Penanaman Pendidikan Moralitas Dan Nilai Pancasila - Id.en
Penanaman Pendidikan Moralitas Dan Nilai Pancasila - Id.en
Penanaman Pendidikan Moralitas Dan Nilai Pancasila - Id.en
Moral education is very necessary to be instilled at an early age. Children's moral foundations in the era
of global information media development are being degraded by influences from outside culture which
are very pronounced and easily penetrated through digital media and social information along with the
development of the internet. This research aims to provide additional education and understanding of
the importance of moral education based on Pancasila values for students at Muhammadiyah
Makotyamsa Elementary School, Myamuk District, Sorong Regency. The method used in this research is
to use an outreach approach for elementary school students and teachers. In order to shape students'
character based on Pancasila morals, one of the aspects being developed is values education. Values
and moral education from an early age is expected to be able to shape students to be able to
differentiate between good and bad, right and wrong, so that children can apply them in everyday life.
Apart from that, education on Pancasila moral values. Moral values education is carried out through
several approaches, namely;1) Indocrination 2) Clarification of Values, 3) Role Model or Example, 4.)
Habituation in behaviorwhether provided through formal or non-formal education, it is hoped that it will
be able to create a sense of tolerance for children in society.
Moral education is very necessary to be instilled at an early age. The moral foundations of children
are overwhelmed by the development of global information media, much of which is degraded by
influences from outside cultures that are very pronounced and easily entered through digital
media and social information as the internet develops. This study aims to provide additional
education and understanding of the importance of moral education based on the values of
Pancasila for students at SD Muhammadiyah Makotyamsa, District of Mayamuk, Sorong Regency.
The method used in this research is to use a counseling approach for students and elementary
school teachers. In order to shape the character of students based on the moral of Pancasila, one
of the aspects developed is the value education. Values and moral education from an early age
are expected to be able to shape students to be able to distinguish between good and bad, right
and wrong, so that children can apply it in everyday life. Besides that, the education of Pancasila
moral values. Moral value education is carried out through several approaches, namely; 1)
Indoctrination 2) Clarification of Values, 3) Examples or Examples, 4.) Habitalization in behavior
whether given through formal or non-formal education is expected to create a sense of tolerance
for children in society.
The development of the digital era is characterized by easy access to media information
The internet has a big influence on the moral formation of students at an early age. This
influence is very real in various forms of moral degradation as a result of the influx of foreign
culture which is very at odds with the eastern values of the Indonesian people. Law No. 20 of
2003 concerning the National Education System in article 1 paragraph 1 emphasizes that
education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere
learning and the learning process so that students actively develop their potential to
have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble morals,
and skills needed by themselves, society, nation and state. Education is carried out
democratically and fairly and non-discriminatory by upholding human rights,
religious values, cultural values and national pluralism. (Fitriani, 2016)
This is done by students so that they are able to interact with their community
environment in accordance with the moral and cultural values of the local community.
Graceful (2013). A human being with good morals will be seen as a person who has good
qualities by other humans. Morals are also considered as guidelines for life in society
where there are many laws and norms that apply therein. Moral education is also
considered important, including according to the National Education System, because
moral education can suppress potential deviations from applicable norms, especially in
the school realm. Providing moral education by emphasizing the consequences that will
be received if a student deviates from the norms that apply both in the school
environment and in society, can encourage students to take more into account all the
actions they will take. The aim of this counseling is for students to be able to understand
and minimize the potential for doing things that can cause social problems in the family,
school and community.
Education in Indonesia has a character based on Pancasila. Every aspect of character
is based on the five principles contained in Pancasila. This is considered very important for
the Indonesian people because it can protect itself from various life phenomena that are not
in accordance with values and morals. Through education based on the noble values of
Pancasila, the young generation is able to become citizens who are aware and understand
their rights and obligations. As well as understanding the ideology in its entirety and
becoming a good, intelligent, skilled Indonesian citizen with character and morals in
accordance with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
Early age is the right time to instill moral education and Pancasila values.
Young children have a high curiosity and usually tend to act according to their own
wishes without paying attention to the consequences they will get. The importance
of Pancasila moral education is instilled from an early age so that every behavior
and action is guided to gradually follow Pancasila values.
This research is descriptive with a direct approach method through counseling in the
context of community service. The time this research was conducted at a basic education
institution was carried out in Makotyamsa Village, Myamuk District, Sorong Regency, for
approximately 1 month, namely from April 1 2019 to May 1 2019. The data collection
technique in this research was directly through interviews conducted with an integrated
form of counseling. which was given to students at Muhammadiyah Makotyamsa
Elementary School, Sorong Regency.
Quality human beings are actually needed for the future development of the
nation. The formation of quality human beings requires a process that cannot be
achieved immediately. This requires guidance and nurturing starting from an early
age. In order to create quality humans, one way is through education. School is the
second place to develop a child's self-quality after the family environment. At school,
students are taught how to behave well by upholding the values of Pancasila.
Pancasila values are the values contained in Pancasila, both as the basis and
ideology of the State and as the philosophy of the State in the sense of the nation's
outlook on life.
