English Booklet 1

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INTERGRATED English Literature (General Guidelines)......................

Section I - .......................................................................................................9
 E- mail + CV
 Minutes
 Internal memo
 Book review
 Confidential report + E- mail
 Recipe
 Internal memo
 Speech + E- mail
 Fax
 Book review
 Instructions/ directions
 Internal memo
Section II......................................................................................................35
 Section A – unseen text
 Section B – comprehension:-
Question 2 – an excerpt from one of the compulsory texts
 Section C
 Question 3 – literary appreciation
 Poems
 Oral narratives
 Grammar – question 4

Section III.....................................................................................................99
 Section A – unseen text
 Section B – comprehension:-
Question 2 – an excerpt from one of the compulsory texts
 Section C
Question 3 – literary appreciation
 Poems
 Oral narratives
 Grammar – QUESTION 4
Section I...........................................................................................................................105
Section II..........................................................................................................................129

Section III.........................................................................................................................161


The teaching and learning of English as a second language entails that a learner does a lot of prac-
tice in the four key areas of:
i) Listening
ii) Speaking
iii) Reading
iv) Writing
This therefore means that a diagnostic approach to establish learner’s problems must be carefully
done. All of us will agree that if one must learn swimming then it means that, the swimming candidate
should be ready to step in the water and practice the learning of English entails that one is exposed to the
language fully
A candidate preparing to sit for the K.C.S.E exams must have a very mastery of the following
The study of grammar should help the student to communicate clearly and understand well and
clearly what is heard and read. Grammar entails
a) Parts of speech
i) Nouns
 Common nouns
 Proper nouns
 Concrete nouns
 Abstract nouns

 Number

 Collective nouns
 Compound nouns
 Possessives
 Use of phrasal quantifiers
 Typical noun derivations
 Gender – sensitive language
 Functions of nouns in sentences – subject, object, complement
ii) Pronouns
 Personal pronouns
 Possessive pronouns
 Reflexive pronouns
 Functions of pronouns
 Number and person in pronouns
 Interrogative pronouns
 Relative pronouns
iii) Verbs
 Lexical – regular verbs/ irregular verbs
 Auxiliary verbs – primary and modal
 Tenses – simple present tense / simple past tense
 Aspect – perfective and progressive
 Future time
 Transitive and intransitive verbs
 Infinitive s
 Phrasal verbs and idiomatic expressions
 Participles
 Participate phrases
 Gerunds
iv) Adjectives
 Comparative and superlative forms
 Regular and irregular adjectives
 Gradable and non- gradable adjectives
 Order of adjectives
 Quantifiers – few, a few, little, a little
 Position of adjectives – predicative/ attributive
 Typical endings of adjectives
 Functions of adjectives
v) Adverbs
 Adverbs of manner, time and frequency
 Adverbs of place and degree
 Comparative and superlative forms of adverbs
 Formation of adverbs
 Functions of adverbs (modifiers)
 Position of adverbs in sentences
 Typical endings of adverbs
vi) Prepositions
 Simple prepositions – in, of, at
 Complex preposition – despite the fact, in spite of
 Distinguishing prepositions from connectors and adverb particles
 Functions of prepositions in a sentence
vii) Conjunctions
 Co-ordinating conjunctions – and, but or
 Sub-ordinating conjunctions – because, when that, which
 Correlative conjunctions – both….. and
- Not only ….. but also
- Neither …….. nor
- Either ……… or
- No sooner ………. That
 Functions of conjunctions in sentences
viii) Articles
 Definite article – the
 Indefinite articles – a, an
ix) Interjections
 Identification and usage in sentences

b) Phrases
 Constituents of a noun i.e. determiner, modifier + main noun
 Examples of noun phrases
 Constituents of verb and adverb phrases and examples
 Prepositional and adjectival phrases
c) Simple sentences
 Sentence structure (subject, predicate)
 Types of sentences
 Declarative / affirmative
 Imperative

 Interrogative
 Negative
 Exclamatory
d) Clauses
 Independent and sub-ordinate clauses (relative and adverbal clauses)
 Compound sentences
 Complex sentences
 Active and passive voice
 Conditional and adjectival clauses
 Noun clauses
 Compound – complex sentences
 Direct and indirect speech
 Inversions
 Sentence connectors
 Substitution and ellipsis


By the time a candidate prepares to sit for the final exam it is expected that they have been pro-
vided with appropriate opportunities in the above areas. This is done through:
 Reciting poems
 Telling stories
 Discussing contemporary issues
 Debating
 Dramatizing
 Role – playing
 Speech drills

Content and listening and speaking

a) Pronunciation
 English sounds – vowel and consonant sounds
 Distinction between English sounds, mother tongue and Kiswahili
 Identification of problematic sounds
 Mastery of problematic sounds in meaningful contexts i.e. by use of tongue twisters, songs and
 Stress and intonation
 Rhyme in poetry
 Word play (puns)
 Alliteration and assonance in poetry
 Distinguishing word class on the basis of stress
 Use of tone to reveal attitude

b) Listening comprehension and note – taking

This section is very common in paper 101/2 and 101/1
 Listening and responding to oral narratives
- Myths
- Legends
- Dilemma
- Trickster
- Ogre/ fable
- Animal/ plant tales
Features of each genre of oral literature
Listening and responding to information/ articles on:
- Children’s rights
- Child labour
- Environment
- Moral values
- Issues of social responsibility
- Drug and substance abuse
- Equal role of men and women
- Integrity/ anti- corruption education
- Information technology
- Poverty eradication
- Skills of attention and turn taking through use of dialogues
c) Mastery of content
This section is common in paper 101/1
- Debates
- Interviews
- Discussion
- Speeches
- Oral reports
d) Etiquette
- Use of courteous language e.g. tank you sir, excuse me sorry, please e.t.c.
- Telephone etiquette
- Appropriate choice of register
- Interrupting and disagreeing politely
- Negotiation skills
- Turn taking
- Paying attention (listening)
e) Non- verbal cues that enhance listening and speaking (Common in paper 101/1 and 101/2)
- Importance of respecting personal space
- Facial expressions, gestures and eye contact
- Bowing/ curtsying
- Appearance and grooming
- The area of listening and speaking is very crucial for students preparing to sit for KCSE exams
and any other. Questions on oral skills – paper 101/1 and 101/2 are normally drawn from this area

Mastery of reading is handy as this is a very important component of language learning
a) Content area
 Silent reading – avoid the following:
Moving lips
Verbalizing words
Use of fingers
Moving the head
 Development of good reading habits in:
Silent reading
Reading aloud
Speed reading
 Using dictionary
 Using the library
 Scanning and skimming
 Using reference materials
 Interpretive reading
 Study reading

 Note – making
 Critical reading
 Recognizing attitude and tone
 Distinguishing facts from opinions
 Close reading

b) Intensive reading
1. i) Study of poems, plays and short stories
ii) Plot and literary language

2. i) Study of novels, plays and poems

ii) Characterization and themes
iii) Aspects of style

3. i) Study of novels, plays, poems and short stories

ii) Critical analysis of three prescribed texts (set books)
iii) Oral literature

c) Extensive reading
i) Literacy and non- literacy materials on contemporary issues such as :
 Children’s rights
 Child labour
 Environment
 Moral values
 Social responsibility
 Gender responsiveness
 Drug and substance abuse
 Human rights
 Integrity
 Good governance
 Technological advancement
 Poverty eradication
ii) Adventure stories
iii) Fairy tales
iv) Poems
v) Plays
vi) Novels
vii) Short stories
viii) Newspapers, magazines, periodicals
ix) Biographies
x) Reports

d) Comprehension skills
i) Recall, comprehension application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation
ii) Summary and note taking

This is a skill of language learning that needs a lot of practice
a) Handwriting
- Legibility and tidiness
b) Spelling
- Mastery of spelling rules
- Master commonly miss pelt words
c) Building sentence skills and paragraphing
- Writing clear and correct sentences
- Structure of the paragraph - Topic sentences
- Supporting sentences
- Clincher sentences
- Sequencing of ideas
- Unity in paragraphs
- Sentence variety – using simple, compound and complex sentences
- Devices of developing paragraphs
- Giving reasons/ examples
- Comparing and contrasting
- Using idiomatic expressions
- Using facts/ statistics
- Using rhetorical questions
- Cohesion in paragraphs
- Using transitional words and phrases
- Choice of words
- Recurrent words (different words that refer to the same idea in the paragraph)
- Paraphrasing

d) Punctuation
i) Capitalization
ii) Final punctuation marks
iii) Commas
iv) Question marks
v) Apostrophe
vi) Hyphen
vii) Colon
viii) Semi colon
ix) Dash
x) Parenthesis
xi) devices for presenting titles of publication, quotations and headings
e) Personal writing
i) Diaries
ii) Addresses
iii) Packing lists
iv) Personal journals
v) Shopping lists
vi) Reminders
viii) Recipes
f) Social writing
i) Informal (friendly letters)
ii) Invitations
iii) Notes of thanks, congratulations and condolences
iv) Telegrams
v) E – mails
vi) Fax
vii) Instructions to family and friends
g) Study writing
i) Making notes
ii) Taking notes
iii) Summaries
iv) Descriptive essays
v) Synopsis
vi) Reports
vii) Argumentative essays
viii) Reviews
ix) Expository
x) Questionnaires

h) Creative writing
i) Imaginative compositions
ii) Poems
iii) Dialogues
iv) Plays
v) Short stories
vi) Autobiographies
vii) Biographies

i) Institutional writing
i) Public notices
ii) Inventories
iii) Telephone messages
iv) Filling forms
v) Letters of apology
vi) Notification of meetings
vii) Agenda and minute writing
viii) Memoranda
ix) Curriculum vitae
x) Speeches


The English paper 101/1 – functional writing has three questions namely:


This area is drawn from the section of writing discussed in the introductory section of this book-
let. This can be drawn from:
i) Personal writing
ii) Social writing
iii) Study writing
iv) Creative writing
v) Institutional writing

Types of functional writing

 E- mail + CV
 Minutes
 Internal memo
 Book review
 Confidential report + E- mail
 Recipe
 Internal memo
 Speech + E- mail
 Fax
 Book review
 Instructions/ directions
 Internal memo
 CV


A cloze test is a type of test in which one has to put suitable words in blank spaces in a short pas-
sage where words have been left out at intervals of six to ten words. A cloze test has ten blanks
which add up to ten marks in the exam. A cloze test evaluates one’s comprehension of the pas-
sage, different parts of speech, spelling, tense, vocabulary and general language use. Always sup-
ply the blank with the most correct one - word answer


1. Always read through the passage at least three times without filling any words in the blanks
2. Note carefully repeated words and ideas. This could act as possible clues
3. Note the punctuation of the passage as this gives possible clues
4. Always give one – word answers which also include hyphenated compound words
5. Ensure that your answers are relevant and grammatically correct
6. Put emphasis on subject – verb agreement
7. Use noun numbers correctly i.e. singular and plural forms


Oral communication is any communication by word of mouth. Any effective oral communication
will depend on the learner’s ability to speak and listen effectively. Listening and speaking skills
are important because:
i) They help us to acquire acceptable communication skills
ii) To respond to information correctly
iii) To adhere to other language conventions
iv) To pronounce sounds correctly
v) Listen to the other person carefully so as to advance a sound judgment
vi) Be convincing enough, if one wants to get something then he/ she must give valid and
reasonable reasons
vii) Be compromising in case one doesn’t get what they want. However it is important for
one to state their stand clearly
viii) Appreciate the other party’s view and let them know this as much

Question three of this section tests oral skills (listening and speaking). It majorly deals with punc-
tuation, listening comprehension, note taking, debates, speeches, interviews, discussions, oral re-
ports, etiquette and non verbal clues of communication that enhance listening and speaking

Constants and vowel sounds are also tested here. Problematic sounds are tested in tongue twisters,
poems, songs, riddles or proverbs. Word or sentence stress is also tested as well as stylistic as-
pects of poetry such as rhyme, rhythm, assonance, alliteration, puns, intonation, tone, attitude and
mood. Oral literature is also tested in this section as well as etiquette, mostly in dialogues or tele-
phone conversations. Issues of etiquette such as use of courteous language, negotiation skills, pay-
ing attention, turn taking, correct choice of register, interacting and disagreeing politely


This is the quality of voice or the general character and attitude that expresses a particular
emotion. This is the poet’s outlook. It is the mirror in which the speaker talks, usually inferred
from the choice of words. Tone may be expressed as: cold, eager, harsh, gleeful, proud, satirical,
doubtful, hostile, surprised, assertive, ironical, grateful, commanding, pleading and reprimanding
In poetry, the persona’s attitude towards the subject or characters can be revealed through the tone

This refers to the way the poet feels about a subject or the character in the poem. It may be de-
scribed as amusing, patronizing, contemptuous, critical, hostile, sympathetic, disapproving, harsh,
kind, serious, cruel or adoring

This refers to the general feeling of the speaker, the climate or the atmosphere surrounding a liter-
ary work. (Poetry or prose). Words such as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ are not specific hence not used here.
Mood can be described by such adjectives like happy, quiet, desperate, tense, thankful, sad
(melancholic) solemn, silent, violent, jubilant, assertive, ironic, comprehensive, lively, remorse-
ful, optimistic, and pessimistic




1. Imagine that you have completed secondary education. You have come across an advertisement
in one of the daily newspaper that required clerical officers. The email address of the Company
is uhurukazi@yahoo.com. You are interested in the job. Write one page curriculum vitae (C.V)
using the e-mail address of the company

2. You are the Secretary of your School’s Drama club. Your club is holding its second meeting of
the year to discuss the following issues:-
(i) Tour to Nairobi
(ii) Awareness campaign
(iii) Strengthening of drama in the school
Two people have sent their apologies and a member from the writer’s club has also attended the
meeting. Write the minutes you could take at the meeting

3. Imagine you are the managing directors of Alroki industries Eldoret. You manufacture padlocks
and of late, there has been a lot of bad press concerning your products. Write an internal memo-

randum to your operations manger and sales and marketing manager. Advise them on what should be
done to counter the bad press and also recapture and retain your market share.

4. You have finished reading the play An Enemy of the people by Henric Ibsen and you
would like to recommend it to your classmates. In about 350 words, write the book review

5. You are the principal of Baraka Teachers Training College and one of your graduates Mr.
Christopher Lipwoni has applied for employment as a teacher at Lirhanda boarding primary
school. The head teacher of that primary school has send you an email requesting you to avail
more information about Mr. Christopher Lipwoni to enable the school decide whether to employ
him or not. In the space provided below, write a sample report that you intend to email to the head
teacher. Remember to copy the report to the DEO Kakamega East District

6. Imagine that you have been put in charge of a farewell party for your classmates. Write a recipe
for the meal you would prepare for the occasion.

7. Imagine that you are the library captain in your school. Write a memo to the class prefects asking
them to ensure that students observe the library rules, especially regarding silence, prompt return
of books, appropriate dressing and observing opening and closing time.

8. You are invited to give a speech on the role of the youth in fostering peace in your country
by a friend overseas. You are unable to travel due to unforeseen circumstances. E-mail your
speech to your friend to present it on your behalf.

9. You are revising with your friend over the April holiday. On reaching school in May, you realize
that one of your books, Top Mark English is missing. Write a fax to your friend in a
neighbouring school requesting for the book he had borrowed from you

10. You have just read a novel entitled The Modern Girl by a famous writer. You want to recom-
mend it to a friend who has asked you to briefly tell him why you found the text interesting. Write
with appropriate sub headings, a review of the text convincing your friend to read it.

11. Imagine you live in Mumias, an average town in Western Kenya. The National Music
Festivals are set to be held in this town for five days. Your friend who lives in Webuye town
intends to come over.
a) Give them clear directions to Nabongo cultural centre in Mumias town. Make your instructions
as precise (one page) and clear as possible – you could use land marks, well known means of
transport, show distance in kilometers e.t.c.

12. Imagine you are the school captain, and the CDF committee wishes to set up a project
in your school. The principal has asked you to organize with the prefects to collect students
views on the most appropriate project. Write an internal memo to the concerned

13. Imagine that you have done K.C.S.E exams, qualified and done some training in a professional
course. You have seen an advertisement in “Sunday mirage” Newspaper of a position you qualify
for. You then decide to apply for it. Write your Own curriculum vitae (C.V)

14. Write a letter to the clerk of your local council complaining about the loud music in the bars
where you live. Indicate how residents spend sleepless nights due to the loud music, and
what you think should be done

15. You have been selected to deliver a speech on Parent’s day on behalf of other students. Apart
from teachers, parents and students, there are several guests present as well as members of
Board of Governors. You are expected to highlight the challenges facing students population in
the school. Write the speech you would deliver. (20 mks)

16. An Italian friend who had come to visit you left for his country a few weeks ago. He writes to
inform you of his safe arrival and requests you for a recipe that would help him prepare ugali for
his two friends. Write him through this address; Mckay@yahoo.com

17. The lions football team has won the just completed world cup competition. You are the coach.
Write a memo congratulating them and informing them on when/how to collect their tokens.
Remember to have copies to the minister of sports. (20mks)

1. Fill in each of the blank spaces in the passage below with the most appropriate answer
One of the challenges…………………..(1)the country today is youth unemployment.
Related to this is lack of patriotism and a sense of……………………(2). A number of inter-
ventions have been rolled to tackle……………………….(3)challenges that youth issues
are so……………………….(4),they deserve a ministry, not just a ………………….(5).
Among the notable programmes by the ministry was the creation………………………(6). Youth
fund, whose objective is to…………………….(7)money to youth people to venture into
business. ………………….…..(8) it is too early to assess its impact, the intention was noble.
Following this,…………………………...(9) government now wants to re-introduce a com-
pany paramilitary training programme for school leavers…………….………..(10) the Na-
tional Youth Service.

2. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word
Different types of oral literature can have (1) __________________, if not identical, func-
tions. One can use stories, riddles and proverbs, among other kinds of oral literature, to express
(2) ___________________. It is (3) ________________________true to say that one type of oral
literature may have many different (4) ____________________. For example a work song that (5)
________________people to pull together in their efforts may also be sung as entertainment for
children, or as a political weapon when people are competing in parliamentary elections. It is (6)
________________important that when one is collecting a song, one must also find out for what
purpose it is being sung.
(7) ________________________the text of the song is important, its context must (8)
_____________________be well known. The interest of the song is greatly enhanced and it is
given (9) ___________proper character by the (10) _______________in which it is sung.

3. Fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word.

Every year, we look (1)…………..…… to Christmas as a time for festivity and family get
together. The jovial atmosphere that surrounds the season lifts our spirits. Families make last
minute (2)…………..…… to the supermarkets to buy gifts to loved ones (3)…………..…….., we
forget that January is coming with (4)……………..……….challenges. The sooner you (5)
……………….…..… planning, the better. This will help you avoid going (6) ……………………....
…….. in your expenditure. Most people take this time to (7) ……………………... their upcoming
home, creating transport (8) ……………………….. all over. A reunion of relatives is always the joy
of charismas so to say. To some, it is just the onset of misery. This is because they don’t have anything
to (9)….…………………….. The last week of the year to them is always injury time. Either they do not
have anything to give or they are worried over (10).…………….……. and its responsibilities.

4. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word

I do not support abortion. But there are cases of incest (1) ………. Rape where(2)
…..…should be given a chance to choose whether to live with the child or not. My po-
sition is informed (3) ……….. the Christian faith that I profess. The Bible (4) ………
states that thou shall not kill.
Of course there may be a scenario in which a doctor is faced with a (5) ………. where a
mother’s life is in danger and the only way to save her life is to abort the (6) …..…………… It is
unfortunate that nobody wants to address that issue directly. (7) ……………………………..
my personal view is that doctors and experts should have the leeway to make professional
judgements. There are hard (8) ………….…………to be made like in the event of (9)….
……… risk of losing life, does the doctor save the foetus or the mother or let both to die?
When does life begin then? According to churches, life begins at conception. And when
does it end? Is it when one is put on a life support machine or when a doctor (10)……….
……………one dead? There is need to be pragmatic on this issue of abortion.
5. Fill in each of the blank space in the passage below with the most appropriate word. *
(1) ..............the deliberations began yesterday, it was evident that the climate of suspicion
and (2)................... blood still reigned. The M.P’s and (3) ................ of their political parties
must acknowledge cardinal principal (4) ....................making accusation and issuing threats.
They are deliberating on the (5).................. of Kenya.
They were (6) .............. by the people of Kenya to sit in the August House to
(7).......... the people. They must remember that they are not discussing a constitution for them-
selves or any other. They are not (8) ............. a constitution for president Kibaki or Prime Minister Raila
Odinga or any other individual (9) .......... may be having (10)......... for high office.

6. This may not be such a drab year after all (1) ……some good may yet be reported in
the education sector following Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) decision to
(2) ……….KCSE examination candidates online.
Registering all candidates (3)........….is one way towards making the registration
process efficient and accountable. (4) ……….. this does not mean scrapping the time tested
manual method, it is surely a (5) ........…. in the right direction.
Also it is but one of (6) ……...……………reforms being undertaken in education matters
to reduce time school managers, students and parents expend ahead of national examinations.
It would also significantly reduce (7) ……of Academies registering weak students
(8)……..other examination centers and make it easier for candidates to (9) ………. the status of
their registration and (10).....……..perennial complaints of non-registration

7. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the appropriate word.
Garbage, garbage and more garbage; easy to generate but difficult to (1)_______
of. But if we stopped complaining about its chocking (2)_____ for even one minute, we
would realise that there is (3)______ that we can do about it – perhaps even earn a living
(4) _______ it.
There are women groups that have been making and selling high (5)______
manure from domestic waste such as potato and banana peels. In so doing they create
employment for (6)_______ and those who collect the garbage for them. The manure is
said to be so ______ that it causes crops to yield three times as much as other
types of manure ________ fertilizers. This boosts our agricultural sector (9)________.
In a country like Britain, waste paper can now be eaten. It is softened and sweetened
(10) ___a certain technology then fed to cows. Such cows are said to produce creamier milk.

8: Fill each of the blank spaces in the passage below with the most appropriate word.
The decision (1)……….....information ministers (2)…………...single out the Media (3) ……….
what is clearly an intrusive audit of (4) ………..performance prior to , (5) ……... , and after
the highly problematic December 2007 election should not come as a surprise. (6)
…………..has come as a surprise. (7) …...……...…..the somewhat muted response from the me-
dia fraternity. From a lot that is usually vocal in the (8) ……….. of its rights (9) ............… both
real and imaginary foes, the silence is (10) ………..….frightening than government’s seemingly sin-
gle minded determination to gag the media.

9. Read the passage below and fill in each space with an appropriate word
We say that all children are born equal. (1) _____, apparently, not in Kenya where the
National primary school results (2) ____yesterday again display the superior performance of
private schools students compared to their counterparts in the public school system.
This is (3) ______worrying trend. We are building an unequal education system where the
wealthy can literally buy success.
Those children (4) _______parents have the means will attend private schools where they
stand better prospects of good primary school results, and thus have a head start in the compe-
tition for (5) _______to the best secondary schools, and intimately the best chance at coveted univer-
sity places.
The children whose parents are not wealthy will have to (6) _______ with inferior
education from the word go. They will be (7) ______by the education system, and ultimately
condemned to lesser professional and employment prospects.
That is not the way to build a society where all have an equal chance (8) ______making it
in life.
This problem with the education system has been evident for some time. It has been
studied by academics and by task (9) ____and has been the subject of numerous reports. It
is evident however, that the government has never taken it seriously enough to take any (10)

10: There are (1)……… people who have never known the real value of ironing clothes
before use. These people find ironing a (2)……. activity in the house and it continues daily
without anybody ever giving it much thought. By wearing clothes (3)……. are well ironed, we
look smart. There is definitely a great (4)…… between clothes that are not ironed and those that
are well ironed. Ironing is one of the most important activities as (5)…… as promotion of
personal hygiene is concerned. When clothes are hung (6)…………… To dry, they are exposed
to insects which could lay eggs or leave poisons that are (7)……….…. To us. Ironing protects us
(8)………. some diseases. (9)………… Clothes are not ironed before wearing, we are likely to
(10)………. From various skin problems such as skin rashes and irritations.

11. Fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate word (10mks)
Although (1) _____President and prime minister effectively (2) _____ a ceasefire
(3) ______they (4)______on the telephone (5) _________ Wednesday night and asked
their lieutenants to cease hostility 6relationship may not b e out of the woods (7) _________.
The President (8) ______Prime Minister differed when Raila (9)_______ the suspension
of (10)___William Ruto of Agriculture and Sam Ongeri of Education a week ago.
(Adapted from The Standard Newspaper)

12. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word. *
The (1)………………… common way for germs to spread from one person to another or
from animals to people is (2) ………………………… drinking water.
Drinking water from a tap is not possible for everybody (3) ……………………………..
wells and springs can be kept clean. Wells need a fence around them to prevent animals from
falling (4) ………………………….. People might not notice that there was a dead animal in the
well. Then it would rot and every one would become (5) ………………………………… from
the eater. (6) …………………………….. can put germs into springs and water-holes with their
feet and tongues if they drink from them. Springs and water-holes need a (7) ………………...
around them too. Best of all, drinking water sources should be covered and water taken
(8) …………… with a pump. People must not use the grass or brushes near a source of
drinking water as (9) ……………………… The (10) ……………………………. can easily be
washed into the water by the rain.

13. Elephants are entirely vegetarian. They may ______up to 300kg a day, which is hundred
______as much as a human being would consume. _____diet is varied since they are both
browsers and grazers. When there are too many elephants in a ____, they eat so much food that
_______there are no more leaves on the trees and bushes. They even resort to eating the bark of
______trees; and this kills the trees completely. Then there ______only the grass to eat, so the
elephants eat that leaving the soil _____. Strong winds and heavy rains quickly wash ____ the
good soil. The resulting ______impoverishes the soil so that no more plants will grow.

14. The US vice-president, Joe _____(1) was recently in the country yet for some reasons
his visit ____(2) elicited much excitement. No traditional dancers at the airport or the ‘we love
you Biden!’ screams (3) just irritation. It makes one ______(4) why heads of states insist ___
(5) sending envoys at great _____ (6) to tax payers to deliver messages to foreign leaders. That
probably made lots of sense in the dark day ____(7) communication was the forte of the village
drummer. ______ (8) in this age of _____(9), twitter, face book and the mobile phone, and
emissary who _____ (10) a whole city into a dizzy spin just to deliver ___(11)message sounds

15. Fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate word (10mks)
Although (1) _____President and prime minister effectively (2) _____ a ceasefire
(3) ______they (4)______on the telephone (5) _________ Wednesday night and asked
their lieutenants to cease hostility 6relationship may not b e out of the woods (7) _________.
The President (8) ______Prime Minister differed when Raila (9)_______ the suspension
of (10)___William Ruto of Agriculture and Sam Ongeri of Education a week ago.
(Adapted from The Standard Newspaper)

16. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.
The (1)……… common way for germs to spread from one person to another or from
animals to people is (2) ………drinking water. Drinking water from a tap is not possible for
everybody (3) ……. wells and springs can be kept clean. Wells need a fence around them to
prevent animals from falling (4) ………People might not notice that there was a dead animal
in the well. Then it would rot and every one would become (5) …… from the eater. (6) ……….
can put germs into springs and water-holes with their feet and tongues if they drink from them.
Springs and water-holes need a (7) ……... around them too. Best of all, drinking water sources
should be covered and water taken (8) …………… with a pump. People must not use the grass or
bushes near a source of drinking water as (9) ……… The (10) ………. can easily be washed into
the water by the rain.

17. The US vice-president, Joe ____(1) was recently in the country yet for some reasons his
visit ____(2) elicited much excitement. No traditional dancers at the airport or the ‘we love you
Biden!’ screams (3) just irritation. It makes one ____(4) why heads of states insist ____ (5)
sending envoys at great _______ (6) to tax payers to deliver messages to foreign leaders. That
probably made lots of sense in the dark day _____(7) communication was the forte of the village
drummer. ____ (8) in this age of ____(9), twitter, face book and the mobile phone, and emissary
who ____ (10) a whole city into a dizzy spin just to deliver ______(11)message sounds crazy.

My bull is white like the silver fish in the river
White like the shimmering crane bird on the river bank
White like fresh milk.
His roar is like thunder to the Turkish cannon
On the steep shore.

My bull is dark like the rain cloud in the storm.

He is like summer and winter.
Half of him is dark like the storm cloud,
Half of him is light like sunshine.

His back shines like the morning star.

His brow is red like the beak of the hornbill.
His fore head is like a flag, calling the people from a distance,
He resembles the rainbow.

I. The singer achieves rhythm in the song above through repetition of words i.e. “white like”
like e.t.c.
II. If you are to do a live performance of this song how would you make it more
interesting to the audience?
b) Underline the silent letter in each of the following words (5mks)
i) Rendezvous
ii) Eulogy
iii) Tourism
iv) Condemn
v) Phlegm
c) Read the genre below, and then answer questions that follow:-
“Willy warmly welcomed Wendy and wondered why Wyatt walked wearingly while whistling.’
i) Classify the above genre.
ii) Identify and illustrate one sound pattern from the genre
iii) State any one function of the above genre
d) You school is participating in a debate and the motion is: “Parents should let children
decide their own destiny,” How would you ensure that your argument convincing? *KC*
e) Imagine that you are listening to a telephone conversation between a receptionist and a lady
whose child is very ill and she is seeking her physicians’ help. Unfortunately, Dr. Kemboi is
not in, but the receptionist is on the line. In the blank spaces, fill in what you think the
receptionist should have said to the lady.

2. (a) Read the narrative below and then answer the questions that follow:
A Greedy Old man and the sausage
Once upon a time, there lived an old man. One day he paid a visit to his in-laws. On enter-
ing the house of his mother-in-law, he found that she had been roasting some meat, among which
was a delicious looking sausage and she was not in the house. He immediately took the sausage
and quickly shoved it into his quiver. And it so happened that a piece of live coal had got stuck on
the sausage but the old man didn’t know. He quickly shut the quiver.
No sooner had he sat down than the owner of the house came in. They sat down to talk
about the children’s health. When they had finished, it was time for the old man to return to his
home. Just then, the woman noticed smoke issuing from the quiver and asked the old man;
“Paker, how come the quiver is smoking?” The man answered, “Oh. It’s some naughty fire stick
with a soft head that smokes whenever it comes into contact with soft wood and the arrows.” The
woman kept quiet and got up to escort her guest.
When they had walked only a short distance, the fire made a hole in the quiver and the ar-
rows fell out, tiak! together with the stolen sausage. The lady, who was walking closely behind,
exclaimed: ‘See, had I not known it! Then the old man fearing that his sausage might be eaten.
shouted, “Oh, my Paker, please do not eat it!”
So while the lady ran home in shame, the greedy old man continued with his journey in
extreme embarrassment. They showed each other their backs and there ends my story.

(i) State two things a narrator would do to draw the audience’s attention to the beginning of
t he story
(ii) Describe how a narrator would perform line 4-6 of the second paragraph
(iii) Explain three ways in which the audience can indicate active listening in the performance
of this narrative
(iv) Apart from using the ending formula, how else would a narrator signal to the audience
the ending of his story?

3. Read the following oral poem and answer the questions that follow:-
Where is she eee
Where is she ee
We want to pamper her
We want to pamper her x2

We advise you, we advise you

When you get there respect your husband
When he calls you, respond to his call
So that your marriage can last

Both of you may live in peace

Both of you may live in peace x2

(i) List down what is lost when the above song is written down
(ii) The above song is a translation from Kiswahili to English. What has been lost in the

(c) (i) Underline the stressed syllable in the correct pronunciation of the following words
(The dots indicate syllable boundaries)
(i) res. pect
(ii) re. view
(iii) in. ves. ti. gate
(iv) con.so.li.date
(v) cal. cu. late
(vi) di. vi. de (noun)

(ii) Provide another word with a similar pronunciation for each of the following words
(i) Feet
(ii) Alter
(iii) Ale
(iv) Cereal
(v) None
(vi) Ate
(d) (i) Explain three things you would do if you were unexpectedly asked to give a short speech
During the form four farewell party
(ii) You are giving this speech without a public address system. How do you ensure you are
heard clearly by everybody

4. i) Read the oral narrative and answer the questions asked.

There was a man, it is said, who lived with the ethnic group of his wife. One day he said to
his wife, “We are moving away-tell your people.” So she told her people and they gave him the
customary gifts and returned to him a part of his bride wealth.
Then this man who had been living with his wife’s ethnic group moved away with his
family and his wife, and after he had walked all day he set up a camp in a certain place. Then he
said to his wife, “woman, there is a matter I have to discuss with the people whom we left, and I
am going back to them. Pen the animals and wait for me.”

So he went back, and when he reached the village in the evening he sat down in the
clearing by the huts, intending to eavesdrop. The people were gossiping about and someone said,
“well, let us all give our opinion of that who stayed with our tribe for such a long time!”

“He was a good man.” said one.

“By God, he was a brave man.”
“By God, he was a generous man.”
“By God, he looked after the animals well.”
“By God, he had some knowledge of men.”

The whole village praised him, and all the time the man was listening. There was pause,
and then a young girl spoke, “but I know something about him that was bad!”
“What was it?” the people asked.
“He didn’t go far away enough from the huts when he urinated!” at this the whole
village burst in to laughter, but the eavesdropper was so angry that he stood up said to them,
“well, by God, I have moved far enough away now!” to the great astonishment of the whole

a) How would you performs the narrative in order to capture the audience attention
b) (i) In which tone would the eavesdropper say last line of the narrative
ii) Underline the word in which the vowel sound is different in the following sets of words :
a) ship, sheep, sleep
b) Pull, pool, book
c) Bark, park, buck
d) Might, height, mice
e) Barn, ban, bag
iii) State whether the stress would fall on the first or second syllable on the word in
bold by underlining:
a) I don’t like associating with that rebel
b) Waiyaki had a lot of respect for the elders
c) We manage to turn the businesses
d) When can you contact me?
e) You can access a lot of information in the internet
iv) What would you consider important in giving someone directions especially to a
place that is difficult to trace?
v) What preparation would you do before attending an interview for a job?

5. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:-
I seek a quiet country life
Without the city’s bursting strife
I seek the sight of trees ablaze
Instead of streets that form amaze
Barbara Klinger

i) Identify two sound patterns in this poem and state their effectiveness
a) i) rhyme Life Ablaze Strife Amaze
ii) Which words in the poem contain dipthongs?
iii) How could you say the first line of this poem and why?
iv) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem above
b) In each of the following groups of words, one of the underlined is different from the rest.
Identify the word with the different sound:-
i) purse further fury nurse
ii) three thick theme these
iii) have fame rake fate
iv) heir honest honoraria harbour
v) committee constitution command commodity

c) Read the item below and answer the questions that follow:-
If freaky Fred found fifty feet of fresh fruit and fed forty feet to his friend Frank,
how many feet of fresh fruit did freeky Fred find?
i) Classify the oral item above
ii) Identify two characteristics of this genre
iii) State four functions of this genre

d) Explain the meaning of the following idiomatic expressions :-

i) They were taught by the word of mouth
ii) The guest of honour asked us to lend him our ears
iii) Politicians must now walk the talk
iv) Daisy has the gift of the gab

e) You are a TV presenter with “Duond Joka Nyanam” station. You have been assigned the
duty to interview an important and famous writer in the name of Ngugi Wa Thiong’o.
How would you prepare yourself for an effective session with a view to producing a good

6. a) Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow:-
Sweet and low, sweet and low,
Wind of the western sea,
Low, low, breath and blow,
Wind of the western sea!
Over the rolling waters go,
Come from the dying moon, and blow,
Blow him again to me;
While my little one, while my pretty one, sleeps.

Sleep and rest, sleep and rest,

Father will come to thee soon;
Rest, rest on mother’s breast;
Father will come to thee soon;
Father will come to his babe n the nest,
Silver sails all out of the west
Under the silver moon;
Sleep my little one, sleep, my pretty one, sleep.
Alfred lord Tennyson.

(i) State any two pairs of rhyming words from the above poem
(ii) Apart from rhyme, with illustrations from the poem, identify any other two techniques
that have been used by the poet to create rhythm in this poem
(iii) If you were to classify the above poem as a song, in which category would you
place it and why?
(iv) Comment on the number of syllables used in the last line of each stanza.
What does this tell you about the rhythm of this poem?
(v) If you were to recite this poem to its target audience, how would recite the last
line of the last stanza?
(vi) From the poem, identify any two words containing the vowel sound /Ù/

b) Underline the silent letters in the following words

i) Subtle
ii) Comb
iii) White
iv) Hymn
v) Clinton

c) Rewrite the following sentences identifying the stressed syllable in the underlined
words ( use stress marks)
i) Drug abuse is so rampant in coast province
ii) The alarm clock rang on time
iii) Can I have your contact, please
iv) We were forced to desert our fertile land and now, here we are in a total desert

d) Carefully study the following conversation and then answer the questions that follow:-.
Juma : I am so happy! (Jumps up) we finally did it! Four powerful sweet goals!
Solomon: No doubt about that victory! Chelsea…..
Collins :(interrupting) shut up your pointed beak! Its Chelsea not Chelesea! Simply stated;
the blues.
Solomon: Accept my apology. I didn’t mean to offend anyone. For your information Collins,
Man City isn’t my team. Notwithstanding, the fact remains that Manchester city outran
and outfoxed your team. I saw the match myself.
Juma: Hold your peace, boy. Are you not aware of the adage that goes: he who fights the truth,
fights against God! Chelsea can beat any other team in the English premier league but not
Manchester City: that’s the truth, period.
Collins : Sure? Come to think of it, have you ever stopped to wonder why all the beautiful women
in this present world and probably the one that will come, prefer to associate with Chelsea
players and fans rather than those of man city? Still wondering? Answer is obvious: Man
city players are not only short and ugly but also daft morons!
Juma: To be honest, you could be saying the truth as far as your captain’s snatching of Wayne
bridges girl friend is concerned. However, don’t you think it’s a show case of immorality,
for a married man like him to engage in an extra-marital affair?
Catherine: Guys, let’s end the entire talk. Why can’t we talk about AFC Leopards, Sofa Paka,
and Western Stima! Isn’t there any football being played in Kenya?
Solomon: True
Catherine: What I…..mean is, who in England talks about Western Stima? Anyway, thanks
for your company! (Walks away)

i) Identify and illustrate any two features demonstrated by Collins which indicate lack of
courtesy while conversing with others
ii) From the above dialogue, identify any two features of a healthy conversation
iii) With relevant illustrations from the above dialogue state any two features that characterize
natural speech

7. a) Read the genre below and answer the questions that follow:-
“How high up has he heaved his heavy hoe?”
i) Identify the genre above
ii) For what purpose would the above genre be used
iii) Cite one feature of oral skills used in the above genre
iv) Mention two characteristics of the above genre

b) Give another word that has the same pronunciation as the words below
i) Profit
ii) Mete
iii) Pull
iv) Dough
v) Key

c) Imagine that Ngugi Wa Thion’go, the author of the novel ‘The River Between’ has
been invited by the English department to give a lecture on the key themes and aspects
of style evident in the novel, in a week’s time. As one of the students of literature
preparing to offer him audience, what steps would you take just before and during
the presentation to ensure that you benefit fully from the event.

d) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:-
I stood and stared, the sky was lit
The sky was stars all over it
I stood. I knew not why
Without a wish, without a will
I stood upon the silent hill
My eyes were blind with stars still
I stared into the sky

i) Show how the poet has effectively created rhythm in this poem?
ii) What word would you stress in line 5 and why?
iii) Explain two ways in which you would make the recitation of the first three lines
of the poem effective

e) Read the conversation below and then answer the questions after it.
Hawa : Hallo, is that Thatu’s Girl’s school?
Peter : Yes, what is your name?
Hawa : Hawa Mukova
Peter : What do you want?
Hawa : May I speak to the head teacher?
Peter : He went to do shopping for his family. What did you want to tell him?
Hawa : Sorry it is confidential. May I speak to the deputy?
Peter : He is attending a pre-wedding in fact he is never in school
Hawa : Oh! I will call later
Peter : It’s okay
i) Identify four instances of lack of telephone conversation etiquette
ii) Write corrections using correct telephone etiquette
iii) Underline the silent letter in the following words
a) Eulogy
b) Phlegm

8. (a) For each of the following words, provide another similar pronunciation.
(i) Site …
(ii) Owe
(iii) Rite
(iv) Road
(v) Blew
(b) A resource person has been invited to your school to talk on the newly introduced play
An Enemy of the People by Henrick Ibsen. What five things would you do to ensure you
benefit maximumly from this talk?
(c) Using each of the words given below, construct two sentences to bring out two different
A. (i) Import
(ii) Import.
(iii) Produce.
(iv) Produce
d) Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow:-
I thank thee mother
Your back I wet
When I leaked
like a broken gourd,

Your breast I sought

like a blind bat,
On your back
I swung like a little vagabond
but you said
‘It’s my vagabond.’

(i) Who is the persona?

(ii) On the line ‘Like a broken gourd.’ Which words would you stress? Why?
(iii) How is rhythm achieved in the poem? Illustrate.

(e) Read the story below and answer the questions that follow:-
There lived two men who were good friends. One of them was very wise and the
other very foolish. One day, they argued between themselves, and one said, “I am the wis-
est man in this country.” The other said, “No,! I am the wisest.” As there was no way of
measuring wisdom, the two men did not know who was wiser than the other.
One day they were discussing the ill-behaviour of their wives and one of them
said, “If we want them to behave well we must beat them up. Women are like children,
beat them up and they will behave well.”
The other said, “No ! if you beat your wife, she will become worse.” After arguing
for a long time, they kept quiet and went home. On reaching his house, the man who was
in favour of beating wives began to beat an ox-skin vigorously. When the other heard this,
he thought the sound came from his friend beating his wife and he took a stick and beat his
wife severely until she fell sick and later died.
When the two men met later, it was now clear who between them was wiser than the other.
(Adopted from: The Hyena and The Rock by B.M.
Lusweti: Nairobi: The Macmillan Press Ltd. 1992)

(i) Suppose you are the one narrating this story, what would you do first before narration to
capture the attention of the audience?
(ii) How would you deliver the speech by the 2nd speaker? “No ! I am the wisest.”
(iii) If you are listening to this story, what would you expect the story teller to do so as to
make the story interesting?

(f) The following is a conversation between an Admission’s teacher and Juma, a Form One
seeking admission to Elimu Secondary School. Study it and complete the blank spaces
Juma : ……………………………………………………………………………
Teacher : Good morning young man, how are you?
Juma :
Teacher : Welcome to Elimu Secondary School and have a seat.
Juma : Thank you, Madam.
Teacher :
Juma : I’m Hassan Juma Masumbuko.
Teacher : I have verified your documents and therefore allowed you to join the classroom next
door as our first Form One student this year, congratulations.
Juma :

9. Read the story below and answer the questions that follow:-
Once upon a time, there was a man and wife who had a baby girl. Unfortunately, the wife
died and so, the man married again. He got another girl with the second wife. The two girls
became extremely close; so close that whenever the mother sent one on an errand, the other was
sure to accompany her. The mother, however, did not like the child of the deceased. She would
always show her dislike by denying her certain favours. Her feelings became so bad that she
decided to get rid of the girl.
To do this, she dug a hole in her bedroom on a day when the husband was absent and
covered the hole with a cow’s hide. She then called her daughter and sent her to the house of a
friend some kilometers away. As usual, the two girls wanted to go together but the woman
refused, giving the excuse that she wanted to send the other one elsewhere. After the departure of
her daughter, she tailed the other girl and sent her for her snuffbox in the bedroom. Unaware of
what lay ahead, the girl eagerly rushed into the room only to fall into a hole! The mother very
quickly filled the hole with soil, completely disregarding the girl’s screams for help.
When the daughter came back, she merely assumed that the absence of her dear com-
panion was justified. After hours of waiting, she, however, became impatient and questioned the
‘Where is my sister?’ she asked
“But she followed you. As soon as she did what I wanted, she ran after you. Now stop
bothering me” the mother retorted.
Time passed and the now anxious girl went round calling out the name of the other one,
but all in vain. Alas …she cried the whole night and the next day and refused to touch any food.
The father helped in the search but to no avail.
After three days, the girl still cried and called the other one. She then heard a very weak voice
responding in song:
Maalya Maalya
Maalya Maalya
Na mwenvu niwe mwai iiee malya
Ekwinza muthiko iiee malya
Wakwisa kunthika iiee malya
Maalya Maalya
(And your mother is the wise one iiee malya
She dug a grave iiee malya
For interring me in iiee malya)
The girl dashed towards the direction of the voice, repeated her cries and again got the
same response. She came to the conclusion that whoever was responding was definitely under-
ground somewhere in the house. Immediately the father came that day (before the arrival of the
mother), she told him what had happened. After hearing the song, the father dug up the place and
pulled out an extremely weak and disfigured daughter. All the three wailed and eventually, the fa-
ther gave her a mixture of blood and milk from a goat to drink after which she vomited all the soil
she had eaten. He gave her some more of the mixture after which he hid her.
When the wife eventually came back, the man did not let her get into the house but sent
her for a cow in a far off place. He explained his action by telling her that he had decided to host a
feast for relatives (including his in-laws). In the meantime, he sent-for all of them. When the
woman came back with the cow, she found everyone waiting for her. Uneasy now, she sat down
in the place she was shown by her husband. He then stood up and after welcoming all, reminded
them of the lost daughter. He then called upon the wife to explain the circumstance leading to the
sad episode. She hauntingly repeated the now commonly know story. When she sat down, the
husband told this woman’s daughter to repeat her earlier wails after which all heard;
Maalya Maalya
Maalya Maalya
Na mwenvu niwe mwai iiee malya
Ekwinza muthiko iiee malya
Wakwisa kunthika iiee malya
All were surprised to hear the words of the other girl’s song and at that moment; the ‘dead’
girl joined them. The woman was as though paralyzed by shock. The husband then explained the
truth of the matter and told his in-laws to take their daughter with them. They said that if that was
what she had done to the girl, they couldn’t have such a monster in their house. The woman was
disowned by all and chased away.

(a) How would you say the following opening formula “Once upon a time”?
(b) If you were performing this story what oral skills would you use?
(c) As a story teller, how would you deliver the two songs to portray the different contexts?
(d) If you were one of the relatives invited by the girl’s father, how would you portray
your reaction towards the revelation of the step-mother’s behaviour?
(e) What intonation would you use at the end of this statement and why?
“Now stop bothering me”

(a) Shem showed Sila’s shining shoes shamelessly on Sheba’s shore.
(i) Classify the above genre
(ii) Identify the dominant aspect of style in the above genre and illustrate your answer
with a brief explanation
(iii) State any three functions of the genre identified in (i) above

(b) Mr. Angwech of Shangilia mixed secondary school asked his class to decide on which set of
text books in their syllabus they should perform for the rest of the school. She asked Noreen to
lead the discussion. Read their discussion below and then answer the questions that follow:-
Mr. Angwech : Noreen, would you lead the discussion?
Noreen: Aha, Ok. The question is: What play should we pick for our class play? Does
anyone have suggestions? Kabonyi?
Kabonyi: I suggest we do ‘An Enemy of the People’.
Tom: How about ‘Shreds of Tenderness?’
Noreen: No. I dislike ‘Shreds of Tenderness’
Lilian: I love ‘The River Between’.
Kabonyi: No way! That will make a stupid play! Let’s do ‘An Enemy of The People.’
Noreen: Peter?
Peter: I have never watched ‘Shreds of Tenderness’ but…
Peris: It’s a superb play.
Noreen: Peris, Please let Peter finish then it will be your turn
Peris: Sorry.
Peter: Anyway, I have seen a play on ‘An enemy of the People’ but I have watched the
movie and I love it
Noreen: Peris?
Peris: I just want to say that I think ‘Shreds of Tenderness’ is a really good play.
Noreen: Apepo?
Apepo: I saw the movie ‘An enemy of the people’ too and I really like it. I loved that part
where Aslasken asks Dr. Stockmann to…
Noreen: Excuse me, Apepo, but we should talk about that after the discussion is over. Does
anyone have any other suggestions? No? Ok, Kabonyi proposed ‘ An enemy of the
People’, Tom likes ‘Shreds of Tenderness’ and Lillian wants to the ‘The River
Between’. Has anyone seen or read all three? No. Ok? I suggest that we all go to
the library and read them and then continue the discussion in a couple of days. Is
that ok with everyone? Ok. The discussion is over.

(i) Identify any three wrong things done by the class in terms of effective communication

(a) Koech was part of the audience listening to a speech delivered by the Director of Youth
Affairs on how to empower the youth. After the speech the Director asked them questions on
the key issues which featured in the speech. Koech could not remember much. What do you
think he failed to do during the speech?
(b) You have been invited to give a talk to the Pamoja Youth Group on etiquette. You decide to
focus on respecting personal space in social interaction in your talk. Describe two examples
that you would use to illustrate the different situations in which it would be important to
respect personal space.
(c) During a presentation, you were interrupted severally by some members of the audience.
Give four reasons why the audience would do so?

10. (a) Identify the silent letter(s) in the following words

(i) Married.................
(ii) Bomb ...................
(iii) Difference ............
(iv) Satchet...................
(v) Buffet .......................

(b) Read the following oral song and answer the questions that follow:-
Ndiegu akatsia kusuma
Achima umwana
Numwana akatsia kusuma
Achima ndiegu
Ndiegu vava
Ukalilanga gu?
Zunu, zunu, zunu....

Ndiegu went to beg for food
She didn’t give it to the child
The child went to beg for food
It didn’t give it to Ndiegu

Ndiegu, please
Why then are you crying?
Pinch, pinch, pinch......

(i) Give the characteristics of this oral performance

(ii) What features of oral performance are lost when this song is written down?
(iii) If you were to perform this song before your fellow students in form II, what
accompaniments would make for this audience to remember your performance
for a long time?
(iv) What aspects of this song would make it easy for the audience to join in the singing of

(c) You are required to give an impromptu speech in a crowded assembly of inattentive students.
State what you would do to ensure that they listen to you
(d) Divide the following words into their constituent syllable units e.g. Operate – op-er-ate
(i) Wonder ................
(ii) Honey ..................
(iii) Drawback...............
(iv) Town ....................
(v) Education...............

(e) (i) Two teachers (Mrs. Stima – D.O.S and Mr. Obwaya – the drama teacher) of Kiti High school
are involved in a discussion in the staffroom. They are assessing the possibility of allowing
students continue with their entertainment on Friday evenings. Complete the conversation:-
Mrs Stima: Mr. Obwaya, do you think entertainment is necessary in this school?
Mr. Obwaya:
Mrs. Stima: More time? This is unacceptable! Let the students do what brought them to school.
This is a school and not a leisure resort.
Mr. Obwaya:
Mrs Stima: In fact we are wasting time discussing this issue. Let’s ban entertainment. We are not
destroying anybody.
Mr. Obwaya:
Mrs. Stima: (calmly) Would you please, explain why you are favouring this issue.
Mr. Obwaya:
Mrs. Stima: But when they go into the dance hall they are never grown ups nor are they
responsible. They should stick to books.
Mr. Obwaya:..
Mrs Stima: I am sorry, Mr. Obwaya, I’ve to cut you short. Are you aware that the majority in
this school are of the opinion that entertainment should be curtailed?
Mr. Obwaya: (shocked)
Mrs. Stima: That is it. Nothing is going to happen and nobody is going to change this.
Mrs. Stima:…………………….
Mr. Obwaya: yes! Why not? They even need to be added more time
Mrs. Stima: ………………………..
Mr. Obwaya: I agree with you but you know, we may think we are assisting the children but find
we are destroying them.
Mrs. Stima: *
Mr. Obwaya: to me entertainment is part and parcel of learning. It is absolutely necessary
Mrs. Stima: ……………………………………
Mr. Obwaya: Students need time away from their books. Let them ventilate their steam.
Furthermore, they are responsible as they are grown-ups
Mrs. Stima: ……………………
Mr. Obwaya: But they need……
They show interruption. if no ellipse or dots, award “0” mark.
Mrs. Stima:
Mr. Obwaya: What! It can’t be! You are invited for trouble√
N/B:- The exclamation mark is necessary to show shock.
Mrs. Stima:

(ii) State two forms of polite address used by Mrs. Stima in the above conversation (1mk)

11. (a) Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.
Slowly he moves His blue shirt
To and fro, to and fro, Billow in the breeze
Then faster up and down. Like a tattered kite

The world whorls by: Mother!

east becomes west, Where did I come from?
north turns south When will I wear long trousers?
The four cardinal points in his head, Why was my father jailed?

i) Identify any two sound patterns used in this poem and illustrate them.
ii) Why do you thing the poet uses the sound patterns you have identified in (i) above?
iii) How would you say line 2 – 4 of this poem and why?
iv) Give words that sound similar to the following ones in this poem.
Blue –

b (i) Rearrange the following words in pairs of homophones.

whines, mown, lays, weather, dough, laze , moan, doe, whether, wine
(ii) Provide minimum pairs for the following words.
/t/ /d/
c) You were the best student in K.C.S.E. last year. The principle of your former school has
requested you to give a speech to the present candidates. What important aspects would
you consider in order to enhance effective speech delivery?

d. Read the following dialogue and answer the questions that follow:
Makokha : Hi old man! I hope you know why I’m here, Your girl Lavender
loves me and I have come to take her away. Where is she?
Murunga : Did I hear you right? Did you say ………………………….
Makokha : Yes, Lavender! Just say how many goats you want!
Murunga : Who are you? Whose son are you?
Makokha : Good heavens! You mean you don’t know f who Iam? You must be
the only one in this village who doesn’t know famous people like
me. I am Makokha or Deno, the guy whose voice you usually hear
on Egesa F.M. radio. You are a very lucky father- in- law!
Murunga : What is the world coming to?
Makokha : I hope you are not going completely blind. The world is going
nowhere! It is Lavender who is coming to my three- stories palace.
Ask her to come. I am running late.
Murunga : Young man …….. get out of my sight before I set dog, Tobby, on you!

d. (i) Identify and illustrate four things that you find wrong with Makokha’s manner
of speech.
(ii) “Your girl, Lavender, loves me and I have come to take her away.” Rewrite this sentence
in the manner in which Makokha should have uttered if he had a sense of courtesy.
(iii) At one point Makokha deliberately misunderstands Murunga. Identify this point and
state what it reveals about Makokha’s attitude.

12. Read the following poem and respond to the questions

I shall return again. I shall return
To laugh and love and watch with wonder eyes
At golden noon the forest fires burn,
Wafting their blue – black smoke to sapphire skies
I shall return to loiter by the streams
That bathe the brown blades of the bending grasses,
And realize once more my thousand dreams.
Of waters rushing down the mountain passes.
I shall return to hear the fiddle and fife
Of village dances, dear delicious tunes
That stir the hidden depths of native life
Stray melodies of dim- remembered tunes.
I shall return. I shall return again
To ease my mind of long, long years of pain.

(a) i) What three things does the poet wish to return to?
ii) Name the stylistic device to emphasize the poets longing.
iii) Describe two sound patterns used in the poem
iv) A poem is best read aloud. What do you think is lost if you read this poem silently?

b) Imagine you are part of the audience that is listening to a speech. You look around and notice
that some people are looking at their watches, a few are yawning and one or two are shifting in
their seats.
i) What would be the likely cause of such behaviour? Mention at least four causes
ii) If you were to be the speaker, what would you do to capture and sustain the interest to
the audience? Mention at least four

c) i) For each of the words below give another word with the same pronunciation
Wet –
Soar –
Would –
Tied –
One –
You –

ii) Underline the silent sounds in these words


d) What will be the meaning of the sentences below if the underlined words are stressed
i) The young tout and the driver, hijacked the car
ii) The young tout and the driver, hijacked the car
e) The phone rings.
Mr. Oundo: (picking the phone) Yes!
Ken : Who is speaking please?
Mr. Oundo : What do you want?
Ken : I would like to speak to …
Mr. Oundo : Speak up I cant hear what you are saying!

From the above telephone conversation identify and explain at least three cases of lack of
telephone etiquette

13. a) Read the poem below and answers questions based on it.
Listen to the rain,
The whisper of the rain,
The slow soft sprinkle,
the drip-drop tinkle,
the first wet shisper of the rain.

Listen to the rain,

the singing of the rain,
the tiptoe pitter patter,
the splish and splash and splatter,
the steady sound,
the singing of the rain.

Listen to the rain,

the roaring pouring rain,
the hurly-burly
topsy- turvey
Lashing gnashing teeth of the rain,
The lightning-flashing
Thunder crashing
Sounding pounding roaring rain,
leaving all outdoors a muddle,
A mishy mushy muddy puddle.
Listen to the quietude,
The silence and the solitude
Of after rain,
The dripping, dripping, dropping,
The slowly, slowly stopping
The fresh wet silent
after time
of rain.

i) Identify any two sound patterns employed in the poem

ii) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem
iii) How would you say the first line of the poem?

b) A bear will bear a bear

i) Classify the above genre
ii) State two functions of the genre above
iii) Give another example of the genre

. c) Underline the odd one out

i) Picked wicked packed sacked
ii) World worker wolf worship
iii) Think this thing thistle
iv) Tube tutor turn tumour

. d) i) non-verbal skills in communication are very important in the delivery of any oral item.
State any four forms of non-verbal cues
ii) Give three reasons why listening is an essential aspect of communication
iii) How would you say the following statements ;
i) Why do you always come to church late?
ii) Are you the boy who was found bullying the form ones?
iii) I don’t believe your story.

e) Imagine you are faced with the following situations and give at least two appropriate
responses to each situation
i) You accidentally knock down another student on the pavement
ii) You are in a hurry to get to school and three people are busy conversing right in
the middle of the path
iii) Your friend has lost a close relative and you decide to console her

14. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:-

The sun rises in the east

Sending forth its morning Heat
The lily in the valley below
Reflects its wondrous glow

Red yellow pink and white

The roses send out their bright light
It is such a wondrous sight
Beauty shining through the night

(i) Explain one way through which rhythm has been achieved
(ii) Write down the rhyme scheme of the poem.
(iii) Explain any two ways you would ensure your audience enjoys your performance of
this poem
(iv) Which three words would you emphasize in line three of stanza one?
(v) Underline the silent letter in the following words:.
Eulogy .
Phlegm .
(vi) Using each of the following words. Construct two sentences with each to show the two
meanings implied in the word . .
(vii) Your school principal has invited a prominent professor to offer a talk on a topic of students’
interest. Briefly explain any four features that would prove one is not listening
(viii) Give a word that sounds similar to the one given below (3mks) ½ a mark each
Analyst -
Surge -
Through -
(f) The following is part of a conversation between a student and a principal of some school in
Kakamega District. The student is the chairperson of the school’s writers’ club and is
requesting for permission for the club members to attend a writers symposium at a neighbouring
school. Complete the conversation.

Student: ………………………………….. . . …………………………………………

Principal: Good morning, your club patron Mrs. Wasike had mentioned that you would see me about
a symposium but she did not elaborate what is the symposium about and Show will you
benefit from it.
Student: ………………………………………………………………………………
Principal: That sounds like a very useful symposium How many club members will attend and how
do you intend to finance the trip? .
Student: ………………………………………………………………………………
Principal: That is a good number, and I hope you will raise enough money from the projects. If some
remains after the trip you could support the school bursary fund. You have my permission.
Student : …………………………………………………………………………………………

15. Fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate word (10mks)
Although (1) _____President and prime minister effectively (2) _____ a ceasefire
(3) ______they (4)______on the telephone (5) _________ Wednesday night and asked
their lieutenants to cease hostility 6relationship may not b e out of the woods (7) _________.
The President (8) ______Prime Minister differed when Raila (9)_______ the suspension
of (10)___William Ruto of Agriculture and Sam Ongeri of Education a week ago.
(Adapted from The Standard Newspaper)

. (a) The following is a telephone conversation between Jane and her mother. Jane is a student at
Mwalimu High School, while her mother, who has been unwell for some time, is a business
lady. Complete the dialogue by filling in the blanks with appropriate responses.

MOTHER : Hello Jane! How are you?

JANE : ……………………………………………………...(2mks)
Mother : Oh! Little girl. Don’t worry about that, I am still on drugs and I believe all will
be well very soon. I am concerned about your school work. Have you improved?
JANE : …………………………………………………………………………….………
Mother : This is great. I have always prayed for you. Don’t relax after mid-term results.
Now make sure that you are working hard to be the best in the district.
JANE : …………………………………………………………………………….………
MOTHER : You are right Jane. Caro is joining University of Nairobi and all of us in the
village are proud of her. Where are you going on the tour?
JANE : …………………………………………………………………………….………
MOTHER : I will send somebody to clear the remaining amount. Next month is only ten
days away.
JANE :…………………………………………………………………………….………
MOTHER : Daddy is doing well but he has gone on transfer to Kianyaga.

(b) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow

She dwelt among untrodden ways

Besides the springs of dove;
A maid whom there was none to praise
And very few to love

A violet by mossy stone

Half-hidden from the eye!
Fair as a star, when only one
Is shining in the sky
She lived unknown, and few could know
When Lucy ceased to be:
But she in her grave, and oh,
The difference to me!
(i) Describe the rhyme scheme of the above poem (2mks)
(ii) Which word would you stress in stanza 1 line 4, and why? (2mks)
(iii) If you were to recite the poem in a drama festival, what two performance features would you
employ in the last stanza? Give reasons (2mks)
(c) From the following list, write down five pairs of words whose pronunciations are similar
Abattoir well coup
Rattle kettle hail
Nose zoo cape
Hale tour whale
Gape meteor noise (5mks)
Cattle knows cups
(d) Rewrite the following words in two columns of the hissing sounds /s/ and /3/
depending on their pronunciations (5mks)

(e) Imagine you have been invited to speak about the role of NACADA in fighting drug abuse
among the Kenyan youth. What would you need to ensure that your speech is successful?
(f) Mention five non-verbal cues you would use to make your speech effective (5mks)

16. a) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow;
He clasps the Crag with crooked hands:
Close to the sun in lonely hands,
Rung with the azure world, he stands,

The wrinkled sea beneath crawls:

He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunder belt he falls.

