PR1 WEEK 2-3-4 Final XX PDF
PR1 WEEK 2-3-4 Final XX PDF
PR1 WEEK 2-3-4 Final XX PDF
questions 3. Multiple research approaches and methods that allows you to plan
8. Internal analysis on examining the data yielded by the internal traits of the
subject persons.
4. Content and Discourse Analysis-
• Content Analysis- is a research technique that analyzes the modes
of communication such as letters, e-mails etc.
(2) Intellectual Biography- narrative of a life through the conceptual analysis
of the subject’s motives and beliefs within the world of ideas. e.g. “Life and
Works of Dr. Jose Rizal” (3) Life History Writing- recording of life memories,
experiences, whether one’s or another’s.
e.g. “The Hardships of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW’s)”.
(4) Memoir Biography- stylistic presentation of the biographer’s reflections
and insights in relation to the factual account of life.
e.g. “The Experiences of Stranded Students in the COVID-19 Pandemic”
(5) Narrative Biography-a nonfiction account of life experiences of a
(2018). Qualitative
Research: Importance in Daily Life [PowerPoint] available online with
On the table below, draft your proposed topics for a research paper. The
first column is for the topic, second for the purpose and third for the type of
qualitative research to be used. Give five topics.
Purpose Type of Qualitative
Topic Research
Example: To determine the Phenomenological
Post Traumatic experiences of those
Experiences of the survivors in the COVID-19
COVID-19 Survivors phenomena.
II. Name the type of qualitative research best suited for the following topics.
a. Grade 11 Science Textbook_____________________________
b. Filipino COVID-19 Front liners in Europe____________________
c. Travails of SHS Graduates in Public Schools_________________
d. The Ifugao Wedding Practices____________________________
e. Relatives of COVID-19 Victims____________________________
1. “A student really idolizes his English teacher who is very expert in grammar and
literature. The former wants to write a scholarly chronicle about the latter’s
experiences including his family background, how he achieved his success in
life, his likes and dislikes, his achievements and struggles in life.” What type of
qualitative research should a student employ?
a. Historical Research
b. Discourse Analysis
c. Biography
d. Narrative Report
2. It is a qualitative research in which data related to the past events are
systematically collected and evaluated to describe potential causes, effects, or
trends related to those events. a. Historical Research
b. Discourse Analysis
c. Biography
d. Narrative Report
3. All of the following are strengths of qualitative research EXCEPT
a. Explores sensitive issues
b. Captures diversity of experiences and perceptions
c. Allows participants to freely exchange ideas
d. Proves a certain theory or principle
4. Which of the following is one of the weaknesses of a qualitative research?
a. Results are limited as they provide less elaboration of human
b. Data created through qualitative research are always accepted.
c. Data analysis involving numerical data is difficult.
d. There is a limited review of related literature or in-depth information about
the topic.
5. Which of the following is EXCLUDED from the importance of qualitative
research in daily life?
a. Qualitative unveils individual’s perception, feelings and attitudes about a
certain phenomenon.
b. Qualitative research allows the researcher to immerse in the community
where the participants live.
c. Qualitative research stimulates people’s interdependence or
interpersonal relationship.
d. Qualitative research lets the researcher to validate the previously
constructed theory or principle.
6. It is the most familiar and applicable type of qualitative research which refers to
the investigation of a culture through an in-depth study of the members of the
cultural society
a. Ethnography
b. Phenomenology
c. Grounded Theory
d. Case Study
7. It is primarily used to generate theory through relevant information taken from
very reliable sources and its focus is theory development.
a. Ethnography
b. Phenomenology
c. Grounded Theory
d. Case Study
8. Which of the following types of qualitative research is designed to focus on the
commonality of a “lived experience” with a particular group and its aim is to
determine what an experience means for the persons who have had the
experience of living in a certain community which is the subject of the research?
a. Ethnography
b. Phenomenology
c. Grounded Theory
d. Case Study
9. It is an exploration of a “bounded system” over time through detailed, in-depth
data collection involving multiple sources of information rich in interesting
stories. a. Ethnography
b. Phenomenology
c. Grounded Theory
d. Case Study
10.It is a qualitative research which analyzes the language “beyond the sentence”.
It is the study of the ways in which language is used by the people, both written
and spoken contexts. a. Historical Research
b. Discourse Analysis
c. Biography
d. Narrative Report.
2. Naturalistic Approach
• A people-oriented approach focusing on discovering the real concept
or meaning behind people’s lifestyles and social relations.
• Present things qualitatively through verbal language. Using words as
unit of analysis.
