ProTech903W - H2S - OM - Manual
ProTech903W - H2S - OM - Manual
ProTech903W - H2S - OM - Manual
P/N: MA2922
Revision 5 – April 2022
All information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Galvanic Applied Sciences, Inc.
No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the
written permission of Galvanic Applied Sciences, Inc.
Note: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Galvanic Applied Sciences, Inc.
could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Table of Contents
TABLE 2-1: READ/RATE APERTURE STRIP SIZES AND ASSOCIATED RANGES........................................23
TABLE 3-1: COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICATION SOFTWARE................................................32
TABLE 4-1: FRONT PANEL LED FUNCTIONS .......................................................................................47
TABLE 4-2: STATE CODES ...............................................................................................................49
TABLE 4-3: LCD MAIN SCREEN FUNCTION KEY DEFINITIONS ..............................................................50
TABLE 4-4: FUNCTION KEY DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................52
TABLE 4-5: ALARMS ..........................................................................................................................55
TABLE 4-6: DIO MENU ......................................................................................................................59
TABLE 5-1: COMMUNICATE TOOLBAR BUTTONS ..................................................................................64
TABLE 5-2: OPERATION TOOLBAR BUTTONS.......................................................................................65
TABLE 5-3: GENERAL TOOLBAR BUTTONS ..........................................................................................66
TABLE 5-4: FUNCTION OF EACH TAB ..................................................................................................67
TABLE 5-5: ANALYSIS WINDOW FIELDS ..............................................................................................70
TABLE 5-6: STREAM FIELDS ..............................................................................................................71
TABLE 5-7: CHART BUTTON FUNCTIONS.............................................................................................79
TABLE 5-8: CHART MANIPULATION OPTIONS ......................................................................................79
TABLE 5-9: DATA SORTING OPERATORS ............................................................................................81
TABLE 8-1: ALARMS ........................................................................................................................151
TABLE 8-2: ALARMS ........................................................................................................................153
TABLE 8-3: TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ............................................................................................155
TABLE 10-1: ANALYZER WIRING BOOK INDEX ...................................................................................160
Please read the following warnings and cautions carefully before using the 903W H2S
Use of unauthorized parts may impair suitability of the equipment for Class I, Div
2 locations.
The analog outputs and alarm relay contacts may be powered by a source separate from the
one (s) used to power the analyzer system. Disconnecting the main power source may not
remove power from the analog output signals.
Any safety recommendations or comments contained herein are suggested guidelines only.
Galvanic Applied Sciences Inc. bears no responsibility and assumes no liability for the use and/or
implementation of these suggested procedures.
This system, when operating in its normal mode, and/or when it is being serviced, maintained,
installed and commissioned contains items which may be hazardous to humans if handled or
operated incorrectly or negligently. These items include, but are not limited to:
• High Voltage Electrical Energy
• Toxic and Explosive Gases
The 903W H2S Lead Acetate Tape Analyzer is designed to be safely operated in a Class 1, Div.2,
Group B, C and D, T3 area. The certified designation will be indicated on the nameplate.
Seller’s obligation under this warranty shall not arise until Buyer notifies Seller of the defect. Seller’s
sole responsibility and Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy under this warranty is, at Seller’s option,
to replace or repair any defective component part of the product upon receipt of the Product at
Seller’s production facility, transportation charges prepaid or accept the return of the defective
Product and refund the purchase price paid by Buyer for that Product. If requested by Buyer, Seller
will use its best efforts to perform warranty services at Buyer’s facility, as soon as reasonably
practicable after notification by the Buyer of a possible defect provided that Buyer agrees to pay for
travel time, mileage from the Seller’s facility or travel costs to the airport / train station closest to
Buyer’s facility plus all other travel fees, hotel expenses and subsistence.
Except in the case of an authorized distributor or seller, authorized in writing by Seller to extend
this warranty to the distributor’s customers, the warranty herein applies only to the original
purchaser from Seller (“Buyer”) and may not be assigned, sold, or otherwise transferred to a third
party. No warranty is made with respect to used, reconstructed, refurbished, or previously owned
Products, which will be so marked on the sales order and will be sold “As Is”.
These warranties do not cover:
• Consumable items such as lamps.
• Analyzer components which may be damaged by exposure to contamination or fouling
from the process fluid due to a process upset, improper sample extraction techniques or
improper sample preparation, fluid pressures in excess of the analyzer’s maximum rated
pressure or fluid temperatures in excess of the analyzer’s maximum rated
temperature. These include but are not limited to sample filters, pressure regulators,
transfer tubing, sample cells, optical components, pumps, measuring electrodes, switching
solenoids, pressure sensors or any other sample wetted components.
The warranty herein applies only to Products within the agreed country of original end destination.
Products transferred outside the country of original end destination, either by the Seller at the
direction of the Buyer or by Buyer’s actions subsequent to delivery, may be subject to additional
charges prior to warranty repair or replacement of such Products based on the actual location of
such Products and Seller’s warranty and/or service surcharges for such location(s).
Repaired Products
Repaired products are warranted for 90 days with the above exceptions.
1.1 Overview
The Galvanic Applied Sciences Model 903W H2S is designed to measure Hydrogen Sulphide
(H2S) in a gaseous stream.
If a paper tape that has been impregnated with Lead Acetate (which is white), is exposed to
Hydrogen Sulphide, brown stains will be seen on the tape. The rate of colour change on the
tape is directly proportional to the concentration of H2S in the gas stream. When the rate of
colour change is measured, the concentration of H2S in the gas stream can be determined.
The ASTM Methods used by the 903 are D 4084-94, D4323-97 and D4468-95. Analysis of
Hydrogen Sulphide in Gaseous Fuels (Lead Acetate Reaction Rate Method).
The analyzer can use one of two different analysis algorithms to determine the concentration
of H2S in the sample.
a) Timed Analysis - In the timed analysis algorithm, the average rate of stain on the tape is
calculated over a fixed period of time.
b) Peak Detect Analysis - Some versions of the Protech 903 may use the Peak Detect
method that monitor the rate of stain formation on the tape. The point at which the rate of
stain is at a maximum represents the concentration of H2S in the sample gas.
The system includes an onboard computer system which provides full screen display of the
H2S concentration, key system control parameters and their status.
A hand held key pad is provided for user interface with the analyzer. Operation of the system
with the keypad is described in Section 4. As an alternative, a PC based Graphical User
Interface (GUI) which can be used to view and enter information on a remote basis is
described in Section 5.
2.1 Overview
The H2S analyzer is an integrated system designed to monitor the concentration of H2S in a
gaseous stream using the Lead Acetate tape method described in Section 1. An overview of
the major components of the analyzer is presented in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1: Schematic of Flow Path. Eductor may be alternatively driven by slip stream
from sample feed.
Keep any unused screw terminals fully torqued close. Open screw terminals may
cause dielectric breakdown in overvoltage conditions.
If an AC supply is used, the analyzer uses the AC solenoid drivers which are black in colour and
may be for either 110 VAC or 220 VAC.
If a DC supply is used, the analyzer uses the DC solenoid drivers which are Red in colour.
The analyzer can operate in a dual redundant power mode in which the DC power supply is the
backup if the AC power supply fails. It is important to note that in this mode the DC solenoid
drivers would be used.
A hand held keypad is used to communicate with the system. Operation of the system via the
keypad is described in Section 4.
A detailed application program for a personal computer is provided to monitor the system, view
archived data and establish input and output protocols from/to external devices. A detailed
discussion of the user interface is presented in Chapter 5.
A RJ-9/22 jack that can also be used for RS232 communications is located directly under the
LCD Display. There are jumpers located on the bottom left hand corner of the CPU board that
need to be set if this jack is to be used or if the Ethernet card is used. The Ethernet Card option
and the RJ-9/22 jack cannot be used simultaneously. See the drawing package for Jumper
2.4 Chassis
The chassis contains all of the mechanical parts of the system including the tape-advance
motor, the pulse counter used to accurately advance the tape, the lead acetate tape spool,
and the components related to the actual flow of sample gas and the measurement of the
concentration of H2S in the sample gas stream. A photo of the chassis with all the covers
removed is shown in Figure 2-2.
The tape transport system consists of the supply and take-up reels, the drive motor, the
compression head, the pulse counter, and the optional low-tape sensor.
A small electric motor that is controlled by the main processor of the system turns the take-up
reel to advance the tape at the beginning of every analysis cycle to ensure that the next
analysis has a section of pure white tape to react with the H2S.
Figure 2-4: Optical Encoder. Actual installed part may not be exact. Refer to
SectionSection 12 for individual part numbers.
The left and centre pictures show the Optical Encoder as it appears when not installed in the
chassis and the right picture shows how the Optical Encoder appears in the tape transport
system. The black aluminum (or grey plastic) capstan is mounted on the silver nub seen in the left
picture, and it rotates when the tape moves over it.
The Optical Encoder produces a specific amount of pulses for every revolution. By measuring the
number of pulses produced by the movement of the tape while the motor is running, the system
processor can ensure that the tape is advanced exactly the same distance before every analysis
cycle, regardless of the quantity of tape on the take-up reel. This ensures that the stain spacing
on the tape is even; further, by reducing the amount of white space between subsequent stains,
tape wastage is minimized, and tape life is maximized.
When the motor advances the take-up reel, causing the tape to move, the movement of the tape
causes the capstan on the pulse-counter to rotate, producing pulses. These pulses are read by
the sensor block, which then sends the pulse count to the system processor. When the processor
receives a number of pulses equal to the number of pulses per advance set in the application
program; typically around 40 pulses, or a little less than one sixth of a revolution, it sends a signal
to the motor to stop turning, and the tape stops advancing.
The Optical Encoder also allows the system to accurately indicate the quantity of tape remaining
on the supply reel, as long as the initial length is set correctly in the application program or
through the keypad. This value can be output through an analog output. The quantity of tape
remaining is calculated after every analysis cycle, using the formula outlined in Section
This value can also be used to trigger a low-tape alarm when the quantity of tape goes below a
user-set value, set up through the application program.
Clean, humidified, and flow-regulated sample enters the sample chamber from the sample
inlet and passes over the Rate/Read Aperture strip, behind the rear window. Some of the gas
passes through the aperture strip and onto the lead acetate tape, causing a measurable color
change. The tape is held firmly against the sample chamber by the compression head. The
amount of gas that passes onto the tape is dependent on the size of the aperture strip. After
the gas passes over the tape, it is vented.
Galvanic Applied Sciences provides a broad range of read/rate aperture strip sizes. The most
common aperture strip sizes are listed in Table 2-1 along with the maximum ranges they are
capable of measuring. Part numbers for the various aperture strips are given in the spare
parts list in Section 12. For other ranges, please contact Galvanic Applied Sciences.