Identify two sound patterns employed in the poem. (2 mks)
What has the poet achieved by use of the above? (2 mks)
Which word would you stress in the last line and why? (2 mks)
a) What gestures would you use while reciting line one of the poem? (2 mks)
b) A small woman who cooks better than your mother, Answer. Bee
i) Identify the above genre. (1 mk)
ii) Give any three functions of the genre above. (3 mks)
c) Write another word with similar pronunciation as these. (5 mks)
d) i) Explain three reasons why listening is an important aspect of communication.
ii) State any three forms of non verbal cues and briefly explain what each of them
e) Mention the words or expressions you would use in each of the following situation. (3
i) You are revising for your end term exams at home. Your neighbours are playing very loud
music. You decide to go over to their house to request them to reduce the volume of their
radio.(1 mk)
ii) A friend of yours comes to your house to invite you to accompany him or her to watch
a movie.
You are unable to accompany him/.her because you have not finished your chores in the house.
You decide to turn down the invitation. (1 mk)
iii) Your friend has sent you message that she or he has lost his or her mother. You decide
to console him or her. (1 mk)

17. (a) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:
My old man’s white old man
And my old mother’s black
If ever I cursed my old white old man
I take my curses back

If ever I cursed my black old mother

And wished she were in hell
I am sorry for that evil wish
And now I wish her well

My old man died in a fine big house

My ma died in a shack
I wonder where I’m gonna die
Being neither white nor black (By Langstone Hughes)

a) (i) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem (2mks)

(ii) Apart from rhyme, identify another sound pattern used in the poem and state its effect
(iii) State the words you would stress in the third last line and explain why (2mks)
(iv) How would you say the last line? (1mk)
b) In which word is the vowel sound different in the following set of words? (5mks)
(i) son, sun, can, hut
(ii) came, come, late, name
(iii) so, sew, sow, sod
(iv) hot, robe, cock, cost
(v) hurt, herd, hard, firm
c) Indicate the intonation pattern in the following sentences (5mks)
(i) Are you serious?
(ii) You must behave yourself
(iii) I am going shopping
(iv) He can’t do that, really!
d) In a conversation, how does one know it is his/her turn to speak? (5mks)
(e) You are attending a seminar with your friend. Halfway through the presentation by
one of the speakers, she (your friend) tells you that she can hardly concentrate.
Explain any seven strategies you would advice her to employ so as to listen effectively
and benefit from the talk. (7mks)

18. (i) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:
I sit outside my house and listen
From the construction site comes
Pound, push, pull and plunk.

I get back into the house and listen

Form her kitchen comes
Wash, swirl and gush

To bed I go at last for peace

Mutter, wheeze and slurp

He snores in peace
While I awake I remain
The noise too intense to ignore

Oh! The noise they make

In the house, out the house
Out the bed, in the bed
Why can’t they keep silence?

(a) What is the poem talking about? (1mk)

(b) Identify any two sound patterns used in the poem (4mks)
(c) Which words would you stress in the last line of stanza three? Why ? (2mks)
(d) (i) How would you say the line of the poem? (1mk)
(ii) Identify four pairs of words with the same pronunciation from the list below (4mks)
Hale Pose missed draught mist
Way bawl air ball tile
Why tall pause draft hit
Drought ore wail till heat
(iii) You are a radio presenter and you are scheduled to interview a prominent politician abut
the current proposed constitution.
(a) What preparations would you carry out before the interview? (6mks)
(b) What strategies would you employ during the interview session? (6mks)
(iv) Explain any six important details you will use when giving direction to make it accurate.

The KCSE English paper 101/2 has three main parts of:
a) Comprehension – i) Unseen text – 20 mks
ii) The seen text normally an excerpt from one of the compulsory set texts-
25 mks
b) Literary appreciation of either a poem or an oral narrative – 20 mks
c) Grammar – 15 mks
TOTAL – 80 mks


This area consists of either a poem or a narrative. The candidate is expected to carry out a com-
prehensive literary appreciation

1. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow
So far, everything seems normal. But in the illustrations accompanying this description the
ballerinas have been air-brushed out. Instead, an empty space, the floor and the blank wall meets
the eye. Like so many other images of women in Iran the ballerinas have been censored
Dega’s painting is emblematic of a basic paradox of life in Iran, 20 years after the Islamic
revolution. On the one hand, the regime has succeeded in completely repressing Iranian women.
At any Government Institutions, Universities and Airports there are separate entrances for
women, where they are often checked for signs of violating the strict dress code. They are
forbidden to go out unless they are covered by clothing that conceals everything but their hands
and faces. At one of the universities where I used to teach, I’m told a female professor was
expelled because her wrist had shown from under her sleeve while she was writing on the
Yet these measures, meant to render women invincible and powerless, are paradoxically
making women visible and powerful. By attempting to control every aspect of women’s lives and
by staking its legitimacy on the Iranian people’s supposed desire for this control____the regime
has unwittingly handed women a powerful weapon; every private act or gesture in defiance of
official rule is now a strong political statement.
Meanwhile, because its extreme regulation of women’s lives unnecessarily intrudes on the
private lives of men, the regime has also alienated many men who initially supported the revolu-
Women on the eve of the Islamic revolution were active in all areas of life in Iran. They
were encouraged to participate in areas normally closed to them. Women were police officer,
judges and pilots-active in every field except the clergy. By 1978, 22 women were members of
parliament and two sat in the senate.
The Ayatollah Khomeini accused them of betraying culture and tradition. Dr. Farrokhrou
Parsa was one of these alleged traitors. She gave up her medical practice to become principal of
the girls school I attended in Tehran. Then she became Iranians first female cabinet minister, in
charge of education. When the Shah was ousted, Parsa was summarily tried and executed. She
was charged with “corruption on earth, warring against God” and “Expansion of prostitution”,

allowed no defense nowhere and sentenced by hooded judges; she was put in a sack before being
Ayatollah Khomeini tried to expel women from the public sphere was not surprising.
What was surprising was the leftist members of the revolutionary coalition who went away.
The leftist had traditionally appeared to support women’s rights. However, their totalitarian
mindset was ultimately more at ease with the rigid rule exposed by the reactionary derics with
the pluralistic approach favoured by the women’s movement. Thus, when the Ayatollah began
his crackdown, he had the full support of the leftists.
Many Iranian women, on the other hand were not so pliant. On a cold day in March 1979,
thousands of shouting women massed Tuto one of the Tehran’s wide avenues. They had gathered
to express their resistance to the Ayatollah’s attempt to make them invincible.
Some days earlier, the Ayatollah had annulled the family protection.

1. What reason did the Ayatollah give for wanting to make women invincible?
2. Do you think the writer of this passage is male or female? Support your answer
3. Give: i) Cite one of the repressive laws against women.
ii) Why was the professor expelled?
4. List the three accusations leveled against Dr. Farrokhrou Parsa in the passage.
5. Describe the theme in this passage.
6. Before the Islamic revolution in which areas were women encouraged to participate?
7. Explain the paradox the author refers in the third paragraph which begins, “Yet these measures”
8. Describe the writer’s opinion on the treatment of women in the passage
9. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases in the passage
i) censored -
ii) emblematic -
iii) alleged -
iv) leftist-
v) espoused-
10. What title can be given to this passage?

2. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow:-

he research by the Maendeleo ya Wanaume Organization that reports a case of reversed

roles where men are made to cook, wash clothes, clean the house, utensils and baby sit
should reveal more anddelve into the causalities rather than issue inflammatory findings
with alarming statistics that will only serve to scare courtship.
It should be noted with clarity that societal transition are normally treated with a lot of
caution, sobriety and reasonableness to avoid endangering the very fabrics that hold the society
together. This is because it’s a process that takes time to sink, be appreciated and acceptably
embraced. Equally, the connotation reversed roles imply replacement of male domination by
female domination instead of hybrid system where roles are shared equally and help handed out
where necessary to supplement each other’s effort.
Gender refers to women’s and men’s socially defined roles and characteristics that are
shaped by historical, economic, religious, cultural and ethical factors.
Gender is learned through socialization, it is not fixed, it is changeable. Gender stereotypes
therefore include comments like, women are weak and cowards, gentle, nurturing and caring
while men are bread winners, decision makers and generally aggressive.
The African society and Kenya in particular is patriarchal. A social system based on male
privilege and power in which women are regarded secondary and created for the service of men.
Patriarchy is mostly for men and that’s why men feel threatened when patriarchy is
challenged. However, research has shown that not all men are winners under patriarchy.
This is because patriarchy puts a lot of pressure on men to perform and become worka-
holic in a struggle to maintain the family, for example, research has shown most millionaires in the US
are women, widows of men who died young from diseases related to over work.
Since gender is societal creation and not biology, it can be changed, albeit gradually.
The stubborn men who live in the past should be prepared for feminism approach that
perceives and interprets social situation from a woman’s point of view.
According to this approach, female oppression should be addressed adequately.
Here, the area of focus includes: Education and legal rights for women. Economic rights,
that advocate’s equal access to properties, jobs and career. The puzzle however, is where the
approach leaves men, especially if the process is forceful.
Gender equity is an idea whose time has come as statistics indicate girls perform better
than boys in schools and ladies are more preferable by employers than men due to hard work,
honesty, loyalty and cost effectiveness.
Women must also rise to the occasion, take responsibility with caution and cease to be
victims of inferiority complex.
Change must not translate to arrogance and revengeful attitudes that will paint women as
heartless. Life is meaningless without effective family institution. Let’s ensure our society does
not fall apart.
(Adapted from Sunday, May 31, 2009)

(a) In what way is gender a socialization process?

(b) According to the passage, what is gender stereo typing? (2mks)
(c)Explain the contrast between the hybrid system and the case of reversed roles (2mks)
(d) What evidence is given to show that not all men are winners under patriarchy?
(e) What is the writer’s tone in the passage?
(f)Re-write the following beginning; (Not fixed ..................
Gender is learned through socialization, it is not fixed, it is changeable.
(g) In a summary of about 60words, describe the writer’s attitude towards women
Rough copy
Fair copy
(h) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage.
(i) Inflammatory................
(ii) Sobriety..............................
(iii) Feminism approach.............

3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:-
The river ,the forest and the sky all drew Densu to the top of the hill with a power he
had no need to fight against. He asked Nyaneba if there was no more work he could do on the
farm up there. But at that time there was nothing really, and Nyaneba almost scolded him when he
asked once more what was there to do.
“Densu,” she said at the end of her patience, “the animal that does not rest gets so angry
and unhappy that it spreads destruction wherever it goes. A human being works fully when there
is work to do. A human being rests fully when the season for rest comes.”
Densu did not importune Nyaneba about work any more. Almost everyday he climbed up
the hill and sat on the warm rock looking at the river and the forest canopy. From where he sat,
the river now looked thin and completely still. Seeing it at a distance, he had to think before it
became in his mind a moving thing, not a dead, flat sheet shining passively in the sun.
So he knew the river’s motion in his mind, though his eyes perceived stillness. Once the
motion was clear in his mind, it did not stop. It flowed inathought stream that could take him from
the present all the way back to moments so far in the past his remembrance surprised him.
Some of the memories he would never understand. He had known a great happiness at a
time about which he remembered nothing but the feeling itself. This remembrance took his feeling
back to a time when he was helpless but feared nothing because there was a presence around him
that made fear a stranger. He had told people about this feeling and always left them puzzled
They said he could have had such a time, because his father died before he was born, and his
mother also died in child birth. Yet the feeling was part of his memory, and it was so strong he
knew it was true, in spite of what others saw and said. And often as he grew up, he found himself
searching, sometimes in anguish, sometimes with sheer desire for a return of that time and of the
Yet life at times became an argument saying that presence, that wholeness he remembered
so mysteriously and sought so naturally, would never be possible in the world outside the wishing
mind. He had known people at Esuano, and begun to sees life clearly, but most of the people
and most of the life he saw led his mind far astray from the peace he sought.
This too he remembered: in his twelfth year something strange had happened. A white
man had arrived at Esuano. He was not an official from the castle at cape coast, so people were
astonished to see him there at all. They were more astonished when he told them he was a trader
on the coast, but had grown tired of trading. He said he wanted to rest.
People shunned him. They were afraid of him and they had reason enough. He lived as if
he and water had quarreled bitterly. He did not like food. his sustenance was drink and when he
was really hungry he would look for fruit, like a child at play, and that would be his meal.
Densu went to him and sat watching him. He still went to him long after the other children
had fled in fear. One day the stranger white man stopped singing his drunken songs, pointed to his
heart and shouted something.
“Collins!” He repeated the name, stabbing his breast repeatedly with an extended finger.
When he stopped, Densu pointed to himself and said “Densu.” The white man roared
happily. He seemed immensely pleased with himself that Densu had understood him, as if he had
actually taught him to speak. He began a game of names, teaching Densu English words and
learning Akan words from him.
In less than a month the game of words changed. It became even. Densu went to Collins
whenever he had time. The idea of learning the strange language of the white excited him, and he
worked hard to make free time for his new passion. Collins taught him willingly. He seemed to
live for the hours when the eager boy came to talk to him.
But Collins stopped asking Densu the Akan names of things. With an eagerness answering
the boy, he taught him as fast as he could absorb new knowledge, and his yellow-red face ex-
ploded with joy when Densu began at last to speak to him in his own language. The solitary
white man then gave up all pretence of wishing to learn Akan. He was happy enough to have a
person to talk to and teaching Densu to read and write gave him something to do when he was not
Densu asked him why he had left cape coast to come to Esuano. The white man’s answer
was quite incomprehensible to him. All he understood was that the mention of cape coast made
the white man violently angry. Once, later, Densu asked him why he did not go home. The
drunken man wept tears at the questions. From then on Densu did not ask him any such questions
In his first months at Esuano the white man Collins sold a few things to the few who had
any money. But after his third month at Esuano he sold nothing. Knowing adults predicted he
would die in a matter of weeks. They were disappointed and embarrassed when in spite of the
way he drank and starved himself, he remained noisily alive.

a) Why did Densu spend most of his time seated on the rock up the hill?
b) What effect did the river have on Densu?
c) Who was the stranger and how old was Densu when he arrived?
d) What does “He lived as if he and water had quarreled bitterly,” mean?
e) People dislike the stranger (Rewrite beginning with, “The stranger………
f) From what tribe does Densu come from?
g) Write notes on why Collins was eager to teach Densu his language and why he stopped
learning Densu’s language
h) Identify and explain one character traits of Densu
i) Give the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage:-
i) Importune -
ii) Canopy -
iii) Stabbing his breast……
iv) Shunned………………………
v) Incomprehensible……………………

4. Read the following passage then answer all the questions that follow:
It is said that behind every successful man there’s a woman, so how can we help our sons
succeed? By bringing them up in such a way that they understand their role as leaders, providers
and protectors.
And how can we do this successfully? By noting their masculine qualities and praising
them for these .Take note when they excel in masculine roles and encourage them. Admiration is
the food of a man’s soul. Never belittle your son’s masculinity; it hurts very deeply and might
result in deep resentment.
Are you faced with a rebellious son? Mind your language when you talk to them; you
might be scolding him for doing or not doing something while inadvertently belittling his mas-
culinity. Try the opposite for change; praise him and see how this transforms him. The untidy room
will be a thing of the past, as will many other pains you have been wishing away. Relate the duties
you assign him to his masculine qualities and he will be very glad to help. When he is facing failure
or a crisis, reassure him that you believe in him and his ability to pull through, no matter how difficult
the situation might appear. Do not mock his ability to overcome a difficulty. Use statements such as
“this might be the door to opportunity, a stepping stone to greater success.” who wouldn’t excel when
someone who matters to them like a mum believes in them? A word of caution, though: we must
be careful not to push our sons to become what they are not interested in being.
Allow them the freedom to make choices and let them learn from mistakes. There’s a
greater temptation to be bossy towards our sons, but we need to refrain from giving detailed
instructions on the what, when, how and where every action they take. Let him know when you
disagree with his decision, but tell him he can still count on you
For the women who have taken over leadership in the home, you need to let go and build
your husband by encouraging him to take up that role. This will allow you time to be a mother
you need to be, one who can nurture her sons and be a homemaker. Our sons need to learn from
their fathers what it means to be a responsible man.
And to those women who are sacrificing their children’s well-being for careers I suggest,
learn from miss Taylor Caldwell, an Anglo- American writer with several awards to her credit o
once remarked: “I’d rather cook a meal for a man and bring his slippers and feel myself in the
protection of his arms than have all the citations and awards I have received worldwide”
(Adapted from Daily Nation)

a) What is the role of mothers in the success of their sons?

b) i) How can parents help their sons overcome the challenges they meet while growing up?
ii) What precautions should sons take in to account so as to achieve their ambitions?
c) Give three disadvantages of women taking leadership at home.
d) Give a reason why Miss Taylor is mentioned in the last paragraph.
e) In not more than 65 words, summarize the ways parents can deal with rebellious sons:-
f) Explain the meaning of the following phrase and words as used in the passage
i) “Admiration is the food of a man’s soul”…… …
ii) Masculine……………………………
iii) Bossy………………

5. Read the following passage then answer questions that follow.

Soil erosion is a continual process in nature. Over the centuries weather and rocks interact
to replace work out soil. Much as man renews his outer layer of skin. But the accelerated soil
erosion created by man often destroys faster than nature can renew. It usually results from rapid
and thoughtless exploitation, an attempt to obtain the maximum product as quickly as possible.
This attitude has led to excessive cultivation, deforestation, overgrazing, failure to consider the
nature of the soil and its environment and reluctance to devote labour and finance to maintaining
its qualities. The results are seen in the barren lands of North Africa, the Middle East, and south
china. And soil erosion has been a factor in the downfall of past civilizations. Perhaps the most
frequently quoted example of soil erosion is that of the American dust bowl. Its natural equilib-
rium was upset by over cultivation and the land was reduced to near desert conditions. Wind erosion
accelerated the process assisted by a succession of the dry years. There are many areas of the USA
which have felt the impact of wind erosion. Others have been subject to water erosion on land which,
through misuse has lost its fertility.
A number of measures which help to conserve soil have been in use for centuries in many
parts of the world. Their primary aim is to make the best use of rain. They include terracing,
contour farming and strip ploughing which control the quantity and pace of water run-off. Over
the years, many of the best soils have been developed under grass. The soil itself must have a
good biological content of minute organisms to circulate the nutrients and to maintain a health
structure. With some crops, soil conservation is facilitated by allowing weeds to grow or by
cultivating leguminous crops. These help to protect the soil from wind and water erosion and can
be ploughed back as manure.
To restore vegetational cover to barren lands is a slow process, but the scientific and
technical problems are far outweighed by those arising from man’s use of domestic animals,
notably goats and sheep. These animals have caused soil erosion in many areas and it is urgently
necessary to have more control over them. Goats and sheep have grazed large areas of
Mediterranean countries into subsistence farming or deserts; they prevent tree growth and have
reduced the average tree line by 1000 feet in four centuries. Unfortunately they and cattle are still
being introduced into areas being cleared of forests in Africa. For example, the cattle of Maasai in
Tanzania give rise to much erosion in their now restricted territories. In many instances, a far
greater yield of protein could be obtained by ‘farming’ the wild animals in these territories. These
animals and plants on which their life is based have achieved a harmony or balance in their
relationship which, history, shows is rarely achieved between the goat, as farmed by humans, and
its terrain.
Adapted from Man and Environment by Robert Arvil

1. Explain how soil erosion replace work out soil

2. Soil erosion is said to be a naturally occurring process in nature. What role does man
play in making soil erosion a harmful process?
3. Perhaps the most frequently quoted examples of soil erosion is that of the American
dust bowl. Begin: The American dust bowl…………………)
4. How does the writer show that soil erosion is a global problem?
5. Which is the greatest consequence of soil erosion recorded in history according to this
6. “It usually results from rapid and thoughtless exploitation, an attempt to obtain the
maximum product as quickly as possible. State the word class of the underlined words
as used in the passage
Example: Exploitation: noun
7. Why do you think the word: ‘Farming’: in the last paragraph has been put in quotation
8. What measures have been used in many parts of the world t o conserve soil?
(Answer in note form)
9. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage.
i) Renew…………………………………
ii) Barren……………………………………………
iii) Pace……………………………………
6. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow:-
A situation whereby a large number of mentally and physically capable people of working
age are willing to work but cannot find work is usually known as unemployment. In Africa, the
unemployment rate is estimated to be 27-29%. This way beyond the usual acceptable rate of 4%.
This is a grievous situation which has contributed to the soaring levels of poverty witnessed all
around us.
But what are the causes of unemployment? Can anything be done to ease the situation?
First. Political upheavals have played a key role in promoting the sky rocketing levels of unem-
ployment. Civil wars and ethnic clashes have led to bloodshed and massive loss of life. As is ex-
pected, foreign investors have fled for their safety. They have shut down their companies and relo-
cated their businesses to places that are more conducive to the thriving of their enterprises. The re-
sults are usually jobless and consequently poverty.
Ordinary citizens rarely ferment political trouble. Their “leaders” do it in an effort to
upstage one another and make political and economic gains. Through their vote, citizens have the
means of ensuring that such people do not accede to power.
Contrary to expectation, international trade has not helped the situation for a long time.
The developed countries, instead, have taken advantage of this trade to exploit Africans making
them even poorer. Liberation of trade has meant that goods from all manner of places are allowed
into the country. Most of these are cheaper than locally produced ones because the costs of
production are lowered by efficiency factors and government subsidies. As a result local infant
industries are unable to compete and end up collapsing. Once again many are left unemployed.
In addressing this problem, the buck stops with African governments. It is upon them to
create an enabling environment for local industries by way of improving infrastructure and
security and also giving tax waivers. Sound policies that enhance efficiency in the sector should
be instituted.
In addition, the unemployment problem is worsened by a shortage of entrepreneurs. Many
people lack the necessary skills, spirit of boldness and risk taking attitudes required in starting
business ventures. Though they have the capital, they do not invest it locally. Thus they deny
many people a chance for employment. Some prefer to stash their money in foreign accounts.
A sense of patriotism is called for here. Nothing gives greater joy and satisfaction than
knowing that one has contributed to the betterment of the lives of others, as they say east or west,
home is the best, and so investing locally will have multiple benefits. African governments and
NGO’s must also do more in equipping those interested with entrepreneurial skills.
Moreover the African system of education has failed to change the white collar job
mentality. Many are those who believe that these are more prestigious and better paying than blue
collar jobs. This has meant that opportunities in the informal sectors go unexploited while there is
excess unabsorbed labour in the white collar sector.
To solve this problem, People need to be socialized differently. The 8.4.4 system of
education in Kenya is a step in this direction. One of its objectives is to equip its recipients with
progressive attitude and skills necessary for self-reliance.
As we have seen, unemployment is a big problem in Africa; it is directly connected to the
high poverty levels crippling many people. However, with concerted efforts, the situation can be

a) What is the subject matter of this passage?

b) According to the first paragraph, who are the unemployed?
c) How would citizens ensure their peace?
d) Rewrite the following sentences by putting the first three words in parenthesis:-.
“Through their votes, citizens have the means of ensuring that such people do not
accede to power”
e) According to the passage, why is the expression “their leaders” enclosed in
quotation marks?

f) Explain what is meant by “the buck stops with African government.”
g) Make notes on the effects of international trade
i) Ease…………
ii) Accede…………
iii) Patriotism………

7. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
All the interested parties in the education sector are impressed by the Kenya National
Examination Council’s measures to ensure this year’s national examinations are free of cheating.
It is for this reason that the 276,224 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Exami-
nation (K.C.S.E) candidates have 4,834 examination centres manned by 4,886 supervisors who are
assisted by 13,796 invigilators. All these are qualified teachers who have been recruited mainly for their
The centres are manned by 4,886 armed police officers who are ready for action should
there be trouble. And as if this is not enough, there are 686 senior officers manning areas at
stations where examination papers are kept.
Before they get into the examination rooms, the candidates and thoroughly searched. Bags
containing question papers are opened by the supervisor in the presence of all candidates and
thoroughly searched.
Any remaining question papers are sealed and kept in full view of the candidates during
the particular paper’s entire duration.
At the time of sitting for the paper, candidates are under hawk-eyed invigilators. And at
the end of the paper answer booklets are sealed as all candidates, invigilators and the head teacher
witness. All these measures are commendable.
The KNEC deserves a pat on the back also due to the fast reaction Kenyans received from
it whenever the media report leakages, which, in any case, turn out to be hoaxes. In fact, all
doubting Thomases are beginning to have faith in the KNEC.
However, all these money-guzzling measures would be unnecessary if Kenyan students
had been brought up in a morally upright environment.
Examination cheating shows how morally deprived our society has become. It is a sign
that parents and teachers have failed in their duty of moulding the youngsters.
Kenyans must stop and think why the current generation believes in short cut to its desire
and does not wish to sweat for it. As Kenyans, we should find out if our education system is
catering for the students’ moral and ethical needs. Whenever things go wrong in education,
interested parties are quick to point accusing fingers.
Teachers blame parents and the society and parents blame teachers. This dangerous buck-
passing game should be stopped to save the youth who are foundation of the country’s future.
The responsibility of instilling moral and ethics rests squarely on education institutions.
School play a crucial role as far as the transmission of value is concerned as once children start
going to school; they spend more time with teachers than with any other person.
This is why what teachers say is gospel to them, and not even parents can make them think
A teacher can make a great contribution to the fostering of sound and religious values in
children by taking interest in their behaviour.
(Adapted from the Saturday Nation, November 3, 2007)

a) Make notes on the precautions put in place to ensure that the national examinations are
free of cheating.
b) Give two reasons the writer attributes to the examination cheating.
c) Why does the writer think that instilling morals and ethics solely rests on education
d) The KNEC deserves a pat for taking (strong) measures to curb examination anomalies.
Use the word in brackets appropriately.
e) Explain the contextual meanings of the following words.
(i) Manned … controlled
(ii) Hoaxes ……
(iii) Guzzling …
(iv) Buck-passing -

8. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow:-
You could win a car, a motorcycle, or a generous cash reward. But you have to score
an ‘A’ in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education first.
As the cut throat competition for the best performance among schools intensifies, inge-
nious school administrators are coming up with all kinds of rewards to motivate their students to turn
into top performers in the national examinations.
The top reward, a car, was promised to the top student at Nairobi school, while Alliance
and Mang’u high schools promised to reward each ‘A’ grade student with shs.10,000.
But Kianjuri High school has a different reward altogether.
At the beginning of 2006, 14-year-old Francis Itote walked through the wrought iron gate
of Kanjuri High school. Four years later, he rode out of the school on a brand new motorcycle.
Itote’s new ride was a gift from the school’s board of governors because he had given the school
its first ‘A’ in the last five years.
The board had challenged last year’s candidates with an enticing offer; anyone who got an
‘A’ in KCSE would receive a motorcycle, with a one year comprehensive insurance cover and
shs.5,000 cash prize. The motorcycle is valued at shs.70,000.
In a region where motorcycle taxis are valued by enterprising youth, the prize elicited
immediate and intense competition among students.
As the motorcycle was officially handed over to 19-year-old Itote at a colourful ceremony
on the school’s football field; students could not wait to dash back to class to study in a bid to
claim the motorcycle next year.
“If I get one, I will go straight into the boda boda business,’ said Max Muturi, a form four
All over Kenya, school boards as well as old boys and girls associations are willing to
spend millions on incentives for students.
But education officials, including school principals, warn that these material rewards may
not be the best way to prepare top students to face the challenges of everyday life after school.
“Motivating students by giving them money may not be sustainable in the long run,’ says
Patrick Nyagosia, a provincial director of education.
The official warns that once top students step into a world where money is scarce; their
level of motivation might come crashing down.
Dr. Stephen Wahome, a clinical psychologist with psychological Health services, Nairobi,
concurs. If not well handled, some of the incentives given by schools can easily end up doing
more harm than good.
“Unless the reward had some relevance to the young learners’ mental and emotional
status, it can easily disorientate them,’ warns the psychologist.
(Adapted from ‘Saturday Nation’ March

(a) Why do school administrators come up with all kinds of rewards?

(b) In note form, list the types of rewards offered by the various schools
(c) What is the main requirement to deserve the above rewards?
(d) According to the passage, what enabled Francis Itote to ride out of school on a band new
(e) If I get one, I will go straight into the boda boda business.
Rewrite using ‘unless’ .............................................................................
(f) What is ironic about the mode of rewards given to top performers by school administrators?
(g) School boards as well as old boys and girls associations are willing to spend millions on
incentives for students. Rewrite using ...not only....
(h) Briefly describe the author’s attitude towards material rewards to students
(i) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the passage:
enterprising youth........ young, industrious people(1)
challenges of everyday life.......... ups and downs faced in life(1).
disorientate.................... make unstable.(1)..

9. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow:-
Unquestionably a literary life is for the most part an unhappy life; because if you have
genius, you must suffer the penalty of genius; and, if you have only talent, there are so many cares
and worries incidental to the circumstances of men of letters as to make life exceedingly miser-
able. Besides the pangs of composition, and the continuous disappointment which a true artist feels at
his inability to reveal himself, there is the ever-recurring difficulty of gaining the public ear. Your writ-
ers are buoyed up by the hope and the belief that they have only to throw that poem at the world’s
feet to get back in return the laurel _crown: that they have only to push that novel into print to be
acknowledged at once as a new light in literature. You can never convince a young author that the
editors of magazines and the publishers of books are a practical body of men, who are by no means
frantically anxious about placing the best literature before the public. Nay, that for the most part
they are mere brokers, who conduct their business on the hardest lines of a profit and loss account.
But supposing your book fairly launches, its perils are only beginning. You have to run the gauntlet of
the critics. To a young author, again, this seems to be as terrible an ordeal as passing down the files
of Sioux or Comanche Indians each one of whom is thirsting for your scalp. When you are a little older,
you will find that criticism is not much more serous than the bye-play of clowns in a circus. When
they beat around the ring the victim with bladders slung at the end of long poles. A time comes in the
life of every author when he regards critics as comical rather than formidable, and goes his way unheed-
ing. But there are sensitive souls that yield under the chastisement and, perhaps, are the saddest exam-
ple of a find spirit hounded to death by savage criticism; because whatever his biographers may aver,
that furious attack of Gifford and Terry undoubtedly expedited his death. But no doubt there are hun-
dreds who suffer keenly hostile and unscrupulous criticism, and who have to bear that suffering in
silence, because it is a cardinal principle in literature that the most unwise thing in the world for
an author is to take public notice of criticism in the way of defending himself. Silence is the only
safeguard, as it is the only dignified protest against insult and offence.
P.A. Sheehan

(a) Why is the literary life mostly an unhappy one?

(b) What are the ambitions of a young author?
(c) Are editors and publishers sympathetic to young authors?
(d) What is ironical about the way editors and publishers operate?
(e) What are some of the ordeals awaiting the young authors from the critics?
(f) Why is Keats mentioned?
(g) How, according to the author, should a writer respond to criticism?
(i) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the passage
men of letters.. -
a new light in literature..
(h) Why does the writer of this extract call editors and publishers “mere brokers”?

10. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:-

Ethnocentrism is a way of putting ourselves at the centre of everything and judging all
others by our standards. It is a universal weakness and one that is at the root of most tribal and
racial misunderstandings. While we consider ourselves superior and exalt our customs, we look
down with scorn on those who behave differently from ourselves. They are lazy, unintelligent,

immoral, un-enterprising, and materialistic. The more different these people are from us, the
stronger our condemnation.
But this outlook raises a key question – what are the criteria for making these judgments?
In each society, customs evolve to meet specific needs. It is when outsiders judge these customs
against their own, particularly when they are very different, that they find them absurd, illogical
or even downright savage.
Here in Kenya as many parts of Africa, old people are held in very high esteem. Custom
demands respect for the old, and in some cases, superstition enforces it by threatening that if the
old are treated badly, their ghosts will take revenge on those who were unkind to them. The old
people therefore enjoy a great deal of respect; they are consulted in decision- making and they
continue to head their house holds even when their sons are grown up. We find it inconceivable
that the people could treat their old in any other way.
When we learn that some nomadic tribes in Australia and Brazil used to kill their old, we
immediately label them as barbaric and uncivilized. And yet, for those people, it was a perfectly
practical thing to do. They had to walk long distances in search of pasture, often with enemies in
pursuit. The old were a burden and if captured would be tortured to death; it was kinder to kill
A further example of apparently strange behaviour is the treatment of old people in some
modern European families. They put their old in homes for the aged, a practice which we may
find cruel and selfish. Within the framework of these societies, however, this is quite acceptable.
Many European houses are small, and domestic help is not readily available to care for the old. In
an old people’s home, they will have more company and attention. None of those ways is superior
to the others. They are all ways of coping with the problem of the old and as long as they do not
create discord in the society, they are justifiable.
Variations abound in all forms of behaviour. What, for example is the standard form of
greeting? For some of us, the American nod of the head and ‘Hi’ may appear too casual and
impersonal. To the Americans, our elaborate handshaking and exchange of courtesies may appear
too ritualistic and a waste of precious time. The Baganda women kneel in greeting. Those
sensitive about equality of the sexes may find this behaviour objectionable. The French hug and
kiss when they meet friends – some Africans may find this embarrassing.
The increased speed of travel has in a sense created a world community. There is even
some validity in talking about the international man- one who can travel to any corner of the globe
equipped with international language, dress and manners. But shall become sufficiently interna-
tionalized so that we are no longer ethnocentric or shall we always remain intolerant?

1. a) What is at the root of tribal and racial misunderstanding?
b) Why should we not condemn other people’s customs? (3mks)
c) Explain the irony in the way some nomadic tribes in Australia and Brazil used to treat
their old (3mks)
d) Why does the author contrast how Kenyan’s treat the old and how the old are traditionally
treated in Brazil and Australia (2 mks)
e) What is the writer’s attitude towards the old people among the nomadic tribes in Australia
and Brazil
f) Here in Kenya, as in many parts of Africa, old people are held in very high esteem.
(Rewrite beginning: Old people…..) (2 mks)
g) State the theme of this passage (2 mks)
h) Explain the meaning of each of the following words: (5 mks)
i) Root
ii) Exalt…………
iii) Inconceivable
iv) Apparently
v) Discord
11. Read the following comprehension passage and answer the questions that follow
Ethnocentrism is a way of putting ourselves at the centre of everything and judging all
others by our standards. It is a universal weakness and one that is at the root of most tribal and
racial misunderstandings. While we consider ourselves superior and exalt our customs, we look
down with scorn on those who behave differently from ourselves. They are lazy, unintelligent,
immoral, un-enterprising, and materialistic. The more different these people are from us, the
stronger our condemnation.
But this outlook raises a key question – what are the criteria for making these judgments?
In each society, customs evolve to meet specific needs. It is when outsiders judge these customs
against their own, particularly when they are very different, that they find them absurd, illogical
or even downright savage.
Here in Kenya as many parts of Africa, old people are held in very high esteem. Custom
demands respect for the old, and in some cases, superstition enforces it by threatening that if the
old are treated badly, their ghosts will take revenge on those who were unkind to them. The old
people therefore enjoy a great deal of respect; they are consulted in decision- making and they
continue to head their house holds even when their sons are grown up. We find it inconceivable
that the people could treat their old in any other way.
When we learn that some nomadic tribes in Australia and Brazil used to kill their old, we
immediately label them as barbaric and uncivilized. And yet, for those people, it was a perfectly
practical thing to do. They had to walk long distances in search of pasture, often with enemies in
pursuit. The old were a burden and if captured would be tortured to death; it was kinder to kill
A further example of apparently strange behaviour is the treatment of old people in some
modern European families. They put their old in homes for the aged, a practice which we may
find cruel and selfish. Within the framework of these societies, however, this is quite acceptable.
Many European houses are small, and domestic help is not readily available to care for the old. In
an old people’s home, they will have more company and attention. None of those ways is superior
to the others. They are all ways of coping with the problem of the old and as long as they do not
create discord in the society, they are justifiable.
Variations abound in all forms of behaviour. What, for example is the standard form of
greeting? For some of us, the American nod of the head and ‘Hi’ may appear too casual and
impersonal. To the Americans, our elaborate handshaking and exchange of courtesies may appear
too ritualistic and a waste of precious time. The Baganda women kneel in greeting. Those
sensitive about equality of the sexes may find this behaviour objectionable. The French hug and
kiss when they meet friends – some Africans may find this embarrassing.
The increased speed of travel has in a sense created a world community. There is even
some validity in talking about the international man- one who can travel to any corner of the globe
equipped with international language, dress and manners. But shall become sufficiently I interna-
tionalized so that we are no longer ethnocentric or shall we always remain intolerant?

a) According to the author, what is at the root of tribal and racial misunderstanding?
b) Why according to the passage, should we not condemn other people’s customs?
c) Explain the irony in the way some nomadic tribes in Australia and Brazil used to treat
their old
d) What does the writers achieve by contrasting the way Kenyans treat old people with the
way the old were treated in Australia and Brazil
e) What is the writers attitude towards the treatment of old people among the nomadic
tribes of Australia and Brazil
f) In not more than 40 words, summarize the argument in the passage
Rough copy
Final copy
g) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage
i) Root -
ii) Exalt–
iv) Putting ourselves at the centre of everything
v) Look down with scorn on

12. Read the following passage and answer the following that follow:

If you belong to a club, a college, a large company or some other institution, you will find
that it has a set of rules. Theses govern the organizational structure of an institution, its
composition, its powers and the rules which regulate its management. All persons who belong
to the institution will have to abide by its rules. It is the same with the nations of the worlds. Each
of them is governed by a set of rules, which is described in law as a constitution.
A constitution has been defined as ‘a document having a special legal sanctity which
sets out the frame and framework and the principal functions of the organs of government of a
state and declares the principles governing the operation of these organs
Most modern constitutions are, in fact, contained in a formal document known as ‘the
constitution.’ This constitution is described as a written constitution, because it is contained in a
written law in the form of an Act of Parliament
A written constitution is generally contrasted with an unwritten constitution. An unwritten
constitution is not found in any formal document as such, but is contained in a number of
sources. One example of an unwritten constitution is the British constitution. Its sources are found
in statute law, case law, conventions of the constitution and even in certain textbooks.
A further contrast between constitutions is that some are rigid while others are flexible. A
rigid constitution is one which can only be changed as the result of a long and cumbersome
procedure. Such constitutions can only be by definition, written constitutions. For example, an
amendment to the American constitution can only be effected by the approval of the
president , a two-thirds majority in the House of Representatives and the senate, and the
approval of the three-quarters of the Legislature of the Federal States. It is possible to delay or
block such amendments in either the House of the Representatives or the senate. It does not
follow though, that all written constitutions are rigid. It depends on the manner in which an
amendment can be made. A flexible constitution is a constitution which can be amended with
ease. All unwritten constitutions will generally be flexible.
The Kenya constitution can be altered by a Bill supported on the second and third
readings by votes of not less than sixty five percent of all the members of the National
Assembly. Such a Bill also requires the assent of the President. There is no question of any
referendum and the ease with which the Kenya constitution has been amended since the
original independence constitution of 1963, suggests that although the constitution is written, it
is nevertheless a flexible one.
Another distinction can be drawn between Unitary and Federal constitutions where ,un-
der a unitary constitution, as is in Kenya, the Central Government retains the principal powers
of state; there is no delegation of powers to the provinces. Under a federal constitution, the
power of state are divided between the Central Government and the Federal States, as is the case
in Nigeria.
The importance of the constitution in Kenya is made by the section 3 of the Act of
Parliament. In here, the constitution is supported by the force of law throughout Kenya. If an
other law is inconsistent with this constitution, the constitution shall prevail and the other
law shall be void. This gives the High Court of Kenya power to declare any Act of parlia-
ment which is inconsistent with any part of the constitution to be unconstitutional and void. In
addition, if the Executive (which includes both the administration and the members of the local
and central government) acts in an unconstitutional manner, an aggrieved person can apply to the
High Court for declaratory order. This order can claim the action in question is ultra vires. In ad-
dition, he can apply for an order of injunction to restrain the Executive from acting in the manner
it proposes.
From what has been said above, it is clear that there is a division of powers between the
three organs. The powers of government are traditionally divided into three main organs; the
executive, the judiciary and the legislative. This division, in a way, is necessary. If the same
person or body exercised all the three functions, then there could be tyranny and arbitrary
government. It is, therefore desirable that the power of government should be vested in
different persons or bodies, but a strict separation is still not possible or desirable . In Kenya ,
we have separation of powers but only to a certain extent.
The legislature, which makes laws, includes certain members of the Executive Ministers
who are responsible for carrying out the laws. This link here, between the executive and the
Legislature, is essential for the efficient administration of government services. For example, the
rent tribunals exercise a quasi- judicial function by these tribunals is not usurpation of the powers
of the Judiciary. It is only a recognition of the fact that there are certain functions which can
be conveniently administered by other bodies.
Adapted from The Laws of Kenya: An Introduction
By Tudor Jackson, Kenya literature Bureau, Nairobi, 1970.

a) What is the purpose of having rules in any organization according to the passage?
b) According to the passage, differentiate between a ‘unitary’ and a ‘federal’ constitution.
c) Describe the kind of constitution Kenya has in the passage.
d) In note form, state which constitution you would prefer and why.
e) A rigid constitution is one which can only be changed as a result of a long and
cumbersome procedure’ Begin: Only……..
f) In Kenya, we have a separation of powers but only to a certain extent. (Add a question tag)
g) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases:
i) i) Void –
ii) Ultra vires –
iii) block -
iv) referendum

13. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow
Most of the 10 million Kenyans threatened with starvation are not where you thought
they would be. They are not in the drought-stricken rural areas. They are instead, in the country’s
urban centres, huddled in the informal settlements famously known as slums.
New official report lays bare the reasons for Kenyan’s hunger – and they go beyond rain
failure. Drought is only one of the growing number of causes of hunger threatening nearly 10
million people in the country.
The Kenya Food Security Update- released early this week- says that the highest num-
ber of people who are likely to starve are low-income earners who live in urban informal settlements.
According to the February 2009 Survey, 4.1million people in Nairobi and Mombasa slums are
threatened with starvation because of reduced earnings resulting from the loss of employment
after the elections violence.
Matters have been made a lot worse by rising food prices. In the slums, 37percent – or
nearly four in every 10- of the households reported having only one meal a day. And adults are
required to be of good behaviour by restricting the food portion they consume. People are running
into debt, moving elsewhere or selling whatever belongings they have to survive according to the
Ironically, this population is receiving the least help from the government, aid workers and
good Samaritans who are lining up to give donations, everywhere. “The unfortunate reality is that
intervening organizations tend to respond to emergencies fairly quickly and have less enthusiasm
for funding and implementing non-food interventions that are, at the minimum, mitigative in
nature,” says the report. It is jointly published by the government, the World Food Programme,
the United States Agency for International Development and the Famine Early Warning Systems
As the global economic crisis bites and its effect are felt at home, it is unlikely that the
rains – in whatever quantity – will alleviate the suffering of the urban hungry. The army of the
manual workers, domestic and office support staff, security guards and idlers is hungry.
If they are not fed – and urgently, too – Kenyan’s urban middle class can expect a spike in
larceny and other petty crimes, all to their detriment. Not to forget the public face of the famine,
those affected by the extended drought season are only 2.5million – and they have among their
number some 850,000 school-age children.
Another 1.9 million people are faced with starvation because they are affected by HIV and
Aids – either directly or have lost a breadwinner to the condition. A shocking admission in the
report is that there are 150,000 people displaced after the elections who are in transit camps close
to their homes but cannot return or farm. This number receives food rations from the UN World
Food Programme’s Emergency Operation.
Officially, the government claims that it has moved 255,000 people out of camps for the
displaced. With 150,000 people displaced after the election depending on donor dole, the
resettlement effort has only benefited 105,000 people.
This number constitutes 16 percent of the revised total of 663,000 displaced people which is the
official figure from the Ministry of Special Programmes.
Obviously, truth is something that makes the coalition Government extremely uncom-
fortable that it spends most of the time sugarcoating it.

(a) Where are most starving Kenyan’s assumed to be? (2mks)

(b) What steps are victims of hunger taking for their survival? (3mks)
(c) What are the likely consequences of hunger on Kenyan’s urban middle class? (2mks)
(d) Rewrite the following sentence beginning:
(Rising----------------- ) “Matters have been made a lot worse by rising food prices
(e) What according to the passage is wrong with the approach taken by the groups
assisting the hungry? (2mks)
(f) Make notes on the reasons for Kenyan’s hunger (4mks)
(g) Why is the rain unlikely to alleviate the suffering of the urban hungry? (2mks)
(h) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the passage (4mks)
(i) Alleviate......................................................
(ii) Larceny................................................
(iii) Donor dole..................................
(iv) Sugarcoating.......

14. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:

One of the most tragic facts of human existence is that while, physical maturity for
normal people develops naturally with the passage of time, mental maturity does not occur/come
so easily. A large number of people who have the physique and age of adults, and are thus in
possession of adult status and privileges, are not mentally mature. This is rather unfortunate, for,
as Harry A. Overstreet in The Mature Mind observes, ‘The most dangerous members of our
society are those grown- ups whose powers of influence are adult but whose motives and
responses are infantile.” Adults who are incapable of carrying out their duties and obligations
with a proper sense of responsibility cannot only give themselves unnecessary troubles, but also
cause much harm to those over whom they have influence.
It is no doubt true that the mental growth of a person depends to some extent on the way
his parents guided him when he was a child and on the environmental conditions he grew up in.
However, mental development, unlike physical growth, need not stop with the end of puberty. A
man is what he makes himself. He can, at any stage of his life, always develop himself further if
he consciously makes the effort to do so. As Gautama Buddha put it, “The mind is everything;
what you think, you become”.
If a man wants to reach an unknown destination, it is always best for him to study any
appropriate map of the region. Similarly, for a man to develop his mental and intellectual
powers, he should at the outset findout as he can what real maturity consists of. As Aristetle put
it: “Those who wish to succeed must ask the right preliminary questions.”
Careful thinking and observation will enable one to see that a mature man is one with a
keen sense of responsibility and a conscious awareness of what is proper. Thus he manages his af-
fairs in accordance with explicit and reasonable criteria, the foundation of which he has examined
critically and analytically. He upholds his convictions firmly because he is clear about why he up-
holds them.
Yet he is conscious of the value of postponed judgment in certain weighty matters. Aware
as he is of the complexity of certain affairs, he knows that the different ways of dealing with them
entail different consequences which may be of varying degrees of acceptability. He is aware that
in such matters, different reasonable men will inevitably come up with different opinions. So
while he respects the judgments of other people, and is co-operative, he makes his own study of
the problems in proper perspective by looking at them objectively from all angles.
However the way a person makes an assessment depends a great deal on one’s knowledge.
Thus, the mature person will never develop the unhealthy conception that what he already knows
is all that need be known. In dealing with any problem he first finds out all he can, so that he will
be as fair and as correct as possible. He makes the maximum use of opportunities to achieve the
best for himself and everyone else.
In this general attitude, a mature man is always sympathetic but never sentimental. Like
a scientist in the conduct of his professional duties, he sees the difference between objectives real-
ity and what he and others desire, or hope to be the case. He knows his weaknesses but he has a
well – considered scales of values. Thus while he accepts himself as he is, and others as they are,
he persistently tries to mould his character in the way he desires. He never tires of improving him-
self. It is this trait above all else which gains him the respect of other mature people, and what is
more important, his own self-respect.

a) From the information given in the first paragraph, what is the most tragic fact?
b) In not less than 20 words, summarize the factors that determine mental growth.
c) What is the author’s definition of a mature man?
d) Give the meaning of the following phrasal verbs as they are used in the passage.
a) carrying out
b) Find out
e) Add the appropriate tag to the following statement.
He never tires of improving himself.
f) Replace the word however” in paragraph 6 with another suitable word or phrase.
“However, the way a person makes an assessment depends a great deal on one’s
g) Identify and give illustrations of any two features of style used in the passage. (2 mks)

15. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:-


In spite of the title, this article will really be on how not to grow old. My first advice
would be to choose your ancestors carefully. Although both of my parents died young, I have
done well in this respect as regards my other ancestors. My maternal grandfather, it is true, was
cut off in the flower of his youth at the age of sixty-seven, but my other three grandparents all
lived to be over eighty. Of remoter ancestors I can only discover one who did not live to a great
age, and he died of a disease which is now rare, namely, having his head cut of. A great- grand-
mother of mine lived to the age of ninety-two and to her last days remained a terror to all her descen-
dants. My maternal grandmother, who had ten children, one of whom died in infancy, and many
miscarriages, devoted herself to ten women’s, higher education as soon as she became a widow. She
worked hard at opening the medical profession to women. She used to tell of how she met in Italy, an
elderly gentleman who was looking very sad. She asked him why he was melancholy and he said that he
had just parted from his two grandchildren. “Good gracious!” she exclaimed. I have seventy-two grand-
children and were sad each time I parted from one of them, I should have a miserable existence!’
Speaking as one of the seventy-two, I prefer her recipe. After the age of eighty, she found she had
some difficulty in getting to sleep, so she habitually spent the hours from midnight to 5.a.m reading
popular science. I do not believe that she ever had time to notice that she was growing old. This, I think,
is the proper recipe of remaining young. If you have wide and keen interests and activities in which
you can still be effective, you will have no reason to think about the merely statistical fact of the num-
ber of years you have already lived, still less of the probable shortness of your future.
Psychologically, there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One of these is
too great an absorption in the past. One should not live in memories, in regrets for the good old
days, or in sadness about friends who are dead. One’s thoughts must be directed to the future and
to the things about which there is something to be done. This is not always easy; one’s own past is
gradually increasing weight. It is easy to think to oneself that one’s emotions used to be more
vivid than they are and one’s mind more keen. If this is true, it should be forgotten and if it is
forgotten, it will probably not be true.
The other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth in the hope of finding strength in its
vitality. When your children are grown up they want to live their own lives, and if you continue to
be as interested in them, as you were when they were young, you are likely to become a burden to
them, unless they are unusually insensible. I do not mean that one should be without interest in
them, but one’s interest should be contemplative and, if possible, philanthropic, but not too
emotional. Animals become indifferent to their young as soon as they can look after themselves,
but human beings, owing to the length of infancy, find this less easy.
I think that a successful old age is easiest for those who have strong impersonal interest
leading to suitable activities. It is in this sphere that long experience is really fruitful, and that the
wisdom born of experience can be used without becoming a burden. It is no use telling grown-up
children not to make mistakes both because they will not believe you, and because mistakes are an
essential part of education. But if you are one of those who are incapable of impersonal interest,
you may find that your life will be empty unless you concern yourself with your children and
grandchildren. In that case you must realize that while can still help them in material ways, such
as by making them an allowance or knitting them jumpers, you must not expect that they will
enjoy your company.
Some of the old people are troubled by the fear of death. In the young there is a justifi-
cation for this feeling. Young men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may
justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer.
Nevertheless, in old man who has known human joys and sorrows, and has done whatever work he
could do, the fear of death is somewhat ignorable. The best way to overcome it- so at least it seems to
me-is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the
ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly part of the universal life. An individual human ex-
istence should be like a river-small at first and narrowly contained within its banks, then rushing
passionately past rocks and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the
waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become part of the sea, and
painlessly lose their individual being. The man, who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will
not suffer from the fear of death since the things he cares for will continue. Moreover, if, with the loss
of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will not be unwelcome. I should wish to die
while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the
thought that what was possible has been done.
Adapted from How to Grow Old by Betrand Russel T.V. Sachs:. Now Read On, Longman, Green & Co. Ltd., 1969, 66-68

(a) The writer prefers his grandmother’s recipe. Explain the recipe (2mks)
(b) State in note form why there are conflicts in overcoming the psychological dangers
to be guarded against in old age. (5mks)
(c) What role does impersonal interest play in the life of an aging individual? (2mks)
(d) Comment on the simile used to describe an individual’s life (2mks)
(e) Rewrite the following sentence in your own words:
“A great-grandmother of mine, lived to the age of ninety-two and to her last days
remained a terror to all her descendants.” (2mks)
(f) Why is the young person’s fear of death justifiable? (2mks)
(g) Change the following sentence into the past:
“It is in this sphere that long experience is really fruitful, and that the wisdom born of
experience can be used without becoming a burden.” (1mk)
(h) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the passage (4mks)
Vitality ………………………………………………………………………
Melancholy ……………………………………………………………
Rushing passionately………………………………………………………
Clinging to youth …………………………………………………………

16. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: (20marks)
Ferret is a small mammal belonging to the Weasei family. Ferrets have long, slim bodies
and short legs. There are two types of ferrets, Mustela faro, and the black-footed ferret, Mustela
nigripes. Baby ferrets are called kits.
If frightened, these animals can discharge a strong smelling fluid from their scent glands
under their tails.
The domestic ferret is often kept as a pet. It was originally bred in ancient times to hunt
rats and rabbits, but today it is rarely used. It is a descendant of the European pole cat, which was
once found through out Europe. They vary in colour from nearly white to nearly black. However,
most of them have creamy-coloured fur with dark hair tips, feet and tail and a ‘mask’ of dark fur
around the eyes. Although many owners have the scent glands of their pet terrets removed, the
animals still have a musky odour from other skin glands.
The black-footed ferret is native to Western North America. It resembles the domestic
ferret, but is slightly darker. Their fur is dull yellow that is slightly darker on the backside. Their
feet, tail tips are black, and have black fur around the eyes. The black – footed ferret is usually
found on short grass in close association with prairie dogs, which constitute most of its diet. In
addition to feeding on prairie dogs, the ferret spends most of its time underground in Prairie dog
burrows, typically spending only a few minutes above the ground each day.
In burrows, it sleeps, catches its food, avoids predators and harsh weather, and gives birth
to its young. It is secretive and primarily nocturnal. The ferret’s long slender body allows it to slip
down burrows to find its prey while they sleep. This reduces the ferret’s risk of injury when
attacking prey the same size as itself.
The black-footed ferret originally occurred in the Great plains from Alberta and
Saskatchewan;’ Canada to Texasi Arizona, U.S.A. Classified as endangered, scientists once
thought black-footed ferrets were extinct, until 1981, when a population of more than 125 black-
footed ferrets were discovered in Wyoming.
Sadly, over the next several years, many of them died of distemper and this prompted the
scientists who were now getting concerned that the whole population would die from the disease,
thus the remaining animals were captured. Since hen, scientists have been breeding the ferrets in
Adapted from The Black-Footed Ferret by Mworia Muchina, Daily Nation, September, 13th, 2007)

(a) How does the ferret find its find its prey? (2mks)
(b) Why does the ferret like burrows? (4mks)
(c) In about 70 words, give the contrasting features of the domestic and the black-footed ferret?
(d) What was the cause of the black-footed ferrets almost becoming extinct? (3mks)
(e) Rewrite the following sentence in the passive voice:-
(i) If frightened, these animals can discharge a strong smelling fluid from their scent
glands under their tails. (2mks)
(f) Why do black-footed ferrets prefer staying in short grass and underground? (2mks)
(g) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage: (3mks)
(i) Discharge.................
(ii) Odour.............
(iii) Nocturnal...................

17. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:-
How far is personality determined, or at least modified, by physical attributes of a person?
Does the body determine the personality or does the personality in any way determine the
physical make-up of the person? We are all apt, for example, to excuse a number of unpleasant
qualities in a person on the grounds that he is the unhappy possessor of a gastric ulcer. A weak-
ness of the physique, with the discomfort and pain ensuring,, may distort the personality is singu-
larly prone to gastric ulcers. We can also note that the personality of a man writes its signature on
the lines of his face.
Probably there is an influence in both directions though there are few who would deny that
much of a man’s personality depends on the makeup of the body he inherits. It is difficult, though
not impossible, to have a dominating personality if one is a dwarf, and it is unlikely that a woman
masculinised by some physical abnormality could achieve a maternal character.

In the poultry yard something markedly akin to personality is seen. A hen, in the absence
of a cock, may take upon herself the dominance of the hen run, behaving in many ways with the
arrogance and aggressiveness of a cock. These marked masculine attributes can be changed over
to the meekest femininity on the reintroduction of the cock. A certain hen, after a year of normal
henny characteristics, had become dominating and cocky in her relations with the rest of the hens,
but in this instance, not only did the hen imitate the male in her protective care of the other hens
but she grew cock feathers, comb and spurs. On investigation it was discovered that tuberculosis
had destroyed her ovaries. Her psychology and her sex had changed as the result of a clinical
mishap, a clear instance of personality being based upon physical make-up.
These instances of the influence of physical changes on the behaviour pattern of animals
are given because much of our knowledge of the influence of the endocrine glands (the so-called
glands of personality) has been obtained by experiments upon animals and only later confirmed
by observations upon man, and second, because most biologists believe, and increasingly are
driven to believe, that the whole realm of living things shows a strange unity of plan. Life, almost,
is one and indivisible. This is not to say that there are not striking differences between, for
example, man and the fly which transmits infection to him. None the less the pattern of the
chemistry and physics of the living cell is fundamentally similar. Therefore in animals it is as easy
to see the effects of physical endowment on personality as it is in human beings.
No one can doubt that physical endowment influences, perhaps even determines, person-
ality. It is difficult to have a dominating personality if one is intensely ugly or is a tiny individual (as
mentioned before), though it must be admitted, there are exceptions to this generalization. The tall
are often shy and retiring; the short bumptious and self assertive. The artist personality often goes
with a particular shape of hand, and so does the practical with another.
But how is physical endowment inherited? We have all known families whose members
were more unlike each other, both in temperament and physique, than are unrelated people. An
extraordinary case is that of unidentical twins one of whom was tall, blue-eyed and red-headed
and other short, black- haired and brown-eyed. At first, and quite superficially, it might appear
that inheritance plays little part in producing physical endowment, and yet we know that it does. It
is known that hair colour, eye colour, albinism and a certain number of abnormalities such as
colour-blindness, are inherited according to definite laws. As regards these inherited abnormalities
we know that they must influence the personality. Imagine the effect of being colour blind. The
person so afflicted can see little in the spring or autumn landscape to stir him; perhaps he cannot
understand many of the passions of the poet and painter. And when an artistic temperament is
inherited along with colour-blindness the effect on the personality must be almost tragic. There-
fore if personality is grounded in physical make-up, physical endowment becomes of prime impor-
tance, and the more we learn of its inheritance the better.

i) What effects may a gastric ulcer have on a person’s personality?

ii) The body affects the personality. Justify this statement using four examples the
writer gives in relation to human beings.
iii) Why does the writer quote instances of physical changes affecting the behaviour pattern
of animals?
iv) Does inheritance play any role in endowment? Illustrate your answer.
v) Why is it important to learn more about inheritance?
vi) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as they are used in the passage :-
Writes its signature on the lines of his face……
Bumptious ………
Clinical mishap……

18. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow:-

Broadly speaking, modern political democracy is a system of governance in which rulers
are held accountable for their action in the public realm by citizens acting indirectly through the
competition and co-operation of their elected representatives.
A regime is an ensemble of patterns that determines the methods of access of the principal
public offices, the characteristics of the actors admitted to or excluded from such access, the
strategies that the actors may use to gain access, and the rules that are followed in making
publicly binding decisions.
Like all regimes, democracies depend on the presence of rulers, persons in authority
roles who can give legitimate commands to others. What distinguishes democratic rulers
from non-democratic ones are the ways in which the former come to power and the practices
that hold them accountable for their actions.
Citizens are the most distinctive element in democracies. All regimes have rulers and a
public realm, but only to the extent that they are democratic do they have citizens. His-
torically, severe restrictions on citizenship were imposed in most emerging or partial democra-
cies based on age, gender, class, race, literacy, property ownership, tax-paying status, and the
like. Only a small part of the population was eligible to vote or run for office. Only certain so-
cial categories were allowed to form, join or support political associations.
Today, the criteria for inclusion are fairly standard. All native-born adults are eligible,
although age limits may be imposed on candidates for certain offices. Unlike like American
and European democracies of the 19 th century, none of the recent democracies in Southern
Europe, Latin America, Asia, or Eastern Europe has even attempted to impose formal re-
strictions on the franchise.
Competition has not always been considered an essential condition of democracy.
Classic democracies presumed decision-making based on direct participation leading to con-
sensus. The assembled citizenry was expected to agree on a common course of action after lis-
tening to the alternatives and weighing their merits and demerits. A tradition of hostility to fac-
tions and particular interests persists in democratic thought, but it has become widely accepted
that competition among factions is a necessary evil in democracies that operate on a more-than-
local scale.
Yet while democrats may agree on the inevitability of factions, they tend to disagree
about the best forms and rules for governing factional competition. Indeed, differences over
the preferred modes and boundaries of competition contribute most to distinguishing one sub-
type of democracy from another.
The most popular definition of democracy equates it with regular elections, fairly con-
ducted and honestly counted. Some consider the mere fact of elections-even ones from which spe-
cific parties or candidates are excluded, or in which substantial portions of the population cannot
freely participate- as a sufficient condition for democracy. This fallacy has been called electoralism,
or faith that merely holding elections will channel political action into peaceful contests among
elites and accord public legitimacy to the winners.
However, central to democracy, elections occur intermittently and allow citizens only to
choose between the highly aggregated alternatives offered by political parties, which can,
especially in the early stages of a democratic transition, proliferate in bewildering variety.
Between elections, Citizens can seek to influence public policy through interest associations,
clientelistic arrangements, social movements, locality grouping, and similar intermediaries.
Modern democracy, in other words, offers a variety of competitive processes and channels for
expressing interests and values.
Another commonly accepted image of democracy identifies it with majority rule. Any
governing body that makes decision by combining the votes of more than half of those eligible
and present is said to be democratic, whether that majority emerges within an electorate, a
parliament, a committee, a city council , or party caucus. For exceptional purposes (for example,
amending a constitution or expelling a member of the governing body). Qualified majorities of
more than 50 percent may be required, but few would deny that democracy must involve some
means of aggregating the equal preferences of individuals.
A problem arises, however, when numbers meet intensities. What happens when a
properly assembled majority regularly makes decisions that harm some minority, especially a
threatened cultural or ethnic group? In these circumstances, successful democracies tend to
qualify the central principle of majority rule in order to protect minority rights. Such qualifi-
cations can take the form of constitutional provisions that place certain matters beyond the reach of
majorities, requirements for concurrent majorities in several different constituencies, guarantees se-
curing the autonomy of local or regional movements against the demands of the central authority, grand
coalition governments that incorporate all parties, or the negotiation of social pacts between major so-
cial groups, such as business and labour. The most common way of protecting minority interests,
however, lies in interest associations and social movements.
Another central feature of democracy is co-operation; Actors must voluntarily make
collective decisions binding on the polity as a whole. They must cooperate in order to compete.
They must be capable of acting collectively, through parties, associations, and movements, to
select candidates, articulate preferences, petition authorities, and influence policies.
But the freedoms of democracy should also encourage citizens to deliberate among
themselves, to discover their common needs, and to resolve their differences without relying on
some supreme central authority.
Adapted from: Topic Issue 1999

(a) What according to the passage is democracy?

