1822 B.E Ece Batchno 124
1822 B.E Ece Batchno 124
1822 B.E Ece Batchno 124
MAY -2022
This is to certify that this Project Report is the bonafide work ofP.VINAY KUMAR
REDDY(38130164) & P. HARI PRANAY (38130160) who have done the Project work as a
team and carried out the project entitled “AUTOMATED WATERING THE PLANTS USING
AURDINO”under mysupervision from December 2021 to May 2022.
Internal Guide
Dr.R.Pandian, M.E., Ph.D.,
We, P. Vinay Kumar Reddy(Reg no: 38130164) &P.Hari Pranay Yadav(Reg no:
38130160) hereby declare that the project report entitledAUTOMATED WATERING THE
PLANTS USING AURDINO done by me under the guidance of Dr.R.Pandian, M.E., Ph.D.,
is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of
Engineering Degree in electronic communication and Engineering.
We wish to express my thanks to all Teaching and Non-teaching staff members of the
helpful in many ways for the completion of the project.
DC -Direct current
AC - Alternative current
List of Tables
Internet of things IOT consists of two words Internet and Things .The term
things in IOT refers to various IOT devices having unique identities and have
capabilities to perform remote sensing , actuating and live monitoring of certain sort
of data.IOT devices are also enable to have live exchange of data with other connected
devices and application either directly or indirectly , or collected data from other devices
and process the data and send the data to various servers. The other term internet is
define as Global communication Network connecting Trillions of computers across the
planets enabling sharing of information .Thus the IOT can be define as:”A dynamic
Global Network Infrusture with self configuring capabilities based on standard and
inter operable communication to protocol where physical and virtual things have
identities, physical attributes ,and virtual personalities and use intelligent interfaces and
are seamlessly integrated into the information network ,often communicate data
associated with user and their environment.” An ideal IOT device consists of various
interfaces for making connectivity to other devices which can either be wired or
wireless. Any IOT based device consists of following components: • I/O interface for
Sensors. • Interface for connecting to Internet. • Interface for Memory and Storage.
SYSTEM is regarded as IOT gadget focusing on Live Monitoring of Environmental data
in terms of Temperature, Moisture and other types depending on the sensors integrated
with it. The system provides the concept of Plug & Sense‖ in which farmers can directly
implement smart farming by as such putting the System on the field and getting Live
Data feeds on various devices like Smart Phones, Tablets etc. and the data generated
via sensors can be easily shared and viewed by agriculture consultants anywhere
remotely via Cloud Computing technology integration. The system also enables analysis
of various sorts of data via Big Data Analytics from time to time.
2.1 Overview
Irrigation is most important for high yield of the farm. Today, by using WSN technology it is
possible to monitor and control the environmental conditions as soil moisture, temperature,
wind speed, wind pressure, salinity, turbidity, humidity etc for irrigation. Automated irrigation
performed by using solenoid valve and pump. Solenoid valve is an electromechanical valve
used with liquid controller to control an electronic current through solenoid which is a coil of
wire that uses to control the state of the valve according to need of irrigation.
M.Nesa Sudha et al., 2011 proposed a TDMA based MAC protocol used for collect data
such as soil moisture and temperature for optimum irrigation to save energy. MAC protocol
plays an important role to reduce energy consumption. Two methods used for energy
efficiency as Direct Communication method and aggregation method. Direct
Communication method provides collision free transmission of data, because all the sensor
nodes send data directly to the base station without the need of header node. This method
is better where the base station is near but it is not optimum where the base station is far
because sensor nodes consume more energy during transmission of data and if there is
much data to the sensor node, sensor nodes quickly damaged. The data aggregation
method is better to use rather than direct communication method. The sensor node senses
the data and send to the head node. The head node collects data from the entire sensor
node, performs aggregation using various aggregation techniques, and then sends data to
the base station. Thus by using aggregation method overall energy consumption reduce of
the network. The simulation result show that aggregation method provide better
performance rather than direct communication method. It provides 10% increase in residual
energy and 13% increase in throughput. Sensor nodes consume more energy while
transmitting data.
AnujNayak et al., 2014 describe that sensor nodes batteries are charged by using
harnessing wind energy. A routing algorithm named DEHAR is proposed to extend overall
batteries power. The proposed method is efficient where the amount of sensor nodes very
low because of latency experienced due to synchronous sleep scheduling. A small band
belt used to harness wind energy to sensor nodes. Wind belt is aero elastic flutter, which is
capable for harnessing wind energy. Harnessing wind energy is a renewable energy
source. However, the main problem using harnessing wind energy is the unreliability as the
power of the wind is not permanent.