The values of Pancasila must always be used as the main basis for thinking and
acting, in this case requiring the Indonesian people to realize the values of Pancasila in good
attitudes and behavior in living in society, nation and nation. Pancasila values include; a)
basic values in the form of values that are fixed and cannot change, the formulation of
which is contained in paragraph IV of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution in the form of
divine, humanitarian, unity, people's and justice values which are also the essence of
Pancasila. b) instrumental values are directions, policies, strategies, means and efforts that
can be adapted to situations and conditions as well as developments over time. c) psychic
values are values that are implemented and practiced in concrete life. Pancasila values
need to be instilled in children, especially from an early age.
This is because early childhood is a golden age, where at that time
In this case, children's brain development is developing very rapidly and basically
young children are still softer and easier to guide than children who are teenagers.
Early childhood personality is still unstable. They often imitate what adults and old
people do. Therefore, during this period, children must really be stimulated to
develop optimally for the sake of their future. Stimulation can be provided through
education, both formal and non-formal. There are several approaches that can be
used in instilling moral values according to Dwi Siswoyo et al (2005), namely: a)
Indocrination, according to Alfi Kohn, in Dwi Siswoyo (2005) states that to help
children grow into adults, they must be instilled with values. discipline from an early
age through interaction between parents and children as well as teachers and
In this approach, older people, whether parents or teachers, are assumed to
have virtues that are firmly and consistently instilled in children. The rules regarding
what is allowed and what cannot be done are conveyed firmly continuously and
consistently. If the child breaks he will
punished but not corporal punishment. b) Value Clarification, in this approach the
parent or teacher does not directly convey whether it is right or wrong to the child.
However, children or students are given the opportunity to express the meaning of
the values they know in their own way. Children are invited to express whether this
action is right or bad. Children are invited to discuss moral issues. c) Model or
example, a child has a natural talent, namely copying and copying. Therefore,
parents or teachers should be used as role models/examples in the field of morals,
especially those based on Pancasila values. Good or bad habits can be easily seen by
children and can also be modeled by children. Parental and teacher figures are very
important for children's moral development. This means that the values you want
to instill in children should first be ingrained in their teachers. Ideal moral teachers
are those who can position themselves as facilitators, leaders, and parents and even
places to rely on trust, as well as help others in reflecting. (Haricahyono, 1995).
Apart from that, the teacher's task is to contribute to the process of moral development
child. In other words, teachers are tasked with developing students' abilities to think,
consider and make decisions. (Siswoyo, 2005). d) Habituation in Behavior, moral
cultivation should be done more through habituation of behavior in the learning
process. Such as praying before and after doing something, saying hello to teachers
and friends, respecting elders and loving younger ones, lining up before entering
class and so on. Habits like this should be implemented consistently. And if a child
violates, immediately give a warning. We can do moral values education through
several approaches listed previously. Whether provided through formal or non-
formal education, it is hoped that it will be able to create a sense of tolerance for
children in society.
Where we see currently, one of the social problems that is quite worrying is the
low level of tolerance in society, and the decline in empathy among young people.
Through moral education based on Pancasila values, it is possible to create and enlarge
a sense of tolerance and empathy, because someone who has problems with other
people will prioritize good morals by prioritizing tolerance which is supported by the
great sense of empathy they have. In this way, the possibility of social problems will
become smaller. So that through moral education it can be a means of suppressing
potential conflict. Moral education in Indonesia must apply Pancasila morals, because
Pancasila as the Indonesian nation's way of life which has been ratified as the basis of
the state is a complete unity of character or moral values. Therefore, Pancasila can be
called the morals of the Indonesian nation. moral education
teaches habits of thinking and behavior that help individuals to live and work
together as a family, community and nation that helps them to make accountable
In order to shape students' character based on Pancasila morals, one of the aspects
being developed is values education. Values and moral education from an early age is
expected to be able to shape students to be able to differentiate between good and bad,
right and wrong, so that children can apply them in everyday life. This will influence whether
or not the child will be easily accepted by the surrounding community in terms of
socialization. One of the areas that must be included in Morai values education is the
instillation of moral values of nationalism. As is known, in this era of globalization, national
insight has become very important to give to children. By providing national insight, it is
hoped that children will grow up to become the nation's next generation who love their
nation and homeland. On the other hand, if children are not equipped with strong national
insight values, in the future they will be very vulnerable to being colonized by various things
from outside. This colonization includes culture, behavior, and so on. (Gutama, 2005).
Morality education and education about Pancasila values are very appropriate if
instilled in children from an early age. This is intended so that after they grow up,
they will be accustomed to actions, attitudes and behavior that are in accordance
with Pancasila values. Where children really need guidance from other people, both
through formal and non-formal education, to instill these Pancasila values.
Therefore, with this counseling, it is hoped that children will have the knowledge to
grow into children who have noble morals, have morals in line with the expectations
of the nation in general and apply moral values and Pancasila for sustainable social
life, especially in Makotyamsa Village.
Gautama, et al. 2005. Realizing Holistic Early Childhood Education.Seminars and
2005 National Workshop on Early Childhood Education, Jogjakarta; UGM.