(b) How, according to the passage, does a democratic government ensure protection
of the interests of minority groups ?
(c) What does the author mean by saying “Competition among factions in necessary evil …? “

(d). In one sentence, say how one can tell the difference between two democratic rulers.
(e). Describe two major weaknesses of some forms of democracies.
(f). Democracy is usually identified with majority rule. When, according to the passage, is
this rule said to be valid and when is it said to be invalid ?
(g). Explain the meaning of the following expressions as they are used in the passage.
(i) In the public realm
(ii) Regime
(iii) Franchise
(iv) Polity
(v) legitimate commands

Section B-
1. Read the extract below and answer the questions that follows:-
“Be careful, Waiyaki. You know the people look up to you. You are the symbol of the
tribe, born again with all its purity. They adore you. They worship you. You do not know about
the new oath. You have been too busy. But they are taking the new oath in your name, in the
name of the teacher and the purity of the tribe. And remember Kabonyi hates you. He would kill
you if he could. And he is the one who is doing all this. Why? The Kiama has power. Power.
And your name is in it, giving it even greater power. Your name will be your ruin. Be careful.”
Kinuthia was very excited. His voice was full of concern and anxiety. Waiyaki laid his
hand on Kinuthia
“It is alright, she would not marry me. And they would do nothing to me. There are young men
there. I know them. They are loyal to Kabonyi. And they are sworn to keep the tribe pure and
punish betrayal…….”
“I tell you, she would not marry me.”
“So it is true?”
“That you’ll marry her?”
“Listen, Kinuthia. I tell you. She would not accept me.”
He went to see an elder a few weeks after this. The elder was a close associate of Kabonyi.
The old man talked about Waiyaki’s own father and grandfather. He praised them for their
bravery. He ended by saying that they never would have betrayed the tribe.
Waiyaki went home, his heart glowing with pride. His ancestors had done well.
But at night it suddenly occurred to him that the old man hinted a warning to him.
What made Waiyaki connect his warning and Kinuthia’s information? Yet the more he thought
about it, the more it all seemed to become clear.
Christmas was approaching. This season of the year coincided with the coming tribal
ceremonies and rituals. Waiyaki did not take part in them as much as he used to do. His work was
becoming almost more than he could manage. Many teachers from all over the ridge came to see
him and many elders and children came to him with various problems. But in spite of all these,
Waiyaki was losing that contact with the people that can only come through taking part together
in ritual. He was becoming too obsessed with the schools and the widening rift and divisions.
Then it happened. It was a thing that scared everyone. Such a thing had never happened before. A
hut that belonged to one of Joshua’s newest followers was burnt. Nobody was hurt but everything
that was in the hut was destroyed. Waiyaki could not tell why, but he connected the incident with
the Kiama. Was Kabonyi determined to destroy all that stood against him and the tribe?
The realization came to him as a shock. He instantly thought that he should not have
resigned from the Kiama. Its power and influence was there, everywhere.

a) What was Kinuthia warning Waiyaki against?

b) Which oath is being referred to?
c) Your name will be your ruin! Comment on this statement

d) In about 60 words, summarize why Kinuthia feels Waiyaki should be careful
e) What warning did the old man hint to Waiyaki
f) Discuss any one theme employed in the extract
g) Identify one character trait of Kinuthia as seen in the extract
h) What does Waiyaki feel about having resigned from the Kiama?
i) Why does Waiyaki seem to be loosing contact with people?
j) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage.
i) associate -
ii) rift -
k) In view of what happens later in the novel, does Waiyaki’s name become his ruin?

2. THE RIVER BETWEEN by ‘Ngugi Wa Thiong’o’

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:-
A big roar of “The Teacher” greeted his brief speech. Some cried “The Teacher is right,”
though they did not know what he was right about. Others cried, “Let Kabonyi come forward”.
And Kabonyi stood up with dignity. Their unfinished battle was now on.
He was once a follower of Joshua. Now he was the leader of the Kiama and he lived in
Makuyu. He spoke with the authority of a man who knows the secret workings, evil and good, in
men’s hearts and in the country. His big accusation was that Waiyaki was unclean. He had thahu
and if he continued teaching the people there would be darkness instead of light. When a girl
called Muthoni died because she was visited by evil spirits,Waiyaki had taken her to the white
man’s hospital in Siriana, and was never cleansed. As he was a leader, his thahu had visited the
tribe. It was now for the tribe to take action. For Waiyaki was a greater menace than the people
realized. He was in league with the white man, who had brought a secret religion to quieten the
people while the land was being grabbed by their brothers. And taxation? Who did not now
complain of the heavy taxation imposed on the men and women? He described Waiyaki’s many
secret journeys to Siriana under the pretext of getting more teachers for the people. When the
Kiama said that people should take arms against the Government Post (it was very small anyway,
it would not be difficult to take it) Waiyaki opposed this and cried: “Education! Education!” Will
education give use back our land? Let him answer that.
He sat down. Waiyaki noticed that Kabonyi had carefully avoided any mention of Joshua
or Nyambura. Why? He thought that he too would avoid dragging in the name of Nyambura but
he would speak of unity. Now, or he would never get another chance. Kabonyi’s speech had been
greeted first with stony silence and then with murmuring. The sun was slowly going down.
Waiyaki’s voice was calm and compelling . His eyes shone and anger began to stir in him,
for now he knew without any doubt that Kabonyi was determined to see his ruin.
“What does Kabonyi want?” he asked. “Who first followed the white man and embraced
the new faith? Who betrayed the tribe when Makuyu and Kameno and the other ridges could have
risen in arms against the white man?”
He turned to the people and in simple words reminded them of their history. “It was before
Agu and Agu, at the beginning of things, that Murungu, the Creator, gave rise to Gikuyu and
Mumbi, father and mother of the tribe. He made them stand on the holy ground on top of
Kerinyaga and showed them all the land. You remember what he told them; the great promise that
he gave to our ancestors. ‘This land I give to you, O man and woman. It is yours to till, you and
your posterity.’ The land was fertile and in it grew all, the fruit and honey was there in plenty.
When he brought them to Kameno, they still saw the land was beautiful. They were happy and
with content in their hearts followed Murungu to Mukurwe wa Gathanga, where he kept them.
And now we who are descendants of the nine daughters of Gikuyu and Mumbi are torn with strife
and rivalry.”
He spoke of the great heroes of the tribe and mentioned Demi na Mathathi, Wachiori,
Mugo wa Kibiro and Kamiri. He told them of the great victories that these heroes had over other
peoples whom they had fought with.

(a) What had Waiyaki just said that caused the roar?
(b) What theme is well illustrated in this extract
(c) Give a question tag for this statement:
You remember what he told them; the great problem that he gave the ancestors............
(d) Make notes on the accusations Kabonyi levels against Waiyaki
(e) Who is Mugo wa Kibiro and how relevant is he to Waiyaki’s mission?
(f) In which way is Mugo wa Kabiro’s Prophecy opposed to people taking up arms against
the government
(g) What is ironical about Kabonyi’s accusation against Waiyaki ?
(h) Illustrate the use of flashback in the extract
(i) Who were Demi na Mathathi and why was Waiyaki previously told he could not play
(j) What happened at the spot where Murungu showed Gikuyu and Mumbi the land in

3. Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow:-
“Why does the Kiama want me?” Waiyaki asked again as soon as they had stepped out.
“Oh, I don’t know exactly,” Kamau answered vaguely, yet with a note of finality that invited no
more questions. Waiyaki’s mind was behind with his mother. Then he remembered the fright-
ening images that had passed through his mind while he had lain awake in bed. He looked around
in the darkness and felt a terror of nothing visible pursued him.
“It is a dark night,” he commented.
“It is dark,” Kamau agreed. These two never held a long conversation, not unless there
was third person. Kinuthia had always been the third person. Kamau saw in Waiyaki the hawk
that always snatched his piece of meat when he himself was about to eat it. How would he ever
rise or succeed as long as Waiyaki was in the way? He came to hate him. The hatred had grown
slowly, gathering violence as the years dragged along. And yet Kamau felt more and more
powerless to fight against Waiyaki. He could never quite rouse himself to the effort.
The lone hut to which they went was a distance from Kabonyi’s group of mud huts. The
outside was dimly lit by a small lantern that was put on a stone near the fireplace. In the fireplace
were glowing pieces of wood which gave oppressive warmth to the hut. Waiyaki was aware of
figures lurking in the edges of darkness and he took them for the elders.
“Is it well with you all?”
“It is well.”
There was not the same warmth of response and they did not call him the teacher, a title
which was now his name. He sat on a stool and wondered what was coming.
It was Kabonyi who first spoke. He was old, very old, yet his eyes had that glitter in them
that made you think they were only live things in him. But he had energy and you could detect
this in his voice. He spoke about the ridges, the initiation ceremonies that were under preparation.
Now this ancient custom was about to be ruined by certain impurities in the land. The disease in
the ridges had started with Joshua. The death of Muthoni had been the first contamination.
“But that is not our fear. The trouble now comes because the impurity in Joshua has
caught some in our midst. It is the hidden soul in your body that kills you.”
Here he looked at Waiyaki meaningfully. Numbness came over the Teacher as he heard
Kabonyi speak. He did not know where the talk was leading, but he could guess. He remembered
Kinuthia’s warning, the elder’s hints and his own mother’s questions. Waiyaki thought: “And all
this while I have busied myself with the education of their children.” Something like bitterness
began to eat into him. To hear Kabonyi speak in that voice you would never think that he had
once been one of Joshua’s followers.
“Yes,” Kabonyi repeated slowly. There was a strange stillness in the hut. It was a stillness
such as precedes a storm or an explosion. “It is bad when he who has taken himself to be the
leader of the people is touched by the impurity, for he is still in a position to spread the thahu to
those close to him, to the stem and roots of the tribe. Such a person is a danger and he needs
Again Kabonyi paused, and his eyes rolled all round the hut, finally resting on Waiyaki.
You could not tell if there was malice or scorn in that look. He spoke in an even voice and his
words were measured.
“You, our teacher, no doubt remember that girl, what was her name?”
“Which girl?” Waiyaki forced him to ask. “I am in the dark.”
“Joshua’s daughter. Her name? Yes. Muthoni. She was not clean. Yet you took her to the
hospital. You touched a dying woman, a dead body. And were you ever cleansed? I do not think
so. But you ought to have been. You are not ignorant and you know what this means to the tribe.”
Waiyaki was going to speak, but Kabonyi waved him into silence.

a) What had happened just before this excerpt?

b) What does the excerpt reveal about the character of Kamau?
c) Who is Kinuthia?
d) According to the Kiama why Waiyaki should be cleansed?
e) Explain the irony that is witnessed in the extract
f) “It is a dark night,” he commented (rewrite in reported speech)
g) Identify and explain any two stylists devices used in the poem
h) Give the past simple tense form of the verb lain
i) Give the of the following words as used in the extract

4. Read the following excerpt and then answer the questions that follow:-
The idea that she had actually run away, actually rebelled against authority, somehow
shocked him. He himself would not have dared to disobey Chege. At least he could not see
himself doing so.
So tonight Waiyaki knew that Muthoni had actually run away. Her aunt, living in Kameno,
was going to take charge of her. In some villages people could not believe this. They said that
Joshua had a hand in it, probably to appease the angry gods of the outraged hills. Was it not
known that Joshua took beer secretly? Strangely, nobody had ever seen him drinking .But they
said they knew.
The dance was being held at an open-air place in Kameno. Whistles, horns, broken tins
and anything else that was handy were taken and beaten to the rhythm of the song and dance.
Everybody went into a frenzy of excitement. Old and young, women and children, all were there
losing themselves in the magic of the motion of the dance. Men shrieked and shouted and jumped
into the air as they went round in a circle. For them, this was the moment. This was the time.
Women, stripped to the waist, with their thin breasts flapping on their chests, went round and
round the big fire, swinging their hips and contorting their bodies in all sorts of provocative ways,
but always keeping the rhythm.
They were free. Age and youth had become reconciled for this one night. And you could
sing about anything and talk of the hidden parts of men and women without feeling that you had
violated the otherwise strong social code that governed people’s relationships, especially the
relationship between young and old, man and woman
Waiyaki still felt uneasy. Something inside him prevented him from losing himself in this
frenzy. Was it because of Muthoni? He wondered what Livingstone would say now if he found
him or if he saw the chaos created by locked emotions let loose. And the words spoken! Even
Waiyaki was slightly embarrassed by this talk of forbidden things. Perhaps this was so because
the mention of forbidden things at any other time was a social taboo. Of course Waiyaki knew
that nothing bad would happen in spite of the talk. It was actually a taboo to go with a woman on
such an occasion.

a) Why did Muthoni rebel against her father?

b) What made Waiyaki feel embarrassed by the talk of forbidden things?
c) Describe the character of Muthoni and Waiyaki as portrayed in the excerpt.
d) This was the time. (Change into an interrogative)
e) Explain how the women danced.
f) What rumours were being spread about Joshua and what was strange about them?
g) From your knowledge of the text, who is Livingstone?
h) Identify and illustrate one aspect of style used in paragraph 3
i) They were free. Age and youth had become reconciled for this one night.
(Join into one sentence beginning: Being…..)
j) State what later happens to Muthoni after this occasion

5. LITERARY PASSAGE.-The River between by Ngugi wa Thiong’o

A pleasurable numbness dulled Waiyaki into immobility. He did not move but leaned
against a tree and watched the apparition. The girl was on the opposite bank, in a flat clearing
hidden a little by small bushes. Waiyaki could not tell why the place reminded him so much of the
sacred groove where long ago his father had taken and revealed the ancient prophecy. This place
she was in was sacred too. Nyambura seemed to be bending over something. And Waiyaki
watched, held by the desire to posses her. He moved a little. He could now see her clearly. She
was kneeling down in a praying posture. He was fascinated. A kind of holy
light seemed to emanate from her body. The place would forever remain sacred to him. Few yards
away from here was a place where he had sat long ago when being circumcised. It was a place
where he had shed blood, as if it was needed to propitiate angry spirits. When Waiyaki realized
she was praying he was moved. It was very strange as he watched he experienced a frightening
sensation, as if she and he were together standing on an altar ready for a sacrifice.
A grave atmosphere seemed to be enveloping the whole area and Waiyaki wanted to go
away. He would not see her. No. Not now. All he wanted was to run away from this, for he could
not face it. He was confronted with a might, a presence far beyond him. And he now felt her be-
yond him, on the other side. He made as if to move away, unseen. But the dry crack of a broken
twig betrayed him. She raised her head and saw him. Waiyaki stood and looked at her. Nyambura
still knelt. Their eyes met and they didn’t utter a word. Nyambura was afraid of the intense excite -
ment that possessed her. Then Waiyaki made as if to move again, now feeling afraid of her, as if
the intense glare in her eyes would destroy him. He wanted to shake off that power she now exer-
cises over him on this altar of sacrifice. But her excitement was growing to a breaking point and
she spoke to him, forcing herself to be calm. A note of defiance and challenge was discernible in
the voice. And Waiyaki saw that she had been crying.
“Don’t run away, teacher,” she said.
A pleasant shock went through Waiyaki and made his body hot with desire. She had actu-
ally called him “Teacher”, a name no follower of Joshua would call him. Was there a mocking
laughter in the voice? He could not tell. He waited for her patiently.
“Where are you going?” she asked him when she had crossed the river. Waiyaki felt con-
fused. The question wrung the truth out of him. He had wanted to go round and sit in a place
where he could watch the meeting at a distance in the hope of seeing her.
“I was just walking. I like the river, the bush and the trees.”
“I am going to the meeting.”
“ I thought you would already be there. It was a surprise to see you.”
“I-I just wanted to pass through here.” A pause. Then she laughed, a little nervously. “You see, I
also like the river, the bush and the trees. That is my favourite spot.”

“Do you often come here?”
“Sometimes I do. Not very often.” Waiyaki was quiet. Another silence fell between them.
His whole body was on fire. “My sister was initiated there,” she said abruptly. She made him feel
“You still remember her.”
“How can I forget her? I loved her.”
“Were you only two in your family?”
“Yes, now I am alone.”
“I am also alone in my family. All my sisters are married. The youngest, whom I loved
most, died a long time ago. I was then young_”
Nyambura felt pleased because of this exchange of confidence. Waiyaki did not know
what else to say.
“You will be late for the meeting.”
She did not move. Then quietly, as if speaking to herself, she said, “she was brave. Do you re-
member her?”
“I do, always.”
“Her last words.”

1. Place the excerpt in its immediate context

2. Identify and explain two themes present in the excerpt
3. What ancient prophecy mentioned in the passage were revealed to Waiyaki by his
4. State one character trait of each of the two characters, Waiyaki and Nyambua as
revealed this excerpt.
5. Why do you think Nyambura was praying here?
6. Explain the meaning of the following as used in the passage
i) Apparition……
ii) Propitiate……
iii) Discernible.
7. But the dry rack of a broken twig betrayed him. Replace the underlined words with a
phrasal verb.
8. State any three reasons why the traditionalists resented the white man
9. State two other instances, Waiyaki has met Nyambura

6. Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow:-
“Mugo was born and grew up in Kameno before he went to tell people what he saw. For
he saw many butterflies, of many colours, fly about over the land, disrupting the peace and the
ordered life of the country. Then he cried aloud and said: ‘there shall come a people with clothes
like butterflies…’people didn’t believe him. Some even poured scorn on him, laughing at him,
for they said: ‘he is not well.’ and they would not listen to his voice, which warned them: ‘be -
ware!’ The seer was rejected by people of the ridges. They gave him no clothes and no food. He
became bitter and hid himself refusing to tell them more. He went beyond the hills, to the world
yonder, the whole extent of Gikuyu land. He was not yet exhausted and there spoke the message
even louder. Still they laughed and poured scorn on him. Here they thought him dead. But dis-
guised he came back here and settled.”
Chege paused for a while as if to gather his breath. His eyes shone as if with inner power and then
slowly he said:

“We are his offspring. His blood flows in your veins.” Waiyaki stood as if dumb. The
knowledge that he had in him, the blood of this famous seer, who had been able to see the future,
filled him with an acute sense of wonder. He could not speak; the only word which escaped him
was, “Ha!” his father was still speaking:
“He died here. Our fathers do not know where his grave is. But some say that he was carried up
by Murungu.”
Chege stopped and slowly turned to Waiyaki. Waiyaki trembled freely.
“I see you fear. You must learn to fight fear…fear…It was not only Mugo whom they rejected.
When I told them about Siriana, they would not listen.”
For the first time, Waiyaki felt really frightened. Unknown terror gripped him. He fought
with it.
“No doubt you wonder why I tell you all this…”
Waiyaki wanted to cry out: “don’t tell me more. I don’t w ant to hear more. No! No! No! Father!”
instead he only whispered
“You are the last in our line.”
Waiyaki felt as if a heavy cloud was pressing down on his soul and he felt a strange sensa -
tion of suspension in his stomach. It was as if something, a presentiment, was moving toward him
with all speed and he was powerless to prevent it.
“Sit down.” his father spoke gently.
Waiyaki’s legs had begun to lose strength and sank onto the grass.
“You are tired,” Chege said as he moved near his son.
Waiyaki stopped trembling and hated himself for showing fear. Chege repeated slowly.
“You see, when Mugo became bitter he refused to tell them more.” Chege made another
pause .His face and eyes were set as if he was trying to recall something long-forgotten. He was
now standing just behind Waiyaki. He bent down and touched his son on the shoulder. Waiyaki
realized that his father’s hand was trembling slightly. Chege withdrew his hand quickly and then
with a loud tremor. In his voice went on:
“Now, listen my son. Listen carefully; for this is the ancient prophecy…I could not do
more. When the Whiteman come and fixed himself in Siriana. I warned all the people. But they
laughed at me. May be I was hasty; perhaps I was not the one. Mugo often said you could not cut
the butterflies with a panga. You could not spear them until you learn and know their ways of
movement. Then you could trap, you could fight back. Before he died, he whispered to his son
the prophecy, the ancient prophecy: ‘Salvation shall come from the hills. From the blood that
flows in me, I say from the same tree, a son shall rise and his duty shall be to lead and save the
people!’ he said no more. Few knew the prophecy. Perhaps Kabonyi, who has betrayed the tribe,
knows about it. I am old, my time is gone. Remember that you are the last in this line.
“Arise. Heed the prophecy. Go to the mission place. Learn all the wisdom and all the se-
crets of the white man. But do not follow his vices. Be true to your people and the ancient rites.”
“Father…” Waiyaki called out when he had recovered from the shock. He felt weak and
small; he did not know what he wanted to say.
“You go there. I tell you again, learn all the wisdom of the white man. And keep on re-
membering, salvation shall come from the hills. A man must rise and save the people in their hour
of need. He shall show them the way; he shall lead them.”
“But…but…they don’t know me, I am a child and they rejected Mugo…”
“Let them do what they like. A time will come-I can see it coming-when they shall cry for a

a) What becomes subsequent to the account of this excerpt?

b) Replace the idiomatic expression in the following sentence with one word :-
…”poured scorn’…
c) In note form, write out phrases/sentences in the excerpt that point to biblical allusion

d) What image is used in the excerpt and what does it refer to?
e) What happened to Mugo wa Kibiro when he died?
f) Use an appropriate correlative conjunction to join the following sentences:-
i) He felt weak and small. He did not know what he wanted to say
ii) People did not believe him. Some even poured scorn on him
g) Describe the character of father and son in this excerpt in relation to the prophecy.
i) Chege
ii) Waiyaki
h) He died here. Our fathers do not know where his grave is
(Use a conjunction of contrast to join the two sentences and omit the use of ‘is’
i) What reason does Waiyaki’s father give to reassure him not to fear?
j) Chege stopped and slowly turned to Waiyaki (add an appropriate question tag)

7. Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow:-
When Waiyaki began to speak again he felt happy. This was the moment to push his plans
through. He spoke quietly; clearly, the elation of speaking to a large crowd making him feel light.
He briefly outlined his plans for Marioshion. The roof needed tin; the children needed desks, pen-
cils, papers and then many more schools had to be built. More teachers had to be employed. He
sat down, fearing that he had not made his point clear. But the applause that greeted him left him
with no doubt about the reception of the short speech.
A moment too soon Kabonyi was on his feet. He did not smile but looked defiantly around
him. The battle was on. He was old but his voice was good and steady. Besides he knew his audi-
ence well and knew what to appeal to. He could speak in proverbs and riddles, and nothing could
appeal more to the elders, who still appreciated a subtle proverb and witty riddles. Kabonyi again
knew his limits. He did not want to bring too many issues together. So he decided to leave the
Joshua affair and come to it later as a final blow.
He reminded them of the poverty of the land. The dry month had left the people with noth-
ing to eat and the expected harvest would not yield much. He touched on the land taken by the
white man. He talked of the new taxes being imposed on the people by the Government Post now
in the midst. And instead of Waiyaki leading people against these more immediate ills, he was
talking of more buildings. Were people going to be burdened with more buildings? With more
teachers? And was the white man’s education really necessary? Surely there was no way out.

It was better to drive away the white man from the hills altogether. Were the people
afraid? Were there no warriors left in the tribe? He, Kabonyi, would lead them. That was why he
had formed the new Kiama. He would rid the country of the influence of the white man. He
would restore the purity of the tribe and its wisdom.
“Or do you think the education of our tribe, the education and wisdom which you all re-
ceived, is in any way below that of the white man?” He challenged the people, appealing to their
pride, to the manhood in them and to their loyalty to the soil. “Do not be led by a youth. Did the
tail ever lead the head, the child the father or the cubs the lion?.”
A few people applauded. And then there was silence. (Kabonyi too had stirred something in their
hearts). Soon they began to talk. Some saw a lot of truth in what Kabonyi had said. They knew
they were not cowards. And surely it was easier to drive away the white man and return to the old
ways! But others, especially the young people, were on Waiyaki’s side. Waiyaki himself was hurt.
Kabonyi had touched on sore spot, the question of youth. When Waiyaki stood up again the old
defiance came back. The courage that had made him famous among the boys of his riika was now
with him. At first he just looked at the people and held the voice of his father.
No – it was like the voice of the great Gikuyus of old. Here again was the saviour, the one
whose words touched the souls of the people listened and their hearts moved with the vibration of
his voice. And he, like a shepherd speaking to his flock, avoided words that might be insulting. In
any case, how could he repudiate Kabonyi’s argument? Waiyaki told them that he was their son.

They all were parents. He did not want to lead. The elders were there to guide and lead the
And the youth had to listen. All he wanted was to serve the ridges, to serve the hills. Un-
less the people heeded his words and plans, the ridges would lose their former dignity and would
be left a distance behind the country beyond ……..

a) What had interrupted his speech?

b) What actions did Waiyaki want to push through?
c) i) The battle was on ……….. What battle is being referred to?
ii) What pertinent issues did Kabonyi raise?
iii) Why do you think he raised these issues?
iv) What does this reveal about the character of Kabonyi?
d) Identify any stylistic device employed in the extract.
e) Which Joshua affair is Kabonyi talking about?
f) Give the meaning of the following words as in the extract.
i) Rid …………
ii) Ills…………
g) What resolution was made at the end of the meeting?
h) In about 80 words, summarize Waiyaki’s defenses against Kabonyi’s argument.
Rough draft

8. Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow:-
The moon was also awake. Her glare was hard and looked brittle. The whole ridge and ev-
erything wore a brilliant white. And the little things that in the day appeared ordinary seemed now
to be changed into an unearthliness that was both alluring and frightening. Waiyaki listened for
voices in the ridge but he could only hear silence. As he moved across the ridge through small
bushes and trees, the silence and the moon’s glare seemed to have combined into one mighty
force that breathed and had life. Waiyaki wanted to feel at one with the whole creation, with the
spirits of his sister and father. He hesitated. Then the oppression in him grew and desire to talk
with someone mounted. The brightness of the moon seemed now soft and tangible and he yielded
to the magic. And Waiyaki thrust out his arms and wanted to hold the moon close to his breast be -
cause he was sure she was listening and he wanted her cold breath near him. Now his muscles and
everything about his body seemed to vibrate with tautness.

Again he was restless and the yearning came back to him. It filled him and shook his
whole being so that he felt something in him would burst. Yearning. Yearning. Was life all a
yearning and no satisfaction? Was one to live a strange hollowness pursuing one like a malignant
beast that would not let one rest? Waiyaki could not know. Perhaps nobody could ever know. You
just had to be. Waiyaki was made to serve the tribe, living day by day with no thoughts of self but
always of others. He had now for many seasons been trying to drain himself dry, for the people.
Yet this thing still pursued him.
Suddenly he thought he knew what he wanted. Freedom. He wanted to run, run hard, run
everywhere or hover aimlessly, wandering everywhere like a spirit. Then he would have every-
thing –every flower, every tree- or he would fly to the moon. This seemed possible and Waiyaki
raised his eyes to the sky. His heart bled for her. But he could not run. And he could not fly.
All this while, Waiyaki had been moving. Soon he was down at Honia river. The crickets
went on with their incessant shrilling. The quiet throb of the river echoed in his heart. He felt
comforted. The water looked strange under the moon. He crossed the river and started climbing
up the slope, following the cattle road that would take him to Joshua’s village – Makuyu. He
would go to see Kamau. It was strange how Kamau and Kinuthia’s lives seemed to be running on
the same road, always affected by the same events. When young, they used to take their herd
grazing together.
At Siriana, they were together. It was only after Waiyaki’s circumcision that they sepa -
rated for a time. Kamau was initiated a few months after the break away. And now they were to -
gether at Marioshoni. For a time, Waiyaki became rapt in thoughts, about Kamau, Kinunthia and
their life at school.

(a) Describe what happens after this excerpt

(b) Identify and illustrate any two features of styles used in the excerpt
(c) Rewrite the sentences below according to the instructions given after each:-
(i) He had now for many seasons been trying to drain himself dry, for the people.
Begin: For the people....)
(ii) The crickets went on with their incessant shrilling......................(Add a question tag)
(iii) The quiet throb of the river echoed in his heart. He felt comforted.
(combine the two sentences using ‘which’)
(d) In not more than 25 words, show how Kamau and Kinuthia’s lives were affected by the
same events.
(e) In what ways was Waiyaki made to serve the tribe?
(f) Identify instances in the excerpt where nature seemed to be in agreement with
(g) From your knowledge of the text, why would you say that Kinuthia was a true friend
to Waiyaki?
(h) Explain what it was that Waiyaki was yearning for?

9. Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow:
A moment too soon Kabonyi was on his feet. He did not smile but looked defiantly around
him. The battle was on. He was old but his voice was good and steady. Besides, he knew his audi-
ence well and knew what to appeal to. He could speak in proverbs and riddles, and nothing could
appeal more to the elders, who still appreciated a subtle proverb and witty riddles. Kabonyi again
knew his limits. He did not want to bring too many issues together. So he decided to leave the
Joshua affair and come to it later as a final blow.
He reminded them of the poverty of the land. The dry months had left the people with
nothing to eat. And the expected harvest would not yield much. He touched on the land taken by
the white man. He talked of the new taxes being imposed on the people by the Government Post
now in their midst. And instead of Waiyaki leading people against these more immediate ills, he
was talking of more buildings? With more teachers? And was the white man’s education really
necessary? Surely there was another way out. It was better to drive away the white man from the
hills altogether. Were the people afraid? Were there no warriors left in the tribe? He, Kabonyi,
would lead them. That was why he had formed the new Kiama. He would rid the country of the
influence of the white man. He would restore the purity of the tribe and its wisdom.
“Or do you think the education of our tribe, the education and wisdom which you all re-
ceived, is in any way below that of the white man?”
He challenged the people, appealling to their pride, to the manhood in them and to their
loyalty to the soil. “Do not be led by a youth. Did the tail ever lead the head, the child the father or
the cubs the lion?”

(a) Place this excerpt in its immediate context

(b) How is Kabonyi’s attitude towards Waiyaki revealed within and without this excerpt?
(c) Identify and illustrate the main theme evident in this excerpt
(d) “Do not be led by a youth”. From your knowledge of the rest of the text, what were
Kabonyi’s other accusations against Waiyaki?
(e) Describe the character of Kabonyi as portrayed in this extract
(f) “Were people going to be burdened with more buildings? (Re-write the sentence beginning:
People ...........)
(g) Explain the irony in this statement: “It was better to drive away the white man from the hills
altogether......He Kabonyi, would lead them”
(h) In note form, write the speech delivered by Kabonyi to the people
(i) From your knowledge of the text, who is Nganyira?

10. UJNSEEN TEXT – The River Between

Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow:
Just then, another boy came running from a group of cows a distance away.
“Stop fighting!” he shouted breathlessly as he stood near the pair. Kamau stopped, but he still sat
on Kinuthia. “Why are you fighting?”
“He called me names,” answered Kamau
“He is a liar. He laughed at me because my father died poor and …..”
“He is !”
“You beggar.”
“You……….. you…………”
Kamau became furious. He began to pinch Kinuthia. Kinuthia looked appealingly
to the other boy. “Please stop this, Kamau. Didn’t we swear that we of the hills were comrades?”
He felt helpless. It was the day earlier that they had sworn to be brothers.
“What do I care about comrades who insult my father?” asked Kamau.
“I will do it again,” retorted Kinuthia between tears. “Do now.”
“I will.”
Kamau and Kinuthia began to struggle. The boy felt an irresistible urge to fall on
Kamau; he pulled a blade of grass and began to chew it quickly, his eyes dilating with rage and
“Kamau,” he burst out
The tremor in the boy’s voice sent a quiver of fear up Kamau. He quickly looked up and
met the burnt eyes, grazing at him. Meekly he obeyed the unspoken command. But his face went
a shade darker than normally was. He slunk away, feeling humiliated and hating himself for sub -
mitting. Kinuthia stood unsteadily and looked gratefully at the boy. The boy kept on lowering his
face, gazing at the same spot feeling of pride and triumph he had suddenly subsided to one of re -
gret at having done that to him. Perhaps it might have felt better if Kamau had stuck it out and he
had to use to remove him.

a) What happens just

i) Before this extract (2 mks)
ii) After this extract (2 mks
b) Identify the main stylistic device used in the passage and say how effective it is (4 mks)
c) How relevant is the main event in the above extract to the rest of the novel? (4 mks)
d) Discuss Waiyaki’s role and character as brought in this passage (4 mks)
e) Illustrate one theme that is suggested in the above excerpt (4 mks)
f) “Perhaps it might have felt better if Kamau had stuck it out.”
(Rewrite this sentence beginning: Had ………..) (2 mks)
g) In about 40 words outline the reactions of Kamau and Waiyaki as seen in the last
paragraph (5mks)

11. Read the following comprehension passage and answer the questions that follow
The moon was also awake. Her glare was hard and looked brittle. The whole ridge and ev-
erything wore a brilliant white. And the little things that in the day appeared ordinary seemed now
to be changed into an unearthliness that was both alluring and frightening. Waiyaki listened for
voices on the ridge but he could only hear silence. As he moved across the ridge, through small
bushes and trees, the silence and the moons glare seemed to have combined into one mighty force
that breathed and had life.
Waiyaki wanted to feel at one with the whole creation, with the spirits of his sister and fa-
ther. He hesitated. Then the oppression in him grew and the desire to talk with someone mounted.
The brightness of the moon seemed now soft and tangible and he yielded to his magic. And
Waiyaki thrust out his arms and wanted to hold the moon close to his breast because he was sure
she was listening and he wanted her cold breath near him. Now his muscles and everything about
his body seemed to vibrate with tautness.
Again he was restless and the yearning came back to him. It filled him and shook his
whole being so that he felt something in him would burst. Yearning! Yearning! Was life all a
yearning and no satisfaction? Was one to live a strange hollowness pursuing one like a malignant
beast that one could not ever know. You had just to be. Waiyaki was made to serve the tribe, liv -
ing day by day with no thoughts of self but always of others. He had now for many seasons been
trying to drain himself dry, for the people. Yet this thing still pursued him
Suddenly he thought he knew what he wanted freedom. He wanted to run, run hard run
anywhere. Or hover aimlessly, wandering everywhere like a spirit. Then he would have every-
thing- every flower, every tree- or he could fly to the moon. This seemed possible and Waiyaki
raised up his eyes to the sky. His heart bled for her. But he could not run. And he could not fly.
All this while, Waiyaki had been moving. Soon he was at Honia river. The crickets went
on with their incessant shrilling. The quiet throb of the river echoed in his heart. He felt com -
forted. The water looked strange under the moon. He crossed the river and began climbing up the
slope, following the cattle road that would take him to Joshua’s village – Makuyu. He would go
and see Kamau. It was strange how his life and Kamau’s and Kinuthia’s seemed to be running on
the same road.

a) “The moon was also awake.” Who else was awake and why?
b) Comment on the use of any three (3) features of style in the excerpt
c) Identify and illustrate the dominant theme evident in the excerpt
d) “It was strange how his life and Kamau’s and Kinuthia’s seemed to be running on the
same road………” Referring to the rest of the story, explain the truth of this statement
e) “Waiyaki listened for voices on the ridges but he could only hear silence.” Rewrite this
sentence beginning: Listening
f) What happens immediately after this excerpt
g) Write down words which have the same pronunciation with the following words
h) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases used in the excerpt
i) Brittle-
ii) Yearning-
iii) He yielded to her magic–
iv) His heart bled for her–

12. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
“A man shall rise and save the people in their hour of need.” Was he that saviour? Was he
the promised one or had Chege’s mind been roving? How would he save them? Chege had placed
a burden on his shoulders, a burden hard to carry. A saviour did something big, something that
had power to change the lives of the people. A saviour did something startling, a thing that hap -
pened so suddenly one night that nobody could resist its power. What had he himself done?
But now he wanted an opportunity to shout what was oppressing his mind. He would ell
the people: “unite.” That would be early next year. For a moment he dreamt the dream. It was a
momentary vision that flashed across his mind and seemed to light the dark corners of his soul. It
was the vision of a people who could trust one another, who would sit side by side, singing the
song of love which harmonized with music from the birds, and all their hearts would beat to the
rhythm of the throbbing river. The children would play there, jumping from the rock onto rock,
splashing the water which reached fathers and mothers sitting in the shade around,
talking ,watching. Birds sang as they hovered from tree to tree, while farther out in the forest
beasts on the land circled around…In the midst of this Nyambura would stand. The children
would come to her and she would talk to the elders. The birds too seemed to listen and even the
beasts stopped moving and stood still. And a song rose stirring the heart of all, and their long-
ing for a new life in the future was reflected in the dark eyes of Nyambura.
He stretched his hands and wanted to touch her trembling figure as she led them into this
song. And then he saw that the hands of the other people, including Joshua, were stretched to-
wards her. For a moment he stood still, fascinated by the sight. And then horror caught him. They
were all pulling her into pieces, as if she were a thing of sacrifice to the god of the river, which
still flowed with life as they committed this outrage on her. And he too had joined the crowd
and he was tearing her to himself and she did not cry out because she was dumb. Then he saw
that it was Muthoni, and she was thrown into the river and she was saying, “I am a woman now.”
The river carried her with it into a darkness which no one could fathom. Waiyaki’s heart cried and
he knew that she was not there. She had gone. And everyone turned away, not speaking to one
another because they felt guilty. They averted their eyes from Waiyaki, the Teacher as they passed
him. At last he as left alone. He did not know whether he should follow Muthoni or the crowd.
Nyambura now stood in front of him. A flash of joy drove the guilt away and he went forward to
touch her. She would not let him. And Waiyaki wanted to remonstrate with her and remind her
that one tie when she had allowed him to hold her in his arms. But he remembered that Nyambura
had not agreed to marry him. Why did she refuse? Because she would not disobey a father? Yes.
That was the word obedience. And because she was obedient he had lost her. Forever. and his
yearning would go on, on, on till he died. Death was the end of everything. He was about to open
his mouth and tell her that Joshua had led the crowd in tearing her to pieces. Then Waiyaki re-
membered that he too had chosen the crowd, had acceded to the ritual demands of the tribe
and had shed her blood. Guilt weighed on him. The darkness terrified him. He wanted to scream
in horror of himself. He had failed to tell people to unite. Another time. A next time. And he
woke up still panting, next time.

a) Place this extract in its immediate context

b) Identify and state the effectiveness of any two features of style in the passage
c) How do the following characters contribute to Waiyaki’s downfall:
i) Kabonyi
ii) Chege
d) In summary of about 50 words, state in what ways this vision is a reflection of what
happens later in the novel
e) Give three reasons why Waiyaki could not unite the ridge
f) He stretched his hands and wanted to touch her trembling figure as she led them
into this song (Begin:……Not only………..)
g) Cite another incident where Waiyaki sees a vision
h) Identify and illustrate any one theme brought out in this extract

13. Read the comprehension below and answer the questions that follow (25mks)
“Mugo was born and grew up in Kameno before he went to tell people what he saw. For
he saw many butterflies, of many colours, flying about over the land disrupting the peace and the
ordered life of the country. Then he cried aloud and said: “There shall come a people with clothes
like butterflies....” People did not believe him. Some even poured scorn on him, laughing at him,
for they said: ‘He is not well.’ And they would not listen to his voice, which warned them: ‘Be-
ware!’ the seer was rejected by the people of the ridges. They gave him no clothes and no food.
He became bitter and hid himself, refusing to tell them more. He went beyond the hills, to the
world yonder, the whole extent of Gikuyu land. He was not yet exhausted and there spoke the
message even louder. Still they laughed and poured scorn on him. Here they thought him dead.
But disguised he came back here and settled.”
Chege paused for a while as if to gather his breath. His eyes shone as if with inner power
and then slowly he said. “We are his offspring. His blood flows in our veins.”
Waiyaki stood as if dumb. The knowledge that he had in him the blood of this famous
seer, who had been able to see the future, filled him with an acute sense of wonder. He could not
speak; the only word which escaped him was, “Ha!” his father was still speaking: “He died here.
Our fathers do not know where his grave is. But some say that he was carried up; by Murungu.”
Chege stopped and slowly turned to Waiyaki. Waiyaki trembled freely. “I see you fear.
You must learn first fear ...fear.... It was not only Mugo whom they rejected. When I told them
about Siriana, they would not listen.”
For the first time, Waiyaki felt really frightened. Unknown terror gripped him. He fought
with it. “No doubt you wonder why I tell you all this Waiyaki wanted to cry out: “Don’t tell me
more. I don’t want to hear more. No! No! No, Father!”. Instead he only whispered.
“You are the last in our line.” Waiyaki felt as if a heavy cloud was pressing down on his
soul and he felt a strange sensation of suspension in his stomach. It was as if something, a presen-
timent, was moving towards him with all speed and he was powerless to prevent it. “Sit down,”
his father spoke gently.
Waiyaki’s legs had already began to lose strength and he sank onto the grass.
“You are tired perhaps, “Chege said as he moved near his son.
Waiyaki stopped trembling and hated himself for showing fear. Chege repeated slowly: “You see,
when Mugo became bitter, he refused to tell them more.” Chege made another pause. His face and
eyes were set as if he was trying to recall something long-forgotten. He was now standing just be -
hind Waiyaki. He bent down and touched his son on the shoulder. Waiyaki realized that his fa-
ther’s hand was trembling slightly. Chege withdrew his hand quickly and then with a loud tremor
in his voice went on: “Now, listen my son. Listen carefully, for this is the ancient prophecy... I
could not do more. When the white man came and fixed himself in Siriana, I warned all the peo -
ple. But they laughed at me. May be I was hasty. Perhaps I was not the one Mugo often said you
could not cut the butterflies with a panga. You could not spear them until you learnt and knew
their ways and movement. Then you could trap, you could fight back.” Before he died, he whis-
pered to his son the prophecy, the ancient prophecy: ‘salvation shall come from the hills. From the
blood that flows in me, I say from the same tree, a son shall rise. And his duty shall be to lead and
save the people! He said no more. Few knew the prophecy. Perhaps Kabonyi, who has betrayed
the tribe, knows about it. I am old, my time is gone. Remember that you are the last in this line.
“Arise. Heed the prophecy. Go to the Mission place. Learn all the wisdom and all the se-
cretes of the white man. But Waiyaki disregarded his father’s advice.

(a) Where was Mugo born and what does it represent? (2mks)
(b) Who are those people with clothes like butterflies? (2mks)
(c) Why did the seer become bitter and hid himself? (3mks)
(d) “We are his offspring. His blood flows in your veins”. Rewrite it in reported speech (2mks)
(e) Why is Waiyaki unable to speak? (2mks)
(d) According to your understanding of the novel, which specific ritual had Waiyaki
undergone through a few weeks before this extract? (2mks)
(g) With evidence from this extract, identify two themes discussed (4mks)
(h) At what specific point were Chege and Waiyaki when those ways were being said? (2mks)
(i) In which way has Kabonyi betrayed the tribe? (2mks)
(j) Identify two things that were emphasized in Siriana which eventually aided the falling
apart of the people of Makuyu and Kameno (2mks)
(k) Which important rituals does Waiyaki undergo through in the days after his excerpt
and what is its significance?

14. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

There was general uniformity between all the houses that lay scattered over this ridge.
They consisted of round thatched huts standing in grounds of three or four. A natural hedge
surrounded each household. Joshua’s house was different. His was a tin-roofed rectangular
building standing quite distinctly by itself on the ridge. The tin roof was already decaying and let
it rain freely, so on top of the roof could be seen little scraps of sacking that covered the very
bad parts. The building, standing so distinctly and defiantly, was perhaps an indication that the
old isolation of Mukuyu from the rest of the world was being broken down.
As yet, it was true, no town was near. Nairobi was far, a town not known to the hills. Siri-
ana was still the nearest missionary centre: a big place with hospitals and a flourishing school tak-
ing boys and girls from all over the country. But the missionaries had not as yet penetrated into
the hills, though they sent a number of disciples to work there. The people remained conserva-
tive, loyal to the ways of the land. Livingstone occasionally paid a visit to the hills, giving new
life and energy to his various followers. His main work however, was being carried on by Joshua.
Joshua, Nyambura’s father, was now a middle-aged man who always preached in sharp
ringing tones that spoke of power and knowledge. He, along with a few others, had been the first
to be converted to the new faith. He was then a young man who ran from the hills and went to live
with the white man in the newly established mission. He feared the revenge of the hills; the
anger of his friends, betrayed. In Siriana he found a sanctuary and the white man’s power and
magic. He learnt to read and write. The new faith worked in him till it came to posses him
wholly. He renounced his tribe’s magic, power and ritual. He turned to and felt the deep
presence of the one God. Had he not given the white man power over all? He learned of Jesus.
Behold, a virgin shall conceive,
And bear a son.
And shall call his name Immanuel.

He realised the ignorance of his people. He felt the depth of the darkness in which they
lived. He saw the muddy water through which they waded unaware of the dirt and mud. His peo-
ple worshipped Murungu, Mwenenyaga, Ngai. The unerring white man called the Gikuyu god the
prince of darkness.
Isaiah, the white man’s seer, had prophesied of Jesus. He had told of the coming of a Mes -
siah. Had Mugo wa Kibiro, the Gikuyu seer, ever foretold of such a saviour? No. Isaiah was great.
He has told of Jesus, the Saviour of the world.

Those who refuse him are the children of darkness;

These, sons and daughters of the evil one, will go to
They will burn and burn forever more, world unending.

These strong words frightened Joshua and shook his whole body; shook him to the very
roots of his being. He became baptized and it was only then that he felt at peace and stopped trem-
He felt happiness which cut sharp into him, inflaming his soul. He had escaped Hell. He
felt a new creature. That is always what he said at home and in church.
If anybody is in Christ, behold he is a new creature. He was new. He became a preacher,
brave, having been freed from fear. He no longer feared Chege or what the hills and their inhabi-
tants would say or do to him. He went back to Makuyu and preached with a vehemence and fury
that frightened even his own old listeners. Few could resist that voice. Many came and some were
converted. And they all together rejoiced and praised God.
But some went back to drinking; to dancing the tribal ritual, to circumcision. And Joshua
day by day grew in wrath and vehemently condemned such bevaiour. Perhaps the word had not
taken root. Joshua himself was strict and observed the word to the letter. Religious uniformity in
his own home was binding. He meant to be an example to all, a bright light that would show the
way, a rock on which the weak would step on their way to Christ.

a) How is Joshua different from other villagers? (2 mks)

b) Why does Joshua run away from the hills? (2 mks)
c) Identify and explain any two themes that come out in the passage. (4 mks)
d) Identify any two styles evident in the passage. (4 mks)
e) “He meant to be an example to all, a bright light that would show the way, a rock on
which the weak would step on their way to Christ.”
With reference to the above statement show the Irony in Joshua’s lifestyle. (4 mks)
f) Which challenges do Joshua face in his mission of spreading the Gospel? (2 mks)
g) Write the following sentences in past tense.
“Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son.”
h) Punctuate the following sentence.
Siriana was still the nearest missionary centre a big place with hospitals and a flourishing
school taking boys and girls from all over the country.
i) Rewrite the following sentence ending with the word occasionally.
Livingstone occasionally paid a visit to the hills. (1 mk)
j) Identify any two character traits of Joshua.

15. Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow:-
He could not sleep. Thin rays of the moon passed through the cracks in the wall into the
hut and fell at various spots on the floor. It was no good staring blankly at the hazy darkness in
which every object lost its clear edges. Waiyaki wanted to talk to someone. That was what op -
pressed him: the desire to share his hopes, his yearnings and longings with someone, his plans in
education. The desire for assurance and release. Twice he had tried to tell his mother, to ask her
something. But each time he stood in front of her and he heard her shaky voice, he found himself
talking of irrelevant things. It was strange that the tremor in her voice should set doubts darting in
his soul.
After all, what was the longing, what was the something for which he yearned? Did he
know it himself? Yet the hopes and desires kept on haunting him. They had followed him all his
He did not want to think. But thoughts came and flooded his heart. Strange chapters of his
life unfolded before him. His young sister who had died early was the only person with whom he
had been intimate. He had loved her, if that sort of closeness could be called love. He thought he
loved the hills and their people. But they did not give him that something he could get from her.
Then, he had been very small; many seasons before his second birth. He wondered why he re-
membered that time. But she was dead. And death was the end of everything, on this earth. After
you were buried, you turned into a spirit. Waiyaki wondered if his sister was a spirit. A young
good spirit. Was she watching him? He turned round, rather frightened. He felt guilty.
Waiyaki was superstitious. He believed the things that the people of the ridges believed.
Siriana Mission had done nothing effective to change this. His father had warned him against be-
ing contaminated by the ways of the white man. Yet he sometimes wondered. Was the education
he was trying to spread in the ridges not a contamination?
He wanted to sleep. From side to side he wriggled on his bed, trying to close his eyes and
shut away these thoughts that would not let him alone. He thought: There is something unexplain-
able in the coming of the white man. He had found no resistance in the hills. Now he had pene-
trated into the heart of the country, spreading his influence. This influence could be disruptive.
Muthoni had died on the high altar of this disruption. She had died with courage, probably still
trying to resolve the conflict withinin herself in an attempt to reach the light. Since her death ev-
erything had gone from bad to worse, and probably conflicting calls and loyalties strove within
the hearts of many. Not many were like Muthoni in courage. Waiyaki wondered where he was.
Was he trying to create order and bring light in the dark?
The image of his sister, that of Muthoni and many others followed each other across his
mind in quick succession,, shadows that had no concrete form; shadows that came and went;
sometimes merging, forming nothing. Then, for one moment, his life became one white blur. But
only for a second. Then came the mist, dark with no definition. The clear edges of life had gone.
He lay still, a little frightened, not knowing what to think or how to find a way out.

(a) What had happened just before this excerpt? (3mks)
(b) Waiyaki mentions his second birth. What is he referring to here? (2mks)
(c) According to this excerpt, what is the thing that the people of the ridges believed in? (2mks)
(d) What does the last paragraph portray about Waiyaki’s impending fate? (3mks)
(e)In about forty words, summarize the effects brought about by the coming of the white man
(f) Chege sent his son Waiyaki to Siriana Mission. What conflict did this bring in Waiyaki’s life?
(g) What theme is evident in this excerpt? (3mks)
(h) ‘Yet the hopes and desires kept on haunting him’..................................................................
(Supply an appropriate question tag) (1mk)
(i) What does this excerpt reveal about Waiyaki’s character? (2mks)
(j) Give the meaning of each of the following words as used in the excerpt

Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow:
PETER STOCKMANN: I protest against the personal allusions.
DR. STOCKMANN: (imperturbably) — and that, not because he is like myself, descended from
some old rascal of a pirate from Pomerania ... because that is who we are
descended from….
PETER STOCKMANN: An absurd legend. I deny it!
DR. STOCKMANN: ... but because he thinks what his superiors think, and holds the same
opinions they hold. People who do that are, intellectually speaking, common
people; and, that is why my magnificent brother Peter is in reality so very
far from any distinction — and consequently also so far from being inde-
PETER STOCKMANN: Mr. Chairman………!
HOVSTAD : So it is only the distinguished men that are liberal- minded in this country? That
is a new one! (Laughter.)
DR. STOCKMANN: Yes, that is part of my new discovery too. And another part of it is that free-
thinking is almost precisely the same thing as morality. That is why I maintain that
it is absolutely irresponsible of the People’s Messenger to proclaim, day in day
out, the false doctrine that it is the masses, the crowd, the compact majority, that
have the monopoly of liberal principles and morality — and that vice and corrup-
tion and every kind of intellectual depravity are the result of culture, just as all the
filth that is draining into our Baths is the result of the tanneries up at Molledal!
(Uproar and interruptions. DR. STOCKMAN” is undisturbed and goes on, car-
ried away by his ardour, with a smile.) And yet this same People’s Messenger can
go on preaching that the living standards of the masses ought to be elevated! But,
bless my soul, if the Messengers teaching is to be depended upon, this very eleva-
tion of the masses would mean nothing more or less than setting them straightaway
upon the paths of Depravity Happily, the theory that culture demoralizes is only an
old falsehood that our ancestors believed in and we have inherited. No. it is igno-
rance, poverty, ugly conditions of life, that do the devil’s work! In a house which
does not get aired and swept every day-my wife Katherine maintains that the floor
ought to be scrubbed as well, but that is debatable — in such a house let me tell
you, people will lose within two or three years the power of thinking or acting in a
moral manner. Lack of oxygen weakens the conscience. And there must be a plen-
tiful lack of oxygen in very many houses in this town, judging from the fact that
the whole ‘compact majority’ can be irresponsible enough to wish to build the
towns prosperity on a quagmire of falsehood and deceit.
ASLAKSEN: We cannot allow such a grave accusation to be flung at our community.
A CITIZEN: I move that the Chairman rule the speaker out of order.
VOICES (angrily): Hear, hear! Quite right! Make him sit down!
DR. STOCKMANN: (losing his self-control): Then I will go and shout the truth at every street
corner! I will write it in other towns’ newspapers! The whole country shall
know what is going on here!
HOVSTAD: It almost seems as if Dr. Stockmann’s intention were to ruin the town.
DR. STOCKMANN: Yes, my native town is so dear to me that I would rather ruin it than see it
prosper upon a lie.
ASLAKSEN: This is really serious. (Uproar and whistles, MRS. STOCKMANN coughs in
vain: her husband does not listen to her any longer.)
HOVSTAD: (shouting above the din): A man must be a public enemy who wishes to ruin
a whole community!
DR. STOCKMANN: (with growing fervour): What does the destruction of a community matter,
if it lives on lies? It ought to be razed to the ground. I tell you — All who
live by lies ought to be wiped out like vermin! You will end up infecting
the whole country; you will bring about such a state of things that the
whole country will deserve to be destroyed. And if it ever comes to that,

(a) Place this extract in its immediate context (4mks)

(b) Who are the compact majority? (2mks)
(c) Why does Dr. Stockmann accuse The People’s Messenger of being irresponsible? (3mks)
(d) Identify and explain any two themes presented in this excerpt (4mks)
(e) In your own words, explain the meaning of the image of the house that is never
swept in relation to what Dr. Stockmann talks about in this excerpt (3mks)
(f) Rewrite the following according to the instructions given after each: (2mks)
(i) A man must be a public enemy who wishes to ruin a whole community (Rewrite in the past tense)
(ii) It almost seems as if Dr.Stockmann’s intention were to ruin the town ………………………
(Insert an appropriate question tag)………………………………………………(2mks)
(g) Illustrate character traits of Dr. Stockmann evident in the excerpt (4mks)
(h) (i) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage (3mks)
(ii) Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow:
“Of course I mean your father as an example — for example, you see.”
“I shall take my father, for example, if you like. He is the head of the family. Suppose another
man, Karanja or Njuguna for example, comes in and we offer him hospitality. Suppose after a
time he deposes my father and makes himself the head of the family with a right to control our
property. Do you think he has any moral right to it? Do you, Waiyaki? And do you think I am
bound by any consideration to obey him? And if conditions become intolerable, it lies with me to
rebel, not only against him but also against all that is harsh, unfair and unjust. Take Siriana Mis-
sion for example, the men of God came peacefully. They were given a place. Now see what has
happened. They have invited their brothers to come and take all the land. Our country is invaded.
This Government Post behind Makuyu, is a plague in our midst. And this hut-tax ..”
He was exhausted. He looked around defiantly and yet sorrowfully. Then he began to
breathe hard. He was becoming excited again. He waved his hands in the air and then gave a thud
on the table. He let his eyes roll around as if he were speaking at a big political rally. Waiyaki had
never seen Kinuthia like this before. And why should they, who had been educated at Siriana, be
so vehement against it? It was just like his father, who had sent him to the Mission to which he
had all his life objected. Perhaps life was a contradiction. Waiyaki felt something stir in him as he
listened to Kinuthia. Perhaps Kinuthia was speaking for the sleeping hills, for the whole of
Gikuyu country. Then he suppressed the feeling and thought of the new drive in education. Per-
haps this was the answer to a people’s longings and hopes. For a moment he became lost in his
contemplation of education and the plans he had in mind:
“Come, Waiyaki. Tell us about this new Kiama.’
It was Kamau who asked. Waiyaki lost his vision but he still watched the rain. This rain
was a blessing; and the famine which people had feared would come if the drought had
continued would now be averted. From the scoops flowed little narrow streams at and
through the grass. They mingled and flowed on to join. Main stream, like a small river,
like Honia. Or like a flood.
Only this one would end and Honia River would forever flow.
And the small river went down making a small murmuring sound, talking to itself, or to
the ground. “Noah’s flood,”
Waiyaki thought.Kinuthia spoke.
“Yes. I think such a Kiama, to preserve the purity of our tribal customs and our way of
life, should be formed now.” Waiyaki had heard about this Kiama. He knew the drive came from
Kabonyi. Waiyaki feared they would give him a place in the leadership of this Kiama, which was
meant to embrace all the ridges. He did not feel enthusiastic about it. He wanted to concentrate on
education. Perhaps the teaching of Livingstone,that education was of value and his boys should
not concern themselves with what the government was doing or politics, had found a place in
Waiyaki’s heart. It rained on, the downpour almost slashing the sun-scoched grass. What was it?
And still it rained, with the litt1ieams gathering and joining together. He saw what they were do-
ing —
Carrying away the soil.
Corroding. eating away the earth.
Stealing the land.
And that was the cry, the cry on every ridge. Perhaps the sleeping lions would sleep no
more, for they were all crying, crying for the soil. The earth was important to the tribe. That was
why Kinuthia and others like him feared the encroachment of the white man. They feared what
had happened in Kiambu, Nyeri and Murang’a. The new settlers at Siriana wore the same face.
And Waiyaki was thinking, was Mugo wa Kibiro right? One day the white man would go. And
for a time Waiyaki remembered his father and that prophecy.
Suddenly he became angry, not with the white man or Kinuthia. He was angry with the rain.

(a) What had happened just before this excerpt? (3mks)

(b) Who was Mugo was Kibiro? (2mks)
(c) Give one character trait evident of Kinuthia in this excerpt (2mks)
(d) Explain clearly with illustrations any two themes brought out in this excerpt (4mks)
(e) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each; (2mks)
(i) Only this one would end and Honia River would forever flow _____ (insert an
appropriate question tag)
(ii) Then he suppressed the feeling and thought of the new drive in education.
(Re-write in the present simple)...........................................................................................
(f) Why did Waiyaki feel life is a contradiction? (2mks)
(g) Explain any two stylistic devices evident in this excerpt (4mks)
(h) From your understanding of the text, write notes on why the people of the ridges felt
that their rights were being violated by the white man (4mks)
(i) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt (2mks)
Sun –scorched………………………………………………………………


Read the story given below and answer the questions that follow:-
The hare was always laughing at the tortoise because he walked so slowly. “Really I don’t
know why you bother to go at all,” she sneered. ‘By the time you get there it will all be over-
whatever it is.’
The tortoise laughed. “I may be slow.’ He said, ‘but I bet I can get to the end of the field before
you can. If you want to race, ill prove it to you.’
Expecting an easy victory the hare agreed and she bounced off as fast as she could go. The
tortoise plodded steadily after her.
Now it was in the middle of a very hot sunny day and before long, the hare started to feel a
little drowsy. I think ill just take a short nap under this hedge. ‘She said to herself.’ Even if the
tortoise passed by ill catch him up in a flash. The hare lay down in the shade and was soon fast a
sleep. The tortoise plodded on under the midday sun. Much later, the hare awoke. It was later than
she had intended but she looked round confidently ‘No sign of old tortoise, I see, even if I did
have rather more than forty winks.’
Away she went, running through the short grass and the growing corn, leaping ditches and
brambles with ease. In a very short time she turned the last corner and paused for a moment
to look at the place where the rope was to end. There, not a yard from the finishing line was the
tortoise, plodding steadily on. One foot after another, nearer and nearer to the end of the race.
With a great bounce the hare streaked forward. It was too late. Though she threw herself
panting over the line , the tortoise was there before her.
‘Now do you believe me?’ Asked the tortoise. But the hare was too out of breath to reply.

i) Classify the above narrative

ii) Why did the hare always laugh at tortoise?
iii) Why did the hare feel drowsy?
iv) What made it possible for hare to lose the race?
v) Try to picture yourself as the story teller charged with the responsibility of narrating this
particular story. What story telling devises would you employ?
vi) Why did the tortoise laugh at Hare’s comment?
vii) Describe how tortoise’s own words “…. I may be slow but I bet I can get to the end of the
fields before you can…..”eventually proved to be true.
viii) Mention any two moral lessons you can learn from this story

Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:-

So what is the mountain deal

about the minister’s ailing son
that he makes boiling news?

