nasik, here. It includes to decide rolling mill layout with output as

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Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Design of Cold Rolling Mill Components

many drawings along with the clear specifications. The final Where, µm is the co-efficient of friction.
review contains to verify the functional requirements, space In roll design the heat transfer has major influence, it
requirements, the design economy is also important. From assumed that the heat loss in the total rolling power and can
detailed design we can have detailed drawings obtained be given by equation,
from detailed calculations.
In the paper by E.K. Antonson, K.N. Otto, [2] explained ….............. (4)
the utility theory used for the rolling mill design Where, ‘l’ is the length of roll, h is heat loss coefficient, tR
optimisation. They also discussed the matrix method along and tO are the temperature of roll surface and the ambient.
with necessity method. Probability and fuzzy set based [1]
method during design procedures.
V. DESIGNING OF ROLLS FOR ROLLING MILL Housings are elements in a rolling mill, which house the
Roll is the major component in rolling mill set up, and chock assemblies, the adjusting and other mechanisms, and
very first to loaded in rolling process. In the paper Dixit, retain them in their proper positions. Their construction and
Robi and Sarma [1], explained the procedure to finalise the dimensions thus have to take into account the sizes of
rolling specifications, according to authors following are the various other elements. The forces, which act on the rolls
minimum required parameters to deal with, during rolling, are completely transferred on to them
1. Yield strength and hardening co-efficient of material. through the nut of the adjusting mechanism. in addition,
2. Width of the strip to be rolled. there exists a tendency for the stand to return as a result of
3. Inlet thickness and outlet thickness of the strip. the torques acting on the rolls, which get transmitted to the
4. Roll radius. frame in case of bearing seizures or when rolls are unable to
5. Coefficient of friction. pass the metal due to lack of sufficient power .The housings
6. Roll velocity. therefore should be adequately clamped to the foundation to
During design follow the procedure to first decide the withstand the overturning moments. The frame is also to be
inlet thickness, while the outlet thickness of required strip checked for stresses as well as rigidity.
will decide the reduction ratio. The aim of designer is to
achieve maximum reduction ratio along the high rolling VII. CALCULATION OF ROLL LOAD
speed. These parameters are limited by the type of drive and The Rolling Load in a Rolling Mill can be calculated by
roll separating force ultimately they decide the cost of the methods used by Tselikov [19].Since the forces on the
rolling mill set up. roll neck and in the Housing posts are identical, and the
The rolling power P is given by, [3]. strength of the neck ( with a constant relation between its
diameter and length ) is approximately proportional to d2
Where, d = diameter of Roll neck bearing.
(1) For various mills Roll load depends on the Roll material
Where σО is the average flow stress, b the width of the as:
1. For iron rolls approximately
strip, h1 the inlet thickness of the strip, h2 the outlet
F = (0.6 to 0.8) d2 …………………… (4)
thickness of the strip, r the reduction and v the velocity. 2. For carbon steel Rolls
Roll diameter selection is based on the strip thickness, F = (0.8 to 1.0) d2 ..………………… . (5)
material of the strip, the reduction ratio & rolling speed. 3. For Rolls of Chromium Steel ( Four high mills )
Large diameter is the first choice because it gives good F = (1.0 to 1.2) d2 … … … … … … .. (6)
cooling over the small diameters. The defects of split end We are making use of four high mills with Chromium
and central burst also have major considerations in design of Steel Rolls so Roll load is calculated from the equation (6)
rolls. Split end defect produce the crack in centre plane of i.e. F = (1.0 to 1.2) d2
rolling strip while the internal void generate the central
burst. The paper by Avitzur [4] explain the causes of central
burst as follows
 Small roll radius
 Large initial thickness of the sheet or strip
 Small percentage reduction
 Tensile pull or force on both or single front or back of
the strip
Zhu and Avitzur , in their paper [5] discussed the
criterion to deal with spilt ends. Accordingly the split ends
can appear if,

….......... (2)

Where, R is the roll radius, which can vary depending

upon the strip inlet thickness and the ratio of reduction.
`There is also second simple equation to obtain the
minimum allowed radius of rolls. [3]