Man Zhang et al., 2012 analysis the temporal and spatial variability of soil moisture for the
realization of variable irrigation and for improve yield in the farm. Temporal variability
adopts the changes of soil moisture at the place where the sensor nodes installed and
analyze soil moisture variation at different times according to season. Spatial variability
analyses calculate all parameter of soil moisture as average, maximum, minimum in whole
area. The temporal variability curve has drawn according to measure data. It showed that
the corn was in severe water stress state during the completely monitoring period.
Joaquin Gutierrez et al., 2013 proposed an irrigation system that uses photovoltaic solar
panel to power system because electric power supply would be expensive. For water
saving purpose, an algorithm developed with threshold value of temperature and soil
moisture programmed into a micro controller gateway. The system has a full duplex
communication links based on internet cellular interface using GPRS based on mobile data
for graphically display and stored in a database server.The automation irrigation system
consists of two components were WSU and WIU. Wireless Sensor Units (WSU)
components were used for minimize power consumption because microcontroller is well
suited by its lower power current in sleep mode. Wireless Information Unit (WIU) transmits
soil moisture and temperature data to a web server using GPRS module. The WIU identify
recorded and analyzed received temperature and soil moisture data collected by WSU.
WIU functionality is bases on microcontroller that programmed to perform different task as
to download the date and time information from web server and compare the temperature
and soil moisture value with maximum soil moisture and minimum temperature value so
that irrigated pumps activated.
SherineM.AbdEl-kader et al., 2013 proposed APTEEN (Periodic Threshold oldsensitive
Energy-Efficient sensor Network) protocol. APTEEN is a Hierarchical based routing protocol
in which nodes have grouped into clusters. Each cluster has a head node and head node is
responsible for broadcast data to the base station. APTEEN broadcast parameters
attribute, which is a set of physical parameters, in which the user is interested to obtain info,
Thresholds value as Hard Threshold and Soft Threshold, Schedule as TDMA schedule
uses to assign slots to save energy, which provide collision free transmission. It controls the
energy consumption by changing threshold values and count time. The performance of
proposed protocol is better than LEACH on average 79% and by LEACH-C on average
B. Balaji Bhan et al., 2014 proposed a system to develop WSN based soil moisture
controllers that determine the water requirement by comparing soil moisture with predefined
threshold value. An intelligent remote system consists of wireless sensor nodes and
computer system in which data is transmitted to a server system from where the data
accessed by individuals for decision making for automated control of irrigation for the yield
productivity. Field validation tests routinely performed on different soils to measure the soil
moisture, water amount in soil for efficient irrigation system. If the stored data does not
match with the soilmeasured data, an interrupt sent to the pressure unit and stop irrigation
SbrineKhriji et al., 2014 describe different type of sensor nodes for real monitoring and
control of irrigation system. Each node consists of B mote and actuator. TelosB mote is an
ultralow power wireless module for monitoring applications. Soil nodes used to measure the
soil moisture weather nodes used to measure environmental parameter and actuator used
for controlling the opening of valves for irrigation. The system has cost efficient and reduce
the power consumption The experimental result shows that the plants are well irrigate and if
there is any change in threshold value the system alert to farmer about the problem to take
the appropriate decision.
Yunseop Kim et al., 2008 represents real time monitoring and control of variable rate
irrigation controller. The sensor nodes measure environmental parameter and transmit data
to base station where base station process data through a user-friendly decision making
program and all data commands send to irrigation control station. The Irrigation control
station sends machine location using GPS to the base station, send control signal back to
irrigation control
Fiona Regan et al., 2009develop heterogeneous real time water monitoring network system
to monitor water quality parameter such as pH, temperature, turbidity and conductivity. The
implementation of intelligent sensors incorporating TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data
Sheet) which is a machinereadable specification of the sensor characteristics, enable
sensors to interfaced with the system in a plug and play fashion. PSOC system used to
create generic sensor interface. The plug and play capabilities enabled by the developed
WSN platform allow for integration of any commercially available water quality sensors.
PSOC plug and play system capable of transmitted data to the sensor that processed data
for transmission to the web.
