Kontrak Retainer Jasa Hukum
Kontrak Retainer Jasa Hukum
Kontrak Retainer Jasa Hukum
Dengan With
Pada hari ini, ............., tertanggal .................., On this day, ............., dated ..................,
bertempat di Jakarta, dibuat dan ditandatangani located in Jakarta, a Legal Services
Kesepakatan Kontrak Retainer Jasa Hukum, oleh Retainer Contract Agreement was drawn
dan antara : up and signed, by and between:
2. (Nama Partner / Managing Partner), selaku 2. (Name of the Partner / Managing Partner),
Partner / Managing Partner pada Kantor as Partner / Managing Partner at the (Law
Hukum (Nama Kantor Hukum) beralamat di Firm Name) located at (Law Firm Address
(Alamat Kantor Hukum)
Selanjutnya PIHAK PERTAMA dan PIHAK Furthermore, the FIRST PARTY and the
KEDUA secara bersama-sama disebut sebagai SECOND PARTY are collectively referred to
PARA PIHAK, PARA PIHAK terlebih dahulu as THE PARTIES, THE PARTIES must first
menerangkan hal-hal sebagai berikut : explain the following matters:
| 1
This is an unofficial translation, therefore no legal rights can be reserved based on this document. The authors can not be held responsible
for any erroneous translations and is presented as is. No action should be taken in reliance of information contained in these draft without
first seeking professional services. If you have any question, feedback or wish additional information related to this draft, please contact
me at abrahamrantesalu@gmail.com
This Draft was Prepared by Abraham Astral Rantesalu
*For Discussion Purposed Only
1. Bahwa Pihak Pertama adalah suatu badan 1. Whereas the First Party is an Indonesian
hukum Indonesia yang didirikan pada tahun legal entity established in (the year the legal
(Tahun berdirinya perusahaan pengguna jasa service user company was founded)
hukum) yang bergerak dalam bidang engaged in the field (based on KBLI or the
(berdasarkan KBLI atau Maksud dan Tujuan Purpose and Objectives of the Company's
Kegiatan Perseroan sebagaimana terdapat Activities as contained in the Articles of
pada Anggaran Dasar). Association).
2. Bahwa dalam melaksanakan kegiatan 2. Whereas in carrying out its business
usahanya, Pihak Pertama perlu mendapatkan activities, the First Party needs to obtain
jasa hukum dari konsultan / penasehat hukum legal services from professional legal
profesional, baik dalam bidang korporasi consultants/advisors, both in the corporate
maupun litigasi. and litigation fields.
3. Bahwa untuk maksud sebagaimana termaktub 3. Whereas for the purposes set forth in
pada angka nomor 2 tersebut diatas, maka number 2 above, the First Party requests
Pihak Pertama meminta jasa hukum kepada legal services from the Second Party as a
Pihak Kedua sebagai konsultan / penasehat consultant / legal adviser who will provide
hukum yang akan memberikan jasa hukum legal services to the First Party.
kepada Pihak Pertama.
4. Bahwa Pihak Kedua bersedia menyanggupi 4. That the Second Party is willing to undertake
untuk memberikan jasa hukum kepada Pihak to provide legal services to the First Party.
Selanjutnya, Para Pihak menyatakan setuju untuk Furthermore, the Parties expressly agree to
JASA HUKUM (selanjutnya disebut AGREEMENT / CONTRACT (hereinafter
“PERJANJIAN / KONTRAK”), dengan syarat dan referred to as "AGREEMENT / CONTRACT"),
ketentuan sebagai berikut : with the following terms and conditions:
Pasal 1 Article 1
Penunjukkan appointment
1. Pihak Pertama dengan ini menunjuk dan 1. The First Party hereby appoints and assigns
menugaskan Pihak Kedua untuk the Second Party to carry out its duties as a
melaksanakan tugas-tugas sebagai permanent legal consultant/advisor for the
konsultan/penasehat hukum tetap bagi Pihak First Party.
