RX6400owner's Manual

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Thank you for selecting RX6400 series light-duty vehicle.

With lively character, RX6400 series light-duty vehicle bursts out its young breathing.The untremmelled oulooking
and graceful inner design, not only supply her comfort, but also endow her outstanding cross-country performance.Her small
body make you more agile in the city’s crowed vehicle flow. Two or four wheels drive model is your first choice to go
outside, she bring you not only driving’s pleasure but also the freedom.
As we know, the performance and its life of a vehicle depand on the driver’s handling and maintenance. So, read this
owner’s manual carefully before driving, it will be a good assistant Please know more and master our manual .
If you have any problem when you use ZOTYE Auto, please contact with our ZOTYE Auto professional service centre
as soon as possible, we will supply you the best method solving and satisfied service.


The copyright of this owner’s manual belong to ZHEJIANG ZOTYE AUTO CO., LTD. It is not allowed to copy without

OWNER’S MANUAL instruction

In str uct ion

1. Before using the vehicle, read the owner’s manual carefully. For extending vehicle’s life, and for protecting you and

other people’s life, please comply this owner’s manual strictly, or it may hurt you and your vehicle.

2. The advertent item of this owner’s manual is classificated: WARNING, CAUTION and NOTICE. The content of

WARNING help you to avoid the death or the fatal damage accident may occur. The content of CAUTION help you to

avoid the hurt to your vehicle may occur. The content of NOTICE tell you something important or skill for your drive.

3. The content of this owner’s manual is the newest edition before this print, but due to we pursue perfect product and

performance ,and also the continuous update, maybe there is some changes can not update in this manual, we should say

sorry in advance.

4. This owner’s manual covers all the equipment of RX6400 series light-duty vehicle, not especially indicate some

idiographic model vehicle, if you find some equipment did not fixed up in your vehicle, please refer to the physical

vehicle’s body.
OWNER’S MANUAL Vehicle Appearance

Cat alo gue

vehicle appearance ………………………………………………………………………………

vehicle inner ornament…………………………………………………………………………2
dash board……………………………………………………………………………………………
chapter 1 vehicle drive notice …………………………………………………………
chapter 2 door and lock ……………………………………………………………………
chapter 3 seat and seat belt………………………………………………………………
chapter 4 meter and control ……………………………………………………………
chapter 5 meter indication…………………………………………………………………
chapter 6 air condition system ……………………………………………………………
chapter 7 sound system………………………………………………………………………
OWNER’S MANUAL Vehicle Appearance
chapter 8 rear view mirror…………………………………………………………………
chapter 9 inner equipment …………………………………………………………………
chapter 10 drive gist…………………………………………………………………………
chapter 11 deal with suddenness case ……………………………………………………………
chapter 12 vehicle clean ………………………………………………………………
chapter 13 maintain and repair……………………………………………………………
chapter 14 maintain by yourself …………………………………………………………
chapter 15 main technology parameter of vehicle …………………………………………………


OWNER’S MANUAL Vehicle Appearance

Vehicle Appearance

OWNER’S MANUAL Vehicle Appearance

OWNER’S MANUAL vehicle inner ornament

Vehicle inner ornament

OWNER’S MANUAL dash board

Dash board
1. combination switch(page 4-2)
2. meter(page 5-1)
3. front wiper and washer switch(page 4-5)
4. air condition control panel(page 6-1)
5. glove box(page 9-8)
6. ashtray(page 9-3)
7. sound(page 7-1)
8. cigarette lighter(page 4-7)
9. emergency lamp switch(page 4-4)
10. rear wiper and washer switch(page 4-5)
11. start switch(page 4-1)
12. rear fog lamp switch(option)(page 4-5)
13. rear defrost switch(page 4-5)
14. front defrost switch(option)(page 4-6)
15. head lamp height adjust switch(option)(page 4-4)
16. center differential lock switch(page 4-6)
17. power rear view mirror switch(page 8-1)

Chapter 1

Vehicle drive notice 1

engin e e xha ust ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… … 1-

catal yst …… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… … 1-2

regar ding your safety …… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………

… 1-4

vehicle fuel ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… 1-4

vehicle refit……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… 1-5

vehicle electric equipment safety and usage……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… 1-5

vehicle chasten time ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… 1-5

antenna …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……… 1-6

Maintainance: according to chapter 13th.
engine exhaust Always keep the engine exhaust
WAR NING : system, body and air circulate system Air cir cula te syste m:
Don ’t inbre athe the in the right operated condition. And Confirm the air circulate system can
exhau sted gas of the confirm exhausted system has no work normally and confirm the
vehic le. Beca use it unstuck and broken place. We advice front air circulate cover are not
conta ins the carb on you: If the following happens, please covered by some snow, leaves and
monox ide( CO), and it may do the general inspection and other fraises.
make you fall in fain t or maintenance. Daily operation:
death whe n you inbrea the  When you change your We advice you do not start the engine
it. engine oil. for a long time when the vehicle is
Anyhow,when you find the  When you find the parking.Because it may incur the
exhausted gas coming into the car, exhausting sound is carbon monoxide(CO) coming
you should work out the reason and different from before. into the vehicle due to the
deal with it as soon as possible.If you  When there is some broken unproper maintaining or the
want to go on driving, you should or destroy on your break of the exhausted
open all the windows. exhausted system. system.Except when you enter
In order to avoid the suddenness,  When your vehicle is hitted or exit a parking plot , trying
please abide by the following by others. to avoid starting the engine there.And
preventive items. In addition,you also need to try to avoid snow or other things pile
do maintenance termly up near the exhaust pipe ,in order not

to reserve the exhausted gas under the engin e.
vehicle.  Do not turn off the
engin e when the
Cau tion : vehic le is r unnin g.
It may cond uct heat ,eve n  Do not let the engine
fir e when large qua ntit y overs peed run ning .
unb urne d fuel gas lea ds  93# or above and no
int o the Cataly tic lead gaso line use
con vert er.Y ou sho uld abide only.
by the foll ow indic atio n
to avoi d the above or some Warni ng:
oth er dam age. Don’ t drive The exh aust ed gas and the
the car whe n the fuel exhau sted sysem will be
Ca tal yti c
qua ntit y i s ver y l ow. very hot when the eng ine
 Do not let the vehi cle is runn ing, so don’ t park
co nve rte r:
run ove r 10 min utes your vehicl e over up some
whe n the vehicl e is tinde r, suc h as law n,
par king . leave s, paper s or clo th.
 Do not push or pull Also, peop le shou ld be far
the veh icle whe n you away from the exhau sted
pre pare to star t the pipe.



Catalytic converter is the

exhausted controlling
equipment ,it is installed in
the exhausted system to reduce
the pollution of the

high speed but can supply you a in order not to hur t
Abide by the examination good overpass performance. the veh icle bod y.
and maintenance task which
RX6400 maintain schedule Warni ng:
ruled, in order to ensure the  If poss ible ,try to
engine, Catalytic converter avoid rap id turni ng or
and pollution control system fast brak e,in ord er
On yo ur saf ety :
can run normally. not to let the vehicl e
If it is difficult to start,frequently out of contro l or tur n War ning :
flameout or there is some stange over.  Str ong side win d may
sound&bursted shock,you should  Do not load too heavy cau se ins tabi lity of
send your vehicle to service center to goods on your auto you r vehicl e,so you
examine and repair as soon as roof, beca use this may sho uld slow dow n your
possible.This high chassis and narrow incre ase the cent er of veh icle to avoi d the
body vehicle is used for Leisure and gravi ty and effec t eff ect of the wind.
travelling , so this design makes the your oper atio n.  Do not try to swing -
body is higher than the normal  The hei ght of this tra il or drive onto
vehicle. The higher body design give vehic le is 1715mm ,so the ste ep or cragge d
s you a good view and have the pleas e note the heigh t ram p.On ce you loose
advantage to avoid the accident. restr ict when you pas s con trol ,It may make
Though this auto can not turning at low lanew ay and bridg e dan ger of skid or even

tur nove r. performance,the safety
 Whe n you go up or go
Fue l of th e performance and the wearing
dow n ramp,d o not try performance,even offend
to turn ing back whe n
veh icl e: law.The broke and problem
the eng ine flam eout .We 90# or upward s,no lea d which caused by refittion may
adv ice you to kee p gasol ine use only . effect the warranty of the
jog gle of the gear and Caution: after sale service.In
dri ve you r vehi cle to Every time fill with the same addition,may cause the vehicle
saf ety fiel d.Or it may out of control,accident or
octane value gasoline to
out of cont rol, or even serious damage. To satify
tur nove r. ensure the performance of people’s leisure
 Whe n you drive on the requirement,if you want to
your engine.
bad ness or scre e install parcel shelf on the
ram p,pl ease slow down roof, please abide by the
in orde r not to traffic safety rules,load
ove rtur n ,or it may sport equipment only and
cau se the damag e of
Ref iti on of the should fix it up ,in order not
cha ssis ,out of to offend law.
con trol ,or even
veh icl e:
ove rtur n. Refitting the vehicle will
effect the operated


Ca uti on:
Thi s vehi cle roof goo ds
max load not more than
80k gs.

Ve hic le el ec tri c early 300 kms adapting
Ada pti ng t er m: term.
eq uip men t in sta ll
For a new vehicle,the friction
an d u se: between every running spare
When you prepare to install parts is large, as the vehicle
electric equipments which can run and the running spare
make powerful electromagnetic parts adapt each other,the
wave,such as double direction An ten na:
friction is getting lower and
telecommunication lower.So, we advice you to
equipment,mobile telephone and notice the following item
computer etc, please inquire before you run 1600kms,this
the service center for advice will be benefit for the later
in advance.Because those operation and the economic
equipment’s electromagnetic performance.
wave may make bad disturb to  Do not overrun 90km/h.
vehicle EFI & ABS.  Do not keep the same speed
War ning : when run too long time.
It is dange rous to add any  Do not trample the fuel Remark:
add ed rat ed loa d equi pmen t fiercely when start  Remember take back the antenna
vehicle. when you wash the vehicle in
or chan ge the origi nal
 Beside urgent case, do not
des ign of the vehic le. auto washing equipment.
make sudden
stop,especially before the  Keep a good habit, take back the
antenna when you are not using

the radio.


Ch apt er 2

Door and Lock 2

Key(no anti-theft recognizable system) ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… … 2-1

Password anti-theft recognizable system(option) ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… … 2-1

Key( with anti-theft recognizable system)( option) …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… 2-1

Lock of the door……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……… 2-


Child safety lock……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……… 2-

Window …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… 2-

Power window…………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……



Engine cabin bonnet ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… … 2-

Tailgate…………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …


Fuel fill cover …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …… 2-



Key(no anti-theft recognize system) three keys can start your
Password anti-theft recognizable engine.
War ning :
You are not allow ed to
When insert the key into the cha nge the pass word anti-
ignition switch,the chipset of the ft restr ain syst em.
the key will send the password Not ice:
to the vehicle and compare it 1. Due to your main key have
Key code with ID number which store in the function to copy the ID
code to spare key and the
the vehicle in advance.If the
spare key can enter into
Your vehicle is attached with password is consistent with
anti-theft system.So,you
3 keys.We advice you write the ID number,so the engine need use the main key to
down the number of your key on will start, or the engine copy a spare key when you
your notebook;We advice you can’t start. lose your spare key.You
take one spare key in your must place your main key
pocket.If you lose all the into a safe place.
Key ( with anti-theft recognizable 2. If you lose your main
keys,please contact with
system)(option) key,please contact with
service center.
Your vehicle is attached with service center as soon as
3 password keys.The black key possible.
is the main key ,other 2 grey
keys are spare key.Only these

The chi pset in the key in high
main key and spare tem pera ture place
key and send code to for a long
engin e anti -the ft tim e.Fo r exam ple,
syste m,so you mus t do not put the key
know the key well,a nd on the dash boa rd
abide the fol lowi ng , Bas king
thing s: dir ectl y.
1. Do not pack the
When you prepare to copy a spare key key wit h the
,you must take the main key and its mater ial which can
number to the dealer to make it.So we cut down
advice you write down the number of elect roma gnet ic
your key on your notebook. wave sendin g,(s uch
Notice: as alum inum -all oy
You can register and copy no more jacke t).
than three spare keys. 2. Be care full y do
not let the 1. Do not put the key together with
recog niza ble key other magnetism things,such as
be i mpact ed. magnetism bangle.
Cau tion : 3. Do not place the 2. Do not tie the key ring on the key

handle, like the upper photo

Lo ck o f t he do or:
War ning :
 Con firm the saf ety
aro und you when you
ope n any door of your
veh icle .
 Bef ore runnin g,co nfir m
all the doo rs are
clo sed safely
3. Do not tie with other keys, like 4. Do not bend the key handle like ,be caus e it can avoid
the photo show above . the photo show above. the doo r open sudde nly
and can sto p the
pas seng er bee n thro wn
out of the vehi cle.

 Whe n the day is hot ,do
not lea ve child or pet
in the vehi cle, for the
tem pera ture ins ide the
veh icle may ver y h igh.

