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Abstract Low oil price environment impacted to business of Oil and Gas Company including PT. SDEC.
However, PT. SDEC was able securing limited and fixed capital budget to drill well and had committed to
drill certain well number to Government of Indonesia. When the initial 12 wells were completed with longer
cycle time (average 9.9 days/well) than business plan (7.5 days/well) and also higher cost, the problem
became more complex because company needed to complete well as per commitment and in other hand no
additional capital would be spent by parent company if actual expenditure exceeded the initial budget.
Company assigned a team to solve the problem through Lean Six Sigma. Through strong collaboration
among teams, the project execution performance was improved (the Cp of drilling cycle time was improved
from 0.06 to 1.08). As the result of this project save cost around $ 2.8 million
Keywords: DMAIC, Drilling cycle time, Lean Six Sigma, Ultra-shallow Horizontal Well
1. Introduction
PT. Suwarnadwipa Energy Company PT. SDEC is one of subsidiaries of EC#
(PT. SDEC#) is a major Oil Company in Inc., which is considered as one of the biggest
Indonesia, which works under PSC term with energy Company in the world. PT. SDEC
Indonesia (represented by SKKMIGAS as manages many fields which are all located in
representative of Government of onshore area, one of them is called Uap
Indonesia/GoI). Panas (UP)# field. The size of UP field is about
18 km long by 8 km wide, this field composed
of 14 areas. The main production formation are
named sand 1, sand 2 and sand 3. The lithology
of those formation is unconsolidated sandstone
with 2,000 – 3,000 mD permeability. The depth
of sand 1-formation is around 350 – 450
TVDSS, while sand 2-formation is around 450
– 550 ft TVDSS and sand 3-formation is around
550-650 TVDSS respectively.
* Corresponding author.
Email: pt.wahyudi@gmail.com; gatot@sbm-itb.ac.id
Published online at http://Jemis.ub.ac.id
Copyright ©2018 JTI UB Publishing. All Rights Reserved
: it is not real name Figure 2. New Well Count Drilled by PT. SDEC for
Cite this Article As Wahyudi, P.T, Yudoko, G. (2019). CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT OF
METHODOLOGY. Journal of Engineering and Management in Industrial System, 7(2),p.90-103
Paper Accepted : 2019-11-28
Paper Published : Nov, 30th 2019
INDUSTRIAL SYSTEM VOL. 7 NO. 2 YEAR 2019 DOI: 10.21776/ub.jemis.2019.007.02.4
INDUSTRIAL SYSTEM VOL. 7 NO. 2 YEAR 2019 DOI: 10.21776/ub.jemis.2019.007.02.4
inclination. In production section of horizontal called as Ultra Shallow Horizontal Well) would
well which has inclination around 90 degree creating more complexity. Starting package 1
(usually called lateral section), the hole drilled which drilled in 2011 until 2018, there was a lot
follow formation layer, the objective is to get of change done for horizontal well drilling
longer exposure to interest zone (more pay project to improve the performance.
zone), longer pay zone can increase the
production of hydrocarbon. Recently, many oil 4. Improvement through Lean Six Sigma
company drill horizontal well to optimize their In this paper, the root cause of the
production and generally the well cost per problem will be analyzed using Lean Six Sigma
barrel oil produced will be cheaper. Due to (LSS) methodology. Actually Lean Six Sigma
length of lateral section will have positive is combination of Six Sigma and the lean
correlation with oil production, it trigger oil manufacturing/lean initiatives. Lean initiatives
company to drill as long as possible of lateral are fantastic to improve the productivity,
section, they try to beat each other by achieving culture changing, et cetera within short time;
the longest lateral section. however lean initiatives don’t have tool to fix
unseen quality problem. Six sigma is data-
3. Evolution Horizontal in UP Field driven approach which intended to produce
UP field is categorized as the busiest consistent products/services (reducing or even
field from drilling activity in PT. SDEC. eliminating defects). Six sigma is very powerful
Horizontal oil wells in UP field was introduced to uncover root causes, focused and effective;
in 1999, but that type well was not continued however six sigma usually take long time. A
due economic reason (the well cost was very combination of both lean initiatives and six
high, at the time it was considered not sigma will provide the tools to create business
economic). So, the drilling development in UP improvement (Smith, 2003, p.1, [7]). George
field was dominated by vertical wells. Some (2002, p.6, [2]) described that Lean Six Sigma
directional wells project was initiated on 2010 is a methodology that maximizes shareholder
due to surface limitation. value by achieving customer satisfaction,
Refer to subsurface team review, that in quality, process speed, cost and invested capital
several area, oil remaining in certain sub-sand in the fastest rate of improvement.
