Human Capital Questionnaire
Human Capital Questionnaire
Human Capital Questionnaire
Think back to a moment at work when you Tell me about a situation where you were in
had to make a tough decision. How did you an interview or a work-related conversation
2 Authentic
stay true to yourself and ensure your actions and you chose to stick to the facts and be
were honest and genuine? honest rather than exaggerate or embellish.
Think about a project where you came up How do you use your creativity in your
with a creative solution to a tough problem. everyday work to make things more efficient
5 Creativity & Innovation
What was the problem, and how did your or to enhance the quality of products or
innovative approach help solve it? services?
Can you recall a recent situation where you Describe a time when you encountered some
were eager to learn something new, even if it difficulties while trying to learn from non-
6 Willingness to learn
wasn't directly related to your job? How did traditional sources. How did you overcome
you adapt to technology shift? those challenges?
How do you see yourself contributing to the Can you discuss your previous experiences
9 Long Term success of our organization in the years to that demonstrate your dedication to staying
come? with an employer for an extended period?
Describe a time when you took responsibility Share an example of how, in the face of
not only for your tasks but also for the challenges, you demonstrated self-
10 Self Responsibility overall success of a team project. How did responsibility by taking decisive actions
your proactive approach benefit the team's instead of making excuses, ultimately leading
results? to a successful outcome.