The impac t dete ctiv e warning lamp button or room in the door is broke by
veh icle doo r lamp button twice ,in order to impacting.
rel easi ng turn off the danger warning War ning :
sys tem( opti on) lamp and room lamp.  For bid to refit the
Suitable for matching with If it begins to ring when you sus pens ion system ,
ITC(Integrate time controller) open the ignition switch,it thi s will condu ct the
vehicle. means this system function is imp act dete ctiv e
When an accident is happened, wrong,you should send the veh icle doo r relea sing
all the door will be open vehicle to service center to sys tem laps e.
after 3 seconds, and ring reqair it.
three times.And the danger
 Bef ore you take the
warning lamp will coruscate.If
Notice: fol lowi ng act ion,
inner room lamp switch is on
When the vehicle be seriously inq uire ser vice cen ter
the position of “DOOR”,the
impact or shock,such as the in adva nce.
room lamp will shine. After
vehicle run on bump road,the
impact detective vehicle door Chang e front/ rear bod y
door lock may open.
releasing system effect,the met al struc ture .
If the vehicle does not stop
vehicle door can’t close, Chang e the equipm ent
within 10 seconds after
neither the danger warning whi ch insta ll on the front
impact,the warning lamp and
lamp and inner lamp can’t of vehi cle, such as :
room lamp will not coruscate
turn off within 10 seconds. Water tank cover
or shine.
After the door can be
It will make this system lapse pro tect equip ment ,snow
lock,turn the ignition switch
when the power supply stop or scr ape plan k a nd c apsta n.
“OFF -ON”or press danger
the lock controlling machine


forward Notice:
Don ‘t leave the key on the
lock unlock
Outer handle

Use the lock button Ch ild sa fet y

Insideto lock or
unlock the vehicle lock
When you press down the lock button lo ck
Vehicle door lock/unlock ,can lock the door, draw up the lock
Turn the key to vehicle head direction button,then can open the door. You
,then you can lock the door,turn the also can press down the lock button
key to vehicle rear direction,then the first,then draw up the outer door
door is opened. handle,close the door,so the door is
Draw the outer door handle,then the locked.
door is opened.If there is center lock When you close the rear door ,the
system in the vehicle,then other doors door is locked , It is not necessary to
will be locked automaticly or unlock draw up the handle.
when you lock or unlock the driver’s If there is a center lock in the
door. vehicle,when you lock or open the Child safety lock is used for when
driver’s door ,other doors will be lock child draw up the inside door handle
or unlock automatically. ,the door open and make an

accident.When put the child lock to  Be carefu ll other Window lock switch:
“lock” position and close the door, the passe nger s’ and you r Turn the ignition switch to”ON”,then
door can be opened from outside only. head, hand s and other the power window can work.
We advice that: when there are parts of body .Be far All the power window can be control
children inside the vehicle, you from the rais ing or by the main switch which is on
should lock the child lock. dropi ng win dow, in driver’s door.When the window lock
noder not to nip hurt . is on “OFF”,other power windows
 Do not paste anythi ng can’t move except driver’s window.
Ma nua l w ind ow on or nea r the window
Car head to avoid cove ring War ning :
drive r’s v iew up. Be carefu ll you rs and
Draw up oth er passe nger s’
Pow er w in dow hea d,ha nds and othe r part s
of body ,Be far from the
rai sing or drop ing
Drop-off win dow, in order not to
avo id nip hurt.
Aft er chi ldre n get into
Revolving the manual window rock the vehic le,y ou sho uld put
handle,you can raise or down the Window lock switch the windo w lock on
window. “O FF” .
War ning :

Draw up
hur t.


Recloser: Window switch:

When ignition switch is at ”ON” When both ignition switch and
position ,keeping draw up the power window switch are at “ON”
of recloser window ,it will keep position,keeping draw up window Front right door window switch:
rising, when you keep press the switch ,the window will keeping draw Press upside of the switch,the window
recloser window,it will keep dropping up; when keeping press down power will go up.press underside of the
down(automatic model). window switch, the window will keep
switch, the window will go down.
When pressing the recloser down.
completely, the window will be down Warni ng: Keep pressing the switch the window
auotomaticly,only pull the recloser in Be carefu ll other will keep moving.
reverse derection slightly, the window passe nger s’ and you r War ning :
will stop in midway.When the head, hand s and other parts Bec aref ull othe r
window reach the bottom, the recloser
of body,B e far from the pas seng ers’ and your the
will stop automaticly.
raisi ng or dropin g hea d,ha nds and othe r part s
windo w,in ord er not to nip of body ,Be far from the
rai sing or drop ing
win dow, in ore r not to nip
hur t.

to avoid scrape the bonnet or War ning :
Engine cabin bonnet: damage the wiper and wiper Con firm the kni ghth ead
arm. com plet ely insert into the
 Do not use any tools to open hol e of bon net. Or the
the bonnet,this will damage the bon net may drop off and
bonnet lock. mak e great hurt on your
bod y.

How to open the bonnet?

Draw up the lock lever which under
driver’s dash board inside the driver’s
The bonnet release wrench located
under the front of bonnet, turn up the
wrench then you can open the bonnet.

Caution: Bonnet knighthead:

 When the wiper arm or wiper Insert the knighthead into the hole of
hold up,do not open the bonnet bonnet.


Warni ng:
Befor e vehi cle
movin g,co nfir m the bonnet
is lock ,or the bonn et may
open sudd enly and the n
shiel d t he d river ’s vie w.
When you driv e and find
the bonne t is not
compl etel y closed , you
How to clos e t he b onnet ? shoul d stop at the side of Loc k t he d oor or u nlock :
1. Put the knighthead of rode and lock it Turn the key clockwise you can
bonnet back to compl etel y. lock the tail door.
heroriginal position Turn the key counter-clockwise
and hold the bonnet at
Tai l do or : you can open the tail door.
the mean time. If there is center lock in
2. Put down the bonnet and vehicle,when you lock or
press down the bonnet unlock driver’s door, the
slowly . tail door will lock or unlock
as well.

Notic e:
Do not lock the key on the
vehic le.
Fu el f il l c ove r:
Warni ng: War ning :
 When the vehi cle  Bef ore fill fue l,yo u
runni ng,t he door mus t flameo ut the
shoul d closed ,to avoi d veh icle and far fro m
poiso nous air ent er fir e and no smo king at
into the vehi cle and the mea n t ime.
make you pois on.  Don ’t carry any fue l
How to open the tai l d oor?  After the tail door open,it will sto re tan k,it will
Draw up the outer handle of shield 50% of your view,so,you exp lode or fire whe n
the tail door then you can must remind the other vehicles the tan k l eak.
open the tail door from on road,such as use triangle mark
outside. or other thing.
How to lock the tai l d oor?
Before you close the tail door
confirm there is no goods
intervene the tail door.

ord er not to splash
gas olin e .

How to open fuel tank cap?

Turn the fuel tank cap in Counter-
clockwise ,then you can open it.

How to open the fue l fill How to close the fuel tank cap?
cov er? Turn the fuel tank cap in Clockwise
Pull up the fuel fill cover Fuel tank cap : ,until you can heard sound ”Kou”,it
remote handle then the cover Warni ng: means the fuel tank cap have already
will open.  Slowl y open the fuel safely closed.
tank cap in order not
to splash gas olin e and
then damage the
surfa ce paint and hur t
your skin .
 Confi rm the fuel tank
cap close saf ely in

Chapter 3

Seat and seat belt

Seat …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… … 3-1

front seat ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… … 3-

rear seat…………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… 3-


headrest ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……

… 3-6

method of how to use seat belt……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… … 3-7

three point seat belt …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……… 3-8

two point seat belt…………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… 3-


child safety seat……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……… 3-


SRS driver’s airbag and vice driver’s airbag (option) ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……… 3-11

War ning :
Se at:  The sea t may move
When the vehicle
Fro nt s ea t: sud denl y if it not
running,confirm all passengers loc ated firml y,it can
sit down and all of them have mak e the vehicl e out
fasten seat belt. of cont rol.
War ning :
If any pass enge r have not
sit dow n or hav e not
fas ten seat bel t,yo u
mus tn’ t begin to run. Such
as: when sit dow n on the How to adjust the pos itio n
lyi ng seatb ack, when of f ront seat ?
sea tbac k is fol d on sea t Draw up the adjust lever of
pad or is fold in lugga ge seat and move the seat to
box . where you want by your body  Don ’t adj ust the seat
Any perso n inob serv ance force,then release the adjust whe n the vehicl e
the abo ve warni ng ,will be lever. run ,it may make the
hur t when the veh icle After finishing adjustment,try veh icle out of
sud den stop . to move the seat to ensure the con trol .
seat located firmly. How to adju st seatb ack?
Incline your body forward
slightly,draw up seatback
incline lever, slightly
incline the seatback to where
you want,then release the


War ning :
 Aft er adj ustm ent, then
pre ss the seatb ack to
ens ure it have alre ady
fir med.
 Don ’t adj ust the seat
Re ar s ea t:
whe n the vehicl e War ning :
run s,it may mak e the  Whe n you want adjus t
veh icle out of the seatb ack and draw
con trol . up seatba ck adj ust
 To avoid the seat back lev er,y ou shoul d
is too incl inin g,to sup port the sea tbac k,
avo id the safe belt How to adjust rea r seat or this may sudde n
dro p when the accid ent seatb ack? ben d the seatba ck and
hap pens . Draw up the adjust lever of mak e a ccide nt.
seat and move the seat to  Aft er
where you want by your body adj ustm ent, sust aine d
force, then release the adjust pre ss the seatb ack to
lever. avo id it has a sudd en
rem ove.
 To avoid the seat back
is too incl inin g,th is
can avoid the saf e
bel t drop when the
acc iden t h appen s.


incline cable
Release belt of
incline lock

seatback accurate
Release belt, incline

Lock ring unaccurate

How to fold rear seat? War ning :

1. Draw up release belt of incline 3. Draw up incline handle, then It may be mak e seri ous
hur t when there is a
lock to turn up the seat pad. fold two rear seat seatback acc iden t or sud den brak e
2. Press down the button of slowly. if you inob serv ance follo w
war ning :
headrest lock, pull out the 4. Fit seatback firmly on the fixed
 Lug gage cab in is not
headrest straightly. hook which is at the back of seat des ign for
pad. pas seng ers. Do not
all ow to l oad anybo dy.
 The hei ght of goods
dep osit in lugg age
cab in shoul d be les s
tha n the height of
sea tbac k.

 The rea r seatba ck must
fir m in app oint ed
pos itio n after it is
tur ned over .



pothook Seat belt

fixer buckle

How to return seatback? 2. Draw up seatback adjust lever Notice:

Notice: and incline seatback backward Make sure seat belt buckle clasp on
Turn the left and right seatback to its slightly. the seat at the same time.
own position one by one. 3. Hold the center seat belt buckle
1. Turn the left and right seatbacks of rear seat then turn the seat pad
to its original position one by to its original position.
one. 4. Return the other side seatback to
its original position in the same


Seatback Seatback
incline release incline release

How to lie seat?

1. Draw up rear seat incline handle 2. Pull out the front seat headrest 4. Lying the front seatback and try
and fold the seatback backward. Straightly . to make it connect with rear seat
. 3. Draw up seat adjust lever and pad.
move the front seat forward until
it can’t move any more.

How to enact the original state?
Do the steps reversely according to
the above process.
War ning :
Hea dre st: How to pull out the
It may be mak e seri ous hea dres t?
hur t when there is a Press the button of
acc iden t or sud den brak e headrest,then pull out it
if you negl ect the forward straightly.
fol lowi ng warni ngs
 Do not run if someb ody
sit on com plet e lying War ning :
sea t. It may caus e the vehicl e
 Let you r body press out of cont rol or serio us
the seatb ack to How to adjust the hur t when there is a
con firm the sea tbac k headr est? acc iden t or sud den brak e
fix fir mly. Pull up the headrest forward if you negl ect the
Straightly,press down the fol lowi ng warni ngs.
headrest button,press down the  Aft er
headrest to adjust the head of adj ustm ent, conf irm the
the headrest,try to make the hea dres t is saf ely
headrest close up your ear fir med.
 Do not pull out the
hea dres t when the
veh icle run s.

Method of using seat belt advice to take seat belt.Be careful sea t belt. Use
ZOTYE AUTO advise all passengers when you take sciatic seat belt,try lit musl ess soap or
to fasten seat belt and to abide the to avoid fastening on abdomen,the wat er to wash sea t
following instructions,or it will make lower the better,or ask gynecologist
bel ts.I f ther e is any
serious hurt when there is a accident for advice.
Patient:ZOTYE AUTO advice to fra zzle ,dir t or
or sudden brake.Before vehicle
take seat belt or ask doctor for sha tter ,you nee d to
runs,you should check whether the
seat belt is normal or not,if any advice. cha nge it.
difference,please go to service center Warni ng:  If ther e is any
quickly.  The seat belt sho uld ser ious impac t on the
Child:We advice children sit in rear cross sho ulde r or sea t belt when you
seat and fasten seat belt.According chest ,don ’t all owed to usi ng it,yo u must
to statistic, children sit in rear seat put it on wai st cha nge the whol e belt
will be more safe than sitting in sys tem even the re is
posit ion.
front seat.
 Try to fasten the sea t no obvi ous harm on the
 Do not allow children to stand or
belt and ensu re the sea t b elt.
kneel on the seat.
comfo rt and the  Do not allo wed to turn
 Do not embrace child on your
hand, or she may be pressed by prote ctio n suppl ied you r body after tak ing
the inner room’s ornament or by desi gn. Loose seat sea t b elt.
you. belt may grea tly  One sea t belt can only
For young or small statured people: reduc e the protec tion fit for one
If the belt crosses the front seat to p assen ger. pas seng er,i t’s
passenger’s neck or face,move the  Try to avoid use oil dan gero us to take seat
front seat until the belt is comfortable.
and chemi c produc ts,t o bel t and hold a chi ld
For gravid women:ZOTYE AUTO
avoid mak ing dirt on at the mean tim e.

 Do not refi t or add
any thi ng on seat
bel t,to avo id reduc ing
the adj ust func tion or
sea t belt assem bly, to
avo id bel t can not
adj ust to prop er
pos itio n o r too loo se.
 Try to avoi d seat belt
cro ssin g user’ s neck
or face .

 Don ’t let you r arm impac t on sea t belt
cro ss the shoul der syste m,yo u must go to
bel t or pre ss on your servi ce cen ter and
bac k. repla ce the seat
 Don ’t inc line the belt, even there is no
sea tbac k too much and obvio us damag e.
mak e it do not meet Caution:
you r r eques t.  Be careful, do not make the
 Don ’t h an g too hard o r seat belt be nipped and spoiled
som ethi ng easy to by seat or door.
 Use litmusless soap or warm
bre ak on the seat How to take seat belt?
clean water wash the seat
bel t,su ch as: belt,do not use bleacher,fuel or Pull out the seat belt from the reel,
gla sses ,jew elry ,bal l sand paper to wash it, it may then insert metal clasp into the clamp
pen or key etc. make big damage.When you until you hear sound “kala”.
 Don ’t wear too thic k clean it don’t move seat
belt.Rollback it untill it is War ning :
clo thes when you take
sea t belt,i t will complete dry. Aft er inser t the metal
cha nge the prop er clasp, ensur e it con nect
pos itio n of you r seat saf ely and do not twist it
Three point seat belt
bel t. in order to ensur e its
 Don ’t ref it or saf ety and firm .
unl oad the seat bel t
sys tem.
 If ther e is a serio us


Adjust degree of



How to take seat belt?