layer was exist and consider also there was The concept and objective of Lean is to
success similar project in other country, then identify and eliminate things which do not have
horizontal oil well campaign in UP field was or give additional value (people call it as
introduced again in 2009 (as trial project). From waste), as the result the cycle time will be
4 trial wells, there was promising result both accelerated. Usually people use acronym
from executability and production. As the DOWNTIME (use the first letter of every waste
result, starting 2011, PT. SDEC had developed type) to identify type of waste, which are
horizontal oil well in UP field, this well type (goleansigma.com, [3]):
was considered as extended reach well because • Defect/Rework: out of specification pro-
the true vertical depth (TVD) well in this field ducts/services which need resources to
was around 600 – 700 ft TVD and average total correct it
depth 2,200 ft MD (the ratio of MD to TVD • Over Production: produce more than
was around 3). Due to the true vertical depth requirement or before is needed
(TVD) value was very shallow, then this type • Waiting on/Delays: inefficient time due to
well was called as shallow horizontal oil well. waiting on some material, services, next step
In this period, the well design used was big readiness
design (using big size of casing) and the • Non-utilized talent: underutilizing people’s
average drilling cycle time of shallow knowledge, talents and skills
horizontal well was around 14.5 days/well. • Transportation: unnecessary movement of
On 2013, there was trial to drill one well materials and or products
with shallower TVD using slim hole design. • Inventory: over production and or excess un-
Starting 2014, opportunity to drill shallow processed materials
horizontal well was decreasing and the • Motion: unnecessary people movement
available opportunity was to drill in shallower • Extra-Processing/Over Design: more
depth. The shallower TVD (this type well was working done or higher quality than should
INDUSTRIAL SYSTEM VOL. 7 NO. 2 YEAR 2019 DOI: 10.21776/ub.jemis.2019.007.02.4
be (required by customer)
Erick C. Jones (2014, p.72, [4]) classified
waste become 7 categories which are known as
“Oh-no seven source of waste”, those seven
categories as same above list, the only category
not included is Motion.
Once company able to eliminate the
waste or “non-value added” along entire value
streams, company will operate efficiently and
effectively. As the result, company will require
less resources (less capital, less human efforts,
Figure 3. DMAIC Framework of PT. SDEC
less time). (Source: Internal Data PT. SDEC)
Pyzdek and Keller (2010, p.148, [6])
stated that five steps of Lean Six Sigma Project: 4.1 Define Phase
• Define: establish the goals or targets of the The objective of this phase is to express
improvement activities, incorporate into a the encountered problem which is extracted
project contract. from business issue and to establish a team to
• Measure: activity to know the existing solve the problem. Define phase cover:
system, determine reliable and valid variable • Project Team forming. Align with PT.
(metrics) to support monitoring progress of SDEC’s guideline about Lean Six Sigma,
target, determine the baseline performance. this project was composed of project
• Analyze: analyze the system to find out the sponsor, project champion, project
potential root causes, close the gaps between facilitator, project team members and project
existing performances of current system resources.
with the goals. In this step, statistical tools • Identify the opportunity. The opportunity
commonly used to help the analysis. was improving drilling cycle time and
• Improve: After understand the root causes reducing drilling cost so PT. SDEC could
and have solution from analyze phase, in complete all proposed wells as per business
this phase we will improve the system by plan. As described in section 1 about
implementing the solution. The quality and business issue, during low oil price
creativity of project team during analyze environment, only limited capital spent in
phase will directly impact to the quality of Oil & Gas Company including in PT. SDEC.
offered solution. The user of lean six sigma Even though PT. SDEC had been
including PT.SDEC, usually expect safer, successfully secured certain amount of
better, faster and cheaper result. The capital from parent company to drill new
improvement can be validated use statistical well, but the amount was fix. When 12 wells
method. which drilled in second semester of 2017
• Control: in this phase we talk about how to completed with longer cycle time which was
sustain the improved one. To sustain the causing higher cost than business plan,
improvement, usually project team will project team was requested to overcome the
develop clear guideline about what to do, the problem soon, otherwise with same amount,
PIC, how to measure to ensure that the PT. SDEC would be able to drill less well
improvement will be sustained. number. In other hand, when PT. SDEC had
Jones (2014, p.65, [4]) explained about proposed certain number of wells to
six sigma approach which known as The Juran SKKMIGAS through WP&B, SKKMIGAS
Six Sigma approach, the component is DMAIC would keep asking to drill same number of
(like mentioned above) + replicate which using wells as per WP&B (SKKMIGAS will more
know-how, knowledge, skill acquired by team focus on number of wells to support
to improve other problem. production instead of focus on budget
PT. SDEC’s Lean Six Sigma DMAIC limitation).