• Bases determining universal social values to define ethical and
unethical that society ought to know, not only for the benefit of
individual and community but also for the satisfaction of man’s quest
for knowledge.”
(Sarandakos 2013; Ransome 2013)
man’s experiences in the field of Fine Arts, Literature, Music, Drama, Dance
and other artistically inclined subjects.
Humanistic Categories
1. Literature and Art Criticism
Focus on language depends on interpretative and reflective thinking.
2. Philosophical Research
The focus of inquiry is on knowledge and principles of being and on the
manner human beings conduct themselves on Earth.
• Moreover, any form of knowledge, factual or opinionated and any
statistical or verbal expression of this knowledge are deduced from
human experience that is subjective. (Hollway 2013; Letherby 2013)
1. What are the three types of approach to basic research? Describe each
Activity 2
Given the following Research topics, name the specific subject on each topic and
give the importance on researching such topic in a person’s day to day life. The
first one
is done for you.
Activity 3
I. Ask somebody whom you know has already done a research work
or is currently conducting a research study. Ask him the details of
his study and tabulate the results from your interview with him.
1. Title
Prepared by:
School Principal 1
Practical Research 1
The Subject Matter of the Research
Quarter 3 Week 3-4
Name: _______________________________________ Score: _______
Year & Strand: _________________________________ Date: ________
Learning Activity Sheet
Background Information
Developing a good research topic may not be easy for you but it is an
important skill. Your teacher may assign you a particular topic but often requires
you to choose a topic that interests you .In this lesson you are given the guidelines
in choosing a topic when you begin your research work. These pointers will guide
you in selecting a good topic. Other factors affecting in choosing and writing your
research are topics that need to be avoided this will help you focus clearly on
your subjects. Likewise the sources of information are important for you to know
where your research topic may come from.
Learning Competency: The learner designs a research project related to daily life;
writes a research title; provides the justification/reasons for conducting the research;
states research question; indicates the scope and delimitation of research; cites
benefits and beneficiaries of research; presents written statement of the problem.
Subject matter: The effects of the use of cell phones on the academic
Population to senior high school students
Place or locale: at Department of Education
Time period: during the first semester, school year 2018-2019
4. Limitations on the subject. Connect your choice with course requirements. You
need to decide on one topic to finish your course.
2. Hard-to-investigate subjects.
Happens if there are no available reading materials about it and if such materials
are not up-to-date.
5. Vague subjects.
Titles beginning with indefinite adjectives such as several, many, some, etc., as
“Some Remarkable Traits of a Filipino” or “Several People’s Comments on the
RH Law,” are vague enough to decrease the readers’ interests and curiosity.
3. Professional periodicals like College English Language Teaching Forum,
English Forum, the Economist, Academia, Business Circle, Law Review, etc.
3. Where can you find sources of research topics to create ideas of selecting a
good subject matter?
Example: Topic Chocolate
Topic Chocolate
What new questions do you have about Are there health benefits to eating
your topic? chocolate? Can chocolate boost your
mood? Is chocolate addictive?
Activity 3: Direction: Identify how a research project is described on the
following statements. Encircle the letter of the correct answer
c. They are not of interest to you
d. They do not lead to another question
8. A business student plans a research project; it is called a description of an
online business. On the limited information (the title), which one of these best
applies to the idea?
a. It is too broad.
b. It is a highly technical subject.
c. It has an acceptable method.
d. It has an acceptable purpose.
9. What is the main advantage of producing a written research project?
a. Helps with liability.
b. Helps the society.
c. Informs all interested parties.
d. Helps keep people employed.
10. Good research proposals will always:
a. Focus on the written style.
b. Provides respondent names and addresses.
c. Consider all possible research previously been done on the topic.
d. Focus on addressing the research objectives.
d. They do not lead to another question
Others have sections such as Objectives of the Study, Hypotheses but these will
not be considered in this lesson
A problem is “any significant, perplexing, and challenging situation, real or
artificial, the solution of which requires reflexive thinking”. In research, it is known
as the research topic or research title.
d. Rationale of the study - Give the reason(s) why the study should be
visited several colleges and universities to collect pamphlets and sent them
back to Vanuatu for educational awareness. The Ni-Vanuatus became aware
and decided to send students to study in the Philippines. The first two schools
to receive Vanuatu students were AMA Computer College in Dasmariñas,
Cavite and Air Link Aviation College in Paranaque City. The researcher came
to know Cavite State University (CvSU) in 2009 and transferred from AMA.
Do‘s! Don’ts!