How to adjust seat belt? How to open the seat belt? Insert metal tongue into the clamp
Fasten seat belt on your haunch ,the Press seat belt release button,let seat until hear sound “kala!”.
lower the better,and avoid tie on your belt furl completely back to reel and
waist.Draw your shoulder seat belt confirm there is no twist case when it War ning :
toward reel to avoid it too loose.Do furling. Aft er inser t the metal
not need adjust the length of seat belt, clasp, ensur e it con nect
the move of your body have be saf ely and do not twist it
already consided for the belt in order to ensur e its
movement and rolling when the belt is saf ety and firm .
designed.It will be automaticly lock in
Two point seat belt
emergency( emergent brake,impact


Children safety seat

wrong elongate


How to adjust seat belt? How to open the seat belt?

Fasten seat belt on your haunch ,the Press seat belt release button to open Child is too small to use the seat
lower the better,and avoid tie on your it. belt,so we advise you to use children
waist.Handhold seat belt clasp at a Insert the metal tongue into clamp seat which is suitable for children,in
proper position, pull it to adjust the when it do not use. order to ensure safety.Please install
tightness. Caution: the children seat as manufacturer’s
Try to avoid seat belt be nip by the guide.
door or door lock, to avoid damage. War ning :
Don ’t ins tall chi ldre n
sea t on fro nt sea t.Be caus e
it may make ser ious hur t
or deat h.
SRS driver seat and vice-driver Front impact area fro nt rig ht pas seng er
seat airbag(option) to dash boa rd not too
sma ll.
3. Ens ure seat bel t have
alr eady fas ten.

Warni ng:
It may make worst har m if
SRS is a safe protect system,when you negle ct the follo w
vehicle head impact, the airbag will warni ngs. You may hurt by
inflate.Cooperate with seat belt,SRS front hit eve n you have
protect driver and front passenger to SRS airba g.
avoid hitting face,head and chest. 1. Confi rm to adjust sea t
SRS is an assistant equipment,it can pad and seatb ack to a
not replace seat belt. prope r p ositi on.
The right front airbag still work,even 2. Confi rm pas seng er’ s
there is no passenger sit there. posit ion to ensur e the
dista nce from dri ver
to dash board ,the
7. Don’ t put child ren may suffer worse hurt or
seat in front sea t. death.

4. Avo id your body is too

inc lini ng to steeri ng
whe el or d ashbo ard. 8. Don’ t let child sta nd
5. Don ’t put any thing in front of SRS airba g Due to:
bet ween ste erin g wheel or handho ld on your  Airbag is an assistant
and drive r or bet ween knee. Ref eren ce 3-7 equipment,so it can’t ensure
das hboa rd and seat belt own er you safety alone.It will quickly
pas seng er,s uch as: pet manua l. leak air after quickly inflation.
or back pack etc . Caution: So,it can’t ensure your safety
6. Don ’t han dhol d panel 1. even you have already install when it deflating immediately
of stee ring whe el or SRS airbag,but you did not after hitting.
das hboa rd. fasten seat belt correctly,you

wheel or dashboard, or when
 It will reduce the effieiency of vehicle is impacted at front and
airbag or make serious hurt, if the airbag inflate ,you will be
you really do not fasten seat hurted.
belt or uncorrect sitting 3. Unless the start switch is at the
posture,not only because position “on”, or the airbag
airbag can’t reduce impact to will not work. When the start
you,but also the distance is not switch is at other position and
correct between your body and vehicle is impacted,the airbag
airbag,between dashboard and will not work.
you,all those may hurt you.  The SRS only work when the
 The SRS airbag will not work front is impacted.So when
when the warning lamp is under the scope of ECU ,it may
shine or the car is impacted at not act .for example:
front. · Speed no more than 20km/h,
impact at front.
· When your vehicle enter below
heavy truck container.
· When impact on side or rear.
· When your vehicle turnover.
2. When vehicle runs,do not
incline your body to steering

for 6 seconds.If there is no other
SRS lamp
thing happen,the SRS lamp will
Driver’s airbag.
die after 6 seconds and self-
diagnostic will transfter model to
normal diagnostic model. You
Passenger’s should offen inspect whether
electric system and parts action
is good or not.In normal
diagnostic model, if there is any
4. If you put any thing between Main parts: bad happen, the SRS lamp will
steering wheel and driver or  The driver’s airbag is installed shine to remind driver.
between passenger and on steering wheel.  ECU have be equipped with 2
dashboard,when the vehicle is  The passenger’s airbag is group of capacitor as spare
impacted at front, the airbag installed on upper right position power supply,in order to defend
will work unproperly and hurt of dash board. power break when the vehicle is
you seriouly.  The ECU is installed under impacted at front.
5. If your hand hold the panel of centre console.
the steering wheel when the  SRS lamp is to remind you the
vehicle is impacted at check when the airbag not act.
front.,you may seriously hurt.  ECU have a function of self
diagnostic, when the start switch
”on”, the SRS lamp will shine

whe n you feel bad on
Warni ng: you r nose or throat .If
 Pleas e ask doctor if you sti ll feel bad,
you have any brui se or you shoul d see a
tumef acti on. doc tor.
 The gas is a litt le
stimu lati ve aft er
airba g expl odio n,th is
will not hurt
human ,but may hur t
How the airbag act? your brea th organ or
The airbag will inflate to protect your make allerg ic
face,head and chest when your disea se.S o,af ter
vehicle is impacted seriously at airba g infl atio n,op en
front.You can see white powder or the doo r to lea d new
smog and hear sound of inflating air to inner car or
when the airbag inflating.This is under car,i n orde r to After the airbag fully fill-in and then
conduct by SRS airbag, this is normal. ensur e safe ty.I f your deflating, you can recover vision and
It may hurt your face or other part skin, eye s, nose or turn the steering wheel.
when the airbag inflating. throa t feel bad, use
clean wat er wash it. Caution:
Pleas e brea th new air When you want to leave the crashed

spot after airbag inflating fully, fold
the airbag into the steering wheel to
ensure it is easy to turn.


 After folding the flat
airbag,you must clean your
hands to avoid allergic
symptom .
 The airbag may very hot after
inflation, when you touch it
may conduct serious hurt.

Import safety warning:

1. Do not use water or
clean ser to wash the
inner of vehi cle. SRS 2. If there is any damage in the
gas gener ator con tain s surface,the airbag may not
poiso n or fla mmab le work properly.
mater ial. So,w hen acid 3. Don’t paste seal or paper on
water or othe r heavy airbag.
metal enter gas It may not inflate if you
gener ator , it may inobservance these warnings
trans fer into poi son
or d etona tor.
4. Don ’t paste ,put up 10. Ple ase rememb er you r
pac ket or add other veh icle have alread y
spa re par ts.I t may be equi ped with air bag
hur t passen ger when dee ply.
the air bag infl ate and Tel l the buyer your
spa re parts sca tter in veh icle is equi ped
the veh icle ’s ins ide. wit h airbag whe n you
5. Don ’t put thi ngs on wan t to sel l your
das h boar d or tak e 8. Don’t use hard thing to impact veh icle .
thi ngs out from glove steering wheel,dash board or 11. Don ’t use air bag to
box and put it on dash other spare parts,if you do not oth er thing ,the
boa rd. abide the above warnings, it pur pose for the air bag
6. Don’t install any spare parts may inflate by accident. is just a
on windshield or inner room’s 9. When you want any repair or SRS .(as sist ant safety
mirror.It may hurt passenger service,you must inform sys tem)
when the airbag inflates. service centre that your vehicle
7. Don’t put umbrella on dash is equiped with airbag.
board,it may hurt passenger If you do not abide the above
when the airbag inflates. warning and advice in this
owner’s manual, it may make
seriously hurt,dieth or system

·Wh en you r horn cap cro ssbe am.
Service advice: need to be d isman tled . ·W hen you wan t to
·Wh en your stee ring ins tall any equ ipme nt in
After your vehicle have be registered
wheel need to be fro nt,s uch as front
over 10 years,if you want to confirm
disma ntle d . pro tect or.
reliability of the SRS airbag, contact
·Wh en your dash boa rd  You mustn ’t corre ct
with service center please. need to be d isman tled . you r airbag or repl ace
You must through service center to ·Wh en your radi o need it by other veh icle ’s
help you to repair, replace or do other to b e ins tall ed. air bag or corre ct
operation if in follow cases: ·Wh en your vehi cle is sus pens ion syst em,i t
 After inflated,SRS airbag and usele ss and need to be may make bad func tion
control union must be renew,do disca rded . or do not work.
not backout and destroy the ·Wh en you r SRS is The f ollo wing ope rati on
inflated SRS by yourself. usele ss and need to be may make airbag usele ss
disca rded . and make your bod y
 The airbag lamp still shines after
·Wh en you r v ehi cle n eed ser ious ly hurt or death .
engine started.
to b e wel ded. For inc reas e safety ,if
 When your vehicle meet ·Wh en you r v ehi cle b ody the re is any assemb ly or
accident. need to be c orrec ted. dis asse mbly ,go to ZOTYE
War ning : ·Wh en you r v ehi cle n eed AUT O specia l arrang emen t
 You sho uld ask spec ial to be rep aire d and ser vice centr e,te chni cian s
arr ange ment ser vice paint ed. wil l help you to repair
cen tre before follo w ·Wh en you need to it:
ope rati ons: chang e the front ·An yone who is not

pro fess iona l worker ,
don ’t try to assemb ly or
dis asse mbly the ste erin g
whe el.
·An yone who is not
pro fess iona l worker ,
don ’t try to make sys tem
che ck and repai r.
·Yo u are not allow ed
to heat the airba g syst em
in desi ccan t o r hea ter.


Chapter 4

Meter and control 4

Ignition switch ………………………………………………………………………………………………………4-1

Combination switch …………………………………………………………………………………………………4-3

Warning lamp switch…………………………………………………………………………………………………4-4

Wipper and water spray switch……………………………………………………………………………………4-4


Rear defrost switch……………………………………………………………………………………………………4-5

Front fog lamp switch(option) ………………………………………………………………………………………4-5

Rear fog lamp switch ………………………………………………………………………………………………4-6

Centre differecial lock switch ………………………………………………………………………………………4-6

Cigarette lighter………………………………………………………………………………………………………4-7

make steeri ng
Ignation switch: machn isim lock and
condu ct accid ent.

 Don’ t lea ve the key

when there is only
child lef t i n veh icle .
 The elect ric equi pmen t
may act when ign itio n
key tur n out
“LO CK” ,an d may make
Loc k: accid ent.
The key can be take out or insert into
the lock.Try to turn left and right
slowly when the key can’t move in ACC
the key. Other subsidiary parts.When the
War ning : ignition switch is on”ACC”
 You mustn ’t turn the position,the engine is rest and the
ign itio n swit ch to radio can still work.
“L OCK ” when the
veh icle run s.It may

ON Start :
When the engine runs, the ignition When the engine starts, the
switch should be at ”ON” position ignition switch is at
When the engine is rest, you ”START” position, after the
mustn’t turn ignition switch to start finished, it will back
“ON”,or the battery will be empty to “ON” position.Look at
completely . chapter 10 for start gist.

Cor usca te light :
Co mbi nat ion sw itc h: Backward dial the handle and
release it,the far lamp will
coruscate follow it.
Second stage

First stage

Turn the handle of combination

switch , then head lamp is Far/n ear ligh t o n/off :
open. When the head lamp is open(now Turn signal lamp control:
The ignition switch is at
Switch position: is near light), dial the “ON” position when the turn
First Second handle forward can adjust the signal lamp is
stage stage coruscating,dial multi-
light head lamp to far light, dial function control lever up and
Head lamp OFF ON the handle backward can make down can make out turning
Width lamp ON ON message.When the indicate lamp
it recover to near light. The is coruscating in
Tail lamp ON ON
License lamp ON ON indicate lamp which is on dashboard,you can try to
Dash board lamp dashboard will shine when far change it by moving the
ON ON control lever.
light shines.
Cau tion :
If lamp is coru scat ing too
fast than nor mal, it
means the lam p may burn

Dangerous warning lamp warni ng the rear vehi cle rad iato r antifr eeze
switch: to a void acci dent . int o c oolan t t ank.
 whe n snow is on
Wipper and water spray
win dshi eld, the gla ss
is froz en,o r the
Warni ng: win dshi eld is dirt,
 First defro st bef ore The wiper brush
you use water spr ay in wor k,it may be brok en.
winte r. Thi s is to  Whe n the washer tan k
defen d ice frozen on is empty, don’ t use
winds hiel d ,or it may it, it may break the
cover sight and cau se spr ay motor .
When press this button,all turning accid ent.
signal lamp and indicating lamp in  Attri te or dirt wip er washer
dash board will coruscate. will redu ce your
When you press it again, it will be off. sight .
When the switch is at “on” position, it  Chang e the wiper brus h intermission 间
歇 open
won’t make turning lamp only if nece ssar y when you slow
coruscate at one side, unless maint ain your veh icle .
emergency case, don’t use this switch. Cauti on:
War ning :  To avoid dest royi ng
the surfa ce of
Whe n emer genc y, you can Front wiper and water spary
paint ing, don ’t fil l
pre ss this butt on to switch: when ignition switch is at

“ON” position, the wiper and water
spray can work. Dial the wiper
control lever down makes it work.
When the lever is at “INT” position,
it is at intermission sect.Dial it
toward your direction,can spray
water and wiper can work.

switch: Whe n rear winds hiel d is
cle an, turn off the
def rost ,or it will be
und erch arge d.
Whe neve r,do n’t brea k the
open def rost wir e.
Front fog lamp switch

Rear wiper and water spray switch:
Press the upper button
to“on”, until the wiper The ignition switch should be
work. at “ON” position when
Press it again,it will spray defrost the rear glass.
water and the rear wiper will Press this button start to
run at the mean time. defrost rear glass .When
Press the back of button to defrost is working,the
the lowest end,it can spray indicating lamp shines.This
water only. defrost equipment is not
design for melting snow or You can make fog lamp on when the
drying rain. ignition switch is at “ON” position.
Rear Windshield defrost Cauti on: Press the button, the fog lamp shines.

will alarm to inform you the the fog
Re ar fog la mp lamp switch is turn on.
sw itc h: Cig are tte li ght er: If the cigarette lighter do not
rebound back to its original
position wothin 20s,draw out it
quickly. Don’t thrust it
open compulsively and go to service
center quickly to check the cigarette
close lighter system.
We don’t advice you to equip any
other spare parts,it may make
barrier of the cigarette lighter
The rear fog lamp is control by When the ignition switch is at “ACC” system.
controled switch. When the multi or ”ON” position, press it until the
function switch is at second stage,the end, When cigarette lighter can use, it
rear fog lamp can turn on. will rebound to its original position
Rear fog lamp shine bee warning: automatically.
When you open the door, the ignition After using,put it back.
switch is at “ACC” or “LOCK” Warni ng:
position, and the rear fog lamp switch Don’ t touch the hea ting
is turn on, the bee warning equipment coil, it may scald you .