The range for each read/rate aperture strip size is the range between the maximum range of
the next largest aperture strip size and the maximum range of the given aperture strip size. In
addition, the system is capable of measuring ranges outside those listed in this table; please
contact Galvanic Applied Sciences for more details.
The sensor block measures the intensity of light reflected off of the lead acetate tape. The
light emitting diode emits a beam of red light that passes through the rear window and the
rate/read aperture strip and is reflected off of the lead acetate tape. The reflected light then
passes back through the aperture strip and rear window to reach the photodiode detector,
where it is measured. As the stain on the tape gets darker and darker while exposed to H 2S,
the amount of light reflected back to the photodiode detector is reduced. The change in the
amount of light reflected back to the photodiode detector is directly proportional to the
concentration of H2S in the sample gas.
The sensor block communicates with the electronics assembly via an RS-485 connection. If
the connection between the sensor block and the electronics assembly is broken for any
reason, a Sensor Communication Alarm will be triggered and the analyzer is considered to be
in a Fail State.
The sensor block contains a temperature sensor that measures the ambient temperature
near the sensor block. This temperature sensor can be used to trigger alarms should the
ambient temperature rise above or drop below set amounts, values that can be set in the
The sensor block plays a key role in the tape advance algorithm. While the tape advance
motor is running, the sensor block receives pulses from the pulse counter. When the sensor
block receives the number of pulses set in the GUI it sends a message to the system’s main
processor. The processor then sends a message to the motor to stop advancing the tape.
The compression head is comprised of anodized aluminum alloy held up against the tape and
sample chamber by means of two springs. The smoothened aluminum construction ensures
that the tape moves smoothly past the compression head, preventing tape breakage.
The compression head creates a seal between the tape and the sample chambre and it
ensures that the stains on the tape are even and have sharp edges, which produces much
better results. In addition, because the anodized surface is black, it prevents stray light from
being detected by the photodiode on the sensor block. This in turn prevents inadvertent
triggering of high concentration alarms, as stray light could make the system report that it was
analyzing a much higher concentration gas than it actually is.
The humidifier is located behind the lower access door on the front of the chassis. The door
has a hole through which the liquid level in the humidifier can be observed. The humidifier is
filled with a 5% Acetic Acid solution. The acid solution is used to keep the humidifier free of
algae, as well as to lower the freezing point to several degrees below 0oC. The sample gas
passes through the tube at the top of the humidifier. The tube is made of Nafion, a selectively
permeable material that allows water vapour, which collects above the surface of the liquid
water in the humidifier, to pass into the sample stream.
2.7.3 Rotameter
The rotameter is a device that indicates the flow rate through the system. It is mounted on the
upper access door on the chassis. The standard rotameter on the chassis is shown in Figure
It is important to note that the chassis rotameter does not control the flow rate of the sample
gas - it only measures the flow rate of the gas. The flow rate through the analyzer is
controlled by the rotameter.
1. Changes in ambient pressure can affect the results produced by the system. If the system
is inside a building where there is a fluctuating static pressure in comparison to the outside
ambient pressure, the eductor will eliminate any influence on the tape staining. Static
pressure changes inside the building are normally caused by building vent fans coming on
and off which will change the differential pressure across the sample chamber. Pressure
can also be affected by a strong wind blowing across the vent. When this happens, a slight
change in the pressure of the sample between the tape and the sample chamber occurs.
The slight change in differential pressure across the tape can cause a reduction in the seal
between the tape and the sample chamber, resulting in poorly shaped stains that give poor
results. It can also cause more air to be introduced into the sample chamber, diluting the
sample gas and producing lower-than-expected results.
2. If the system is located in a cold climate, the humidified sample gas passing out of the vent
can freeze, blocking off the flow through the sample system. By using a eductor, the
residence time of the sample gas within the system is reduced, making it less likely that the
moist air will freeze inside the analyzer.
The sample conditioning system generally consists of a filter, a pressure regulator to regulate
the sample down to 15 psig, and a valve to switch between calibration and sample gas to
allow the system to be calibrated.
The type of filter is dependent on the nature of the gas and generally has a sample sweep
associated with it. Sample gas is usually taken off the bottom of the regulator to drive the
power vent. The calibration valve can be either a manual 2-way valve or a solenoid controlled
by the system.
10-32 DC NA 52 watts
The power requirement for solely the electronics is approximately 10 W. Additional power is
required depending on the number and type of solenoids installed. When choosing a primary
power source, the type of solenoid drivers needs to be considered (AC or DC).
If desired, it is possible to connect both AC and DC power supplies. In this manner, the DC
power supply acts as a backup power.
The system should be mounted in a location where it is not exposed to excessive vibration.
In addition, it should be mounted in a location where the ambient pressure remains relatively
consistent over the course of a day
The vent line cannot have any backpressure on it, as backpressure can seriously impact
readings. The vent line should be as short as possible at a slight continuous downward slope.
If the system is mounted on a panel, allow approximately 15” clearance on the left hand side
of to allow the removal of the tape cover on the side of the chassis, and to allow easy access
for tape installation and removal.
If the system is installed in a cabinet, allow 6” clearance on the left hand side for the
installation of a vent line.
The optional sample conditioning system is typically mounted on the sample panel to the right
of the analyzer.
3.3 Unpacking
To unpack the system:
a) Open the shipping container and remove all packing material and boxes. Visually inspect
the system and accessories package(s) to ensure that no damage has occurred. If
damage has occurred, save all packing material and contact the shipping company as
well as Galvanic Applied Sciences.
If any damage is visible, do not proceed with the system installation. Do not attempt to
facilitate repairs yourself as this will negate and/or invalidate any possible insurance
claims or equipment warranty.
b) Place the small packages aside in a safe, secure storage area as they are not needed at
this stage of the system installation.
Parameter Requirement
Operating System Microsoft ® Windows™ 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7
Memory Minimum 512MB
A CD ROM drive is required to read the installation disk, and a
minimum of 20 mB of space is required for installation on the
Disk Drives
PC hard drive. Additional space is required to save analyzer
configurations and archive data.
The analyzer can be connected to the PC via either a 9-pin
male serial connector or via a standard USB cable (included
Serial/USB Port with the analyzer). The COM port used to connect to the
system cannot be used for any other purposes; otherwise
connecting to the system will not be possible.
Display Minimum required resolution is 1024 x 768.
a) Insert the compact disk that was included with the system into the CD ROM drive of the
personal computer. A window will be presented showing the contents of the CD (Figure
a) Open the Galvanic USB Drivers folder on the computer and the QS Driver download
subfolder then double click on the QS Driver Installer to install the drivers. Follow the on
screen instructions.
If you are not using the USB mode of communication between the analyzer
and the computer, skip step b and continue to Section 3.4.3.
b) Connect the USB to USB cable that is provided with the system to the analyzer and the
personal computer. The Message Found New Hardware should be presented and the
driver installation will be completed automatically.
If this message is not presented, then reboot the computer. The analyzer
will then be recognized.
If the PC is not configured with a USB port, connect the USB end of the USB-Serial cable
included with the analyzer to the USB port to the right of the LCD display on the front of the
analyzer (between the labels Rx USB and Tx USB) and connect the serial end of this cable to
the male 9-pin serial port on the PC.
If you choose to use RS-232 communication, it will be necessary to change the position of a
pair of dipswitches located on bottom left hand corner on the back of the display board
(Figure 3-5). It is necessary to open the 903 electronics enclosure to access this dipswitch.
USB/RS232 switches
If switches 2, 4, 6, and 8 are in the Up position and switches 1, 3, 5, and 7 are in the Down
position, the analyzer will communicate via USB. If the positions of the switches are reversed
(i.e. 2, 4, 6, and 8 down; 1, 3, 5, and 7 up), the analyzer will communicate via the RJ9/22
port. Note that older revisions of the analyzer display board only had two dipswitches rather
than eight. In this case, setting both switches to the Up position will set USB communication,
and setting both switches to the Down position will set RJ9/22 port communication via
Click on the Communications Settings button (Figure 3-7) on the button bar of the application
program to access the Communications Setup dialog box window (Figure 3-8).
The communications program allows the user to choose from four types of protocols, Com
Port Direct (Section, Modem (Section, Dial-up Networking (RAS) (Section and Ethernet (TCP) (Section
Enter the number to be dialed by the modem (if a “9” is required to access an outside line, or
a “1” is required to communicate with a computer that is outside the immediate telephone
calling area, make certain that the appropriate numbers are included (e.g.914035551212).
The Timeouts field provides two options - Backoff Timer and Retries. The Backoff timer tells
the application program how much time, in ticks (one tick = 55 milliseconds), to wait for a
response from the analyzer before retrying to contact the analyzer. If the communication link
between the analyzer and the computer is slow or unreliable, perhaps because of a long
distance between the computer and the analyzer it may be necessary to increase these
numbers to allow for a successful communications link. Leave all other configuration
parameters at their default settings.
The user can set-up a list of IP addresses along with a description for each in the Analyzer IP
Address region of the Ethernet (TCP) Setups field.
The Communications Options field is used to set the Modbus Address field to the desired
Modbus address (valid range from 1 to 255). As an alternative, put a checkmark in the All
Stations checkbox, which will cause the analyzer to poll all possible Modbus addresses.
The Timeouts field provides two options - Backoff Timer and Retries. The Backoff timer tells
the application program how much time, in ticks (one tick = 55 milliseconds), to wait for a
response from the analyzer before retrying to contact the analyzer. If the communication link
between the analyzer and the computer is slow or unreliable, perhaps because of a long
distance between the computer and the analyzer it may be necessary to increase these
numbers to allow for a successful communications link. Leave all other configuration
parameters at their default settings.
After the Logon button is pressed, an information line with increasing length will appear on
the screen. When the logon process is complete, the GUI will present a dialog box (Figure
3-12) asking if the operator wants to enter Read-Only or Update mode.
Read Only mode does not allow the operator to write any changes to the analyzer. It allows
the operator to view all aspects of the application program and review all the settings of the
analyzer, but prevents the operator from writing any changes to these settings.
