A Living Sacrifice
A Living Sacrifice
A Living Sacrifice
Every man on earth is a living sacrifice, only mortals render sacrifices. However, as far as spirituality is concerned there
is only black and white, no neutral. On what ground are you offering your sacrifice? On what spirit is the foundation of
your alter laid?
All we do in the flesh doesn't count it is the heart that matters, spirits are only have business with your heart, although
men are the only creation of God that operates in a tripartite nature of flesh, soul spirit. Spirits can't find expression in
our realm without our approval, but many don't know this and so they live their lives ignorantly not knowing that the life
they live affect the balance between light and darkness. We as mortals are always rendering sacrifices, and out of the
offerings raised, no matter how great or small, invokes and gives spirits authorization to find expression in our
When you yield you heart to a spirit be it of God or of the devil, you become a medium for that spirit to dominate your
heart and also the territory. When the gravity of that spirit is expressed in the heart of men, they take charge of the
territory setting up more alters, making it hard for another spirit to invade and take control. For example if men yield to
sexual Immorality, and the and the gravity of sexual Immorality becomes dense, they'll take that territory for the it own,
because the balance has been altered, the principalities gain control of that territory, and any one who enters that
territory, if he's not built firmly on the Lord, he'll be influenced and enslaved into the civilization of lust.
Whatever we do, we make sacrifices all the time from our heart, every second of your life you yield to a spirit you render
offering to that spirit, be it lying, even if you're slacking off on the couch when you heart is not of God, unless our heart is
yielded to God, only then we can render sacrifices unto Him, our lives then becomes a living sacrifice unto God to
manifest His presence. However sacrifices varies.
This world is far worse than it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, it is the grace of Jesus keeping us. The rate of
idolatry is very high, but many don't know, because they don't physically bow down to a carved image, then you'll know
man doesn't also evolve but spirits do evolve ahead of man to operate in the dispensation of time that generation offers.
Many today who call themselves Christians still offers sacrifices to the devil. With a heart corrupted by darkness, you
cannot give unto God, our giving is not unto men, but unto God as an offering if our heart is right before God. That's why
as a born again, even though you don't go to church, God's will still device a means to get that offering from you through
your giving to those in need, out of nowhere someone in need will cross your path. However, tithing is different from
offering, well let's not get there.
You cannot give physically when your heart is of darkness, that's not giving, you're just giving to satisfy flesh, and flesh is
not of God, there is a spirit entity called the flesh also. You cannot deny the spirit functioning through you, because it is
that spirit in you you'll end up rendering offerings to, if it is to God, whatever you do in he flesh from your heart will render
offerings unto God for Him to find more expression in your life and also in the life of men through you. When God is
expressed in the hearts of many, then that territory becomes His own, it becomes a territory of light.
You might preach, dance, pray, if it's not form your heart, that is; if your heart is not of God, you'll render a bad offering,
whatever we do is an offering but as long as the heart is corrupted, your offering won't get to the throne of God. Now
why was I talking much on giving?
I don't know, but it seems we're relating on simple things today, still God's word is life. Dancing, dancing unto God is just
a physical activity to actualize the expression in the heart. I've seen people dance to the tune of gospel songs when they
are of corrupted heart. A young man I know was dancing, men…, many go clubbing and still come back to the church to
dance with that cloudy heart of darkness and they say they're praising God, your flesh is dust, God doesn't care about it.
However your flesh is flesh, it is death and so the devil cares, well, let not get in too deep.
Dancing is not just an exercise, you might dance for God but if your heart is not of God then... David did danced like a
mad man and went naked, I don't know how much naked, but he was naked, in the sight of men and flesh ( death )it is
foolish and a disgrace, but in the sight of God his heart was burning as a fragrance incense unto God, because he was
giving expressing to life, the life of God dominating his heart. He did it whole heartedly, but his wife couldn't discern the
heart to David, she could only see the flesh, and she gave expression to death and then, she was cursed by God. You
gave expression to death I'll give you death in your womb. How can you call the priceless sacrifice unto God a nuisance.
What I'm trying to portray here is; you dancing is useless if your heart is not of God, you'll end up glorifying the devil.
You might preach the gospel, pray, but it'll amount to nothing if all is done in the flesh. When your time comes you'll find
yourself not acceptable unto God, because you have no record of sacrifice in heaven, you have nothing, and so your
name is not engraved in life, because in life eternal there is something. How precious is your sacrifice?
You need eyes to see, ear to hear, but if it doesn't comes from the heart, your hearing of the gospel will be useless, the
heart won't be unlocked to receive life and if you don't have life, you cannot render burnt offering to deal with sin ( death
). It is the word of God, the life of God that acts as a substance to offer a sacrifice in order to substitute death for life,
except God's word dominates your heart you can never be free of sin, because there is nothing for the holy spirit ( the fire
of God ) to act on in order to fan the flames that burns away darkness.
The greater the word substance, the greater the flame, the greater the sacrifice. A free heart that desires God, it is such a
heart that unlocks the life of God's word, more life to have and maintain and to grow more manifest.
We are living sacrifices always burning, we are an inferno for God, we who are of Him.
Still, there are major and deliberate sacrifices, these are sacrifices that moves God, He becomes more interested in you
and He continues to invest in you to see how much more sacrifice you'll make to meet His demand. The greater your
sacrifice, the more you please God, the more you bring God into your life, you become more relevant to Him, and He'll
entrust his will into your hands.