Joaquin Gutierrez et al., 2015 represents that the sensors use Smartphone to capture and
process images of soils. Images can be capture to estimate the water content of the soil.
The router node is used to forward collected values to the gateway that provide
automatically pump the water to the crop in a field. An Android app used for connectivity
such as Wi-Fi. Android app wakes up the Smartphone by using given parameters. In-built
camera takes an RGB picture of the soil through an anti-reflective glass window to take
estimation of wet and dry area. The mobile app enables the Wi-Fi connection of
Smartphone to transmit the estimation value to the gateway via a router node for control an
irrigation water .
During day to day activities many people often forget to water their plants and thus it
becomes challenging for them to keep their plants healthy and alive. Also it is a challenge
for farmers to maintain their fields and manage watering of plants during shortage of water.
Based on the above background, we thought that it is necessary to implement the
automated system which will take care of plants. In the existing system we can’t
automatically water the plants and we need to be there at every situation in order to detect
the moisture of soil which is burden to us and time taking process
Arduino UNO is a microcontroller board it has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be
used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connec-tion, a
power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It con-tains everything needed to support
the microcontroller; simp-ly connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with an
AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started
Arduino is a tool for making computers that can sense and control more of the physical
world than your desktop computer. It's an open-source physical computing platform based
on a simple microcontroller board, and a development environment for writing software for
the board.Arduino can be used to develop interactive objects, taking inputs from a variety of
switches or sensors, and controlling a variety of lights, motors, and other physical outputs.
Arduino projects can be stand-alone, or they can communicate with software running on
your computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP.) The boards can be assembled by hand
or purchased preassembled; the open-source IDE can be downloaded for free.
There are many other microcontrollers and microcontroller platforms available for physical
computing. Parallax Basic Stamp, Netmedia's BX-24, Phidgets, MIT's Handy board, and
many others offer similar functionality. All of these tools take the messy details of
microcontroller programming and wrap it up in an easy-to-use package. Arduino also
simplifies the process of working with microcontrollers, but it offers some advantage for
teachers, students, and interested amateurs over other systems:
Even relatively inexperienced users can build the breadboard version of the module
in order to understand how it works and save money
4.1.2 OVERVIEW:-
The Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. It has 14 digital input/output
pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a
USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. It contains everything
needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or
power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.. You can tinker with your UNO
without worrying too much about doing something wrong, worst case scenario you can
replace the chip for a few dollars and start over again.
"Uno" means one in Italian and was chosen to mark the release of Arduino Software (IDE)
1.0. The Uno board and version 1.0 of Arduino Software (IDE) were the reference versions
of Arduino, now evolved to newer releases. The Uno board is the first in a series of USB
Arduino boards, and the reference model for the Arduino platform; for an extensive list of
current, past or outdated boards see the Arduino index of boards.
You can find here your board warranty informations.
Getting Started
You can find in the Getting Started section all the information you need to configure your
board, use the Arduino Software (IDE), and start tinker with coding and electronics.
Need Help?
Table no:4.1.2:ARDINO UNo
Microcontroller ATmega328P
Operating Voltage 5V
32 KB (ATmega328P)
Flash Memory
of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader
SRAM 2 KB (ATmega328P)
EEPROM 1 KB (ATmega328P)
Length 68.6 mm
Width 53.4 mm
25 g
loop( ): A function present in every single Arduino sketch. This code happens over and over
again. The loop( ) is where (almost) everything happens. The one exception to this is setup( )
and variable declaration. ModKit uses another type of loop called “forever( )” which executes
over Serial. The loop( ) function looks like:
void loop( ) {
//code goes here
HIGH: Electrical signal present (5V for Uno). Also ON or True in boolean logic.
LOW: No electrical signal present (0V). Also OFF or False in boolean logic.
digitalRead: Get a HIGH or LOW reading from a pin already declared as an input.
analogRead: Get a value between or including 0 (LOW) and 1023 (HIGH). This allows
you to get readings from analog sensors or interfaces that have more than two states.
analogWrite: Assign a value between or including 0 (LOW) and 255 (HIGH). This
allows you to set output to a PWM value instead of just HIGH or LOW.
Soil moisture sensors measure the volumetric water content in soil. Since the
direct gravimetric measurement of free soil moisture requires removing, drying, and
weighing of a sample, soil moisture sensors measure the volumetric water content indirectly
by using some other property of the soil, such as electrical resistance, dielectric constant, or
interaction with neutrons, as a proxy for the moisture content.