How come it was not whispered

when Tina’s hospital bed crawled with maggots
and her eyes oozed pus
because the doctors lacked gloves?

What about Kasajja’s only child

who died because the man with the key
to the oxygen room was on leave?

I have seen queues

of emaciated mothers clinging to
babies with translucent skins
faint in line
and the lioness of a nurse
commanding tersely
“Get up or leave the line’

Didn’t I hear it rumoured that

the man with the white mane
and black robes
whose mouth stores the justice of the land
ushered a rape case out of court
because the seven-year-old
failed to testify?

Anyway, I only remember these things

when I drink,
they are indeed tipsy explosion
(Crazy Peter Prattles’ by Susan Nalugwa Kiguli in Echoes Across the Valley: Ed. Arthur I. Luvai and Kwamchetsi Makokha)

(a) What problems are highlighted in the poem about the state of health care?
(b) What is the significance of the rhetorical question in the first stanza?
(c) Pick out any two images in this poem and explain their significance
(d) (i) Identify the problem that the fifth stanza deals with
(ii) How does this connect with the problems in the previous stanzas?
(e) Explain the meaning of the following words as they are used in the poem
(i) Oozed ....
(ii) Emaciated....................
(iii) Translucent ..
(f) What is the significance of the last stanza?

3. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.


On the beach, on the coast,

Under the idle, whispers coconut towers,
Before the growling, foaming, waves,
I met a thief, who guessed I had
An innocent heart for her to steal.

She took my hand and led me under,

The intimate cashew boughs which shaded
The downy grass and peeping weeds
She jumped and plucked the nuts for me to suck:
She sang and laughed and pressed close

I gazed; her hair was like the wool of a mountain sheep,

Her eyes, a pair of brown –black beans floating in milk.
Juicy and round as plantain shoots
Her legs, arms and neck:
And like wine-gourds her pillowy breasts:

Her throat uttered fresh banana juice:
Matching her face-smooth and banana-ripe.

I touched-but long I even tasted,

My heart had flowed from me into her beast:
And then she went-high and south-
And left my carcass roasting in thee

a) Who is the persona?

b) What is the relevance of the title?
c) Paraphrase the last stanza
d) Identify and explain the significance of the three stylist devices employed in the poem
e) Of what race is the ‘thief’ in the poem?
f) Explain the meaning of the line ‘an innocent heart for her to steal’
g) Identify one economic activity portrayed in the poem

4. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:
There I see her coming
With borrowed steps
Like a coward ghost
Out of grass covered graveyard

She comes
Bearing no more
That attractive dames
Cover like soft babes

She has exposed
to bitter weather
and lusty eyes.

There I see her coming

like a nestles bird
that enters any nest
for a transient stay
at times
finding snakes
or hostile hawks
There I see her coming
like a black jack
a poisonous pest
that infects the city’s plantation
diseasing the young
and old plant

There I see her

coiling herself around
tourists and bosses
like a parasitic
climbing plant

There I see her coming
from the back door
like a forged coin
that assumes the high value
yet always hounded by spies

I stand to see her

when the forged coin is found
when the immigration birds
are back in their nests
or when the dog
that it constantly feeds on
is washed with DDT
or when the dog is dead
on a tarmac road
and when the stems are cut
in the dry windy season

a) Name FOUR things the person referred to as ‘her’ has been likened to.
b) What is the main theme of the poem? Explain with suitable examples
c) What is the attitude of the poet towards the subject of the poem? Illustrate using words or
phrase from the poem?
d) Identify three stylistic devices used in the poem and show their effectiveness in bringing out
the poet’s message.
(e) Explain the meaning of the last stanza – what mood does it express?

Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow:
There lived once a wicked chief. Nobody liked him, because of his wickedness. He was
wicked to old men and women. By pretending to be kind he tried to be popular to young men who
lived in that country. When the chief won over young men, they all liked him.
One day, the chief called all the young men and told them, “My friends, don’t you see?”
They asked, “What?” you should kill all of them. Everybody should kill his father.”
Ah: (that they should kill their fathers). As a result, everybody whose father was old brought him
to be killed. This one went and brought him to be killed. This one went and brought him to be
killed, the other went brought his father to be killed. They killed all the old men, leaving one only.
He was a father of a man who said no. “Why should the chief kill all old men and why
would I send my father to be killed?” He got down and went to dig a large hole and concealed it
nicely. He sent his father there, where he had dug. He fetched wood and put it across and coved it
with soil, making a small hole for air to pass through. At that time, they had finished to kill all the
old men.
When the chief finished executing them, he then called all the young men. “My friends we
have now finished killing all our old men. This is a cow I am giving to you. I am so happy we
have got rid of these old men, so go and kill the cow. When you have killed the cow, cut the best
part of its meat and bring it to me. If you don’t bring it, you yourself are not safe.”(That is all
right) eh;
The young men rushed out and slaughtered the cow, which is the best part of the meat of a cow?
They were worried

They went and cut the liver and sent it to him. He asked whether or not that was the best
part of the meat. They answered yes. They added part of the bile. He said that wasn’t the best part
of the meat and they should go and find it quickly. The people became more worried.
Every night the young man secretly took food to his father. One day he took food to his fa-
ther, who asked about the news of the town. He said, “My father, now we are suffering. When we
killed all the old men, the chief gave us a cow to go and kill. When we killed the cow, he said we
must both find the sweetest and the best part of the meat and bring to him, that if we do not bring
them, we are not safe ourselves. This is what is worrying us.” The old man laughed, but asked
him if he knew the sweetest part of the meat. He said no. He again asked if he did not know the
bitterest part. He said no. “Then the sweetest and the bitterest is the tongue. When you go, cut the
tongue and sent it to him and say that is the sweetest part of the meat and the bitterest.”
The man rushed home while all the people sat down, undecided about what to do. If some-
thing had not happened they might have thrown the whole meat away and run away. When the
boy arrived he said, “My friends take the tongue of the cow in.” they cut the tongue for him, and
he took it to the chief’s palace.
He went and threw it down and said, “Chief, see the sweetest part of the meat and the bit -
terest part also.”
The chief sat down quietly and finally said, “You did not kill your father. Speak the truth.
You have not killed your father.”
He said, “It is the truth, I didn’t kill him. When all the other men were killing their own fa-
thers I went and hid mine.”
He said, “You are the son of a wise old man. The sweetest and the bitterest part of a meat
is the tongue. As for that all these young men are fools. Why should somebody send his father to
be killed? But if you want the sweetest part of the meat, find the tongue, were it not for your
tongue, you would not have an enemy: it is also because of your tongue that you will not have a

1. Classify the above narrative

2. State any two characteristics of oral narratives present in the narrative above
3. Identify and discuss any two characteristics traits of the chief and any one character of the
young man (who didn’t kill the father)
4. Explain any moral lesson that can be learned from this narrative
5. Give one economic activity practices by the community from which this narrative
was taken
6. Identify any two styles in the oral narrative
7. Why do you think the chief wanted all the old men to be killed?

6. Read The Poem Bleow And Answer The Questions Below:

Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?
Would it be the same if I saw you in heaven?
I must be strong and carry on, cause I know I don’t belong here in heaven.

Would you hold my hand if I saw you in heaven?

Would you help me stand if I saw you in heaven?
I’ll find my way through night and day, cause I know I can’t just stay here in heaven

Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees
Time can break the heart; have you ‘begging’ “please” ‘begging’ “please”
Beyond the door there’s peace, I’m sure
And I know there will be no more tears in heaven.
Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?
Would you be the same if I saw you in heaven?
I must be strong and carry on, cause I know I don’t belong here in heaven.

‘Cause I know I don’t belong here in heaven.

a) What is the subject matter of this poem? Illustrate your answer

b) Identify and illustrate the feature of style evident in stanza three
c) Give and illustrate two examples of the persona’s statements to illustrate his attitude
of admiration
d) What is the implication of rhetorical questions beings set in conditional tenses?
e) What is the personas imagination of life in heaven?
f) In note form, give the main item of the last stanza
g) Explain the meaning of the following phrases as used in the poem
i) Hold my hand…… -
ii) Break the heart……
iii) No more tears………

7. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:-
*UGU* You see that Benz sitting at the rich’s end?
Ha! That Motoka is Motoka.
It belongs to the minister for fairness
Who yesterday was loaded with doctorate
At Makerere with whisky and I don’t know what
Plus I hear the literate thighs of an undergraduate.

You see those market women gaping their mouths?

The glory of its inside has robbed them of words
I tell you the feathery seats the gold steering
The TV the radio station the gear!
He can converse with all the world presidents
While driving in the back seat with his darly
Between his legs without the driver seeing a thing!
Ha! Ha! Ha!

Look at the driver chasing the children away

They want to see the pistol in the door pocket
Or the button that lets out bullets from the machine
Through the eyes of the car – Sshhhhhhhhh
Lets not talk about it.

But I tell you that Motoka can run

It sails like a lijato, speeds like a swallow
And doesn’t know anyone stupid on its way
The other day I heard
But look at its behind, that mother of twins!
A-ah That Motoka is Motoka.

You just wait, I’ll tell you more

But let me first sell my tomatoes

(a) Who is the persona?

b) Briefly explain what the poem is all about.
c) Identify any two stylistic devices used in the poem.
d) Explain the character of the market women as portrayed in the poem.
e) Explain the meaning of the following lines as used in the poem.
i) Ha! That Motoka is Motoka.
ii) The glory of its inside has robbed them of the words.
iii) But look at its behind, that mother of twins. *UGU*
f) Describe the tone of the poem and comment on the persona’s attitude towards the
minister for fairness.
g) Identify the economic activity of the people portrayed in this poem.

8. Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow:-
The outcome? Conflicting rumours
As to what faction murdered
The one man who, had he survived
Might have ruled us without corruption
Not that it matters now:
We’re busy collecting the dead
Counting them, hard though it is
To be sure what side they were on
What’s left of their bodies and faces
Tells of no need but for burial
And mutilations was practiced
By right, left and centre alike
As for the children and women
Who knows what they wanted
Apart from the usual things?
Food is scarce now, and men are scarce
Whole villages burnt to the ground
New cities in disrepair
The war is over, somebody must have won
Somebody will have won. When peace is declared

(a) According to the poem, what are the consequences of war?

(b) What techniques has the poet employed and what are their effects?
(c) What is the poet’s attitude towards war?
(d) Explain the meaning of the following lines:-
(i) Food is scarce now, men are scarce*KSW*
(ii) Whole villages burnt to the ground
(e) From the poem, why would you say that war is a no win situation?
(f) What’s the mood of the poem?

9. Read the oral narrative below and answer the questions that follow:
Why Zebra has stripped skin
Long ago, man tamed only the dog. Before he started taming any other animal, it was said
that the donkey could also be tamed. This story came from one hunter.
One day while hunting, this hunter killed a large animal, which was too heavy for him to
carry along. So, as he wondered how to carry his kill he saw a donkey pass nearby and an idea
came to his mind. “Why not place this carcass on the donkey so that it can help me?” he won-
dered. He did not know what would happen if he tried this because the donkey was also a wild an-
imal. Nevertheless he decided to try.
So he followed the donkey and luring it with sweet words and grass, the donkey allowed
him to place his load on its back without resistance. He then led the way until they arrived home.
After unloading the donkey, he gave it more grass and some water. It ate and drunk and appeared
happy. From that day, the donkey never left the hunter’s homestead; and he gave the donkey food
and drink daily. The donkeys multiplied and there were many donkeys in this homestead, all help-
ing the hunter to carry his loads. Soon, the story went round that somebody had tamed a donkey,
which he was using as a beast of burden. Villagers came to see for themselves and they were im-
pressed with the way the hunter’s donkeys were working. Having satisfied their curiosity, they
also went out into the wild to look for donkeys to tame. The donkey became a famous beast of
burden in the whole village and beyond, carrying all the heavy loads that men and women could
not even lift with assistance.
As all this was happening, the donkeys which were left in the wild did not know what was
going on. They would only see their friends go away with men and women never to return. They
came to understand that they had been deserted only after most of their friends had been taken
away. The few who were left started to hide deep in the woods to avoid any contact with human
beings. But their efforts to hide were all in vain! Human beings had realized that donkeys were
very useful animals. So they made every possible effort to catch them even from deep in the for-
This problem disturbed the wild donkeys. Many of their kind had been captured by human
beings. The rumours spreading around were that the captured ones were made to work very hard
with only little food, since there was no time to graze, while those left in the wild grazed the
whole day and even during the night.
Indeed, this was frightening. The rest of the donkeys decided to act quickly, lest they too
be captured. They called a meeting at which they discussed what should be done to stop the
movement of donkeys into people’s homes. When the meeting came to a stalemate, one donkey
suggested that they should seek help from Hare since he was known to be cunning and clever. All
agreed to seek advice from Hare.
The next morning, the donkey representative went to Hare. Hare was only too willing to
help. Therefore Hare asked him to tell all his friends to come to his compound early the next
morning. They agreed. When they arrived, they found Hare with whitewash in a large bucket and
a brush in his hand. They were all at a loss as to know how this whitewash was going to help
them. When they enquired, Hare attempted to explain but they could not understand.
So Hare asked one of them to volunteer for a demonstration but none wanted to. Then
Hare approached one old donkey and whispered in its ear saying, “Once you have been painted,
you will not be a donkey any more and human beings will not take you away.” The old donkey
said, “I will volunteer because if the human beings take me and put loads on my back, I will die.”
So the Hare quickly started painting stripes of whitewash on this donkey. Soon, the entire body of
the donkey was filled with white and grey stripes. When the other donkeys looked at the painted
donkey, they admired it and some wanted to be painted. But others came to the painted donkey
and it whispered something in their ears. So they rushed and crowded around Hare and although
he warned them that they had to be careful with the whitewash, they did not heed his warning.
They jostled, pushed, fought and even bit each other in the struggle to be the next one to be
painted. It was during this struggle to be painted that one donkey toppled the bucket containing
the whitewash, pouring the entire contents on the grass from where it could not be recovered. The
donkeys that had been painted remained in the forest because human beings did not capture them
for they looked different from the domesticated ones. The striped donkeys changed their name
from donkey to Zebra. All the ones that remained unpainted after the whitewash were captured by
the human beings and taken to their homes to labour for them up to this day. And there ends my
(Adapted from Kenya Oral Literature Narratives, A selection edited by
Kavetsa Adagala
and Wanjiku .M. Kabira. East African Educational Publishers.)

. (a) Classify , with reasons, this story

(b) Identify and illustrate the following:-
(i) One economic activity
(ii) One social activity.
(c) Explain the use of personification in this narrative
(d) What was the agenda of the meeting held by the donkeys?
(e) What is the attitude of the donkeys towards the Hare?
(f) What were the consequences of the donkey’s struggle to be painted?
(g) Apart from personification, what other features of oral narratives have been used in this story
(h) Explain the character of the donkeys in the 2nd last paragraph
(i) Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions as used in the story
(i) Beast of burden........
(ii) Demonstration.....
(iii) Toppled.......................

10. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow
Love is a universal migraine,
A bright stain on the vision
Blotting out reason.
Symptoms of true love
Are leanness, jealousy,
Laggard dawns;

Are omens and nightmares-

Listening for a knock.
Waiting for a sign:

For a touch of her fingers

In a darkened room,
For a searching look

Take courage, lover!

Could you endure such pain
At any hand but hers?
(Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry and Drama, McGraw-Hill, 2000)

a) Identify the persona in the poem (2 mks)
b) What is the persona’s attitude towards love? (Explain) (3 mks)
c) Describe the tone of the poem with evidence from it (3 mks)
d) Identify and explain any three figures of speech used in the poem (6 mks)
e) Describe the mood of the poem citing evidence to support your answer (3 mks)
f) Explain the rhetorical question at the end of the poem (2 mks)
g) Explain the meaning of each of the following expressions as used in the poem
i) Migraine
ii) Laggard dawn’s
iii) Searching look

11. Read the following oral poem and answer the questions that follow:-
Don’t cry baby
Sleep little baby
Father will nurse you
Sleep baby sleep
Little bird flitting away to the forest so fast
Tell me, little bird, have you seen her
Have you seen my crying baby’s mother?

She went to the river at early dew

A pot upon her head
But down the water floats her pot
And the path from the river is empty

Shall I take him under the palm?

Where the green shade rests at noon?
Oh no, no
For the thorns will prick my baby
Shall I take him under the giant baobab
Where the silk cotton plays with the wing?

Oh no, no
For the termite- eaten bough will break
And crush my little baby
My little sleeping baby
The day is long and the sun grows hot
So, sleep, my little baby, sleep
For mother is gone to a far, far land- Alas!
She is gone beyond the river.

a) Give four features which prove that the above oral poem is a lullaby
b) Identify and illustrate the two speakers in the poem
c) Why is the singer hesitant to take the baby under the shade?
e) Identify and illustrate any two characteristics of oral poems evident in the above poem
f) What is the singer’s attitude towards the baby?
g) Comment on social organization of the people in the community where this song was collected

14. Read the following oral poem and answer the questions that come after it:

The earth does not get fat,

It makes an end of those who wear the head plumes,
We shall die on the earth
The earth does not get fat. It makes an
end of those who act swiftly as heroes
Shall we die on the earth?

Listen O earth. We shall mourn because of you,

Listen O earth. We shall die on the earth?

The earth does not get fat. It makes an end of chiefs

Shall we all die on the earth?
The earth does not get fat.
It makes an end of the women chiefs
Shall we die on earth?

The earth does not get fat. It makes an end of the royal women
Shall we die on earth?

Listen O earth. We shall mourn because of you.

Listen O earth. We shall die on the earth?

The earth does not get fat. It makes

an end of the beasts.
Shall we die on the earth?

Listen you who are a sleep, who are

left tightly closed in the land.
Listen you who are asleep, who are left tightly closed in the land.
Shall we all sink into the earth?
Listen O earth, the sun is setting tightly.
We shall all enter into the earth
(Source: Akivaga.K and Odaga A.B, Oral Literature: A school certificate course)

a) Classify this song and give reasons for your classification

b) What is the subject matter in this song?
c) Identify and comment on two features of style that are characteristic of songs
d) Describe the attitude of the singer to the subject he/she is singing about
e) What social belief is brought out in this song?
f) Explain the meaning of the following lines :-
i) The earth does not get fat
ii) We shall all enter into the earth
iii)…… who are tightly closed in the land.

13. Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow

I shall return, I shall return again
To laugh and love and watch with wonder eyes
At garden noon the forest fires burn,
Wafting their blue black smoke to sapphire skies
I shall return to loiter by the streams
That bathe the brown blades of bending grasses,
And realize once more my thousand dreams
Of waters rushing down the mountain passes
I shall return to hear the fiddle and fife
Of village dances, dear delicious tunes
That stir the hidden depths of native life
Stray melodies of the dim-remembered tunes
I shall return, I shall return again

To ease my mind of long, long years of pain
(Claude McKay)

(a) Explain briefly what the poem is about (3mks)

(b) In NOTE form, identify four things which the persona is longing to return to (4mks)
(c) With illustration from the poem, identify and illustrate any three stylistic devices
used in the poem (6mks)
(d) What is the tone of the poem? Illustrate your answer (2mks)
(e) In what kind of environment is the persona living? Explain your answer (2mks)
(f) What specific name is given to the poems with one stanza and fourteen lines as
one above?
(g) What is the name given to the last two lines ending in similar sound? (1mk)

14. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:

They met by accident So they had to separate

He proposed the idea The boy remains illegitimate.
She gave her consent
All the way to the alter. Last month not long ago
They both took their go
The casualty was male Coincidentally by accident
And his pigment was pale Nothing to inherit.
Unlike his alleged sire
Who was black with Ire The poor boy is hardly ten
And knows no next of kin
The recourse was legitimate He roams the street of town.
He declaimed responsibility Like a wind sown outcast.
So they had to separate
The boy remains illegitimate.

a) Who is the persona in this poem? (2 mks)

b) What is the message in the poem? (4 mks)
c) Comment on any three stylistic device used in the poem. (6 mks)
d) What is the persona’s attitude towards the ”they?” (2 mks)
e) Comment on the last stanza. (3 mks)
15. Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow:

The inmates
Huddled together,
Cold biting their bones,
Teeth chattering from the chill,
The air oppressive,
The smell offensive
They sit and they reflect.

The room self-contained,

At the corner the gents’ invites
With the nice fragrance of ammonia,
And fresh human dung,
The fresh inmates sit thoughtfully.

Vermin perform a guard of honour,

Saluting him with a bite here,
And a bite there,
Welcome to the world’ they seem to say.

The steel lock of the door,

The walls insurmountable
And the one torching torturous bulb
Stare vacantly at him.
Slowly he reflects about the consignment
That gave birth to his confinement
Locked in for conduct refinement
The reason they put him in the prison.

The clock ticks

But too slowly
Five years will be a long time
Doomed in the dungeon
In this hell of a cell.

(a) What is the attitude of the speaker towards the fresh inmate? (4mks)
(b) Explain the atmosphere created through description in the poem (4mks)
(c) Why is the fresh ‘inmate in prison? (2mks)
(d) Identify and explain any three stylistic devices in the poem (6mks)
(e) Explain the mood of the new convict (2mks)
(f) Explain the meaning of the following line:
‘Locked in for conduct refinement (2mks)

16. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow: (20mks)
My father began as a god
Full of heroic tales
Of days when he was young
His laws were as immutable
As if brought down from Sinai
which indeed he thought they were.
He fearlessly lifted me to heaven
By a mere swing to his shoulder
And made me a godling
By seating me astride
Our milk cow’s back and too,
Upon the great white gobbler.
of which others went in constant fear.

Strange then how he shrank and shrank

Until by my time of adolescence
He had become a foolish small old man
with silly and outmoded views
of life and morality.

Stranger still
that as I became older
his faults and his intolerances
scatted away into the past

revealing virtues
such as honesty, generosity, integrity.

Strangest of all
how the deeper he recedes into the grave
the more I see myself
as just one more of the little men
who creep through life
no knee – high to this long-dead god.
(Ian Mudie)

(a) Briefly comment on the theme of the poem (4mks)

(b) Comment on the suitability of the tittle of the poem (3mks)
(c)What is the attitude of the persona towards his father? (3mks)
(d) Identify and explain any three stylistic devices used in the poem (6mks)
(e) What do the following groups of people learn from the poem?
(i) Parents. ……………… (ii) Children………
(f) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the poem. (2mks)
Immutable…………… Outmoded……………………

Read the story below and then answer the questions which follow:-
When she is the only one at the foot of the mortar-stones the hen only scratches with one
paw. For she has, so she thinks, plenty of time to choose her grains for corn.
Ponda certainly was not the only girl in M’badane, but she had only to appear for the most
beautiful, and far from being fastidious and difficult to please as might have been expected, she
was only too anxious to find a husband, as she was afraid of growing into an old maid, for she had
already turned sixteen. On their side suitors were not lacking: every single day her girl-friends’
brothers and fathers, young men and old men from other villages, sent griots and dialis bearing
gifts and fine words to ask her hand in marriage.
If it had only depended on herself Ponda would certainly by now have a baby tied on her
back, either good, or bad-tempered and crying. But in the matter of marriage, as in all things a girl
must submit to her father’s will. It is her father who must decide whom she is to belong to: a.
Prince, a rich dioula or a common badolo who sweats in the field in the sun; it is for her father to
say it he wishes to bestow her on a powerful marabout or an insignificant talibe.
Now Mor, the father of Ponda had demanded neither the immense bride-price of a rich
man, nor the meager possession of a badolo; still less had he thought of offering his daughter to a
marabout or to a marabout’s disciple in order to enlarge his place in paradise. Mor simply told all
those who come to ask for his daughter, whether for themselves, for their masters, for their sons
or for their brothers:
“I will give Ponda without demanding bride-price or gifts, to the man who will kill an ox
and send me the meat by the agency of a hyena; but when it arrives not a single morsel of the ani -
mal must be missing.”
That was more difficult than making the round-cared Narr-the-Moor keep a secret. It was
more difficult than entrusting a calabash full of honey to a child and expect him not to even dip
his little finger in. You might as well try prevent the sun from leaving his home in the morning or
retiring to bed to the end of the day. You might as well forbid the thirsty sand to drink the first
drop s of the first rains. Entrust meat to Bouki-the-Hyena? You might as well entrust a pot of but -
ter to a burning fire. Entrust meat to Bouk and prevent her from touching it.
But how can you entrust meat; even dried meat to a hyena, and prevent her to touch it? It
was an impossible task, so said the griots as they ended their way home to their masters: so said
the mothers who had come on their sons’ behalf, so said the old men who had come to ask for the
beautiful Ponda for themselves.

A day’s walk form M’Badane lay the village of N’diour. The inhabitants of N’Diou were
by no means ordinary folk’ they were, or so they believed, the only men and the only women
since earliest times to have tamed the double hyenas, with whom in fact they lived in perfect
peace and good understanding. It is true that the people of N’Diour did their share to maintain
these good relations.
Every Friday they killed a bull which they offered to Bouki-the-Hyena and her tribe. Of all
the young men of N’Diour, Birane was the best at wrestling as well as working in
the fields, he was also the most handsome. When his griot brought back presents that Mor had re-
fused, and told him the conditions which Ponda’s father had laid down, Birane said to himself:
“I shall be the one to win Ponda for my bed,” He killed an ox, dried the meat, and put it in a
goatskin; the skin was enclosed in a coarse cotton bag and the whole thing placed in the middle of
‘a truss straw.
On Friday, when Boruki came with her family to partake of the offering given by the peo -
ple of N’Diou Birane went to her and said, ‘My griot, who has no more sense than a babe at the
breast and who is as stupid as an ox has brought the fine gifts that I sent to Ponda, the daughter of
Mor of N’Badane. I am certain that if you, whose wisdom is great and whose tongue is as honey,
took this simple truss of straw to N’Badane to the house of Mor you would only need to say, “Bi-
rane asks for your daughter, “for him to grant her to you”.
“I have grown old, Birane, and my back is no longer very strong, but N’Bar, the oldest of
my children, is full of vigour and he has inherited a little of my wisdom. He will go to N’Badane
for you, and I am sure that he will acquint himself well of your mission.”
M’Bar set off very early in the morning, the truss of straw on his back. When the dew
moistened the truss of straw the pleasant Odour of the meat began to float in the air. M’bar-the-
hyena stopped, lifted his nose sniffed to the right, sniffed to the left, then resumed his way, a little
less hurriedly it seemed. The smell grew stronger, the Hyena stopped again, bared his teeth, thrust
his nose to the right, to the left, into the air, then turned round and sniffed to the four winds. He
resumed his journey, but now hesitating all the time, as if held back by this penetrating, insistent
smell which seemed to come from all directions.
Not being able to resist it any longer, M’Bar left the track that led from N’Diour to
N’Badane, made huge circling detours in the veld, ferreting to the right, ferreting to the left con-
tinually retracing his steps, and took three whole days instead of one to reach N’Badane.
N’Bar was certainly not in the best of tempers when he entered Mor’s home. He did not
wear the pleasant expressions of a messenger who comes to ask a great favour. This smell of meat
that impregnated all the grass and all the bushes of the veld and still impregnated the huts of
N’Bedane and the courtyard of Mor’s home, had made him forget on the ‘way from N’Diour all
the wisdom that Biouki had instilled into him, and stilled the gracious words that one always ex-
pects from a petitioner. M’Bar scarcely even unclenched his teeth to say: Assalamou aleyokoum!”
and nobody could even hear his greeting; but as he threw down the truss of straw from his back
had bent under its weight, he muttered in a voice that was more than disagreeable, ‘Bitane of
N”Diour sends you this truss of staw and asks for your daughter. Under the very eyes of M’Bar
the Hyena, first astonished, then indignant, then covetous Mor cut the liana ropes that bound the
truss of a straw, opened it up and took out the bag of coarse cotton; from the coarse cotton bag of
he took out the goat-skin and from the goatskin the pieces of dried meat.
‘Go’, ‘Mor, said to M’Bar-the-hyena, who nearly burst with rage at the sight of all that
meat he had unsuspectingly earned for three days, and which was spread out, there without his be-
ing able to touch a single bit. (for the folk of N’Badane were not like the inhabitants of N’Diour,
and in M’Badane hunting spears were lying all round). ‘Go,’ said Mor, ‘go and tell Birane that I
give him my daughter. Tell him that he is not only the most spirited and the strongest of all the
young men of N’Diour, but he is also the shrewdest.
He managed to entrust meat to you, hyena, he will be able to keep a sharp watch on his
wife and outwit all tricks.’

a) What type of oral narrative is this?

b) State one economic activity of the community from which the story is taken.
c) What two aspects of Birane’s character come out in this story?
d) What moral lesson do we learn from this narrative?
e) Identify two significant devices used in this narrative and comment on their
f) Identify three aspects of social life in the community from which the oral narrative is set

18. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

I know what the caged bird feels, alas !
When the sun is bright on the upland slopes;
When the wind stirs soft through the springing grass
And the river flows like a stream of glass;
When the first bird sings and the first bud opens,
And the faint perfume from its petals steals-
I know what the caged bird feels!

I know why the caged bird beats his wing

Till its blood is red on the cruel bans;
For he must fly back for his perch and cling
When he rather would be on the branch a – swing;
And a pain still throbs in the old, old scars
And they pulse again with a keener sting –
I know why he beats his wing!

I know why the caged bird sings, ah me,

When his wing is bruised and his blossom sore,
When he beats his bars and would be free;
It is not a song of joy or glee,
But a prayer that he sends from his heart’s deep core,
But a plea, that upward to Heaven he flings –
I know why the caged bird sings !
(Adapted from the poem by Paul Lawrence Dunbar
In American Negropoetry, edited by Arna Bontemps.
New York: Hill and Wang, 1974)

(a) Explain briefly what the poem is about .

(b) What does the poet focus on in each of the three stanzas? Give your answer in note form.
(c) How would you describe the persona’s feelings towards the caged bird?
(d) What can we infer about the persona’s own experiences?
(e). Identify a simile in the first stanza and explain why it is used.
(f). Explain the meaning of the following lines:
(i) “And the faint perfume from its petals steals”.
(ii) “And they pulse again with a keener sting “

1. a) Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the brackets
i) He……………….……(flung/flang) the mud onto the wall.
ii) The murderer was………………………..(hung/hunged) for his crime.
iii) The leader…………………..(dealt/dealed) the cards out to the players briskly.
iv) The boy…………………….….(leaped/lept/leapt) across the ditch
v) She………………………...(bore/borne) the burden patiently

b) Complete the passage below with the most appropriate word from the list given:
(breath, breathe, cloth, clothe, bathe, bath)
Namboka felt dizzy and she took a walk so as to…….. fresh air. It was while
walking that she noticed that her ……………as smelling badly. She went to her room,
brushed her teeth and decided to……………… her sweaty body. She put……………
water in a basin, undressed and then wrapped herself with a clean……………before go-
ing to clean her body. After five minutes, she emerged clean and put on her

c) Supply the missing prepositions in the following sentences:-

i) Opemi has a great passion………………………….….. debtors
ii) My mother prohibited me……………………………... talking to strangers
iii) Walukanga was born…………………..… humble and God fearing parents
iv) The head dress of Acoli is similar……………. that of the Luo.

2. (a) (i) I am sure it was an exciting experience for her (Rewrite the sentence using ‘must’)
(ii) People always want more; it doesn’t matter how rich they are
(Rewrite the sentence using ‘however’)
(iii) The boy jumped from school to school every year. (Rewrite to end with school)
(b) Give the meaning of the underlined idiomatic expressions in the sentence
(i) There was no love lost between the two friends
(ii) The President and Prime Minister resolved to bury the hatchet.
(c) Change the following to direct speech
(i) Jumping and clapping, the Pastor remarked that Jesus was on his way
(ii) The Prefect said that the student was absent the previous day.
(d) Using the verb in brackets, form a phrasal verb to replace the underlined word
(i) The workers felt that the management despised them (look)
(ii) It takes a lot of challenge to nurture a child into an adult (bring)
(iii) The politicians dirty tricks did not succeed (come)
(e) Fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate form of the word in brackets
(i) The boy said that he was (true) ______________in love.
(ii) The _____________ (maintain) of the vehicle is quite expensive.
(iii) She was quite ________________ (gratitude) for the honour bestowed on her.
(f) Fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate preposition
(i) Tom agreed ____________Lona’s idea of punishing the culprit
(ii) The performers feel indebted _______________the school for the use of the hall

3 a) Identify, underline and correct the four words that have been mis-spelt in the paragraph
b) Rewrite the following sentences as instructed
i)The UN security council has declared Sudan a failed state (begin Sudan……….)
ii) Please sit down …… (add a question tag)
iii) The boy is very foolish. He believes everything I tell him. (Rewrite as 1 sentence using enough to)
c.) Replace the underlined words with a suitable phrasal verb
i) I was completely deceived by the confident trickster
ii) The first thing my uncle did on leaving prison was to visit us
iii) He tried to disguise himself as a beggar but his soft, clean hands betrayed him
iv) Please submit your scripts at the end of the exam
d) Use the correct form of the words given in brackets
i) The husband tried to restrain his…..........................wife (aggression)
ii) Such a policy can………………………..….. (Danger) the poor
iii) The guest of honour was given a………….. (Tumult) welcome by the waiting crowd
iv) (Literate)………………… means the state of being unable to read and write.

4. a) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word in brackets
i) Has the motor boat…………………………………….in the lake. (sink)
ii) The company has employed a specialist for the…………………….of its machine. (maintain)
iii) Uganda is contending against the………………..of Kenyan goods in the markets. (dominate)
iv) In Kenya……………………….…….elections are usually hotly contested. (mayor)
b) Rewrite the following sentences by replacing the underlined verbs with appropriate phrasal verb
i) You need to reduce the expenses. - Cut down
ii) He asked Alice to marry him but she rejected him. -Turned him down
iii) It is not good to desert one’s family. - Walk out on
c) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instruction given after each
i) If he is not ill, he will come (rewrite using ‘provided’)
ii) Joan has several friends. All of them are ballet dancers. Her mother is the president of our judo club.
(Combine into one sentence using relative pronouns)
iii) The principal asked me to see him the following day. (Change into direct speech)
iv) The visitor treads on the carpet with his muddy shoes. (Write in the past tense)
d) Explain the difference in meaning in these pairs of sentences :
a) Harry, our elder brother, has arrived.
Harry, our elder brother has arrived.

b) My uncle stopped to drink.

My uncle stopped drinking.

5. 1. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instruction given

i) Omondi is a weak student. He can hardly write meaningfully. (Rewrite as one
sentence using, “such…………)
ii) One of my cousins has gone to the USA. (Begin, A cousin……..)
iii) Jane has been writing a composition. (Change in to a passive voice)
2. Replace the underlined word with phrasal verb formed from the verbs given in brackets
i) I have left the relationship because my boyfriend is unfaithful. (Walk)
ii) My father scolded me because I had not done the assignment (tell)
3. Supply the correct question tag
i) Let us go to school……………................
ii) Stand up……........................……..
4. Use the correct form of the word given in brackets
i) The maid.......................................…..(hang) the blouse on the cloths line yesterday.
ii) It…………(cost)our school a lot of money to sponsor drama up to the nationals level
last year.
iii) We could not…………… ..................................(large) the portrait any further.
iv) You can’t……….................... (Prison) a child below fifteen years of age for truancy.
5. Change the following to direct speech or indirect speech accordingly
(i) The stranger asked my mother where my father had gone (direct speech)
ii) “We shall meet again next week,” said the chairperson(indirect speech)

6 i) The following idiom is wrongly stated, rewrite it correctly
Ibrahim doesn’t struggle at all. He expects to get everything on a silver plate
ii) Explain the meaning of the idiom underlined in the sentence below
Why are you quick to fly off the handle at me? said Dr Stockmann,

6. a) Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the word in brackets
i) All……...........….......... (pay) are supposed to count their money before they leave the bank
ii) His………….................…........................... (pronounce) did not make sense to the audience.
iii) Jane has a ……………...................................................... (wool) jacket

b) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions after each. Do not change the
meaning of the original sentence
i) He managed to persuade her to go (Begin: He succeeded………..)
ii) Silence is necessary in the library (Begin: You must………….)
iii) Rimau has always strongly supported the college football team (use: staunch)
c) Replace the underlined word in each of the following sentences with an appropriate phrasal verb
i) The presidential jet will land at 7.30am.
ii) The young man fabricated the story just to save himself from the angry crowd.
iii) After a heated argument, the students decided to check the meaning of the word from the
oxford dictionary.
d) Use one word to replace the underlined ones without changing the meaning
i) The magistrate found him guilty of failure to fulfill his part of the contract……..
ii) The doctor concluded that the boy died when he was deprived of air
iii) My brother was among the group of actors performing, “an enemy of the people”
e) Rewrite the following sentences correcting all the errors
i) He is looking for an employment in Nairobi
ii) This exercise comprises of rigorous training in the morning
iii) Sometimes last year, we agreed to improve our relationship with our neighbours

7. a) Rewrite the following as instructed.

i) The mother cannot take credit for it and neither can the daughter.
(Rewrite beginning: Neither…………….)
ii) Karendi is the …………… of the twins. (Use pretty in its correct form)
iii) The warrior was mutilated by the lion..............(He is recuperating from the attack)
b) Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following sentences.
i) Due to lack of proper diet, Atieno’s child is ……………..……. (nourish).
ii) Tuju is one man whose ………………………………(pronounce) is superb.
iii) Wanja is a very……….… (discipline) student, no wonder she is always punished.
c) Replace the underlined words with the most appropriate phrasal verbs formed from the
words in brackets.
i) The brothers do not agree in principles. (Get)
ii) He refused to withdraw the injurious words on his opponent. (Take)
iii) Marion despises her step sister because she is illiterate from the (look).
d) Arrange the adjectives in brackets to fill in the gap in each sentence.
i) He bought ………… dress as a Christmas gift for his mother. (large, cotton, blue, pretty.)
ii) The ………… man is the king’s only heir. (light skinned, handsome, young, short
iii) Let us take a seat at the…………………………(oval beautiful, mahogany) table
e) Use the verbs in brackets to form correct idiomatic expressions to complete each of the
sentences below:
i) Although Peter and John are brothers, they never quite ………………….. (see).
ii) The maize scandal case is certainly a………(crack) because there seems no headway.
iii) When someone habitually steals he will one day ……………………………(face).
8. (a) Re-write the following sentences according to instructions. Do not change the meaning
(i) Even if the board does not meet, I will present my complaint.
Begin; Whether...............................................................................................................
(ii) She opened the gate. Darkness fell. Join into one beginning; Barely
(iii) Either Mary or John have the keys. Correct the sentence
(b) The following sentences are in the active voice. Change them into the passive
(i) Nobody did the work
(ii) The police arrested the thief
(iii) They collect rubbish every Thursday
(c) Punctuate the following sentences correctly:-
(i) alonje said i will return next month
(ii) let us listen to him ivan argued he sounds reasonable”
(d) Use the correct form of the word given in brackets to fill in the gap in each sentence
(i) The dog barked .............................................................(menace)
(ii) Most of the students we come across ..........................................(be) lazy.
(iii) God’ power is .................................................................(compare)
(e) Re-write the following sentences replacing the bold words with gender sensitive words
(i) She sneaked because the watchman was a sleep.
(ii) The master on duty made me kneel the whole day for making noise in class.
(f) Use appropriate phrasal verbs to replace the underlined words in the sentences below
(i) This child resembles the father.
(ii) The teachers can no longer tolerate John’s behaviour.
(iii) What a relief that Joan passed all her exams.

9. Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each
(i) Hassan did not complain. He did not report to the police. (Re-write as one sentence
using a conjunction)
(ii) It was my sister who made it possible for my schooling. (Use ‘but for’)
(iii) Ibadan is a very large town in Africa. (Use the superlative degree)

(b) Explain the meaning of the underlined idiomatic expressions:-

(i) Many people in this country live from hand to mouth.
(ii) The manager realized that Mbuthia was a hard nut to crack.

(c) Fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate form of the word in the bracket
(i) We should give ______________________to our academic work (PREFER)
(ii) His ____________________surprised His Excellency (ELOQUENT)
(iii) People rushed to the street when they heard the ________of the two
(d) Replace the underline word in each of the following sentences with a phrasal verb:-
(i) The old man died quietly last night.
(ii) We felt completely disappointed by John’s performance.
(iii) Juma always visits during meals.
(e) Re-write the following sentences correctly:-
(i) The student knocked on the door continuously as the others watched
(ii) The child inflated the balloon too much that it burst
(f) Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate preposition :-
(i) She has lived in Samburu ________________ten years.
(ii) It is improper to hurl abuses ____________people.

10 a) Fill in each of the blank spaces with a phrasal verb which means the same as the word given*
i) The driver ………………………..… (started) the lights and saw the carjackers
ii) Many girls ………………………(leave) school before completing their secondary educa-
iii) We study till late in the night to ……………………………. (compensate) the lost time
b) Rewrite the following sentences following instructions given in brackets
i) Agnes accepted to marry Abdalla. She did not know he had two other wives already.
(Rewrite as one sentence beginning: Oblivious of ……………..)
ii) “Akinyi why do you always quarrel Edwin?” he asked
iii) He is quite handsome (Begin: How----------)
c) Fill in the following sentences with appropriate linking words
i) She could have improved ………………………..she had listened to her teachers
ii) Weche is rude to his instructor;………………, he is a loving husband and father back home
iii) Students are prone to break rules; ……………., they should be under strict surveillance
and encouraged to do right

d) Rewrite the following sentences correctly

i) If today was Sunday, I would have gone to church
ii) We returned back to school before 7.00 P.M
iii) I wish I was as well prepared for K.C.S.E as you
e) Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate personal pronoun
i) Between you and ……………………..(me/ I) who is taller?
ii) Rose and ……………………………………. (she/ her) left for Nairobi.
iii) The winners are Arendi and………………………….. (her/ she)

11. a) Rewrite the following sentences according to instructions. Do not change the meaning
i) “I don’t know why she came,” Okoth replied. (Rewrite in reported speech)
ii) Nevele sang this song. (Change into passive)
iii) Peter does not have any money. (Change into affirmative form)
iv) I was not surprised that Nanjendo trekked that far. (Rewrite beginning: That….
b) Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the words in brackets
i) Swiss watches are famous for their ________________ (precise).
ii) Such ______________________ (repeat) serves no purpose.
iii) The ___________________ (clear) of the speech impressed us.
iv) The police said it was a strange __________________(occur)
c) Use an appropriate word to complete each of the following sentences
i) She was in great pain ___________ did not complain.
ii) Matumbayi earns his living ___________ selling second hand clothes.
iii) The preacher spoke for hours; _______________I did not get what he was saying
iv) “For ______________ have you brought this food?” Tortoise asked the servers
d) Rewrite the following sentences, inserting all punctuation marks in the correct places
i) the river between the teacher said was Ngugi wa thiongo’s first novel
ii) tom had one great desire to become a doctor
iii) its pity we have to live on charity he lamented

12. a) Rewrite the following according to the given instructions without changing the meaning
i) It was the first time the school performed well (Begin: Never before…………)
ii) It is better to spend a holiday at the coast than to go overseas,
(Begin: Spending …. Use ‘preferable’ in place of better)
iii) Mulwa’s leg is still in a cast after last month’s match. He will have to watch the
match from the grandstand (combine into one sentence, using a relative pronoun)
iv) ‘There’s a little food left for you in the kitchen.’ William’s mother told him.
(Rewrite in indirect speech)

b) Rewrite the following sentences correctly:
i) Jairo is more better educated than Saisi.
ii) He has the tendency of visiting people late hours.
iii) When she came in, it was all calm but all over a sudden the house became noisy.
c) Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs formed from the words in brackets
i) The latest achievement deserves a celebration (call).
ii) The patient regained consciousness at 2pm (come).
iii) I will work hard to compensate the wasted time (make).
d) Explain the difference in meaning of the following pair of sentences
i) I only heard the news briefly
ii) I only heard the news in brief

e) Fill in the blank spaces with the correct preposition

i) The teacher congratulated him……………………………… his graduation.
ii) No other being can be compared …………………………………. God.
iii) They disagreed…………..………………….… who should be chosen the prefect.

13. (a) Complete each of the following sentences by selecting the correct alternative from
the words in the brackets (5mks)
(i) Our school will move to a new_____________________next year. (cite, site)
(ii) Have you ____________ permission from the teacher? (sought, sort)
(iii) The ___________________store in the city is well-stocked. (stationary, stationery)
(iv) Mary is the _______________ of the two sisters. (tallest, taller)
(v) Neither the teacher nor the cook __________________arrived. (have, has)

(b) Rewrite each of the following sentences as instructed. Do not change the meaning
(i) The residents saw the burglar enter the house (Rewrite in the passive voice)
(ii) He drank the water yesterday. (Rewrite beginning: The water was..........)
(iii) As soon as the teams arrived, the competition began. (Rewrite beginning: No sooner...........
(iv) Boys are playful and quick on their feet. They are also curious and like to explore.
(Combine using .................”not only”......................)
(v) The tourist knows some Kiswahili. He understands what I say. (Rewrite as one
sentence using.......”enough”.....)

(c) Fill in the blank spaces with an appropriate prepositional phrase made with the
word in brackets (3mks)
(i) They crossed the river __________________a boat. (means)
(ii) _________________the school rules and regulations every student should be in full
school uniform. (Accordance)
(iii) ___________the prefect’s negligence, he was demoted. (account)
(d) Explain the difference in meaning between these sentences (2mks)
(i) The hawker was selling ten day-old chicks.
(ii) The hawker was selling ten-day old chicks.

14. A) Identify, underline and correct the four words that have been mis-pelt in the in the
paragraph below. (4 mks)
We didn’t give him the priviledge of representing us on the District Environmental Committee be-
cause he has a tendency of disagreeing either everyone. He embarrasses himself by pretending to
be so knowledgeable.

B. Rewrite the following sentences as instructed. (3 mks)
i) She realized that she had made such a serious blunder. (Rewrite using “what”)
ii) Just in case you change your mind, call this number. (Begin: should ……….)
iii) I don’t know either of them, (End ……………….. to me)

C. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct preposition. (4 mks)

i) Nyawira, get ……………………. The wet wall immediately!
ii) My sisters and I will share this piece of land………………………………… ourselves.
iii) We wondered if there was need ………………………… such equipment.
iv) Mwela dipped the bucket ……………………………… the well.

D. Use the correct form of nouns given in brackets. (4 mks)

i) These ……………………(student) phones were confisticated.
ii) There are many ………………………(hero) who fought for our independence.
iii) How many ……………………..(editor-in-chief) were invited?.
iv) This must be your ……………………….. (father – in-law) car.

15. (a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given. Do not change the
meaning. (3mks)
(i) The teacher found out how intelligent Omollo was when he started the discussion
(Begin: It was not………………………………………………
(ii) The prefect forgave Achimo, but only because she apologized
(Begin: If…………………………………………………
(iii) “Congratulations! All the best in all you do!” the principal told the graduands.
(Rewrite in reported speech)

(b) Use the correct form of the verb given in brackets to fill in the blanks in the
following sentences (4mks)
(i) The drama club patron wanted a written __________from the students following their
misconduct during the festivals. (apologize)
(ii) Your explanation is based on too many ___________. (presume)
(iii) The government has lost all ____ following the increasing cases of corruption in high
places. (credible)
(iv) Expectant mothers should not do ______________work. (strain)

(c) Rewrite each of the following sentences, replacing the underlined word with a suitable
phrasal verb (3mks)
(i) The suspect confessed after a long interrogation.
(ii) Nyambura rejected Waiyaki’s proposal for marriage
(iii) Our principal does not tolerate indiscipline

(d) Put the adjectives given in brackets in the correct order to fill in the blank space in
each sentence (2mks)
(i) He bought a _______________dress for his mother (large, cotton, blue, party)
(ii) The ____________________man is the King’s heir (Light-skinned, handsome, young, short)

(e) Fill in the blank spaces with the correct preposition (3mks)
(i) Every member is entitled ________one acre of land.
(ii) John is very excited __________going to India.
(iii) He has been down ______________malaria for the last three days.

16. (a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each:- (4mks)
(i) The main is not to blame. The boys are also not to blame. (combine into one
sentence using neither….nor…..)
(ii) He paid the bill and this surprised me. (Re-write the sentence starting with: His….)
(iii) He comes to school late. This has been a concern for many people.
(Join the two using a gerund)
(iv) He won the race. I am not surprised (Begin: That……..)
(b) Replace the underlined words with a suitable phrasal verb (3mks)
(i) I was completely deceived by the thief.
(ii) The teacher ordered the students to submit their scripts at the end of the exam.
(iii) I will visit you if I got time.
(c) Change the following sentences into the passive (3mks)
(i) The organization bore the burden
(ii) The trainee pilot flew the plane.
(iii) Tom is riding the bicycle.
(d) Indicate whether the verb in the following sentences has been used transitively
or transitively. (3mks)
(i) Tomas drives his car every day…………………………………………………………
(ii) The girl wept bitterly……………………………………………………………………
(iii) We have to grow maize every year…………………………………………………
(e) Underline the adjectival phrases on the following sentences (2mks)
(i) Thank you for being so kind.
(ii) My mechanic is quite skillful.
17. a) Complete each of the following sentences by selecting the correct alternative from
the words in the brackets (5mks)
(i) Our school will move to a new_____________________next year. (cite, site)
(ii) Have you ____________ permission from the teacher? (sought, sort)
(iii) The ___________________store in the city is well-stocked. (stationary, stationery)
(iv) Mary is the _______________ of the two sisters. (tallest, taller)
(v) Neither the teacher nor the cook __________________arrived. (have, has)

(b) Rewrite each of the following sentences as instructed. Do not change the meaning
(i) The residents saw the burglar enter the house (Rewrite in the passive voice)
(ii) He drank the water yesterday. (Rewrite beginning: The water was..........)
(iii) As soon as the teams arrived, the competition began. (Rewrite beginning: No sooner...........
(iv) Boys are playful and quick on their feet. They are also curious and like to explore. (Combine
using .................”not only”......................)
(v) The tourist knows some Kiswahili. He understands what I say. (Rewrite as one sentence

(c) Fill in the blank spaces with an appropriate prepositional phrase made with the
word in brackets (3mks)
(i) They crossed the river __________________a boat. (means)
(ii) _________________the school rules and regulations every student should be in full school
uniform. (Accordance)
(iii) ___________the prefect’s negligence, he was demoted. (account)
(d) Explain the difference in meaning between these sentences (2mks)
(i) The hawker was selling ten day-old chicks.
(ii) The hawker was selling ten-day old chicks.

18. (a). Use the correct form of the word given in brackets to fill in the gap in each sentence.
(i) The _____________of the right of expression in a violation of human rights (den)
(ii) Saving the child from the burning house was a __________________ act. (hero)
(iii) They were asked to ________________________ the alarm (active)
(i).We can control the spread of HIV/AIDS by educating the public
(Begin: The spread of ………………………….………..)
(ii). The man was arrested. His cattle destroyed the maize in the school farm.
(Rewrite as one sentence)
(iii). Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest Mountain in Africa.
(Rewrite using “higher “instead of “highest” )

(b). Fill in the blanks with the correct alternative from the choices given.
(i) Who ______________________ a fire outside my house? (Light/lighted/lit).
(ii) Since the introduction of community policing in our estates _________ of theft have
reduced. (Incidence/incident/incidents)
(iii) An elephant looks after ________________________calf. (it’s / its)
(c). Rewrite the following sentences to remove gender bias
(i) A professor should give his students opportunities to develop their skills.
(ii) My sister was appointed Chairman of the water project committee,
(iii) The fireman took a long time to arrive at the scene of the accident.
(d). (i) Jomo Kenyatta the first president of Kenya was a great orator. (Punctuate the sentence)
(ii) The teacher of English taught about The Town in Half a Day and Other short stories
(punctuate the title(s) in the sentence)
(iii) Chinua Achebe, wole Soyinka, Babadejo Babafenyi these are some of the renowned
Nigerian writers.
(Punctuate using the dash)



The English paper three has a total of five questions. From these both the first and second ques-
tions are compulsory. The learner is to choose one question from the three given normal referred to as the
optional set texts. All the answers in each of these questions should be presented in prose form and not in
point form.
The different parts of this paper have been well discussed below

1. Imaginative composition
This area tests the learner’s capability to creatively come up with an exciting, captivating and
moving original story.
In this area, the candidate can be asked to write a composition either beginning or ending with
given phrases or sentences.
The learner or candidate can also be asked to write a story illustrating a proverb or a saying. Cred-
ibility and relevance is very crucial at this stage.
The candidate should wisely make the right choice of the question. The following are examples of
questions on imaginative compositions






1. Either
a) Write a composition ending with the words: The events of the previous day left me
challenged to begin a new life
b) Write a composition entitled “Love conquers all”
2. Either
(a) Write a composition to illustrate the saying “Do not count your chicks before they are
(b) Write a story ending; “Since then my brother and I have been good friends”


a) Write a composition beginning “Everybody was very excited, little did we know that at
that moment………….
b) Write a composition to illustrate the saying “A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.”

4. Either
a) Write a story ending with the following sentence: “……..thank you it was only a nightmare.”
b) Write a composition to illustrate the saying: “A journey of one thousand miles begins with
one step.”
5. Either
(a) Write a composition ending:
................from that day, when ever I see him my heart is filled with bitterness.
(b) Write a story to illustrate the proverb: ‘ Once bitten twice shy.’
6. Either
a) Write a story beginning:
He steadily walked towards me with a broad, warm smile, but as we shook hands, I realized he
was avoiding eye contact…………….
b) Write a composition to illustrate the saying:
“Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.”

7. Imaginative Composition (compulsory)

(a) Write a story to end with the following sentence:-
…………………If I had known, I would have thought twice before making that statement.
(b) Write a story to illustrate the following saying:-
You reap what you sow.
8. Either
(a) Write an essay to illustrate the saying: “The early bird catches the worm”.

(b) Write a story beginning: There was an air of celebration...
9. Either
(a) Write a composition ending:
................from that day, when ever I see him my heart is filled with bitterness.
(b) Write a story to illustrate the proverb: ‘ Once bitten twice shy.’

10. Either
a) Write a story ending
I realized that I would never have a second chance in life
b) Write a story to illustrate the following saying
“A tortoise may be slow but he seldom falls”

11. Either
a) Write a story beginning with
“It looked quite easy at first…………………….”
b) Write a story to illustrate the proverb; Too many cooks spoil the broth

12. Either
a) Write a story that illustrate the saying:-a bird in hand is worth two in the bush
b) Write a composition beginning with the sentence:-from the outset one could see that a lot
was a waiting us.
13. Either
(a) Write a composition beginning with the following sentence: ‘John could not stand up by him-
self that particular morning’
(b) Write a composition on the measures that have been taken in your country to preserve forests

14. Either,
i) Write a composition with the following ending;
………………that experience taught me never to wish to be somebody else. (20mks)
ii) Write a story to illustrate the saying “You cannot climb the ladder of success with your
hands in the pocket.” (20mks)

15. Either
(a) Write a composition ending “The events of that day will remain printed in my mind for ever.”
(b) Write a composition supporting the statement “Charity begins at home.”

16. Either
(a)Write a composition showing that the strong do not always succeed.
(b) Write a story ending with: I wish I had known earlier.

17. Either
a) Write a story illustrating the saying, ‘Better to have tried and failed than never to
have tried at all’
b) Write a story with the following beginning:
This was no ordinary day for a child orphaned by HIV and AIDS. Never before had the
future looked…………..


1. The compulsory set text: An Enemy of The People

“No attempt to manipulate Dr.Thomas Stockmann would bear any fruits.” Write a composition to
2. Henrick Ibsen: An enemy of the people
“The character of a person and the role he plays in the society are very important.”
Using Thomas Stockmann in Henrik Ibsen’s “An enemy of the people”, write a composition to
illustrate the statement above.
Henrik Ibsen “An enemy of the people”
Write a composition on the ironic instances in Henrik Ibsen’s “An enemy of the people”
4. Drama (compulsory)
“Man’s nature is basically controlled by his materialistic nature. “Write a composition drawing
your examples from Peter Stockmann and Aslaksen to justify this statement.
5. The compulsory set text
Henrick Ibsen, An enemy of the people
Write a composition to show the consequences of standing up for the truth in a conservative
society. Draw your illustrations form Henrick Ibsen’s ‘An Enemy of the People’
6. The Compulsory Set Text (20 mks)
‘An Enemy Of The People’. By Henrick Ibsen.
Write an essay on the ills in the society as presented by the author.

7. Henrick Ibsen, ‘An enemy of the People’

Using illustrations from Henrick Ibsen’s ‘An enemy of the People’, write an essay to justify the
statement: “The fight against corruption in a society is tricky as it fights back.”
8. Ibsen Henrik’s ‘ An Enemy of the People’
“Society cannot progress because most people are blinded by short-term gains and selfish mo-
tives’. Basing your illustrations
9. Ibsen Henrik’s ‘ An Enemy of the People’
“Society cannot progress because most people are blinded by short-term gains and selfish mo-
tives’. Basing your illustrations on the play ‘An enemy of the People’ write an essay that illus-
trates this statement.
10. Henrik Ibsens play “An enemy of the people”
With illustrations from the play “An Enemy of the people” Write an essay to illustrate the
“Bad governance results when the citizens choose to follow their leaders blindly.”
An enemy of the people by Henric Ibsen
11. Drama (compulsory)
Enrick Ibsen: An enemy of the people
Doctor Stockman faces many obstacles on his way to achieve his purpose.
Discuss this with reference to “An Enemy of the people”
12. The compulsory set text.
An enemy of the people: Ibsen Henrik
Using illustrations from the text show how the theme of betrayal has been portrayed
13. Drama (Compulsory)
Henrick Ibsen; An Enemy of the People.
Peter Stockman pretends to be quite charitable and considerate of the plight of the town’s people
yet he is actually both cunning and sadistic. Discuss this statement drawing illustrations from the
14. Enemy Of The People
i) Drawing your illustrations from Henrik Ibsen; An Enemy of the People, write a composition
outlining how Dr. Stockmann’s good intention to purify his society are thwarted/undermined.
15. Henrick Ibsen, ‘An Enemy of the people’
Using illustrations from Henrick Ibsen’s play; ‘ An Enemy of the People’ write an essay entitled:
“The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone.”
16. Henrik Ibsen: An enemy of the people
“The character of a person and the role he plays in the society are very important.”
Using Thomas Stockmann in Henrik Ibsen’s “An enemy of the people”, write a composition to
illustrate the statement


1. ‘Half a Day and Other Stories’
Comment on how ignorance, greed and corruption have led to the suffering of people in Saida,
Hagi-Dirie Herzi’s “Government by Magic Spell”
2. Macmillan (Ed) ‘Half a day and other stories’
The Hands The Hands of the Blacks is a case of racial biasness’. Discuss this statement using Luis
Bernado Honwana’s . The Hands of the Blacks
3. The short story: Macmillan (Ed) Half a day and other stories.
Write a composition to justify the statement “John is to blame for the death of Wamuhu”
basing your illustrations on Ngugi Wa Thiongo’s “A meeting in the Dark”
4. Macmillan (Ed), half a day and other stories.
Write a composition highlighting the challenges of inter-racial relationships as revealed
in the story Breaking Loose by Moyez Vassanji
5. Macmillan (Ed.) , Half a Day and other stories with reference to story ‘The Hands of the Blacks’
by Luis Bernado Honwana, justify the assertion that racism is a creation of individuals. (20mks)
6. Macmilan (Ed), ‘Half a Day and Other Stories.’
With reference to the short story ‘Hands of the blacks’ by Luis Bernado Honwana, write a com-
position on how whites attempt to justify their mistreatment and exploitation of the black race.
7. Macmillan (E.d.), ‘Half a Day and other stories’
With illustrations from Peter Nazareth’s ‘Money Man’, write an essay to illustrate the saying:
‘money cannot buy happiness”.
8. Macmillan (Ed), Half a Day and other stories
Write an essay on the complications that arise from Akoto and Yasmin’s relationship right from
the start-basing your illustrations on Moyez Vassanj’s story ‘Breaking Loose’
9. Macmillan (Ed) Half a Day and Other Stories
Drawing your illustrations from “Government by magic spell” by Saida Magi- Dirre Menzi,
Write an essay on the saying “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
10. Macmillan (Ed) Half A Day and Other Stories
Drawing your illustrations from “Government by magic spell” by Saida Hagi Dirre Henzi,
write an essay on the saying, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely
11. Macmillan(Ed), Half a day and Other stories
Write an essay entitled: “Africans should not celebrate the new millennium.” Base your argument
on the reason given in Havua Tuma’s story- “Who cares for the new millennium.”
12. Half a Day and Other Stories: (20mks)
“Hama Tuma is against ills in society”. Write an essay in support of the statement. Draw your
illustrations from Hama Tuma’s short story, ‘Government by Magic spell’.
13. Macmillan(ed), Half a Day and other Stories
“School is not a punishment. It is the factory that makes useful men out of boys.”
Write a composition in
14. Half a day and other stories-
Basing on Ngugi’s story a meeting in the dark, write an essay to highlight problems of premarital sex.
15. Macmillan (Ed), Half a Day and other Stories
Using Ngugi wa Thiong’o “Martyr” write an essay to show that Njoroge was bound to die as
he did
16. Macmillan(Ed.) ‘ Half a Day and other stories’ Saida Hagi-Dirie Herzie ‘Against the Pleasure
Write a composition to show that Rahma and other women did not go through circumcision but
female genital mutilation.
17. Macmillan(Ed) half a day and other stories.
“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” justify this statement basing your argu-
ment on Saida Hagi Diries story “Government by Magic Spell”


1. Write a composition showing the problems caused by war
2. Write an essay showing Odie’s feelings and fears towards his step brother Wak.
3. Whenever there is turmoil that leads to war, women and young girls suffer most .
Write a composition showing how this happens to Stella.
4. Illustrating your answer with examples from “Shreds of Tenderness,” write a composition
entitled, “the prevalence of betrayal in human relationships.”
5. In case of political tribulance in a country, those who remain (in the country) suffer as much as
those who seek refuge elsewhere. Write a composition to illustrate this assertion basing your argu-
ment on John Ruganda’s ‘Shreds of Tenderness.’

