Homework 2

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Thermodynamics II

Homework # 2


▪ This homework must be submitted in pairs.

▪ Only one point of the homework is selected for grading.
▪ This homework must be uploaded in the folder named “Homework 2” which is located inside the folder
▪ Mark the file with your last names followed by the HMW2. For example: Ramirez_Duque_&-
▪ The deadline of the homework is October 26th.

1. Consider a power plant that works in a steam Rankine cycle with regeneration. The conditions of the steam at
the inlet of the turbine are 8 MPa and 500°C. The condenser works at a pressure of 50 kPa. In this cycle, steam
is extracted from the turbine at 0.5 MPa to heat the feedwater in an open feedwater heater. Water leaves the
feedwater heater as a saturated liquid. The mass flow rate of steam trough the boiler is 70 kg/s. Please do the

• Draw the diagram of the power plant.

• Draw the T-s diagram.

• Determine the work produced by the turbine.

• Determine the work consumed by the pumps.

• Determine the efficiency of the cycle.

2. Consider the previous problem by replacing the open feedwater heater with a closed feedwater heater. Assume
that the feedwater leaves the heater at the condensation temperature of the extracted steam and that the extracted
steam leaves the heater as a saturated liquid and is pumped to the line carrying the feedwater. Please do the

• Draw the diagram of the power plant.

• Draw the T-s diagram.

• Determine the work produced by the turbine.

• Determine the work consumed by the pumps.

• Determine the efficiency of the cycle.

3. Consider a steam power plant working in a Rankine cycle with reheating and regeneration. The turbine has two
pressure stages. The conditions of the steam at the inlet of the first stage of the turbine are 10 MPa and 500 °C.
The steam is reheated at 5 MPa and 500 °C. The condenser operates at a pressure of 40 kPa. An amount of
steam is extracted from the low-pressure stage of the turbine at 0.8 MPa. This extracted steam is completely
condensed in a closed feedwater heater and pumped to 10 MPa before it mixes with the feedwater at the same
pressure. Please do the following:

• Draw the diagram of the power plant.

• Draw the T-s diagram.

• Determine the work produced by the turbine.

• Determine the work consumed by the pumps.

• Determine the efficiency of the cycle.

4. A steam power plant operates on an ideal reheat–regenerative Rankine cycle with one reheater and two open
feedwater heaters. Steam enters the high-pressure turbine at 1400 psia and 1200°F and leaves the low-pressure
turbine at 1 psia. Steam is extracted from the turbine at 250 and 40 psia, and it is reheated to 1200°F at a pressure
of 120 psia. Water leaves both feedwater heaters as a saturated liquid. Heat is transferred to the steam in the boiler
at a rate of 4.2 x 105 Btu/s. Please do the following:

• Draw the diagram of the power plant.

• Draw the T-s diagram.

• Determine the work produced by the turbine.

• Determine the work consumed by the pumps.

• Determine the efficiency of the cycle.

5. Consider a combined gas–steam power cycle. The topping cycle is a simple Brayton cycle that has a pressure
ratio of 8. Air enters the compressor at 25°C at a rate of 12 kg/s and the gas turbine at 1000°C. The bottoming
cycle is a reheat Rankine cycle between the pressure limits of 6 MPa and 10 kPa. Steam is heated in a heat
exchanger at a rate of 1.15 kg/s by the exhaust gases leaving the gas turbine and the exhaust gases leave the heat
exchanger at 180°C. Steam leaves the high-pressure turbine at 0.8 MPa and is reheated to 450°C in the heat
exchanger before it expands in the lowpressure turbine. Assuming 80 percent isentropic efficiency for all pumps
and turbine, determine:

• The moisture content at the exit of the low-pressure turbine.

• The steam temperature at the inlet of the high-pressure turbine.

• The net power output and the thermal efficiency of the combined plant.

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