2. Pihak Kedua dengan ini menyatakan menerima 2. The Second Party hereby declares that it
penunjukkan dan penugasan oleh Pihak accepts the appointment and assignment
Pertama tersebut pada pasal I ayat (I) kontrak by the First Party in Article I verse (I) of this
ini. contract.
| 2
This is an unofficial translation, therefore no legal rights can be reserved based on this document. The authors can not be held responsible
for any erroneous translations and is presented as is. No action should be taken in reliance of information contained in these draft without
first seeking professional services. If you have any question, feedback or wish additional information related to this draft, please contact
me at abrahamrantesalu@gmail.com
This Draft was Prepared by Abraham Astral Rantesalu
*For Discussion Purposed Only
Pasal 2 Article 2
Ruang Lingkup Pelayanan Retainer Jasa Service Scope of Legal Services Retainer
Lingkup pelayanan Pihak Kedua kepada Pihak The scope of service of the Second Party to
Pertama meliputi tugas-tugas, sebagai berikut the First Party includes the following tasks,
termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada : including but not limited to:
1. Memberikan konsultasi dan pendapat hukum 1. Provide consultation and legal opinion in
dalam membantu Pihak Pertama; assisting the First Party;
2. Membantu Pihak Pertama dalam memeriksa, 2. Assisting the First Party in examining,
mengawasi, memperbaiki dan memberikan supervising, improving and providing input
masukan terhadap dokumen-dokumen on legal documents, cooperation
hukum, Perjanjian kerjasama, Kontrak kerja agreements, work contracts related to the
yang berhubungan dengan Pihak Pertama; First Party;
3. Membuat / mengeluarkan surat somasi dan 3. Prepare/issue subpoena letters and take
melakukan upaya hukum yang dipandang legal action as deemed necessary, against
perlu, terhadap debitur/kreditur atau pihak debtors/creditors or other parties who
lainnya yang melakukan Wanprestasi atau default or break promises, against the First
ingkar janji, terhadap Pihak Pertama; Party;
4. Pemberian pendapat hukum / legal opinion 4. Provision of legal opinion / written legal
tertulis; opinion;
5. Ruang lingkup pelayanan retainer jasa hukum 5. The scope of legal service retainer services
dalam pasal ini tidak mencakup litigasi baik in this article does not include litigation both
secara Perdata maupun Pidana yang civil and criminal whose cases have
perkaranya sampai pada tahap pemeriksaan reached the stage of examination by the
oleh Kepolisian, Kejaksaan, dan/atau police, prosecutors and/or courts;
6. Dalam hal Pihak Pertama memerlukan jasa 6. In the event that the First Party requires the
hukum Pihak Kedua dalam hal Litigasi, akan legal services of the Second Party in terms
dituangkan dalam kontrak terpisah. of Litigation, it will be stated in a separate
Pasal 3 Article 3
Kewajiban Masing-Masing Pihak Obligations of Each Party
1. Pihak Kedua berkewajiban untuk 1. The Second Party is obliged to mobilize all
mengerahkan seluruh keahlian guna its expertise to carry out the obligations
melaksanakan kewajiban berdasarkan under this contract to the best of its ability;
kontrak ini dengan sebaik-baiknya;
2. Pihak Pertama wajib untuk membayar biaya 2. The First Party is obliged to pay an
honorarium kepada Pihak Kedua segala biaya honorarium fee to the Second Party for all
jasa konsultan dan/atau bantuan hukum yang fees for consulting services and/or legal
besarnya adalah sebagaimana tersebut assistance, the amount of which is as
dalam pasal 6 kontrak ini. stated in article 6 of this contract.