6. Drawing illustrations from John Ruganda’s ‘Shreds of Tenderness’, write an essay in support of
this statement: “John Ruganda has successfully used the style play within a play in his book
Shreds of tenderness”
7. With close reference to the play ‘Shreds of Tenderness’, show why the title of the
text is a suitable one.
8. Imagine that your school has organized a joint debate whose motion is: “Military take over should
not be given any room in this millennium.” Propose this motion using illustrations from John Ru-
ganda’s ‘Shreds of Tenderness’
9. Drawing your illustrations from John Ruganda’s ‘Shreds of Tenderness’, write an essay support-
ing the statement “Betrayal in human relationships lead to the suffering of both the betrayed and
the betrayer”.
10. Write a composition on how the author has displayed the female character in the society.
Refer to John Ruganda’s “Shreds of Tenderness.”
11. Write an essay on the plight of women in a country under civil strife. Refer to John
Rugandas’ Shreds of Tenderness.
12 Write an essay on ironies in Shreds of Tenderness using at least 4 illustrations of irony
13. “Odie is his own enemy”. Write a composition to validate the truth of this statement in relation
to Shreds of Tenderness
14. Illustrating your answer with examples from Shreds of Tenderness, write an essay entitled “The
pivotal character traits of the Girl child.”
15. Odie’s father is an epitome of an African man. Discuss. (20mks)
16. Using illustrations from John Ruganda; “Shreds of Tenderness” Write a composition and show
that sibling rivalry is dangerous
17. Write a composition showing the problems caused by war


1. Using illustrations from Velma Pollard’s ‘Homestretch’, write an essay on the problems
a black person is likely to encounter while in America and England (20mks)
2. Illustrating your answers with examples from Homestretch write an essay on how any three
women offer help to Brenda in the foreign country.
3. Write a composition on experiences which forced Brenda to develop negative
attitude towards Jamaica. Give illustrations from Velma pollard’s “Homestretch”
4. “Home stretch” is a novel that explores the search for identify and belonging. Discuss
the validity of this statement basing your answer on Velma Pollard’s novel, “Home Stretch.”
5. Write a composition on the challenges that immigrants encounter. Refer to the novel “Home-
stretch” Velma Pollard.
6. “One can make home be the best place by engaging in community development activities”
With close reference to Velma pollard’s Homestretch’, write an essay to show how David and
Edith prove the validity of the above statement.
7. Specifically focusing on Brenda in the novel, ‘Homestretch’ by Velma Pollard; Write a composi-
tion to illustrate how early childhood experiences shape one’s perception of life.
8. Write an essay showing how Brenda’s contact with Laura changes her attitude towards Jamaica.
9. With illustrations from the novel ‘Homestretch’, write an essay on the problems that people who
migrate to foreign countries encounter
10. Write a composition on the beauty of homecoming after a period of absence abroad.
Draw your illustrations from Velma Pollards Homestretch
11. Using at least two characters from Velma Pollands Homestretch write an essay on the role
played by women in the community.
12. “If well planned for, retirement is not to be feared. It can in fact be a useful period in a person’s
life.” Basing your reasoning on what happens in the novel ,write a composition to explain
this statement.
13. Write a composition on challenges! Problems experienced by Africans in the diaspora.
Draw your illustrations from the novel Homestretch by Velma Pollard.

14. Despite challenges, women still become usefully successful. Using any two of the characters
given below from Pollard’s novel ‘Homestretch’ support this statement.
(i) Brenda
(ii) Edith
(iii) Mama Joy
15. Using illustrations from Velma Pollard; “Homestretch” write an essay how Laura helps Edith
and David to settle down in Jamaica.
Section I – (Pp1) – ANSWERS
1. Must be an e – mail
To: Uhurukazi@yahoo.com
From: cunmero@hotmail.com
DATE: Tuesday 19th, may 2009
Subject : Position of clerical officer

A. Personal information
Date Of Birth
Marital status
Telephone number

B. Educational background
C. Qualification
D. Work experience
E. Interests/ hobbies
F. referees names and addresses
G. Complimentary close. Yours faithfully/ Sincerely
Eunice Kiprono
Language accuracy: - spelling, punctuation, tense
- Tone should be formal

2. `Must be minutes ``
P1 (½mk)
title – Name of school
- Name of clubP1(½mk)
- Venue of meeting (½mk)
- date (½mk)
- Time (½mk) P1

Attendance ; present P
- apologies P
- absent – (optional ) Don’t award in attendance -1

body – (i) Preliminaries ( ½mk) P

(ii) Confirmation of previous minutes (½mk)
(iii) Matters arising (½mk)
(iv) Visit to Nairobi ( ½mk)
(v) Awareness compass (½mk)
(vi) Strengthening of drama in P
the school (½mk)
(vii) Adjournment ( ½ mk)
P Chairman ( ½mk) - Secretary ( ½ mk)
space for signing
total =
F – 10 P
C – 4 (Give marks out of four depending on how effectively the three main items of the agenda are
discussed. The three should be considered together
Language scale
B – 4-5
C – 2-3
D – 1-2
- These grades correspond to those in paper 3 questions 1 where the scale is (0-20)
A candidate who does not use the minutes format will forfeit the marks for format.

Must be an internal memo
Must have:
a) Address (logo) (½ )
b) recipient-operations manger (½) sales and marketing manager (½ )
c) Sender-the managing director (½ )
d) Date – (½mk )
e) ref- 1mk
f) subject- (½ mk)
g) Complementary close-yours faithfully-1mk
h) signature-
i) name-
j) Designation –

a) Description of items that have received bad press
b) Brief explanations of the alleged faults -
c) Solutions to the faults identified -
d) Advice on how to counter the criticism -
e) Closing remark- ½
f) Formal tone- ½

5marks-very good language. Without any mistakes whatsoever. Can arouse a spark, poem with
correct tone etc
4marks.just a good language .not many minor errors perhaps
3marks-fair language/average language with some minor errors
1-2marks-below average. cross errors can be found in the language. It is hard to follow the

4. Points to consider
a) Title of the book
b) Author
c) Publisher Format 6 marks
d) Year of publication
e) Price
f) Reviewer
. Summary of the book
a) Done in the form of a synopsis
Introduction; Setting in terms of time/ places
Body ;- Plot/ event, themes
Striking aspects of the book, could be style character and characterization, the setting
Conclusion- assessment/ recommendation giving reasons
Scoring: Format-

5. (A Confidential report in form of an email).

1. Expect the format of an email – the student should use subject for the title of the body instead
of RE/REF: max. marks
2. Well constructed and relevant institutional (not personal) email addresses instead of the usual
official letter – format addresses
3. Copied to the DEO Kakamega East
4. Date and Time
5. Appropriate subject containing the name Christopher
Lipwoni and the specific job he was applied for.
N:B Do not penalize the student for using upper or lower case letter for writing
The content of the subject.
6. Expect the body to have the following features:
(i) Brief history regarding Christopher Lipwoni’s beginning and completion of his course
at the college.
(ii) Christopher Lipwoni’s personality – positive qualities/negative qualities 1mks
(iii) Christopher Lipwoni’s Academic/Educational record- 1mk
(iv) Recommendation for/against employment –

7. Closing tag (should not contain any signature) –

8. Grammar max. marks
9. General appear TOTAL

6. a) Heading- If 2 or more items missing deduct

 If only one item missing deduct ½ mk
b) Record of attendance-
 Members present-2mks (protocol must be followed if not no mark)
 Absent with apology-
 Absent-
 In attendance-
c) Body
 Preliminaries-1mk
 Main agenda-3 items 1mk each-total
 A.O.B-
 Adjournment-
d) Signing off-
 Chairman√ ½ sign√ ½ date√ ½
 Secretary√ ½ sign√ ½ date√ ½
(½ x6=3mks)
(If signed/dated = Zero)

1. Functional writing
2. Expect a memo
3. (i) Layout
(a) Name of the schoolP½
(b) Date P½
(c) Ref. No. P½
(d) To P½
(e) From P½
(f) Subject
(g) Signature P½
(h) Name (i) Name: Internal memo P½
(Expect 8 areas (½ a mark each)

(ii) Tone –

(iii) Body Silence

Prompt return of books
Opening and closing time
Appropriate dressing in the library
(iv) Language A – 4
(v) Margin /frame


Ref No.

To P½ P½ Date:
P½ P½
Otieno John

8. Points of interpretation
(a) It must incorporate both the features of a speech and email. If not deducted up to 4mks for
wrong format (WF)
(b) E-mail must have the following :-
(i) From: the sender address in small letters e.g. dabii@yahoo.u.k( ½ mk)
(ii) Date, day, date time (½ mk)
(iii) To: recipient address in small letters (½ mk)
iv) CC: blind copy to other recipients (½ mk)
(c) i) body of the speech
It must have the following
i) subject/title e.g. role of the youth in fostering peace in our county
(Must be communicative and related to question)
If title is just ‘speech’= (0mk)
ii) Acknowledgment
Must start with the most important person (s)
If jumbled deduct up to ( ½ mk)
If no acknowledgment (0mk)
iii) Tone should be 1st person pronoun e.g. ‘I/We’
If not deduct- (1AD)
iv) Body
At least three issues that foster peace must be
If not treat as irrelevant : award =(0mk)
i) Educating masses through seminars, workshops etc
ii) Compose songs, poems, drama etc with the theme of peace.
iii) Preach peace in churches, mosques etc
iv) Enhance cohesiveness through sports games etc (Any other relevant issues)
v) Appropriate conclusion
Must be a summary of issues handled in the body
If only some items are handled-1mk
If conclusion is not tied to the body-0mk
(d) Language accuracy
NB: deduct-2AD for brevity in case the candidate uses less than 150 words

9. This is like an official letter with the following:

i) Addresses
ii) Date
iii) Fax number or phone number of correspondent
iv) Reference
v) Content
vi) Signature of the sender

10. Title – Book title

- Author
- Year of publication
- Price (Optional)

1. Points of interpretation
a) - Must be instructions/ directions. If not deduct 4 marks AD (Automatic Deduction)
- Relevant title e.g. How to get to Mumias
- Identify and address friend by name
- Go straight to the point
 From Webuye board a shuttle, Eld Express e.t.c. to Bungoma town- dis-
tance of x Km. Mention markets, centers, institutions e.t.c along the road
 At Bungoma bus park near G/ hard ware e.t.c. board a matatu, minibus
e.t.c. to Mumias a distance of Y Km- mention markrts, stages e.t.c. along
the road
 In Mumias town alight in the bus park and pick a bicycle taxi to Bomani-
500m in the southern direction
b) Also prepare a packing list for your friend to facilitate their stay in Mumias town for the
duration of the festivals
- Must be a packing list. If not deduct 4 mks AD
- Items needed for the 5 days stay in Mumias: clothes, personal effects, foot wear,
money, personal documents, camera e.t.c.
- Format tabulated e.g.

S/NO Item Specification Details Mk

1 Clothes 5 shirts/ blouses e.t.c. White, black, cotton e.t.c. 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1

N/B A row must have all the four items to earn full mark 3 items ½ m
Marks awarding:
a________ 08
b________ 06
La_________ 06

11. Must be an internal memo

Content (body)

Ref No. √1
To √ ½
From √ ½
Closure (Designating) √1
- Invitation to meeting
- Source of information
- Purpose of meeting
- Time
- Venue
- Date
- Ending remarks

1 -2 Very limited and hampered language
3 Able to communicate effectively
4 -5 Very good language, effortless, appropriate tone and vocabulary
- Good mastery of language

* Use your direction as a teacher of English to award the linguistic mark


Ref No. 001/05/010 F
To: All school prefects
From: The captain
Date: 20th June, 2010
Subject: Prefect meeting/ C.D.F project/ choice of project/ project
I would like to invite you to a meeting to discuss how we can obtain the views of students con-
cerning the choice of project the C.D.F should establish in our school. The principal has requested me
to convene a prefects meeting to deliberate on how to collect the students views on what type of project
to be initiated
The meeting will be held on 30th June, 2010 in the main hall at 3:30 p.m.
You are reminded to keep time

Thank you


12. Check on following details:

i) Bio data
 Name
 Date of birth
 Gender
 Marital status
 Address
 Telephone number
(ii) Educational background
 Dates, certificates and name of institution to be listed beginning with the latest to the earliest.
(iii) Professional background
o Any specialized trainings be listed starting with the latest tot the earliest
iv) Work experience to show dates and positions held and the institution
 show language competence.
v) Hobbies/interests
vi) References – Names of personalities and address
vii) signature- Check on the language competence
It must have the curriculum vitae’s format with the above details If not deduct up to 4marks

13. - Should be a letter of complaint

- Should have an official format
- Should have identification-who is the complainant and where he/she comes from
- Should describe the nature of the problem e.g. loud music in the bars near your home i.e.
should give examples for clarity
- Suggest what could be done
2mks- Layout-more than 2 omissions – 1mk
4mks- Body – any important information lost out take away (1mk)
4mks- Language – tone, spellings i.e. grammatical errors
1. Check on heading
Introduction - Establish those present.
Body - Begin something interesting.
- Let it be coherent.
Conclusion - should be memorable.
- Rounded off naturally.
- Thank the audience for listening
1. Must be a friendly letter containing a recipe sent through an e-mail. Thus the informal tone of a
friendly letter should be felt. Also remember the commending language of a recipe.
2. The recipe can be written in either prose form or under sub-headings. However, it must have:-
(i) Ingredients and their actual quantity
(ii) The method in a logical order that is clear and in an imperative language with the cor-
rect register
(iii) Mention what the meal is served with and whether hot or cold.
(iv) Must mention the number of people the food can serve
3. Include closing remarks
4. Velediciton

Marks awarded
Format- 8mks
Language- 5mks
Body – Ingredients – 2mks
Method- 5mks
FROM: Pema@kenyanet.com(1mk)
DATE: 20th March, 2010 (1mk)
TO : Mckay@yahoo.com (1mk)
SUBJECT: Recipe for ugali (1mk)

Salutation (1mk)
Greetings and acknowledgement of the receipt of the request

Body- (i_) Ingredients (1mk)

 Sauce pan and cooking stick ½mk
 Half-a litre of water ½mk
 250grams of maize meal ½mk
(ii) Method
- Put the water in the sauce pan and place it on fire to boil (1mk)
- Add the flour little by little as you stir until the ugali is tough enough. Keep the fire
- Reduce the fire and leave it to simmer for five minutes while it is covered
- Remove it from the fire and serve it hot with beef stew or green vegetables
Closing remarks (1mk)
Relediction (1mk)

 Must be a memo
 Formal tone must be felt – if not deduct 1 mk
 Award marks as follows:

i) Format – 8 mks
ii) Body – 6 mks
iii) Tone – 1 mk
iv) Language – 5 mks

1. Letter head Ö1
2. internal memo Ö1 (underlined)
3. TO: Ö1
4. FROM: Ö1
5. Date: Ö1
6. Subject: Ö1
7. CC: Ö1

- State why the team is being congratulated.
- Must congratulate the team
- Mention something about the token
- Closing tag
- Valediction Ö1 (part of the format)

TONE: Formal tone must be felt Ö1

5 mks – Good use of language with no grammatical errors
4 mks – No errors, the language naturally flow but simplistic
3 mks – Communicates but not clearly due to a few grammatical errors
2 mks – communicates with a lot of errors
1 mk – hardly communicates


1. facing 1- similar
2. direction 2- oneself 1. forward
3. these 3- Equally 2. rush
4. important/ vi- 4- functions 3. However
tal/ crucial 5- helps 4. its
5. department 6- Therefore 5. begin/start
6. of 7- Although 6. overboard
7. provide 8- Also 7. visit
8. although 9- Its 8. hitches
9. the 10- Manner 9. celebrate
10. under 10. January

1) And 1. As 6. Mandated
2) Victims 2. Bad 7. Serve
3) By 3. Leaders 8. Discussing
3- Unique
1- When 4- to 1) is
2- Thorough 5- being 2) putting
3- The 6- about 3) correct
4- Lays 7- a 4) guarantee/give/grant
5- Essential 8- if ‘. 5) active
6- Guard 9- avoid 6) this .
7- Habit 10- who 7) To
8- These 11- younger 8) comparison
9- Such 12- chore 9) situation . . ..
10- To 10)decision . .

1- the 1. eat
2- declared i) most 2. times
3-when ii) through 3. their
4- spoke iii) But 4. park
5- on iv) in 5. sometimes
6- their v)Sick 6. the
7- yet vi) Animals 7. is
8- and vii) Fence/wall 8. bare
9- announced viii) Out 9. away
10- ministers ix) latrines/toilets 10. erosion
x) Germs

1- the 1. Biden
2- declared 2. Hasn’t
3-when 3. Wonder
4- spoke 4. On
5- on 5. Cost
6- their 6. When
7- yet 7. But
8- and 8. Email
9- announced 9. Sends
10- ministers 10. a

1. 3. Magnificent bull
a) i) The singer achieves rhythm in the song above through repetition of words i.e. “white
like e.t.c.
Identification 1 mk
Illustration 1 mk

ii) To enliven the performance of the song one would do the following
a) Employ gestures
b) Body movement
c) Mimicry
d) Dramatization
e) Use of appropriate tone variation
f) Accept any two well explained aspects of performance

iii) The last line would be said with falling information

b) Underline silent letters
i. Rendezvous
ii. Eulogy
iii. Tourism
iv. Phlegm
v. Condemn

c) i) Tongue twister
Sound patterns
- Alliteration – repetition of consonant words
- Assonance – welcomed wendy
- Identification ½ mk illustration ½ mk
ii) Function of genre
To practice pronunciation
For entertainment
To practice fluency in language

d) – Conduct background research on the topic

- Be confident and convincing
- Accept any other speaking skill

e) This is an open question, teachers should accept responses that are courteous and correct

2. (a) (i)– clearing thraat

- clapping the hand
- sing a short song as a prelude (2x1=2mks)
(ii) Performance – use tone variation from the pure narration style to sued of dialogue i.e rising
intonation (1mk) accompanied by appropriate facial expression(1mk) /gestures in the ques-
tions asked by the mother-in-law
OR – Arising – falling intonation appropriate facial expression in the old man’s answer/speech
(iii) Active listening – nodding head
- Laughter
- thumping of feet
- clapping
- use of voice e.g. (mhh?) (3x1=3mks)

(iv) End story – using falling intonation (1mk)

(b) (i) Gestures – ‘where is the birds’

facial expression – where is she ee
voice variation – where is she ee (any three =3mks)
body movement – They would move and dance as they look for the bride
Dramatic pauses – pause from 1st to 2nd stanza
(ii) Authenticity – Original meaning
- Local flavour (any 2)
- - Aesthetic beauty (2mk)

(c) (i) Respect

(ii) review
(iii) investigate
(iv) consolidate
(v) calculate
(vi) divide (each ½ x 6= 3mks)
(c)(ii) fear (ii) altar (iii) All (iv) serial (v) nun (vi) eight (6 x ½mk)

(d) (i) Fight off nervous by taking a deep breadth and thinking that, that was a chance to practice public
- Try to look calm and confident
- Be careful to organize your thoughts logically
- Say things that are appropriate to the audience
- Jot a few points before speech for reference
- Be brief
- Try to remember points said by others to avoid repletion (any 3 = 3x1=3mks)

(ii) -Project your voice

-be audible
-more closer to the audience
-pronounce words properly (any 3x1=3mks)

(e) (i) Short –comings include:-

- Lack of eye contact – avoids eye contact
- Not alert – misses questions asked
-confusion evident =- answers wrongly
-doesn’t concentrate – mind wanders (any 2= 2mks)

(ii) Listening skills to adopt include:

- Maintain eye contact
- concentration – avoid distracters (physical or emotional distracters)
- Correct sitting posture
- follow any use of non-verbal questions by the speaker to grasp message better
- Be an active listener i.e. nod head in agreement, laugh at jokes etc
- Be alert at all times (any 3 =3mks)


i. a) The eavesdropper’s part can be acted out like he is hiding somewhere and then shoots up and
speaks in
a loud angry or sarcastic tone.
-dramatise and mimic the various persons who are giving the varied opinions about the man
-talk in a low tone when he is telling the wife hat they would leave the next day.
-act the eavesdropper’s part as he sits in a clearing by the huts with an intention of eavesdropping
b) (i) He would speak in an angry/sarcastic tone

ii) a) Ship
b) Pool
c) Buck
d) Height
e) Barn

iii)a) Re.bel
b) Re.spect
c) Ma.nage
d) Con.tact
e) Ac.cess
 Begin from the starting point of the person begin directed
 Make the directions simple and clear
 Make the directions precise and concise
 Present the directions step by step in the correct sequence
 Use sketches and maps
 Refer to land marks and printers such as left, right, behind etc
 Suggest the approximate distance from one print to another
 Before going for an interview consider:
 the nature of work/job you are attending the interview for
 appropriate skills/competence expected
 qualifications and relevant documents/testimonials etc
 location of the interview
 time for the interview
 dress to the occasion
 get relevant information about the company

4. 3. a) i) rhyme Life Ablaze

Strife Amaze

Repetition- I seek
½ mark for identification
½ mark for illustration

ii) Diphthongs
Sight (any four, ½ a mark each)

iii) I would say it with a falling intonation to indicate my final decision to go for
a peaceful country life. It is a declarative statement 2 marks

i. Fury
ii. These
iii. Have
iv. Harbour
v. Committee

i. This is a tongue twister
1 mark
ii. The use of alliteration e.g. freaky Fred
- Entertainment
- Improves pronunciation and enunciation
- Creates humor
- Informative
- Enhances fluency in language use

i) They were taught verbally, orally (without reading)
ii) The guest of honour asked us to listen to him attentively/ symphanthetically
iii) Politicians must now do what they say
iv) Daisy has the ability to speak easily and persuasively ( 1 mk each= 4 marks)
e) I would book an appointment with Ngugi Wa Thiongo on phone, through e-mail or ordinary
I would conduct a thorough research about him to acquire a detailed background of the writer
I would conduct leading questions about himself and his works
I would stick to major issues according to our editorial policy
I would give room to callers to ask him emerging/ supplementary questions during the pro-
I would take notes during the interview to keep alert and be relevant during the entire session.
I would prepare in advance all the necessary recording apparatus and support personnel to
make recording of the programme possible
I must be punctual (at the time) and venue of the interview to receive my guest
Any 6 one mark each
5. (a) (i) low,blow/rest,breast/nest, west/west, breast/blow,go/sea,me/moon,soon A mark
For each pair max. 2mks

(ii) Mark for any of the following styles if identified with a relevant illustration.
- Repetition
- Alliteration
- Assonance
- Consonance
- Use of regular syllabic patterns
(iii) – Lullaby1 mk Any feature of a lullaby evident
6. 3a) i) -It is a tongue-twister√1
ii)-Development of oral skills√1
-Used by children during play√1
-For entertainment√1 (Any 1pt =1mk)
iii) Allitaration√1 i.e. How high up has he heaved (id-1mk
iii-1mk (1x2=2mks)
iv) -Usually short i.e. One sentence√1
-Repetition of a particular sound i.e. ‘h’ sound√1
(Any 2pts 1mk each) 1x2 =2mks

b) i) Prophet
ii) Meat/Meet
iii) Pool
iv) Doe
v) Quay (1mk each 1x5=5mks)

c) -Settle down early enough before the talk begins

-Prepare and make ready writing materials
-Take down notes that are relevant
-Ask questions to clarify points not well understood
-Maintain eye contact
-Maintain good sitting posture/sit upright
-Avoid fidgeting on your chair
-Be alert/avoid detractions (1mkeach-1x5=5mks)

d) (i) -The poet creates rhythms by: using rhyme in the poem i.e. lit/it ,will/hill/still√1
-Use of alliteration i.e. without a wish, without a will√1
-Repetition i.e. I, sky√1 (any 2pts =1mk each ; Total=2mks)
ii) Silent√1
To emphasize the magnitude of the silence in the night√ (Id-1mk ; Exp-1mk)
iii) a) a short pause in line 1 where the comma is used
b) a long pause in line 3 where the full stop is used(2mks)

e i) -What is your name?

-What do you want?
-What did you want to tell him?
-He is never in school. (½ mk each ½ x4=2mks)

ii) Peter: Hello, I am peter, who are you?

Peter: How may I help you?
Peter: Sorry, he is not in school. May you please leave information?
Peter: Sorry, he is out to attend a family function.

iii)a) Eulogy-E√
b) Phlegm-g√

7. 3. (a) ORAL SKILLS

(i) sight / cite
(ii) o,oh!
(iii) right, write
(iv) Rode/ rowed
(v) Blue

(b) (i) Maintain eye contact

(ii) Ask question at the end of the speech for clarification
(iii) Appropriate sitting posture
(iv) Avoid audio/visual distractions
(v) Read for familiarity
(vi) Taking notes

(c) (i) Noun – our annual import dropped by 20% due to drought (1mk)
(ii) Verb- He will import a new car next week (1mk)
(iii) Noun – The Maragua milk produce has gone down owing to low rainfall (1mk)
(iv) Verb – Brazil normally produce quality footballers (1mk)

(d) (i) a child/ a son / a daughter (1mk identification)

(ii) ‘broken’ and ‘gourd’ – they are content/information word (1mk)
(iii) Use of alliteration as in /b/ in ‘blind’ and ‘bat’ /l/ like a little (identification (1mk) illustration
use of repetition in ‘I’ ‘your

(e) (i) - enter a stage with a song

- Pose a question
- Use a riddle/proverb
- Cough, clear voice any correct three award 1mk each
- Use a tongue twister
- Sit upright/stand confidently before the audience

(ii) Say ‘No’ with a rising intonation and the rest of the sentence with a falling intonation (1mk)

(iii) - use tonal variation e.g. rise at No Identification 1mk/ illustration 1mk
- Use varying facial expressions e.g.
- Dramatize e.g.
(f) - Good morning, Madam (must be ‘Madam’ (if ‘Sir’ award 00)
- Fine, thank you, Madam (if without ‘thank you’ deduct ½mk)
- What is your name; please (1mk)
- Thank you (very much), Madam (1mk)
N/B: If more four grammatical errors –IAD – 1AD4GE


(a) pause and rising intonation (1mk)
b) Oral skills:
i) Tonal variation to distinguish the difference, character i.e. the narrator, the girl and the mother
ii) Singing the song
iii) Use of gestures e.g. digging, covering hole with a cow’s hide etc
iv) Use of facial expression e.g. surprise after the girl is discovered; portray weak and
distinguish girl, etc. (4mks)
v) dramatization-mother quickly filling the hole with soil
(any 2-1mk for identification, 1mk for illustration
(No mark for illustration without identification).
c) 1st song-low intonation (weak/pleading tone to show despondency/helplessness/despair/stress) (1mk)
2nd song-higher intonation (confident tone/force/tone of malice/condemnation) (1mk)
d) Gesture of surprise
-shaking of head in disbelief
-clicking in disgust
-a sigh of relief(any 1=mk)
e) falling of intonation to show finality (1mk)
a) (i)tongue-twister(1mk)
ii)alliteration-/sh/widely used at the beginning of words(2mks)
iii)it is used for entertainment
-enhance once fluency in the use of a language
-help one learn to promote words properly(3mks)
b) (i)-poor turn taking by the members; they don’t go though the person chairing the discussion,
e.g. Tom, Noreen and Lilian after Kabonyi is invited to make a suggestion
-improper interruption by Peris when she failed to allow to complete his statement
-poor or lack of negotiation skills .the spirit of give and take is not shown by any of the
members as all think their suggestions are the best
-rudeness by Kabonyi - He trashes Lilian’s suggestions as ‘stupid’.
-impolite disagreement by Noreen when she says she dislikes ‘Shreds of Tenderness’
(any 3 well explained) (3mks)
(ii)-Noreen says ” excuse me Apepo”
-Peris apologises for interruption peter and says “sorry”
-Noreen says “please Peris…”(2mks)
a) -didn’t pay attention to non verbal cues e.g. gestures, facial expression and body movement
that enhance understanding
-didn’t set a listening objective e.g. questions he would need to answer during the speech
-didn’t take notes during the listening therefore he had nothing to refresh his memory
-He may have allowed other things to distract his attention
(Accept any 4 reasonable responses) ( 4mks)
b) The examples offering by the candidates must show their understanding of the concept of personal
space e.g.
-not going through another persons drawers, desk or box without permission
-not listening in on private conversation or phone calls
-not going through someone’s letters or writing without their consent
- getting into a persons room without permission
-moving too close (physically) to persons one I not intimate withA1
(accept any two well explained examples) (2mks)
c) Circumstances that may cause interruption
-If you didn’t hear what the speaker said
-When you strongly disagree with the speaker
-When you strongly support the speaker
- When you wish the speaker to clarify unclear issues
-When you want to make an additional to the speaker’s point
-When the speaker has misinterpreted certain known facts
(Accept any 4 reasonable responses) (4mks)
9. b) (i)
 Repetition e.g. pinch, pinch ,pinch.
 Rhythm-enhanced through repetition.
 Voice
 Tempo
 Gestures
 Costumes
 Painting and décor
 Movement and patterns (Any two, 1mk each (2 marks)

 Wear relevant costumes e.g. jungles.
 Hit the drum where necessary.
 Have an attractive and relevant décor.
 Apply a relevant make-up e.g. facial point to capture the theme of your poem.
(1mk each, total (4 marks
 Repetition pinch ,pinch, pinch
 Rhythm (Any two,1 mark each total. (2 marks)

 Be audible.
 Make use of gestures.
 Vary my tone to sustain their attention.
 Use facial expressions.
 Involve the audience. (1 Mark each. Total 5 mks)

i) won-der
ii) ho-ney
iii) draw-back
iv) town
v) e-du-ca-tion (For any correct 1 mark each. Total 5 mks)

e) i)
Mrs. Stima:…………………….
Mr. Obwaya: yes! Why not? They even need to be added more time(√ ½mk )
Mrs. Stima: ………………………..
Mr. Obwaya: I agree with you but you know, we may think we are assisting the children but find
we are destroying them.√ ½
Mrs. Stima: ……………………
Mr. Obwaya: to me entertainment is part and parcel of learning. it is absolutely necessary√ ( ½
Mrs. Stima: ……………………………………
Mr. Obwaya: students need time away from their books. Let them ventilate their steam. Further-
more, they are responsible as they are grown-ups.√ (1mark)
Mrs. Stima: ……………………
Mr. Obwaya: but they need……√ (1mark) [the ellipses are important for this point to score. they
show interruption. if no ellipse or dots, award “0” mark.
Mrs. Stima: ………………………….
Mr. Obwaya: What! It can’t be! You are invited for trouble√ ( ½ mk)
NB the exclamation mark is necessary to show shock.
Mrs. Stima: ………………………………………….

 Would you please√ ½
 I am sorry√ ½ (total=1mark)
10. 3. a) i) Repetition – to and fro (2 marks)
Alliteration – billows breeze (2 marks)
World whorls

ii) To enhance the rhythm

To make the poem more interesting
To make the poem memorable (Any 2 = 2 marks)

iii) With a falling intonation

They are all wh- questions (2 marks)
iv) Blue – blew
Wear – where (2 marks)

b) i) Whine - wine
Mown – moan
Lays – laze
Weather – whether
Dough – doe (5 marks)

ii) Tout

- Good grooming
- Maintaining eye contact
- Use of appropriate pasture/ to show confidence
- Use of relevant gestures/ facial expressions
- Good command of language
- Mastery of content
- Talking to audience instead of reading (Any 4 = 4 marks)

d) i) – Makokha is rude- he does not show courtesy to Munonga – his prospective father-
in- law. He says “I hope you are not going completely blind”
- Makokha is a poor negotiator- he demands for Lavender instead of requesting e.g. I
have come to take her away
- Makokha lacks in good turn- taking skills. When Murunga says “Did you say my
……….. . Makokha doesent allow him to finish/ wait for his turn to speak
- Makokha has poor listening skills. He misunderstands Murunga when he says “What is
the world coming to?” (4 marks)

ii) Your daughter Lavender and I are in a relationship and I have come to humbly request
your permission for us to get married (Accept any other polite form) (2 marks)

iii) When Murunga says “What is the world coming to?” Makokha deliberately misunder-
stands and says “I hope you are not going completely blind. The world is going nowhere.
This reveals makokha’s contemptuous/ arrogant/ disrespectful attitude towards Murunga
(2 marks)

11. Oral skills

a) i) - The forest fires
- The streams
- The fiddle and fife
ii) Repetition
iii) Alliteration:… watch with wonder…bathe…brown blades…bending…e.t.c.
Rhyme: return/ burn
Eyes/ skies
Streams/ dreams e.t.c.
iv) – allitering sounds
- rhyme
- Rhythm

b) i)- Subject is boring

- Presenter is boring
- Topic may be irrelevant
- Audience may be feeling hungry
- Presentation may be too long
- Speaker may not be audible
Any 4x1=4
ii) – ensure topic is relevant to the audience
- Research on the topic
- time speech so that it isn’t too long
Maintain eye contact with audience
Make sure I am audible
Make use of gestures and facial expressions ( 1ny 4x1=4mks)

c) i) - Wet – whet
- Soar- sore
- Would- wood
- Tied- tide
- One-won
- You-ewe

ii)- Gain – a
- Helipad- h
- Resist- s(1st one)
- Rhy- hy
- Tomb- b
- Deliver- e (1st one)
d) i) Only the tout was young
ii) both the tout and the driver were young

e) - Lack of identification
- Lack of courtesy – doesn’t greet
- Rudeness – “What do you want?”
- Interruption Any 3x1=3


a) i) repetition – rain, rain
ii) rhyme – sprinkle, tinkle
iii) alliteration – splish, splash, splatter
iv) onomatopoieia – lighting – flushing, thunder crashing
v) assonance – mushy, muddy, hurly, burly
Any two = 2 marks

ii) aabba aaccda aaeeaff agg

hhaffija (2 marks)
It is an irregular rhyme scheme (1 mark)
iii) With a falling intonation (1 mark)

b) i) A spun (1 mark)
ii) - To entertain
- To sharpen wit
- To teach pronunciation Any two 2 marks
iii) - Your bob took our Bob’s bob, if your Bob does not return our Bob’s bob, we
shall bob him on the eye
- I will book your book to read
- Lie here and lie
c) i) wicked
ii) world
iii) this
iv) turn

d) i) Gestures
ii) Facial expressions
iii) eye contact
iv) dramatization
v) body movement
vi) posture Any four 4 marks

d) ii)- i) In order to understand the information being given

ii) So that one can avoid making mistakes
iii)To help one get correct instructions

iii) - i) With a falling intonation

ii) With a rising intonation
iii) With a rise – fall intonation

e) i) I am sorry
ii) Excuse me
iii) I do apologize

ii)- i) May I pass please

ii) Allow me to pass
iii) Please give way
iv) Excuse me please

iii) - Sorry for losing your relative

- Please accept my sincere condolence

13. (i) Writing the material down as it comes from the performers and the
(ii) Use audio-tape to record the voices e.g. for songs, proverbs riddles tongue twisters and narratives.
(iii) Filming / video recording the performance and interviews
iv) Memorizing the material Any 2 xl mark each for an explained *KKN*
(i) When two strong camps/ parties /people are at war the innocent / weak subjects suffer. *KKN*
Shows communities practise livestock keeping ( ½ mk) The mention of bulls *KKN*
 Family (paper fight/ dispute the children suffer.
Politics government and opposition when they fight or arc antagonistic. citizens suffer)
½ a mark for identification
½ a mark for explanation.
(i)The lily in the valley below
Any 1 tick after illustration
 Rhyme scheme - aa bb cccc
Dramatize e.g. use compass points to show cast a torch to show the heat and the wondrous glow
- Dress in the colour white red, yellow, pink
- Gestures and mimicry— express bright light beauty shining through higher
Lily, valley, below V

(i)z (ii)n (iii)e (iv)g ½ a mark each total

seat — Bumb / buttocks
- chair
Feat — measurement unit of length
- plural of foot
N/B:- If both sentences are correct a candidate scores 2 marks if only one is correct give a zero.

Any four of the following well explained

Rocking in the chair
Conversing with neighbours
Frequent walking in and out of the place of address
Dosing off
Continuous/ frequent yawning
Chewing ones’ nails
Drumming the chair or desk
Looking at the watch frequently
Looking outside
Looking at passers - by Any 4 marks each

Stirling .
Cymbol . ½ a mark total

Language must be courteous if not penalize 4 a mark each .

Students’ responses must flow I not penalize a mark each.
Penalize grammatical errors i,e spellings
- capitalization
- punctuation ½ mark each,

14. (a) JANE: Hello mum/mother I am fine

Have you recovered?
JANE: Yes mother/very much so mother.
I was on top of my class when the mid-term exam results were announced. (2mks)
JANE: I am told Carol is joining the university of Nairobi. Is it true? (2mks)
JANE: Next month mum/mother please clear arrears for me
JANE: Thanks/ I will be grateful
How is Daddy? (2mks) (2x5=10mks)

(b) (i) Stanza 1 – ways a

dove b
praise a
love b
Stanza 2 – Stone c
Eye d
One e
Sky d
Stanza 3 - know f
Be g
Oh f
Me g
Rhyme scheme is ababcdedfgfg
N/B Accept abab scheme a regular rhyme scheme
(ii) ‘very’ to emphasize the fact that nobody but himself noticed her beauty and loved her.
N/B- Accept ‘few’ for a similar reason.

(iii) - Facial expression – to express the sense of loss

- Gestures to emphasize loss
- Tone variation – stress the feeling of loss
-pace- slow pace for effect
(accept any other performance feature which must be tied to the stanza) (2mks
C. (i) Kettle
(iii) Nose
(iv) Gape
(v) Abottoir
(vi) Zoo
(v) Whale
Hail (Accept any 5 pairs = 5mks)
(d) /s/ /z/
Conscious measure
Motion seizure
Brush explosion
Special fusion
Ocean cushion
(mark ½mk each correct – ½ x 10=5mks)
(e) - Gather information about the topic e.g. though library research, questionnaires, interviews of
- Focus on the topic, purpose of the speech and audience (why are you writing it and what do you
intend your audience to learn/gain /do?) Appropriate to a particular audience
- Choose a pattern of organization that is likely to captivate the audience. Put emphasis on the
introduction and conclusion
- Select words and expressions that communicate clearly and precisely the message you want to con -
vey (4mks)
(f) – Gesture
- facial expressions
- Dramatization
- Body movement
- Eye contact with audience (5mks)


1. i) Alliterations – Clasps crag, crooked
ii) Onamatopoera – thunderbolt
iii) Rhyme e.g. hands crawls
lands walls (Any two 2mks)
2. Gives musicality to the poem making it memorable and enjoyable. (2 mks)
3. Thunderbelt this is because it captures the meaning of the line and vividly captures the
strength of the eagle. (2mks)
4. I would fold my hands into a fist to vividly show how the eagle flys. (2 mks) or dramatize
flapping of the eagle’s wings.
a) Riddle
Sharpen wits
5. Come - Calm
Aren’t - Aunt
Need – Knead
Way – weigh
Oral – Aural
6. i) – Understand the message.
- One can synthesize the message and know how to respond.
- It enhances the relationship between the speaker and the listener.
- You learn more about what is being said.
ii) Facial expression.
- Used to enhance meaning. An example of facial expression – eye contact/frown.
iii) Gestures; the use of hands e.g pointing a finger at somebody.
iv) Body posture – standing position. – Sitting position.

7. i) Excuse me please – ‘could you lower the volume of your radio.’ Or

Excuse me please ‘lower the volume of your radio’.
ii) I am sorry, ‘I cannot accompany you’ Or I am afraid ‘I cannot accompany you.
iii) I am saddened / shocked to learn of the death of your beloved mother. Please ac-
cept my
sincere condolences, I am sorry.

16. a) (i) abab cded fbgb

The rhyme scheme is irregular though the second and the forth lines in all the stanzas rhyme
(ii) Another sound pattern used is repetition. The repeated words and phrases;
– ‘my old man’
-‘old man’
This is meant for emphasis
(iii) Third last line: My ma died in a shack”
I will stress ma died and shack
This is because they are content words
(iv) I would say the last line in a low falling tone to indicate the sad tone of the poem
b) (i) can
(ii) come
(iii) sod
(iv) robe
(v) hard
c) a) Are you serious?
b) You must behave yourself
c) I am going shopping
d) He can’t do that, really!

d) - One must wait for pauses, it is the most appropriate time to speak
- Note when the speaker may use either falling or raising intonation to indicate they have
finished Talking
- When the speaker asks a question
- One must observe the speaker to see if the body language indicates they want to change roles
- When the speaker uses fillers/hesitations such as: you see-----, you know---, I mean--- etc

e) - Strategies to adopt include:

- Correct sitting posture e.g. leaning forward
- I would tell him to maintain eye contact with the speaker
- Ask her to follow any use of non-verbal cues by the speaker
- I would ask her to make brief notes of the presentation
- Ask her to respond to the speaker’s rhetorical questions, jokes etc through nod-
ding, laughing etc
- Identifying with the topic being discussed
- Advice her to try as much as possible to concentrate by being keen and avoiding
any destructors.

17. a) It is about a person complaining about the disturbances caused by the noise which making
the surrounding environment uncomfortable to stay in

b) i) Alliteration: pound, push, pull and plunk

ii) Repetition:
Listen a
Comes a
Plunk b
Listen a
Comes a
Gush b
Peace c
But b
Slurp b
Accept other illustrations
Rhyme helps to emphasize the message and create musically in poem

d) Loudly; in order to emphasize the message

ii) Bawl Ball

Whale Wail
Draft Draught
Missed Mist
iii) a) - Make an appointment the politician (Interviewer)
- Set time for the interview
- Inform the interviewee and the listeners about the interview i.e. Announcement
- Ensure all support materials and personnel are ready and functioning e.g. machines, writ-
ing materials e.t.c.
- Set specific objectives for the interview
- Have a copy of proposed constitution
- Read and understand the proposed document, especially the contentious clauses
- Set the interview questions in systematic and clear manner i.e should be precise
- Accept any six and any other appropriate answer/ point

b) - Begin the interview with introduction e.g. personal details, and the purpose of the inter-
- Make the topic of the interview clear
- Allocate appropriate time to each event that would take place during the interview
- Make the necessary materials available
- Ask specific questions of the interview
- Manage the time allocated
- Make reference from the proposed constitution
- Give the interview appropriate time to respond to questions
- Asking for clarification where necessary
- Allow for the final conclusion both from interviewee & interviewer

iii) - Use of drawing e.g. map to illustrate the direction

- Use of compass direction e.g. move West, South, Turn left right
- Use of physical infrastructure e.g. roads, buildings, streets, avenues e.t.c.
- Use of geographical appearance e.g. mountains, rivers, forests e.t.c.
- Illustrating means of transport e.g. train, matatu e.t.c.
- Indicating the distance either accurate or approximations
- Use of sign posts
- Indicate time frame
- Source of assistance in case of difficulties
- The language should be imperative
- Accept any six, each point should be accompanied by explanation
- Accept any other appropriate answer/ point

Section II (Pp2)– Answers

Section A
1. 1. He felt that they were betraying Iranian culture and tradition 1 mk
2. Female – She attended a girl school in which Dr. Farrokhrou Parsa was a principal only girls
attend a girls school
3. Separate doors to check on their adherence to the strict dress code
- Forbidden to go out unless their whole body I covered by clothing except face and hands
i) Cannot be police officers, judges and pilots/ clergy
ii) Because her wrist had shown from under her sleeves while she was writing on the black
4. - Corruption on earth
- Warring against God
- Expansion of prostitution
5. - Gender discrimination
- Women discrimination
- Violation of women rights
Explanation: Women are looked down upon and there are laws to ensure this
6. - Police security
- Judges (courts, judiciary)
- Pilots (arcation)
- Mps (parliament/ politics)
7. A situation that the women are in is supposed to make them powerless but it ends up mak-
ing them powerful because any defiance from them is a strong political statement. The
regulation of women lives has also affected the men
8. She feels that treatment of women is unfair. They have been censored; rendered powerless
and invincible
9. i) Censored – Removed and assumed as not part of the society
ii) Emblematic – Represents/ symbolizes/ signifies/ typically
iii) Alleged – Somebody says that one is; not proved
iv) Leftist – Persons who support left wing (socialism/ social change)
v) Espoused – Supported
10. Iranian women/ Gender discrimination in Iran/ freedom of women in Iran e.t.c.

2 . (a) It is streamlined through societal of need and people social needs brought about by historical,
economic, religious, cultural and ethical factors (2mks)
(b) Comments such as omen are weak and cowards, gentle , nurturing and caring while men are
bread winners, decision makers and generally aggressive/association women with certain roles
and men with certain roles (2mks)
(c) the hybrid system is where roles are shared equally, help given out where necessary to supple-
ment each other’s efforts but/however, the case of reversed roles is where men are made to
cook, wash clothes, clean the house, utensils and baby sit (The contrast must be brought out)
(d) Research has shown most millionaires in the US are women; widows of men who died young
from diseases related to overwork (2mks)
(e) Cautious, sensitive /concerned; he says reports on reversed roles should not be inflammatory;
should not threaten the social fabric; concerned about men where feminism thrives (2mks)
(f) Not fixed but changeable gender is learned through socialization (1mk)
(g) The author is supportive/appreciative/encouraging 1g (identification
(i) Men should be prepared for feminism approach
1aP½ mk
(ii) Time for gender equity
P 1b has come
(iii) Girls perform better than Pboys 1c
P½d P½e P½f
(iv) Ladies are more preferable than men by employers due to hard work, honesty, loyalty and
cost effective
P½ mk g
(v) Women to take up responsibilities with caution and cease to be victims of inferior complex 1hj
 must be 55 -65 words
 must be in continuous prose if not 50% deducted from the total marks
 penalize for expression errors ½ at every sentence 1mk for identification plus any 5points
= 6mks)
(h) (3mks) (i) Inflammatory; – provocative/provoking anger/annoying /causing anger
(ii) Sobriety – sense /sensitivity
(iii) Feminism approach; – ways by which he rights and opportunities can be given
to women

3. a) Because he is expecting to be assigned some work. That was where the farm was√ (1mark)
b) It made him draw back to the past memories√(2marks)
c) He was a white man√ (1mk) and Densu was twelve years old√ (1mk) (2mks)
d) He did not take a bath √ (1mark)
e) The stranger is disliked (by the people) √ (1mark)
f)Akan√(1 illustration)-when the white man stopped asking him about the Akan names
of things√(1mark)
g)-For companionship √1a
-No longer interested in Akan language√1b
-At first he wanted to attract Densu√1c
NB/ must be in note form if not deduct ½ mk from the total (4mks)
h) Patients√-all the time waiting to be assigned some work√1
determined-learned the language very fast(any one well illustrated 2mks)
i)-Implore, inquire (1mk)
-Top cover of trees (1mk)
-Pointing or prodding with a finger (1mk)
-Isolate/ignore (1mk)
-Not clear, not understood (1mk)(1x5=5mks)

4. a) They should bring them up in such away that they understand their roles as leaders, providers and
protectors 2 marks
a) - They should encourage them that the challenges are doors to opportunity, stepping stone to
greater success 2 marks
- They should believe in their abilities 1 mark
ii) – They must not allow to be pushed to become what they are not interested in
- They should make their own choices
- They should learn from their mistakes 3 marks

c) They will have inadequate time to nurture her sons and be a homemaker. It will also make their
sons learn that their father is irresponsible
d) It is to remind the career women who shun their domestic roles/ duties that these roles should take
precedence over their careers/ achievements 2 marks
e) Suggested points 4 marks
- Mind your language when talking to him to avoid belittling his masculinity
- Try praising him for a change
- Relate the duties you assign him to his masculinity
- Reassure him that you believe in him in times of crisis
- Male children feel happy/ satisfied/ contented when parents take note of or praises their
masculine qualities
- Masculine- Qualities typical of men/ related to male
- Bossy- feeling superior 3 marks

1. Weather and rocks interact/ to replace work out soil 2 mks
2. Man accelerates soil erosion creating imbalance where soil is eroded faster than nature can re-
place it
3. The American Dust Bowl is perhaps the most frequently quoted example of soil erosion 1 mk
4. Mentioning examples of soil erosion cases from all over the world e.g. America, Africa (Tanza-
nia), Asia, Middle East e.t.c. 2 mks
5. The downfall of civilizations 1 mk
6. Usually : Adverb Thoughtless: Adjective 1 mk
7. The animals are wild, domesticating them is not realistic in the real sense of the word, as we
know it
a. Terracing
b. Contour farming
c. Strip ploughing
d. Grass growing
e. Allowing growth of weeds
f. Cultivating leguminous crops 5 mks
9. i) Renew - replace
ii) Barren- bare/ without vegetation
iii) Pace – speed at which something happens


a) Deduct ½ a mark from the total of every answer with an expression error, except in (g) and 1(h)
b) Affix capital letter ‘E’ to the penalized mark. It is advisable to underline the errors in order to
justify the penalty.
c) Penalize once in each answer.
d) Insist on complete sentence except in questions 1(h) and1 (g)

a. It is about unemployment (1mk)

b. They are those who are mentally and physically capable and willing to work but
cannot find work(2mks)
c. They would by using votes to ensure that leaders who cause political trouble do not rise
to/are voted out of power by using/through their votes, citizens can ensure that politically
troublesome leaders do not rise to power (any one point 2 marks)=TOTAL (2mks)
d. Citizens, through their votes, have the means of ensuring that such people do not accede to
e. -The leaders are false/not real/fake
-The leaders/the people elected do not live to the expectations of the people /electorate
-The leaders /people elected do not satisfy what they are elected for. (any ONE, 1mark=1mk)
f. a. -The African government are to blame (for the unemployment)
-The African governments hold the blame for the unemployment situation
b. -The African government would support local industries but they do not
c. –They would improve infrastructures but they do not
d. They would enhance efficiency by sound policies but they don’t
e. –They would improve security but they don’t.
(Either point (a) 2mks AND 3 of b, c, d, e, 1mk each=5MKS)
g. a) exploitation of Africans making them even poorer√1a
b) Cheaper goods are allowed in the country√1b
c) Local industries cannot compete, hence they collappse√1c
d) Unemployment is always the consequences√1d (four points, 1MK each=4mks)
h. i) ease-make less severe/alleviate
ii) accede-take high position in/to leadership
iii) patriotism-love for one’s country (each 1 MK=total 3mks)

7 . (a) Precautions taken include:- (8mks)

- The examination centres are manned by supervisors and invigilators who are qualified teachers of
- Armed police officers man the centres
- Senior officers are in-charge of the stations that the examinations papers are kept.
- Candidates are thoroughly searched before they get into examination halls.
- Bags containing question papers are opened by the supervisor in the presence of all candidates, in-
vigilators, security officers and centre head teacher
- Any surplus papers are sealed and kept in full view of candidates during the particular papers en-
tire duration
- At the time of sitting for the paper, candidates are under hawk-eyed invigilators
- Answer booklets are sealed in the presence of all candidates, invigilators and head teachers.
(b) - Examination cheating is caused by lacking of moral integrity or moral depriviation in the society
- The parents and teachers have failed in their duty of moulding the youngsters (2mks)
(c)The education institutions have the ability to instill morals and ethics because:
- Schools play a crucial role in transmitting values
- School going children spend more time with teachers than with any other persons.
- Learners take anything said by the teachers as the gospel truth and not even parents can make
them think otherwise (3mks)
(d) Stringent (1mk)
(e) - Manned –controlled
- Hoaxes – untrue/tricks
- Guzzling – consuming a lot of money
- Buck – passing- shifting , blame or responsibility

a)To motivate their student (1) to turn into top performers
(In the national examination)(1)
b) a-a car (1a)
b-a motorcycle 1b
c-a generous cash reward (1c)
(Must be in note form if not deduct ½ from total mark)
c) Must score an ‘A’ (1)
(if ‘A’ is not in quotes no mark)
d) The board had challenged candidates with an enticing offer; (1)
anyone who had got an ‘A’ would receive a motorcycle , (1)one-year comprehensive in-
surance cover(1) and sh.5000 (1)
e) Unless I get one, I will not go straight into the bodaboda business
I will not go straight into the boda boda business unless I get one (1)
f) Whereas the reward motivates the student to be top performers, their level of motivation could
easily come crashing down once they step out into a world where money is scarce.(must be
irony if not no marks) (3)
g) Rewards are good (1) as long as they are relevant and sustainable (1)
h)Not only school boards but also old boys and girls associations are willing to spend millions
on incentives for the students1)
i) Enterprising youth-young, industrious people(1)
Challenges of everyday life-ups and downs faced in life(1)
Disorientate- make unstable.(1)

9. a) If an author has genius, he suffers the penalty of genius. If he has only talents, various care s
and worries make life extremely miserable. He takes great pains to compose. He meets with of
continuous disappointments at his ability to express himself. He is also face with the difficulty
of gaining the public ear. A literary life is, therefore, mostly an unhappy one.
b) Young writers hope that they will become famous if they just throw that poem at the worlds
feet. They believe that they have only to get that novel printed to be acknowledged at one as
a new height in literature.
c) No. Editors and publishers are a practical body of men; they conduct their business in the
hardest times of a profit and loss accounts. They cannot therefore be sympathetic to young
d) Whereas they are expected to place the best literature before the public their main interest is
making profit.
e) It would be generally difficult for a young author to have his book published. After his book is
brought out, he should be prepared to face hostile critics.
f) Keats is mentioned in order to show the damage that savage critism can do a sensitive writer.
g) A writer should be silent when criticized.
h) Became editors and publishers are only interested in making a profit.
i) Men of letters-writers a new light in literature – an important writer.
Chastisement-torture, punishment.

10. a) The root of tribal and racial misunderstanding is entnocentricism (1 mark)

b) Because customs in each society evolve to meet specific needs (1 mark)
Illustration: Nomadic tribes of Brazil and Australia kill their old in order to avoid
being delayed as they move in search of pasture and from attacks (2 marks)
c) The irony in the way the nomads treated their old is that they thought it to be kind to kill their
own old ones. They preferred to kill their own (old) if they burdened them than to let them
be tortured and killed by their enemies. The bottom line is the old would have died, why kill
them yourself (3 marks)
d) By contrasting how the old are treated in Kenya and Brazil/ Australia, the writer shows that
there is no standard criteria, of treating the old across the world. Thus we should not
be ethnocentric (2 marks)
e) The writers attitude is that the treatment was justifiable because it helped them to meet a
need: Feed their animals in new field and avoid the enemies (2 marks)
f) Old people are held in very high esteem, here in Kenya as in many parts of Africa
g) Ethnocentricism
h) i) Root – the cause/ origin
ii) Exalt – uplift, hold in high esteem
iii) Inconceivable – unthought-of unexpected/ unimagined
iv) Apparently – clearly, without doubt
iii) Discord – disharmony, friction

11. a) Ethnocentrism/ practice of putting ourselves at the centre of everything and finding others by
our standardsÖ 1 (1 mk)
b) - Customs in each society evolve to meet specific needs/ needs unique to that society Ö 1
- Nomadic tribes of Brazil and Australia used to kill their old to avoid the difficulty of mourning
with them/ in order to save them from torture Ö 2 (3 mks)
c) It is ironical for the nomadic tribes to claim that they were saving their old from death by
killing them
d) He uses contrast to prove that there can be no universally accepted way of treating the old/
culture evolves to meet specific needsÖ 2 (2 mks)
e) He supports/ appreciates the practice. Ö 1 He argues that “the old were a burden and if cap-
tured, Ö 1 would be tortured to death; it was kinder to kill them (2 mks)
f) a) Culture evolves to meet specific societal needs Ö 1
b) Different environment will have different culturesÖ 1
c) No culture is inferior/ superior to another Ö 1
d) People should learn to appreciate other cultures Ö 1
- Mark up to 40 words
- Deduct a glimmer for grammatical mistakes
- Award ½ mk for every point in note form
g) i) Root – cause/ origin (1 mk)
ii) Exalt – praise/ make something look better than it is/ uplift/ hold in high esteem(1 mk)
iii) Inconceivable – Unfathomable/ unheard of/ under stable/ incomprehensible
iv) Putting ourselves at the center of everything- making ourselves look better or more
important than all other people
v) With down with scorn on – Treat other people as if they are worthless

12. a) Rules govern the organizational structure of an institution, its composition, its powers and
the rules which regulate its management √ 2 marks
b) In a unitary constitution the central government retains the principal powers of state; there is
no delegation of powers to the provinces√ 2 while under a federal constitution t
(The contrast must come out through use of words such as ‘while’ e.t.c.) 4 marks
c) Kenya has a constitution that has the following qualities:
- It is a written constitution√ 1
- Flexible√ 1
- Unitary√ 1 3 marks
d) Candidates choice : Written constitution√ 1 / unwritten
Reasons for unwritten Reasons for written
√ - It is contained in a number of sources e.g. - Supported by the law so that any other law that is in con-
statute law, case law e.t.c. sistent with the constitution cannot prevail
√ - Flexible - Found in one document
√ - Can be amended easily - Not easily amended
(Choice – 1 mark, 3 reasons each, total 4 marks)
- Must be in note form evident through use of numbers, dashes, bullets e.t.c. if not pe-
nalize by reducing ½ mark from total scored
e) Only as a result of a long and cumbersome procedure can a rigid constitution be changed √
(Any spelling or grammatical error should be penalized by ½ mark)
f) In Kenya, we have a separation of powers but only to a certain extent, don’t we?
(Without comma, ½ mark
Without question mark 0
Capital D in don’t ½ mark)
g i) Cumbersome procedure – a long and taxing process
ii) Void – useless, irrelevant
iii) Ultra vires – Irregular, null and void
iv) Block- Stop, hinder the progress of
v) Referendum – process of seeking the acceptance of the public for a constitution

13. (a) They are assumed to be in the drought stricken rural areas (2mks)
(b) (i) Having one meal a day
(ii) Adults are restricting the food rations they consume
(iii) Some are running into debt
(iv) Some are moving elsewhere
(v) Some are saving whatever they have (3mks)
(c) Arise in larceny and other petty crimes (1mk)
(d) Rising food prices have made matters a lot worse (1mk)
(e) They are giving the least help to the urban poor. They have less enthusiasm for funding and
implementing non food interventions (2mks)
(f) (i) Drought
(ii) Reduced earnings resulting from the loss of employment after the election violence
(iii) Rising food prices
(iv) HIV and AIDS
(v) Displacement due to post-election violence (4mks)
g) They don’t engage in farming
(h) - Alleviate – reduce
- Larceny – stealing
- Donor dole- aid
- Sugar coating – to down play the bitter truth (4mks)

14. a) The most tragic fact is that while physical maturity develops naturally with the passage of time,
mental maturity doe not.
b) - Parental guidance during childhood.
- Environmental conditions under which one grows up.
- Personal attitude/individual effort.
c) According to the author, a mature man is one who is responsible and who is aware of what is
acceptable and correct.
d) Performing – doing, learning information, discover.
e) Does he?
f) Possibilities are: on the contrary, on the other hand, nevertheless.
g) Quotation from authority.
i) For example Gautama Budhaa, Aristole and Harry
ii) Use of repetition – in 5th paragraph; Aware as he is and he is aware.
iii) Use of analogy – in 3rd paragraph
h) He is contemptious - - he refers to them as dangerous and says that “they cause much harm.”

