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Names of Candidate: Merisa Younge

Subject: Social Studies
Topic: Drug Abuse
Subject Teacher: Miss. Tisina Stanton
Centre Name: St. Stanislaus College
Centre Number:
Territory: Guyana
Year of Examination: 2023
Introduction 3
Topic and Title 4
Statement of Problem 5
Reasons for selecting area of research 6
Method of Investigation 7
Data Collection Instrument 8-11
Procedure used to collect data 12
Presentation of Data 13-14
Interpretation of Data 15
Recommendations 16
Appendix 17
Bibliography 18
Timehri is a community on East Bank Demerara. The researcher has resided within
this community for 16 years and has observed how drug abuse has impacted the
community. Drug abuse is the uncontrolled use of alcohol, illegal drugs or
prescribed drugs that affects normal daily life. The researcher intends to carry out
and investigation into the causes and the effects of drug abuse within the area.
Topic: Drug Abuse
Title: An investigation into the causes and effects of drug abuse in Timehri.
What are the causes and effects of drug abuse in Timehri?
The researcher chose this topic due to the fact that it has become a growing
concern within the community of Timehri. Thus, it is important that an
investigation be carried out to discover the causes, effects and possible solutions to
the problem.
The method used by the researcher to obtain data was a questionnaire, this would
allow participants to state their opinions in anonymity. Questionnaires are also
cost-effective and allows participants to take their time to answer each question
which yields more accurate responses.
Dear Respondent,
This survey is designed to find out the causes and effects of drug abuse within the
Timehri area. Your answers will contribute greatly to the researchers
understanding of this issue and will help the researcher with the completion of their
school-based assessment. Thus, it is very important that your answers are honest
and accurate. Your identity will remain completely anonymous. Thank you for
your participation.

Prepared by: Merisa Younge, St. Stanislaus College

An investigation into the causes and effects of drug abuse in Timehri.
1. Age Range
[] 15-20 years
[] 21-30 years
[] 31-40 years
[] 41-50 years
[] 51+

2. Gender
[] Male
[] Female
[] Prefer not to say

3. Ethnicity
[] African
[] East Indian
[] Chines
[] Mixed
[] Other

4. Have you ever used drugs?

[] Yes
[] No

5. If you answered 'yes' to the previous question, why?

[] Peer pressure
[] Stress
[] Curiosity
[] Depression
[] Other

6. Was there ever a point where you felt that you had become dependent on a
certain drug/s?
[] Yes
[] No

7. If you answered 'yes' to the previous question, which drug?

[] Anti-depressants
[] Heroine
[] Cocaine
[] OTC medication
[] Other
8. What did you do when you realized your dependency on the drug mentioned
[] Nothing
[] Other _______________________________________________

9. Did the actions stated above help?

[] Yes
[] No

10.Do you think that your dependency on drugs affected your family and
[] Yes
[] No

11.If you answered 'yes' to the previous question, how so?


12.Has your dependency on drugs ever affected your performance at school or

[] Yes
[] No

13.If you answered‘yes’to the previous question, how did it affect your
performance at school or work?
[] Lower Grades
[] Loss of Focus
[] Reduced Productiviy
[] Absence
[] Other

14.Have you ever had a friend or family member who was a drug abuser?
[] Yes
[] No

15.How were they affected by their drug abuse?

[] They became violent and angry
[] They experienced health related problems
[] They became depressed
[] Other

16.How many persons do you are drug abusers?

[] 1 person
[] 2 persons
[] 3 persons
[] 4 persons
[] 5+ persons

17.What do you think should be done anbout the drug abuse problem?

18.What advice would you give to persons struggling with drug abuse?

The instrument used was a digital questionnaire containing a total of

eighteen (18) questions. The questionnaire was distributed to thirty-five (35)
residents of the Timehri area. The questionnaire was delivered via email.
Random sampling was done. The data collection period was one week from
November 30th to December 8th 2022. The procedure was necessary because
it ensures accurate data.

Figure1: Pie chart showing the age range of the participants

Forty-two point nine percent or 12 persons are in the 15-20 age range, the
21-30 age group accounts for 17.9% or 5 persons. Seven point one percent
or 2 persons are in the 31-40 age range and 21.4% or 6 persons are in the 41-
50 age rang. Three persons or 10.7% are 51+ in age.

Table 1: Table showing the reasons the reasons why persons use drugs
Reason why Number of Percent
persons use responses
Stress 6 27.3%
Depression 4 18.2%
curiosity 5 22.7%
Peer Pressure 3 13.6%
Medical 4 18.2%

Twenty seven point three percent of respondents use drugs because of stress,
18.2% use drugs because of depression, 22.7% use drugs due to curiosity,
13.6% use drugs because of peer pressure and 18.2% use drugs due to
medical reasons.
Figure 2: A pie chart showing how drug abuse affected the
respondent's performance at work or school

Eleven point five percent of respondents observed lower grades due to drug
abuse, 26.9% reported a loss of focus due to drug abuse, 30.8% observed
reduced productivity because of drug abuse, 23.15% reported absence due to
drug abuse and 7.6% did not observe any adverse effects to their
performance at school or work.

Figure 3: A graph showing which drugs respondents are abusing

Three respondents are abusing anti-depressants, 2 are abusing heroine, 4 are

abusing cocaine, 5 are abusing OTC medication, 2 are abusing marijuana
and 2 are abusing painkillers.
The researcher noticed that drug abuse has become a growing problem in the
Timehri area. This investigation is aimed at persons of all ages within the Timehri
The investigation showed that the majority (42.9%) of drug abusers are between
the ages of 15-20 years old. This would mean that most abusers are close in age to
the researcher or are peers to the researcher. It was also revealed that 50% of
respondents are female and 50% are male so it is safe to conclude that gender does
not contribute to a person becoming a drug abuser. Despite being aware of their
drug abuse the vast majority (78.3%) did nothing about it.
The most commonly abused drug is over-the-counter-medication (OTC), which is
cheap and can be easily be acquired legally. (Fig 3)
More than half of drug abusers (52.2%) don’t believe that their abuse affects their
relationship with friends or family but 69.6% of respondents report that the drug
abuse of a friend or family member has affected them. This leads the researcher to
conclude that most times drug abusers are unaware that their drug abuse is
affecting their friends and family.
However, most drug abusers are aware that their drug abuse does affect their
school and work life with the majority reporting loss of focus (30.8%) and reduced
productivity (26.9%). (Fig 2)
Most (52.4%) of friends and family members of drug abusers began to distance
themselves from the drug abuser. This may lead to the drug abuser becoming
depressed, it was reported that 40.9% of drug abusers had become depressed and
45.5% of drug abusers also experienced health related problems.
After examining the data collected the researcher wishes to make the following
Firstly, the community should hold exercises and conferences to educate the
residents on the dangers of drug abuse and what actions should be taken if
someone is already a drug abuser and is seeking help. An educated population
would be better equipped to handle these kinds of problems.
Secondly, the community should increase police presence in less populated areas
because they are a hotspot for the buying and selling of illegal drugs. A higher
police presence would discourage persons from wanting to buy or sell illegal

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