…............ (3)
Fig. 1 Life calculation chart for roller bearing

10 Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-3, Issue-10, March 2014
Since each roll neck consists of two bearings 23056 seems logical therefore in presenting structural optimization
mounted on each roll neck so specification of bearing used that both these crucial items be objectives of the process
is [20]: rather than having one as the objective and the other as a
d = diameter of Roll neck bearing = 280 mm constraint as has traditionally been the case. It initially feels
D = outer diameter = 420 mm more appropriate to be trying to maximize stiffness whilst
B = width = 106 mm simultaneously maximize the strength. Also the goal of
C = Dynamic capacity = 1520000 N maximizing strength of a structure should, to the authors
Therefore, mind, be in the form of minimizing the maximum stress
F = (1.0 to 1.2) d2 under all load cases. Traditionally structural optimization
F = (78400 to 94080) (9.81) has targeted stress equalization or the achievement of "fully
F = (769104 to 922924) N …........… … … (7) stressed" design as the stress objective/constraint. The
Also the Rolling Load in a Rolling Mill is calculated from authors consider that such an objective, especially coupled
the dynamic capacity of the Roll bearings and their service in with FEA still can lead to high localized stresses which
life. In order to achieve a service life of about 3 Lakhs hrs therefore do not improve the strength of the structure.
minimum at 30 R.P.M the ratio of bearing capacity to load G. P. Steven [7] aimed at exploring the application of the
applied can be calculated from life calculation chart as evolutionary structural optimization method to such multi
shown in figure 1. criteria design problems. To evaluate the overall effect on
Therefore C/P = 6.5 the design of material variation due to these two optimality
Therefore P = 1520000/6.5 = 233 KN criteria, a weighting scheme was adopted, whereby the
We are making use of four bearings, weight factors emphasize and/or balance the stiffness and
so Total load is P * 4 = 930 KN (approximate.) . … (8) stress criteria. The work can accommodate various
Comparing equations (7)and (8) we make use of 900 KN situations involving shape and topology design with
of Rolling load in our Housing design. multiple criteria. Also the important practical aspects of
This Rolling Load of 900 KN is transferred from the top possible multiple peak stresses and multiple load cases were
chock to Housing which has spherical seating on the screw taken into account. A number of examples demonstrate the
and through lower chock to Housing because it rests on a capabilities of the proposed method for solving multi-
spherical liner . criteria design optimization structural design problems.
Remn-Min Guo [6] generated a method by combining the J. H. Rong [8] proposed an improved method for
Goodman line technique, and the cumulative damage evolutionary structural optimization against buckling for
method to estimate the housing life. A method was also maximizing the critical buckling load of a structure of
developed to estimate the upper and lower bounds of the constant weight. First, based on the formulations of
housing life using the average equivalent stress. These derivatives for eigenvalues, the sensitivity numbers of the
methods can be extensively used in all machine elements first eigenvalue or the first multiple eigenvalues (for closely
subjected to cyclic loads. The extensive usage of the spaced and repeated eigenvalues) were derived by
Goodman line technique in conjunction with Miner’s performing a variation operation. In order to effectively
accumulative damage method provides a method to estimate increase the buckling load factor, a set of optimum criteria
the housing life knowing the force spectrum and the for closely spaced eigenvalues and repeated eigenvalues
material S-N curve or Basq in equation. A force spectrum were established, based on the sensitivity numbers of the
including instantaneous force changes could be established first multiple eigenvalues. Several examples were provided
by combining the average in-coil force variation and coil-to- to demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed
coil force variation. The former was obtained directly from method
the force and/or strain gauge measurement. In order to Kurt Maute [9] presented an interactive method for the
detect the dynamic change during impact, the FM tape with selection of design criteria and the formulation of
high frequency data collection was recommended. The coil- optimization problems within a computer aided optimization
to-coil force variation could be obtained from the rolling process of engineering systems. The key component of the
schedule calculation or the load cell readings for various proposed method was the formulation of an inverse
material, width, and gauge. The amplitude stress was optimization problem for the purpose of determining the
computed from the amplitude to mean ratio. Further design preferences of the engineer. These preferences were
mathematical derivation and assumptions leads to the upper identified based on an interactive modification of a
and lower bound estimation of the life expectancy. Using preliminary optimization result that was the solution of an
this preliminary estimation can eliminate the measurement initial problem statement. A formulation of the inverse
of the in-coil force variation, which is in general costly and optimization problem was presented, which was based on a
timely. The averages mean force could be calculated weighted-sum multi-objective approach and leads to an
directly from the rolling schedules according to expected explicit optimization problem that was computationally
product mix. The average amplitude force could be roughly inexpensive to solve. Numerical studies on structural shape
estimated by observing the strip chart of the rolling force. A optimization problems show that the proposed method was
detailed finite element analysis on the mill housing was able to identify the optimization criteria and the formulation
necessary to convert the force into the stress using the of the optimization problem, which drive the interactive user
proportion rule. If the lower bound exceeds the expected modifications.
life, there was no reason to go for the upper bound or even Theodore G.ToRidis [10] formulated a general method of
the accurate solution; otherwise, the further studies could be elastic-inelastic analysis of rigid frames, which was based
required. In presenting and discussing structural analysis on the finite element method, and the concept of initial
and design an engineer/analyst is always emphasizing the strain as applied to plastic strains. The analytical
importance of strength and stiffness and endeavouring to get expressions obtained in this manner were used as a basis for
a balance between them both that suits the design in hand. It the development of a general purpose computer program .