Update mode allows the operator to make changes to settings in the application program and
write these changes to the analyzer. This mode is password protected to prevent
unauthorized changes to the analyzer. The password for the Update Mode is set by default to
2222 and can be changed as described in Section 5.2.1
If the operator has logged into the analyzer in Read Only mode, it is possible to enter Update
mode by going to the Tools menu and selecting Update to present the Password Request
dialog box. If the correct password is entered, the application program will then be in Update
If changing the baud rate and COM port or the IP address still does not result in a successful
connection, please call Galvanic Applied Sciences’ technical support.
a) Remove the tape cover from the left side of the chassis.
b) Remove the screw-on retaining disks (not shown) from the supply reel (1) and take-up
reel (2).
c) Take a new reel of tape and remove the adhesive tape securing the end. Place the tape
reel on the supply reel. Make sure the tape is installed so that the loose end hangs down
on the left side of the reel, not the right or observe the “This Side Out: stamp on the side
of the tape.
d) Thread the tape over the lower sample chamber guide pin (3). Push the compression
head (4) back and slide the tape behind the compression head. Ensure that the tape is
flat against the groove in the sample chamber (8) and has no creases.
e) Pull the tape up over the upper sample chamber guide pin (5).
f) Thread the tape over the black aluminium / grey plastic capstan of the pulse counter (6).
(Note that this capstan may be either aluminium or plastic).
g) Fold over the first inch of the tape, and then slide this folded end of the tape into the slot
on the take-up reel (2), as shown in Figure 3-14.
h) Replace the screw-on disks onto the supply and take-up reel. The larger disk goes on the
take-up reel.
i) Take up any slack in the tape by rotating the tape reel on the supply reel clockwise until
the tape is tight.
Using the keypad, press F4, and then press F1 to access the Config-Gen screen. The top
line refers to the Tape Length. Press Edit, indicate the tape length (300 foot reels of tape are
included in the shipment with the analyzer) and press Enter.
a) Attach sample gas lines to the sample inlet, zero gas, calibration gas and reference gas
ports on the analyzer.
b) If the analyzer is equipped with a sample system, set the pressure regulator to 15 psig. If
the analyzer is not equipped with a sample system, ensure that the sample gas is clean
and is regulated to a pressure of 15 psig before connecting it to the system.
The following procedure is used to leak-check the analysis compression head and to ensure
that a proper seal is obtained:
a) Make sure the flow indicated on the chassis rotameter is approximately 2.0 before
following this procedure.
b) Place the system in Bypass mode via the hand held keypad before carrying out this
c) Remove the vent line from the elbow at the base of the chassis and attach the Minihelic
to the elbow, as shown in Figure 3-21.
Figure 3-21: Minihelic Indicating a Good Seal (L); Connected to Vent Elbow (R)
d) Check the pressure indicated on the gauge. If the pressure reads 4 or above, as shown
in Figure 3-21, the tape is well sealed against the sample chamber by the compression
head. Press Tape Advance on the keypad and ensure that the pressure does not drop
below 3 even when the tape is moving. It should return to 4 by the time the tape stops
Once the correct seal has been established, connect a calibration gas of known
concentration to the calibration port and perform a manual reference run. Repeat this step for
the second stream, if applicable. If the reading on the analyzer LCD screen is within ±2% of
the certificate value for the calibration gas, the analyzer is within calibration and can be
immediately entered into service.
If the system is not calibrated correctly, see Section 5.9.3 for analyzer
calibration procudures.
4.1 Introduction
The front panel of the analyzer includes a series of LEDs and a LCD display which provides
information about the status of the spectrophotometer. In addition, a hand held keypad is
used to view/edit a variety of analyzer settings and analytical results. A comprehensive
application program using a personal computer is employed to allow the operator to control
all parameters via a personal computer is provided as discussed in Section 5.
The overall operation of the analyzer is controlled by the parameters that are resident in the
analyzer. When parameters are established via the application program, it will be necessary
to download them to the analyzer (Section 5.3). Similarly, data stored in the analyzer can be
transferred to the computer, where they can be archived, plotted and exported as desired.
The mV indicator indicates the output of the sensor. The analyzer can be configured to
display corrected mV (indicated by mV on the display) or live uncorrected mV (indicated by
LmV on the display). The format can be selected as described in Section 5.8.1.
The RUN indicator indicates which analysis mode the analyzer is currently in. There are 5
types of gas runs: H2S (H), Calibration (C), Reference 1 (R), Reference 2 (r), Zero (Z) The
run codes are displayed as: {stream #} {Run type} {Run sequence} An example of the run
indicator is 1H3, which indicates that the present analysis is for H 2S in stream 1, and this is
the third run.
The STATE code indicates what state the analyzer is currently in. There are seven possible
codes listed in Table 4-2.
Code Meaning
INIT The sensor is determining the zero and span calibration. This code is seen on
power-up and during a user-forced sensor calibration through the keypad.
IDLE The system is waiting for a measurement from the sensor. This code is seen on
power up if the analyzer sequencers are not configured or enabled. This code
will also appear after a run if a manual sequence has been selected.
TA Tape advance in progress. This code is seen at power up, during a user-forced
tape advance, and at the end of every analysis cycle.
CSENS The sensor is performing a current adjustment and then auto-zeros the output so
that the output starts at 0mV for the next analysis run. This code is seen at the
beginning of every analysis cycle.
SD Sample Delay. The results obtained during this section of the analysis cycle are
considered invalid by the system and are not used in the concentration
SI Sample Interval. This is the standard analysis mode in which results are
collected to calculate the concentration.
PRG The system is purging. This code is seen during power up of the analyzer and
immediately after a stream change. The system purges for a given period of time
before beginning an analysis on the new stream.
The keypad includes 20 keys. Eleven keys are used to enter numerical data (0-9 and a
decimal point), four are used to select F1-F4 and five keys have specific functions as
indicated in Table 4-4.
Key Function
F1 On the main page (Figure 4-2), the F1 key accesses the Stream (STRM) menu
(Section 4.5) and is used to select the stream of interest.
On other screens, the F1 key is used as a page-up (PGUP) function key to scroll
through multiple menu screens if required or is used to select a sub-menu.
F2 On the main page (Figure 4-2); the F2 key accesses the Analyzer Alarm (ALRM)
list (Section 4.6).
On other screens, the F3 key is used as a down (DN) function key to scroll
through multiple menu screens if required or is used to select a sub-menu.
F4 On the main page (Figure 4-2); the F4 key accesses the Configuration (CNFG)
On other screens, the F4 key is used as a page down (PGDN) function key to
scroll through multiple menu screens if required or is used to select a sub-menu.
BYPASS Pressing this key will put the analyzer into Bypass mode. Pressing this key
again will exit Bypass mode.
TAPE Pressing this key will cause the analyzer to cease the current analysis, advance
ADVANCE the tape, and begin a new cycle.
EDIT Pressing this key on editable items will allow the user to enter in a new value of
setting (e.g. ON/OFF) for the active menu item.
EXIT Exits any menu screen and returns to the main display screen (Figure 4-2).
ENTER While editing any editable menu item, pressing ENTER will cause the analyzer
to accept the newly entered value.
When a menu is presented, the top two lines will always present the system status, the next
four lines will present the relevant settings (information) and the bottom two lines will present
the soft key definitions. A typical menu (from the STRM menu) is shown in Figure 4-5. There
are four lines which present information on a page; if the menu contains more than four lines
of information, the additional items can be accessed by pressing the PGUP, UP, DN and
PGDN keys (F1-F4).
Some parameters can be edited while others are for information only. Note that any
parameters that are changed via the keypad will automatically be reflected in the GUI
This menu contains more than four items and additional items can be accessed via the DN,
PGDN, UP and PGUP keys. For the sake of brevity, we present the items on the menu on a
line by line basis rather than showing each page.
• H2S-H 16.00 OFF - This line indicates the set point for the H2S High Alarm and the current
status of the alarm. The alarm set point can be edited by pressing the EDIT key on the
keypad while this line is highlighted. A new value can be typed in via the numerical keys and
pressing the ENTER key will cause the new value to be accepted.
• H2S-HH 16.00 OFF - This line indicates the set point for the H2S High High alarm and the
current status of the alarm. The alarm set point can be edited by pressing the EDIT key on
the keypad while this line is highlighted. A new value can be typed in via the numerical keys
and pressing the ENTER key will cause the new value to be accepted.
• H2S-DU 5 - This line indicates the length of time in seconds that the H2S High High alarm set
point has to be exceeded before the alarm will be activated. This parameter can be edited by
pressing the EDIT key on the keypad while this line is highlighted. A new value can be typed
in via the numerical keys and pressing the ENTER key will cause the new value to be
• H2S-LC 4.00 OFF - This line is used to indicate if the Lock Stream alarm should be enabled
for the H2S measurement to change the setting, press the EDIT button. The operator will be
prompted to enter the desired value and press the ENTER key on the keypad.
10.0 ppm
F1 F2 F3 F4
4.7.2 IO Menu
A typical IO (Input/Output) menu is presented in Figure 4-8. The values that are presented
are the live values for the analog (AO) outputs, digital (DO) outputs and relays that have been
activated via the GUI and cannot be edited via the hand held controller
mV Run State
6 1H1 S1 115
Analyzer Reading:
S1:H2S 10.0
S1:TS 4.0
S1:REF1 6.7
S1:REF2 8.9
F1 F2 F3 F4
F1 F2 F3 F4
mV Run State
6 1H1 S1
Configure ?
F1 F2 F3 F4
• TAPE - indicates the tape length that remains. The value can be changed (e.g. when the
tape is replaced) by pressing the EDIT key on the keypad. A query will be presented and the
appropriate tape length should be entered, followed by the ENTER key.
• ACK_AL - This field is used to acknowledge all latched alarms. To acknowledge the latched
alarms, press the EDIT key and use the ENTER key to toggle the value to ON. Note that
any latched alarms will not unlatch if they are still in the alarm condition.
• L mV – This field is used to set the mV on the display to corrected mV (indicated by mV on
the display) or live uncorrected live mV (indicated by LmV on the display). This function
(On/OFF) can be edited by pressing the EDIT key followed by the ENTER key.
• L ppm - This field is used to set the concentration reading on the display to the last
calculated value (indicated by the absence of the L in front of the analysis units) or to the
current analysis live value (indicated by the presence of the L in front of the analysis units).
This function (On/OFF) can be edited by pressing the EDIT key followed by the ENTER key.
• DAY - presents the day of the week and cannot be edited.
• TIME - presents the present time and cannot be edited.
• MODBUS ADD - Presents the current Modbus unit address. This parameter can be edited
by pressing the EDIT key, typing in a new value followed by the ENTER key.
• CURRENT - Presents the sensor LED current in mA.
• TEMP - indicates current temperature of the sensor block.
• SENSOR - Presents the sensor firmware revision number and cannot be edited.
The status of the items on this menu can be edited by pressing the EDIT key followed by the
ENTER key. Each item can be edited (e.g. there are 4 wet lines 4 dry lines, etc); and can be
accessed via the function keys). The items on this menu are listed in Table 4-6.
a) DI-POL indicates the polarity of each of the available discreet inputs. See Section 5.11
and 5.12.
b) FS-POS shows the fail safe position of each of the six relays.
c) LCH_EN indicates if the alarm associated with each relay is latching or non-latching.