The relation between the measured property and soil moisture must be calibrated and may
vary depending on environmental factors such as soil type, temperature, or electric
conductivity. Reflected microwave radiation is affected by the soil moisture and is used
for remote sensing in hydrology and agriculture. Portable probe instruments can be used by
farmers or gardeners.
Soil moisture sensors typically refer to sensors that estimate volumetric water content.
Another class of sensors measure another property of moisture in soils called water
potential; these sensors are usually referred to as soil water potential sensors and
include tensiometers and gypsum blocks.
A resistive soil moisture sensor works by using the relationship between electrical
resistance and water content to gauge the moisture levels of the soil. You'll observe these
sensors to possess two exposed probes that are inserted directly into the soil sample.
A soil moisture sensor is a device that measures current soil moisture. Sensors integrated
into the irrigation system aid in scheduling water supply and distribution much more
efficiently. Such gauges help to reduce or enhance irrigation for optimum plant growth.
Tensiometers are soil moisture sensors that measure this tension between soil particles
and water molecules. In order for plants to access this water they must overcome the
tension to draw water molecules away from the soil particles and into their roots.
Measuring soil moisture is important for agricultural applications to help farmers manage
their irrigation systems more efficiently. Knowing the exact soil moisture conditions on
their fields, not only are farmers able to generally use less water to grow a crop, they are
also able to increase yields and the quality of the crop by improved management of soil
moisture during critical plant growth stages.
In urban and suburban areas, landscapes and residential lawns are using soil moisture
sensors to interface with an irrigation controller. Connecting a soil moisture sensor to a
simple irrigation clock will convert it into a "smart" irrigation controller that prevents irrigation
cycles when the soil is already wet, e.g. following a recent rainfall event.
Golf courses are using soil moisture sensors to increase the efficiency of their irrigation
systems to prevent over-watering and leaching of fertilizers and other chemicals into the
Soil moisture sensors are used in numerous research applications, e.g. in agricultural
science and horticulture including irrigation planning, climate research, or environmental
science including solute transport studies and as auxiliary sensors for soil
respiration measurements
Simple sensors for gardeners.Relatively cheap and simple devices that do not require a
power source are available for checking whether plants have sufficient moisture to
thrive. After inserting a probe into the soil for approximately 60 seconds, a meter
indicates if the soil is too dry, moist or wet for plants.
Time Domain Transmission (TDT) and Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR): The dielectric
constant of a certain volume element around the sensor is obtained by measuring the
speed of propagation along a buried transmission line; (see also: TDR moisture sensor)
Neutron moisture gauges: The moderator properties of water for neutrons are utilized to
estimate soil moisture content between a source and detector probe.
Soil resistivity: Measuring how strongly the soil resists the flow of electricity between two
electrodes can be used to determine the soil moisture content.
Galvanic cell: The amount of water present can be determined based on the voltage the
soil produces because water acts as an electrolyte and produces electricity. The
technology behind this concept is the galvanic cell
A small charge is placed on the electrodes and electrical resistance through the sensor is
measured. As water is used by plants or as the soil moisture decreases, water is drawn
from the sensor and resistance increases. Conversely, as soil moisture increases,
resistance decreases.
meter soil moisture sensors use high-frequency capacitance technology to measure the
volumetric water content of the soil, meaning they measure the quantity of water on a
volume basis compared to the total volume of the soil.
Testing soil for moisture:-
Insert a trowel into the soil, then tilt the trowel to check the moisture of garden plants. You
can also insert a wooden dowel into the soil to determine the depth of soil moisture. If the
dowel comes out clean, the soil is dry. Damp soil will cling to the dowel.
Fig:4.3 DC motor
DC motors are configured in many types and sizes, including brush less, servo, and
gear motor types. A motor consists of a rotor and a permanent magnetic field stator. The
magnetic field is maintained using either permanent magnets or electromagnetic
windings. DC motors are most commonly used in variable speed and torque.
Motion and controls cover a wide range of components that in some way are used to
generate and/or control motion. Areas within this category include bearings and
bushings, clutches and brakes, controls and drives, drive components, encoders and
resolves, Integrated motion control, limit switches, linear actuators, linear and rotary
motion components, linear position sensing, motors (both AC and DC motors),
orientation position sensing, pneumatics and pneumatic components, positioning stages,
slides and guides, power transmission (mechanical), seals, slip rings, solenoids, springs.