Chapter 5

Meter indication 5
Dash board…………………………………………………………………………………………………………5-1

Warning lamp………………………………………………………………………………………………………5-2

Indication lamp……………………………………………………………………………………………………5-5 5

Fuel meter …………………………………………………………………………………………………………5-7


Engine water temperature meter…………………………………………………………………………………5-7

Speed meter,odometer and itinerary meter………………………………………………………………………5-7

Rotate speed meter…………………………………………………………………………………………………5-8


Dash board
Speed meter Engine water temperature Fuel meter
Engine water temperature meter Speed meter Odometer Page 5-7 meter Page 5-7 Page 5-7
Page 5-7 Page 5-7
Page 5-7

Speed position lamp window

Rotate speed
Fuel meter Odometer Rotate speed
Page 5-7 Page 5-7 meter Page 5-7
Page 5-7 meter Page 5-7

Type Two
Type One


Warning Lamp
War ning :
1. If you must ado pt
fla meou t or eme rgen cy
sto p,st op your vehi cle Inspect any warning lamp:
at road sid e ,the n 1. Draw up grip brake.
fla meou t and turn on 2. Turn ignition switch to “ON”
the war ning lam p. position,all warning lamp should
2. To avoi d scald, wait shine before engine starts.
unt il engin e cool 3. After engine starts and put down
bef ore inspec t any the grip brake,all warning lamp
spa re par ts of the should flameout.
eng ine. If any warning lamp did not Brake warning lamp
3. To avoi d any seriou s work,go to special arranged The brake warning lamp will be shine
hur t, let your service center to repair as soon when the engine is rotating and grip
han ds,c loth ing and any as possible. brake is up or brake oil reduce to
oth er thing far awa y “MIN” line position.
fro m t he e ngine . If necessary,add brake oil or check its
leak position.The brake oil must be
the same type.If this lamp shines,you
need to jam on the brake pedal with

more force and the brake distance will


War ning :
Whe n the warnin g lamp
shi nes, don’ t dri ving
you r vehicl e any more,i t
may con duct thu nder bolt .
You must go to spec ial
arr ange d serv ice center to
ins pect at once .

Oil pressure warning lamp Battery charge lamp

When the engine rotating,if the lube When the engine rotating and charge
system goes wrong,this warning lamp system goes wrong,this lamp will
will shine. shine, flameout the engine and turn
Caution: off all electric equipment,check
If the warning lamp shines, whether the generator belt slack or
flameout the engine rapidly or the damage.
engine will damage seriously. War ning :
Contact with special arranged Bef ore chec k or adj ust
service center to do systemly gen erat or bel t,yo u must
inspection and repair. fla meou t the engine and
wai t for it is cool ,or you
wil l m ake serio usly hur t.

center to do systematic
Cau tion : Caution: inspection.
If the belt bro ke or If the lamp shines, please go to  When the ignition switch
loo se,d on’ t drivi ng any special arranged service center for is at “ON” position,the
mor e,or it will mak e the inspection. lamp is off or shine all
eng ine over hot .Go to the time.
spe cial arr ange d servic e  The lamp is off first and
cen ter for insp ecti on then shines again.
rap idly .  The lamp shines when

War ning :
If the ABS lamp and bra ke
lam p shin e or off at the
ABS warning lamp(option) sam e time .It may make the
When the ignition switch is at bra ke funct ion comp lete ly
“ON” position,it will los e.Pl ease sto p at a safe
flameout seconds later. pla ce and conta ct with
Engine fault lamp The following cases indicate spe cial arr ange d servic e
When the engine works and its ABS (Anti-lock Braking cen ter and let them to
electric system breaks down,this lamp System)break down, please go dea l w ith it.
will shine. to special arranged service

Rear fog lamp indicate lamp
When rear fog lamp is turn on,this
indicate lamp will shine.

O/D cut off indicate lamp:

When the overdrive switch is at
“OFF” position, this lamp will shine.

Fuel Meter

Fuel meter indicate fuel quantity.

Far light lamp indicate lamp Warni ng: When the ignition switch is at “ON”
When the far light lamp and When the fing er is under position, the engine water temperature
coruscating lamp is turn on,this lamp the fuel empt y line,d o not meter will indicate the temperature.
will shine. drive any mor e,it may mak e Caution:
flame out or damag e the When the finges directs on the over
Catal ytic con vert er. -hot area, don’t let the engine work
Advice: any more.
We advice you to keep fuel no less
than 1/4 of the fuel tank capacity.

Engine water temperature

red area indicates the engine rotating
Speed meter, odometer and Itinerary Meter speed over limitative speed.
itinerary meter This itinerary meter indicates the
odometer driving distance of every time.Press
the button of return zero,you can set
meter return zero again.
White word is one km.
Black word is 100 m.

Reset button Itinerary meter Rotating Meter

Speed Meter
Finger indicates the speed,if this
vehicle is equiped with speed warning
equipment, when it is over speed the
warning speaker will alarm.
The odometer indicates the driving
White word is one km. This meter indicates the rotating
speed of the engine of every minute,


Chapter 6

Air condition system 6

Central heating/air condition control system ……………………………………………… … ………………6-1


Central heating/air condition

control system
The central heating/air
condition can work when the
ignition switch is at“ON”
Air flow ope rate r:
Turn the control knob can
Int ake po sit ion change the wind direction.
Cauti on:
The air wind direct ion is
contr olle d b y a handl e. Intake

The place with parenthesis

means the wind power is very


Air tempe ratu re con trol Air inlet sel ecto r:

kno b: Inner air circle. Wind power control knob:
We use this knob to control Outer air circle. Whether the wind power is big or
the air temperature. Caution: small is controlled by sub-knob.
If the air of outside of the car is not
good, move the control lever to
position。It is very important to often
move the control lever to ,
because window fog or the air inside
the car is bad. Normally put the
control lever to 。

 The air which turns cold is on idle spee d,if you
suddenly may bring mirage by
the air-vent ,this is not fault. tur n on air con diti on ,the
 The air condition will idl e speed will inc reas e a
automaticly turn off when the lit tle.
vehicle air condition works too Operate advice:
long time and the engine  Ensure there is no
coolant rises too hot. sundries on intake.
 When you jam on accelerate  Don’t adjust temperature
pedal to speedup, the to the coldest position.
A/C button: compressor will stop for a Don’t conduct coldest
When you want to turn on cold air or while to help speedup.
wind to glass,or it will
dehumidify the air, press A/C button.  The air conditioning will cut
make mist,then effect your
off automaticly when vehicle
You need press A/C button when turn runs at a long distant up slope sight.
on air condition, and the wind blow and the engine coolant is too  Don’t put lever on
equipment fan should be also at hot. ,and don’t let intake on
“ON”.Press A/C button again when  It will cut off air conditioning ,it will make
when you suddenly jam on mist on glass.
you want to turn off.The indicate
accelerate pedal.
lamp will shine when air condition  Don’t send cold air to
works. , it may make mist.
Caution: Warni ng:  If the car is under sun
 If ambient temperature for a long time and the
This car is equ ipte d with
approach 0℃ ,dehumidify temperature is high,you
equipment won’t work. a fast -idle speed
can open the window and
mecha nism .Whe n the engine
turn on air condition,it
can reduce the temperature
fastly and then you can
close the window.

Put lever to and put lever ③ to ,turn
frequ entl y , bec ause the knob④ to right hand.
windo w may make mist or Cau tion :
the venti lati on is not Put lev er to
good. fre quen tly , becau se the
win dow may make mis t or
ven tila tion is not good .

Tur n o n cen tral hea ting :

Set positions as follows:
① Wind comes from the feet
②High temperature.
③ Outer air circulating direction . Turn on air condi tion ing:
④Set as you like. Set position as follows:
⑤ON or OFF. ① Wind blow at right intake. Kee p head cool and feet
When dehumidifing,turn on A/C ②Low temperature. war m:
button,if you want to get warm ③ Outer air circulating. Set position as follows:
quickly, turn knob ②or④to ④Set as you like. ① Wind blow to face and feet.
right side and put lever ③ to ⑤Turn on the air conditioning. ②Middle position.
. If you want air conditioning ③ Outer air circulating.
Cau tion : quickly,turn knob ②to left ④Set as you like

⑤Turn on/off air conditioning.
Put to ,can enhance the power of
wind which blows to your face.
Turn on A/C button when


Tur n on cen ter heat ing and Defrost Ventilation

dem ist: Set position as follows: Set position as follows:
Set position as follows: ① Wind blow to glass. ① Wind blow to face.
① Wind blow at right intake. ②Set as you like. ②Set as you like.
②High temperature. ③ Outer air circulating. ③ Outer air circulating.
③ Outer air circulating. ④Set as you like. ④Set as you like.
④Set as you like. ⑤Turn on/off air conditioning. ⑤Turn off air conditioning.
⑤Turn on/off air conditioning.
Turn on A/C button when


Chapter 7

Sound System 7
CD o perat e p anel ………………………………………………………………………………………………7-1

Note of how to use disc ……………………………………………………………………………………………7-2


(1)Power(2)Sound effect select(3)Volume (4)Store button (5)Quiet button(MUT)(6)Stereo transfer

button(ST) (7)Scan button (8)Display Button(DSP) (9)Model Button (10)Back ground sound effect
control(EQ) (11) Auto,manual adjust (12)Music select under CD&MP3 model (13)Auto search button
(14)LCD screen (15)Control panel out button(16)CD in and out (17)CD disc out button (18)Pause/Play
button(PAUSE) (19)Browse Button(INTR)(20)Replay button(RPT) (21)Random button(RDM) (22)Music
select (23)Music select (24)Reset (25)Band button(BND) (26)SD/MMC card insert gate (27)USB disc
insert gate


Note of use disc:

3. If there is some stabs in center

1. When you take disc from disc 2. When you clean dust and hole,it may effect its normal
box,press the center of disc box fingerprint on disc,use soft cloth, play, so insert one ball pen into
and nip the edge of disc clean it from center to edge. the center hole and turn it
carefully,don’t touch surface of slightly to remove stabs.
disc,try to avoid hurting its
surface, as the above shows.


4. Don’t paste label on disc surface, 5. Don’t use any impregnant to 6. Don’t use those with deep trace,
use pencil or ball pen to make a clean disc,such as cleanser, anti- distortion or forniciform disc.
sign. static sprayer or thinner. These disc will lead out of
operateion or damage


Chapter 8

Rear view mirror 8

Outer rea r v iew mirro r …………………………………………………………………………………………8-1

Inner rear view mirror……………………………………………………………………………………………8-2


Outer rear view mirror

War ning :
Don ’t adjus t rear view
mir ror when you dri ve,i t
may make your veh icle out
of cont rol.

Don’t scrape the mirror surface Manually adjust mirror surface Use rear view mirror switch to
broken when you remove snow or Manually adjust the mirror surface ‘s adjust mirror surface position.
frozen ice on it. position until you can see the part of When the ignition switch to
your vehicle body when you are “ACC”or“ON”position,you can adjust
inside the vehicle. mirror surface position through
remoting switch.
1. First,use shift switch ( LR ) to
shift to the mirror which you
want to adjust.
2. Second,use switch to adjust
mirror surface position until you
can see part body of vehicle.
3. After adjustment,put shift switch

to center “OFF” position.

Inner rear view mirror

Fold outer rear view mirror Adjust inner rear view mirror
Fold the mirror forward or backword Adjust the angle of inner rear view
according to actual demand. mirror until you can see rear things

Warni ng:
Don’ t adj ust rear vie w
mirro r when you drive ,it
may mak e your vehic le out
of c ontro l.


Chapter 9

Inner equipment

Room lamp/r ear boot lam p …… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …


Horn… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …9 -


Assis tant handl e……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …


Ashtr ay …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……… 9-


Sunvi sor… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……… 9-

Pedal …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… 9-


Glove box ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………


Rear boot ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………



switch is at“DOOR” to“OFF”.When switch is at
Ro om lam p/R ear bo ot position,it means the room “DOOR” position,if your tail
lamp will shine when your door door is open or did not
is open or do not completely completely closed,the rear
la mp closed. boot lamp will shine and room
lamp will shine too.

Ho rn

Room lamp

When you want to turn on the Rear boot lamp

room lamp,put the switch to When you want to turn on rear
“ON”.When you want to turn boot lamp,put switch If you want blow a
off the room lamp, put the to“ON”.When you want to turn whistle,press the buttons
switch to “OFF”.When the off rear boot lamp,put switch which the arrow indicate.


As sis tan t h and le Ash tra y

Warni ng spring

To a void fire :
 Don’ t use ashtr ay to
place any rub bish .
 Befor e clos ing
ashtr ay, crus h out the
fire firs t.
 Don’ t open the cent er
The assistant handle is upper con sole box whe n Front ashtray
designed to supply you using ash tray . Clearing ashtray
convenience to passengers. Pull out the ashtray until end,press the
War ning : spring slightly and then take ashtray
Don ’t hang anythi ng on out.
the assis tant handl e,it Put ashtray back
may inf luen ce drive r’s Aim the ashtray to left&right runner
vie w. and put it back to its own position.


Rear ashtray Clearing cigarette ash

Press to open the rear ashtray as Uplift the ashtray and press the spring
arrows indicate. at the mean time,then pull out of the
Put it back to its own position after ashtray.
using. Put ashtray back
Just push semicircular part of the
ashtray until to its end ,that is OK.


Su nvi sor
Pe dal

Brake pedal

Pedal Speedup pedal

Put the sunvisor down to avoid

sunlight shooting your eyes,you can Dressing mirror You can put your left foot on the
also move it to window position. When you want to use dressing mirror, pedal when you drive AT vehicle.
put passenger’s sunvisor down.
War ning
Put the sun viso r back to
its own pos itio n when you
do not use it, or it may
inf luen ce your view .