Framework depicts in figure 3: • Voice of Customer. The customer of this
project were Business plan team, Asset team
and D&C team. The voice of customer
summarized in Appendix 1
INDUSTRIAL SYSTEM VOL. 7 NO. 2 YEAR 2019 DOI: 10.21776/ub.jemis.2019.007.02.4
INDUSTRIAL SYSTEM VOL. 7 NO. 2 YEAR 2019 DOI: 10.21776/ub.jemis.2019.007.02.4
better for company but in this project assumed additional time for logging which done
LCL = US$530K refer to P10 of cost separately (not during drilling), this issue came
estimation). The run chart is available in from D&C team (explained in section voice of
Appendix 2. customer). Consider the portion of NPT and
also the complexity, team decided by focus to
reduce the additional time for logging and to
reduce (or even eliminate) the NPT instead of
trying to reduce the normal cycle time. If
around 2.5 days of NPT could be eliminated,
the drilling cycle time would achieve the target.
INDUSTRIAL SYSTEM VOL. 7 NO. 2 YEAR 2019 DOI: 10.21776/ub.jemis.2019.007.02.4
Analyze Phase. Project team collected the together during design well trajectory
possible solutions, evaluated them including especially about well direction with
communicated to respective team to get support objective as long as possible would avoid E
from them. The recommendation solutions – W direction and or parallel to second
were summarized as below: largest stress direction.
j. D&C Operation team would put preventive
a. Project team would re-arrange the well
Loss Circulation Material (LCM) on active
execution sequence to give ample time for
project team to re-evaluate the design, while
k. Production team would maximize proximity
rig kept drilling other well candidate
to injection well
b. D&C team would assign qualified mud
l. D&C Operation team would arrange
engineer only to this project.
composite matting board and provide
c. D&C team would improve the drilling
additional dozer from D&C Services
practice by using 400 GPM during drilling
(support team).
and they would do reaming after stand
down. While bit had reached casing point,
4.5 Control Phase
D&C operation team would increase the
Control Phase will cover about
flow rate to 520 GPM to ensure hole
implementation of solution plans which have
been discussed in Improve phase. This section
d. Production team would shut in respective
is the last step of DMAIC methodology.
surrounding producer wells within 50 m
After spent a lot of effort, finally this
radius prior drilling in respective formation
project was moved to control phase. To be able
section and turned on the producer wells
implemented the proposed solution, project
again once casing of new well was in place
team spent around 5 days to do Forum Group
and cemented.
Discussion (FGD). In this FGD, project team
e. D&C Operation team would prepare high
collected the data, found out the root causes and
concentration mud in separated tank, it
proposed solutions. Consider the business
would be transferred to active tank and
nature in D&C of PT. SDEC which was PT.
diluted as per requirement when any loss
SDEC still need to pay cost (rig cost and some
other rental cost) even though if rig was not
f. Rig Company would do preventive
operated, the implementation of solutions were
maintenance during moving (prior spud in)
applied directly to next candidate well (let’s call
in every well.
as well improved#1). To be able implementing
g. Asset team would provide detail and
the solutions directly, during that FGD, project
accurate data about fault.
team performed well by well assessment to
h. Asset team would provide accurate
determine the risk rank and the improvement
formation pressure prediction.
requirement, and after that the project team re-
i. Drilling engineer and asset team would work
INDUSTRIAL SYSTEM VOL. 7 NO. 2 YEAR 2019 DOI: 10.21776/ub.jemis.2019.007.02.4
arranged well execution sequence. Wells which NPT around 3.1%, Rig Company had agreed
need a lot of improvement, the well execution with the proposal. They did several
was delayed to last schedule and vice versa for maintenance especially for critical
wells which not require many improvement, the equipment such as mud pump, top drive
execution schedule was accelerated. As part of system, etc. prior spud in well improved#1
implementation strategy, team would applying and on every well.
trial on 3 wells and team would evaluate the d. Asset team (sub-surface) provided
result of those trial. If the result was showing information about fault for first 3 wells. The
significant improvement, the proposed solution information about remaining wells would be
would be applied to all remaining wells. provided later (the information of remaining
While rig was drilling baseline well#12, wells were provided during rig was
team directly performed socialization and did executing trial wells).
further follow up action to ensure that the e. Respective drilling engineer communicated
proposed solutions could be applied directly in to and secured additional tank from D&C
first 3 wells of 30 remaining wells. The support team (DCS) to store high
proposed solutions would be discussed in detail concentration mud. 2 tanks from DCS had
well by well basis during pre-spud meeting. been secured and dedicated to this project to
The implementation of proposed solutions were store high concentration mud. DCS also
explained below: provided more vacuum truck to transfer the
a. 2 proposed solutions (re-design well mud to next location if no loss circulation
trajectory to avoid E – W direction and event on well being drilled.