This discussion assumes that the analyzer has been connected to the
personal computer. A detailed discussion of the protocol to connect the
two units is presented in Section 3.4.
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a Windows-based application program which provides
the analytical results and allows the operator to set a broad range of instrumental
parameters. When the program is first opened, the window shown in Figure 5-1 is presented.
a) Press the Logon button (Figure 5-2). The computer will communicate with the analyzer
and transfer the present analyzer status from the analyzer to the computer. During this
time a dialog box will present a progress bar indicating the status of the transfer.
b) Once the data transfer is complete (which may take a minute or two), the Select Mode
dialog box (Figure 5-3) will be presented.
c) The Read Only option will allow the operator to view data, parameters and analyzer
settings, but will not allow the operator to change parameters settings while the Update
option allows the operator to change them. If the Update option is selected, the operator
is required to enter a password. The default password is 2222, and can be changed as
described in Section 5.2.1.
If the GUI is in Read Only mode and the operator desires to use the Update
mode, select the Update Mode command on the Others menu. A dialog box
to enter the password will be presented.
a) System Menu - The System menu contains the Exit command which can be used to
close the GUI (it does not turn the analyzer off).
b) View Menu - The View menu allows the user to decide which toolbars to display. A
drop down menu presents four options - Communicate ToolBar, Operation
ToolBar, General ToolBar and Upgrade Window. The first three options allow the
user to display the appropriate toolbar by clicking on the box adjacent to the name
(to remove the toolbar, click to remove the check mark). A discussion of the
toolbars is presented in Section 5.2.2. The Upgrade Window option is used to
install new software and is discussed in Appendix A.
• Reboot - accesses the dialog box shown in Figure 5-5. Pressing the OK button will
cause the analyzer to reset. Any changes that have not been written to the computer
but not transferred to the analyzer will be lost if this option is selected. The Reset option
is unavailable if the program is in read-only mode.
In addition, a field indicates the status of the analyzer and can contain three possible values
- OFF LINE, which means that the GUI is not connected to an analyzer; READ ONLY, which
means that the analyzer is in Read Only mode; and UPDATE, which means that the analyzer
is in Update mode.
Permanent Write Writes any configuration changes in the GUI first to the
Configuration to volatile memory and then writes the changes to non-
Analyzer volatile flash memory. Any changes that the user
wishes to be permanent and to be present if the
analyzer is powered off must be written to flash. If the
analyzer is powered down before changes are written
to flash, those changes will be lost.
Poll Page Once Reads back all the data points on the current screen.
Pushing this button allows the user to check and
ensure that any changes written to the analyzer have
been accepted.
Synchronize Updates the on-board real time clock in the analyzer to
Time the time and date set on the linked computer.
Acknowledge All Returns all latches that may have been triggered by
Latches alarms to their default configuration.
Bypass Alarms Puts the analyzer into bypass mode, where events
associated with alarms (relays, solenoids, etc) are
ignored. When this button is depressed, the bypass
mode is enabled. When the button is not depressed,
bypass mode is disabled.
Tape Advance Instructs the analyzer to run the motor to advance the
tape and perform a calibration of the sensor block.
Pressing this button is the equivalent of cycling the
power to the analyzer.
Upgrade Updates the analyzer with the latest firmware. This is
Firmware done offline but the user must ensure that the correct
communications port has been selected.
General Toolbar buttons are disabled when the Analysis tab, Status tab or Alarms
tab are active.
If you make a change to an analyzer parameter via the GUI, make certain
that you transmit it to the analyzer before you open another tab. If you do
not transmit it to the analyzer and go to another tab, the change will be lost.
Information can be transferred from the computer to the analyzer via the following two
buttons on the button bar:
As you go through the tabs and make the desired changes, the Write Current Page to
Analyzer button allows you to store and view your analyzer configuration and its behavior
before you make a final decision. If you switch the power off to the analyzer or perform a
Reboot, the analyzer will revert to its original configuration and all the changes will be lost.
To prevent the loss of parameter changes, all the changes must be permanently saved to the
analyzer as described below.
When all the desired changes have been made and saved to the analyzer by using the Write
Current Page to Analyzer button; the Permanent Configuration Write to the Analyzer button is
used to make them permanent.
When the Permanent Configuration Write to the Analyzer button is pressed, a command to
the analyzer will be sent that will start the process of copying data from analyzer memory to
the analyzer hard drive. This process takes about 30 seconds to complete. After this step, all
the changes are permanently stored to the analyzer.
H2S The H2S field either shows the current analysis reading if
highlighted blue or the last reading when that stream was run.
Reference 1 The Reference 1 field either shows the current analysis reading if
highlighted blue or the last reading when that stream was run. A
reference gas is used as a periodic calibration check and cannot
change the gain
Reference 2 The Reference 2 field either shows the current analysis reading if
highlighted blue or the last reading when that stream was run. A
reference gas is used as a periodic calibration check and cannot
change the gain
Zero The Zero field either shows the current analysis reading if it
highlighted blue or the last reading when that stream was run. The
Zero run is a way to check what the analyzer will read on a gas that
contains no H2S. Running a zero run will result in a new zero offset
being calculated for the analyzer.
Calibration The Calibration field either shows the current analysis reading if
highlighted blue or the last reading when that stream was run. The
calibration is used to automatically calibrate the analyzer and
calculate a new gain factor.
Gain The present gain for the stream measurement.
Offset The present offset for the stream measurement.
Analog Outputs - shows the current output (from 4 to 20mA), of the six analog outputs on
the analyzer electronics board. Analog outputs can be configured from the GUI (Section
Relays - shows the current status of the six relays. The circle beside each of the relay titles
indicates the status. A red colour means that the relay has been triggered, be it by an alarm
or some other trigger, while a grey colour means that the relay has not been triggered.
Solenoids - shows the current status of the solenoid drivers on the analyzer electronics
board. If the analyzer is not configured with any solenoids, this box can be ignored. A grey
circle beside a solenoid label indicates that the solenoid is de-energized, while a red circle
indicates that the solenoid is energized. The box labeled Analog Inputs shows the current
values of each input.
Discrete Inputs (Wet Contact) - shows the current status of the four wet discrete inputs on
the electronics board. These discrete inputs can be such things as remote calibration etc. A
red circle beside a discrete input label indicates that the particular discrete input has been
triggered, while a green circle indicates that the particular discrete input has not been
triggered. Setting up discrete inputs is described in Section 5.12.
• High Temperature - The high temperature alarm will be triggered if the temperature
experienced by the sensor block’s on-board temperature sensor exceeds the set-point
value, in oC.
• Low Temperature - The Low Temperature alarm will be triggered if the temperature
experienced by the sensor block’s on-board temperature sensor goes below the set-point
value, in oC.
• Sensor LED Current - If the sensor current rises above the set-point value, the alarm is
triggered, as there is likely a problem with the sensor block or the sample chamber is dirty.
The set-point for this alarm is configured at the factory and should not be changed.
• Sensor Comm - The sensor communications alarm is an alarm that triggers if the unit is no
longer able to communicate between the motherboard and the sensor block. If this alarm
triggers, the unit will no longer function correctly.
• RTC Battery - The battery alarm will be triggered if the voltage from the on-board clock
battery, which maintains the analyzer’s real-time clock should the power fail or drops below
a hard-coded value. It can also be triggered if an invalid time is detected.
• Maximum Tape Advance - The maximum tape advance alarm will be triggered if the motor
advances the tape more than a certain number of rotations without getting a corresponding
signal from the pulse counter that controls the tape advance. If this alarm triggers, it will
generally indicate a problem with the encoder. The length of the maximum tape advance
can be set by the user, but it is advised to leave this set at the factory default.
• Low Tape - The analyzer can be configured with an optional optical low tape sensor (see
Section x.xx). If this alarm is triggered, it means that the tape is very low and should be
replaced soon. The Low Tape alarm, should it be installed, is triggered when there is
approximately 15 feet of tape remaining on the reel.
• Tape Length - A low tape alarm can also be triggered based on the amount of tape that is
calculated to be remaining by the pulse counter. The alarm will trigger when the length of
tape calculated to be remaining, in feet, drops below the number set in this field. For this
alarm to work correctly, it is essential that the length of tape in the reel be reset to the
correct length value (usually 300 or 350 feet) in the Global tab whenever a tape is replaced.
• Tape Movement - If the pulse counter no longer receives any pulses when the tape is
advanced by the motor, this alarm is triggered. Tape Movement and maximum tape
advance alarms may be triggered by the same problem, so both should be analyzed.
Possible causes of a tape movement alarm include running the analyzer out of tape, tape
breakage, jamming of the encoder, motor failure and improper tape installation.
• High Alarm - is the first warning set point in a concentration range where the operator may
need to be alerted of a situation in the process.
• High High Alarm - is the second warning set point in a concentration range where the
operator may need to take actions to alleviate this alarm. Many users will use this set point
to “Shut in” the process being monitored.
• Deviation Alarm - is an alarm when consequent runs vary from each other by a greater
percentage than the value set on the Streams tab (Section 5.10). This alarm is generally
disabled for the H2S Run, as it is of little value for H2S Runs – it is expected that some
degree of variation in H2S concentration from analysis to analysis on the normal sample
stream will occur.
• Lock Alarm - This alarm will lock the analyzer in what ever stream it is currently in if it
exceeds the limit value. All alarm types can be configured to trigger specific relays and/or
outputs. To enable specific outputs for each alarm, simply put a checkmark in the desired
checkboxes in the Actions box.
To download archival data, press the Read Archive from Analyzer button. As an alternative, a
previously saved archival record can be loaded by pressing the Read Archive from File
The archive on the analyzer is quite large, so downloading data from the
archive can take several minutes, especially if the computer is connected
to the analyzer via a serial connection. Once the data has been retrieved,
the user will be prompted to choose a directory and a file name for the
archive data to be saved to. If it is not necessary to save the archive data,
press Cancel in the Save File dialog box. The archive data will not be
saved but it can still be viewed and exported.
• Log Name - indicates which log the data came from. This is useful when the data is
exported (Section To look at another log, select the desired log from the pull down
menu adjacent to the Archive indicia. For more information on the various types of logs, see
• Timestamp - shows the date and time when the data in a given row was obtained. To the
right of these grey columns are several white columns containing data. The first row in the
archive has data labels that identify exactly what data is in each column. The column widths
can be automatically scaled to fit the data by pressing the Auto-Size Columns ( ) button
at the top of the screen. The archive is set up at the factory to log the data points of the
most interest to operators, though the archive is fully configurable to log many more data
points – see section 0.
The yellow boxes at either end of the plot adjacent to solid blue line contain the numerical
value of the average.