Gl ove bo x
Rea r bo ot

Pull the handle forword can open the

glove box,push the cap back and
fasten can close it. Pull out the rear boot cover,you can
War ning see a space to put something.
Kee ping the glo ve box
clo sed when the vehic le
run s,th is is to avo id body
hur t when accid ent happen s
or sudd en brake s.


Chapter 10

Drive gist 10

Befor e engine sta rt …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …

…1 0-1

Start eng ine… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …


…1 0-1

Manua l gearbo x introd ucti on …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …

…1 0-2

Speed shi ft time… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………


…1 0-2

AT gearbo x introd ucti on …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………

…1 0-3

Commo nly driv e advice ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……


…1 0-6

Econo mica l drivin g advice ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………

…1 0-6

Winte r drivin g advice ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……


…1 0-6

Brake sys tem… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …

…1 0-7

Brake dis c fray indic ate… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………


…1 0-9

Parki ng advic e……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……

…1 0-1 0

Power steer ing wheel… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …


…1 0-1 1

to make vehicle start.
Before engine start Start engine 1. Step on clutch pedal
1. Do before engine start is Cauti on completely to start engine
inspected. ( Read chapter 12 for  You mus tn’ t (MT gearbox)
detail) conti nuou sly use 2. Put shift lever on empty
2. Before getting into the vehicle, start er over 10s for speed position(MT gearbox)
look around to check if it is safe. one time. or on P position(AT
3. Confirm the hand brake has be  When the vehi cle stop s gearbox)
draw up. and engin e rotate s,yo u 3. Turn ignition switch to
4. Adjust seat position,seatback are not allow ed to “ON”,check whether
angle and headrest height. speed up,t his is to warning lamp is shine or
5. Adjust inner&outer rear view avoid eng ine dama ged. not.
mirror.  Keepi ng mid rotat ing 4. Turn ignition switch to
6. Fasten seat belt. speed until engin e is “START”,then release,you
7. Turn off other electric equipment compl etel y w arm. needn’t to step
which isn’t using. accelerate pedal.
8. Make sure whether fuel are 5. Check manual brake,brake
enough to drive. Start process warning lamp and whether
This electric fuel spray other warning lamp is
system shine or not.
can automaticly control mix of 6. Don’t step accelerate
air/fuel pedal when engine is

cold.If the temperature is
under 0°C,warm your
vehicle first and then

speed to “N” and then shift
MT gearbox introduction to “R”.
Cauti on
The vehic le must
compl etel y stop and then
shift to “R ” speed, or it
will dama ge gearb ox.W hen
Opporunity to shift speed
you on steep road ,ple ase
shift to low speed Cau tion
accor ding to road Abi de fol low table, if you r
Every speed position show as condi tion ,thi s is to use spe ed is over max allow
above photo.You should step engin e a ssist bra ke. spe ed,y ou mus t not reduce
clutch pedal till bottom when Warni ng spe ed lev el,i f you
you shift speed.If it is When you go throu gh ice neg lect ,it may dama ge
difficult to shift the speed, road, wet road or slic k eng ine.
release clutch pedal road, it may make whee l Max all ow speed
completely and step to bottom lock, skid ,bra ke fai lure or engine 4G18
to try shift speed again. This out of contro l.Pl ease
gearbox have a protect shift to low speed to Speed level
design,it means you can’t contr ol you r spee d to 1 35
shift speed “5” to avoid acc iden ts.
2 65
“R”directly,you must shift

3 100
4 145

Commonly drive advice Economical driving luggage rack.
War ning advice Winter driving advice
Dri ve slo wly when run s on  Speedup slowly,try to keep Bat tery
ste ep, acc livi tous or the same running speed and Check battery and its anode &
rug ged road . avoid sudden speedup or cathode wire(read chapter 13
Caution reduce speed. for reference)
 Don’t put your foot on clutch  Avoid high speed driving Eng ine cool ing wate r
pedal when you drive or use Add certain proportion of
when it is not necessary.
clutch on uprise road,this may antifreeze.
make clutch over heat.  Shift to high speed when
driving on fast speed.This Engine oil look engine oil
 Don’t use speed “N” when you
drive on decline,it may make can reduce engine noise felt chart for
gearbox over heat. and save fuel consume. reference(chapter 15)
 Don’t put your hand on shift  Frequently stop and run in Wip per inje ct water
lever head when driving,it may city area will increase Use antifreezing wiper
shift to other speed fuel consume. depurate fluid.
accidentally and damage  Make termly maintain as Gri p b rake
request(read chapter 13 Don’t use grip brake when on
 Don’t speedup in vain when
for reference) to keep its
shift speed,it may make engine frost area.
over heat. intrinsic performance and
MT vehicle can shift to speed
 Make sure water deep is below save fuel consume.
position 1 or R.AT vehicle can
hub and then across,slowly go  Don’t stop and let engine
across it. running for too long time. shift to speed position P and
 Backout vehicle’s top use wood block to hold up

Ask special appoint service centre for
War ning advice when you buy and install tyre
 Cle an snow whic h is on chain.
you r vehi cle. The snow Warni ng
may drop and bloc k To avoi d stee ring wheel
you r v iew. out of contro l or mak e
 Rem ove ice or snow on
Brake system
accid ent
you r shoes befo re  Vehic les whic h instal l Doudle main cylinder brake system
ent erin g vehic le, tyre chai n should Your vehicle is equiped with a double
thi s is to avoi d glide drive accor ding to main cylinder brake system,they are
and mak e accide nt when manuf actu rer independent.If one brake system
ste p p edal. limit ,don ’t over invalidate,the other one can work
Snow area tyre chain 50Km/ h. normally.But you need step it with
Caution more force and the brake distance will
Try to avoid damage your vehicle  Hold your vehicle speed increase.The warning lamp will shine
 Install tyre chain according to according to road condition,try too.
manufacturer advice. to avoid rapid turning.
 Try to frap when install rear  Try to avoid go across hole,it War ning
wheel tyre chain. may tyre chain drop. Whe n b rake syst em have
 After running 0.4 - 0.8 km,you  Try to avoid sudden brake and fau lt, don’ t driv e a ny
need frap chain again. drive carefully. mor e,go to serv ice cent er
to do brake sys tem chec k

and mai ntai n.

Brake booster mak e y our brake dis c
Brake booster is a equipment which ove r h ot.Do n’t s tep
use engine intake manifold vacuum Measure of guard on brake bra ke pedal to redu ce
degree to enhance brake force. Warni ng spe ed when you driv e
 When the tire blo w dow n h ill road. You
War ning break , d on’t s tep sho uld shif t l ever to
If the engi ne stop brake ped al low spe ed
sud denl y w hen vehic le runs sudde nly, it may make pos itio n,us ing engi ne
and you wan t t o bra ke,y ou vehic le out of to help bra ke.
nee d m ore force to step contr ol.
bra ke pedal .The veh icle  Make sure the re is n o Cau tion
wil l s top rapid ly and the sundr ies arou nd brake  You r vehicl e need
bra ke dista nce will be pedal . eno ugh brake distan ce
lon ger.  The brake for ce will eve n your vehic le is
reduc e i f the re is a ny equ iped wit h
air or s alt in b rake ABS .Rem embe r keep a
syste m.St eppi ng the saf e dist ance when
brake ped al light ly dri ving .
sever al time can clea r  Don ’t dri ve at a very
up i t. hig h speed even you r
 Don’ t put your feet on veh icle is equi ped
brake ped al,i t m ay wit h ABS.Yo u should be

car eful and not ice the make main tain rap idly . rep air.
roa d condit ion all the
Brake disc fray indicator Parking advice
tim e.
 Whe n you go thr ough War ning
mac adam , ice road or  Whe n p arkin g o r sho rt
une ven road,t he bra ke sto p,ma ke sure ther e
dis tanc e of bei ng is no easy burn thi ngs
equ iped wit h ABS und er vehic le,s uch as:
veh icle wil l be lon ger hay ,oil . B ecaus e t he
tha n the vehicl e which exh aust pip e c an r each
has no ABS. So,re duce a very high
spe ed pleas e. tem pera ture and lea d
 If ABS syst em hav e Front wheel brake disc has a fray to burn .
fau lt,t he warn lamp limited indicator,it will warn when  Whe n p arkin g,ex cept
wil l shin e.In this fray to some limitation. you are afr aid too low
cas e,AB S can’t act,bu t tem pera ture dam age
you r vehicl e still can Warni ng mec hani sm,o r y ou
bra ke like no ABS Fraie d b rake disc wil l sho uld draw up grip
veh icle . reduc e b rake forc e a nd bra ke.I f y ou p ark on
 Whe n the warn lam p make acci dent , c ontac t dow n h ill road, MT
shi ne, cont act with with serv ice cent er to veh icle sho uld shif t
ser vice cente r and make exam inat ion and lev er to “ R”

pos itio n,AT veh icle grip brake release completely,it
sho uld shif t l ever to may lead brake disc fray and brake
“P ” pos itio n. drum over hot, distort and damage.

Draw up


Grip brake Parking on uprised road with fence

Use your thumb to press lock button When parking on uprised road,turn
, then release lever to bottom can wheel to proper position as picture Parking on downhill or uprised
release parking. shows. road which with fence.
When you drive,make sure grip
brake release till bottom and brake
Power steering wheel
warn lamp do not shine.If you insist This vehicle is equiped with power
driving but you do not make the steering,it is the power from engine to

drive the steering pump.So,you need
more force to turn steering wheel
when engine stop working.

 If you find there is any fault,
contact with service center and
make inspectation and
 Don’t put steering wheel on
extreme limit position for too
long time,or it may damage to
your steering system.


Chapter 11

Deal with suddenness case 11

Engin e can’ t start ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……

11- 1

Batte ry wire… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …


11- 2

Engin e over hot …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………

11- 3

Tire leak ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………


11- 4

Drag and hang …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………

11- 10

Mud area save you rsel f……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……


11- 12

repair,contact with service center
Engine can’t start for help please.

When you find horn’s sound weak or Stride another battery to start
lamp light is weak,you should check War ning
battery first. ( Read chapter 14 for Spark  Str ide batt ery by
reference). plug abi de the follo wing
If the battery can not electricize,you ind icat ion to avoid
should join and start by other battery. hur t t o you r b ody or
If you cann’t find out the reason,go to bre ak your vehi cle.
service center make system  If you don’ t know the
inspection. Starter can’t start pro cess of how to
1. Check the oil ruler,if the oil level sta rt by s tride
War ning is under scale line,there is no oil, ano ther bat tery ,ask
Don ’t sta rt the vehic le you need to fill oil again. ser vice cen ter for
by push ing or pulli ng at 2. If there is enough fuel in fuel hel p p lease .
thi s t ime,i t m ay d amage tank,check whether the wire of  Bef ore stri de batte ry,
the veh icle or make spark plug is connected with ple ase read “m ain tain
sud denn ess. ignition coil. by your self ” for
3. If the engine still can’t start or ref eren ce.
the warn lamp is shine,it means  Chi ldre n s hould far
the engine need adjust or awa y f rom batte ry.

 Cha rge batt ery at a
ven tila tion wel l
pla ce.

Caution must keep some at good con diti on.
Please use 12v succor battery,if distance.Turn off all lamp  Don ’t con nect or
voltage is too high,it may damage and electric equipment app roac h t he c athod e
relay and radio etc. which don’t use. Put wir e o f suc cor batt ery
The capacity of succor battery are shift lever to “N”(MT) to the spar e p arts
not allowed to lower than original or “P”(AT). whi ch is w orkin g,an d
battery. 2. Remove all cover on don ’t con nect to
battery or succor battery. cat hode of the batt ery
3. Start the vehicle which is of the vehi cle need ed
Battery wire connect equiped with succor hel p.
battery and rotating  Don ’t con nect the wir e
several minutes at speed or conn ecto r t o
of 2000 r/min. ano ther thi ng which is
4. Make sure ignition switch not cor rect pol e o r
of the vehicle which need gro und.
succor on  Don ’t let the tie -in
“LOCK”position. of stri de wire touc h
Warni ng eac h o ther.
 Try to a void shor t
circu it.
1. If the succor battery is  Make sure the
on another vehicle,they insul ator of wire is

5. The above photo shows how engine will sound rot atin g,do n’t t ouch
to connect battery.Connect “Peng!Peng!” and the or appr oach rad iato r
it from vehicle body temperature meter will show it fan .
without painting of the at the mean time.So,carry on 1. Park vehicle on a safe
succor battery and far the following warning place and shut off air
away from the succor description: condition.
battery.When you connect Warni ng 2. If there is any steam
battery,don’t lean the  Avoid bur n o r ser ious emiting, flameout the
battery and confirm it is hurt on your body .Mak e engine.If not, keep engine
steady. the engin e c old befor e ratating on state of idle
6. Backout the wire in inspe ct any spare par t speed.
opposite process,first of e ngine cab in. 3. After engine is already
cathode wire and then  When engi ne and cold,shut off the
anode wire. radia tor is still engine,open the engine
7. If your engine still hot,d on’ t remov e cabin and inspect
can’t start by succor radia tor cap. Beca use carefully.
battery or you can’t find it i s sti ll have high 4. If transmission belt is
out why the battery is press ure insi de and broke, coolant leaks or
empty,go to service center the hot water may fly coolant liquid level is
make inspection please. out when you open it. too low etc., contact with
 If t here is steam service center please.
En gin e o ver ho t emiti ng,d on’ t open the 5. If cooling water is
When engine is over hot,the engin e b onnet . shortage, fill it
 When engi ne please. ( read chapter 14

for reference)
6. Go to service center make
inspect rapidly.
Engine is easy over hot in
summer,so make termly
inspectation as follow:
 Whether there is any leak
on cooling system.
 Liquid level of radiator
or vice radiator.
If your engine is always over hot,
contact with service center to inspect


Ti re l ea k
Tir e b urst
War ning
 If the tire is
Jack arm
bur st,y ou must drag
veh icle out of road ,
do not repl ace tire on
ram p r oad.
 Let all pas seng ers of Leak tire
you r v ehicl e g o to a Cuneal block
saf e p lace.
1. Use a cuneal wood block to Jack
obstruct the diagonal As above picture shows, use the handle
tire, it will effectively of jack(in the tool bag) turn the screw
prevent the vehicle shaft which is at the tail to install and
moving.To increase backout jack.
safety,if possible, use Backout
cuneal wood block obstruct Turn screw shaft as above picture shows,
all wheels. you can get the jack from the jack

1. Put jack to the position like
above photo shows.


2. Turn screw shaft as above photos lubricate

show until each arm (4 arms)
shrink and get to bracket.
3. Turn another 1/4 circle as the
direction of above photos show
to make sure the jack have
already firmed on bracket.