Motors are the devices that provide the actual speed and torque in a drive system.
This family includes AC motor types (single and multiphase motors, universal, servo
motors, induction, synchronous, and gear motor) and DC motors (brush less, servo
motor, and gear motor) as well as linear, stepper and air motors, and motor contactors
and starters.In any electric motor, operation is based on simple electromagnetism. A
current-carryingconductor generates a magnetic field; when this is then placed in an
external magnetic field, it will experience a force proportional to the current in the
conductor, and to the strength of the external magnetic field. As you are well aware of
from playing with magnets as a kid, opposite (North and South) polarities attract, while
like polarities (North and North, South and South) repel. The internal configuration of a
DC motor is designed to harness the magnetic interaction between a current-carrying
conductor and an external magnetic field to generate rotational motion.
Let's start by looking at a simple 2-pole DC electric motor (here red represents a magnet
or winding with a "North" polarization, while green represents a magnet or winding with a
"South" polarization).
A DC motor is any of a class of rotary electrical motors that converts direct current electrical
energy into mechanical energy. The most common types rely on the forces produced by
magnetic fields. Nearly all types of DC motors have some internal mechanism, either
electromechanical or electronic, to periodically change the direction of current in part of the
DC motors were the first form of motor widely used, as they could be powered from existing
direct-current lighting power distribution systems. A DC motor's speed can be controlled
over a wide range, using either a variable supply voltage or by changing the strength of
current in its field windings. Small DC motors are used in tools, toys, and appliances.
The universal motor can operate on direct current but is a lightweight brushed motor used
for portable power tools and appliances. Larger DC motors are currently used in propulsion
of electric vehicles, elevator and hoists, and in drives for steel rolling mills. The advent
of power electronics has made replacement of DC motors with AC motors possible in
At home, small DC motors are used in tools, toys and various household appliances. In
retail, the applications of DC motors include conveyors and turntables, while in an industrial
setting, large DC motor uses also include braking and reversing applications.
Shunt DC Motors. ...
Compound DC Motors.
A relay is an electrically operated switch. It consists of a set of input terminals for a single or
multiple control signals, and a set of operating contact terminals. The switch may have any
number of contacts in multiple contact forms, such as make contacts, break contacts, or
combinations thereof.
The traditional form of a relay uses an electromagnet to close or open the contacts, but
other operating principles have been invented, such as in solid-state relays which
use semiconductor properties for control without relying on moving parts. Relays with
calibrated operating characteristics and sometimes multiple operating coils are used to
protect electrical circuits from overload or faults; in modern electric power systems these
functions are performed by digital instruments still called protective relays
Latching relays require only a single pulse of control power to operate the switch
persistently. Another pulse applied to a second set of control terminals, or a pulse with
opposite polarity, resets the switch, while repeated pulses of the same kind have no effects.
Magnetic latching relays are useful in applications when interrupted power should not affect
the circuits that the relay is controlling.
A simple electromagnetic relay consists of a coil of wire wrapped around a soft iron core (a
solenoid), an iron yoke which provides a low reluctance path for magnetic flux, a movable
iron armature, and one or more sets of contacts (there are two contacts in the relay
pictured). The armature is hinged to the yoke and mechanically linked to one or more sets
of moving contacts. The armature is held in place by a spring so that when the relay is de-
energized there is an air gap in the magnetic circuit. In this condition, one of the two sets of
contacts in the relay pictured is closed, and the other set is open. Other relays may have
more or fewer sets of contacts depending on their function. The relay in the picture also has
a wire connecting the armature to the yoke. This ensures continuity of the circuit between
the moving contacts on the armature, and the circuit track on the printed circuit board (PCB)
via the yoke, which is soldered to the PCB.
When an electric current is passed through the coil it generates a magnetic field that
activates the armature, and the consequent movement of the movable contact(s) either
makes or breaks (depending upon construction) a connection with a fixed contact. If the set
of contacts was closed when the relay was de-energized, then the movement opens the
contacts and breaks the connection, and vice versa if the contacts were open. When the
current to the coil is switched off, the armature is returned by a force, approximately half as
strong as the magnetic force, to its relaxed position. Usually this force is provided by a
spring, but gravity is also used commonly in industrial motor starters. Most relays are
manufactured to operate quickly. In a low-voltage application this reduces noise; in a high
voltage or current application it reduces arcing.