The yellow boxes at either end of the plot adjacent to the dashed blue line above the average
contain the numerical value of the average plus 1 standard deviation, and the yellow boxes at
either end of the plot adjacent to the dashed blue line above the average contain the
numerical value of the average minus 1 standard deviation.
The numerical values of the statistics presented below the chart include the number of data
points (samples), the average, the standard deviation, and the standard deviation, in percent,
relative to the average.
The three buttons on the chart window are described in Table 5-7.
A pop-up menu with the functions indicated in Table 5-8 can be accessed by right clicking on
the chart.
The dialog box allows the user to choose a date range for the data that they wish to display,
starting at a certain date and ending at a certain date.
• Today - shows only data obtained on the current date.
• Yesterday - shows only data obtained yesterday.
• This Month - shows only data obtained in the current month.
• Last Month - shows only data obtained in the previous month.
The date and time must be correctly set on the analyzer for this filtering to
work correctly, as the timestamp on each row of data is obtained from the
analyzer’s internal clock.
• Save as Packet CSV - Saves the archive data for the displayed tab as a CSV file.
• Save as Legal CSV - Saves the archive data for all tabs as a CSV file.
• Copy Selection to Clipboard - allows the user to copy a selection from the data table to the
clipboard to be pasted into another program (e.g. Microsoft Excel).
• Copy Image to Clipboard - copies an image of the table to the clipboard that can be pasted
into an image-editing program or into a Microsoft Word document.
• Hide Selected Column(s) - hides one or more selected columns. If a table is exported to a
Microsoft Excel file while columns are hidden, those hidden columns will NOT be exported
to the file.
• Unhide All Columns - displays any columns of data that may have been previously hidden.
• Log Hourly - the hourly average of the data points logged in this log will update every hour.
The log is updated at the top of every hour.
• Log Daily - the daily average of the data points logged in this log will update every day. The
time at which the log is updated can be set in the ‘Hour Taken’ column. The log can only be
updated at the top of the hour. Enter a value of 0 (midnight) to 23 (11pm) in this column.
• Log Periodic 1 and 2 - these two logs are empty by default when the analyzer is set up at
the factory. Any data point of the user’s choosing can be logged in each of these three logs,
at a frequency of the user’s choosing. The frequency of logging, in seconds, is entered into
the column entitled Frequency (Seconds). Please note that the frequency of logging for
each data point within a given periodic log must be the same; that is to say, if one data point
in Log Periodic 1 has a logging frequency of 1000 seconds, all the data points in Log
Periodic 1 will have a logging frequency of 1000 seconds.
• Alarm/Status contains data points such as the live sensor output, hourly and daily minima,
maxima, and averages, and the tape remaining.
To expand any node, simply left click on the (+) icon to the left of the node label. This will
expand the node to show all of the data points within that node. To put any data point into a
log, left click on the data point of interest, and while holding the right mouse button down,
drag the data point into the desired log. Once the left mouse button has been released, the
data point should become a row in the table for the log, and the change to the log
configuration will be automatically written to the analyzer. If the data point is in Log Periodic
1-3, ensure that a frequency is entered for the data point.
Changing the frequency time within a given periodic log will cause all the
frequency times in that log to change to the same value.
To remove a data point from any log configuration, simply right click on the row to be
removed, and then select the Delete Item option from the popup menu that appears. Once all
the desired changes are made, click on Read from Unit to ensure that the changes have
correctly written to the unit, and then click on the X in the top right hand corner to close the
Log Configuration window.
Changing Archive configuration will overwrite all currently stored archive data.
In addition, the Event Log maintains a record of the types of alarms that have occurred during
operation of the analyzer and the time when the alarm was sent. To obtain a full list of all of
the Event Log records from the analyzer, simply press the Read from Device button at the top
of the screen.
Records in the Event Log can be sorted according to the date, using the same procedure
which was described in Section 5.7 for the Archive tab. Since the Event Log does not contain
numerical data, numerical sorting is not possible, but it is possible to sort it according to the
type of event that caused data to be recorded. As an example, if the user wished to show all
the alarms that had been triggered in the system since it began operating, it is possible to
filter the event column using the parameter =Alarm. This will show all alarms stored in the
Event Log. The Event Log also changes in configuration and power up events.
• If Live PPM is enabled, the concentration units displayed on the LCD screen will have an L
in front of them (i.e. if the concentration units are PPM, then the screen will read LPPM if
Live PPM is enabled).
• Live mV Enable - If a checkmark is placed in this box, the analyzer’s LCD screen will show
the raw sensor output, counting down from approximately 1000mV, rather than the sensor
output that is adjusted to count up from 0mV. If the Live mV is enabled, the units of the
sensor output displayed on the unit’s LCD screen will change from mV to LmV.
• Backlight Lock On - The LCD on the analyzer has a backlight that causes the screen to light
up and be easier to read. If this checkbox is checked, the backlight on the screen will be
continuously turned on. This should only be checked if power consumption on the analyzer
is not a serious concern.
• Site Identification - This box contains three fields that contain the unit’s unique identification.
The ID field contains the analyzer’s serial number. The Site field tells the operator which
site the analyzer is installed at, and the Location field tells the operator where in the site the
analyzer is installed. Do not change the ID field under any circumstances unless instructed
to by Galvanic service personnel.
• Version - The values in the three unchangeable fields in this box show the current versions
of firmware installed in the analyzer, the sensor block, and the Rosetta that helps the GUI
identify the data it reads from the analyzer. These values are useful for diagnosing
• Bypass Timeout - Bypass mode disables any outputs that may be triggered by alarms and
is normally used when service is being performed to avoid inadvertent triggering of alarms,
For normal operation, it is essential that bypass mode be disabled.
The analyzer is equipped with a bypass timeout. When enabled, by putting a checkmark in
the Enable box, bypass mode will automatically be exited by the analyzer after a certain
number of seconds after the last keypad button push. The length of the bypass timeout, in
seconds, can be set by the user in the Bypass Timeout(s) field. By default, this is set to 450
seconds, and is disabled. When the analyzer is in bypass mode, the output from both
analog outputs goes to the fail-safe output to ensure that the user recognizes that the
analyzer is in bypass mode.
It is essential that the correct power source and duty cycle be chosen. If
50% duty cycle is entered in the Furnace Pulse Width Field for a 220 VAC
system, the furnace will run far too hot and the furnace element and/or the
quartz reaction tube will be damaged or destroyed. If 12.5% duty cycle is
entered for a 110 VAC system, the furnace will not run hot enough to
adequately convert sulphur compounds to H2S.
• Trend Filter Length - This field determines the weighting the current reading has in the
calculation of the historical trend. The larger this number is, the smaller the weighting the
current value has in the calculation of the historical trend. The trend is a form of data
filtering that smoothes the long-term data to show a long-term trend in concentration. This
value should not be changed except after consultation with the Galvanic Applied Sciences
service department.
• Purge Time - This field determines the length of time the analyzer should be purged after a
stream switch. When a stream switch occurs, the analyzer will advance the tape, then
purge with the new gas for as many seconds as the number in this field, then advance the
tape again before starting to analyze the new stream. The longer this number is, the better
the results will be on the next stream. A minimum time in this field should be about 30
• Stain Width per Pulse - shows the distance that the tape advances every time the pulse
counter receives a pulse.
The calculation of Stain Width per Pulse is typically performed only if the pulley on the pulse
counter needs to be replaced.
a) Measure the diameter, in inches, of the pulse counter pulley using a set of calipers.
b) Multiply this number by π to get the circumference of the pulley; then divide the result by
12 to get the circumference of the pulley in feet.
c) The Pulse Counter receives 256 pulses every time it makes one full revolution, so
dividing the circumference of the pulley in feet by the number of pulses per revolution will
give the length of tape advanced when the pulse counter receives one pulse. This is
expressed in the following formula:
If a metric value is entered into this field, the value in the Stain Width field will also be in
metric format. When the Accept button is pressed, the value in the Stain Width field will be
The Stain Width In Pulses field allows the operator to choose how many pulses the pulse
counter should receive before stopping a tape advance. The larger the number in this field,
the greater the stain spacing will be. The smaller the number in this field, the more overlap
there will be between stains. By default, this number is set to around 40. If the spacing is too
great with a value of 40, reduce this number to around 37 and check stain spacing again. Too
much overlap between subsequent stains will cause poor results. Too much white space
between subsequent stains will cause faster than desired tape usage. The maximum value
that can be entered into this field is 99. If the user enters a value higher than this into the field
and attempts to write it to the analyzer, the field will turn yellow, indicating that an invalid
value has been entered. Enter a value between 1 and 99 into this field and then press the
Accept button.
The Tape Remaining (days) field is calculated using the stain width information described
above to show the amount of tape remaining on the reel, in days. This value can be
calculated by hitting the calculate button. Another useful calculator is the Tape Remaining
After Tape alarm (days). By pushing this field’s Calculate button the operator can see exactly
how many days of tape life there is after the Tape Length alarm.
It is ESSENTIAL that tape length is updated every time one is replaced. For
example, if the user is using a 300 foot lead acetate tape, it is essential that
this field be updated to a value of 300 every time a new tape is installed.
• Sensor LED current alarm limit is set by default to 19mA for a Class I, Div. 2 unit. The
actual sensor LED current can be viewed on the Analysis tab.
• High and Low temperature limits are set to 40oC and 0oC respectively.
• Maximum Tape Advance Limit is set to 60 seconds. The actual tape advance time will vary
depending on the darkness of the tape staining.
• Tape Length Limit field is set to 20 ft. If the analyzer calculates the tape length to be less
than the limit, an alarm will be set.
Each global alarm has a list of relays and solenoids that can be used to activate an alarm
action response. To change any of these actions from the default setting, the global alarm
needs to be disabled first (remove the checkmark from its corresponding checkbox by a left
mouse click). Once this is done, choose the desired action by placing a checkmark into the
appropriate actions checkbox and then re-enable the global alarm.
5.10 1 Overview
The Streams tab (Figure 5-19) is used to configure the analyzer to perform the desired
analyses. The configuration shown in Figure 5-19 corresponds to a system with a single
stream that is capable of measuring H2S and presents the tab to edit parameters related to
the H2S concentration for the stream.
The Stream Number and Gas Type tabs are highlighted to identify that the stream/gas type
for which parameters are being edited (i.e. in Figure 5-19, parameters for H2S for stream 1 is
being edited). The system described in Figure 5-19 and 5-20 includes screens which can be
The three parameters and three check boxes on the left of the tab are universal; when an
entry is made on one screen, the value/setting will be employed for all tabs for that stream.
All other parameters are independent parameters and can be different for the various gases
relative to that stream.