15. (a) The grandmother’s recipe of remaining young is to keep oneself busy doing things that
interest oneself instead of idling around and becoming sentimental and personal about
other people
(b) - One must look forward to the future, yet the past is impossible to ignore 1a
 Often, the attractive issues of the past are difficult to ignore 1b
 One must control interaction with the youth 1c
 One’s own children often lead one to taking a personal interest in the affairs of young people
 The constant awareness of one’s duty to the young conflicts with the wish to remain emotion-
ally detached. 1e

o Must be in note form if not, deduct ( a mark from the total score)
o Notes are detected by use of dashes, dots, use of roman numbers e.t.c
o No penalty for faulty expressions
c) Impersonal interest helps the individual who is growing old to avoid becoming burdened with the
emotion of too much attachment to the youth (2mks)
d) The simile is ‘an individual human existence should be like a river (1mk). Like a river on its
course to the sea or its destination, the individual’s life is packed with action (1mk)
e) Even at the old age of ninety-two, the writer’s great grandmother was so active that her
descendants could not ignore her presence, for she actively made it felt (2mks)
f) It is because the future still holds a great deal for him (1mk) and that death will deprive/deny him
of all these possible opportunities (1mk) (2mks)
g) “It was in this sphere that long experience was really fruitful, and that the wisdom born of
experience could be used without becoming a burden.” (1mk)
N/B: Ignore the quotation marks
h) Vitality- great energy/liveliness
Melancholy – sad
Rushing passionately – moving fast/steadily
Clinging to youth- constantly seeking the company of young people (4mks)

16. a) Its long slender body allows it to slip down burrows and find prey while they sleep Ö1
thus reducing the risk of injury when attacking prey the same size as itself Ö1 (2 mks)
b) It is secretive and primarily nocturnalÖ1 (1 mk)
In burrows, it sleeps Ö ½ mk catches food Ö ½ mk, avoids predatorsÖ ½ mk and harsh
weather Ö ½ mk. It also gives birth to its young Ö 1 mk (4 mks)
c) i) Black – footed ferret is smaller than domestic ferretÖ1a
ii) Domestic ferrets have creamy coloured fur while black footed ferrets have dull yellow
fur that is slightly darker on backside Ö 2b
iii) Domestic ferrets have dark hair tips, feet and fur while black footed ones have black
tail tips and fur around eyes Ö 2c (5 mks)
N.B – The contrast must be there for each to score
- Must be in PROSE FORM. If not, deduct 50% from the total score.
- Deduct a glimmer (-) once in a sentence for faulty expressions
- Maximum number of words, 75. Put two parallel lines (//) after the 75th word
d) Most of them died of distemper prompting scientists to capture the remaining ones (3 mks)
e) A strong smelling fluid from that scent glands under the tails can be discharged if these
animals are frightened (1 mk)
f) To get its main diet, prairie dogs, which are found in those places (2 mks)
g) i) Discharge – send out liquid/ allow liquid to escape
ii) Odour – smell
iii) Nocturnal – active at night (3 mks)

Section B - answers
a) Betraying the tribe by marrying Nyambura
b) To keep the purity and secrets of the tribe
c) It is ironical that Waiyaki’s name should be his ruin
d) - people look up to him
- Symbol of the tribe, born with all its purity
- They adore and worship him
- They are taking the oath in his name
- Kabonyi hates him and would kill him
- His name is in Kiama giving it great power
e)) Against betraying his tribe unlike his father and grandfather
f) Violence – Burning of a hut belonging to Joshua’s newest followers
g) Concerned – Concerned about Waiyaki’s welfare
Advisory – He advices Waiyaki
h) He regrets as he feels the power and influence was everywhere in it
i) Preoccupied with schools and the widening rift and divisions
He has no time for tribal ceremonies and rituals
j) i) Associate – One you work with
ii) Rift – Disagreement
k) - Yes, people lose confidence in him at the end because he breaks the oath by associating
with Nyambura. – He is rejected by the very people who were praising his name
- His great name is smeared with mud as Kabonyi proves he is against the tribe

2. THE RIVER BETWEEN ‘Ngugi Wa Thiong’o’

(a) - He attempted to get reaches of Siriana and succeeded
- He was accused of being a traitor by the Kiama
- They would accuse him publicly and if he Waiyaki was n the wrong, let the public decide his fate
(b) The theme of rivalry
- This is the rivalry between Kabonyi and Waiyaki (1mk identification + illustration = 2mks)
(c) don’t you? (without a coma give ½ ) (1mk)
(d) - He had thathu/He was cleansed after touching dead Muthoni 1a
- He was in league with the white man 1b
- Waiyaki made many secret journeys to Siriana in the protest of looking for teachers 1c
- Waiyaki prefers education to taking up arms against the white man1d
- Education cannot give back the land 1e (5mks)
(e) The seer who prophesized the coming of the white man /people with cloths like butterflies (1mk)
His message /prophecy prepared Waiyaki for leadership he embarked on education of the ridge(3mks)
(f) The butterflies cannot be speared not can they be cut by a panga. One must learn their ways
(g) Kabonyi was the first convert to join the white man and he is accusing Waiyaki of all forms of
indulgence with the white man (The two opposite sides must be brought out) (2mks)
(h) The episode of how Murungu the creator gave rise to Gikuye and Mumbi and gave them the land
– shows how defensive they were of their land (on top of Mount Kirinyaga) (2mks) (Any2 illustra-
tions of the story )
(i) The giants of the tribe
Waiyaki was not ready for circumcision (3mks)
(j) A sacred groove had sprung up and people paid homage there (2mks)

3. a)-Circumcision was in the offing√ (1mk)

-Waiyaki wanted to take part in the ceremonial activities of the tribe but he was disturbed√ (1mk)
-Waiyaki goes to his mothers hut at night and finds her still awake√ (1mk)
-The mother asks him if it is true he is intending to marry Joshua daughter. He denies this√ (1mk)
-He goes to his hut and he hears a knock at the door. it is Kamau who has called on him √ (1mk)
(Any four points 1 mark each (total 4 marks)
b) Revengeful√ (1mk) Kamau saw in Waiyaki the hawk that always snatches his piece
of meat when he himself was about to eat it√ (1mk)
Sly√ (1mk) he deceives Waiyaki that he did not know why the Kiama wanted to see him√ 1mk
Identification 1mk
Illustration 1mk any 2 traits (illustration without identification 0 marks (total 4 marks)
c) He is Waiyaki colleague teaching together in Marioshoni. He has a cordial relationship with
d)-He had taken Muthoni to hospital√ (1mk)
-He had touched a dead body√ (1mk) (2mks)
e)-Waiyaki had always strove to bring light to the tribe through education√ 1mk
-He had been respected and referred to as the teacher√ 1mk
-When he appears before the Kiama. He receives a cold welcome from the elders √ 1mk
-The Kiama does not refer to him as the teacher as had always been the case√ 1mk (total 4 marks)
f) He commented that it was a dark night (1mark)
g)i) Metaphor√1mk Kamau looks at Waiyaki as being a hawk that always snatches his
piece of meat√ 1 mk
ii) Direct speech√1 mk. “why does the Kiama want me?”
“oh, I don’t know exactly”√ 1mk (total 4 marks)
h)lay (1mark)
i)i) vaguely-not detailed/not exact/unclear. (1mark)
ii) rouse-excite (1mark)
iii) glitter-brightness (1mark) (3marks)

a) She wanted to get circumcised and knew her father wouldn’t allow her
b) Because the mention of forbidden things at any other time was a social taboo
c) Muthoni:- Rebellious- Rebels against her father
d) Wasn’t that the time?
e) They stripped to the waist; their breasts flapping on their chests. They also wnt
around the big fire, swung their hips and contorted their bodies
f) That Joshua took beer secretly but nobody had ever seen him drinking. That he also
had a hand in Muthoni’s decision to get circumcised so as to appease the angry gods
but no one could prove this
g) A whiteman who runs the siriana mission school
h) Repetition:- They went round and round, Men shrieked and shouted and jumped
. Before the excerpt
- There had been a rally at Kameno
- Waiyaki’s watches the rally from his hut
- He walks away towards Honid River
- Meets Nyambura near Honia river (praying) Any two points 1 mark each = 2 marks)
After the excerpt
- Waiyaki remembers the scene a few years back when they had carried Muthoni to Siriana
- Waiyaki tells Nyabura he loves her
- A tear drops from Nyambura’s eye
- They hug (ebrace) Waiyaki takes Nyambura in his arms
- Waiyaki asks Nyambura if she will marry him/ she says no Any 2 points 1 @ = 2 mks

2. Themes of religion – sacred grove mentioned

- Nyambura praying
A theme of love – Waiyaki embraces Nyambura
- He ask her to marry him
Any 2 themes illustrated @ 2 marks = 4
Identification – 1 mk
Illustration – 1 mk
3. A leader shall rise from the hills who will lead and save the people
2 mks
4. Waiyaki
Patient – He waited for her patiently
Cowardly – He wanted to walk away
Loving – He held her in his arms (embraced)
- Asks Nyambura to marry him
Religious – goes to Honia River to pray
Defiant – Talks to Waiyaki despite her father’s restrictions 4 mks
5. - Feels attached to river Honia
- River Honia is scred
- Looking for privacy from home
- Remembers Muthoni
- Makes her feel a peace of mind
6. i) Appariation – figure (unclear)
ii) Propriate – stop from being angry/ placate
iii) Discernible – recognizable/ visible 3 mks
7. Gave (him) away 1 mk
8. – land forcibly taken
- Whites had no respect for traditional values e.g. circumcision
- Forced labour
- Taxation 3 mks
9. - At night wiyaki was strolling in the village
- After he had attended Joshua’s service (he was standing with Kamau)
- At Honia River when he came to tell her to go visit the sick Muthoni

a. Deduct ½ a mark from the total of every answer with an expression error
b. Affix capital letter ‘E’ to the penalized mark. It is advisable to underline the errors in order to
justify the penalty
c. Penalize only once in each answer
d. Insist on complete sentences in giving the answer
a.-soon Waiyaki vanished the hills with the knowledge of his father to go to Siriani√1
-later he is joined by Kamau and Kinithia√1 TOTAL=(2MKS)
b. ridiculed(1mk)
c. a.) The seer was rejected by the people (of the ridges)
b.) The people did not believe him
c.) They gave him no clothes and no food
d.) He became bitter
e.) He hid himself
f.) he refused to tell them more
g.) he went beyond the hills to the world yonder
h.) they spoke the message even louder
i.) they laughed and poured scorn on him
j.) But some say he was carried up by Murungu (ANY 6 POINTS, 1MK EACH=6MKS)
d.-the image/it is butterflies√1 (2mks)
-it refers to the whiteman√1 (Identification =1; illustration=1mk)
e.-some people say he was buried√1
-others say he was carried away by Murungu√1(Expect both points for 1mk each=total (2mks)
f. i) he only felt weak and small but he also did not know what he wanted to say√1
ii) Not only did people not believe him but some also poured scorn on him√1 Total= (2mks)
g. a.) Chege
-Loyal-obeyed the traditions of his people/he fulfilled the prophecy
-Reverent-to the sacredness of the mystical, celestial grove and environment
-Knowledgeable-about traditions/know the story of his tribe.
Identification 1mk; illustration 1mk=total (2mks)
Illustration without identification=zero
-fearful/are struck-….. “I see you fear”/by the divine consciousness
-Sensitive-to the divine consciences
-Obedient-to the father as shown in his way he responds and listens
Identification 1mk; illustration 1mk=total (2mks)
Illustration without identification=zero
h. He died here though our fathers do not know the place/position/location of his grave (2mks)
i. The reason/it is that when he told them about Siriana, they would not listen (2mks)
j. Chege stopped and slowly turned to Waiyaki, didn’t he?
Omission or wrong use of any of the comma, small letter‘d’ and the?
(Question mark at the end=scores zero

7. (a) The children were presenting songs

(b) Rotting roof needed more time
- Children needed more desks, pencils, paper
- Many more schools had to be built
- More teachers had to be employed
(c) (i) The rivalry between Waiyaki and Kabonyi
(ii)- Poverty of land
- The land had been taken by the white man
- New taxes had been imposed on the people
(iii) He knew the issues were more weighty on Waiyaki thus he would bring him down.
(iv) Malicious, tactical, contemptuous
(d) - Parenthesis – A few people applauded ...(Kabonyi too had stirred something in their hearts)
- Rhetoric questions – Kabonyi uses a series of rhetoric questions e.g. “Did the tail—Lion”?
(e) Waiyaki had been seen talking to Joshua’s daughter and also attending a service at Joshua’s
(f) (i) ills – problems /difficulties
rid – remove/keep off from
(g) An inter-ridge committee was elected to look after the education of all and to see to the building
of new schools in the country
(h) Points to consider
– Waiyaki told them he was their son and them his parents
– He did not want to read
– The elders were there to guide and lead the youth the youth to listen and be led in the paths of wis-
– He wanted to serve the ridges
– Unless people heeded to his words and plans the ridges would lose their former dignity and be left a
distance behind by the country beyond.


a)-Waiyaki bumped into Nyambura(1)
-she tells him she had been s sent to Yohanas(1)
-he tells her he was going to see Kamau(1)
-they walk together (1)
-they part with Nyambura promising to visit his school.(1)
b) Personification -moon was also awake
-her glare was hard
-the moons glare
-he yields to her magic
-he was sure she was listening etc
Rhetorical questions-was life all yearning and no satisfaction?
-…..a malignant beast that would not let one rest?
Simile -hollowing pursuing one like a malignant beast
-wandering everywhere like a beast.
Onomatopoeia -crickets shrilling
Award any 2 well illustrated features
1 mark id
1mark illustration 2 x 2=4
No identification no mark
c)i)For the people, he had now for many seasons been trying to drain himself dry(1)
ii) Didn’t they?(1)
iii) The quiet throb of the river which comforted him echoed in his heart (1)
d) When they where young, Kamau and Kinuthia took their herds grazing together (1a) after
which they went to Siriana(1b) and later taught at Marioshoni together(1c) (24 words)
(Must be in prose if not deduct 50% from total marks)
-must be grammatically correct, if not deduct a glimmer (¼ ) from each sentence
-must not be more that 25words
e) Gain the Whiteman’s knowledge to help his tribe beat the Whiteman(1)
-educate the young ones in his tribe the ways of the Whiteman(1)
-help in maintaining the purity of the tribe (Any 2 1=2marks)
f)-The moon was awake (1)
-Small bushes and trees breathed (1)
-Crickets were shrilling (1)
-River throbbed quietly (Any 2 x 1=2marks)
g) loyal-almost worshiped Waiyaki
Caring concerned-warns Waiyaki about Kabonyi’s hatred
-informs Waiyaki about Kamau’s intention
-fears for Waiyaki’s life
Expect any two traits of Kinuitha
1mark id
1mark illustration 2 x 2=4
(No marks for illustration without identification)
h) Waiyaki yearned for freedom(1)
-He needed to have a chance to associate with whomever he wished (Nyambura included)(1)
(if candidate simply says ‘freedom award 1mark and full marks for one who goes ahead to
mention Nyambura
9. a)
 Waiyaki has invited parents to his school to sell his vision about the school.
 He manages to convince them (parents) to invest more in the school.
 Children have presented songs all emphasing the importance of education.
 Parents appreciated the learning of their children and vows to educate them.
 Waiyaki gives his maiden speech touching on the roofing needing repair, children needing
desks, pencils and papers.
 He emphasized that more schools had to be built and more teachers employed.
 However, Kabonyi rubbishes all these and instead he emphasizes that the only option is to
drive away the Whiteman from the hills.
Any four relevant points, 1 mark each total (4 marks)
b) Kabonyi calls him a “youth” meaning he is young and inexperience hence cannot
lead the people.
- He refers Waiyaki as an upstart/a good for nothing fellow/ a boy with rather silly ideas.
He undermines him as the peoples’ expected Messiah.
(Any one reference and meaning, 1 mark each total (2marks)
c) Identify and illustrate the main theme evident in this excerpt.
- Hatred/rivalry-Kabonyi hates Waiyaki because he is the only one who knows the secret
of the bribe. He challenges Kabonyi’s leadership. “Do not be led by a young man.”
(Identification, 1mark, explanation/illustration 1mark total (2 marks).
 That Waiyaki has joined/been seen/visited Joshua’s church
 That he has been to siriana under the pretext of getting more teachers, that instead he goes to
sell the tribe to the Whiteman.
 That Waiyaki intends to marry/had been seen with Nyambura several times.
 That Waiyaki is unclean / impure after touching the body of a dead woman (Muthoni’s) and
hence he needs cleansing.
 That if he continued teaching the people, there would be darkness instead of light.
(Any 4 points, 1 mark each total (4 marks).
 Scheming-he had left the Joshua affair and decided to talk about other issues then come to it
later as a last blow.
 Wise-he knows his limits.
-he knew his audience and chose his register well.
-uses local imagery-tail vs. head; cab vs. lion.
 Oratorical-moves the crowd with his speech. “He challenged the people, appealing to their
pride, to their manhood and their loyalty to the soil.
 Commanding- “do not be led by a youth”
(Any one trait identified 1mark; an illustration one mark total (2 marks)
f) - People were going to be burdened with more buildings.
g) - Kabonyi has been preaching against the tribe (he was Joshua’s assistant) yet he wants to enforce
the purity of the tribe and shamelessly declare Waiyaki impure.
- Kabonyi was the very first convert with Joshua to the white man. He had backslid and formed
the Kiama. He wanted to be a leader.
 Poverty of the land.
 Drought-which left many people with nothing to eat.
 Miserable harvest.
 Land taken away by the white man.
 New taxes. (Any 4 points 1 mark each. Total (4 mks)
i) From your knowledge of the text, who is Nganyira?
 Was a great warrior.
 He led the tribe.
 He was tempted by a woman.
 He betrayed the tribe secrets to the enemy.
 The curse of the people destroyed him. (Any 3 points 1 mark. Total (3 mks)


a) Kamau and Kinuthia have been engaged in a fight as they graze their cows
After the expert, we learn that Waiyaki is the son of Chege and that he is a hero to other
boys in ridges (4 marks)
b) Dialogue- Reveals the conflicts in the story. First the animosity between Christian converts
and non- converts
- Reveals Waiyaki’s role as a mediator, his commanding nature
- Reveals the plot i.e. we learn the cause of the fight (4 marks)
- Any two effects two marks each
c) - The fight is relevant to the rest of the novel as it is later seen how antagonism between
Makuyu and Kameno, Christians and non- Christians has brought disunity in the ridges
- We also later see Waiyaki emerging as a leader and an advocate of reconciliation
d) Waiyaki
- Commanding/ Authoritative e.g. “Stop fighting”/ “Kamau,” he burst out
- Plays the role of a mediator. He stops the fight/ A leader
- Any one character and one role 2 marks each
e) Themes - Colonialism- Kamau’s father is a convert to the white, “White man’s slave”.
- Conflict between converts and non- converts. The fight between Kamau and Kinuthia
is representative of this conflict
- Any two illustrated themes 2 marks each
f) Had Kamau stuck it out, perhaps it might have felt better
g) Kamau quivered, looked up and meekly obeyed the unspoken command. His face darkened. He
slunk away, humiliated and hating himself. Waiyaki lowered his head and gazed at the same
spot. His feeling of triumph subsided into one of regret

11 a) Waiyaki Ö 1 He feels a strong desire to talk to somebody bout his yearningÖ 2 (3 mks)
b) Personification. The moon is personified in the statement: “he wanted her cold breath
near him” Moon is used to emphasize the gap between waiyaki and NyamburaÖ 1
Imagery (Simile) “Was one to live a strange hollowness pursuing one like a malignant beast?”
This image underscores Waiyaki’s loneliness and feeling of alienationÖ 1
Identification and illustration (1 mk)
Comment (1 mk)
Accept any other well illustrated style (6 mks)
c) LoveÖ 1 waiyaki is obsessed with a strange yearning, which he personifies in the moon. He
has realized that he requires someone intimate in order to feel wholeÖ 1 (2 mks)
d) Waiyaki, Kinuthia and kamau
Used to go herding together
All learned at Sinana at the same time
Were teachers at Marioshoni primary
e) Listening for voices on the ridges, Waiyaki could only hear silence
(award ‘0’ if comma is missing
f) Waiyaki bumps into Nyambura
Nyambura tells him that she has been sent to see Johanna/ Waiyaki lies to her that he i
going to see KamauÖ 1
The two walk together in the moonlight night Ö 1
Nyambura promises to visit Waiyaki’s school the following dayÖ 1
g) i) Breath – breadth
ii) Flower – flour
iii) Rest – rest
h) i) Brittle- hard and easily breakable/ fragile
ii) Yearning- obsession/ strong desire for something
iii) He yielded to her magic – succumbed to her attraction
iv) The heart bled – for her – he longed for her/ he felt passion for her


a) Place this extract in its immediate context (4 marks)
Before: - Waiyaki had been to Siriana and had succeeded in getting teachers for the schools√ 1
- As he lay in his bed two days later, he remembered his father’s words concerning
the prophecy and the need for a saviour√ 1
After: - When he wakes up from the vision/ dream he realizes it is still too early to sleep so
he visits his mother√ 1
- His mother asks him if it is true that he is planning to marry Nyambura, Joshua’s
daughter and she warns him against it√ immediately Kamau comes and informs him
that he is required by the Kiama (2 marks before x 2 marks after = 4 marks)
b) Identify and comment on use of any 2 styles (6 marks)
- Rhetorical questions √ 1 was he the saviour√ 1
Use: Reveals Waiyaki’s fears and doubts as if it was to be him to be him to accomplish
or fulfill the prophesy√ 1
- Fore shadowing √ 1 e.g. pulling Nyambura into pieces √ 1
- effect: Reveals how later Nyambura is to be handed over to the Kiama which is to de-
cide her fate √ 1
- Symbolism√ 1 e.g. Pulling of Nyambura to pieces by many hands √ 1
- Effect: Reveals the destruction of Nyambura – many contributed e.g. Joshua, the
Kiama, Waiyaki e.t.c. √ 1
- Repetition: e.g. Next time√ 1….. emphasizes regret for Waiyaki having failed to
preach reconciliation √ 1
- Use of dream/ vision √ 1- this passage reveals Waiyaki’s internal conflict and fear.
(Any 2x3=6 marks)
c) How characters contribute to Waiyaki’s downfall
i) KABONYI – He schemes for Waiyaki’s fall when he makes people swear in Waiyaki’s name
to keep the tribe pure, secretly he knows Waiyaki is young and doesn’t
the seriousness of the matter – when Waiyaki is found to go contraryto the oath
by taking Nyambura, he cannot escape the wrath of the people who find him a
traitor Kabonyi hates and opposes Waiyaki, he fears that Waiyaki could be the
saviour, he therefore uses all ways to pull him down or find him at fault e.g.
Kamau spies on him Any 2 correct answers (2x2=4)
ii) CHEGE – Introduced Waiyaki to Siriana mission and the need for the whiteman’s education.
- Creates a lot of passion for education and Waiyaki forgets other important matters con-
cerning the tribe – the need for liberation- Kabonyi uses this as a weakness for
Waiyaki’s leadership
- to incite the people, when Waiyaki goes to look for teachers from Siriana, Kabonyi
tells people Waiyaki is a traitor – this causes mistrust for Waiyaki as a leader√ 1
- His passion for education keeps Waiyaki away from the working of the Kiama, and
gets rather too late and busy to be informed on the goings on a point that he regrets √ 1
d) Summary about 50 words (4 marks)
Like in the vision, Waiyaki is rejected √ 1 and left alone. Nyambura is also brought
before the people√ 1 and accused of betraying the tribe and misleading Waiyaki √ 1
the people feel guilty and avoid looking at Waiyaki whom they have failed to protect √ 1
e) Reasons why Waiyaki could not unite the ridges (3 marks)
- The ancient grudge between Makayu and Kameno √ 1
- Waiyaki is young and inexperienced – doe sent know for example the seriousness of
keeping the tribe pure √ 1
- Opposition and hatred for Kabonyi who fears that Waiyaki could be the messiah √ 1
- Opposition from Joshua who hates him like the devil/ satan following Muthoni’s
death√ 1
- The conflict between the Christians and the traditionalist √ 1
(Any 3 answers x1=3 marks)
f) Not only did he stretch his hand, but he also wanted to touch her trembling figure as she led
them in that song √ 1
g) One day when he was lying in his bed and he could not sleep√ 1, he saw a hazy figure of a
woman, when he decided to walk out to Kameno to see Kamau, he met Nyambura and
confirmed the hazy √ 1 figure that had formed in his mind was Nyambura
h) Theme: Betrayal – crowd felt guilty as it had failed to protect Waiyaki – The teacher √ 1
Conflict – Waiyaki wonder if he is that saviour and feels guilty for not preaching unity
√ 1(Any well illustrated x1)

13 . (a) Kameno – It represents African culture leadership (1mk)

(b) The white men /missionaries/ colonizers (2mks)
(c) - He was rejected by the people of the ridges (1mk)
- They gave him no clothes (1mk)
- They gave him no food (1mk)
(d) He told him that they were his offspring and his blood flows in his veins (2mks)
(e) He was struck by the knowledge that he had in him the blood of the famous seer (2mks)
(f) Second birth (2mks)
- Colonialism – white man has come and fixed himself in Siriana (1mk)
- Independence struggle – you could not spear them until you learn and know their ways (1mk)
(any two plus properly identified theme)
(h) On top of a hill (1mk) under a giant Mugumo tree (1mk)
(i) He joined Christianity (2mks)
(j) Education (1mk) and Christianity (1mk)
(k) Circumcision (1mk) manhood/change/ initiation into culture (1mk)
N/B: No penalty for faulty expression except in grammar question)


a) Whereas others had round thatched houses Joshua’s was rectangular tin roofed house.(2 mks)
b) He feared revenge of the hills and the anger of his friends. (2 mks)
c) Betrayal – Joshua betrays the tribe change.
Religion – white man religion embraced by Joshua.
Education – Mission schools at Siriana. (4 mks)
d) Rhetoric question – Had he not given the white man power?
Biblical Allusion – Behold a virgin shall bear a son and his name will be Immanuel.
Contrast – Joshua’s house vs others.
Metaphor – Muddy water that the people were walking in without realizing. (4mks)
e) Rebellion in Joshua’s house.;- He does not live as per Christian principles i.e.
he is unforgiving.(4mks)
f) People go back to drinking and dancing tribal dances. (2 mks)
g) Behold a virgin conceived and bore a son. (1 mk)
h) Siriana was still the nearest missionary centre: a big place with hospitals and a flourishing school
taking boys and girls from all over the country. ( 1mk)
i) Livingstone paid a visit to the hills occasionally. (1 mk)
Charismatic – He preached in a sharp voice
Determined Appropriate illustrations.
15. (a) - Waiyaki’s father had just died (1mk)
- Waiyaki embarks on self-help in education (1mk)
- Waiyaki is so determined to provide education that he earns admiration from the villagers
(b) Circumcision (2mks)
(c) People of the ridges believed that when one died, one turned into a spirit (2mks)
(d) The last paragraph concentrates on shadows (1mk). This is a premonition, in that it
signifies the unfortunate fate that finally befalls him in the hands of the Kiama, towards
the end of the novel (1mk) where he is declared a traitor (1mk)
(e) People’s land was alienated by the colonialists. Such traditional beliefs like circumcision is
shunned by the white man 1b. The villagers are forced to pay taxes to run the government post
1c education is also introduced 1d (4mks)
N/B: - Maximum number of words 45
- Put two parallel lines (//) after the 45th word
- Must be in pure form. If not, deduct 50% from the total score
- Affix a glimmer (N) once in a sentence for faulty expressions
(f) The conflict brought is that he was expected to learn the ways of the white man while at the
same time not to follow his vices (3mks).
(g) Education (2mks) He yearned to provide education to the children of the village (1mk)
N/B - Identification (2mks) (3mks
- Illustration (1mk)
- No mark for illustration without identification
(h) ‘Yet the hopes and desires kept on haunting him, didn’t they?
- No question mark (0)
- Comma missing (½mk)
(i) Nostalgic (1mk). Thoughts came and flooded his heart (1mk)
N/B: - Identification (1mk)
- Illustration (1mk)
- No mark for illustration without identification (2mks)
(j) Yearnings – to desire for something
Strove- struggle

16. a) i)
- Dr. Stockmann prepares to deliver a speech attacking the mayor Ö1
- No one is ready to have him, have a hall for the meeting until Captain Horster offers him oneÖ1
- Peter Stockmann informs the public that the proposals about the conditions of the municipal
baths are all a false hood Ö1
- The Doctor now gives his scathing attack on both the major and the compact majorityÖ1 (4 mks)
b) The compact majority are the ordinary citizens upon whom those in position exploit (2 mks)
c) – The people’s messenger has a moral responsibility of objectively informing the public
on what is going on around them Ö1mk
- The paper, however, has been manipulated by the likes of Peter Stockman to serve their
own selfish interests Ö1 mk
- Instead of informing them therefore of the real state of the Municipal baths, its worker
like Aslaksen misinforms the masses until they form a false opinion that Dr.Stockmann is
an enemy of the people Ö1mk (3 mks)
d) i) Vulnerability of the compact majority Ö1
The ignorance of the masses is exported by the greedy leaders to ensure they protect
their wealth and position/ that the compact majority have the monopoly of liberal
principles and morality Ö1
ii) The role of the press Ö1
It is witnessed here that the press; the people’s messenger is there to mislead the masses/
it almost seems as if Dr.Stockmann’s intention were to ruin the townÖ1 (4 mks)
Identification 1mk
Illustration 1 mk
e) This refers to a society where people are not furnished with the truth Ö1. The masses live on a
falsehood that their leaders really mind about their welfare Ö1. The society needs to get rid of
greedy leaders in their midst, just like a house needs to be swept (3 mks)
f) i) A man had to be a public enemy who wished to ruin the whole community
ii) , doesn’t it ? No comma ½ mk
No question mark 0 (2 mks)
g) i) Conscientious/ patriotic Ö1 – He loves his country and says that it is better for the
whole country to be destroyed than for it to live in lies Ö1
ii) Idealistic – He rejects the existing structure and suggests the society should change for
the better Ö1
Identification – 1 mk
Illustration – 1 mk (4 mks)
h) Conscience – ones thinking capacity
Deceit – trick/ falsehood
Depravity – prevented from using/ taken away from (3 mks)
a)- It has been raining heavily Ö1
- Waiyaki and his two colleagues, Kinutia and Kamau are in the office; Waiyaki at the
door while the two inside. Kinuthia is arguing with Kamau over the alienation of the
land by the white manÖ1
- The strained relationship between Waiyaki and Kamau is witnessed as we are told that
Waiyaki did not have the same warmth for Kamau as he had for Kinuthia Ö1 (3 mks)
b) Mugo wa Kibiro was one of the great seers of the tribe Ö1. He had warned the tribe against
the coming of the white man Ö1 (2 mks)
c) He is impatient Ö1 – He believes very strongly that the white man should be driven away Ö1
1 mark for identification 1 mark for illustration (2 mks)
d) i) Education Ö1- Waiyaki is determined to provide education to the people of the ridges/
he wanted to concentrate on education Ö1
ii) Land alienation Ö1- The white man has grabbed the natives land/ they have invited
their brothers to come and take all the land Ö1
Any two correct themes 1 mark for identification, 1 mark for illustration (4 mks)
e) i) , Wouldn’t it? No comma ½ mark No question mark 0
ii) Then he suppresses the feeling and thinks of the new drive in education (2 mks)
f) Chege, his father, had sent him to Siriana Mission to learn the ways of the white man yet
had warned him not to follow his ways (2 mks)
g) i) Biblical allusionÖ1 1 mk – the rain made a small river, which Waiyaki refers to as
“Noah’s flood.’ Waiyaki looks at himself as the saviour of the people against the
aggression by the white man Ö1
ii) Symbolism Ö1 mk
The rain was carrying away the soil and stealing the land. This symbolizes
the alienation of the land by the white manÖ1mk
iii) Direct speech Ö1 mk of course I mean your father as an example, for example you see
This authorizes the story Ö1 mk
Any two stylistic devices
Identification 1 mark
Illustration 1 mark
No mark for illustration without identification (4 mks)
h) – The white man has imposed hut tax on the natives Ö1a
- He has introduced forced labour Ö1b
- The natives have been forced to cede their land Ö1c
- He has denied their (natives) children a right to formal education due to the fact that their
parents are traditionalists Ö1d (4 marks)
NB:- Must be in note form, if not, deduct ½ mark from the total
- No penalty for faulty expressions
i) Sun – scorched – dried up
Plague – curse (2 marks)


i) Fable
ii) She thought tortoise was too slow and could not make it in race
iii) It was too hot
iv) She lay down for a nap
v) - Mimicry
- Voice variation
- Gestures
- Facial expression
- Body movements
- Pauses
- Costumes
vi) He knew he could beat hare
vii) She got to the finish line before hare
viii) Respect others

3. (a) – Hospital beds , crawl with maggots

- doctors lack gloves
- Irresponsible medial staff – oxygen room man on leave’
- lioness of a nurse (any 2pts 1x2 =2mks)
(b) It raises a moral question on whether some human beings life are more important than others be -
cause of positions, held in society.
-It builds suspense in the poem (total 3mks)
(e) - Boiling / metaphor – to become a major concern
- mountain (metaphor)- Overstated issue
-Lioness (metaphor) – Ironically a nurse is supposed to be so human yet this image implies she is
war like (any two – 2mks)
(d) (i) It deals with corruption form judicial officers who ignore the plight of the down frodden and
side with the powerful and moneyed.

(d) (ii) – Like in the second stanza where two suffered under inefficient hospital services so does the
victim suffer inefficiency in the court
- Like in the second stanza where Kassya’s child died out of staff irresponsibility, so does the judge
irresponsibly acquit the child abuser on unreasonable grounds
- Like in the third stanza where the nurses dismiss the weak and bully the emaciated, so does the
judge side with the rapist and punish the 7-year old.
(e) Oozed – bled /produced
emaciated – thin/very sick
translucent – watery/ unhealthy/ scald-like
(f) – Whatever comes to light when one is tipsy can only be said to have grown in proportions that it has
become the order of the day. The stanza suggest that these have painfully become part of our life and
we no longer question them/ we risk being considered mad/petty for pointing out these injustices.
Scores – they are injustices
- they have become part of our life /accepted
- We fear being regarded me/petty for printing them (total 3mks)

2. a) a beach boy√1- a man staying along the coastal region on the breach
on the coast….√1 (2mks)
b) The lady is compared to a thief became the man found himself in care without his
Awareness√1and by the time he came to terms with love√1the lady goes back to where she
has come from√1 thus leaving him empty i.e. Without a cover the thief leaves one without
property√1 (4mks)
c) Talks about the acceptance of the lady and the intimacy√1 that did not last because the
lady has gone back to where she came from√1 (3mks)
d) Simile√1-her hair….√1.create a mental picture of the lady’s physical appearance
personification√1- peeping weeds whispering coconut towers-helps in creating√1 a mental pic-
ture about the intimacy that had been developed.
metaphor√1- her eyes a pair of brown-black beans…..creates a mental picture of the
attractiveness of the lady√1
NB/Identification and illustration of the style 1mk-significance 1mk. 3 styles illustrated
and their significance 3x2=6mks
e) She is a European√1 as described in the 3rd stanza the appearance of her hair and
even the eyes√1 (2mks)
f) One who was naïve and knew not much about the tricks of the white girls√ (1mk)
g)-Tourism√1-lady is an a tour and the beach
-Coastal farming-coconut, cashew nuts etc
NB/ any one well illustrated economic activity (2mks)

- She has been likened to a coward ghost
- A nestles bird that enters any net
- A black jack
- A parasitic climbing plant
b) Theme of immorality – the prostitute exposes her body to lusty eyes. She infects diseases to the
young and old alike. She seduces the bosses and tourists too
c) Of hatred: The poet describes the subject in such terms as “a black jack, a poisonous pest, and
that she walks with borrowed steps”
d) Repetition- There I see her coming
Simile – Like a black jack
Coming like a nestles bird
Alliteration- A poisonous pest
- hostile hawks
e) The speaker hopes to see the prostitute change her ways. He also hopes that the people the
prostitute preyed on also change. He says “when the immigration birds are back in their nets”, or
when they dug it constantly fed on is washed with DDT”. It expresses the mood of hope.
= hopeful/ optimistic

1. Trickster narrative – the clever young man saves his father and emerges the hero
- Human tales/ folk tale 2 mks
2. Characteristics of oral narratives
- Opening formula – there once lived……….
Fantasy – father living in a hole
- All except one killing their fathers 2 mks
3. Chief - Brutal/ wicked – ordered all fathers killed
- Cunning/ tricky – tricks others to kill their fathers
- Wise – discovers the one who had not killed his father
- Scheming – wants the old/ elderly killed so that he remains the only wise old man 4 mks
The young man – Wise – Didn’t kill the father
2 mks
4. Moral lesson – i) We should make wise decisions/ independent
ii) We should respect the old 2 mks
5. Livestock rearing – mention of the cow 2 mks
6. Styles
- Repetition
- Fantasy
- Opening formula
Identification – 1mk, illustration 1 mk 4 mks
7. Chief wanted all clever people killed so that he can easily rule the foots

5. a) It is about meeting(s) relationship(s) in a place/somewhere/thereafter/after this place/beyond

this physical world√1
Illustration: a….if I saw you in heaven
b….beyond the door there is peace √1
c….there will be no more tears in heaven



b)i. it is personification.√1
ii. Time has been given human qualities of√1
iii.a) limiting life in the world√1
b) Super being-nobody has power or it√1 either of t he two for 1mk
c.)a.-beyond the door there is peace√1
-meaning in the new world there will be no disturbance√1
b-no more tears in heaven√1
-there will be no death/there will be no pain/there will be no suffering√1

IDENTIFICATION 1MK in each case total (4mks)

ILLUSTRATION 1MK in each case

d.)1.The implication is that they seem to suggest that the persona has doubt about how he
would be treated in heaven√1
2. They seem to suggest that persona might be treated the same way he has been treated
here on earth√1
3. He is wondering whether things will change in the unknown world or not√1
ANY TWO 1MK each=total (2mks)

e.) He seems to imagine that life in heaven is so good that people like him are not worth
enjoying it
He imagines life in heaven is so good for the likes of him
He feels he does not deserve it
He is very sinful.
Any ONE of these TWO MARKS=Total (2mks)
f) a. his wonderment about their relationship in heaven
b. whether their relationship in heaven will be same or not
c. whether the person who has gone will be changed or not
d. his strong relationship to enter heaven
e. when he knows he does not deserve it/to be there in heaven
f. his determination to enter heaven even when he knows he does not deserve it/to be
there in heaven (Any four 1 mk each=total 4mks)
g.)i. Hold my hand-support me/help me/greet me
ii. Break the heart-cause pain/discourage
iii. No more tears-no suffering/no pain (3mks)

6. (a) The person is an observer/trader in the market ----“but let me sell my tomatoes” (1mk for
identification 1mk for illustration)
(b) It is about extravagance and promiscuity as seen in the life of a political figure who happens to
be holding a doctorate degree and who lives a loose/careless life. (“---I hear the literate thighs
of an undergraduate!)
(c) (i) Rhetoric question – ‘You see that Benz sitting at the rich’s end’?’
Effect – intensifies the contrast between the two different types of lifestyles/environment-one
side simple/cheap – the market seller and the rich/effluent - rich’s end
(ii) Personification – You see that Benz sitting ---!
Effect. Intensifies the Benz’s hearty/charm as observed by the simple market woman.
(iii) Metaphor ---that mother of twins’
Effect: Emphasizes the big size/state of the vehicle since it has several gadgets.
(iv) Simile –‘It sails like a Liyato, Speeds like a swallow
Effect: Intensifies the speed of the vehicle
(v) Use of irony – ‘It belongs to the minister of fairness who yesterday was loaded with
whisky.” Effect – Undermining the presumed dignity of the politician.
(vi) Sarcasm – ‘But look at its behind, that mother of twins!’
Effect –mock at the big size of the vehicle
(d) Materialistic – “The glory of its inside---e.t.c”
(i) Observant/Nosy – “You see the Benz—”
(ii) Naïve –‘The glory of its inside ----‘
(e) (i) Refers to a sophisticated/complex/expensive
vehicle – feathery seats, gold steering, T.V, radio e.t.c
(ii)The complicated/sophisticated nature of the vehicle is beyond their imagination
(iii) It’s a mockery of the nature/size of the vehicle that the political figures use
(f) Tone – sarcastic/satirical – ‘but look at its behind that mother of twins’)
Attitude – contemptuous/disrespectful
Malicious – ‘who yesterday was loaded with doctorate at Makerere with whisky and I don’t know
what ---,
(g) Small scale trade/hawking; 1--- those market women --- sell my tomatoes,

-mutilation (1)
-famine/hunger (1)
-destruction (of villages and cities) (1)
b) Rhetorical questions (1) –the outcome?(1)
- Apart from the usual things?
Effects -provoke the readers mind into thinking (1)
Alliteration (1) -who knows what (1)
-somebody will have won
Effect -creates rhythm, interesting, memorable (1)
Note: no mark for illustration without identification.
c) Contemptuous /hateful (1)-we are busy collecting the dead (1)
d)i)There is hunger for the few who survived the war. Men who would have provided for their
families also dead.(2)
ii) Homesteads completely destroyed (2)
e) Good people who would have ruled without corruption perish (1) and people from both sides
lose their lives.(1)
f) Sad/melancholic (1)-new cities in despair (1)
-Busy collecting the dead.

8. a) It is an explanatory/aetiological narrative. It explains how the donkey became domesticated

and why the zebra has striped skin. (1 mk to classification, 1 mk to reason. Total (2 mks).
b) i) Economic activity is animal keeping. We are told men kept the donkey. Another
economic activity is hunting. We are told about a hunter.
ii) Social activity is holding meetings. The donkey held a meeting to deliberate on their
situation.(1mk for each activity. No mark for activity without illustration. Total (2mks).
c) Animals are given human qualities. The donkey called for a meeting to deliberate. The
personality helps the reader to identify with the animals and their dilemma and situations.
d) The agenda was to discuss what they could do to avoid being captured by human
beings/people. (2 mks)
e) The attitude of the donkeys towards the Hare is one of admiration and respect. We are told
that they decided to seek advice from Hare because he was cunning and clever. (2 mks)
f) The donkeys struggle to be panted led to the pouring of the paint and this others could not
therefore be stripped and finally were captured by people.
g) The other features of the oral narratives are:
i) Use of formula; there is opening formula: ‘long ago…..’ and closing formula: and there
ends my story.
ii) Direct speech/dialogue-conversation between Hare and old donkey.
-The exact words of the hunter in paragraph one.
NB: Accepts any other valid feature.
(Any two illustrated features, 1 mk each. Total 2 mks)
h) The donkeys are impatient and disorganized. They rushed and crowded around Hare
and that did not heap his advice.(Identification of trait 1mk, illustrations 1 mk. Total 2 mks).
i) i) Beast of burden-animals used to work or carry loads.
ii) Illustration, exhibition e.t.c.
iii) Toppled-overturned. (1 mk each. Total 3 mks)

9. a) The persona in the poem is the poet. He writes about love affair from his own stand point (1
b) The persona hates the experience of being in love. He calls it a nugraine, a bright stain on
the vision (2
c) Tone of anxiety, expectation, eagerness
Illustration: Laggard’s dawns listening for a knock, waiting for a sign (3
d) Metaphor: Love is a bright stain on the vision Rhetorical questions: could you endure
such pain…………… ? (6
e) He is in a romantic mood/ mood of romance
Illustration: Waiting for a sign
For a touch of her fingers
In a darkened room (3 marks)
f) The rhetorical feeling pain, could you endure such pain at any hand but hers? It is used to
show that the symptoms of love as shown in the poem are overbearing on the lovers. That it
takes pain to love (3 marks)
g) i) Migraine – chronic headache
ii) Laggard dawns – mornings that delay to come
iii) Searching – keen/ curious look (3 marks)

10. a)
 It is short and repetitive
 It is musical/ has a soft rhythm
 Song addresses a baby
 Song cries a simple message Any 4x1=4
b) Identify and illustrate the speakers in the song
 Baby’s father: “father will nurse you”
 The little bird: The bird tells the baby’s father that baby’s mother went to the river at early
dewÖ 1
c) The palm tree thorns will prick the babyÖ 1
The bough of the baobab tree will break and crush the babyÖ 1
 Lull or soothe babies to sleepÖ 1
 Entertainment Ö 1
 Singer expresses attitude towards the baby and the familyÖ 1
 Teach babies about family tiesÖ 1 4x1=4
 RepetitionÖ 1 Don’t cry babyÖ 1
 PersonificationÖ 1 Little bird has human speech Ö 1
 Direct speech Tell me, little bird, have you seen her?
 Soloist – chorus format 2 mks
f) Singer loves / adores/ the baby. He does not want his baby to be harmed
Oh no, no
For the thorns will prick my body 2 mks
g) Parents practiced division of labourÖ 1 while the mother goes to fetch water, father looks after
baby Ö 1

11. a) Dirge/ funeral song √ 1

Reason: Because it talks about death and mourning as shown by the line, ‘we shall
mourn because of you’ √ 1
b) – Death has taken very many people and even though they are buried in the soil it does
not physically show that in it there are so many people √ 1 as illustrated in the words. The
earth does not get fat√ 1
- It also states that buried in the soil are also men and women of all calibers√ 1 as shown in
the people listed such as chiefs, women chiefs, royal women e.t.c. √ 1 (4 marks)
c) i) Use of refrain/ chorus √ 1 mark
e.g. Listen O earth, we shall mourn because of you
“ “ “ die on earth? √ 1 mark
It emphasizes on the despair of the people as they continue to lose loved ones √ 1 mark
ii) Repetition √ 1 mark
e.g. ‘The earth does not get fat’ has been repeated √ 1 mark
It emphasizes the fact that there is no limit to the number that will be
buried because the earth does not physically that it is full √ 1 mark
iii) Personification√
e.g. ‘The earth does not get fat’ √
The earth is attributed a human quality of eating or swallowing and not
getting fat
It reveals the despair the people feel at the hands of death √
iv) The use of apostrophe √ in the conversation lines to earth
‘listen O earth …………………..’
‘listen O you who are asleep………….’
This also expresses the desperation of the singer who addresses death as
if it would hear and respond, yet it cannot √
(Any 2 styles; ident – 1 mark
Illus – 1 mark
Comment – 1 mark
d) Resigned attitude/ attitude of hopelessness/ despair √ 2
This is seen in the fearful acceptance in the last line, ‘we shall all enter the earth’ √ 1
Identification – 2 marks
Illustration – 1 mark
e) – Leadership roles are taken by both men and women √ 1 e.g. chiefs √1
- Belief in the living dead √ as we see the singer addressing them as if they were alive: ‘Listen
you who are asleep √ Any one 2 marks
f) i) Despite the many people who have been buried in it there is no indication to show that
the earth has swallowed them √ 1 mark
ii) Everyone shall die and be buried√ 1 mark
iii) The dead are confined and cannot go out anywhere √ 1 mark

12. (a) - It is about a man/woman who is in exile away from home (1mk). He/she is missing various
aspects of life at home (1mk) and strongly wishes to return/go back to his /her home (1mk)
(b) – Forest fires
- Streams
- Village music (fiddle and pipe/village dance)
- To ease his mind
Must be in Note form and if Not award 50% of the total score should use numericals – 1,2 ,
3,.........roman - i, ii, iii, ....., dots, dashes e.t.c
(c) - Alliteration – watch with wonder (1mk)
- Refrain – The line – “I shall return” is repeated at regular intervals.
The same line qualifies as RHYTHM (award for any candidate who uses rhythm)
- Rhyme – e.g. line two, line four; these numbers are examples of rhyme
- No mark for illustration without identification. (For identification alone give 1 mark)
(d) Nostalgic /sentimental/longing (any one = 2mks)
(e) A cold environment devoid of sunshine rivers and with little time for relaxation and socialization.
These are the aspects of life he is missing
(f) Sonnet (2mks)
(g) Couplet (2mks)

a) A sympathizer.
b) A child born and later left by the two parents because of his pigment an indication of infidelity.
c) The child is an outcast because he does not know the father.
d) – Rhyme – accident, consent male – pale, safe – ive
- Simile – He roams the street of the town like a wind sown outcast.
e) Resentful – they bore a child whom they’ve run away from making him an outcast who roams
f) The boy is desperate and homeless because his parents have run away from him. The stanza
emphasizes the plight of street children.

14. (a) (i) It was not until the teacher started the discussion that he found out how intelligent Omin was
(ii) If Achomo had not apologized the prefect would not have forgiven him.
(No comma ½mk)
(iii) The Principal congratulated the graduands and wished them the best in all they did(3mks)
(b) (i) apology
(ii) presumptions
(iii) credibility
(iv) strenuous (4mks)
(c) (i) owned up
(ii) turned down
(iii) Put up with (3mks)
(d) (i) pretty, large, blue, cotton
(ii) handsome, short, light-skinned, young (2mks)
(e) (i) to
(ii) about
(iii) with (3mks)

15. a) The poem is about a child who has a lot of respect for the father as a child but as he grows up,
he begins doubting/ despising his father especially when he reaches adolescence stageÖ2.
When he is older, however, he realizes that his father was right and the virtues he advocated
for ought to be followedÖ2 (4 marks)
b) The title is suitable Ö1 mk. When the child is young, he sees his father as a god – a
mighty/ superior person Ö1mk. Then as time goes on, he is no longer a god to him but a
foolish old man Ö1mk (3 marks)
c) The attitude keeps changing
When he is young, he adores his father Ö1 when he reaches adolescence stage, he
starts despising him/ seeing him as an old fashioned fellow with nothing to ‘offer’ Ö1.
When grows older, he sees his father as virtuous and remembers all that he told him. He
regards him as superior once moreÖ1

d) i) SymbolismÖ1- ‘god’ is used to symbolize perfection, superiority and might Ö1

ii) Simile Ö1- as immutable as if brought down from Sinai / to show the importance
and finality of the laws that his father gave
iii) Hyperbole Ö1- He fearlessly lifted me to heaven/ the picture of the height the person
was liftedÖ1
iv) Repetition Ö1- ‘shrank’Ö1/ To show the persona mewed his father ‘shrinking’
as a continuous process/ strange/ - repeated in various degrees: strange, stranger,
v) Metaphors Ö1- made me a godling is just one more of the little men/ who creeps
through life/ No knee - high Ö1
Any 3 stylistic devices
Identification 1 mk
Illustration 1 mk
No mark for illustration without identification (6 marks)
e) i) Parents – should tolerate their childrenÖ1
ii) Children – should respect their parents Ö1 (2 marks)
f) Immutable – unable to change
Outmoded – old fashioned / no longer modern

a) i) Flung
ii) Hung
iv) Leapt
v) Bore
i) Breathe
ii) Breathe
iii) Bathe
iv) Bath
v) Cloth
vi) Cloth
c) i) For
ii) from
iii) Of
iv) to

2. (a) (i) I am sure it must have been an exciting experience for her
(ii) People always want more; however; it doesn’t matter how rich they are.
(iii) Every year, the boy jumped form school to school
(b) (i) Enemity/conflict/hatred/animosity
(ii) reconcile
(c) (i) “Jesus is on his way!” The Pastor remarked, jumping and clapping. Jumping and clapping,
the pastor remarked ,”Jesus is on his way!”
(ii) The prefect said, “The student is absent today”/ “The student is absent today” the prefect said.
(d) (i) Looked down upon
(ii) bring up
(iii) Come off
(e) (i) Truly
(ii) Maintenance
(iii) Grateful
(f) (i) to
(ii) to

a)i) Grammer- grammar
ii) Pronounciation- pronunciation
iii) Maintainance- maintenance
iv) Manouvre- maneuver
(Award ½ mark for each correctly underlined but spelt wrongly) (4marks)
b) i) Sudan has been declared by the Un security council. As failed state/Sudan has been
declared a failed state by the UN Security Council.
ii) Will you? (No question mark 0)
iii) The boy is foolish enough to believe everything I tell him (3marks)

c) i) Taken in
ii) Call on
iii) Gave him away
iv) Hand in (4marks)

d) i) Aggression
ii) Endanger
iii) Tumultuous
iv) Illiteracy (4marks)

4. a) i) Sunk
ii) Maintenance
iii) Mayoral
iv) Domination (1 mk @ = 4 mks)

b) i) Cut down
ii) Turned him down
iii) Walk out on (1 mk @ = 3 mks)

c) i) He will come provided he is not ill

Provided he is not ill, he will come
ii) Joan whose mother is the president of Judo club, has severally friends who are
ballet dancers
iii) “See me tomorrow,” the principal said
iv) The visitor strode on the carpet with his muddy shoes (1 mk @ = 4 mks)
d) a) i) Harry has arrived and the speaker is revealing
ii) Harry is informed of the arrival of the elder
b) i) My uncle stopped in order to drink
ii) My uncle left the habit of drinking Score independently 1mk = 4 mks

5. a) i) Omondi is such a weak student that he can hardly write meaningful 1 mk

ii) A cousin of mine has gone to the USA 1 mk
iii) A composition has been being written (by Jane) 1 mk
b) i) Walked out of 1 mk
ii) Told me off 1 mk
c) i) Shall we ? 1 mk
ii) Will you? 1 mk
d) i) Hang
ii) Cost
iii) Enlarge
iv) Imprison 4 mks
5. i) “Where has your husband gone?” the stranger asked my mother 1 mk
ii) The chairperson sold that we shall meet the following week 1 mk
6. i) On a silver platter 1 mk
ii) Fly off the handle – to get angry 1 mk

i) Payees
ii) Pronouncements
iii) Woolen
b)i. Succeeded in persuading her to go (3MKS)
ii. You must keep silent in the library or you must maintain silence in the library
iii. Riman has always been a staunch supporter of the college football team.
i. touch down
ii.made up
iii.look up
i. he is looking foe employment in Nairobi
ii. This exercise comprises rigorous training in the morning
iii. Some last year, we agreed to improve our relationship with our neighbours

7. (a) (i) Neither the mother nor the daughter can take credit for it.
(ii) Karendi is the prettier of the twins
(iii) The warrior who/that was mutilated by the lion is recuperating from the attack.
(b) (i) Malnourished
(ii) Pronunciation
(iii) Indisciplined
(c) (i) Get along
(ii) Take back
(iii) Looks down upon
(d) (i) Pretty, large blue cotton
(ii) Handsome, short, light-skinned young
(iii) Beautiful, oral, mahogany
(e) (i) See eye to eye
(ii) hard nut to crack
(iii) Face the music

a) i)Whether the board meets or not, I will present my complaint.
ii) Barely had she opened the gate when darkness fell.
iii) Either Mary or john has the keys.
b) i)The work was not done(by anybody)
ii) The thief was arrested (by the police)
iii) Rubbish is collected every day Thursday (by them)
c) i) Alonje said, “I will return next month.”
ii) “Let us listen to him,” Ivan argued “he sounds reasonable.”
d) i) menacingly
ii) Are
iii) Incomparable
e) i) Security officer ½
ii) Teacher on duty ½
f) i )Takes after
ii) Put up with Wrong tense no marks
iii) Got through

9. a. i) Hassan neither complained nor reported to the police.
ii) But for my sister, I wouldn’t have gone to school.
iii) Ibadan is the target town in Africa. (no comma). (1 mk each. Total 3 mks)
b i) With no provision for the future.
ii) Stubborn/difficult to deal with. (1 mk each. Total 3mks)
c i) Preference
ii) Eloquence
i) Collision ( 1 mk each. Total 3mks)
d i) Passed on/passed away.
ii) Let down.
iiii) Calls in. (1 mk each. Total 2 mks)
e) i ) The student knocked on the door continuously as the others watched.
ii) The child inflated the balloon so much that it burst. (1 mk each. Total 2 mks)
f) i) for
ii) at (1 mk each. Total 2 mks)

10. Grammar
a) i) Turned/ switched on
ii) Drop out of
iii) Make for
b) i) Oblivious of Abdalla’s having two wives, Agnes accepted to marry him/ Oblivious of
the fact that Abdalla already had wives, Agnes accepted to marry him
ii) He wondered why Akinyi always quarreled Edwin/ He asked Akinyi why she
(Akinyi) always quarreled Edwin/ He wanted to know why Akinyi always quarreled Edwin
iii) How handsome he is
c) i) If
ii) However
iii) Therefore
d) i) If today were Sunday, I would go to church
ii) We returned to school before 7.00 P.M
iii) I wish I was as well prepared for K.C.S.E as you were
e) i) Me
ii) She
iii) Her

11. (a) (i) Site

(ii) Sought
(iii) Stationery
(iv) Taller
(v) has (5mks)
(b) (i) The burglar was seen enter the house by the residents/the burglar was seen by the residents enter
the house.
(ii) The water was drunk yesterday by him/ the water was drunk by him yesterday.
(iii) No sooner had all the teams arrived than the competition started / No sooner did all the teams
arrive than the competition began
(iv) Not only are the boys playful, quick on their feet but also (but are also ) curious and like to
explore/ Boys are not only playful and quick on their feet but also ( but they are also) curious
and like to explore.
(v) The tourist knows enough Kiswahili to understand what I say. (5mks)
(c) (i) by means of
(ii) in accordance with
(iii) On account of (3mks)
(d) (i) The one-day old chicks being sold by the hawker were ten in number
(ii) The hawker was selling chicks that were ten days old, but whose number is unknown (2mks)

i. Okoth said that he did not know why she came
ii. This song was sung by Kibet
iii. I have some money
iv. That Nanjendo did so well in her exam did not surprise me
That Nanjendo did so well in her exam was not a surprise to me
(award ‘0’ for construction errors)
i. Precision
ii. Repetition
iii. Clarity
iv. Occurrence
(Wrong spelling award 0)
i. But
ii. By
iii. Nevertheless/ however
iv. Whom
i. “The River Between,” the teacher said, was Ngugi wa Thiongo’s first novel
ii. Tom had one great desire: to become a doctor
iii. “It’s a pity we have to live on charity,” he lamented
(Do not award if punctuation mark is wrong)

A i) Never before has the school perfomed well
ii) Spending a holiday at the coast is preferable to going overseas
iii) Mulwa, whose leg is still in a cast after last month’s match, will have to watch the
match from the grandstand
(The two commas are compulsory, if missing – ½ mk)
iv) William’s mother told him that ther was a little food left for him in the kitchen
B i) Jairo is better educated than Saisi
ii) He has the tendency to visit people during late hours
He has the tendency of visiting people late
iii) When she came in, it was all calm but all of a sudden the house became noisy
C i) Calls for
ii) Came to
iii) Make up for
D i) Means I took a short time to listen to the news
ii) Means the presentation of the news
E i) On
ii) With/ to
iii) About
14. A. Environmental, tendency, embarrasses, knowledgeable. (4 mks)
B. i) She realized what a serious blunder she had made. (1 mk)
ii) Should you change your mind, call this number. (1 mk)
iii) Either of them is not known to me. (1 mk)
C i) Off ii) Amongst iii) For iv) into i) students’ ii) heroes
iii) Editors – in – chief iv) Father- in – law’s

15. (a) (i) It was not until the teacher started the discussion that he found out how intelligent
Omin was
(ii) If Achomo had not apologized the prefect would not have forgiven him.
(No comma ½mk)
(iii) The Principal congratulated the graduands and wished them the best in all they did(3mks)
(b) (i) apology
(ii) presumptions
(iii) credibility
(iv) strenuous (4mks)
(c) (i) owned up
(ii) turned down
(iii) Put up with (3mks)
(d) (i) pretty, large, blue, cotton
(ii) handsome, short, light-skinned, young (2mks)
(e) (i) to
(ii) about
(iii) with (3mks)

16. a) i) Neither the man nor the boys are to blame

ii) His paying the bill surprised me
iii) His coming to school late has been a concern for many people
iv) That he won the race is not surprising (4 marks)
b) i) Taken in
ii) Hand in
iii) Call on (3 marks)
c) i) The burden was borne by the organization
ii) The pilot was flown by the trainee pilot
iii) The bicycle is being ridden by Tom (3 marks)
d) i) Transitively
ii) Intransitively
iii) Transitively (3 marks)
e) i) So kind
ii) Quite skilful (2 marks)



1. Imaginative composition
a) Write a composition ending with the words: The events of the previous day left me
challenged to begin a new life
b) Write a composition entitled “Love conquers all”
Imaginative composition
Question one is intended to test the candidates ability to communicate in writing
Communication is established at different levels of intelligibility corrections, accuracy,
fluency pleasantness and originality. Markers would do well to consider the fact that awarding
marks in this paper no longer depends on the subject matter, vocabulary, idioms e.t.c. but the
general impression on the command of language. It is therefore to determine first how each essay
communicates and in which category, A, B, C or d

a) Almost all errors of agreement
b) Serious tense errors
c) Errors of elementary vocabulary, spelling e.t.c.
d) Punctuation errors which cause serious lack of communication
e) Ridiculous use of idioms that affect communication
f) Misuse of capitals
a) Faulty paragraphing
b) Repetition
c) Illegibility
d) Vagueness
e) Wrong word order
f) Illogicality/ contradiction
g) Broken English (BR) margin
a) After underlining all errors, decide on the category mark A, B, C and D
b) Decide on degree of communication adhered
c) Allocate a numerical mark to each essay
a) Irrelevancy – Deduct up to 04 marks AD if :
i) Consistently writing a totally different subject with a clumsy attempt at correcting the
essay to the subject given
ii) The question is given a questionable interpretation
Length: Penalize the candidate if the essay is too long – 01 AD

2. a) Imaginative composition
i. It must be a story if not deduct 2 marks
ii. It must be an imaginative story if not deduct 2 mks
iii. The ending statement must be there if not deduct – 01 AD
i. It must be a story if not deduct 2 marks
ii. It must illustrate the title if not deduct 2 mks
iii. The title should be written if not 2 AD

2 . The main indicate the degrees of seriousness of error




This sign in the margin is used only hen a construction error effects more than one line
The following symbols may also be used:

REPETITION – (of words) a circle around the word

- (of ideas) usually in the margin usually in the margin

WRONG WORD ORDER underline once and write WO n margin
BROKEN ENGLISH when the candidate fails to communicate BR in margin
COW to indicate that a candidate has used a pencil to make a correction
BRACKETS [ ] indicate a part of a D script that communicates
*Use an asterisk to indicate an item or sentence that the rubrics indicate should be used

3. (a) and (b)must be a story relevant to the given statement. (If not deduct up to 4mks)


4. Creative composition (compulsory)

a) Write a story ending with the following sentence:
“…………………...thank you it was only a nightmare.”
a) The candidate must end in the phrases “Thank God, it was only a nightmare.” In the last
- If it appears anywhere in the composition other than the last paragraph, deduct
- The story must bring out a sign of relief. If not treat as irrelevant and deduct (2 mks)
- It must be a narrative that revolves around a dream, if not deduct (2 marks)
- If irrelevant deduct upto
- If too long or too short deduct upto (2 mks) maximum
- Must be credible. If not deduct
b) Write a composition to illustrate the saying:
“A journey of one thousand miles begins with one step.”
- It must be a story illustrating the proverb, “A journey of one thousand miles begins with
one step”. If not deduct upto
- Must be a story and not a philosophical statement. If a philosophical statement deduct
- Must include the saying (almost towards the end of the story). If not deduct upto

5. Imaginative composition (compulsory)

(a) Write a composition ending:
................from that day, when ever I see him my heart is filled with bitterness.
(b) Write a story to illustrate the proverb: ‘ Once bitten twice shy.’