Maintain Tools
 Putting lube on all moving part 1 Tool bag
and screw thread. 2 Handle of jack
Make sure there is no any distortion 3 Wrench
or break on your jack, or you ④ Screwdriver
should replace to a new one.


Following the maintained process to
make spare wheel maintain.

Cauti on
Don’t install the wheel which is not

Discharge the spare wheel 4. Disentangle nuts of spare wheel.

There is a lock core on spare wheel War ning
bolt,before discharging the spare Be care ful not to be hurt
wheel,make the key of your vehicle whe n your hands use
revolve and then it is unlock. After spa nner .
disentangling 3 nuts,you can
discharge the spare wheel.
Place spare wheel
Put spare wheel on the shaft and use
20-30N.m force to tighten it.


 We advi ce you check

all wheel and mak e
sur e no bod y in the
car whe n you using the
jac k.
 If ther e is onl y jack
sup port veh icle ,don ’t
let any body go unde r
5. After using the following step to 6. Setup jack nearby bursted wheel. the vehic le exc ept
discharge the bad tire, Use flat There are 2 setup point on each hav ing anot her good
screwdriver knocks and side, totally 4 point. sup port or.
discharges the wheel center cap. Warni ng  Don ’t let any par t of
Caution  Try not to make jack you r body under the
Don’t hurt wheel center cap. slipp ed,o r it may ris ing part of vehi cle
cause acc iden t. whi ck is suppor ted by
 Try to set up jac k at jac k.
flat grou nd,i f it is  The jac k only be used
neces sary , put a boar d whe n replac e the
under jac k can whe el.
stabi lize it.  Don ’t use thi s jack
sup port other vehic le

or any othe r t hing.
 Don ’t shake or pull
the vehic le whe n jack
sup port s t he v ehicl e.
 Try to move hea vy
goo ds from the
veh icle .


7. Put jack up and down lever into 8. Get down wheel nuts and use
screw shaft and clockwise turn. spare wheel replace burst wheel.
Support vehicle until wheel has Warni ng Bef ore instal ling spare
left ground, the height is fixed as  Lay out the disch arge d whe el, wipe off rus t and
convenient to install and burst wheel can avo id oth er thing s on bra ke drum
discharge wheel. falli ng down case or disc and bol ts. When
happe n. the veh icle sho ck can make
 The burst whe el may be whe el nut s beco me loo se,i f
hot,w e advice you wea r the whe el did not firml y
glove s. fix ed.


9. Put on wheel nuts once again and 10. Insert up and down lever again, 11. Tighten wheel nuts as above
screw down completely, confirm turn to reverse direction and photo shows.
the nuts mergence in wheel nut down the vehicle. Lock force:90-120N.m
hole. Don’t screw down too Cau tion
tighten.  Don ’t use oth er too l
Caution or pres s by foo t to
Don’t put oil on nuts, or it will tig hten the nut s,it
make nuts become loose. mak e b reak bolt .
 Che ck nuts whet her irt
is loos e or not aft er
dri ving 100 0km.

12. Knock the wheel center cap
13. Check the pressure of the new Dra g an d h an g
wheel and adjust to stable range We advice dragging and hanging
and then tighten the tire work is made by service center or
connector cap. special drag and hang worker.
The pressure of spare wheel If tire or bearing is damaged, please
should a bit higher than use truck to transport.
standard one, make sure to We advice this method is the most
adjust after installing. Caution reliable dragging and hanging
14. Keep all tools, jack, rise and fall Don’t use hung equipment to drag method.
lever and burst wheel etc well. and hang vehicle,it may seriously War ning
War ning hurt your vehicle. For AT and 4WD vehi cle, it
If you find any vib rati on mus t be dra g and hang by
or unnorm al phe nome na Flat truck transport mak ing 4 wheels away from
hap pen, go to servic e gro und. Or it will make
cen ter make ins pect ser ious dam age on your
rap idly . veh icle .

Use a firm rope,dragging belt or
pulling belt to connect to vehicle drag
hook.When dragging the vehicle,
there must be a driver in the vehicle to
control vehicle.Put gearbox speed
shift lever to N and put grip brake
down.Turn ignition switch to
 AT gearbox vehicle must be
transport by truck.
Method of dragging and hanging  Drag the vehicle in line
away from ground Urgent help direction to avoid damage,
don’t drag from side or
War ning Warning
vertical direction, don’t drag
For safet y,no body is  Don’t use this method to drag suddenly.
all owed to sit in the and hang AT and 4WD vehicle  Don’t add another cable on
veh icle when draggi ng and . drive shaft or other parts, this
may hurt this spare part.
han ging it.  Unless tyre,drive shaft,steering
War ning
If you drag and hang by making system or brake system are
 If engine do not
front/rear wheel touch ground, you well,or don’t use this method
wor k,th e powe r brak e
should use one equipment. to drag and hang your vehicle. sys tem will not
 Make sure center differential wor k,so you nee d more
lock switch is
for ce when brak e.
 Try not to drag usi ng

dra g h ook. speedup engine rotating speed
 Due to the drag ging suddenly or let wheel rotated
veh icle ,it may los t fruitlessly.
ste erin g capabi lity ,
so the igni tion swi tch
can not be draw out or
set at “L OCK”
pos itio n.

Save yourself in mud

If your vehicle drops into sand land,
everglade or snow ground,first lock Drag hook
Drag hook
center differential and then:
1. Clear sand and earth on tire at
2. Put stone or wood block under

To avoid damaging gearbox,don’t


Chapter 12

Vehicle clean 12

Outer cle anou t……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……

12- 1

Inner cle anou t……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……


12- 2

Anti rust ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………

12- 2

chassis or shock absorber to to a cool place and let it cold,then
Outer cleaning avoid be hurt. wax your vehicle.
Washing Cau tion :
1. Park your vehicle on a shadow Caution  To prot ect the
and drafty place, turn off engine.  Don’t let water fly to electric pai ntin g surf ace,
2. Use brush wipes vehicle and you system of engine cabin,this don ’t wip e the
can use cleanser or nature may make short circuit. pai ntin g surfac e in
abluent if necessary.  Follow these instruction: big force or wipe in
3. Use high pressure water clean 1. Don’t use gasoline or har d c loth.
vehicle chassis. virose solvent, this is to  Don ’t use ste el brush
4. Use clean water completely protect vehicle’s surface. or abra sive det erge nt.
clean vehicle to clean rudimental 2. Don’t use hot water to  Whe n wax, follo w its
detergent. wash vehicle or use cloth ind icat ion.
5. Use sponge or soft sheepskin to wipe ash,powder or
wipe and dry the water on dust,all these will hurt the
Inner cleanout
vehicle. painting of your vehicle. Use dust collector clean vehicle
6. Dry brake system. inside.
Warning Daub wax Caution
 Let children far away from Daub wax to protect the painting of Don’t use gasoline or poisonous
detergent. your vehicle. Wax after cleaning and solvent to clean, it may hurt inside
 Wear rubber glove and long vehicle is dry. If the surface of your ornament.
sleeve clothings when clean vehicle is very hot, move your vehicle

Anti rust wash vehicle again, lean covert of your vehicle.
Warning mudguard or other spare parts. Wipe
Don’t daub added anti-rust off mud, because wet mud help to Be careful the inner ornament of
material on exhaust pipe, or it may produce rust, use high pressure water your vehicle
over heat and lead fire. can clean it effectively. Notice Check whether the pad or carpet is
whether the scupper is expedite when dry or not.If you bring any chemic
Reason of rust you wash the door underside, doorsill products, detergent, fertilizer or salt
 Salt on road or in the air. or beam etc. etc., put them in proper container.
 Grain or full of water Make it dry when you find any leak.
environment. Keep your carbarn dry
 Flying stone, skiving trace, Wet air is bad for your vehicle,
scrape wound and sunken of especially when over 0℃
panel etc. make iron bare. temperature. So don’t park your
vehicle in the place which with high
Anti rust method wet air and ventilation.Don’t wash
Keep your vehicle clean vehicle in carbarn or keep vehicle wet
Be careful rust if you live in a especially covered by snow.
environment which is easy to produce
rust. Such as, road with salt, beach or Keep painting and inside ornament
industry pollution headstream etc. We in good condition
advice you wash chassis at least one Go to service center repair if there is
time a month in winter. After winter, any scrape or damage on the painting


Chapter 13

Maintain and repair 13

Terml y mainta in …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………

13- 1


Maint ain plan ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……

13- 2

Maint ain schedu le ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………

13- 3

Added mai ntai n……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……


13- 7

Inspect before start Slow driving inspect
Termly maintain For drive safety and comfort, make  Check speed meter and engine
Termly maintain and repair can make these inspection before start please. water temperature meter.
you more safe and effectively to  Check oil quantity and quality.  Check steering wheel turn good
drive.  Check engine coolant quantity. or not.
 Check brake oil quantity.  Check brake performance.
Despise fault may lead some damage  Check windshield wash water  Check whether there is any
to your vehicle. quantity. unnormal cases.
 Check driving belt.  Check whether your vehicle run
We will supply you free maintain  Check liquid quantity of battery. aberrancy when driving
when your vehicle run 2500 km.We  Check pressure and veins of tyre. straightly on road or braking.
hope you can pay attention to this  Check if oil leak.
important service.  Check lamplight
 Check steering wheel position.
 Check brake performance.
 Check whether speedup pedal act
is flexible or not.

Observe your vehicle carfully to service center to inspect and repair some items need continually
Notice the performance, sound of please. maintain.
your vehicle and find out whether it A. Road condition:
needs repair. Maintain record 1. Drive on rough, muddy or snow
Keep termly maintain record as thawy road.
Some important message as follow: provement when ask for 2. Drive on full of dust road.
 Engine is powerless, wobble or compensatory service. B. Drive condition:
have unusual sound. 1. Use camping trailer or roof
 Feel powerless. Maintain by yourself bracket.
 Engine has unusual sound. If you have mechanical knowledge 2. In outdoor temperature continous
 Any lube or water leak. and tools, you can do partical under 0℃ environment, make
 Some different sound of exhaust maintain by yourself,read chapter 14 repeatedly less than 8 km short
for reference. distance driving.
 Check tyre pressure and veins,
whether when turning or 3. Drive in long time idle speed or
Notice long distance low speed, such as:
brakeing there is “JiJi” strident
If you maintain by yourself may be police , taxi or house service
influence your service compensate vehicle etc.
 If aberrancy when driving on flat right,read compensated details in
road. 4. Continous drive in high
this OWNER’S MANUAL. speed ( 80% of max speed or
 The function of brake is lost, the
pedal is very soft when you step more)over 2 hours.
on brake pedal and clutch Maintain plan
pedal,nearly reach floor or the Termly maintain table in this chapter
vehicle,vehicle is aberrancy indicates time and mileage of every
when you draw up grip brake maintain.You need to pay except the
handle. first twice maintains.If your vehicle is
If you find any case of the above,go always running in bad environment,

Maintain plan table
When drive after 80000 km, make maintain as follow plan table:
Maintain work:I—Make inspection,adjust or change if necessary;R—adjust or change
Maintain time : ( by Odometer number×1000 km
mileage or month,standard interval
by first reach) 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 h
content 5
Part item 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0
check● jam I I I I I I I I
Air filter I I I I I I I I R:6
● replace R R R R R R R R
Valve clearance check and adjust I I I R:12
Replace (use API:
oil R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 6
Oil filter replace R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 6

Cooling fluid replace R R R R 24


Drive belt (starter

, water pump , check ● tension
● crack trace I I I I 24
power steering ● disrepair
pump etc.)
Spark plug replace I I R I I R I I 18

Gasoline filter replace R:12

Activated carbon check● function
I I 26
pot ● disrepair
replace 96
exhaust hose


Maintain work:I—Make inspection,adjust or change if necessary;R—adjust or change

Maintain time : ( by Odometer number×1000 km
mileage or month,standard interval mont
by first reach) 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 h
content 5
part item 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0
Power transmission system Fuel&air clean system.