• Zero Offset - the value that is subtracted from all concentration readings to give corrected
readings. Zero offset is obtained by running the ‘Zero’ stream, which is usually run on a gas
that contains no hydrogen sulphide, such as pure nitrogen.
• Analysis Units field - allows the user to change the units that are displayed on the screen.
This can be PPM, PPB, Mol%, or any other unit the user chooses. Please note that
changing the value in this field does NOT change the calibration of the analyzer - if the user
wishes to change the calibration of the unit to be in a different unit, they must use a
calibration gas with a known concentration in the unit they wish to display.
• Cal. Correction Enable check box - used to indicate that the calibration run is used to
change the gain factor. If this box is not checked, then the calibration run is essentially
another reference run.
• Zero Correction Enable check box - used to indicate if the zero gas run to change the zero
offset. If this box is not checked off then the zero run is essentially another reference run.
• Timed Analysis Enable check box - used to indicate that the Peak Detect method of
analysis should be disabled and Timed Analysis method should be enabled. The method of
analysis used is determined by the application requirements and set at the factory.
• Time Check Box - When the Time check box is checked, the operator can perform a run as
defined by the Frequency section of the gas run type tab below. If the Time check box is not
checked , the gas run will not start without being configured in the Sequence or Timers
Tabs or a via a manual initiation by clicking on the gas run type button such as the H2S
• Standard Analysis: In the standard analysis algorithm, the software detects the point during
the analysis where the rate of stain reaches a maximum value. At this point the
concentration of H2S is calculated and stored until either the end of the cycle or a different
maximum value is detected. During the sample delay time the analyzer will not search for
the maximum rate of stain. The sample delay time is used to ignore the first part of the
analysis cycle where noise due to the tape advance may be present. The sample delay will
typically be 10 seconds. During the sample interval, the analyzer will be allowed to search
for the rate of stain maximum value. The sample interval will typically be 230 seconds to
give a typical cycle time of 240 seconds.
• Fixed Time Analysis: In the fixed time analysis algorithm, the analyzer calculates the
average rate of stain over a fixed period of time, called the sample interval. The analyzer
will not calculate the average rate of stain during the sample delay because the rate of stain
is generally not stable during this time period. Typically the sample delay is approximately
120 to 180 seconds for the fixed time analysis and the sample interval is approximately 30 –
60 seconds to give a total cycle time of 3 to 4 minutes.
The type of analysis algorithm used will depend on the analyzer’s specific application and is
set up at the factory. The type of algorithm used and the sample delay and interval values
should not be changed without consulting the Galvanic Applied Sciences.
• Tape Saturation Cut-off (TSC) - The tape saturation cut-off is the sensor output at which the
analyzer will automatically cease the current analysis, calculate the concentration value for
the current analysis, update all outputs, advance the tape, recalibrate the sensor block, and
begin a new analysis cycle. The TSC takes precedence over the sample interval time for
completion of an analysis - that is to say, if the sensor output reaches the TSC prior to the
completion of the sample interval time, the analysis will be considered to be complete.
Thus, the sum of the sample delay and sample interval times in the standard analysis mode
is only a maximum cycle time value and the actual cycle time could potentially be shorter.
To have a better chance of the maximum cycle time being the actual cycle time, the TSC
value should be set to a very high value in the GUI (a large value is set at the factory).
Setting the TSC value to a high level makes it much more likely that the analysis time will
reach the end of the sample interval prior to reaching the TSC.
• Name Field – used to enter the name that will be displayed in the Current Analysis field in
the Analysis tab. It will also be displayed on the analyzer LCD screen when the run types
are displayed under the F1 STRM menu. The default name is the same as the gas run tab
name. For example, it will typically have the name ‘H2S’ if on the H2S tab.
• Consecutive Runs - indicates how many times to run the Gas run before switching to the
next run in the run queue. If no other run is enabled and it is set up in the Automatic
Sequence under the sequence tab, the analyzer will simply continue running until another
run is triggered either conditionally or scheduled. By default, this field is set to 1. The H2S
Run is set up to run continuously in the automatic sequence under the Sequencer Tab. Frequency
If the Time check box is checked (see Section the operator can schedule the gas
run as per set in the Frequency section (Figure 5-23) of the gas run type tab. The drop down
Day of Week list includes Everyday and each day (Sunday to Saturday).
• High Alarm Enable - If this box is checked, then the limit value entered will be used as an
alarm point. The High Alarm is an alarm that triggers when the calculated concentration at
the end of a cycle is higher than the High Alarm set point. The High Alarm set point can be
set either through keypad or through the GUI. The analyzer compares the final calculated
concentration at the end of the sample interval with the alarm 1 set point value. If the value
of the calculated concentration is higher than the alarm set point value, the alarm will be
triggered, the alarm LED on the front panel will turn on, the event will be listed in the Event
Log and on the Analyzer Alarm list on the analyzer LCD screen, and any outputs associated
with this alarm will also be triggered. Once the concentration of the normal stream drops
back below the Alarm 1 set point, the alarm LED will turn off, Alarm 1 will be cleared from
the Analyzer Alarm List, and any unlatched outputs associated with Alarm 1 will return to
their non-triggered state. Any latched outputs associated with this alarm will have to be
manually cleared through the GUI.
• % Deviation Enable - If this box is checked, then the limit value entered will be used as an
alarm point. This alarm will activate when consequent runs vary from each other by a
greater percentage than the value set in the limit field. Deleted sentence.
When the analyzer is in PAA mode, this alarm will be listed in the Analyzer Alarm list, as
well as in the Event Log, and the red ALARM LED on the front panel of the analyzer will
also be lit. Any outputs associated with this alarm mode will also be triggered. Once the
concentration of the normal stream drops back below the PAA set point, the alarm LED will
turn off, PAA will be cleared from the Analyzer Alarm List, and any unlatched outputs
associated with PAA will return to their non-triggered state. Any latched outputs associated
with this alarm will have to be manually cleared through the GUI.
• High-High Alarm Duration - The number of seconds entered in this field represents the time
required for the High-High alarm to be active before the alarm would register. This would
alleviate the alarm bouncing on and off if the concentration reading was close to the alarm
set point.
• Lock Alarm Enable- If this box is checked then the limit value entered will be used as an
alarm point. This alarm set point if pasted will lock the analyzer in whatever stream it is
currently and will not allow the analyzer to proceed to other enabled gas runs.
If any analysis alarms have been triggered on the H2S Run (i.e. High or High
High), any calibration run triggered from the GUI will be put into the run
queue and not run until the alarm condition(s) has/have cleared.
If any analysis alarms have been triggered on the H2S Run (i.e. High or High
High), any calibration run triggered from the GUI will be put into the run
queue and not run until the alarm condition(s) has/have cleared.
The Zero run is generally associated with a different solenoid than the Calibration and
Reference runs. The Zero run can be configured like the Calibration run in that it can be set
to run several analyses and take the average to calculate the zero offset.
It is important to note that a suitable zero gas is used for the Zero run. A suitable zero gas
can be ultra-pure nitrogen, or instrument air that is known to contain no H2S. If the zero gas
contains a significant amount of H2S, the ability of the instrument to operate correctly can be
impaired. If a gas with no H2S is unavailable, it is essential that a value reflecting the accurate
H2S concentration of the gas used for the zero be entered into the Cal. Gas Concentration
field. If the gas does not contain any H2S, the value in this field should be set to zero.
if any analysis alarms have been triggered on the H2S Run (i.e. High or High
High), any zero run triggered from the GUI will be put into the run queue
and not run until the alarm condition(s) has/have cleared.
The Alarms field contain only the High Alarm Enable and % Deviation Enable options.
• Runs to Average - indicates the number of consecutive runs to be averaged to obtain the
concentration reading. The Calibration, Reference and Zero gas runs have the ability to
average the concentration reading over a number of gas runs (the H2S tab does not have
this field because the concentration is displayed after each analysis).
• Consecutive Runs - the Consecutive Runs field tells the analyzer how many times to run
the Gas Run before switching to the next run in the run queue. If no other run is enabled
and it is set up in the Automatic Sequence under the sequence tab, the analyzer will simply
continue running until another run is triggered either conditionally or scheduled. By default,
this field is set to 1. The H2S Run is set up to run continuously in the automatic sequence
under the Sequencer tab.
Changing parameters on this tab may affect the operation of the system.
Any changes should be performed by an authorized operator.
5.11.3 Polarity
If the Active On radio button is selected, the input will be considered triggered if the contact is
closed. If the Active Off is selected, the input will be considered triggered if the contact is
5.11.5 Action
The Action box contains six Relay and eight Solenoid check boxes that allow the user to
select what type of action should be associated with each discrete input, if any.
Changing parameters on this tab may affect the operation of the system.
Any changes should be performed by an authorized operator.
There are four isolated wet contact discrete inputs on the analyzer. The voltage input range
required for these inputs is 4 - 24 VDC. The Inputs - WET tab allows the user to configure
these discrete inputs in any manner. These inputs can be configured to trigger a certain type
of run, or to monitor external pressure or temperature switches, for example. The Inputs- Wet
tab is shown in Figure 5-27. Each discrete input is configured in the same manner.
The configuration and section descriptions for this tab are identical to the Inputs-DRY tab
(Section 5.10).
Changing parameters on this tab may affect the operation of the system.
Any changes should be performed by an authorized operator.
The Output tab (Figure 5-28) allows the user to configure the behavior of the six onboard
relays, 8 solenoids and 6 analog outputs. The Output tab is divided into 2 main sections:
Digital Output and Analog Outputs as shown in Figure 5-28.
• Fail - Safe Position – The Fail - Safe position is the position that the output will default to
should the output not be triggered. The Fail - Safe position is also the position that the
relays will switch to while the analyzer is in bypass mode. The Fail - Safe position can either
be Off or On. By default the fail-safe position for both relays and solenoids is off. If an
output whose fail-safe position is on is triggered by an alarm or some other event, the
output will then go to the off position.
• Latch Enable - The Latch Enable allows the user to latch certain outputs. If an output is
latched, it means that the output will stay in its triggered position until the user clears the
latch, regardless of whether or not the event that triggered the output has cleared.
• Latch State - The state of a latch is indicated by the coloured circle under the title Latch
State. A grey circle indicates that the output is not latched, while a red circle indicates that
the output is latched.
All latched outputs can be cleared by pressing the Acknowledge All Latches button ( ) in
the toolbar. Alternatively, individual latches can be cleared by pressing the appropriate
button in the Acknowledge column.
• Minimum - The Minimum field is used to enter the minimum numerical value that will be
represented on the analog output.
• Range - The Range field is the full scale numerical value that will be represented on the
analog output.