| 3
This is an unofficial translation, therefore no legal rights can be reserved based on this document. The authors can not be held responsible
for any erroneous translations and is presented as is. No action should be taken in reliance of information contained in these draft without
first seeking professional services. If you have any question, feedback or wish additional information related to this draft, please contact
me at abrahamrantesalu@gmail.com
This Draft was Prepared by Abraham Astral Rantesalu
*For Discussion Purposed Only
Pasal 4 Article 4
Jangka Waktu Kontrak Term / Period of Contract
1. Kontrak berlaku selama (jangka waktu 1. The contract is valid for (term of validity of
berlakunya perjanjian atau kontrak retainer) the agreement or retainer contract) months
bulan / tahun terhitung sejak tanggal (tanggal / years from the date (start date of retainer
dimulainya jasa retainer) dan berakhir pada services) and ends on the date (expiration
tanggal (tanggal berakhirnya jasa retainer), date of retainer services), hereinafter
selanjutnya disebut “Masa Kontrak”; referred to as “Contract Period”;
2. Kontrak ini dapat diperpanjang sesuai dengan 2. This contract can be extended according to
kesepakatan bersama antara Pihak Pertama the mutual agreement between the First
dan Pihak Kedua; Party and the Second Party;
3. Perpanjangan Masa Kontrak berakhir maupun 3. The first party will notify the first party in
pemutusan Kontrak ini sebelum Masa Kontrak writing whether the extension of the
berakhir akan diberitahukan oleh Pihak contract period ends or the termination of
Pertama dengan tertulis, selambat-lambatnya this contract before the end of the contract
60 (enam Puluh) hari sebelum berakhirnya period, no later than 60 (sixty) days before
Masa Kontrak. the end of the contract period.
Pasal 5 Article 5
Waktu Konsultasi Consultation Time
1. Dalam melaksanakan kontrak ini, Pihak Kedua 1. In carrying out this contract, the Second
tidak terikat oleh jam kerja sebagaimana Party is not bound by normal working hours,
lazimnya, namun Pihak Kedua berkewajiban but the Second Party is obliged to come at
untuk datang setiap saat apabila kehadirannya any time if its physical presence is required
secara fisik dibutuhkan oleh Pihak Pertama; by the First Party;
2. Permintaan kehadiran Pihak Kedua dilakukan 2. The request for the presence of the Second
oleh Pihak Pertama dengan secara lisan, baik Party is made by the First Party verbally,
secara langsung maupun melalui telepon, either in person or by telephone, and/or in
dan/atau dengan cara tertulis dengan surat, fax writing by letter, fax or short message sent
maupun pesan singkat yang dikirimkan melalui via the consultant's/legal advisor's cell
telepon selular konsultan/penasehat hukum phone and/or to the office of the Second
dan atau ke kantor Pihak Kedua; Party;
3. Pemberitahuan sebagaimana tersebut pada 3. Notification as referred to in verse 2 of this
ayat 2 pasal ini, dilakukan oleh Pihak Pertama article, is carried out by the First Party no
paling lambat 24 jam sebelum jadwal waktu later than 24 hours before the desired time
yang dikehendaki; schedule;
4. Jumlah waktu konsultasi yang disediakan Pihak 4. The amount of consultation time provided
Kedua kepada Pihak pertama adalah .... (......) by the Second Party to the first Party is ....
jam setiap bulannya; (......) hours per month;
| 4
This is an unofficial translation, therefore no legal rights can be reserved based on this document. The authors can not be held responsible
for any erroneous translations and is presented as is. No action should be taken in reliance of information contained in these draft without
first seeking professional services. If you have any question, feedback or wish additional information related to this draft, please contact
me at abrahamrantesalu@gmail.com
This Draft was Prepared by Abraham Astral Rantesalu
*For Discussion Purposed Only
5. Apabila jangka waktu konsultasi melebihi batas 5. If the consultation period exceeds the
waktu yang telah disepakati maka Pihak agreed time limit, the First Party will be
Pertama akan dikenai biaya Rp ....../jam. charged IDR......./hour.
