Comp6 Module1 2ndquarter
Comp6 Module1 2ndquarter
Comp6 Module1 2ndquarter
Expected Outcomes
Questions to Ponder
This module will guide you through a fun Scratch tutorial for kids! We’ll go
over a step-by-step guide for a Scratch project, and then you’ll even see how
to make your own game. Building a Scratch coding project is much easier
than you might think! So let's begin!
Grade 6- Computer 43
Module 1- Programming with Scratch
The Concepts
Brief History
In 1967 the LOGO programming language was born through geniuses Daniel
G. Bobrow, Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, and Cynthia Solomon. LOGO allows a
child to control the movement (Move and Turn commands) of “turtle graphic,” which
are blocks of program commands. Their study revealed that child can learn the
principle of geometry by playing with the movable turtle graphics objects.
What is Scratch?
The name “Scratch “came from the techniques used by disc jockeys, otherwise
known as DJs or deejays to produce funky sound effects. To create a scratch audio,
a Dj spins a vinyl record similarly however you can mix graphics and audios when
programming in Scratch.
Scratch is also called the “YouTube of Interactive Media” because one can
create his/her own stories, games and animations and share them on the Scratch
website wherein members of the community can respond by commenting
constructively. Feedback servers as to boost confidence and encourages users to
create even more projects.
Grade 6- Computer 44
Module 1- Programming with Scratch
Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and a coding
language with a simple visual interface that allows young people to create digital
stories, games, and animations. It is designed, developed, and moderated by the
Scratch Foundation, a nonprofit organization.
Scratch has the same look and feel as Lego bricks when children
attempt to tinker and construct structure out of the bricks. Scratch
uses graphical “programming blocks to create a program.
More Meaningful
Real life activities are the most successful tools in learning which is
why Scratch support different themes for stories, games, animations,
and simulations which can be customized in projects.
More Social
Grade 6- Computer 45
Module 1- Programming with Scratch
Grade 6- Computer 46
Module 1- Programming with Scratch
1. Go to
2. Click Join Scratch.
3. Enter the requested information. (Use your real birth month and year. Do
not use your school email address, as it cannot receive email from Scratch.)
Fontanilla, Aimee, Theresa A., et. al (2017). Digi titans 6 ICT Essential for the
Future. Tec Factor Inc.
Grade 6- Computer 47