Social.S SBA
Social.S SBA
Social.S SBA
2. Gender
[] Male
[] Female
[] Prefer not to say
3. Ethnicity
[] African
[] East Indian
[] Chines
[] Mixed
[] Other
6. Was there ever a point where you felt that you had become dependent on a
certain drug/s?
[] Yes
[] No
10.Do you think that your dependency on drugs affected your family and
[] Yes
[] No
13.If you answered‘yes’to the previous question, how did it affect your
performance at school or work?
[] Lower Grades
[] Loss of Focus
[] Reduced Productiviy
[] Absence
[] Other
14.Have you ever had a friend or family member who was a drug abuser?
[] Yes
[] No
17.What do you think should be done anbout the drug abuse problem?
18.What advice would you give to persons struggling with drug abuse?
Forty-two point nine percent or 12 persons are in the 15-20 age range, the
21-30 age group accounts for 17.9% or 5 persons. Seven point one percent
or 2 persons are in the 31-40 age range and 21.4% or 6 persons are in the 41-
50 age rang. Three persons or 10.7% are 51+ in age.
Table 1: Table showing the reasons the reasons why persons use drugs
Reason why Number of Percent
persons use responses
Stress 6 27.3%
Depression 4 18.2%
curiosity 5 22.7%
Peer Pressure 3 13.6%
Medical 4 18.2%
Twenty seven point three percent of respondents use drugs because of stress,
18.2% use drugs because of depression, 22.7% use drugs due to curiosity,
13.6% use drugs because of peer pressure and 18.2% use drugs due to
medical reasons.
Figure 2: A pie chart showing how drug abuse affected the
respondent's performance at work or school
Eleven point five percent of respondents observed lower grades due to drug
abuse, 26.9% reported a loss of focus due to drug abuse, 30.8% observed
reduced productivity because of drug abuse, 23.15% reported absence due to
drug abuse and 7.6% did not observe any adverse effects to their
performance at school or work.
Modules in Social Studies: With SBA Guide & CXC Questions by Rampersad
Ramsawak, Ralph Umraw