Fuel tank cap,fuel

pipe,tie-in and fuel check ● crack trace
● tightness
steam control ● leak
I 24
valve(include ● disrepair
engine fuel pipe)
Exhauste pipe & check ● tightness
I I I I 12
muffle ● disrepair

Check●free distance
clutch ●reserve distance I I I I 24
● disrepair
check● level
Clutch liquid ● leak
I I I I I I I I 6
gearbox Check&replace● oil I R
Transmission I:48
Check&replace● oil I R
mechanism R:96
Rear bridge replace ● oil R 72

Maintain work:I—Make inspection,adjust or change if necessary;R—adjust or change
Maintain time : ( by Odometer number×1000 km
mileage or month,standard interval
by first reach) 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 h
content 5
part item 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0
Power transmission system

Check● firm
Driving shaft ● disrepair I I I I 24
●Unusual sound

Anti-dust cover of
Check●disrepair I I I I 24
driving shaft

Suspension arm
Suspension system

Check● firm
arm(rear), ● disrepair I I I I 12
Anti-dust cover, ● unusualsound
Ball tie-in & anti- Check● slack
● disrepair
I I I I 12
dust cover
Steering lever, Check● firm
Steering system

gear box, ● disrepair I I I I 12

Anti-dust cover ● unusualsound
Check●front bind I I 48
Power steering Check● level
● leak
I I I I I I I I 6

Check●free distance
Brake system

●reserve distance
Brake pedal ● work distance
I I I I I I I I 6
Grip brake ● firm
● unusual sound
● disrepair


Maintain work:I—Make inspection,adjust or change if necessary;R—adjust or change

Maintain time : ( by
interval Odometer number×1000 km
mileage or month,standard
by first reach) mont
content 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 h
part item 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0

Check ● abrasion
Brake disc & pad I I I I I I I I 6
● disrepair
Check ● leak
Brake hose & pipe ● pipe nip I I I I 12
Brake system

● disrepair

brake liquid Replace Every other 2 year —

Brake drum and Check ● abrasion

I I I I 12
shoe ● disrepair
Brake cylinder &
Check ● leak I I I I 24
Wheel nuts, other
Check ● firm I I I I I I I I 12
Chassis & body

bolts & nuts

Check ● abrasion
Tyre and pressure I I I I I I I I 6
● pressure
Lamp,horn,wipper Check ● function
I I I I I I I I 6
and washer ● level

Added maintain
Make special maintaining plan item according to following table(relative summary read “maintain plan” for reference)
A-1:Drive on rough,muddy or snow run road
 Check exhaust pipe and muffler parts ♦ Every 10,000 km or 12 month
 Check brake drum and shoe ♦ Every 10,000 km or 6 month
 Check brake disc and pad ♦ Every 5,000 km or 3 month
 Check brake hose,pipe and valve ♦ Every 10,000 km or 6 month
 Check ball tie-in and anti-dust cover
♦ Every 10,000 km or 6 month
 Check drive shaft anti-dust cover
♦ Every 10,000 km or 12 month
 Check steering lever, gearbox and anti-dust cover
 Check suspension arm(front), control arm(rear), anti-dust cover, ♦ Every 5,000 km or 3 month
spring and stabilize lever ♦ Every 10,000 km or 6 month
 Fasten wheel nuts,other bolts and nuts ♦ Every 10,000 km or 6 month
A-2:Drive on full of dust road
 Replace oil ♦ Every 2,500 km or 3 month
 Replace oil filter ♦ Every 5,000 km or 6 month
 Check or replace air filter
I:Every 2,500 km or 3 month
R:Every 40,000 km or 48 month
 Check brake drum and shoe ♦ Every 10,000 km or 6 month
 Check brake disc and pad ♦ Every 5,000 km or 3 month


B-1:Use camping trailer or roof bracket

 Replace oil ♦ Every 2,500 km or 3 month

 Replace oil filter ♦ Every 5,000 km or 6 month

 Check brake drum and shoe ♦ Every 10,000 km or 6 month

 Check brake disc and pad ♦ Every 5,000 km or 3 month

 Replace MT gearbox oil ♦ Every 40,000 km or 48 month


 Check suspension arm(front), control arm(rear), anti-dust cover,spring ♦ Every 10,000 km or 6 month

and stabilize lever ♦ Every 10,000 km or 6 month

 Fasten wheel nuts,other bolts and nuts

B-2:In outdoor temperature continue 0℃ environment, make repeatedly less than 8 km short distance drive.
 Replace oil ♦ Every 2,500 km or 3 month

 Replace oil filter ♦ Every 5,000 km or 6 month

B-3:Drive in long time idle speed or long distance low speed,such as:police wagon,taxi or house service vehicle etc.
 Check brake drum and shoe ♦ Every 10,000 km or 6 month


 Check brake disc and pad ♦ Every 5,000 km or 3 month

B-4:Continuing drive in high speed(80% of max speed or more)over 2 hours

 Replace MT gearbox oil ♦ Every 40,000 km or 48 month

Chapter 14

Maintain by yourself 14
Eng ine … ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …1 4-
Gui de you rsel f make maint ain… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………
14- 2
Eng ine o il… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …1 4-
Eng ine coolan t……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …
14- 5
Che ck dri ve bel t……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………
14- 7
Cle an and repla ce air filte r……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……
14- 8
Che ck and repla ce spa rk plu g……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……
14- 9

Che ck and clean bat tery ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………
14- 11
Fus e …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……… 14 -
Che ck fus e ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …
14- 15
Che ck brake oil lev el …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………
14- 15
Che ck winds hiel d wash liqui d level… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …
14- 16
Che ck MT gearbo x oil level… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …
14- 16
Che ck AT gearbo x oil level… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …
14- 17

Che ck dif fere ntia l oil level ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …

14- 18
Che ck pow er ste erin g oil level… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………
14- 19
Che ck clu tch oil leve l……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …
14- 19
Che ck steer ing whee l free clear ance ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……
14- 20
Che ck clutc h pedal free cle aran ce …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …
14- 20
Bra ke ped al ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……
14- 20
Che ck grip brak e distan ce …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …
14- 21
Che ck vac uum power steeri ng ope rati on ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …
14- 22
Rep lace rain wiper ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……

14- 22
Rel ace bulb ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……
14- 23
Tyr e……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……1 4-

En gin e

Lea d your self to make from rotati ng par t bon net, if not ,it may
mai ntai n when engi ne is dam age spare parts or
War ning worki ng. lea d f ire.
 If you aren ’t famil iar  To reduce dan ger of  Don ’t modif y any
wit h oper atio n burni ng, wait unt il it ele ctro circ uit in any
pro cess ,don ’t try to is cold and work when cas e, it may lead
ins pect or adju st any you are in engine spa re par t inva lidi ty
spa re part. cabin . or even fir e.
 Don ’t let c ig aret te o r  Nobod y are allowe d to  Use too ls which is in
spa rk close to go unde r vehi cle body goo d condit ion, this is
gas olin e or bat tery when there is only to avoi d body hurt or
tho se thing s easy to jack to suppo rt dam age spar e p arts.
bur n,th is may cause vehic le. You shou ld Caution
fir e. use suppo rt brack et to When repair electric parts, backout
 To reduce proba bili ty suppo rt vehic le. cathode wire of battery to ensure
safety and use tools carefully,if
of sudden ness happe n,  Work at a ven tila ted
metal thing touch end and lead
you sho uld pick off well plac e. short circuit may damage battery.
all neckl ace,  Forbi d any child clos e
bra cele t,fi nger rin g to a ny l iquid or oil.
En gin e o il
etc .If you keep lon g  Check whe ther the re is
hai r,ma ke hair at any too ls or clothi ng
bac k.Le t your have not take n out
han ds,t ools and from engi ne cabin
clo thin gs far away befor e clos ing

 Don’ t burn by high hot oil or othe r engine
tempe ratu re exhau st spa re parts .
 Clean efflu ent
oil,t his is to avoid

Che ck oil level

1. Warm engine to normal
temperature and stop it.
2. Draw out oil ruler several 4. Put a container under oil
minutes later and clean it. drain plug to collect oil.
3. Insert oil ruler back to 5. Use wrench to pick off
bottom. drain plug and washer,drain
4. Draw out oil ruler again, all oil.Wear protect
check whether oil level is Repla ce oil and oil filte r
1. Park vehicle at level road. glasses if necessary.
between“F” and “L”.
5. If oil level is too low and 2. Warm engine to normal
need to fill oil,we advice temperature and stop.
you use the oil,like in 3. Pick off oil cap.
chapter 15.
Warni ng
War ning Be care ful, don’ t burn by

too tight, or it will lead oil leak. wait several minutes,check
oil level again,add oil if
War ning
 Cle anup eff luen t
oil .If leave it on
hig h temp erat ure part
may lea d f ire.
 Cle an your hand s
6. Use oil filter wrench to com plet ely.
turn oil filter lax and  Tou ch oil long time
10. Fill oil slowly.Follow this may lea d s kin cance r.
then pick it off in wrench.
manual advice oil standard  Don ’t pipe used oil
7. Dip a little oil on oil
and quantity,read chapter ont o ground or race way
filter rubber gasket.
15 for reference. etc .,ma ke sur e the
8. Use your hand turn new oil
11. Top the oil cap in your use d oil have put into
filter in until gasket
hand. pro per cont aine r.We
touch seat and then lock
12. Check oil level after adv ice you go to
3/4 to 1 circle.
several minutes. ser vice cen ter to
9. Instal oil drain plug and
13. Start engine to check rep lace oil .
replace new gasket and
whether oil filter or drain
plug leak,if leak,it means
Lock up torque:20~30N·m
you do not properly install
En gin e c ool ant
Don’t lock oil filter and drain plug it. War ning
14. Turn off ignition switch,
Be care ful when you pic k .
off radia tor cap or dra in Regard coolant add
wat er plug, don ’t bur n. quantity,read chapter 15 for
Cau tion
 Fol lowi ng the
ant ifre eze
man ufac ture r’s g uide.
 Mak e sure
ant ifre eze/ wate r rate Check whether the coolant
fit for loc al level in vice water tank is
tem pera ture . between“FULL”and“LOW” when
engine is not working.If Rep lace coo lant
Check engine coolant necessary,add 1. Pick off radiator cap.
antifreeze(ethane-glycol 2. Put a container under water
level radicle antifreeze) to drain plug to collect
“FULL” position. water.
If coolant level reduces 3. Pick off drain water plug
remarkably , you should go to and gasket, drain water up.
service center inspect cooling 4. Drain water of vice water
system. tank.
5. Install drain plug and
Repla ce engin e c oolan t gasket of water tank.
Coolant need to replace termly 6. Fill water until water is

full and then cover the 14. Start engine,stop after
cover. working several minutes.
cap 15. Pick off water tank cap
carefully to check coolant
level,fill clean water if
16. Install water tank cap and
lock up.
17. Start engine and warm to
Drain plug normal temperature,check War ning
whether coolant leak from Be care full ,don ’t bur n by
7. Start and let engine
drain water plug,if leak,it eng ine part or wate r t ank.
working on idle speed for a
means water drain plug Stop engine,check if there is
while and then stop engine.
install unproperly. any break,over wear and tear
8. Drain water in tank.
18. Drive for a short distance or wet by oil.If there is any
9. Repeat step 6 to 8.
and then check coolant damnification,go to service
10. Install water tank drain
level, if coolant center replace please.Press
plug and new gasket,lock
reduce,fill proper mixed the belt between generator and
coolant into vice water water pump idler to measure
11. Fill proper coolant
tank until its degree of tightness.
12. Fill clean soft water into
vice water tank until it is
Check whether degree of
tightness in standard
13. Top water tank and vice Che ck d ri ve b el t
stated.Read chapter 15 for
water tank cap and lock up.

reference.  Don’ t dau b oil on
If the degree of tightness filte r parts, or it may
over standard state,go to reduc e e ffice ncy.
service center to adjust

Clean and replace air

You can use compressed air to
clean air filter.If necessary,
replace filter core.
If vehicle drives in a full of
dust area,you need clean
filter core in 5000 km.Use Disassembly process
soft cloth to clean dust and 1. Open the 4 firm nip.
dirt on outer case and seat of 2. Open upper cover,the filter
filter. can be take out.

Cau tion
 Don ’t dri ve,i f there Assemble process
is any part s of air 1. First put filter core into
fil ter did not upper cover and then put
ass embl e,th is may wear into lower cover.
and tea r e ngine . 2. Button the 4 firm nip.
Che ck and repla ce the 4. Backout 3 firm bolts on lower
case of air filter, then take out
spa rk plug lower cover.

8. Use wrench of sparking plug

to release spark plug and
1. Open the 4 firm nips.
5. Backout link wire of ignition take off.
2. Take out vacuum tube of air
switch. 9. Check the color of dirt on
6. Release 2 nuts on ignition switch, skirt of sparking plug
3. Take out air filter. then remove ignition switch. insulator,if it is not
7. Keep anti-dust sleeve on the end brown,go to service center
of sparking plug,remove spark and inspect please.
plug wire.Don’t connect with
Cau tion
sparking plug and don’t pull wire
body. Don ’t let fec ulen ce or
Warni ng oth er thing s drop into
The anti- dust sle eve and spa rk plug hole , or it may
spark plu g are very hot,b e mak e e ngine dam nifi cati on.
caref ull and don’ t be

11. Use opposite order to

assemble spark
plug,ignition coil and air
filter etc. back.
Cauti on
Don’ t faste n spark plug
Check whether there is any
too muc h, or it may mak e
10. Use spark plug clearance break, cautery, flexible
screw thr ead of spark plu g
ruler to check the connection or flexible nip
damni fica tion .
clearance of new spark etc..If electrode is dirty,you
plug. can use hot water with NaHCO3
If necessary,bend the to clean it and daub lube
cathode to adjust clearance Che ck an d cl ean again.
between anode and cathode.
Read chapter 15 to look for bat ter y
Fu se b ox
spark plug standard.
Cau tion
Don ’t adjus t the
cle aran ce of old spark
plu g,or it may make eng ine
dam nifi cati on.


Fus e p ositi on.

6 Engine 10A 1 Headlamp 30A
7 Standby 10A 2 Tail lamp 40A
8 Standby 15A 3 ABS 50A(option)
9 Wipper and turning lamp 20A 4 AM 60A
5 MGC 10A
10 heat wind
6 Horn and fault warning 15A
11 assistant 15A 7 EFI 15A
12 Headlamp(left) 20A 8 Spare fuse 10A
13 Headlamp(right)15A 9 Fan 20A
14 Brake lamp 10A 10 Fuel pump relay
15 ECU ignition 10A 11 Electromagnetism clutch
16 Airbag 10A(option) (for air conditioning system)
17 Door lock 15A
12 Fan relay
13 EFI main relay
14 Starter relay(A/T)
15 Door lock 15A

1 Rear fog lamp 10A

2 Tail lamp 10A
3 Rear defrost 15A
4 Power window 30A
5 Meter and backup 10A
Relay and fuse box
4. Use fuse clamp to draw out and rad iogr am.
the fuse which you want to

Find out the reason of damage

and solve it before installing
new fuse, if there is any Before repairing,take off the War ning
difficult,go to service center cathode wire of battery. To avoid electr ic cur rent
to make systemly inspect. too muc h and lead fire, pls
1. Turn ignition switch Cauti on not ice:
to“OFF” and take off dash If cathod e wire of batter y  You mus tn’ t use other
board cover. is cut off,al l memo ry wir e to rep lace fuse,
2. Press down the protrudent about EFI , electr ic eve n i t’s tem pora ry.
section and take off fuse contr ol gea rbox and oth er  Aff irm to use stand ard
box cover. advan ce set data whic h fus e only ,you mustn ’t
3. Make sure disabled parts store by diag nost ic sys tem use saf ety ampe re
have already turn off. will lost,s uch as,clo ck hig her than

spe cifi cati on fuse.
We advice you take one set spare
fuse in emergency.