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Design of Cold Rolling Mill Components

This program enabled the user to exercise several options programming method was described. For structural sizing as
corresponding to the static, free vibration, elastic dynamic well as for shape optimal design, the method generalizes
and plastic dynamic analysis of two and three-dimensional previous approaches and had excellent convergence
framed structures. properties. A sample of numerical applications was given
William Prager [11] encountered typical difficulties in the showing the efficiency and reliability of the proposed
formulation of problems of optimal structural design .For formulation. Finally, the concept of interactive redesign
the optimal design of a statically determinate or allowing the designer to monitor the optimization process on
indeterminate truss of given layout, a method was presented a graphic terminal was envisaged. It was expected that in the
by which necessary and sufficient conditions for global future the concept will lead to integration of structural
optimality may be derived when an upper bound is optimization methods into Computer Aided Design systems.
prescribed for the compliance of the truss under one or The design problem of frames with beams subject to stress,
several sets of loads and a lower bound is prescribed for the displacement, and buckling constraints in the paper was
cross sectional area of each bar. The extension of the treated as two-level structural optimization. The weight of
method to other structures and constraints was briefly structure, the areas of cross sections for the independent
discussed with reference to the literature, and the general elements were in system level taken as objective function
form of the resulting optimality conditions is given. and system design variables, respectively. They would
Rafael Febres [12] discussed a model of the behaviour of satisfy the overall deformation and the overall buckling
metallic structures subjected to flexural effects . The model constraints. At the component level the objective was to
focused on the description of failure due to local buckling. It minimize the weight of each independent element, and the
was assumed that the main inelastic phenomena involved in cross-sectional dimensions were the component design
the process: plasticity and local buckling, could be lumped variables. The local stress and buckling in each independent
at inelastic hinges. The model took into account that in element were component constraints. Yunliang Ding [15]
planar frames, two local buckling could appear in the plastic added an additional constraint corresponding to system
hinge region: one due to a positive moment the other one design variable into component level to assure consistency
related to a negative moment. The elastic behaviour of between system and component variables.
frame members with two local buckling was assumed as M.E. M. El-Sayed [16] presented a method for considering
unilateral. The plastic behaviour was described using the fatigue life requirements in the optimal design of structures.
concept of equivalent moment on a damaged plastic hinge. The basic concept was to use the load history data combined
A new hypothesis, that authors have called "counter- with the finite element stresses of the structure and the
buckling", was introduced. The counter-buckling concept material fatigue properties to calculate the fatigue life during
states that as a consequence of the evolution of one local the optimization process. The life requirement was
buckling, the other one results partially blocked. The notion considered as side constraints and the structure weight as the
of counter-buckling was used to describe local buckling objective function. To demonstrate the concept, the
evolution during cyclic loadings. Finally, the model was optimization task with fatigue life constraints and the fatigue
verified through the numerical simulation of several life calculation, based on the contemporary approach, were
experimental tests on frame members and framed structures. discussed.
K. G. Mahmoud [13] recognized that structural M. Haririan [17] described procedures for design
optimization using mathematical programming techniques sensitivity analysis and optimization of nonlinear structural
can be employed efficiently only in conjunction with systems with the computer program Adina. Formulation of
explicit approximate models. In the work an efficient the structural optimization problem, design sensitivity
optimization methodology combining a finite element-based analysis with nonlinear response using incremental finite
approximate analysis model, a sequential quadratic element procedures, and two strategies to use Adina for
programming algorithm incorporating an active set strategy design optimization are described. A database and a modem
and a direct method of design sensitivity analysis was database management system were used to couple Adina
developed. The methodology involves the solution of a with design sensitivity analysis and optimization modules.
sequence of explicit high-quality approximate problems Comparison of optimum designs with linear and nonlinear
subject to given move limits in the design space. A new structural responses for trusses with material and geometric
technique for constructing approximation functions with a nonlinearities were given.
high quality adaptive capability to the original functions was Michael A. Vehmeier[18] proposed the new method to
proposed by using the values of the state variables optimize both the structural parameters and time-invariant
(displacements and/or stresses) and their derivatives at control gains while including the effects of transient loads.
points obtained in the process of optimization. Other The control force gains were written as explicit functions of
approximation techniques had been presented and the response and were included in the equation of state,
comparisons had been made using real-life automobile which in turn is directly embedded into the augmented
structures to demonstrate the power and generality of the performance index. Variations were taken with respect to all
approximation concepts in structural optimization. of the design variables (state, co-state, structural parameters,
V. Braibant [14] was focused on the use of optimization and position and/or rate feedback control gains) to generate
techniques in the framework of Computer Aided Design and the governing equations for the system. A computer code
Finite Element Methodology. A design model was was developed to solve the resulting equations and
developed which could be used for structural sizing as well simultaneously solve for the optimal control gains and
as for shape design. An essential aspect of the work was structural parameters using gradient-based search
sensitivity analysis, which consists of computing derivatives techniques. The resulting structure was optimal for the
of the functions which define the optimization problem. specified service environment (initial conditions and/or
Attention was restricted on static linear problems involving transient loads) with constant control force gains (position
shape variables. A new and rather general mathematical and/or rate feedback).