study to provide formation pressure f. Respective Petroleum Engineer
prediction) were not applied yet in trial due communicated to asset team (production
to the well direction of 3 wells were not team) and got approval to shut in
pointed to E – W and study for formation surrounding producer well. The meeting was
pressure prediction would need long time. performed directly and as result project team
b. Respective D&C Engineers engaged Mud successfully secured the approval to shut in
Company and assessed mud engineer surrounding producer wells within 50 m
Drilling engineer informed Mud Company radius during drilling execution. Shut in
on 4 January 2018 and worked together with scenario itself was performed while rig
Mud Company to satisfy the requirement drilled in same sand formation only and
related to mud area. Drilling engineering once casing was in place and cemented,
team spent around a half working day to surrounding producer wells were put back
perform assessment to all mud engineer on production mode.
candidate on 5 January 2018. g. Respective drilling engineer run again the
c. Respective D&C Engineers engaged Rig simulation to get more suitable drilling
Company and secured approval from them parameters.
to perform rig maintenance prior spud in. Starting well improved#1, flow rate was
After project team showed the comparison reduced during drilling to minimize loss
calculation between perform preventive circulation, but flow rate increased again
maintenance maximum 16 hour per month while performed circulation hole clean.
as per allowed in contract and no preventive
maintenance as per current practice but get
Table 3. Detail Duration Time and Comparison between Baseline vs Trial Result
Well Name NPT (hour) Normal CT Total CT
Well Waiting Reliability Others Total NPT
Problem On Equipment NPT
Baseline 67.6 20.5 16.4 6.8 99.3 152.1 247.8
Well Imp.#1 0 1 1 0 2 156 158
Well Imp.#2 13.5 2 4 0 19.5 151 170.5
Well Imp.#3 1 1 0 2 4 153 157
Av. Well Improved 4.8 1.3 1.7 0.7 8.5 153.3 161.8
INDUSTRIAL SYSTEM VOL. 7 NO. 2 YEAR 2019 DOI: 10.21776/ub.jemis.2019.007.02.4
INDUSTRIAL SYSTEM VOL. 7 NO. 2 YEAR 2019 DOI: 10.21776/ub.jemis.2019.007.02.4
Figure 12. Cpk Analysis of Drilling Cycle Time per Figure 14. Cpk Analysis of Drilling Well Cost per
Footage Drilled of Improved Wells Footage Drilled of Improved Wells
INDUSTRIAL SYSTEM VOL. 7 NO. 2 YEAR 2019 DOI: 10.21776/ub.jemis.2019.007.02.4
[1] M.A. Fryman. Quality and process
improvement. New York – US: Delmar –
Thomson Learning Inc.; 2002.
[2] M.L. George. Lean six sigma: combining
six sigma quality with lean production
speed. New York – US: McGraw-Hill;
[3] Goleansigma.com. 8 Wastes. 2017.
Available from:
INDUSTRIAL SYSTEM VOL. 7 NO. 2 YEAR 2019 DOI: 10.21776/ub.jemis.2019.007.02.4
Keep safe General No improvement allowed if Execute project with incident free
drilling Manager sacrifice safety
execution D&C
Need to D&C Risk assessment done in project Need to know more detail about
elaborate more level not well by well the well hazards within well by
detail about well
well hazards
Reduce run D&C Casandra survey need longer Need to review well direction to
Casandra time avoid run Cassandra survey
Reduce D&C D&C team believe that there Minimize factors contribute to loss
controllable was several controllable factors circulation
factors which contribute to loss circulation
contribute to such as wells penetrating fault,
loss surrounding producer, etc.
VOL. 7 NO. 2 YEAR 2019 DOI: 10.21776/ub.jemis.2019.007.02.4
Run Chart of Drilling Cycle Time of Improved Wells Expressed in Day Run Chart of Well Cost of Improved Wells
Run Chart of Drilling Cycle Time of Improved Wells Expressed in Hour/Ft Run Chart of Well Cost Expressed in US$/Ft of Improved Wells
VOL. 7 NO. 2 YEAR 2019 DOI: 10.21776/ub.jemis.2019.007.02.4
Rig Equipment
Well Problem Problem
(additional trip, ST, Waiting on (drawwork, TDS, Can't run LWD
reaming, etc.)
mud pump)
Hydrostatic less
High permeability Chemical reaction than formation Hish stress on Transport still No dedicated Field magnet
There is live Depleted zone formation High ECD Cross fault water & formation wellbore maintenance interference
pressure utilized by other
producer well (longer time as
close to proposed
impact of
well (within weather)
drainage area)
Rejected by
production team
due to loss Prod. if Hole cleaning
well shut in (refer simulation) In-accurate
New mud engineer pressure Very long time to In-accurate
prediction mix good mud (not New mud engineer pressure
catch up the loss prediction
Why Tree of Longer Drilling Cycle Time and Higher Well Cost of Ultra-Shallow Horizontal Well in UP Field