• Parameter - The Parameter field includes a drop down menu to indicate the parameter to
be monitored by the analog output.
The Sequencer tab is divided into three main areas: Available Run types, Sequencer Items
and the Manual Sequencer area.
The pink highlighted run indicates that this is current run in the sequence that is being
To remove an item from the sequence list, click on it to highlight the line blue and use the
Delete Key on the keyboard.
• Run and Loop Enable Checkboxes - When the Manual Sequencer Request checkbox is
checked, the user can run individual manual sequences by checking the Run checkbox for
any particular manual sequence. The Loop Enable checkbox can also be checked to allow
the manual sequence to run indefinitely.
The Run and Loop Checkboxes can be ignored if a digital input is used to
run a manual sequence because the sequence would run continuously
until the digital input was put in an open state.
• Digital Input Checkbox - The Digital Input checkbox should be checked to enable the
dedicated digital contact for that manual sequencer to initiate.
This tab is used to configure the communications settings for each of the three
communications ports.
To set up a new Modbus list, press the New Modbus List button at the bottom of the screen.
This will bring up the dialogue box shown in Figure 5-34.
The Enron tree is at left, the Modicon 16 tree is in the centre, and the Modicon with Floating
Point Tree is at the right. The number in brackets after each node label indicates how many
data points are in each node.
At the bottom of the screen are two fields. One is entitled Modbus Type and tells the user
what type of Modbus list currently open. Note that the value in this field for Modicon with
Floating Point will read MODICON32. The other field is called Address, and the user must
input the desired Modbus address for the analyzer into this field.
5.16.1 Enron
An Enron Modbus list contains 4 nodes on the Modbus tree. They are Coils, Short Integers,
Long Integers, and Floating Point. Coils are Boolean data points – that is to say, they have a
value of either 0 or 1. To that end, data points entered into the Coils node would usually be
data points that are simple status indicators, indicating the status of a given alarm, input, or
output. If the value of the data point is 0, the status of the logged alarm, relay, etc, would be
off, and if the value is 1, the status would be on. Short integers are 16 bit whole numbers with
either positive or negative sign. Long integers are 32 bit whole numbers with either positive or
negative sign. Floating point values are also 32 bit numbers, but unlike the integers they do
not have a sign, but they do have decimal points.
On the left hand side of the screen is a narrow field entitled Available Points. Under this field
are seven expandable nodes which are: Streams 1 through 4, Inputs/Outputs, Alarms/Status
and Actions. Figure 5-36 shows a typical Modcon list with Floating Point List and Figure 5-37
shows a sample of the available points under each expandable node.
There are several columns in the Modbus list table. The first is Modbus Items which shows
the Modbus list tree. Figure 5-38 shows some of the various data points that are in the
Actions and Alarms nodes. Register is the most important, as it shows the address of each
data point. These addresses are essential for setting up the device that will read the Modbus
list, so it knows which data point is output to which register. Type shows the type of each
data point. Possible values in this column include Boolean, unsigned long, and float. Most
data points are either Boolean or Float. Floats can be output in the short and long nodes, but
the decimal points will be lost. Certain data points have specific units associated with them,
and these will be shown in the Units column. If a data point does not have units associated
with it, this column will show a value of Unknown for that data point. In the Value column,
Boolean data points will have either a value of True (if on) or False (if off). Numerical data
points will show the value currently entered in the given data point. The Permissions column
shows whether a given data point is Read Only or Writeable. Writeable data points are the
only data points that can be written to remotely through Modbus.
• Analog Input #1 and #2 are normally setup as default 4 -20 mA inputs but all the inputs can
be scaled to what the operator requires.
• Analog # 4 default setup is for an optional pressure transducer for live pressure readings.
Within each of the Analog Input boxes are six data entry fields, six results fields and three
initiate buttons which are described in Section 6.16.2.
• Description - used to enter the Analog Input descriptor. This information will appear under
the Analog Inputs section on the Status Tab and on the analyzer LCD display
• Engineering Units - the units that correspond to the type of analog input (e.g. ppm, %, psig,
• Calibrate A. I. # - when this button is pressed the Scaled Zero and Scaled Span fields will
be activated and the appropriate values can be entered.
• Capture Zero - used to capture the A/D bits that are associated with a 4mA input during the
calibration of the analog input.
• Scaled Zero - used to enter the zero value or the range. For a 4 – 20 ma range, the 4 mA
value would be entered.
• Raw Zero - shows the A/D bit count for the 4mA input.
• Capture Span - used to capture the A/D bits that are associated with a 20mA input during
the calibration of the analog input.
• Scaled Span - used to enter the span value or the range. For a 4 – 20 ma range, the 20 mA
value would be entered.
• Raw Span - shows the A/D bit count for the 20 mA input
It is important to note that any conditional events will only commence after
the previous run is completed. For example: if a Zero gas run is scheduled
to start at 8:00 AM and just before that time a H2S run starts an analysis,
the Zero gas run will wait until the H2S analysis is finished. Therefore all
timed conditional events may not start at the exact time as scheduled.
The analyzer cannot execute any timed gas runs scheduled from 12:00 AM
to 12:59AM. in this mode, normally the time 00:15 would signifiy 15 minutes
past midnight but for this application putting a zero in the hour field would
tell the analyzer to do whatever is scheduled in that column to run every
5.18.2 Analysis
The Enable checkbox must be checked before any of the gas runs listed below can be
executed on a timer. For any of the analysis types, the schedule time would be used to
initiate a single operation which may consist of one run or as many runs indicated in the
consecutive box located for that run type on the streams tab.
5.18.3 Sequences
The operations in this section are Manual Sequences that can be set to run for any specific
time period up to a week. The manual sequencers require a Start time and a Stop time:
therefore the date and time on two timers need to be entered. The Start and Stop
checkboxes also need to be checked to enable this operation to execute.
When the Direct Board Control Enable checkbox is selected, any changes made on this tab
will be written directly to the board. The Warning light on the analyzer’s front panel will blink
red, notifying the user of this condition.
This procedure requires that the interior of the system is accessed. After
the calibration procedure is completed, it is necessary to ensure that the
system meets the appropriate safety classification requirements (Class 1,
Div. 2, Group B, C &D).
Each analog output must be calibrated individually. To calibrate analog outputs, a multimeter
set to measure milliamps must be connected across the analog output, and the analog output
must be powered, as the analyzer motherboard does not provide power to the analog
outputs. When the analog output is correctly powered, a green LED will glow on the
electronics board next to the AO terminal block.
a) Connect the multimeter to the AO 1 terminal block on the right side of the motherboard.
b) Press the Calibrate AO 1 button in the GUI. In the Analog Output 1 Calibration box, there
are six user-adjustable fields, arranged. The Scaled Value for zero, span, and fail-safe
tell the analyzer what currents should be output to the AO when the data point being sent
to the AO has a value equal to its minimum or maximum output value or when the
analyzer is in bypass (fail-safe) mode.
c) Press the Output Zero button. The analog output will attempt to output 4 mA. Note the
actual mA output on a meter and enter this value into the Meter Reading Field below the
Output Zero button. Next press the Auto Cal button located below the Meter Reading
Field. This will cause the analog output to be calibrated to exactly 4 mA.
d) Once the multimeter does read this exact value, press the Output Span button and repeat
the process. This time, the meter should be made to read exactly the value in the scaled
value field in the span column, usually exactly 20 milliamps.
e) Calibrate the fail-safe position. The fail-safe position is the value that the analog output
will output when the analyzer is in bypass mode, and is a value outside the standard
scaled range of the analog output. For example, if the analog output is scaled to output 4
to 20 milliamps, the fail-safe value could be 3 or 21 milliamps. To calibrate the fail-safe
position, press the Fail-Safe button and follow the same procedures as the Zero and
span calibration.
f) Once the analog output is correctly calibrated, press the Capture button to write this new
configuration to the analyzer.
g) Test that the output works correctly using the Analog Output Test box. Enter a value
between 0 and 100 into the Test (Percent) field and ensure that the reading on the
multimeter is the same as the reading in the Test mA field. If it is not, the calibration is not
correct, and needs to be changed. If it is, the calibration is correct. Press the Calibrate
AO 1 button again to close this field
The above process should be repeated for each analog output. Once all analog outputs are
calibrated, press the Permanent Configuration Write to Analyzer ( ) button to permanently
write the new Analog Output configuration to the analyzer.
6.1 Introduction
The overall operation of the system is based on the information entered on the application
program on the personal computer and downloaded to the analyzer. The Analysis tab of the
GUI will present the present status of the analyzer and the most recent analytical results. In
addition, the Archive tab can be used to view previously collected data.
The collection of analytical parameters, settings, alarms and related information regarding
analyzer operation is called a “configuration”. If the operator has selected Update mode, the
existing configuration can be retrieved from the analyzer, edited and then downloaded to the
The role of this chapter is to provide a short overview of the application program from an
operational point of view. It assumes that the system has been installed as described in
Chapter 3 (i.e. the analyzer has been connected to the personal computer and the Update
mode all input and output devices have been interfaced). In this chapter, we will simply point
out how each tab in the application program fits into the entire operation of the system. A
detailed discussion of each tab is presented in Chapter 5.
While the configuration is established by the GUI on the personal computer, the hand held
keypad can be used to monitor a broad range of instrument parameters. The use of the
keypad is presented in Chapter 4. In addition, a series of LED’s on the panel of the controller
module provide information about the status of the analyzer
If the operator wants to edit the active configuration that is in the controller module, it is
necessary to log on to the system in Update mode.
The Write Current Page to Analyzer allows you to store and view your analyzer configuration
and its behaviour before you make a decision to permanently accept the change.
If information has been written to the analyzer via the Write Current Page to
Analyzer button, a re-boot of the analyzer will cause the information to be
lost unless a Permanent Write to Analyzer has been performed.
The Permanent Configuration Write to the Analyzer button sends a command to the analyzer
and will start the process of copying data from analyzer memory to the analyzer hard drive.
This process takes about 30 seconds to complete. After this step, all the changes are
permanently stored to the analyzer.
When you have completed editing a tab, press the Temporary Write button
before going to another tab or page.
The analyzer must be equipped with a manually operated 3-way valve that
can be used to introduce calibration gas to the analyzer.
a) Place the analyzer in Bypass mode by pressing the Bypass button on the handheld
keypad. This will disable any alarm outputs.
b) Connect the calibration gas to the Calibration port of the analyzer and set the output
pressure of the calibration standard to the same pressure that the sample gas normally
runs at (this is typically 15 psig).
c) At this point the analyzer will be running its auto sequence. If calibration gas is introduced
all outputs and data logs will be updated with information that is generated while the
calibration gas is running. If this is not desired, place the analyzer can be in Reference
Mode. While the analyzer is in Reference Mode, any data will be logged as Reference
data, not as stream data. To place the analyzer in reference mode, using the GUI
software to initiate the Reference 1 Manual sequence.