12 Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-3, Issue-10, March 2014
CONCLUSIONS [18] Michael A. Vehmeier,1990, ‘A new method for simultaneous
structural/control optimization’ Mathematical and Computer
The present paper tries to review on the design procedures Modeling Volume 14 , 1990, Pages 248-253
for designing the rolling mills. The different methodologies [19] Tselikov,1962., A.I., Theory of calculation of forces in Rolling Mills
described many aspects while deciding the specifications of 1962.
[20] SAE Bearings manual.
the rolling mill. We also discussed the optimum roll radius
which can be a result of two contradictory objectives. The Prof. Firoj U. Pathan had done B.E mechanical
motor power requirement calculated by the demands of from Walchand college of engineering, Sangli
process parameters. While reviewing housing mill design, with Distinction, Currently doing M.E
(Mechanical design)from SVIT, Chincholi
the structure is designed on the basis of roll load Nasik, Has Industrial experience of 8 yrs, and
calculations. These calculations are variant on types of teaching experience of 3yrs. His interest fields
rolling strip materials and the material of rolls. A review is are in Mechanical Design, Industrial
also taken for the different design methodologies adopted engineering, Metrology, Quality Control. He is
also an certified Lead Auditor for ISO
for the design of rolling mills. 9001:2008 & currently is Management
Representative in QMS ISO 9001:2008 of
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Sandip Institute Of Technology & Research
We are greatly indebted to professors and lecturers of Centre, Nasik.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sir
Vishwashwarrayya Institute of Technology, Chincholi, Prof. Dr. Santosh Shelke was born on 2 June
without whose advice and guidance this work would have 1977 in India. He has completed his Mechanical
never been possible We are indebted to Department of Engineering and post graduation in Design
Engineering in Pune University, Maharastra,
Mechanical Engineering for giving me an opportunity to India in the years 1999 and 2005 respectively.
learn and do this paper work. We once again extend our Later he did his Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering
sincere thanks to the entire college for all those who directly at National Institute of Technology, Warangal
or indirectly involved in our work. (A.P.) in 2013.He has total 14 years teaching
experience and presently working as Associate
professor and Head of Mechanical Engineering,
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Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.

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