Ch eck fu se vehic le even lead fir e. avo id damag e p aint.
Che ck br ake oil
War ning
lev el The brake oil are harmf ul
to eyes ,if it drops int o
eye s,cl ean it compl etel y.
To ensure the cor rect
bra ke effic ienc y,no tice
the fol lowi ng conte nt:
 Aff irm to use poi nted
bra ke oil.
If the electric current which  Ope rate accor ding to
from electrical source anode the fol lowi ng brake
and through head lamp or oil man ufac ture r
ignition switch is too much, Check whether the brake oil ins truc tion .
the fuse will burn out to liquid is level between  Don ’t mix dif fere nt
avoid fire.Please go to “MAX” and “MIN”. bra ke oil and use it.
service center to repair at If the brake oil level is too  Don ’t use the brake
this time. low, fill in clean brake oil oil whi ch have alre ady
War ning slowly, read chapter 15 for exp osed to air over
Don ’t ins tall any oth er reference. one yea r,it may abs orb
ele ctri cal source wire to too muc h w ater.
rep lace the fus e,ev en Cauti on  It is not allow ed any
it’ s temp orar y.Or it will Clean the oil which is fec ulen ce, sand or
enl arge dam nifi cati on to drope d out, in order to
dus t i n the bra ke oil.
 If brak e oil reduce s
ser ious ly,g o to
ser vice cente r and
ins pect brake syste m
ple ase.

Check windshield clean draw up grip brake,turn
ignition switch to“OFF”.Take
liquid level Check MT gearbox liquid off oil cap and check gearbox
oil level by your finger.

If gearbox oil level from oil

hole is within 5mm,the oil is
enough.If oil is
enough,replace new gasket of
oil plug and then put back and
lock up.
Affirm clean liquid is Lock up force:29~50N·m
enough,if too low,pls add If oil is not enough,add
clean liquid. appointed oil (we advice use
War ning the gearbox oil,read chapter
Use cle an liqui d Warni ng 15 for reference) until oil
onl y,mu dgy clean liquid To reduce hur t to flows out from the hole.
may blo ck clean sys tem and peopl e,if the ign itio n Replace new gasket of oil plug
inf luen ce your view . have not turn to“ OF F”a nd and then put back and lock up.
Cau tion engin e is not com plet ely
Mix the cle an liqui d by cold, don’ t chec k oil
the follo wing level .
man ufac utre r’s Park vehicle on flat place and
ins truc tion .
Ch eck dri ve oi l eng ine is not compl etel y
col d,do n’t check oil
le vel lev el.

War ning
Check differential oil level
To redu ce hurt to
peo ple, if the ignit ion did
not turn to“O FF” and
eng ine is not compl etel y
col d,do n’t exam oil
lev el.
Park vehicle on flat place,
draw up grip brake and turn
ignition switch to“OFF”.
Take off oil plug and use
Park vehicle on flat place,
finger to check oil level. If gearbox oil level to oil
draw up grip brake and turn
If gearbox oil level to oil hole is within 5mm,it means
ignition switch to“OFF”.
hole is within 5mm,it shows oil is enough.
Take off oil plug and use
oil is enough. If oil is not enough,add
finger to check oil level.
If oil is enough,replace new appointed oil (use the gearbox
gasket of oil plug and then Warni ng oil which we advice,read
put it back and lock up. To reduce hur t to chapter 15 for reference)
Lock up force:29~49N·m peopl e,if the ign itio n do until oil flows out from the
not tur n to“ OFF ”a nd hole. Replace new gasket of

oil plug and then put it back
and lock up.
Lock up force:53.9~69.6N·m

Cau tion Cau tion
Ant i-s lip If oil leve l is too low or
dif fere ntia l ( LSD ) is oil red uces obv ious ly,y ou
opt iona l part ,if your nee d go to servic e cent er
veh icle is equi ped with mak e i nspec tion .
thi s equipm ent, use LSD
dif fere ntia l oil only whe n Ch eck clu tch oil
you cha nge or add oil.
dif fere ntia l oil le vel
The process of check power
sta ndar d:AP I G L-5
steering oil level:
Adv ice oil visc idit y:SA E
1. Park vehicle on flat
80W -90 LSD
place, draw up grip brake.
2. If engine is cold,check
Check power steering whether oil level is in
the range of “COLD”.If
oil level
engine is hot, check
whether oil level is in
the range of “HOT”.
3. If oil is not enough,add Check clutch oil level
appointed oil (use the following the under process:
gearbox oil which we 1. Park vehicle on flat
advice,read chapter 15 for place, draw up grip brake.
reference),don’t over 2. Affirm oil level in tank
appointed quantity. between“MAX”and“MIN”.

3. If oil level is too
low,add appointed clean
clutch oil slowly,don’t
add too much ot it will
flow out.
Cau tion
If oil leve l is too low or
oil red uces obv ious ly,y ou
nee d go to servic e cent er
mak e i nspec t.

Check free clearance of
Check free clearance of
steering wheel
clutch pedal Check free clearance of
brake pedal

Turn steering wheel to center position,

turn left/right lightly,measure free
clearance when you feel resistance.
Check whether the free clearance is Use your hand to press the
within fixed value. clutch pedal,measure the free
War ning clearance when you feel Stop engine,step brake pedal 5
If the free cle aran ce is resistance,check whether free times to release vacuum
ove r fixed valu e,go to clearance value is within pressure in supercharger. Use
ser vice cen ter make fixed value. your hand to press the clutch
ins pect ple ase. Warni ng pedal,measure the free
If the free clear ance is clearance when you feel
over fixe d value, go to resistance,check whether free
servi ce cente r make clearance value is within
inspe ct pleas e. fixed value.

War ning
If the free cle aran ce is
ove r fixed valu e,go to
ser vice cen ter make
ins pect ple ase.

6. Check if the spare
distance value is within
stated value.
7. Measure if the spare
distance keep no change in
the same method.
Warni ng
If the free clear ance is
Che ck spa re dis tanc e of over stated value ,go to
bra ke pedal servi ce cente r make 1. Park vehicle on flat
1. Park vehicle on flat inspe ct pleas e. place.
place. 2. If MT gearbox,shift lever
2. If MT gearbox,shift lever to “N”.If AT
to “N”.If AT Check brake distance of gearbox,shift lever to
gearbox,shift lever to “P”.
“P”. grip brake 3. Step brake pedal firmly.
3. Draw up grip brake. 4. Put grip brake handle down
4. When engine is to bottom.
working,step brake pedal 5. Draw up grip brake handle
several times. in 20kgf force slowly and
5. Use 30kgf force to press read its number.
down brake pedal,measure 6. Check whether the number
the distance from cabin is within the fixed value.
wall to top of pedal. War ning

If the numb er is not in
fix ed range , go to serv ice
cen ter make ins pect
ple ase.

Ch eck th e oper ati on and then flameout,then
step brake pedal for
of vac uum brak e several times,the pedal
distance will reduce every
pu mp time.

1. Park vehicle on flat Warni ng

place. If you find any funct ion
2. If MT gearbox,shift lever inval idat ion, go to servic e 1. Nip protrudent edge and drag
to “N”.If AT cente r make inspe ct brush down.
gearbox,shift lever to pleas e. 2. Draw out the whole brush along
“P”. groove.
3. Stop engine, step brake Rep lac e ra in wi ppe r
pedal several times until
pedal distance do not Warni ng
change any more. Befor e repl acin g rain
4. Start engine when step wiper ,aff irm igniti on
brake pedal,the pedal will swith ch on “LOC K”
reduce a little. posit ion.
5. Stop engine when step Caution
brake pedal,keep pedal Don’t let wipper arm to
position for 30s, don’t scrape glass,install proper 3. Insert the brush into wiper arm
move pedal. length wiper brush. along the groove and drag down.
6. Start engine for a while 4. Nip protrudent edge and draw,
lock brush position.
spare bulb,you can go to service
center to buy.
Re pla ce b ul b
Use appointed bulb.
( read chapter 15 for

War ning
To avoi d p eople hur t:
 Sto p engi ne bef ore Ins tall lam p b ulb
rep laci ng bulb. 1. Install lamp bulb back and
 Don ’t let chi ldre n fix it by a nip.
app roac h b ulb. 2. Put rubber cap back,let
 Tur n off the head lamp sign of “TOP” up.
bef ore repl acin g b ulb. 3. Insert the wire tie-in
1. Release fix nip. back.
 Bef ore repl acin g,le t 2. Take off bulb.
bul b c old first . 4. If the air pipe is moved,
put it back.
Caution Cau tion
Don’t let bulb drop or hurt surface. Don ’t touch glass part of
lam p bulb ,bec ause the oil
After replacement,turn on the switch on your fin ger may damn ify
of bulb check if the lamp shines.
If some bulb need to replace
frequently,go to service make inspect.
We advice you to prepare one set of

Front turning lamp

1. Take off the fix screw(1
2. Draw up the whole lamp
cover and pull it out
3. Turn the lamp bulb
anticlockwise and take it

in the hole whe n instal l
lam p t eam.

Rear turnin g lamp /bra ke

lamp/ tai l l amp Bac kup lamp
1. ①Take off bolt ( two 1. Take off screw(one piece)
pieces) and release and lampshade.
it②Snail,disassemble the 2. Anticlockwise bulb and
lamp team. take off.
2. Anticlockwise the lamp 3. Use opposite process when
seat and take it out. install it.
3. Use opposite process when
install it.
Side turning lamp Cauti on
confi rm pro trud ent edge
have alre ady be inser ted


High brake lamp License plate lamp

1. Take off 2 screws and 2. Draw out the lamp bulb directly. 1. Take off 2 screws.
disassemble lampshade. 2. Draw out the lamp bulb down.


Room lamp Boot cabin lamp Rear fog lamp

1. Dig lampshade lightly. 1. Dig lampshade lightly. 1. Take off 1 screw and
2. Draw out the lamp bulb directly. 2. Draw out the lamp bulb directly. disassemble lamp team.
2. Anticlockwise turn lamp bulb
and take it off.

Ty re

Tyre pressure
Read chapter 15 or read the tyre
pressure lable on side pillar.

War ning Every tyre will duratively wear and

Kee p tyre press ure in tear if tyre in same position to run too
sta ted range, unpr oper tyre long time.So, we advice exchange
tyre position termly to make wear and
pre ssur e will reduc e tyre
tear average.After tyre
lif e ,incre ase fuel exchanging,every tyre pressure need
con sume and wil l be eas y to adjust to stated range.
to make veh icle out of
con trol .If tyre pre ssur e
oft en reduc e,yo u need go
to servic e cent er to make
ins pect ion.

 Use the same size and man ufac ture ’s tyr e
structure tyre when you tog ethe r,or it may
replace tyre. mak e vehicl e out of
 Only use stated standard con trol .
brake disc.  Whe n you drive on road
 For a new tyre,due to its edg e, hole or other
max friction did not bar rier ,slo w and be
appear,so you should use car eful l,av oid vehicl e
low speed to drive in the out of cont rol.
earlier 160 km.  Don ’t d ri ve i f tyre i s
If the wear and tear mark can
 The gas valve need to be dam nifi ed, this is to
be seen,you need replace tyre
replace together when you avo id tra ffic
replace tyre which without acc iden t.Al so,d on’ t
inner tube. dri ve when whee l is
 There must be a cap on dam nifi ed.
tyre gas valve.  Whe n you change the
 When you find wear and pos itio n of tyr e,ab ide
tear is not balanced or gui de of tyre fro m
the tyreis damaged, go to man ufac ture r manua l .
service center to inspect
please. Cau tion
Warni ng Be carefu ll,d on’ t let
 Don’ t use diffe rent tyr e be scr aped or be
form, siz e and dam nifi ed by o il.
Gui de about tyr e
Chapter 15

Main technology parameter of vehicle 15

Vehic le sta ndar d……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …
15- 1
Advic e v ehicl e c arryi ng capac ity(full lugg age)………… ………… ………… ………… ………
…15- 1
Engine standard…………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… 15 -
Fuel… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …
15- 1
Cooli ng syste m……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……
15- 1
Engin e a djust ment ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………
15- 2
Oil …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …
15- 3

Tyre stan dard ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……
15- 4
Vehic le weigh t……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……
15- 4
Bulb stan dard ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……
15- 4

Ve hic le s ta nda rd Cooling system
Engine standard
Length mm 3900 Form:Glycol radicle antifreeze
Engine type DA4G18 Capacity : ( Vice water tank and
Width mm 1555 4-cylinder standard radiator)
Height mm 1715 in-line fuel
Engine form injection Type DA4G18
wheelbasemm 2420
Front Capacity L 6.2
1305 engine
tread diameter×distan
Rear 1310 87.3×76
mm ce mm
Capacity CC 1584

Advice vehicle carrying Fuel

Fuel tank
(full luggage)
RON90 or better no
450㎏ lead gasoline

En gin e a dju stm ent
engine type
Ignition order 1-3-4-2
Ignition time *1 10±5/idling
Engine on idle speed
(natural case)r/min
valve(hot 0.13±0.03

valve 0.19±0.03
manufacturer Japan special chinaware co., ltd
Type BKR5E-11
Spark plug
Camber of New belt *2 5.6-6.7 *3 8.0-11.0
drive belt
under 98N *2 8.3-10.4 *3 8.0-11.0
mm check
Rem ark: *1 Test if linker short circuit
*2 drive belt
*3 power steering belt

Oi l
Eng ine oil

Grade viscidity Capacity(L)

SAE 5W-30 North in winter
APISJ or more Include filter:
Engine oil DA4G18 SAE 15W-40 South all season or
higher 3.1
north in summer
Gearbox and rear bridge oil API GL-4 SAE 85W-90 2.2
Power steering fluid DEXRON-III
Brake fluid DOT 3
Clutch fluid DOT 3
Freeze fluid Glycol & water 6.2
Don’t mix oil which made by different manufacture,it may make oil bad or performance change.

Tyre standard
Buld standard
Eng ine oil stan dard Stand ard tyre pre ssur e
(KPa) Lamp Watt
Pressure Head lamp 2×60/55
Half Full Front turning 21
load load lamp
205/70 R15 180 200 Side turning 2×5
Rear turning 21
Remark:Adviced standard oil. Vehicle weight Stop lamp / 21/5
tail lamp
Vehicle weight (㎏) Rear right
Bra ke liqui d type 21
backup lamp
item MT
FMVSS116D0T3 Rear left fog 21
GW 1595 License plate 5
Clu tch liqu id lamp
Front axis

FMVSS116D0T3 Room lamp 5

Max axis load

Rear boot 10
Pow er steer ing liqu id
High brake 21
Rear axis

DEXRON®-Ⅲ lamp



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