If the analyzer is to be calibrated while the analyzer is still running the auto
sequence, it is important to disable the High High alarm if the calibration
gas is higher than the alarm setpoint.
e) Allow the analyzer to analyze the calibration gas until the readings become stable. This
typically takes 15 to 30 minutes. Once the readings become stable, make a note of the
current analyzer reading.
f) To calibrate the analyzer, an adjustment must be made to the analyzer’s Gain Factor.
The gain factor can be found on the Streams tab of the GUI as well as on the hand held
keypad. The new Gain Factor can be calculated by formula shown in Equation 6-1.:
New Gain = (Calibration Gas Value / Current Analyzer Reading) × Current Gain Factor 6-1
The Global tab has a Gain Calculator where the user can enter the Calibration Gas Value,
the Analyzer reading and the current Gain Factor. The calculator will calculate the value for
the new gain; however, the user will still have to enter it in the GUI or through the keypad.
h) Turn the 3 way valve back to process gas. Allow the analyzer reading to stabilize on the
process gas.
i) If the analyzer was placed in Reference mode, then disable the Manual Sequencer so
that the analyzer will return to its normal auto sequence.
j) Press the Bypass button on the keypad to take the analyzer out of Bypass mode so that
any alarm outputs will be re-activated.
a) Place the analyzer in Bypass by pressing the Bypass button on the handheld keypad.
This will disable any alarm outputs.
b) Connect calibration gas to the Calibration port of the analyzer. Set the output pressure of
the calibration standard to the same pressure that the sample gas normally runs at (this
is typically 15 psig).
d) Enter the value of the calibration standard in the Calibration tab of the Streams tab of the
e) Initiate an Auto calibration run, either from the GUI or from the keypad.
f) The analyzer will run the Auto Calibration according to the setup of the
Stream/Calibration run. The analyzer will run the total number of runs defined by
Consecutive Runs. It will then average the number of results together as defined by
“Runs to Average”. A new Gain Factor will be automatically calculated using the
calibration gas value defined in Cal.Gas Concentration.
g) When the Auto calibration is complete the analyzer will automatically return to the
previously defined automatic sequence.
h) When the calibration is complete, turn the 3 way valve back to process gas.
i) Press the Bypass button on the keypad to take the analyzer out of Bypass mode so that
any alarm outputs will be re-activated.
a) Initiate an Auto Calibration run, either from the GUI or from the keypad. The Auto
Calibration can be initiated from the GUI by pressing the “Stream 1 Calibration” button as
shown in Figure 6-12. Alternatively, the Auto Calibration process can be initiated from
the keypad by pressing F1 STRM, then using the F4 and F3 keys to scroll down to CAL.
It will currently indicate that the status is OFF. Press the EDIT key on the keypad and
press the ENTER key to toggle the value to ON.
b) The analyzer will run the Auto Calibration according to the setup of the
Stream/Calibration run. The analyzer will run the total number of runs defined by
Consecutive Runs. It will then average the number of results together as defined by Runs
to Average. A new Gain Factor will be automatically calculated using the calibration gas
value defined in Cal.Gas Concentration.
c) When the Auto Calibration is complete the analyzer will automatically return to the
previously defined automatic sequence.
When an Auto Calibration is initiated, either from the GUI or from the
keypad, the analyzer will finish the current analysis cycle before it begins
the calibration cycle.
All data is stored in the computer that is onboard the analyzer and can be retrieved as
desired using the Archive tab (Figure 6-14). A detailed discussion of the Archive tab is
presented in Section 5.7.
To extract data from the log, press the Read Archive from Analyzer button.
Alternatively, a previously saved archive record can be loaded by pressing
the Read Archive from File button. The archive on the analyzer is quite
large, so retrieving data from the archive can take several minutes,
especially if the PC is connected to the analyzer via a serial connection.
Once the data has been retrieved, the user will be prompted to choose a
directory and a file name for the archive data to be saved to.
The Alarms tab (Figure 6-17) allows the operator to view the status of most of the enabled
analyzer alarms. A detailed discussion of the Alarms tab is presented in Section 5.xx.
The Status tab (Figure 6-17) gives the operator the current status of the: analog outputs,
relays, solenoids, Analog inputs, Discrete inputs, and what voltage input source is in use. In
some cases the activation or deactivation of the status indicators may suggest there is an
alarm associated with it. A detailed discussion of the Status tab is presented in Section 5.5.
7.1 Overview
The analyzer is designed for automatic trouble-free operation under the continuous
supervision of the internal computer. As described in Sections 4 and 5, a series of alarms are
presented on the hand held keypad and the GUI if an operation or function is not performing
in the appropriate manner to alert the user that a problem exists. A detailed discussion of
service protocols is presented in Section 8.
On a periodic basis, it will be necessary to replace certain components of the system such as
the sensing tape, the quartz tube in the total sulfur accessory, the H2S filter and the liquid in
the humidifier. Replacement procedures for these items are described in Section 7.3-7.6.
Maintenance videos are available on the Galvanic Applied Science Inc Youtube
c) Turn off gas to the analyzer. Pull back the Compression Head and inspect the Sample
Chamber for paper dust and dirt. If required remove the Sample chamber assembly and
clean (see Section 7.3).
d) Change tape and ensure the tape is re-inserted properly (see. Section 7.3).
g) Top up the level of the acetic acid solution to the red line (see Section 7.7).
h) Re-calibrate the sensor. Press F4 (MNT) on the keypad, then press F1. Press F4 to scroll
down the screens to SenCal. Press the EDIT key and press the ENTER key to toggle the
parameter to ON. The sensor will calibrate and then automatically go online.
j) Reset the tape length to 300 ft through the keypad. (F4, F1, press the EDIT key then
enter the value of 300 and press the ENTER key)
b) Disable alarms by pressing the BYPASS button on the hand held controller
c) Turn off gas to the analyzer. Pull back the Compression Head and inspect the Sample
Chamber (Figure 7-1) for paper dust and dirt. If necessary, remove the Sample chamber
assembly and clean it.
e) Remove the screw-on disks (not shown) from the supply reel (1) and take-up reel (2).
f) Take a new reel of tape and remove the adhesive tape securing the end. Place the tape
reel on the supply reel. Make sure the tape is installed so that the loose end hangs down
on the left side of the reel, not the right.
g) Thread the tape over the lower sample chamber guide pin (3). Push the compression
head (4) back and slide the tape behind the compression head. Ensure that the tape is
flat against the groove in the sample chamber (8) and has no creases.
h) Pull the tape up over the upper sample chamber guide pin (5).
i) Thread the tape over the black aluminium / grey plastic capstan of the pulse counter (6).
(Note that this capstan may be either aluminium or plastic).
j) Fold over the first inch of the tape, and then slide this folded end of the tape into the slot
on the take-up reel (2), as shown in Figure 7-3.
k) Replace the screw-on disks onto the supply and take-up reel. The larger disk goes on the
take-up reel.
l) Take up any slack in the tape by rotating the tape reel on the supply reel clockwise until
the tape is tight.
The correct installation of tape on the analyzer is shown in Figure 7-4. The image on the
left shows the completed tape installation without the anti-coning disks and the one on
the right shows the tape installation with the disks.
8.1 Overview
The Service section consists of procedures for determining the cause of a problem and
includes a series of procedures to replace certain components.
A major component failure should be handled by contacting Galvanic Applied Sciences, Inc.
Galvanic Applied Sciences, Inc. offers service on a call-out basis and/or factory assistance on
the analyzer.
Tel: 403-252-8470
TOLL FREE (CANADA/US): 1 (866) 252-8470
Fax: 403-255-6287
Calibration Technician:
Date of Calibration:
The wiring book can be accessed by selecting Wiring Book on the Help
menu of the application program
Figure 10-15: Sensor Block, Keypad, Encoder and Low Tape Sensor Div.2 Wiring Diagram
11.2 Functions
Streams One includes: H2S analysis run, zero run,
reference1 run, reference2 run, calibration run
Multi-Range Each stream can have separate calibration
coefficient and range of measurement.
Please consult factory for details
Tape Life 5-14 weeks, depending on application.
Typical tape life given 3 minute cycle time is
5 weeks. Can be extended to as much 3
months at low concentration.
Auto / Manual Mode AUTO mode: analyzer runs in predefined
MANUAL mode: user can force any stream to
Part Description
CO0329 H2S SENSING TAPE (330ft roll)
MC0409 *1/32" RATE/READ APERTURE STRIP *( 0-25 PPM AND 0-30 PPM)
MC0570 0.04" HIGH RANGE RATE/READ APERTURE STRIP*(only one size used per range)
MC0571 *3/16" RATE/READ APERTURE STRIP *(only one size used per range)
MC0572 *1/4" RATE/READ APERTURE STRIP *(only one size used per range)
MC1136 LOW RANGE WEDGE (for ranges <1ppm)
SA2561 REMOTE KEYPAD ASSEMBLY (For Class I Div 1 or Class I Div 2 Analyzers only)
Factory Tab, 124 LCD Display Board, 17
Fail - Safe Position, 105 Leak Testing
Features, 14 Compression Head, 43
Filtering Data by Date, 80 Live mV Enable, 88
Filtering Data Numerically, 80 Live PPM Enable, 88
Fixed Time Analysis, 95 Location of the System, 29
Frequency, 96 Lock Alarm, 75
Front Panel LED’s, 46 Lock Alarm Enable, 98
Lock Stream alarm, 53
Log Daily, 83
G Log Hourly, 83
gain, 54 Log On Run, 83
Gain Factor, 94 Log Setup, 82
Gas Requirements, 31 Logon, 62
General Toolbar, 66 Low Tape Alarm, 74
Global Alarms, 74, 87, 91 Low Temperature Alarfm, 74
Global tab, 87
Graph Format, 77 M
Graphical User Interface, 14, 61
GUI, 14, 61 Main Page, LCD, 48
Maintenance, 145
Maintenance Tab, 121
H Manual Calibration, 136
Help Menu, 64 Manual Sequencer, 109
High Alarm, 53 Manual Sequencer Request Checkbox, 108
High Alarm Enable, 97 Maximum Tape Advance, 74
High High alarm, 53 Maximum Tape Advance Limit, 91
High Temperature Alarm, 74 Menu Bar, 63
High-High Alarm Duration, 98 MODBUS ADD, 58
High-High Alarm Enable, 98 Modbus Address field, 37
Humidifier Modbus Tab, 111
Adding Acetic Acid, 149 MODEM, 110
Installlation, 42 Modem Option, 36
Modicon 16, 113