Explain the importance of your o Write a background that is too long or
Talk about the main developments o Be ambiguous in your writing,
and missing links and gaps indisorganized and discuss unrelated
your subjects.
research area
Focus on the relevant aspects of o Forget the reader may not be
your study explaining how it will familiar with the details of your
lead to the progress of scientific work.
Engage your findings in a o Elaborate on your background
Articulate your ideas in a clear o Forget to provide a historical
and concise manner perspective
Engage the readers by building a o Forget to check your target journal’s
story around the central theme instruction for presenting the
of your research study background
It is composed of
1.The general statement of the problem (the purpose statement) and 2. The
specific subproblems or sub-questions (or research questions).
1. The general statement of the problem and the research questions should be
formulated first before conducting the research.
4. Answers to each research question can be interpreted apart from the answers
to the other specific questions and must contribute to the development of the
whole research study.
8. The summary of the answers to all the specific questions will give a complete
development of the entire study.
This research aims to develop an evaluation model of a web-based tool used in test
administration for Grade 11 and 12 students. (Leanillo, 2016)
1. What are the commonly used web-based tools used in test administration?
2. How are these web-based test tools evaluated?
3. How could evaluation model be designed for web-based test administration?
IV. Sco and Delimitation of Research
C.Scope and Delimitation of the Study1
Scope of a Study
It is the coverage of the research to be explored which includes the facts and
theories about the subject
A research study on the impact of social networking on the attitude of senior high
school learners.
Delimitation of a Study
1. Sample size.
a. The research design and method will determine whether if it is small or
large sample size.
b. The sample size will determine the quality of data and the relationships
that will be identified among the variables.
4. Chosen data collection method.
The quality of data collected must be clear to avoid erroneous answers from the
6. Access.
The amount and quality of available data will depend on the ability of
the researcher to access people, organizations, libraries, and
7. Time period.
It is advisable to select a research problem and design
8. Bias.
The researcher should be aware of his or her personal biases .
9. Language.
This may have an effect on data collection, especially if the researcher
is involved with respondents that speak a variety of languages.
When writing the paper, the researcher should ensure that any delimitation
factor is noted down at the introduction, discussion, and conclusion sections. He
or she should clarify why the study included and excluded some delimitation.
The significance of the study discuss the purpose that the research will
serve to society, the country, the government, the institution or agency
concerned, the curriculum planners and developers, and the research
d. Analysis of trends over time, and validation of other findings using different
The researcher must identify specifically the beneficiaries who will directly
gain from the results of the study mentioning them in the paper according to the
significance of the result. The specific benefits must also be enumerated and
explained if necessary. Example:
The findings of the study may provide deeper insights on how teaching can be made
easier and more meaningful by the use of computer-aided instruction. The study determined
the significant effects of slide presentation in instruction, a form of computer instruction on the
performance of the students in the subjects Asian History and Civilization.
To the students, the results may serve as an inspiration for them to continuously
their skills in using computers because they will realize the comfort that computer skills offer in
complying with the requirements of major subjects in the coming years.
To the administrators, the results may serve as a guide in the program-planning and
implementation of the IT department so that they can be of great help to the teachers of the
To the teachers, the results may serve as an eye opener for those who are not
comfortable on the use of computers in their class lesson presentations. The findings of
this study may encourage more of them to apply computer-aided instruction in teaching.
The following sections compose the presentation of the written statement of the
1. Introduction
States briefly the background of the study and identifies the rationale of
the research problem.
States clearly the purposes or interest of the study, poses specific
questions about research problem.
Sets the boundaries and parameters of the study, narrows the scope of the
Activity 2. With the above research topics you saved, identify at least three
research problems for each and explain why you chose them.
Topic A: Essays or reflections you have written from past classes and other
activities you have taken or a lecture you have attended
Propose Research Title_______________________________________
Activity 3
Direction: Read the following statements. Answer TRUE if the statement describes a
research, FALSE if you think it is not. Write your answers on the blank.
________1. The rationale of the study gives the reasons why the study should be
________2. The starting point in any research project is to formulate a question.
________3. The researcher's own personal interests and observations may be a
valuable source of questions.
________4. Theories of other researchers are not a particularly good source of
research questions.
________5.Successful research often raises new questions, even while it
answers old questions.
________6.A research question transforms into your conclusion.
________7.You should never consider matching your interest to a funder interest.
________10. The "specific aims" of a study are the same thing as the "objectives"
of a study.
________1 . Research question come from any of several sources namely,
personal interest and experiences.
________12. The research question should be either too broad or too narrow.
Prepared by:
School Principal I