Pasal 6 Article 6
Biaya Honorarium Honorarium Fee
Pihak Pertama sepakat untuk membayarkan The First Party agrees to pay the Second
kepada Pihak Kedua biaya-biaya sebagai berikut: Party the following fees:
1. Honorarium sebesar Rp ...... (.........) pertahun 1. Honorarium of IDR ...... (.........) per year
belum termasuk PPN 11%, yang akan does not include 11% VAT, which will be
dibayarkan oleh Pihak Pertama kepada Pihak paid by the First Party to the Second Party;
2. Biaya transportasi & akomodasi, setiap kali 2. Transportation & Acomodation costs, each
kedatangan fisik dalam hal pendampingan / time physical arrival in terms of assistance
perwakilan untuk tugas-tugas di wilayah / representation for assignments in the
Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi
(JABODETABEK) sebesar Rp ....... / hari / (JABODETABEK) area is IDR ....... / day /
orang dan tugas keluar kota JABODETABEK person and assignments outside the
adalah sebesar Rp ....... (.....) / hari / orang; JABODETABEK area is IDR ....... (.....) / day
/ person;
3. Biaya transportasi & akomodasi ditagihkan ke 3. Transportation & Acomodation costs are
Pihak Pertama; billed to the First Party;
4. Pembayaran dapat dilaksanakan melalui 4. Payments can be made by transfer to the
transfer ke rekening Pihak Kedua sebagaimana Second Party's account as the Second
akan diberitahukan oleh Pihak Kedua Party will later notify.
Pasal 7 Article 7
Cara Pembayaran Payment method
Pembayaran honorarium yang tercantum dalam Payment of honorarium listed in article 6 verse
pasal 6 ayat (1) Kontrak ini disetorkan oleh Pihak (1) of this contract is deposited by the First
Pertama langsung ke rekening Pihak Kedua Party directly into the account of the Second
dengan No. Rekening (Nomor Rekening Firma Party No. Account (Law Firm Account
Hukum), Bank (Nama Bank), atas nama (Nama Number), Bank (Bank Name), in the name of
atau Akun firma hukum yang tercatat pada Bank (Name or Law Firm Account registered at the
sebagai penerima pembayaran) dengan jadwal Bank as payee) with the following schedule:
sebagai berikut :
1. Termin 1 sebesar 30 % dibayarkan pada saat 1. Term 1 consist of 30% is paid at the signing
ditandatanganinya kontrak ini; of this contract;
| 5
This is an unofficial translation, therefore no legal rights can be reserved based on this document. The authors can not be held responsible
for any erroneous translations and is presented as is. No action should be taken in reliance of information contained in these draft without
first seeking professional services. If you have any question, feedback or wish additional information related to this draft, please contact
me at abrahamrantesalu@gmail.com
This Draft was Prepared by Abraham Astral Rantesalu
*For Discussion Purposed Only
2. Termin 2 sebesar 25 % dibayarkan pada 2. Term 2 consist of 25% is paid on the date
tanggal (tanggal pembayaran) atau hari kerja (payment date) or the previous business /
sebelumnya bila hari libur, pada bulan ke-2; working day if a holiday, in the 2nd month;
3. Termin 3 sebesar 25% dibayarkan pada 3. Term 3 consist of 25% is paid on the date
tanggal (tanggal pembayaran) atau hari kerja (payment date) or the previous business /
sebelumnya bila hari libur, pada bulan ke-5; working day if a holiday, in the 5th month;
4. Termin 4 sebesar 20% dibayarkan pada 4. Term 4 consist of 20% is paid on the date
tanggal (tanggal pembayaran) atau hari kerja (payment date) or the previous working day
sebelumnya bila hari libur, pada bulan ke-8. if a holiday, in the 8th month.
Pasal 8 Article 8
Pajak Tax
Pajak dan/atau pungutan-pungutan resmi yang Taxes and/or official levies regulated by law
diatur oleh undang-undang seperti halnya PPN such as the 11% VAT are borne by the First
11% ditanggung Pihak Pertama. Party.
Pasal 9 Article 9
Kerahasiaan Dokumen Document Confidentiality
Bahwa demi menjaga kerahasiaan dokumen- That in order to maintain the confidentiality of
dokumen yang berkaitan tentang tugas dan fungsi documents related to the duties and functions
kedua belah pihak, maka kedua belah pihak wajib of both parties, both parties must maintain the
menjaga kerahasiaan hal-hal tersebut dari pihak confidentiality of these matters from other
lain yang tidak berkepentingan, baik selama masa parties who are not interested, both during the
kontrak berlangsung maupun sesudah masa contract period and after the contract period
kontrak berakhir. ends.