Points of interpretation
(a) – Must be a story if not deduct 2 marks.
- Must and with the given sentence if not deduct 2 marks.
- There must be a scenario/situation of betrayal or one which would lead to the ending of
the story, if it is not the case treat as irrelevant and deduct it marks.
(b) – It must be a story if not deduct 2 marks
- The story should illustrate the given saying, if not deduct 4 mars.
Paper 101/3 is intended to test the candidates ability to communicate in English. Communication
is established at different levels of intelligibility, fluency, pleasantness and originality. Within the
constrains set by each question. It is the linguistic competence shown by the candidate that
should carry most of the marks.

Examiners should not hesitate to use the full range of marks for each essay. It is the final total
marks that counts.

It is important to determine first how the essay communicates and in which category ABC OR D
it fits. Use the marks below to classify each essay:

D class - The candidate either does not communicate at all 01-05 or his language ability is so minimal
that the examiners practically has to guess what the candidate wants to say. The candidate
fails to fit the English words he knows into meaningful sentences. The subject is glanced at or
distorted. Practically no valid punctuation. All kinds of errors. ‘Broken English.’
D – 01-02 Chaotic. Little meaning whatsoever. Question or some words from it simply
D 03 Flow of thought almost impossible to follow. The errors are continuous.

D+ 04-05 Although the English is often broken and the essay if full of errors of all
Types we can at least guess what the candidate wants to say.

C class The candidate communicates understandably only or less clearly. The candidate is not
confident with the language. The subject is often undeveloped. There may be some
digressions. Unnecessary repetitions are frequent. The arrangement is week and the flow
jerky there is no economy language. Mother tongue influence is felt.

C- 06-07 The candidate obviously finds it difficult to communicate his ideas. He is Seriously
hampered by his very limited knowledge of structure and vocabulary. The results are many
gross errors of agreement, spelling, misuse of prepositions, tenses, verb agreement and
sentence constriction.

C 08 The candidate communicates but not with consistent clarity. His linguistic ability being very
limited, the candidate cannot avoid frequent errors in sentence structure. There is little
variety or originality very bookish English. Links are weak, incorrect, repeated at times.

C+ 09 The candidate communicates clearly but in a flat and uncertain manner. Simple concepts
sentence forms are often strained. There may be an overuse of clichés, unsuitable idioms.
Proverbs are misquoted or misinterpreted. The flow is still jerky. There are some errors of
agreement, tenses, spelling.

B class This class is characterized by greater fluency and ease of expression. The candidate
demonstrates that s/he can use English as a normal way of expressing himself/herself.
Sentences are even saying and usually well constructed. Some candidates become
ambitious and even over-ambitious. There may be items of merit of the one word or one
expression type. Many essays in this category may be just clean and unassuming, but they
still show that the candidate is at ease with language. There may be a tendency to under
mark such essays. Give credit tone.

B-(11-12) The candidate communicates fairly and with some fluency. There may be a little variety in
sentence structure. Gross errors are still found occasionally, but this must not be over –
punished by the examines.

B 13 The sentences are varied but rather simple, straightforward. The candidate does not strain
in an effort to impress. There is a fair range of vocabulary and idiom. Natural and
effortless. Some items of merit, Economy of language.

B+(14-15) The candidate communicates pleasantly and without strain. There are errors and slips.
Tenses spelling and punctuation are quite good. A number of items of merit of the whole
sentence or the whole expression type.

A class The candidate communicates not only fluently but attractively with originality and
efficiency. He has the ability to make us share the deep Feelings, emotions, enthusiasms.
He expresses himself freely and without any visible constraint. The script gives evidence
of maturity
good planning and often humour. Many items of merit which indicate
that the candidate has complete command of the language. There is no
strain just pleasantness, clever arrangement felicity of expression.

A- (16-17) The candidate shows fluency and competence in using the language. He may lack
imagination or originality which usually provide ‘spark’ in such essays. Vocabulary,
idiom, sentence structure, links variety are impressive. Gross errors are very rare.

A 18 Positive ability. A few errors that are felt to be slips. The story or argument has a definite
impact. No grammar problem. Variety of structures, a definite spark.

A+ (19-20) The candidate communicates not only information or meaning, but also and especially the
candidate’s whole self, the feelings, tastes, points of view youth culture. This ability to
communicate his deep self may express itself in many ways: wide range of effective
vocabulary, original approach, vivid and sustained account in the case of a narrative, well
developed and ordered argument in a debate or dispassion. Errors and slips should not
deprive the candidate of the full marks s/he deserves.
1. The main signs indicate the degree of seriousness of errors.
(a) Gross error omission For construction in margin.
(b) Minor error omission Minor construction error
(c ) Minor or possible.

Repetition of words – a circle around the word (or idea).

R = usually in the margin.


a)-must be a story, if not deduct 4 marks(AD)
-must begin with the sentence given if not deduct (2marks) (AD)
-must show contrast i.e. what brought the broad smile (joy) and shyness (avoiding of eye contact)
b)-must be relevant to the saying, if not deduct up to 4 marks (AD) for irrelevancy.
-must show a situation where one gets hurt after casting the first stone. Can use 1st, 2nd or 3rd per-
Award marks for: introduction 2marks
Language and presentation 4marks
Content 12marks
Conclusion 2marks
7. Either;
…………………If I had known, I would have thought twice before making that statement.
You reap what you sow.
Read the composition through and award an impression grade on the basis of inter alia, the following:
(i) Communicative Ability
The candidate should communicate clearly despite some errors of vocabulary, idiom and sentence
construction. Ideally the vocabulary should be appropriate and effective while idiomatic expres-
sions should be vivid and relevant. Sentence construction should be varied in terms of length,
form and function.
(ii) Linguistic ability
The very able candidate should strike you as outstanding because of:
a. excellent use of language
b. ability to organize and develop his or her work.

Read the composition a second time and underline all the errors or take any other appropriate
measure. this is important because is justifies the awarded in step I above.

Major errors are tense and verb formations/spelling/agreement/syntax/omission. These errors in-
terfere with the flow of communication
Minor errors may e where a student ‘misuses’ vocabulary of a structure but this does not particu-
larly affect communication. Such errors may be said to be the result of experimentation and/or
Blatant irrelevancy occurs when a student veers from the point of the composition or introduces
irrelevant material.
Stylistic weaknesses are typified by, for example: the overuse of simple sentences, the repetition
of vocabulary indicating a limited range or the use of slang in an effort to impress the examiner
with his or her knowledge of current use!
Contradiction of instructions (rubric) occurs when a student either does not write enough or writes
too much as a result of failing to understand or read the instruction carefully.
Minor irrelevancy occurs when a student veers from the subject although the main point of the
composition is till maintained
If a candidate: (i) does not answer the compulsory question, award 00 regardless of whether he/
she has answers two other questions fro the subsequent section or not (ii) answers question 1 and
2 from the subsequent section, mark all and record marks for question 1 and the best ark for the
subsequent question (iii) writes an essay that borders on cheating e.g. memorized a passage, treat
as case of cheating and award 00 (iv) sets his own question and answers it. This is a deliberate at-
tempt to evade questions set for him/her award 00.
(i) Consistent distortion of question, evasion of question, writing on a totally different subject
with a clumsy attempt at connecting the essay with the subject given, inclusion of memorized
passages e.t.c.
(ii) The question is given an unacceptable or questionable interpretation
(iii) Essay does not address the subject given or contains long semi-relevant digressions or lacks

Judge the irrelevancy as either resulting from:
(i) candidate’s poor understanding of the subject
(ii) A deliberate attempt to deceive
The examiner marks the essay, gives a linguistic mark and comments on the nature of the irrelevancy,
then deduct up to 4mks. However, if the essay is totally is totally irrelevant then award 00.

Candidate may not write the required length of composition
(i) If essay is less than 200 words and more than 175 words deduct 1mk (AD)
(ii) If essay is less than 175 words, then deduct 2mks(AD)
(iii) With question 1, if essay is less than 150 words then deduct 1mk (AD), but if 150 words or
more no deduction is made.
C+ 9
B+ 1
A+ 1
Wide range of vocabulary and idiom. Great sentences. No technical problems. Vivid and sus-
tained account.
A few errors but does not mar the impact of writing. Variety of sentence with good vocabulary
and idiom. Fluent.
Lacks the excellence o an A+ of A but still very competent.
Some major errors (tense/agreement e.t.c) however, vocabulary and sentences structure still good.
lacks variety of sentence structure. Vocabulary is still good. Some major errors.
Lacks a variety of sentence structure. Vocabulary less varied. Some major errors. However, still a
fluent piece of work.
Lack fluency although communicates. Limited choice of vocabulary. Little variety of sentence.
Major errors
Communicates but has a serious lack of fluency. Major and lack of variety in sentence structure
and choice of vocabulary. Poor paragraph links
Although the candidate still communicates, he/her has a very limited knowledge of English. Seri-
ous errors. Just acceptable.
Many serious errors. Account broken, but still understandable. Just recognizable as English.
Flow of thought almost impossible to follow. Full of serious errors
- Chaotic , little meaning.

. (a) The story must end with the given statement. If not deduct
- The story must bring out the idea of regret. If not deduct up to
- The story must include the statement referred to in the question. Togged to the story if not
(b) Must be a relevant story. If not deduct up to 4mks). Must be a story. If not
deduct up to


i) Generally paper 101/3 is intended to test the candidate ability to communicate in writing.
ii) Communication is established at different levels of intelligibility, correctness, accuracy,
fluency, pleasantness and originality.
iii) Within the constraints set by each question, it is the linguistic competence shown by the
candidate that should carry most of the marks.
iv)Examiners should not hesitate to use the full range of marks for each essay i.e. 01-20- based on
communication classes D C B A
v)Before starting to mark, it is important to determine first how the essay communicates and
classify it- D C B or A
vi)The essay is marked out of 20 whose final total mark is assessed as follows:-


The candidate either does not communicate at all or the language ability is so minimal that the ex-
aminer has to practically guess what the candidate wants to say. The candidate fails to fit the Eng-
lish words he/she knows into meaningful sentence. The subject is glanced at or distorted. Practi-
cally no valid punctuation. All kinds of errors. “Broken English”

D- 01-02 chaotic little meaning whatsoever. Questions paper or some words from it simply copied
D 03 flow of thoughts almost impossible to follow. The errors are continuously.
D+ 04-05 although the English is always broken and the essay is full of errors of all types, we can
at least guess what the candidate wants to say.


The candidate communicates understandably but only more or less clearly. No confidence in lan-
guage use. The subject is often undeveloped. There may be some digressions. Unnecessary repeti-
tions are frequent. The arrangement is weak and the flow jerky. There is no economy of language.
Mother tongue influence is felt.

C- 06-07 the candidate finds it difficult to communicate his/her ideas. Is seriously hampered by
the very limited knowledge of structure and vocabulary. This results in many gross errors of
agreement. Spelling, misuse of prepositions, tense, verb, agreement and sentence construction.

C 08 The candidate communicate but not with consistence clarity. The linguistic ability is very
limited, cannot avoid frequent errors in sentence structure. There is little variety or originality.
Very bookish English. Links are weak, incorrect, repeated at times

C+ 90-10 The candidate communicates clearly but in a flat and uncertain manner. Simple con-
cepts; sentence forms are often strained. There may be an overuse of clichés, unsuitable idioms.
Proverbs are misquoted or misinterpreted. The flow is still jerky. There are some errors of agree-
ment, tense, spelling.


This class is characterized by greater fluency and ease of expression. The candidate demonstrates
that he/she can use English as a normal way of expressing himself/herself. Sentences are varied
and usually well constructed. Some candidates become ambitious and even over- ambitious.
There may be items of merit of the one word or whole expression type.
Many essays in this category may be first clean and un assuming but they still show that the can-
didate is at ease with language. There may be a tendency to under mark such essays. Give credit
to tone.

B- 11-12 The candidate communicates fairly and with some fluency. There may be little variety
in sentence structure. Gross errors m are still found occasionally, but this must not be over pun-
ished by the examiner

B 13 the sentences are varied but rather simple and straight forward. The candidate does not strain
him/herself in an effort to impress. There is fair range of vocabulary and idioms. Natural and ef-
fortless. Some items of merits. Economy of language.

B+ 14-15 the candidate communicates ideas pleasantly and without strain. There are errors and
slips. Tenses, spelling and punctuation are quite good .a number of items of merits of the “whole
sentence” or the “whole expression” type.


The candidate communicates not only fluently but attractively with originality and efficiency. Has
the ability to make us share his/her deep feelings, emotions, enthusiasms. Expresses his/herself
freely and without any visible constraint. The script gives evidence of maturity, good planning
and often humour. Many items of merits which indicates that the candidate has complete com-
mand of the language. There is no strain, just pleasantness, clever arrangement, felicity of expres-

A- 16-17
The candid ate shows competence and fluency in using the language may lack imagination or
originality which usually provides the “spark” in such essays. Vocabulary, idioms, sentence struc-
ture, links, variety are impressive, gross errors are very rare.
A 18
Positive ability. A few errors that are felt to be slips. The story or argument has a definite impact.
No grammar problems. Variety of structures .definite spark. Many margin ticks
A+ 19-20
The candidate communicates snot only information and meaning but also and especially, the can-
didate’s whole self. Feelings, tastes, points of view, youth, culture. This ability to communicate
deep self may express itself in many ways: wide range of effective vocabulary, original approach,
vivid and sustained accounts in the case of a narrative, well developed and ordered arguments in
the case of a debate or discussion. Errors and slips should not derive the candidate of the full
marks deserved. A very definite sparks

ERRORS/MISTAKE-(Gross and minor)

GROSS ERRORS interfere /distort communication/meaning while MINOR ERRORS
only slightly do so.


 Joining two different words
 Separating one word
 Wrong spelling of common words/misuse of words-elementary vocabulary
 Vagueness
 Direct translation
 Illogicality
 Word order
 Construction
 Capitalization
 Punctuality marks-misuse/omitted
 Any error of agreement
 Serious tense error.
 Ridiculous use of idioms that affect communication
 Misuse of common prepositions


 Omission of a comma
 Misspelling of a difficult word
 Minor construction error (doesn’t distort meaning)
 Slips
 Correct use of phrasal verbs
 Sayings
 Sentence inversions
 Ellipses
 Correct use of idiomatic expression
 Correct use of vocabulary

WRONG WORD ORDER underline once ad write W.O in the margin

BROKEN ENGLSH when the candidate fails to communicate –BR in margin


 COW (candidate own writing) to indicate that a candidate has used a pencil to make a correc-
 BRACKETS [ ] indicate that a pat of ‘D’ script that communicates
 Use an ASTERICK (*) to indicate that an item or a sentence that the rubrics indicate should
be used
 To indicate an item of merits use a tick (√) either above a word or in the margin for the whole


 Read through first to get a feel

 Decide on the degree of communication-A-D
 After underlining decide on the mark category
 Allocate a numerical mark
 Consistent distortion of questions, evasion of questions, writing on a totally different subject
 The question is given an unacceptable or questionable interpretation
 Essays contain long, semi-relevant digressions or lack coherence
 Mark the essay and give a linguistic mark and comment on the nature of the irrelevancy.
 Deduct up to 4marks
 If the candidate answers both Q1a and (b only, mark the first
 If an essay is too short(less than 150 words) deduct up to 2mks
 But if too long (more than 450 words) deduct up to 2mks
 If note form used, deduct up to 2marks
 If the opening/closing sentence not used, deduct up to 2mks
*advice candidate to generally avoid vulgarity and praise of vice.

Panga, rungu, shamba, murram, matatu, wananchi, ugali, madarasa, harambee, matoke, maen-
deleo ya wanawake,salaam,aya,askari,debe,duka,nyayo,boma,sukumawiki,manyatta,goiat party
magendo, safari.
Accept American spelling provided it is consistently used in a certain word.

a) Must be a story. if not deduct up to 4marks
The story must illustrate the saying i.e. how doing something in good time/early enough culmi-
nates in success. Alternatively, how lateness results into a disaster or failer. Either way, the story
must naturally lead to or emanate from the saying.
If merely a philosophical discussion, treat as irrelevant and deduct 4marks AD

b) Must be a story. If not deduct up to 4marks AD

Must begin with the given sentence. If not deduct 2msrks AD
Candidate must present a situation of celebration/victory/happiness. What is celebrated must be I
dentified. To a large extent, it must be a situation of success and not failure. Treat as irrel-
evant if he celebration is excluded, then deduct up to 4marks AD.

9. Either
(a) Write a composition ending with the following words: .....it was the worst mistake I have
ever made.
(b) Write a composition to illustrate the saying: “Hurry hurry has no blessings”.
 Must be a story. If not, deduct 4 marks AD.
 The story must end with the given statement. If not, deduct up to 2 marks AD. If it merely tagged
on, treat as irrelevant and deduct up to 4 marks AD. TL/CE
 A candidate must present the situation he/she finds himself/herself as embarrassing/terrible or a
difficult situation. It must be credible.
 The situation presented need not be solved
 The situation could be as a result of choice, influence or fate and whatever it was, it must come
out clearly.
 Must be story .if not, deduct 4 marks AD
 If merely it is a philosophical discussion, treat as irrelevant and deduct up to 4 marks AD
 The story must illustrate the saying i.e. how being in hurry can work against ones expectation or
hinder a person from attaining a set goal. This might be due to overlooking small details which
from the basic component of the whole plan
 Story must show how being in a hurry is counter productive.
 The instant brought out must be credible

10. Either
a) Write a story ending
I realized that I would never have a second chance in life
b) Write a story to illustrate the following saying
“A tortoise may be slow but he seldom falls”
a) -It must be a story if not 4 AD
- Must present a credible scenario suggested by and leading to ending with the given
- The narrators lesson should be presented vividly if this is not apparent, treat as irrele-
- Candidate must involve himself
b) - It must be a story
- Must write a story that illustrates that one does not need to hurry and finally
things go wrong
- The length should not exceed 1 ½ pages. If it goes beyond, deduct 1 mark
11. Either
a) Write a story beginning with
“It looked quite easy at first…………………….”
b) Write a story to illustrate the proverb; Too many cooks spoil the broth
a) - Must be a story. If not deduct 4 marks AD
- Must begin with the given sentence. If not deduct 2 marks AD

b) - Must present a credible story leading to the proverb. If it does not illustrate the proverb,
treat it as irrelevant and deduct 4 marks AD.
- If merely philosophical treat as irrelevant and deduct 4 marks AD

12. Either
a) Write a story that illustrate the saying:-a bird in hand is worth two in the bush
The proverb
- The candidate must give a suitable story to illustrate the proverb
- If not relevant deduct 4 marks from the score
- A title ought to be given to the story as required in all compositions. Deduct 1 mark if
title is missing
- Deduct 2 marks from the score. If language is bad
- Give 1 mark for introduction and 1 mark for conclusion
b) Write a composition beginning with the sentence:-from the outset one could see that a lot
was a waiting us.
- Must be a composition in form of an essay
- Must have a title
- Must begin with the given words – if not deduct 2 marks
- Must integrates the story if not deduct 1 mark
- Penalize for errors of tense, spelling, subject verb, agreement. Deduct up to 2 marks
- If not relevant deduct 2 marks
NB. Category A 16 – 20 marks
- Pleasant and effortless
- Use of literary devices apply
- Natural and captivating language
- Appeals to the senses- language variety
- Involving
- Maturity
- Very few errors, seen as slips
- A definite spark
Category B 13-15 marks
- Pleasant language
- The language not as good as in A category
- Some items of merit
- Some grammatic errors but not very many
- Attractive
Category C 08 – 12 marks
- Flat language
- The candidate strains to communicate
- Sentence structures are limited
- Characterized by repetition
- The flow is jerky
- Misuse of expressions
Category D 01 – 07 marks
- Chaotic
- Not understandable/ confusing
- Flow of thought almost impossible to follow
- Irrelevant
- Jumbled up

13. Imaginative composition

(a) Points of interpretation
- Must be a story. If not deduct 4mks
Must begin with the given sentence. If not deduct 2mks .Candidates must present a credible sce-
emanating from the sentence given.
Candidates should clearly narrate the events leading to Jane’s inability to stand up on her own the
following morning.
- The narration might look back on a physical injury/difficulty/hardship or state of mind that rendered
Jane unable to stand by herself.
If this does not become apparent in the narration/description, treat as irrelevant and deduct up to

A 19-20 - Very fluent, efficient and effective

- Has a definite spark
- Effortless
- - Many items of merit
A18 - Effortless
A-16 -17 - Communicates with a lot of originality
- Well planned
- A wide range of vocabulary
- Shows wide range and maturity
- Good style
- Many items of merit
- No errors, only slips
B+ - 14 – 15 - Quite fluent
B– -13 -14 - Use vocabulary and expressions well
B- - 11 - 12 - Good planning
- Maturity of ideas
- Has a fair range of sentence variations
- Good variety of punctuation marks
- Has several items of merit
- Very few serious errors
C+ - 09 – 10 - Candidate communicates but with some difficulties
C – 08 - Repetitive grammatical errors
C – 06-07 - Poor planning
- Simple ideas
- Has many serious errors
- Persistence misuse of vocabulary tense, spelling errors, misused pr
ridiculous idioms, many gross errors
- Generally immature and digressive
- Spelling often phonetic
- Persistence mother tongue interference
- Use your discretion to determine the range
D+ - 04 – 05 - Chaotic
D–3 - Many gross errors of spelling, tenses, punctuations
D- - 01 - 02 - Hardly any meaningful expression
- No arrangement
- The story does not flow
- The subject is distorted
- Broken English
- Impossible to follow the flow of ideas

14. Composition Writing/Imaginative

(a) and (b) must be a story relevant to the given statement. If not deduct (4marks)
A A+ 19-20 Excellent complete command of language just one or 2 minor
slips. Has several merit ticks of both sentence and word type
A(plain) 18 Very good, attractive, no strain
Have 3 or 4 slips. Reader does not feel wholly possessed. Has
merit ticks for expression and words
A(Minus) 16-17 Shows competence and fluency in using language. He may lack
imagination or originality which usually provides spark vocabu-
lary, idiom and sentence structure, Links be impressive. Gross
errors are rare
B B+ 14-15 Communicates his or her ideas pleasantly and without strain.
There are errors and slips. Tenses, spelling and punctuation are
quite good. A number of merit ticks of
“ the whole sentence” or the “whole expression” type
B(Plain) 13 Sentences are varied but rather simple and straight forward. Fair
range of vocabulary and idioms. Some items of merit. Economy
of language
B(Minus) 11-12 Candidate communicates fairly and with some fluency. Little va-
riety in sentence structure.
Gross errors are found occassionally
C C+ 09-10 Candidate communicates clearly but in a flat and uncertain man-
(0 ner. Overuse of clichés
C(Plain) 08 Candidate communicates but not with consistent clarity
Little variety or originality
Bookish English
C(Minus) 06-07 Candidate finds it difficult to communicate his ideas.
Many gross errors of agreement, spelling, misuse of prepositions.
English is often broken and essay is full of all sorts of errors. The
D 04-05 reader can guess what the writer wants to say
D(plain) 03 Continuous errors
The essay is almost impossible to follow
D(Minus) 01-02 Chaotic. No meaning at all.
No order. Candidate has no idea about what should be done
(question paper copied)

15. Question 1 (a) and (b)

It is important to determine first how each essay communicates and in which category
A, B, C or D it fits
(The marks indicated below are for question one)
D CLASS: The candidate either does not communicate at all or his language ability is so minimal
D- 01 – 02: Chastic, little meaning whatsoever
D – 03: Flow of thought almost impossible to follow
D+ 04 – 05: English often broke, we can at least gives what the candidate wants to say
C- 06 – 07: The candidate finds it difficult to communicate his/ her ideas
C – 08: The candidate communicates but not with consistent clarity
C+ 09 – 10: The candidate communicates but in a flat and uncertain manner. There are some
errors of agreement, tenses and spelling
B- 11 – 12: The candidate communicates fairly and with some fluency. Gross errors are still found
occasionally, but this must not be over punished by the examiner
B – 13: The sentences are varied but rather simple as straight forward. There is a fair range of vo-
cabulary and idioms. Some items of work, economy of language
B+ - 14 – 15: The candidate communicates his ideas pleasantly without strains. There are errors
and slips tenses, spelling and punctuation are quite good. A number of items of meaning of the
“whole sentence or the whole expression type
A- - 16 – 17: The candidate shows competence and fluency in using the language. He may lack
imagination or originating which usually provide the “spark” in such essays. Gross errors
are very rare
A – 18: Positive ability. A few errors that be felt to be slips. Has definite spark. Many margin
A+ - 19 – 20: The candidate communicates not only information and meaning but also and espe-
cially the candidates:
Whole self: His/ her feeling, tastes, points of view, youth, and culture. This ability to communi-
cate is deep self may express itself in many ways, wide range of effective vocabulary, original ap-
proach vivid and sustained account in the case of narrative. A very definite spark

16. 1 (a) and (b)

It is important to determine first how each essay communicates and in which category
A, B, C or D it fits
(The marks indicated below are for question one)
D CLASS: The candidate either does not communicate at all or his language ability is so minimal
D- 01 – 02: Chastic, little meaning whatsoever
D – 03: Flow of thought almost impossible to follow
D+ 04 – 05: English often broke, we can at least gives what the candidate wants to say
C- 06 – 07: The candidate finds it difficult to communicate his/ her ideas
C – 08: The candidate communicates but not with consistent clarity
C+ 09 – 10: The candidate communicates but in a flat and uncertain manner. There are some er-
rors of agreement, tenses and spelling
B- 11 – 12: The candidate communicates fairly and with some fluency. Gross errors are still found
occasionally, but this must not be over punished by the examiner
B – 13: The sentences are varied but rather simple as straight forward. There is a fair range of vo-
cabulary and idioms. Some items of work, economy of language
B+ - 14 – 15: The candidate communicates his ideas pleasantly without strains. There are errors
and slips tenses, spelling and punctuation are quite good. A number of items of meaning of the
“whole sentence or the whole expression type
A- - 16 – 17: The candidate shows competence and fluency in using the language. He may lack
imagination or originating which usually provide the “spark” in such essays. Gross errors are very
A – 18: Positive ability. A few errors that be felt to be slips. Has definite spark. Many margin
A+ - 19 – 20: The candidate communicates not only information and meaning but also and espe-
cially the candidates:
Whole self: His/ her feeling, tastes, points of view, youth, and culture. This ability to communi-
cate is deep self may express itself in many ways, wide range of effective vocabulary, original ap-
proach vivid and sustained account in the case of narrative. A very definite spark

1. COMPULSORY SET TEXT: An Enemy of the people
Dr. Thomas Stockman firmly defends his discovery that the municipal baths are poisoned/ con-
taminated posing a health risk to the town. Renovation needs to be done and the conduit pipes re-
layed. When the authorities attempt to influence/ change his stand, he strongly declines

- He was appointed as the medical officer of baths through his elder brother (the mayor) influence
so as to keep him on check/ silence him. But his critical nature does not silence him. He openly
condemns the rot in the municipal baths
- Peter Stockmann’s attempt to change/ revenge his report falls on deaf ears. He is ready to defend
this report
- The mayor threatens him that his job rests on the action he takes. He states categorically that he
would rather lose it than peddle falsehood
- If he loses his job, his wife and children will suffer financially. His wife pleads with him to mind
the welfare of his children especially, Ejlif and Morten but he wont bulge
- Morten kill, his father- in- law threatens to disinherit Katherine and the children should Dr. Stock-
man stick to the fact that the pollution at the baths is mainly from his (Morten Kill) tannery at
molledal., However, Dr, Stockman stands his ground.
- Horstad and Billings craft a story that Dr. Stockmann has colluded with his father- in- law to criti-
cize the baths and in turn buy cheap shares from the now unpopular baths. To clear his name, they
now want to bail them out of their papers financial crisis and in return they would allow him some
space to clear his name. he flushes them out of his house
Even after being branded “An Enemy of the people” he chooses to soldier on. He hopes to start a
school for urchins to emancipate them from their predicament
No amount of humiliation would intimidate him. He loses his job, his daughter is summarily
dismissed, his house destroyed and his children expelled from school in an attempt to make him
surrender. He does not yield
Despite attempts to change his position, he remains as solid as a rock after his discovery that “the
strongest man in the world is he who stands alone”
Expect 4 well illustrated points
3:3:3:3 =
Introduction – 2
Body –
Grammar + presentation –
Conclusion –
Total =

2. ‘Corrupt leaders use any means at their disposal to achieve their selfish ends.’ Discuss the above
statement with close reference to “An Enemy of the people” by Henrick Ibsen (20mks)

(a) Must be a story that illustrates the proverb
(b) Should not be philosophical. If philosophical deduct up to 4mks
- Generally should be in past tense
(c) Must b a story ending with the input statement
(d) – Must be credibly infused if not deduct 4mks
- Explain corruption, give an example tie to the text
Peter Stockmann
- Manipulating /influence the press not to print the article on the state of the baths
- Manipulates/incites the crowd to heckle at the Dr. and also to stone him and his property
- Manipulates schemes for suspension of Petra form school and also the captain Horster from his
- Manipulates/blackmail Catherine Stockmann to influence Dr.
- Intimidates Dr. Stockmann with dismissal
- They sacrifice truth to achieve their individual truth (journalists)
- - they brainwash the masses (compact majority) to gain favour and protect what they have their
- - Abetting /colluding in the crime hoping to benefit from Dr. purpotted benefits
Morten kill
- He blackmails Dr Stockmann in order to remind his claim of the rot in the bath- to improve the
value of share,
- Nepotism – Supports the son-in-law blinding in hope of gaining unfair advantage
- Reap and a positive on the way forward out of the situation

Henrik Ibsen “An enemy of the people”
Write a composition on the ironic instances in Henrik Ibsen’s “An enemy of the people”

Irony is the amusing or strange aspect of a situation that is very different from what you ex-
that is you really mean the opposite of what you are saying

Ironic instance in ‘An Enemy of the People’ are:
The mayor is hidden in the printing room by Aslaksen and Horstad when the Doctor comes in
Dr Stockmann does not know this yet the readers are aware. It is only when he sees the mayor’s
hat and walking stick that the doctor realizes that the mayor is in the building-this is ironic.

Dr. stockman entrusts his articles to the people messenger and is convinced that it would be
published the next day, Aslaksen is to personality supervise its printing ,word for word. The
later on turn against doctor stockman and refuse to have the articles printed. This is ironic.

The title of the book is ironic. Dr. stockman who intents to save the compact majority or the
masses from ignorance, poverty and ugly condition of life, falsehood and deceit, is branded ‘a
public enemy’ who wishes to ruin the whole community.

The great splendid, much praised Baths have lost much money. On the contrary it has been dis -
covered they are….(a white, polished sepulcher” the greatest possible danger to the public health.
All the affluence up at molledal, all that skimming filth is inflicting the water in the conduit-pipes
leading to the reservoir and the same filth oozes to the shore zoo. To confirm this, the Doctor says
he investigated the matter carefully and cases of illness among the visitors such as typhoid and
gastric fever have been witnessed.

Irony is used throughout the play
(Any 4 points well illustrated)
Linguistic mark (4mks)
10-12.1 -4mks
7-9 -3mks
4-6 -2mk
1-3.1.1 -1mk

4. Drama (compulsory)
“Man’s nature is basically controlled by his materialistic nature. “Write a composition drawing
your examples from Peter Stockmann and Aslaksen to justify this statement.

- Must define materialism or echo the question
- Peter Stockman
- He is corrupt
- He is arrogant
- He is selfish
- He is malicious
- He is a schemer
- Indecisive/ cowardly
- Selfish
- Manipulative
- Exploitative
- Corrupt
Relevant conclusion
- Recup the content
Language and presentation

5. Henrick Ibsen, An enemy of the people

Write a composition to show the consequences of standing up for the truth in a conservative
society. Draw your illustrations form Henrick Ibsen’s ‘An Enemy of the People’

The challenges that are faced by those who stand up for truth in a conservative society.
(i) They face rejection from friend e.g Peter Stockman is against his own brother,
Houstad, Billing and Aslaksen Shift their loyalty to the major.
(ii) They are betrayed by even close association. The article by Dr Stockman is not published,
(iii) There is blackmail – Morten Kiil invests in the Baths using Katherine and the hildren’s
savings to make the Dr change his campaign against the Baths. Peter Stockman to make a pub-
lic apology so as to save his job. When the doctor refuses to apologise, he is sacked.
(iv) Propaganda campaign/smear campaign against them e.g Dr Stockman is labelled on Enemy
of the people and his report is said to be imaginations: The major exaggerates the cost and
even the effects of Dr stockman’s report.
(v) They are denied freedom of association. Dr Stockman is denied access to the public Hall to
address the people. When he finally talks to the public, his address is closely monitored and
he is not allowed to read his article. Those who are close to the Doctor lose their jobs i.e his
daughter Peter, captain Horster and his sons are dismissed from school. The doctor is
evicted from the house.
(iv) Insecurity. Dr Stockman’s house is pelted with stones and the window panes broken. Just
before the speech by the doctor, Captain Horster sits Doctor Stockmann’s family close to the
door for fear of their security. Dr Stocknann’s children are dismissed from school after
they fight with others and also for fear of their security. Dr Stockmann is dismissed from
employment and also Peter his daughter.

Marking instructions.
- Introduction 2 marks
- 4 well illustrated points 12 marks
- Language – 4 marks
- Conclusion – 2 marks.

6. (a) The play book

Contextual intro- The society in Henrick Ibsen’s play is faced with mynad problems such
as greed, abuse of power, betrayal, hypocrisy, corruption just to mention a few.
These problems impact negatively on the society as described below.
N/B Consider any other relevant general or centralized introduction
i. The mayor’s domineering character where he wants to be the centre of atten-
- It blinds him to the good others can do, for example, his brother Dr. Stockmann who
genuinely wants to solve a problem
- He tells him to subordinate himself to the authorities.
. (b) Nr. Stockmann’s enormous pride is satirized.
- He does not listen to the mayor- he does not want to withdraw his report.
- Quarrels with the mayor, - he does not want to withdraw his report.
- Declared an enemy of the people.
. (c) Mayor’s corrupt nature leads him to fail to see the obvious problem of the town’s Baths
- Wants a fake report released and cosmetic changes made to an obviously polluted
water supply and the contaminated Baths.
(d) The town has a corrupt press
- They are also highly unreliable
- Do not publish a genuine report but substitute it with the mayor’s fake one.
- Proceed on a scheme of misinformation
(e) - A gullible citizenship
- Believe what leaders tell them without questioning them
- Are likely to be used/misused as it happened during Dr. Stockmann’s meeting.
- Vote/declare the doctor as enemy
- Stone/pelt his house with stones.
(f) Nepotism
Peter Stockmann secures his brother a job with the Baths committee in order to contain
him. Hence does not allow his brother to correct him. He tells him, ‘You have no right to
individual opinion.
-This fuels corruption in the society.
(g) Betrayal and hypocrisy
-The press men pledge their support for Dr. Stockmann earlier. Later they turn against him
hence frustrate him and his effort to improve the baths.
- The mayor knows very well the problems haunting the Baths but he does not want to
take any action because of his selfish interests/he’s protecting his job and political career.
(consider any relevant thematic view; (introduction 02mks- language 04mks) con-
tent 12mks i.e. 3x4 pts) conclusion 2mks.
Conclusion- The above society is unlikely to realize any prosperity because the leaders
who are supposed to show good examples are at the eye of the storm. Worse still the citi-
zens are vulnerable and are easily manipulated by politicians.


Corruption involves using ones power/position/authority in a dishonest/illegal way in order to get
an advantage for oneself. In many societies, those who wield power at various levels notoriously
perpelvate this vice. It becomes par and parcel of society when it is institutionalized as the general
public bride to have service done. Dealing with corruption is tricky as the officials would use all
the means/tricks even threats to maintain the status –quo.

A general introduction approach defining corruption and how it fights back

Corruption is evident in the play,” an enemy f the people. “Peter Stockmann, who is the mayor,
abuses his authority to frustrate the finding s of Dr.Stockmann. The doctor who intends to clean
the rot in the society.” ends up sucked up by the vice and is labeled” an enemy of the people “at
the end of the play. The forces of corruption led by the mayor are too powerful for him hence, he
has to throw in the towel having been rejected by the people.
A contextualized introductory approach. The introduction must capture...how corruption
fights back, if not, award 1mark.
C (i) Dr Stockmann’s experience vs. the mayor’s reaction.
 Dr Stockman, the medical officer of the bath has state in his report that the public utility is
contaminated and hence, a health hazard to the town residents. He suggests that the whole pip-
ing system should be re-done.
 The mayor would not listen to this as he argued that replacement of the conduit pipes is too
expensive. The residents could therefore be taxed heavily to meet the cost.
o He wants to compromise Dr Stockman by telling him to keep quiet and publicly deny
the report. P38
C (ii) role of press
 Dr Stockman had given the press a copy of his report for publication so as to sensitize the
public of the health hazard.
 However the mayor uses his influence to manipulate billing, Hovstad and Aslaksen and so,
they refuse to publish the report in the “people’s messenger”
 In return, the mayors own version of the bath is published in the press-this contradicts the doc-
tor’s findings p65”this information will be sufficient for the guidance of the public, if it
appears. it is an official statement. May I trouble you?”

C (iii) Mortein kiils blackmail.

Mortein Kiil, Dr Stockman father in law, who had secretly kept money for inheritance by Mrs.
Stockmann and their children decide to use it in buying shares from the baths. This he does after
Dr Stockman findings.
His intention is to influence Dr Stockman to change his decision on the contamination of the
baths. Test the inheritance due to Mrs. Stockmann be negatively affected.

C iv) ignorance/ manipulation of the town residents

 The mayor uses is position to influence the town resident tom dismiss Dr Stockmann report. The
people are gullible and fall into his trap the compact majorities are swayed to turn against Dr
 When he calls a public meeting o explain the truth of the contaminated baths, he’s bored and
taunted. Finally, he is rejected and labeled “an enemy f the people”

C (v) frustration of Dr Stockmann and family/sabotage

 As a result of Dr Stockmann refusal to be corrupted by the mayor and Mortein Kiil, the citizen
are incited against him as his houses windows are broken p87
“ Let’s go and break his window! Duck him in the fjord!”
 All window panes of his house are broken, his desk littered with books and papers. The room is
in disorder
 His children, Mortein and Ejlif are suspended from school.
 His daughter, Petra, a teacher, is dismissed from device.
The landlord evicts his family from his home.
Corruption stagnates development in a society and it is a vice that should be fought from the top
leadership with no stone left in turned o sacred cows/big fish being spared.

In conclusion, the above illustrations justifies the fact that corruption fights back to suck the well
intentioned in society as Dr Stockmann, a peoples defender is dubbed “an enemy of the people”

MARK 2:12:2:4=20MARKS

9. Ibsen Henrik’s ‘ An Enemy of the People’

“Society cannot progress because most people are blinded by short-term gains and selfish mo-
tives’. Basing your illustrations on the play ‘An enemy of the People’ write an essay that illus-
trates this statement.
Doctor Stockmann sacrifices to assist the society to improve its living standards through his dis-
covery about the contamination of water but the then people turn down his endeavous because
they want to protect their selfish interests. This leads to the society to remain backward.


Accept any other relevant introductions

S (i) The mayor is so engrossed in the income from the baths that he is not ready to accept the
doctor’s advice. This leads to the town not development. pg 34
S (ii) The people of the press turn against the doctored when they realize that they are likely to
lose in their profit, this is retrogressive and hinders the soccer from progressing pg 57-66
S (iii)Catherine(initially)attempts to stop the doctor from publishing the report because she fears
that the family is going to suffer, this is selfish and can not assist the society to progress pg 61
S (iv) Mortein Kill turns against the doctor when he realizes that his tannery is involved in the
contamination of the water pg 100
S (v) Mr. Rorlund chases Ejlif and Morten from school pg 108
S (vi) landlord gives the Stockmann’s quitting letter to protect his property pg 89
S (vii) Mrs. Bucks gives Petra dismissal letter to protect her school pg 91

Accept any other relevant point

Marks 3:3:3:3 = 12

People are their own enemy. They turn against ideas that are meant to better their lives. Had they
looked at the doctor’s report positively, the society would have progressed.
Accept any other valid conclusion
9. Henrik Ibsens play “An enemy of the people”
With illustrations from the play “An Enemy of the people” Write an essay to illustrate the
“Bad governance results when the citizens choose to follow their leaders blindly.”
An enemy of the people by Henric Ibsen
- Accept general or specific introduction
- Candidate to take a stand

G i) – The press men are easily manipulated by the layor. These include Aslaken, Billing,
They are easily swayed by the mayor and therefore refuse to publish the doctor’s report
G ii) Compact majority
- During the meeting which is chaired by Aslaksen, the compact majority blindly declare
the doctor an enemy of the people even after he had addressed them
- He is denied access to the use of the municipal hall annoy other person is ready to allow
him use his premises apart from captain Norster
- They proceed to his house and pelt it with stones
G iii) Petra is dismissed from her job as a teacher by Mrs.Bursk. She says that she did it due to
public demand. She says that she dared do this otherwise
G iv) Ejilif and Mortein are dismissed from school for fighting with other boys just because they
are sons to Dr. Stockmann. The teacher has no otherwise
G v) captain Horster is dismissed by Mr.Vik for giving a room to the doctor for the meeting
G vi) The land lord to Dr. Stockmann asks him to leave his house just because he does not want to
be associated with the “enemy”
- candidate to relate the points to the question
- Accept any other relevant point
- Accept details
- Mark 3: 3: 3: 3

Accept general/ specific conclusion
Grammar and presentation

Content Grammar Conclusion

1–3 1 1
4–5 2 1
6–8 3 2
9 – 12 4 2
0-0 1 0

10. Enrick Ibsen: An enemy of the people

Doctor Stockman faces many obstacles on his way to achieve his purpose.
Discuss this with reference to “An Enemy of the people”

Doctor Stockmann discovers that the Battus have been contaminated and pose a risk to the
town dwellers lives. After investigations that confirm his research findings, he decides to
make this known to the public and have the effects of the contamination reversed. He
however, meets a lot of opposition from different quarters.
The obstacles Dr. Stockmann faces are:
- His brother Peter Stockmann does not want him to make this revelation to the people because
he is the chairman of the Battus committee
- Claims that it would be very costly to reconstruct the Battus and this would directly affect the
people’s finances
-The pressmen are not ready to publish the report for Dr.Stockmann in the press.
- They initially support Dr.Stockmann but they turn against him to support the major
(Peter Stockmann)
- The masses refuse to listen to his explanation and arguments about the Battu. Instead they
support Peter Stockmann and see Dr.Stockmann as an enemy of the people, even when he is
fighting for their welfare.
- They heckle him and even go to stone his house
- The landlord asks him to vacate the house he is living in because he fears what the masses will
say. He faces a situation where he will be left homeless or forced to leave the county.
- The captain cannot even ship lime out of the country because the ship owner cannot allow him
to as he is also terminated from his job
(Any other obstacle)
Expect any 4 well illustrated points
Mark 3: 3: 3: 3 = 12
Introduction- 2/2
Content – 12/12
Grammar – 4/4
Conclusion – 2/2

11. An enemy of the people: Ibsen Henrik

Using illustrations from the text show how the theme of betrayal has been portrayed
Peter Stockmann betrays his brother Dr. Stockmann
 He makes sure his udeas are not put in written i.e. his report not published
 He makes sure that his brother is dismissed from his job
 He also declares his brother an enemy of the people

The press betrays Doctor and his family

 They accept his report but later on decamps it
 They refuse to print the report which they had initially accepted to do so
 They go to Dr. Stockmann’s home after declairing him an enemy of the people.
In doing so, they betray the community and Dr. Stockmann
The theme is brought out through the compact majority (citizen)
 They refuse to listen to the Doctor’s talk on the baths yet it is for their own
interest and benefit
 They declare him an enemy of the people
 They even destroy his house by stoning it
 They also tore his trouser
 Leaders also betrays the society
 They are corrupt e.g. the mayor makes sure that Dr. Stockmann’s report is
not published instead he publishes his own
 They are adamant to change. Peter Stockmann convinces the compact ma-
jority that change will make them pay more amount on tax
 They (leaders) are out to cover their own interest and are always on the
negative; e.g. Peter Stockmann opposes the good ideas brought out by his
 Credit should be given to well illustrated points and relevance
 Every point to be given 3 illustrations (1 mark for identification, 3 marks
for illustration)
 Mark 4 points of 4:4:4:4 (16 marks) for well illustrated points
 Award two marks for introduction and two marks for conclusion
12. Compulsory set text: The River Between *KKN*
Introduction (2mks) Indeed Kameno and Makuyu are ridges steeped in rivalry, Kameno is re-
garded the home of traditionalist who want to keep the tribes customs pure, while Makuyu is the
home of Christians represented by Joshua, Christians do not see eye to eye with traditionalists es-
pecially on the issue of circumcision. Similarly Waiyaki is said to have betrayed the tribe by at-
tending Joshua’s church service and intending to marry a Christian girl who is uncircumcised. At
the height of this rivalry a newly converted Christian’s hut is burnt down at Kameno
Points content
(i) There is serious rivalry as to where leadership had to be left by the first man and woman —
Gikuyu and Mumbi. Each ridge wants to lay sole claim to this leadership. This is symbolized by
the fight between Kamau and Kinuthia. The fight sparks from the insults they hurl to each other.
Kamau laughs at Kinuthia because his father died poor while Kinuthia calls Kamau’s fisher a con-
vert to the Whiteman’s religion.

(ii) On another front, Waiyaki and Kamau are bitter rivals. Karnau has always hated Waiyaki
since their childhood because he always up staged him. He even ordered him, to stop fighting
Kinuthia when they were children. Kamaü had always felt humiliated since he was much older
than Waiyaki. Kamau also feels he has lost Nyambura to Waiyaki. He claims to have loved her so
much to the extent of. hovering around her home even odd hours to find opportunity to declare his
love. The only opportunity he gets at Honia river is snatched by his rival Walyaki who comes un-
expectedly. The fact that Nyambura and Waiyak embrace cuts him deep like a sharp knife and be
declares to himself that Waiyaki will remain a rival to death p. 104. similarly, Waiyaki heals
him(Kamau) when he was worse, Kamau’s father rebukes him for remaining resentful
(iii) Waiyaki and Kabonyi are vying for the leadership of the ridges Waiyaki1is leading people in
the acquisition of the Whiteman’s education in order to prepare them to use their wits/ wisdom to
fight back. But Kabonyi is more direct and forceful and feels be can use he newly formed Kiama
to rise against the Whiteman. He tells the people (a meeting in school) not to allow themselves to
be led by the youth and poses the question. ‘Did 4’ie tail ever lead the head; the child the father or
the cubs the lion?’ p93. Even when an inter — ridge committee is formed to oversee the building
of new schools; Kaboyi is left out due to rivalry. Feeling humiliated the old man is led home by
his dog. Kamau loudly pronounces that he will kill Waiyaki. Kabonyi even opposes the construc-
tion of invatories at Mariashonj school saying the bushes were just sufficient in a scheme of hit-
ting back at Waiyaki. The last show down is do or die affair Kabonyi effectively utilkes the oath
to completely rout his opponent (Waiyaki). Waiyaki refuses to publicly diswn Nyambura, a
woman he loves so much despite she being a Christian and uncircwncisdê As a result the people
he has led all through disown him and surrender him to the Kiami Perhaps Kabonyi’s intense ha-
tred for Waiyaki could be quenched this way and being the founder of the Kiama he will firmly
deal with the teacher.

Albeit the rivalry in existence just as Waiyaki perceives things the. only solution Is to accommo-
date both tradition and modernity with equal measure. Without this integration/ blend it is difficult
for the society to prosper. This explains the death of Muthoni and the denial of Waiyaki — a vi-
sionary leader(2mks)
Expect all the three points


Peter stockman is Dr. Stockman’s elder brother and Mayor to the Municipal council. He is also
the chairman of the Bath establishment committee. (Start by ringing out clearly the meaning of
traits– cunning sadistic, charitable and considerate)
1. When Dr. Stockmann discovers the contamination of the Baths, Peter Stockmann has his repu-
tation and that of the town to protect, and because he understands the might of the majority, he
dupes them into supporting him reject Dr. stockmann’s noble discovery.
2. Because of their gullible nature, the town’s people fall prey to Peter Stockmann’s manipula-
tions and they eventually side with him in rejecting Dr. Stockmann’s discovery.
3. Peter Stockmann rejects Dr. Stockmann’s report not because it is an exaggeration or imagina-
tion as he wants us to believe but because his own interests are under duress. His claims that
image of the town are under threat is therefore a falsehood.
4. He corrupts the journalists to publish an untrue report on the baths and reject Dr. Stockmann’s
accurate discovery.
5. He cheated town’s people that once the baths are closed for two years, they would not get any
revenue for that period. The public were made to believe this even though they were to take
contaminated water hence they (towns people) would contract diseases.
6. He also told them that the amount of money required to repair the baths (40 – 50,000 dollars)
is not currently available. So it is the town’s people who will pay for the same hence will be
costly to them.
7. He also pretends to love his brother but engineers his sacking and still has the audacity to de-
liver the dismissal letter himself pretending to be sorry for the sacking and blaming it on oth-
ers, yet he is the all-powerful mayor and chairman of the Baths committee. Shamelessly, he
emplores his brother to compromise his hard-line stance and write a note of apology in ex -
change for his job

Conclusion – Justify the character of Peter Stockmann as not considerate and charitable but
cunning and sadistic.
Introduction – 2mks
Content – any six points 6 x 2 = 12mks
Conclusion – 2mks
Grammar – 4mks
Total – 20mks

14. Introduction. (2 mks)

Dr. Stockmann is the protagonist in the play whose sole purpose is to cleanse a society
full of evils such as corruption, hypocrisy, betrayal e.t.c.
Dr. Stockmann makes a discovery about contamination of the baths. It is being seen as a
livelihood in the town he does so with intension of saving the people. This discovery is not
a welcome idea.
Body 4 PTS X 3 MKS = 12 MKS + 4 MKS (For language).
Peter Stockmann does not want to hear about the discovery though the doctor had careful-
lyconducted his research, he asks him to falsify his report failure to which he would be
Dr. Stockmann is denied access to baths halls and the men club hall to make his report
known to the public.
When he hosts a meeting in captain Horster’s house, the town officials gate crash his
meeting and go ahead to move a motion to ensure he does not discuss the baths.
To push him out of the town the compact majority is manipulated into declaring him an
enemy of the people. They move out to destroy his property with an aim of making
him leave the town.
Morten kill uses meant for Catherine’s inheritance to buy shares from the baths. This is
done with the intention of making the Dr. Change his mind. He gives the proceeds
from his sales to charity.

Though his efforts are trampled on, Dr. Stockmann does not give up. He swears that he
would fight to the bitter end.
15. Drama (compulsory)
Introduction (2mks)
The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone. This is referring to Dr. Stockman. He has
been declared “An enemy of the people’ because of speaking the truth’. The masses are influ-
enced by Peter Stockman, but Dr. Stockman stood to his ground alone and fought for the truth, to
inform the public about the state of the Baths.
Content: (12mks)
1. He becomes the first person to see that the town could be made into a flourishing health resort.
He had to fight single-handedly in support of the idea for many years through writing. Eventu-
ally the Baths were constructed
2. He makes a great discovery about the Baths, which are currently the main artery of the town’s
life blood. The Baths have become poisoned and are causing diseases like typhoid.
“The whole Bath establishment is a whited, poisoned sepulcher, 2 tell you the gravest
possible danger to the public health.---(pg17)
This marks the beginning of his problems with the Municipal Council. The report indicates
that bacteria have got into the popes thereby contaminating the water source. He sacrifices all
his energy for the sake of his society, the invalids and visitors who have been using contami-
nated water source. He therefore stood alone to support the renovation of the Baths system.
3. He is humiliated publicly in the meeting at the town hall and called “an enemy of the people”.
The masses intimidated him but he stood for the truth alone.
4. His article would not be published in the ‘people’s messenger’, the Landlord kicks him out of
the house, but he would not give in
5. He is optimistic towards the end and swears not to leave town, but to stay on and continue
fighting for the truth.
N/B Get more illustrations from the play
(Any 4 points 3mks each 3:3:3:3=12mks) conclusion (2mks)
In some cases, the compact majority are wrong on certain situations and only one honest, sin-
cere person may be right like in this case, Dr. Stockman is right while the masses are wrong.

1. Half a Day and other stories:
Must have the relationship between the saying and the question. Accept specific or general intro-
- Society sowed belief in superstition and reaped following Halima blindly thus making her rich at
their expense offered sacrifices to Jinnis for fear of the unknown
- Society sowed ignorance/ made Halima powerful in turn she made demands that hurt the society
e.g. wells were closed
Recreation beach invested by Sharks
Prices of food went up
- They sowed corruption/ abuse of office/ dictatorship – they reaped
Lack of basic commodities
Wells closed
People were killed for challenging the system
- They encouraged nepotism (one tribe ruling)
 People amass wealth
 Kill anyone who challenges dictatorship
 Dictatorship was encouraged
NB: A candidate must show how the people are affected negatively by not sopping an issue at
its earlier stage
Content 4:4:4

2. Introduction
Racial biasness is the discrimination of people based on their skin colour difference like white
against the blacks. This habit if found where there are mixed races all over the world
A relevant example would suffice

Narrator’s teacher says that only a few years ago blacks walked around on all fours, like wild ani-
This sentiment suggests that blacks just developed a few years ago. They have not taken a longer
time to differentiate themselves from the wild animals. They are not far removed from the wild
animals. This evidence racial negative racial biasness on the Africans/blacks
Father Christiano’s reference to the narrator that they are hopeless and the even the blacks are bet-
ter than them denotes racial biasness
Dona Dores said that God made their hands lighter so that they would not dirty the food thy made
for their master. This sentiment present a black person as a servant or servitude
Senhor Antunes believes that the blacks’ hand held on while they baked in the heavenly kiln. He
also says that moulding of the black creatures were done in a hurry – a statement that suggests
racial biasness.
Senhor Frias told the narrator that the blocks were made at a time when the water in the lake was
very cold. so when they were told to bathe they only wet the palms of their hands and the soles of
their feet. Due to this, their hands are lighter. There is insinuation that blacks are lazy according to
Narrator claims that he has read in a book that blacks spent their lives bent over gathering the
white cotton of virgina which made their palms white. But Esterfania says their palms were
bleached by washing

The ideas given by the teacher, father Chritiano, Dona Dore, Antanes and Frias about the palm of
the blacks is showing racial biasness. There is not truth in them but just an expression of racial

Expect 6points full -2

Introduction – 2 fair -1
body =-12 (2:2:2:2:2:2) unptd - 0
conclusion =2

3. The short story: Macmillan (Ed) Half a day and other stories.
Write a composition to justify the statement “John is to blame for the death of Wamuhu”
basing your illustrations on Ngugi Wa Thiongo’s “A meeting in the Dark”
-must project towards supporting the statement
Although John kills Wamuhu, he is not to blame. This is because of:
i) Upbringing
Explanation: Johns father Stanley, stops his wife from telling the children any traditional
stories because he is a man of God, only stories about Jesus Christ should be told.
Illustration: John’s mother tells him “don’t ask for any more stories your father may come
(p37).this makes John unable to make decisions in life and he ends up killing
Wamuhu because he can’t face his parents.
ii) Fear-Stanley was very strict religious man who followed religion to the later. He instill a lot of
fear in John that at certain times, john would run to warn his mother about the father’s
coming home. Followed religion to the later. He instill a lot of fear in john that certain
times, john would run to warn his mother about the fathers coming home.
Guilt conscience
His guilt of having put Wamuhu in the family way, kept on haunting him and he wanted
to ensure nobody knows about it.
Pressure from parents /church/society
A lot of pressure is exerted on him by his parents and society that in the long run he does this so
as not to fall out with them
Mark any 4 well illustrated points i.e. (each 3:3:3:3 = 12marks

4. Macmillan (Ed), half a day and other stories.

Write a composition highlighting the challenges of inter-racial relationships as revealed
in the story Breaking Loose by Moyez Vassanji
Relevant introduction 2 marks
- Can be general but tied up to the story, Breaking loose
- Can be specific to the story
- Can define key terms necessary to the understanding of the question. Challenges and
inter-racial relationships
- Suspicion and fear
- Hatred/ prejudice
- Stigmatization
- Opposition from parents

5. Racism as a creation of individuals

(i) - There is a theory about the hands of blocks being made as such because they used to
Walk on fears until recently. That the hands were not exposed to the sun.
(ii) – Another individual says that blocks used to go around with their hands folded in Secret
prayer .
(iii) – Another person says God made them like that so that they don’t make dirty the Food they
cook for the whites.
(iv)- Another theory is that they (blocks) were made hurriedly from day and smoked in a
Chimney, but because they had to hold onto something that is why the whole body was
blackened by smoke but the hands remained light.
(v) – Blacks were made early in the morning in a lake and would constantly wet their Palms and
soles of their feet.
(iv) – Blacks were picking cotton in America which made their hands lighter.
(vii)- Whites had their skin peeled off.
(viii)-Whites have alongated noses so as to smell all the bad smells.
(ix) - God must have been thinking of equality when he made the hands of the blacks to Be the
same as those who thank him.

N.B – A Candidate has to show that each theory is attributed to an individual.

Marking instructions
Introduction – 2marks
4 well illustrated points 12 marks (4x3)
Language – 4 marks
- Conclusion – 2marks

6. Macmilan (Ed), ‘Half a Day and Other Stories.’

With reference to the short story ‘Hands of the blacks’ by Luis Bernado Honwana, write a com-
position on how whites attempt to justify their mistreatment and exploitation of the black race.

(a) Introduction
Explain that whites have invented several myths on why the blacks hands are lighter than
their bodies. They use these to oppress the black race and deny them their rights.
consider any relevant general or contextual introduction – 2mks
- The blacks used to move on all fours
- That black people’s hands are white so as not to dirty food or anything belonging to their masters.
- Inhabitants of heaven created Africans and baked them in chimneys blackening their bodies.
- That blacks were instructed to bathe in cold waters of a lake in heaven but only dipped their palms
and soles
- That black peoples hands are lighter than the rest of their bodies because they used to pick cotton.
- That black hands became lighter as they wore bleached by washing.
- conclusion:- It is unfortunate that such myths that teach racism are told to children who are naïve
and therefore likely to believe them. (Accept any other conclusion that’s relevant)
(Introduction- 02mks, language 4mks, content 12mks i.e. 4x3 pts, conclusion 02mks)

7. Macmillan(Ed) HALF A DAY AND other Stories

Many rich people don’t always lead a life of happiness despite their wealth, many of them are
worried about the security of their wealth and more often than not, they have sleepless night.
A general approach
In the story, “moneyman”, Mr. Manna Leitao is a rich man but he is such a miser that he would
rather personally suffer; get poor treatment from third class hospital/grade B, dressing shabbily,
depending on the Fernandos / Diases refusing to see his relatives. This makes him a miserable
A contextual approach.
Accept any of the above and expect any other relevant

M (i) single life/unmarried
 Although boasting to be the riches man in Apana town, he is a senior bachelor. Probably, he fears
expenses involved in catering for a family. “The groans through that he had remained single
because looking after a wife and children would cast too much”. P21 also p23
 He therefore leads a lonely life in spite of him having the money.
M (ii) hospitalized in Grade B hospital
 When he breaks his leg when chasing one of his debtors, he insists on being admitted to a Grade
B hospital where the poor are treated free of charge.
 He decides to be taken to the poor folk hospital because his love for money would not allow him
to be taken to Grade A hospital where the treatment is better but paid for.
 The broken leg would not heal as fast therefore, he endures to spent money on quality medication
hence faster recovery.
M (iii) life of bitterness
 When the Diases makes an appeal and his only traceable relative living in a neighboring country
come to see him, he refuses to see them.
 “They have come here hoping I will die” he said. ‘They only want to get my money.’ Well, I
won’t, and they won’t” p23
 This show how bitter he is with his relatives who genuinely want to console him yet he thinks
that they are after are after his money
M (iv) Sojourn at the Fernando’s
On realization how tricky living alone is, he moves in with the Fernando’s family.
He lends Mrs. Fernando’s some money to settle her husband’s debt. However, he writes a rule let-
ter to her demanding to be paid.
One of the Fernando’s sons beats him up for insulting their mother yet they had given him free ac-
commodation, his other leg is broken and he is taken yet again to the Grade B hospital.
In fact, Mr. D’mello wrap it all when he describes him as “…..miserable skin flint” p 24
Candidate must identify how money is a source of unhappiness/pain/misery in moneyman’s life.
if this is not consciously done then it is irrelevant.
From the above example it is true to say that “money cannot buy happiness”
Expect any other relevant conclusion=2marks

8. Macmillan (Ed), Half a Day and other stories

Write an essay on the complications that arise from Akoto and Yasmin’s relationship right from
the start-basing your illustrations on Moyez Vassanj’s story ‘Breaking Loose’

Introductions-should echo the question

Akoto is an African; Yasmin is an Asian (Indian).the two engages into a relationship that face a
lot of complications a rising from the cultural differences as it can be seen in Mortez Vassanji’s
story, breaking loose.