When the coil is energized with direct current, a diode or resistor is often placed across the
coil to dissipate the energy from the collapsing magnetic field at deactivation, which would
otherwise generate a voltage spike dangerous to semiconductor circuit components. Such
diodes were not widely used before the application of transistors as relay drivers, but soon
became ubiquitous as early germanium transistors were easily destroyed by this surge.
Some automotive relays include a diode inside the relay case. Resistors, while more
durable than diodes, are less efficient at eliminating voltage spikes generated by relaysand
therefore not as commonly used.
If the relay is driving a large, or especially a reactive load, there may be a similar problem of
surge currents around the relay output contacts. In this case a snubber circuit (a capacitor
and resistor in series) across the contacts may absorb the surge. Suitably rated capacitors
and the associated resistor are sold as a single packaged component for this commonplace
If the coil is designed to be energized with alternating current (AC), some method is used to
split the flux into two out-of-phase components which add together, increasing the minimum
pull on the armature during the AC cycle. Typically this is done with a small copper
"shading ring" crimped around a portion of the core that creates the delayed, out-of-phase
component which holds the contacts during the zero crossings of the control voltage.
Contact materials for relays vary by application. Materials with low contact resistance may
be oxidized by the air, or may tend to "stick" instead of cleanly parting when opening.
Contact material may be optimized for low electrical resistance, high strength to withstand
repeated operations, or high capacity to withstand the heat of an arc. Where very low
resistance is required, or low thermally-induced voltages are desired, gold-plated contacts
may be used, along with palladium and other non-oxidizing, semi-precious metals. Silver or
silver-plated contacts are used for signal switching. Mercury-wetted relays make and break
circuits using a thin, self-renewing film of liquid mercury. For higher-power relays switching
many amperes, such as motor circuit contactors, contacts are made with a mixtures of
silver and cadmium oxide, providing low contact resistance and high resistance to the heat
of arcing. Contacts used in circuits carrying scores or hundreds of amperes may include
additional structures for heat dissipation and management of the arc produced when
interrupting the circuit. Some relays have field-replaceable contacts, such as certain
machine tool relays; these may be replaced when worn out, or changed between normally
open and normally closed state, to allow for changes in the controlled circuit
4.4.1 Relay module:-
The relay module is an electrically operated switch that can be turned on or off deciding to
let current flow through or not. They are designed to be controlled with low voltages like
3.3V like the ESP32, ESP8266, etc, or 5V like your Arduino.Converting a small electrical
input into a high-current output is no easy feat, but this task is necessary to efficiently
operate a wide range of standard appliances and vehicles. Many circuits achieve these
conversions through the use of relays, which are indispensable in all kinds of electronic
equipment.Relays are normally used in the control panels, manufacturing and building
automation to control the power along with switching the smaller current values in a control
Simple and effective operation. The operating principle of a relay is really simple. ...
Terminal connection.
Rechargeable batteries typically initially cost more than disposable batteries, but have a
much lower total cost of ownership and environmental impact, as they can be recharged
inexpensively many times before they need replacing. Some rechargeable battery types are
available in the same sizes and voltages as disposable types, and can be used
interchangeably with them.
Billions of dollars in research are being investedaround the world for improving batteries
and industry also focuses on building better batteries.
Rechargeable battery:-
A rechargeable battery is an energy storage device that can be charged again after being
discharged by applying DC current to its terminals.
4.5.1Typesis rechargeable:-
Devices which use rechargeable batteries include automobile starters, portable consumer
devices, light vehicles (such as motorized wheelchairs,golf carts, electrical bicycles, and
electric forklifts) road vehicles (cars, vans, trucks, motorbikes), trains, small airplanes,
tools, uninterruptible power supplies, and battery storage power stations. Emerging
applications in hybrid internal combustion-battery and electric vehicles drive the technology
to reduce cost, weight, and size, and increase lifetime.
Older rechargeable batteries self-discharge relatively rapidly, and require charging before
first use; some newer low self-discharge NiMH batteries hold their charge for many months,
and are typically sold factory-charged to about 70% of their rated capacity.
Battery storage power stations use rechargeable batteries for load-leveling (storing electric
energy at times of low demand for use during peak periods) and for renewable energy uses
(such as storing power generated from photovoltaic arrays during the day to be used at
night). Load-leveling reduces the maximum power which a plant must be able to generate,
reducing capital cost and the need for peaking power plants.
