Math 10c Long-Range Plan
Math 10c Long-Range Plan
Math 10c Long-Range Plan
Duration: 4 Months
This long-range plan was developed with guidance from my Teacher Mentor and made to be
consistent with the way this course is run throughout the LCI math department. The Math 10
Common curricular outcomes were split into 7 units, each having a few quizzes and ending with
a unit exam. These quizzes are graded and initially summative assessments but may become
formative if the student does better on the unit exam. There is a formal assessment happening
every few days to give students consistent and frequent feedback and opportunities to improve
in the areas where they may have been struggling. As well, at the end of each unit there are
two class periods set aside for review. This means in these classes we can go over the quizzes,
what was covered in the unit, and the expectations for the exam. In case of changes in the
schedule these periods set aside at the end allow for wiggle room if needed so we can continue
mostly on track.
The units were sequenced so that the first unit is trigonometry. This is because it is not too
difficult a unit algebraically, it has many visual applications, and is a consistent topic between all
three of the math streams. If a student is struggling with this unit, since it is also a unit in 10-3,
it might be a good idea to consider moving into that stream for math. After that we move into
units covering exponents, radicals, and polynomials. After that is the heart of Math 10C, linear
algebra relating to functions, graphs, equations, and systems of equations. The final unit is
measurement, which is the one unit that is not built upon in future -1 or -2 classes but has
many obvious real-world applications.
Students will be given practice questions after each lesson and opportunity to work on them in
class with the guidance of the teacher. These questions are not checked or marked, and it is the
student’s responsibility to complete them for practice. Math is a subject that requires
repetition for mastery, so students are assigned a set of questions for practice and are given
time in class and access to the teacher so they can get in the practice and help they may need.
Outline by Unit
General Learning Outcomes or Units Weight
Unit 1: Trigonometry 10%
Unit 2: Exponents and Radicals 15%
Unit 3: Polynomials 20%
Unit 4: Linear Relations and Functions 15%
Unit 5: Linear Equations and Graphs 15%
Unit 6: Solving Systems of Linear Equations 15%
Unit 7: Measurement 10%
Unit 1: Trigonometry
Approx. Dates September 6 – 19
General Outcome:
Develop spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
Specific Outcome:
4. Develop and apply the primary trigonometric ratios (sine, cosine,
tangent) to solve problems that involve right triangles.
Textbook (chapter 3)
Graphing calculator
Class instruction
Practice problems
Learning Activities
Finding height trig application project
Practice problems (worksheets)
Finding height trig application
Assessments Exit slips
Finding height trig application
Unit Exam
Unit 3: Polynomials
Approx. Dates October 4 - 19
General Outcome:
Develop algebraic reasoning and number sense.
Specific Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of factors of whole numbers by
determining the:
• prime factors
• greatest common factor
• least common multiple
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the multiplication of polynomial
expressions (limited to monomials, binomials and trinomials),
concretely, pictorially and symbolically.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of common factors and trinomial
factoring, concretely, pictorially and symbolically.
Resources Worksheets
Textbook (chapter 5)
Class instruction
Significant Practice problems
Learning Activities Quizzes
Practice problems (textbook and worksheets)
Assessments Exit slips
Unit Exam
Unit 7: Measurement
Approx. Dates December 12 - 22
General Outcome:
Develop spatial sense and proportional reasoning.
Targeted Specific Outcomes:
Outcomes 1. Solve problems that involve linear measurement, using:
• SI and imperial units of measure
• estimation strategies
• measurement strategies.
2. Apply proportional reasoning to problems that involve conversions
between SI and imperial units of measure.
3. Solve problems, using SI and imperial units, that involve the surface
area and volume of 3-D objects, including:
• right cones
• right cylinders
• right prisms
• right pyramids
• spheres.
Textbook (chapter 1 & 2)
Formula sheet
Class instruction
Practice problems
Learning Activities
Practice problems (textbook and worksheets)
Exit slips
Important Dates
(Such as Holidays, PD Days, Parent Teacher Interviews/Report Cards etc.)
Sept 5 First day - grade 9s only
Oct 9 No school - Thanksgiving
Oct 26, 27 No school – Parent/teacher interviews / PD
Nov 10 No school – Remembrance Day
Nov 13 No school – Division-wide PD
Dec 22 Last day
Mon. (70 min) Tues. (70 min) Wed. (70 min) Thurs. (70 min) Fri. (50 min)
4 5 6 -Trig 7 -Trig 8 -Trig
No School – First day! Intro to 10C 3.1 Finding side 3.2 Finding angle
Labour Day Grade 9s only 3.1 Pythagorean length measure
Theorem activity
11 -Trig 12 -Trig 13 -Trig 14 -Trig 15 -Trig
3.2 Finding angle 3.3 Trig 3.3 Clinometer Trig Quiz 3.1-3.3 Review
measure cont. applications assignment
Mon. (70 min) Tues. (70 min) Wed. (70 min) Thurs. (70 min) Fri. (50 min)
2 -ExpRad 3 -ExpRad 4 -Polynomials 5 -Polynomials 6 -Polynomials
Review Chapter 4 Unit 5.1 Multiplying 5.2 Greatest Polynomials
Exam polynomials common factors Quiz 1: 5.1 & 5.2
Mon. (70 min) Tues. (70 min) Wed. (70 min) Thurs. (70 min) Fri. (50 min)
4 -Systems 5 -Systems 6 -Systems 7 -Systems 8 -Systems
9.1 Substitution 9.2 Elimination 9.2 Elimination 9.3 Systems Systems Quiz:
applications 8.1 - 9.3