At the dance. Yasmin accept to dance with Prof Akoto but feels rather awkward e.g. “of all girls
why me………..” “Why couldn’t he choose those cheeky girls………”
Yasmin dislikes Akoto’s description of the blacks as lacking euthenics which embarrasses…that
there is no African in their music-simply they like aping the westerners.
In Yasmin note to Akoto she describe her inclination to the western ways and seems to criticize
the Indians
Yasmin’s mother disapproves of the relationship between Akoto and her daughter……. “Why did
you bring him here like this?”
Yasmin and Akoto share love and hate relationship in which they commence on one hand while
on the other hand the relationship is muted by social insinuation and innuendos.

Conclusion-should give a good summary of the points

Mark as follows
Content-3:3:3:3 =12 marks (expect 4 points)
Grammar and presentation-4marks
Total score-20marks

9. Macmillan (Ed) Half a Day and Other Stories

Drawing your illustrations from “Government by magic spell” by Saida Magi- Dirre Menzi,
Write an essay on the saying “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

- Can be specific
- Can be general
i. Halima takes this opportunity of her power to win recognition in the government
and to earn a villa in the city with security and many servants just because the au-
thority wants to remain in power
ii. Halima secures a job for her brother as the head of government license Agency
(nepotism) although he is inexperienced
iii. Halima’s clan had the most important and most powerful positions in the govern-
iv. There is nepotism. One powerful man had called his relatives and they in turn had
called their own
v. Amassing of wealth – The powerful positions meant quick riches for all of them
had acquired so much in ten short years
vi. Unscrupulous- To retain this wealth, the leaders even committed murder. “Any-
thing that stood on their way was pushed aside or eliminated”
vii. Suppression of dissidents - The leaders controls the wealth and government of the
country. Nobody challenges them, the leaders are intolerant
viii. Incompetence – The leaders ensured that the top government positions were taken
by people of their clan though most of them were illiterate
ix. 3 points each 2 marks


i. Absolute control of resources and facilities. Halima ensures that the citizens drink water
from two reservoirs (centralized water) and one slaughter house – other slaughter houses
are closed down. The lido (public beach) is closed down as it swarms with non- eating
sharks that kill a number of people. People stopped going to the beach
ii. Shortages of all basic commodities- she advices the leaders to create shortages. This kept
people busy struggling for survival. They did not have time or energy to spare worrying
about the goings on in the government
iii. Clinging to power- use of unorthodox methods to remain in power e.g. Tahleel (spells)
creation of shortages, nepotism, murder
N/B : Nearly twenty years have passed since Halima first went to the city. The clan has been
about thirty years

- A summary of the points discussed can be a general conclusion

10. Half – A- day and other stories

The candidate should talk about how power corrupts in general e.g. Zimbabwe or the candidate
should zero in on the text and be specific

Power corrupts
i. Halima turns down the many men who wanted to marry her. Even Wadaad himself is rejected
by Halima since she is perceived to have powers. She remains unmarried
ii. Halima takes this opportunity of her power to win recognition in the government and to earn a
villa in the city with security and many servants
iii. Halima secures a job for her brother as the head of government license Agency (nepotism) al-
though he is inexperienced
iv. Halima: Clan had most important and most powerful positions in the government
v. There is nepotism: One powerful man had called his relatives and they in turn had called their
vi. Amassing of wealth: The powerful positions meant quick riches for all of them had acquired
so much in ten short years
vii. Unscrupulous: To retain this wealth, the leaders even committed murder. “Anything that stood
on their way was pushed aside or eliminated.”
viii. Suppression of dissent. The leaders control the wealth and the government of the country. No-
body challenges them, the leaders are intolerant.
ix. Incompetence: The leaders ensured that the top government positions were taken by people of
their clan though most of them were illiterate.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely
i. Absolute control of resources and facilities. Halima ensures that the citizens drink water from
two reservoirs (Centralised water) and one slaughter house – other slaughter houses are closed
down. The lido (public beach) is closed down as it swarms with man- eating sharks that kill a
number of people. People stopped going to the beach
ii. Shortages of all basic commodities; she advices the leaders to create shortages. This kept peo-
ple busy struggling for bare survival. They did not have time for or energy to spare worrying
about the goings on in the government.
iii. Clinging to power: Use unorthodox methods to remain in power e.g. Tahleel (spells) Creation
of shortages, nepotism, murder.

NB: Nearly twenty years have passed

Since Halima first went to the city. The clan has been in power for about thirty years.
A recap of the main ideas in the essay.
i.e. The candidate wraps the argument.
Expect any six well illustrated points
Mark 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2 = 12
Introduction – 2/2 mks
Body – 12/12
Grammar – 4/4
Conclusion – 2/2

11. Macmillan(Ed), Half a day and Other stories

Write an essay entitled: “Africans should not celebrate the new millennium.” Base your argument
on the reason given in Havua Tuma’s story- “Who cares for the new millennium.”

a) Macmillan Ed. Half a day and other stories

NB The essay should show why African’s are pessimistic about the new millennium
i. Rulers collaborate with Westerners to dominate Africa
- Rulers will enjoy the events just like the donors who bankroll them in the name of
development Pg. 86
ii. Continued historical rape/ exploitation of Africa through the slave trade, colonial-
ism and neocolonialism
- “We knew the slave trade, endured colonialism”
- We were subjected to neocolonialism. Pg 86
iii) Lack of peace/ fighting between government and guarrillas, thus problem of refugees,
cases in point are Sierra Leone and Uganda Pg.87
iv) Tribal division e.g. Somalia, Rwanda e.t.c. P.g 87
v) Poor health facilities
- The highest infant mortality rate
- The highest number of AIDS victims pg 87
vi) Lack of education/ illiteracy
- The highest number of illiteracy is on the increase

NB – Credit should be given to well illustrated points and relevance

- Mark 4 points of 4:4:4:4 (16 marks) for well brought out points
- Award two marks for introduction and 2 marks for conclusion

12 Short stories Half a day and other short stories •

An attempt should be made to enumerate the expected ills in society
(i) Saida— Hagi — Dine Herzi is opposed to religious believe that give rise to misleading super-
stitions. When Halima is declared to be possessed by a ‘Jinni’, she becomes. Famous throughout
the village. She convinces herself that it is true and she begins acting as one who can foretell the
future and cure the sick. The whole community blindly, believes in her powers. People turn to
‘Jinnis’ for help and protection. Maintaining the ‘Jinnis’ is expensive because when animals’ sac-
rifices are given the Jinni twins’ must get a share. The writer is ridiculing such practices where
Halima’s special powers are used in the capital in order for the clan to hold senior positions in
government and ate very rich, While at the capital Halirna request the leaders of the clan to bring
all the water resources of the city into one central poo1 to facilitate the performing of the
‘Tahleel’. She also requested the building of a huge slaughterhouse at the Eastern shore. All other
sources were destroyed to ensure that residents drank ‘Tahleel’ water. The effect was to make
people ‘model subjects’ who never questioned the excesses their leaders. When the slaughter
house went into operation all other slaughter houses were closed down. Since it is built near Lido,
a popular bench front, the waste attracted man — eating sharks which killed a number of people.
The effect was that people stopped going to the bench. The writer is then against

(ii) Policies that, benefit an individual against the common good of the society Saida Herzi is also
critical of nepotism and clannisni. She portrays a society where
majority of the citizens do not have access to the national cake. The state is run as a private firm
owned by one clan. The clan members consider kinship in their allocation of senior government
positions. Halima’s brother is made head of the government Incense - Agency. She makes this
domination of an entire country by one clan, a laughing stock.

(iii) ‘Government. by magic spell’, condemns economic sabotage and mismanagement. The haves
live in beautiful villas with servant and security guards. They enrich themselves using state re-
sources. Members of the leader’s families grow immensely rich while the majority struggle to
make ends meet. Halima’s ‘spell’ on the leaders discourages free enterprise as private water
sources and slaughterhouses are closed down. This reflects very poorly on the overall economic
development of the country at large. This is indeed abuse of power satirized as the leadership is
dominated by people from the same clan Expect 3x4
The ills are as a result of greed and narrow — mindedness from the leaders. They do not even re-
spect human life and they can even get away with murder. This explains why we need a serious
indictment on the quality and suitability of our leaders. (2mks) Language - Grammar paragraph-
ing and presentation •


(a) Factory – A place where goods are made
Punishment – Negative reinforcement when one has done wrong
School as a factory which will produce the final product
Living beings are drawn to other living beings
(i) Friendship – boys and girls interact and be friend each other
(ii) Playing – various games e.g. swings, the vaulting horse, ball games
(iii) Music – chanting of songs
(iv) Various subjects are taught in school i.e. Language, Geography, Arithmetic and Religion.
(v) Boys and girls are taught how to struggle and persevere.
(vi) They learn how to take advantages of the opportunities for success and happiness that
presented themselves.
(vii) They learn to be independent – The narrator had to return home by himself because the father
never came to pick him as he had promised. He had to find his way back home.
(Any five well illustrated points 5 x 2 = 10mks)
Introduction – Should clearly show the school as a factory where useful boys are made.
Conclusion – Summarize that the school has made the narrator a happy and independent man to-
tally different from the boy taken by the father in the morning despite his resistance
- Should clearly show the difference in the boy before and after school.
Introduction – 3mks
Content – five points 5 x 2 = 10mks
Conclusion – 3mks
Grammar – 4mks
Total - 20mks


- Unprepared for pregnancies.
- Anxiety and worry – John is always in worry of what might become of him when the pregnancy
is discovered.
- Missing opportunities – John might miss the scholarship.
- Death – Wamuyu is strangled to death by the desperate John.
- Embarrassment/shame -
- People had trusted John as morally upright. The discovery might bring shame to him.

15. Half a day

Introduction (2mks)
Njoroge was Mrs. Hill’s houseboy. He had been in the Hill’s service for more than ten years.
He was killed by Mrs. Hill mistakenly
Content: (12mks)

1. Some white settlers had been murdered before and blacks were blamed for this. Mrs. Hardy
and Mrs. Smiles inform Njoroge’s employer, Mrs. Hill, that Njoroge is dangerous employer,
this preparing her for any eventuality.
2. There was a conflict between the White settlers and the Africans, hence death was inevitable.
3. Africans had been disposed of their land and were up in arms. Njoroge’s ancestral land was the
one occupied by Mrs Hill, hence he was ready to die to get the land.
4. Had the boy, been aware of his betrayal they would have killed him. Hence he was to die.
5. He had himself made a decision to take to the forest at a later date
N/B - Get more illustrations from the short story
- Mark any 4 well illustrated points i.e. each 3:3:3:3=12mks
- Conclusion:- show that both the African and Europeans viewed each other
suspiciously and that his closeness to Mrs. Hill was not a security guarantee

16. Macmillan(Ed.) ‘ Half a Day and other stories’ Saida Hagi-Dirie Herzie ‘Against the Pleasure
Write a composition to show that Rahma and other women did not go through circumcision but
female genital mutilation.
Introduction (2 mks)
- Show that circumcision has its basis on religious and health. Show that based on the
story, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)abuse on women’s life and dignity

- It is a very painful process (which may at times be repeated unlike circumcision
- It has no basis in religion
- Those that have undergone it have problems at time of giving birth
- It is dehumanizing to women
- What they undergo is unknown in other parts of the world as it has no scientific backing
(Any four points well illustrated 3:3:3:3 = 12 mks)

Show that FGM presents more problems
Linguistic mark (4 mks)

17. Macmillan(Ed) half a day and other stories.

“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” justify this statement basing your argu-
ment on Saida Hagi Diries story “Government by Magic Spell”
1. Write a composition showing the problems caused by war
In Africa, most of those who fought for independence did not benefit from the struggle. For in-
stance, in Keya home guards benefited more than the freedom fighters
- Wak struggled to liberate the country from dictatorship yet he never benefited from it. Instead, he
suffered a lot while in exile
- Odie who collaborated with the dictatorial regime in turn benefited. He grabs 1500 acres piece of
land, the apartment and he lives in luxury as a result of his close association with the regime
- Katalikawe is a millionaire despite the fact that he never achieved much in school. He boasts of
his mansion, fleet of cars, poultry and a dairy farm e.t.c.
- The police force who worked and supported the dictatorial government benefited as they extorted
money through bribery
- The dictatorial leader benefited from his regime i.e. in trade across the boarder grabbed sky-
scraper officers e.t.c.
Accept three well illustrated points

2. Write an essay showing Odie’s feelings and fears towards his step brother Wak.
A definition of fears and feelings and a general statement capturing feelings and fears
(i) Feelings
– Odie calls Wak a sausage and bacon retumee who hasn’t as much as a cowardly chimpanzee(p12)
– Odie calls Wak a deserter, traitor, coward e.t.c
– He says that Wak should be shot (p13,14)
– - he keeps repeating that Wak is a sep brother and not a real brother (p13)

(ii) Bitterness
- He is bitter that Wak has escaped and left them to fight and face all kinds of problems like queuing
for milk and sugar for hours on end dodging roadblocks and threats of murder (p14)
He is biter that the returnees will be paid forty dollars for rehabilitation . He feels that they too should
be rehabilitated for the problems they had to face – (p74/75)

- When he is accused of putting Wak’s picture in the press, he feels threatened and sees it as an at-
tack and becomes defensive ‘I could be the same if I had been you’ Odie puts the picture in the
press after only one year of Wak’s disappearance. He gets so nervous when Wak insinuates that
he knew about the picture he had put in the papers (p120)
- When he learns that Wak knew tha he actually betrayed him, he feels threatened (p22)
- Odie strides over the phone and dials a number – He gets panicky when he cannot get thorugh to
te general
- He doesn’t come in terms with the reality of Wak knowing that he had betrayed him (p132) and
goes into a trance where he addresses. Your Highness

Jealous/ Envious
- Odie is envious when he imagines him looking trim and well preserved (p18)
- Odie is envious of the forty thousand dollars that Wak is to get as rehabilitation money (p74)
- Odie is envious of the close relationship between Wak and Stella. He says that he is always left
out (p48)
(i) Fears
– He fears that he is going to lose the one thousand five hundred acres as Wak is going to claim his
part of the inheritance (p20-21)
– He had plans to use the land title deed to secure a loan and had made up the story about Wak’s
death and the radio announcement so that Stella would agree with him (p22)

(ii) Dependence
- He fears the brother would be a burden to him. He bitterly says that Wak uses a lot of toilet papers
and water since he visits the loo five times a day and had to swim in a bath tub twice a day (p112-
113)This means that maintaining Wak would be expensive
-He doesn’t want to take his brandy as he claims it is very expensive and tells Stella to give him a
beer (p54)
- He states with finality that Wak will not be given any dinner when he comes home (p12)
- Wak feels that Odie takes him as a burden because on his arrival, Odie looks at his (Wak’s) luggage
intensely and dismisses it as meager. He also feels that Odie must have been cursing under his breath’
Another bloody mouth to feed another bloody thirst to quench: another bloody..... (p79)

- He fears to lose Stella’s loyalty, devotion, attention to Wak (P48) Odie accuses Stella of leaving
him out as she shared secrets with Wak before he left
- In Wak’s absence, Stella seemed to have taken a liking for Odie. Now he fears that he would lose
her again to Wak (p42) “And yet I wish I had someone I could trust completely”

May be a summary of the main points should also be an opinion on such feelings and fears
body -12
conclusion 2

3. Whenever there is turmoil that leads to war, women and young girls suffer most .
Write a composition showing how this happens to Stella.
Life for refuges is very difficult .they are poverty stricken and live deplorable conditions
i) Have no right; they are manipulated as a puppet. Are blamed for everything –murder, bank
robbery etc treated as third rate citizens when they go looking for work
ii) Associated with hunger and cheap labour no one sometimes needs to work
iii) Women are misused and abused (p 81)
iv) Refugees are lonely and uncertain of what fate lies ahead of them (p 101-102)
v) Refugees live under false illusion that things back home will improve
vi) Lack basic needs-water for bathing. They stink one can smell their sweat one mile away.
NB :-Expect any 4 well illustrated point’s i.e. each 3:3:3:3
Get more illustrations from the play
Conclusion - Award (2mks) for relevant conclusion

4. Illustrating your answer with examples from “Shreds of Tenderness,” write a composition
entitled, “the prevalence of betrayal in human relationships.”

Relevant introduction (2 marks)

- Confirmation of the statement given e.g Betrayal is quite prevalent in human relations.
A number of times, people go against the expectations of their counterparts. Any other
relevant introduction is acceptable
i. Political leaders have betrayed the mass who expect good leadership. They are dictatorial and
ii. Stella betrays her brother, Odie who suffered at the hands of the military men by befriending
major general Ali who murdered their father
iii. Odie betrays Stella by using the trust she had on him to lie to her that Wak is dead and that they
should take the property that has been left for work
iv. Odie betrays Wak by reporting him to the SRB. He reports that Wak is planning to sensitize
people on democracy with his talk.
v. Odie betrays the masses by reporting then to SRB (4x3=12 marks)

Conclusion 2 marks
Language and presentation 4 marks
TOTAL 20 marks

5. In case of political tribulance in a country, those who remain (in the country) suffer as much as
those who seek refuge elsewhere. Write a composition to illustrate this assertion basing your argu-
ment on John Ruganda’s ‘Shreds of Tenderness.’

Those who remain.

(i) – Insecurity – There are arbitrary arrests. Odie is arrested for going to ask for the body of his
late father for burial. Pepe is reported to the authorities for having spot on the president’s
Daudi is also reported to the SRB after his dog allegedly barks at the presidential Motorcade.
Odie’s father is shot and killed.
School girls and nuns are raped by security forces who should provide security to
The citizens.
(ii) – Poor/run down economy. People lack basic needs in life. Medicines/drugs are not available
in hospitals which are poorly managed since most professionals have run for their Food is scarce.
People go days on and without a proper meal. Odie is reluctant to share a meal with work because
it’s scarce.
Water is also scarce. Odie is complaining about the security and the problem of having enough
for an extra mouth.
(iii) – People lack freedom of movement since there is a curfew. Freedom of expression is also
limited as those seen/thought to be critical of the government are arrested.
Due to insecurity schooling has been interrupted. Stella was impregnated after the rape ordeal and
was hospitalized for three months.
(iv) People are stressed so much to the extend of going mental. Odie is sand to have gone to
hospital due to a mental breakdown.
 Those who remain
 Those who flee to foreign countries.

(i) – Sexual harassment. Dr Rugendanstakaliletiruganska is harassed by police officers who ask

her for sexual favours. Male refugees are abused (uncircumcised dogs) and their love rela-
tionships with the woman is questioned.
(ii) – There is discrimination based on religion. A Muslim refugee is not welcome in a
Camp of Christian refugees. The UNHCR is biased when dealing with refugees
Based on race. The UNHCR favours European refuges and is less concerned with
Refugees in African countries.
(iii)- Basic needs are scarce. Food and water are rationed for refugees in the camps.
(iv) – Jobs are scarce for refugees. Those who get employed are underpaid. Refugees are accused
of having plundered the economy of the host country.
(v) - Refugees face rejection both at home and in the country of refuge. When Wak comes back
home he is viewed with suspicion. Odie does not welcome Wak back.
(vi) – Refugees face unspecified dangers while on the run e.g attack by wild animals, Cold, rain,
going without food etc.
N.B - The candidate should have points for each of the two groups i.e those who left the country
and also those who remained – @ 6mks.

- Introduction – 2mks.
- 2 will illustrated points for those who remained – 6marks (2x3)
- 2 will illustrated points for those who left - 6marks(2x3)
- Language – 4 marks
- Conclusion – 2 marks

6. Drawing illustrations from John Ruganda’s ‘Shreds of Tenderness’, write an essay in support of
this statement: “John Ruganda has successfully used the style play within a play in his book
Shreds of tenderness”

-He has succeeded in using the style play within a play to enhance plot
-At the beginning Odie and Stella slide into subject leader role (1mk)
-Odie talks to senior on phone (1mk)
-Odie acts as constable and Wak as his boss and Stella acts as a refugee (1mk)

 The style has also been used successfully to develop the character traits of the various charac-
-As Odie acts as constable, his character trait is brought out as being dictatorial, cruel, authorita-
tive(1mk).when he acts as the police, he is portrayed as cruel and immoral
-When Wak acts as the boss, his character trait is brought out as immoral and cruel (1mk)
-When Stella acts as the refugee, her character trait is brought out as abusive (1mk) she calls Wak
and Odie as sniffing like a dog on heat

 Play within a play is used to develop themes

-The the me of betrayal is brought out when Odie calls a senior government officer and gives
information about Wak’s lecture on democracy(1mk)
-The theme of immorality is highlighted as Odie acts a s the police and Wak acts as the boss and
both of them are portrayed as being immoral(1mk)
-The theme of dictatorship is highlighted as Odie the constable dictate terms (1mk). Wak the boss is
also dictatorial (1mk)

 Play within play has been used successfully to develop other styles
-When Odie acts a an informed on Wak, he says Wak gives a lecture about boss(leader)selling
staple food to south Africa, has built a skyscraper and carried out slave. this brings irony as a
style. The statement said is ironical of the boss.
-The style Allegory is brought out when the character are used to represent virtue and vice, for
example Wak stands for cowardice(1mk),Stella stands for peace making(1mk)
-Humour is highlighted as the character takes their different roles

Points: Introduction-2mks
Language and presentation-4mks
Well illustrates point-4mks
Conclusion -2mks

7. With close reference to the play ‘Shreds of Tenderness’, show why the title of the
text is a suitable one.

The term ‘Shreds of tenderness’ simply means lack of gentleness or care when dealing with
someone or something. It implies lack of love for one’s neighbour. (Consider any other contextu-
alized or general introduction)

The title ‘shreds of tenderness’ is appropriate because:

- The play explores Odie’s lack of tenderness toward his brother Wak. Odie betrays him to the SRB
and is ready to fake Wak’s death, and even puts his obituary in the papers, just to inherit their fa-
ther’s property alone.
- Brings out Odie’s lack of tenderness towards his sister, Stella. He treats her very roughly and is
insensitive to her feelings.
- The play explores Stella’s lack of tenderness towards her father. She is having an affair with Ma-
jor General Ali, who signed her father’s death warrant.
- The play explores lack of tenderness in the way refugees are reated intheir host country by every-
one, including the sweepers, the police and their professional colleagues. They insult them and
mistreat them even denying them basic human rights.
- The play explores lack of tenderness by Odie’s father. He openly favoured Wak and Stella as they
were growing up without caring Odie’s feelings and even disinherits Odie for no good reason.
This is in spite of Odie being older than Wak.
- The play explores the lack of tenderness by the soldiers who raided Stella’s school and brutalized
the nuns and the students. This is in spite of their profession that requires them to protect such
- The play also explores the lack of tenderness by the state authorities towards the citizens. Thisis
demonstrated in Odie’s experiments. The state is unconcerned about their plight and deaf to criss
of the citizens.
- - The play explores lack of tenderness towards those who are coming back from refuge. Those
who remained in the country treat them with disdain and make it difficult for them to settle down.
- conclusion: John Ruganda has successfully presented to the reader a society without love. The
players in the text handle and mistreat each other roughly portraying a society on the brink of col-
(Introduction – 02mks, conclusion 02mks, Grammar 04mks, content 12mks i.e. 3 x 4 pts)

8. Imagine that your school has organized a joint debate whose motion is: “Military take over should
not be given any room in this millennium.” Propose this motion using illustrations from John Ru-
ganda’s ‘Shreds of Tenderness’

Mr. /madam speaker, honourable member, I wish to propose the motion. a military takeovers is
the forceful change of government through over throwing an elected government. it is the rule by
the gun and in many cause the constitution is always/suspended to open way for dictatorship or
jungle law. The military buffoons heading the Janta are known to run down a country leaving it to
the dogs.
General approach
Expect any other reletant introduction.
What a coup is and its destructive nature should be captured
Approach accepted

M i) Citizen flee their country
Citizens are forced to seek refuge in foreign countries where they are faced with difficul-
ties-humiliation, degradation, sexual harassment.
An example is Wak, who strays in a foreign country as a refugee for 10yeara when his life
was in danger.
ii) Mayhem
The soldiers kill and rape i.e. 5doctors are killed on orders of Major General Ali etc.
Stella’s school is stormed by the platoon of General Ali and her and other girls, and nuns
are raped. She is even impregnated.
Miii) breaking down of social structures
Infrastructure facilities are in shambles-roads bombed, market stalls destroyed, Stella has
to drop out of school.
Miv) disconnection of family ties
Families bonds and ties are affected as members can no longer stay as one unit-walk goes
into exile, their father killed .mother sick in hospital.
M v) shortages.
Basic commodities lack-sugar, milk, beer, toilet paper etc are in short supply
Hospital lack vaccines.
M vi) corruption and grabbing of state resources
Katalikawe, a school drop out is immensely rich owning a tourist hotel etc. through grab-
Odie grabs the family estate.
Boss is accused of acquiring a skyscraper etc
M vii) fear/insecurity.
Wak flees due to fear for his life
Citizens are not sure of the future –can die anytime.
Odie fears wak’s return as he has illegally acquired the family estate.
M viii) Torture.
Odie is physically tortured when he goes to claim the body of the father-torture marks are
left on his body, scar on the face and goes crazy.
Expect four areas mark 3:3:3:3=12
The candidate must tie the destructive nature of a military regime to the fact that it should
not therefore be given room in the millemiun/age.
Conclusion =2marks
Mr. / Mrs. Speaker in conclusion, and in view of the points advance, no world leader
should tolerate military dictatorship as it is harmful to society.
Thank you.

9. Drawing your illustrations from John Ruganda’s ‘Shreds of Tenderness’, write an essay support-
ing the statement “Betrayal in human relationships lead to the suffering of both the betrayed and
the betrayer”.
The candidate may give a relevant general or contextualized introduction. The introduction may
also be both general and contextualized.
A full introduction scores 2 marks while a fair one scores one mark.

i) Odie betrays Wak to the SRB p 130-132
-Wak suffers as a refugee
-Odie suffers guilt and is mentality traumatized. He takes refugees in experiments
-Odie is tortured by the security forces

ii) Odie accuses Stella of betraying their dead father by befriending Major General Ali, the man
who signed their father’s death warrant p 29-32.
-Stella cries when Odie reminds her if this relationship p 31
-Stella father won’t have suffered had he learnt of the relationship.

iii) Odie betrayed his father to the SRB. Odie who loves alliterations wrote “Pepe spat on the
presidential portrait in a public bar p125
-due to this betrayal, Odie’s father is killed.
-Odie must have suffered from guilt as he tries to keep his involvement secret.
-Odie is likely to suffer for his betrayal p 134

iv) Refugees are betrayed by the host instead of being accepted. They are termed third rate
man-citizens always associated with hunger, deprivation and cheap labour. Pg 80-83
-Wak suffers as a refugee
-Dr. Rugendo suffers as a refugee
-hosts like Mr. no fear, Mr. Faren also suffers.

v) Odie feels betrayed by Stella, his sister, for accepting and supporting Wak, their half-brother.
“….sharing secrets together, scheming together, always leaving me out. As if I weren’t your
mother’s son.” p 49
“I would have puked when I saw the two of you toasting and hugging each other like frenzied ba-
boons in a dionysiac trance p23
-Due to this supposed betrayal by Stella Odie suffers loneliness
-towards the end of the play Stella suffers as she tries to make up to Odie and save him from
prominent punishment. She pleads with Wak to show Odie tenderness:
“I can’t believe this (desperate plea) Wak, do something please. You may not….but you can’t let
our………it does no one any harm to show some tenderness” pg133

A relevant conclusion following logically from the content. A full conclusion scores two marks
while a fair one scores one mark.
Mark 3:3:3:3 = 12
Grammar 4marks
I 2/2 S-] 12/12 G4/4 C2/2 =20marks

10. Write a composition on how the author has displayed the female character in the society.
Refer to John Ruganda’s “Shreds of Tenderness.”
- Can be general
- Can be specific
i) She is dignified
- Stella presides over the elections. The elections are free and fair pp 59 – 60
ii) She is a unifying agent
- Stella tries to reconcile Odie and Wak when he comes back from exile. She keeps reminding
him that Wak his brother pp 15, 16, 23
iii) They are caring/ motherly/ welcoming/ hospitable
- When Wak comes back from exile, Stella welcomes him home- they hug one
another, she offers him a drink pp 53, 54
- Is concerned about Odie. She realizes that she has been behaving strangely.
He needs a psychiatrist
iv) Subject of sexual harassment
- Major General Ali and his platoon attack Stella’s school. They rape the girls
and the nuns. Stella is left pregnant, wounded and admitted in hospital
- female refugees are harassed by the police officers
v) They are degraded in society
Odie says “I hate when people shout especially when it is a woman sister or no sister
Expect details
Accept any other relevant point
Mark 3: 3: 3: 3
- Can be general
- Can be a summary of his points
11. Write an essay on the plight of women in a country under civil strife. Refer to John
Rugandas’ Shreds of Tenderness

i) Introduction: In countries under civil strife. There is usually almost complete breakdown of
law and order. In such circumstances, it is the women who suffer most e.g. in countries such
as Somalia, the DRC, Uganda, Chad and more recently Kenya after the disputed 2007 general
election, women suffered most.

ii) Forced marriages: - (Pg 15) – Stella recounts the problems that women/ girls go through
E.g. forced marriages
NB: The suffering that stayes went through i.e. forced marriages
iii) Rapes/ sexual abuse:-
- Stella and other students and nuns are raped during a raid to the school/ convent (pg
- Stella is injured and hospitalized for 3 months
- Stella conceives/ becomes pregnant
- Odie describes Stella/ other students as piteous whimpering for life
Sexual harassment (pg 88- 96)
- Women as refugees are harassed they suffer e.g. Dr.Ruganda has to lie that she has
HIV/ AIDS to escape from the jaws of the soldiers at the border who want sexual
favours (pg 81) - Quote
“If you are a woman every blinking idiot wants to paw you”
- Women are sexually vulnerable
iv) Degradation/ verbal abuse/ humiliation:-
- From security agents, and immigration officials (pgs 81/89)
- Pg 88 – Stella refers to the sniffing officials as “dogs on heat”
- The women/ female refugees as referred to the derogatory manner i.e. tornado of
stench (pg 88) they are said to be smelly.
v) Assault:-
- Women are often physically assaulted (pg 11) by men because they are weak physically
E.g. when Stella tries to stop Odie from performing the experiments (She wants to
smash the jars), Odie grabs her fists and throws her violently to the ground. Violence
is meted on the women.
vi) Inheritance:-
- As far as inheritance is concerned, women/ girls are discriminated against. Nothing is
bequeathed to Stella. She inherits none of her father’s property.
- NB: It is Wak and Odie fighting over property (pg 20).
(Quote p 20)
“…………………. As the next of kin, Odie as the next male relative you stood to ben-
vii) Abandonment:
- Often women are left lonely/ become bread winners when husbands flee as refugees
e.g. Wak’s family suffer
viii) Victims of family break-ups / rivalries
- Stella is caught/ torn between the two fighting brothers i.e. Wak and Odie. As she tries
to pacify them, she gets hurt. She suffers physically and emotionally
It is from the forgoing that women are the greatest suffers. Therefore civil strife should be avoided
and women should play a greater role in ensuring that peace and stability prevails.
NB: Any other relevant conclusion to recap the main argument (Award 2/2 mks)

Expect any four well illustrated points for plight of women in a country under civil strife.
Mark 3 : 3 : 3 : 3 = 12
Introduction 2/2
Body content 12/12
Grammar 4/4
Conclusion 2/2

12 Write an essay on ironies in Shreds of Tenderness using at least 4 illustrations of irony

 Introduction – Irony is to do the opposite of what is expected
 Odie presents himself as aggrieved by the fact that Wak had fled the country for he is a great pa-
triot yet he is the one who forced him to flee after he had betrayed him to the dictatorial regime
that ruled the country then
 There is a dramatic irony when Odie re-enacts in a sort of reverie his earlier conversation with
the Major General Ali of the state Research Bureau in the presence of Wak. It is in that conver-
sation that he told on his brother Wak. He said that Wak was involved in activities that opposed
the oppressive government of the time and he was about to present a talk that would set the peo-
ple against the military government
 There I also dramatic irony in the act of soldiers sent to arrest Wak. They come across him and
unaware that it is him that they are looking for, they ask him to direct them to himself. As a re-
sult, he learns that he is being sought and misleads them and flees
 There is verbal irony in Odie’s words after Stella asks Wak where he has been and Odie inter-
sects saying sarcastically that he was serving the nation and that returnees are itching to recon-
cile, reconstruct and rehabilitate
 It is ironical that Odie who keeps trying to humiliate Wak by portraying him as a failure in
chaos that rocked the country is one who ends up being embarrassed. It is proved that he was a
traitor and was responsible for the troubles that Wak had with the government and which forced
him to flee for his life.

NB. Credit should be given to well illustrated points and relevance

 Mark 4 points of 4:4:4:4 (16) for well fully illustrated points
 Award 2 marks for introduction and 2 marks for conclusion

13. “Odie is his own enemy”. Write a composition to validate the truth of this statement in relation
to Shreds of Tenderness
Odie goes through many problems e.g. insecurity i.e. feel& his life is in danger, ha has been tor-
tured before being alcoholic and others. Many of his predicaments are self impused due to his be-
haviour or what he does.
- While his father was alive he did rpt relate well with him
- He failed in his studies unlike Wak -
— He misused family property
- He cheated that Walt was dead and arranged a mock funeral,
- He was arrested and tortured for giving ‘misleading’ information especially when Wak escaped
( 4x3 marks 12 .mks)
Conclusion . -
Candidate must indicate that Odie would not he as he is were it not for what has been discussed
Language - Grammar, presentation (paragraphing) and cohesion •.

14. Illustrating your answer with examples from Shreds of Tenderness, write an essay enti-
tled “The pivotal character traits of the Girl child.”

The pivotal role of the girl child

Introduction: A girl child plays a pivotal role in society as she is not only welcoming, loving, caring
and warm in her approach to issue but she also reconciles waring family members
e.g. the way Stella handles the Odie Wak conflict.
Content: Role of the girl child– Stella
(i) Welcoming (Accomodating/concerned/caring)
– Welcomes Wak
– Gives Wak food despite Odie’s protests
(ii) Loving – She ironically loves Wak more than she loves her real brother Odie.
- She loves Major General Ali regardless of the negative things associated with him.
(iii) Women exercise restraint. As a girl officer, Stella resists attempts to kill the Queen mother
saying that she is a woman like her.
(iv) Women are also reconciliators and voices of reason as they play reconciliatory roles at
moments of crisis/conflicts.
(v) Women are also selfless in a genuine competition Stella declines to go for the chairmanship in
the primer game and votes for Wak as she regards him a worthy completion regardless of not
being a blood brother.
(vi) - Women are known for neutrality
- She defends Wak against accusation about betrayal from Odie
- She also defends Odie when Wak almost shot him
(any other relevant points can be accepted.)
Conclusion – to sum up a girl child really plays a crucial role in the society since without
Stella there would have been a total disintegration of this extended family
of the late Minister for tourism.
(Accept any 4 well illustrated points)
(3 + 3 + 3+ 3 = 12mks)
Introduction – 2mks
Conclusion – 2mks
Grammar – 4mks

15. Odie’s father is an epitome of an African man. Discuss. (20mks)

 He is materialistic – had a vast land.
 Male chauvinist – Does not allocate Stella any inheritance.
 Discriminative – He likes Wak because he is educated.

16. Using illustrations form John Ruganda; “Shreds of Tenderness” Write a composition and show
that sibling rivalry is dangerous

Introduction (2mks)
Rivalry is the conflict that exist between two brothers as shown in the play ‘shreds of tenderness’
(Accept any valid introduction)
Content: 12mks
1. There is competition to out do each other
2. Leads to break up of families
3. People kill each other
4. Resources e.g. family property are wasted while they could have been used in a better way
5. Leads to betrayal
 Get illustrations from the play
 Any 4 points well illustrated each - 3+:3+3+3=12mks
 Show that if here had been no rivalry, Wak and his siblings would be having a better
life than what they currently have despite the war.

17. Write a composition showing the problems caused by war

Introduction: (2 mks)
- Candidate to show possible causes of war e.g. misrule and hint at possible problems likely to
Contents: (12 mks)
- Refugee problems causes war
- Neglect by the international community including UNHCR causes war
- Insecurity for all people whether refugees or not causes war
- Death can spark war
- Separation/ break up of families can cause war
- Revenge is likely on both victors and victims of atrocities
- Destruction of property causes war
- (Any 4 points :3:3:3:3)
Show that war is not a solution to problems in any country
Linguistic mark : 4 marks


1. Using illustrations from Velma Polland’s ‘Homestretch’, write an essay on the problems a
Black person is likely to encounter while in America and England (20mks)
There are things that make black people to lead hard, painful and miserable lives in Britain
and USA. These include racial prejudice, job frustration, loneliness, harsh weather condi-
tions, overworking among others.
Racial prejudice / hatred
- The English job market frustrated Brenda because the whites have only mop and brooms (ground
flooor) for any black no matter how educated he/ she is. She says, “They made my upper second
feel like saw dust in my hands”
- To escape the frustrations of the job market, Brenda begged the head of English to take her in for
a masters in English
Job frustrations
- Blacks are made to lower their job expectations
- Edith’s friend, who had the same teacher qualifications s Edith is not hired immediately, so eco-
nomic necessity forces her to do a nanny’s job taking care of peoples babies
- Similarly, David’s carpentry skills are not useful abroad. He is forced to work in a factory
Human coldness/ lack of social company
- There is too much suffering that makes people to lose their senses. For example, too much suffer-
ing makes black factory workers not to bother to respond to each other’s greetings
Disillusionment/ despair
- David left home expecting something new and exciting in his new place- but he is exploited/
sapped for 30 years
- He feels bone- deep tiredness after leaving England
- Moreover, he suffers a stroke weeks before he returns to Jamaica
- He is retiring but has nothing – his 30 years have been wasted. He says, “Is not two pence of life
over there, you know,”
Different education systems in England and America
- A young black woman has problems adjusting to school life in America and England for example
Brenda is placed in grade nine
- She has to go through diagnostic and placement tests
- Brenda and other students were put in the home room, this has a negative impact on her school
Dehumanizing life:
- David feels that he had gone to England to become a child again because he felt out of place- tak-
ing orders in the factories while at home (West Indies) David was a master of himself
Extremely cold weather:
- David found it difficult to learn to dress clothes for the cold English weather
- David also found it difficult learning to save coins for the heater because the pittance he earned
was not enough to buy a heater
- David suffers stroke after being overworked for 30 years
- The shock of retiring having acquired practically nothing in England caused the stroke
- He worked for long tiring hours
- Similarly, black nurses are oppressed in America
- Night duty for days on end is what American’s have waited for black nurses

2. Illustrating your answers with examples from Homestretch write an essay on how any three
women offer help to Brenda in the foreign country.

(i) Mrs Saul *MNY*

- Her understanding nature is well portrayed during this visit for she gives the children a chance to
speak about their country and to stick small paper hearts with their names on the gift of a map she
had brought. She understands their loneliness. Her reassuring nature boosts their pride and self-
She gives Brenda a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on as Brenda tells her of her problems of
slow adjustment in school and of the hostile environment at home. This eases Brenda’s frustra-
She speaks to the teacher and the students running the home room to give some attention to
Brenda ad his makes the home room rime more bearable for Brenda. This shows her concern for
She offers to take a letter to Brenda’s mother from Brenda. This shows her kindness and makes
Brenda to contact her mother
Due to her genuine concern for Brenda, she speaks to Mrs. to Mrs. Stewart, Brenda’s father’s
boss, who in turn talks to Ivan to allow her to help Brenda. This turns out to be of great help to
She writes a letter to Brenda telling her that she (Brenda) should write to the whenever she wanted
to talk to someone. Thus she offers her friendship to Brenda.

(ii) Mrs. Joy Stewart

– Her pleasant, warm, motherly nature is evident as she invites Brenda to feel free to use her
hands to take her food as people do back home in Jamaica
– Her reassuring and sociable nature makes Brenda feel at home. She reveals to Brenda that
she knew Brenda’s grandmother very well, telling her how she used to visit the grand-
mother who would give her grater cake and then watch her so that she does not steal the
guavas at the gate. This makes Brenda feel she can trust her since she knows her people
– Her concern makes her ask Brenda about her progress in school work and even offers to
have her daughter Joan help Brenda with her school work
– She offers Brenda a chance to work with her in the office for twenty dollars a week and
this makes Brenda able to meet her personal needs.
– When Brenda takes a computer course she offers her a job paying her 200 dollars a week.
This helps Brenda a lot
– Her hospitable nature is evident when she offers Brenda a place to stay for the summer be-
fore she joins her father in England.
– Brenda feels that staying with Stewards made all the difference in the world at a time she
felt the need for support (p72)
– As Brenda prepares to leave for England, she reassures her that all will be okay in England
Pg 72
(iii) Joan Stewart
– She proves very helpful to Brenda in aiding her to improve in English and her American history
– She is generous enough to give Brenda her clothes easing Brenda’s cloth problem
– Joan’s kindness is portrayed when she allows Brenda to use her library thus giving her a chance to
improve he academic work
– Her association with Brenda helps Brenda to become self-confident
- reap and suggestion of positive opinion on the way forward

3. Write a composition on experiences which forced Brenda to develop negative attitude towards Ja-
maica. Give illustrations from Velma pollard’s “Homestretch”
Brenda is bitter with Jamaica when she makes entry at Kingston Airport. She disagrees with the
customs officer about paying duty on items she feels are personal effects .she complains of the
dirty streets
The following are reasons why she is irritated:
 -she believes Jamaica threw her out when she was young-14 yrs. She expected comfort in the for-
eign land but didn’t get. She lived with a father she did not know and whom did not protect her.
 The stepmother and sister antagonized her e.g. hurled abused at her, they disapproved of her
clothes as not fit, they were not happy to have her
 -The frustrations at school in America brought out the rebellious nature in her. She went through
many placement and diagnostic tests to get the right class
 -Brenda felt that she had no control over life. She moves with the father to England where adjust-
ing is a challenge.
 At the college she is discriminated “she felt that the teachers didn’t like her”
NB :-expect more illustration from the text
Mark any 4 well illustrated points by each 3:3:3:3 = (12marks)
Opinion of how Brenda is displeased with the treatment she gets and how this made her
develop negative attitude towards Jamaica.

4. “Home stretch” is a novel that explores the search for identify and belonging. Discuss
the validity of this statement basing your answer on Velma Pollard’s novel, “Home Stretch.”
– Introduction
- General introduction n identity and belonging
- Definition of key terms: identify and belonging
Body/ content
- The Jamaicans and Africans in diaspora face an identity crisis. They can neither return to
Africa nor can they be integrated in the “Mother country” and any other country that they go
to work and study
- The carribeans are a people caught up in a cultural dilemma. The culture is neither Western
nor African
- Some Jamaicans are referred to as “dry land tourists” because they were pretending to be
Americans, they refused to identify themselves as Jamaicans
- Most Jamaicans go to the US or England, Brenda is considered to be lucky to go to the USA
- Brenda’s father faces an identity crisis. His second marriage in the USA does not work out
well. He migrates to England where he marries a third wife. But could still sense a feeling of
homelessness and placeless ness in his life. He is not fully settled in the diaspora.
- David and Edith do not find a belonging in England where they go to work, instead their stay
there even threatens their marriage. The working environment is very demanding and they
have no time for one another. The Europeans relate with them as workers and no more
- David suffers a stroke a few days before he comes back to Jamaica. The “healing rivers” and
the friendly atmosphere make him comfortable and relieve his pain. He belongs to Jamaica.
David and Edith find satisfaction and contentment back at home
- Brenda left Jamaica at age fourteen before she called it home, she feels out of place in the
USA where she lives with her father, her step mother and her step sister
- Brenda feels alienated at school too. She has to do a lot of placement tests. In the end
she is not fully integrated to the American society
- ( 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: = 12 marks)
- Conclusion ( 2 marks)
- Language and presentation

5 Write a composition on the challenges that immigrants encounter. Refer to the novel Home-
stretch” Velma Pollard.

Challenges immigrants encounter.

(i) – When moving there is the problem of disposal of property that one can’t carry.
- There’s a lot of documentation i.e need to have passports certificates e.g birth certificates.
- Moving is time consuming and tiresome i.e packing and unpacking.
- Emotional breakdown due to families being torn when David and Edith leave for
England other (family) relatives are left in Jamaica/Loneliness.
(ii) – Unfriendly climatic conditions in foreign countries. Edith and David find England
to be too cold for them.
- Loss of personal freedom. David realizes that he has no piece of land for himself to
Do what he pleases and that he has to follow instructions from other people yet
Back home he was a boss over himself.
(iii) – There is social discrimination. David is discriminated by his workmates at the factory.
While at the factory they pretend to chat with him but once outside none Seems to be famil-
iar with him and even fail to respond to his greetings.
- Brenda feels she’s been despised by schoolmates in Jamaica due to her strong American
discriminatory as she is subjected various tests before admission and is even referred to a
lower grade.
- Immigrants have difficulty in social adjustments. Brenda falls in love with Milton a Nige-
rian student who later dumps her.
(iv) - There is a problem in getting employment. David finds it difficult to get a job in England.
- Working conditions are unfavorable i.e too long working hours.
(v) - Medical challenges. David gets a stroke perhaps due to the Stressful/demanding nature of
the working conditions. David’s medical condition put emotional stress on Edith.

- introduction - 2 marks
- 4 well illustrated points – 12 marks (4x3)
- Language – 4 marks
- Conclusion – 2 marks.

6. “One can make home be the best place by engaging in community development activities”
With close reference to Velma pollard’s Homestretch’, write an essay to show how David and
Edith prove the validity of the above statement.

-Edith started a girls group to attend to the deteriorating church and to renovate it
-Edith saw that children below 7yrs were no longer going to school but instead fetched water. im-
mediately she sought help from several agencies, she paid teachers, sliced out rent from her
rent town house to cater for the young ones education
-Edith started a public service at home. It was called the book mobile
-David sacrificed so much time and resources to provide and make furniture for the classmate a t
the school in woods village.
-David taught the boys carpentry.
-David and Edith planted vines and others plants including vegetables
Conclusion: Home became the best place to stay in as even David who ca me back ill found
cure back hoe from medicinal spar.
Marks: Introduction-2mks
Language and presentation-4mks
Body: 6 points, well illustrated, 2mks each =12marks

7. Specifically focusing on Brenda in the novel, ‘Homestretch’ by Velma Pollard; Write a composi-
tion to illustrate how early childhood experiences shape one’s perception of life.
Optional set text
Specifically focusing on Brenda in the novel ‘Homestretch by Velma Pollard, write a composition
to illustrate how early childhood experiences shape one’s perception of life.

The way a person responds or relates to issues in life is many times determined by the experiences he
or she had encountered in life. If a person has suffered from discrimination and mistreatment, he or
she is likely to be suspicious of other people’s motives and actions. Then such a person is likely to be
aggressive and confrontational.
When we first meet Brenda in the novel she is having confrontation with a customs official at the air -
port and she is quite negative towards the officials. A lot of this can be explained when we look at her
earlier life.

- Brenda moved to the U.S in her teens to live with a father she barely knew. She suffered harass-
ment from Johnie and her daughter at home, and she found a lot of trouble adjusting at school.
- - She relocates to England and she has to readjust t another of her father’s ‘women and to high
school in a third country. She had no control over her life. She was tense at the thought of another
adjustment to a different school.
- -She suffers prejudice at college because of being black and speaking in an American accent. She
was shy and insecure. She appeared proud to the Jamaicans because of her accent.
- She tries to be different and gangs jump with Africans but she gets disappointed by her Nigerian
- At the end of it, Brenda didn’t have even one positive word to say about England.
- When we first meet her, her frustrations come out in form of anger, confrontation and unrealistic
ideals. She is unhappy with the customs officers with the drivers on the roads, and with the envi-

Conclusion :-Thus Brenda’s view of reality has been distorted by the emotional hurts she has gone
through as a result of the discrimination in the US and in England.
Consider any other relevant conclusion
(Expect any four well illustrated pts each 3mks)
Introduction -02mks
Content – 3+3+3+3 = 12mks
Language = 4mks
Conclusion =2mks

8. Write an essay showing how Brenda’s contact with Laura changes her attitude towards Jamaica.
Brenda’s initial attitude to Jamaica is that of pessimism, however, her encounter with Laura
changes this to one of patriotism.
Accept any other relevant introduction but the changes in attitude must be captured.(otherwise do
not award any mark)
A i) Laura’s company
Laura is good company for Brenda and share with her experiences that have helped Brenda look
at Jamaica more positively as opposed to the previous negative mage.
She now appreciates and creates interest in Jamaica. After her tour of Jamaica with Anthony,
Brenda writes back to Laura about the attraction of Jamaica (p181)
ii) Promotion of Jamaica’s image abroad
Brenda, Laura and Anthony raises funds to sponsor the English youth club to tour Jamaica (pp
iii) Patriotism
Brenda rediscovers Jamaica. She finds her “Jamaican self”p51 she feels one with Jamaica and she
is proud of her country.
She markets her country facilities abroad through mails (p185)
iv) Building friendship
The friendship of David and Edith is part of the Jamaica that Laura gives to Brenda.
expect all the four points and mark 3:3:3:3:=12marks
The influence of a friend can either change one in a positive or negative way. Brenda is positively
influenced by Laura to be patriotic
expect any other relevant conclusion=2marks
grammar=4 marks

9. With illustrations from the novel ‘Homestretch’, write an essay on the problems that people who mi-
grate to foreign countries encounter

Introduction (2marks)
Many people go to foreign countries hoping to enjoy better standards of living, but they end up suf-
fering due to racial dissemination, bad weather and even educational adjustment.
Accept any other valid introduction.


P(i)difficult in finding jobs/job discrimination
 David’s case]
 Edith friend’s case] pg 6
 Brenda’s case pg 90-91
P(ii) pressure at work place
 This makes David and Edith lose their closeness as a couple pg 7
 People lack time to have proper meals pg 41
 Leads to David getting a stroke
P (iii) Difficult to adjust to different weather
 David pg 7
 Brenda pg 62,74
P (iv) Racial discrimination that leads to psychological trauma
 David and Edith pg 20-21 ,30-32
 Brenda pg 75-76 ,90
P (v) Difficult in educational adjustment
 Brenda finds it hard to adjust to America system of education pg 59-60
 She also finds it taxing to adjust from America system to British curriculum
P (vi) Strange meals
Those who migrate find it difficult in adjusting to new types of meals and miss their meals they are
used to e.g. Brenda pg 75-78

Accept any other relevant point

Mark 3:3:3:3 = 12
Indeed most people who migrate to other counties face numerous problems in the foreign counties
as exemplified in the points above
Accept any valid conclusion

GRAMMAR (4marks)
Award a numerical language mark depending on the sore in the point vis-à-vis the communication
ability of the candidate.

10. Write a composition on the beauty of homecoming after a period of absence abroad.
Draw your illustrations from Velma Pollards Homestretch

Introduction - In the novel many characters had once migrated from Jamaica and lived in Dias-
pora to seek fortune. However, life there has proved to be full of hardships. When
they come back home, they find joy
(i) David and Edith
Have lived in England for 30 years
- Life has proved difficult
- Had no time to be socialized with friends and neighbors
- Had little time to be together since they worked in different places
- Were subjected to long working
- David suffered a stroke just before coming back from Jamaica
- Life changes tremendously upon their return from Jamaica
- They get a warm reception from Laura
- They socialize with long time friends (Charley)
- They involve themselves in community work
ii) Brenda
- Is frustrated in America
- Mistreated by her step mother
- Lacks basic necessities like clothes (pp 58)
- Cant fit in the education system
- When Brenda later makes a trip to Jamaica, she ends up appreciating the cultural heritage e.g.
food, dance environment after attending several tours in Jamaica (pp 68 – 98)
iii) Anthony
- Does not enjoy life in America
- Has taken a degree in engineering but not satisfied
- Has not come back to Jamaica every time he gets an opportunity (pp 101)
- He intends to come back and live in Jamaica (pp 101)
- Together with Brenda, he makes several tours in Jamaica which makes them appreciate the Ja-
maican cultural heritage (pp 160 – 169)
- Mark 4: 4: 4
2 marks

11. Using at least two characters from Velma Pollards Homestretch write an essay on the role
played by women in the community.
1. Introduction
Over the generations, women have been looked down upon the society. They have been seen as
tools of procreation and domestic servants. These women include: Edith, Laura, Brenda
Mama Joy, Mrs. Saul and Mrs. Stewart

2. Body
- Loving, determined and a hard- working lady who strives to improve the living stan-
dards of the community both in Woods and in England
- She gives the church a face – lift with the help of the school girls
- Initiates reintroduction of basic school and is even willing to use her own resources at
the beginning
- In Birmingham she teaches the West Indian children to play the organ
- She is instrumental in helping David settle down in Jamaica. She encourages him
when he decides to make furniture to the school, to restore his self confidence
- She gives part- time domestic science lessons to the senior girls from the local school
-Responsible and friendly young woman
-She helps her aunt and uncle to settle down in Jamaica
-She organizes for the renovation of their houses
-Level headed, dedicated to David and Edith
-Arranges of myrtle to meet David and Edith after 30 years. They organize a trip to
Milk River
- Advises Brenda on how to choose courses at the University when they meet in Eng-
Brenda :Strong determined and aggressive
- Brought up almost single handedly by the mother
- Experiences racial prejudice in her place of work but plays the role of exposing Ja-
maican culture to the world through journalism e.g. coverage of events of Men to yard
- She is the driving force in the idea of bringing West Indian children to Jamaica
Mama joy:
- Loving, patient and committed though a victim of teenage pregnancy. Struggles to
bring up Brenda through good education and counsel, through to university in US
- Goes to school in middle age to fulfill her dreams
These women characters prove that women have a vital role to play in the community and at
At least two roles for three characters each = 12 mks (mark 4 : 4 : 4)
Grammar and presentation = 4 mks
Introduction and conclusion 2 mks *

12. “If well planned for, retirement is not to be feared. It can in fact be a useful period in a person’s
life.” Basing your reasoning on what happens in the novel ,write a composition to explain
this statement.
Introduction – With proper planning retirement need not to be a time of stress in a person’s life.
With proper planning and utilization of time, retirees can infact make useful contri-
butions to the communities
i) On education
David and Edith decide to be useful and would work to improve education in the village
- Edith is determined to give children under seven access to education
- David makes his project to provide for the village school. He becomes the woodwork
teacher while Edith teaches girls domestic work and uses them to dress the church on

ii) Catalyst of development

- Jamaica becomes poor but David and Edith become catalysts of development and be-
cause of their efforts, government/ service activities commence with the grading of
road in the village
- The villages economy starts to grow as more stock is added to shops, more traffic
starts to pass through the village and young people working in towns start coming to
the village
iii) David and Edith rediscover their closeness in Jamaica
- In Jamaica they are happy and relaxed
- They can sit and enjoy breakfast, something that was unheard of in England
- They can also entertain friends in their new home
- They can relieve their favourite pass- time of reading for one another and pleasure.
Edith found a joke in a book she was reading and called David to share it
iv) Farming David and Edith are able to find time to do some-gardening- growing flowers and
- The climax of their happiness at returning home is experienced during the occasion of
their first anniversary of returning to Jamaica when Laura gathers so many relatives
together for celebrations
v) Proper saving
- Edith and David used to send money to Laura and she on her part used to renovate
their house. They had not sold their house when they left for England like so many
others who sold their houses when they went to live in England
- They had also saved money that would enable them live comfortably in Jamaica
- Laura had helped them buy a house from where they were drawing rent
- Both were also receiving pension

But all in all, David and Edith’s life is one of success and serves to illustrate that people in retire-
ment can indeed make useful contributions to their communities

NB - Credit should be given to well illustrated points and relevance

- Every point to be given two illustrations
- Mark 4 points for 4:4:4:4 (16) for well illustrated points
- Award 2 marks for introduction and 2 marks for conclusion

3. Write a composition on challenges! Problems experienced by Africans in the diaspora.

Draw your illustrations from the novel Homestretch by Velma Pollard.

Introduction: Living in the Diaspora is portrayed as demanding and challenging experience. It is

a life of adjustment and settlement is elusive in the process one suffers uncertainty, nostalgia,
loneliness and discrimination
Points I
Racial discrimination — David discriminated against in England, where he had $o luxury for
rest and Whites would not like to be seen with him however they work with him. Elsewhere
Brenda reveals open racism while she searched for a job . Whites have one place for blacks — the
ground floor, manual work. Anthony also comments that America think about colour everyday.
Loneliness — David and Edith work for the motherland but never get to belong this society. The
working life is demanding to the extent of alienating David and Edith from each other. The had no
time to sit, chat and interact with people. The only thing they common with whit* man is work.
Brenda it as well haunted by feelings of rejection, placeless and homelessness as he leaves Ja-
maica before she calls it home and in America she is a stranger to the father, stepmother and step-
Weather — When Brenda retreats to England she finds the place cold and unbearable. It rained
most of the time
Nostalgia — there is longing for the past sweet memories e.g. Brenda has feeling of childhood
with the grandmother
Sickness! mental torture — Due to the experiences of discrimination and exploitation it is clear
that those who go to America don’t return while normal. For example David returns on a wheel
chair while others like Miss Betty’s daughter and Miss Gerald’s son are mad
(Any 4 points 4x3 = 12mks)
Conclusion: The humble appeal to African’s is that they be proud of their islands and find a
lasting home there

14. Despite challenges, women still become usefully successful. Using any two of the characters
given below from Pollard’s novel ‘Homestretch’ support this statement.
(i) Brenda
(ii) Edith
(iii) Mama Joy

(i) She is neglected by her father in early childhood
(ii) Faces discrimination in America (in the school homeroom)
(iii) Lives with a hostile step mother in America.
(iv) Suffers the cold weather of Britain
(v) Faces discrimination in a University in Britain

(i) She succeeds in education e.g.-Writes winning essays
- Gets As in high school
- Achieves a second upper degree in University
- Studies for masters
(ii) She supports/intercedes for Jamaican children in school
(iii) She organizes a tour for Jamaican children to Jamaica
(iv) She becomes a successful journalist
(v) She builds a house for her mother

EDITH- Challenges
(i) Together with David, she had gone to seek employment in Britain
(ii) Overworked in Britain
(iii) Alongside David, she suffers racial discrimination in Britain
(iv) Her love with David is affected by the hostile circumstances in Britain
(v) She has no children
(vi) Her husband (David)suffers a stroke n Britain)

(i) Useful in her employment in England
(ii) She and her husband (David) supported Laura when her mother passed on
(iii) She was a loving/devoted wife to David. She nurses him when he undergoes a stroke
(iv) Back in Jamaica, she teaches domestic matters to girls
(v) She assists in the local church
(vi) She resettles successfully back in Jamaica

MAMA JOY- Challenges

(i) She is by her lover once she becomes pregnant
(ii) Initially, she struggle to bring up Brenda alone
(iii) She suffers unemployment until later in life when she joints teaching

(i) Despite neglect by the husband, she takes care of Brenda
(ii) Trains and acquires a job later life
Any two characters
Each character challenges – at least 3 x2mks = 6mks
Usefulness – at least 3 x 2mks =6mks
Total 12mks
Introduction -2mks
Body – 12mks
Conclusion -2mks
Language – 4mks Total – 20mks
(N/B - Accept any other relevant points on the above characters)
- If the candidate does not bring out the two areas i.e. challenges and usefulness,
(mark each point out of (3mks)

15. Using illustrations from Velma Pollard; “Homestretch” write an essay how Laura helps Edith
and David to settle down in Jamaica.

Introduction – 2mks
Brief introduction of who Laura is
Explanation of why Edith and David need help
Content (12mks)

1. She renovates and furnishes their house

2. she designs the house with a view to maintaining the old architectural plan Edith and David
were used to
3. She receives them at the airport and has transport ready to take them home
4. She relates with them as her real parents
5. She does not spare any effort to ease Edith and David’s adjustments to life in Jamaica after
thirty years in Britain
(any 4 points well illustrated each 3+3+3+3=12mks)
N/B: Get illustrations from the novel
conclusion – 2mks)
We need to help someone who is in problems. This is seen when Laura helped Edith and David to
settle down (accept any valid conclusion)

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