Small rechargeable batteries can power portable electronic devices, power tools,
appliances, and so on. Heavy-duty batteries power electric vehicles, ranging
from scooters to locomotives and ships. They areusedin distributedelectricity
generation and in stand-alone power systems.
4.5.3 Charging&Discharing.
During charging, the positive active material is oxidized, producing electrons, and the
negative material is reduced, consuming electrons. These electrons constitute
the current flow in the external circuit. The electrolyte may serve as a simple buffer for
internal ion flow between the electrodes, as in lithium-ion and nickel-cadmium cells, or it
may be an active participant in the electrochemical reaction, as in lead–acid cells.
The energy used to charge rechargeable batteries usually comes from a battery charger
using AC mains electricity, although some are equipped to use a vehicle's 12-volt DC
power outlet. The voltage of the source must be higher than that of the battery to force
current to flow into it, but not too much higher or the battery may be damaged.
Chargers take from a few minutes to several hours to charge a battery. Slow "dumb"
chargers without voltage or temperature-sensing capabilities will charge at a low rate,
typically taking 14 hours or more to reach a full charge. Rapid chargers can typically
charge cells in two to five hours, depending on the model, with the fastest taking as little as
fifteen minutes. Fast chargers must have multiple ways of detecting when a cell reaches
full charge (change in terminal voltage, temperature, etc.) to stop charging before harmful
overcharging or overheating occurs. The fastest chargers often incorporate cooling fans to
keep the cells from overheating. Battery packs intended for rapid charging may include a
temperature sensor that the charger uses to protect the pack; the sensor will have one or
more additional electrical contacts.
Different battery chemistries require different charging schemes. For example, some battery
types can be safely recharged from a constant voltage source. Other types need to be
charged with a regulated current source that tapers as the battery reaches fully charged
voltage. Charging a battery incorrectly can damage a battery; in extreme cases, batteries
can overheat, catch fire, or explosively vent their contents.
4.5.4Rate for discharging
Battery charging and discharging rates are often discussed by referencing a "C" rate of
current. The C rate is that which would theoretically fully charge or discharge the
battery in one hour. For example, trickle charging might be performed at C/20 (or a "20-
hour" rate), while typical charging and discharging may occur at C/2 (two hours for full
capacity). The available capacity of electrochemical cells varies depending on the
discharge rate. Some energy is lost in the internal resistance of cell components
(plates, electrolyte, interconnections), and the rate of discharge is limited by the speed
at which chemicals in the cell can move about. For lead-acid cells, the relationship
between time and discharge rate is described by Peukert's law; a lead-acid cell that
can no longer sustain a usable terminal voltage at a high current may still have usable
capacity, if discharged at a much lower rate. Data sheets for rechargeable cells often
list the discharge capacity on 8-hour or 20-hour or other stated time; cells
for uninterruptible power supply systems may be rated at 15-minute discharge.
If batteries are used repeatedly even without mistreatment, they lose capacity as the
number of charge cycles increases, until they are eventually considered to have
reached the end of their useful life. Different battery systems have differing mechanisms
for wearing out. For example, in lead-acid batteries, not all the active material is restored
to the plates on each charge/discharge cycle; eventually enough material is lost that the
battery capacity is reduced. In lithium-ion types, especially on deep discharge, some
reactive lithium metal can be formed on charging, which is no longer available to
participate in the next discharge cycle. Sealed batteries may lose moisture from their
liquid electrolyte, especially if overcharged or operated at high temperature.
5.1 Overview
Whenever me and my family go for vacations, I used to get worried about my plants
because they need water on regular basis. I gone through several options to solve this
problem as plants need water according to the moisture level of soil. So I have made
Automatic Plant Watering System Using Arduino UNO.
In this system, soil moisture sensor senses the moisture level of the soil. If soil will get
dry then sensor senses low moisture level and automatically switches on the water
pump to supply water to the plant. As plant get sufficient water and soil get wet then
sensor senses enough moisture in soil. After which the water pump will automatically
I have used a self made water pump in this system using 5 volt DC motor. I could use
12 volt water pump in the system but to operate this, it will require a relay module. So,
to reduce all these hardware complexity, I made DC motor based water pump using
diode, transistor and registers
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