Pasal 10 Article 10
Pengakhiran Kontrak Contract Termination
1. Kontrak ini dapat diakhiri apabila terjadi 1. This contract can be terminated if a forceful
keadaan memaksa seperti perang, bencana situation occurs such as war, natural
alam, atau sebab-sebab lainnya yang tidak disaster, or other causes that make it
dimungkinkan untuk dilanjutkan perjanjian impossible to continue this
konsultasi/bantuan hukum ini; consultation/legal assistance agreement;
2. Pihak Pertama dapat memutus kontrak ini 2. The First Party may terminate this contract
bilamana Pihak Kedua tidak dapat memenuhi if the Second Party cannot fulfill its duties
tugas-tugasnya sebagaimana yang ditentukan as specified in this contract;
dalam kontrak ini;
3. Para Pihak sepakat mengesampingkan pasal 3. The Parties agree to set aside Article 1266
1266 dan pasal 1267 Kitab Undang-undang and Article 1267 of the Indonesian Civil
Hukum Perdata. Code.
| 6
This is an unofficial translation, therefore no legal rights can be reserved based on this document. The authors can not be held responsible
for any erroneous translations and is presented as is. No action should be taken in reliance of information contained in these draft without
first seeking professional services. If you have any question, feedback or wish additional information related to this draft, please contact
me at abrahamrantesalu@gmail.com
This Draft was Prepared by Abraham Astral Rantesalu
*For Discussion Purposed Only
Pasal 11 Article 11
Pengaturan Ketentuan Lain dan Penyelesaian Other Terms and Dispute Resolution
1. Dalam segala hal yang tidak diatur atau tidak 1. In all matters that are not regulated or not
cukup diatur dalam kontrak ini, akan diatur dan sufficiently regulated in this contract, will be
diputuskan oleh kedua belah pihak atas regulated and decided by both parties by
permufakatan bersama; mutual agreement;
2. Segala perselisihan yang mungkin timbul 2. All disputes that may arise between the two
diantara kedua belah pihak mengenai kontrak parties regarding this contract which cannot
ini yang tidak dapat diselesaikan diantara be resolved between the two parties, are
kedua belah pihak, diserahkan submitted for settlement to the (The choice
penyelesaiannya kepada (Pilihan Mekanisme of Dispute Resolution Mechanism can be
Penyelesaian Sengketa dapat dilakukan made through the District Court or
melalui Pengadilan Negeri atau Arbitrase Arbitration through the Indonesian National
melalui Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia / Arbitration Board / BANI), in accordance
BANI), sesuai dengan ketentuan-ketentuan with the provisions of Indonesian law.
hukum Indonesia.
Perjanjian / Kontrak ini dibuat dalam bahasa This Contract / Agreement is made in English
Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia. Dalam hal terdapat and Indonesian language. In the event that
ketidaksesuaian antara teks bahasa Inggris dan there is a discrepancy between the English
teks bahasa Indonesia, maka teks bahasa text and the Indonesian text, the Indonesian
Indonesia yang akan berlaku text will prevail
Demikian Perjanjian / Kontrak ini dibuat dan Thus, this Agreement / Contract is made and
ditandatangani oleh para pihak, dalam rangkap 2 signed by the parties, in 2 (two) copies and
(dua) dan masing-masing bermaterai cukup serta each of them is sufficiently stamped and has
memiliki kekuatan hukum yang sama. the same legal force.
| 7
This is an unofficial translation, therefore no legal rights can be reserved based on this document. The authors can not be held responsible
for any erroneous translations and is presented as is. No action should be taken in reliance of information contained in these draft without
first seeking professional services. If you have any question, feedback or wish additional information related to this draft, please contact
me at abrahamrantesalu@gmail.com