Florian 2019

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Industrial Crops & Products 132 (2019) 269–274

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Industrial Crops & Products

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Chemical composition analysis and structural features of banana rachis T

lignin extracted by two organosolv methods

Tiappi Deumaga Mathias Floriana, , Nicolas Villania, Mario Aguedoa, Nicolas Jacqueta,
Happi Guy Thomasb, Patrick Gerinc, Deleu Magalid, Aurore Richela
Unit of Industrial Biological Chemistry, Chemistry and Bio-industries, Gembloux Agro Bio-Tech, University of Liège, Passage des Déportés 2, B-5030, Gembloux, Belgium
Post harvest Technology Laboratory, African Research Centre on Bananas and Plantains (CARBAP), Njombé,P. O. Box 832, Douala, Cameroon
Laboratory of Bioengineering, Earth and Life Institute-Applied Microbiology, Catholic University of Louvain, Croix du Sud, 2 - L7.05.19, B-1348, Louvain-la-Neuve,
Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics at Interfaces, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liège, Passage des Déportés 2, B-5030, Gembloux, Belgium


Keywords: Two organosolv methods involving Formic acid/Acetic (FA) acid and Sulphuric acid/Ethanol (SE) solvent
Organosolv mixtures were investigated for lignin extraction from banana rachis biomass residues. Different heating methods
Lignin were also applied during each extraction process, respectively direct conduction heating and microwave heating.
Banana rachis The chemical composition and structural features of the extracted lignin fractions were further analyzed by ATR-
FTIR, TGA, elemental analysis and 13C NMR methods. SE extraction method showed a higher extraction yield
(58.7%) and allowed also to obtain a lignin fraction with higher purity (76.5% Vs 71.0% for FA lignin). In
addition, SE extraction method allowed a higher pulp yield which meant a better selectivity for lignin extraction
thanks to the microwave heating method. SE lignin also showed a higher thermal stability due to its higher
purity and higher density. The higher molecular weight found for FA lignin residues (7622.7g/mol Vs 5957.7g/
mol for SEL) was suspected to be due to co-extracted carbohydrate residues bounded to extracted lignin mac-
romolecules. These results allowed us to establish the SE extraction method (Sulphuric acid/Ethanol/water
solvent with microwave heating) as effective for lignin extraction from banana rachis straw.

1. Introduction their lignin content though lower in comparison to woody biomass, was
found significant for potential valorization throughout the different
Valorization of agro-industrial green waste by the biorefinery of platforms. Several lignin extraction methods from banana rachis in-
their ligno-cellulosic fractions currently undergo intensive research. cluding soda/dioxane solvent extraction method (Cordeiro et al., 2009)
Amongst the main biomass agro-resources, residues from the banana and steam explosion (Ibrahim et al., 2010) have been studied in the
industry have also been characterized (Cordeiro et al., 2007, 2004; literature. However, solvent-based lignin extraction methods have not
Happi Emaga et al., 2008; Kamdem et al., 2011; Kamsonlian et al., been fully explored for banana rachis.
2011; Oliveira et al., 2006; Someya et al., 2002; Tiappi et al., 2015; Organosolv methods are among the most user-friendly and eco-
Zuluaga et al., 2009). Banana (Musa cavendish) is an herbaceous annual nomically interesting because many of the solvents involved can be
plant, grown on an industrial scale and also by local populations in easily recycled. Moreover, the extracted lignin residues are of better
tropical areas. In 2016, more than 126 million tons of bananas were quality and therefore offer a wider range of valorization pathways.
produced worldwide (FAOSTAT, last update May 2018). The generated Organosolv extraction method was originally developed by Delmas
organic residues from this important industry are of particular interest et al. (Boijsen et al., 1971) for the paper industry (bleaching of wood
considering their availability and also their content in cellulose, pulp) and was further applied for herbaceous biomass (Delmas et al.,
hemicelluloses and lignin fractions. Banana rachis is among the most 2005; Nayeem Rumee et al., 2014; Manara et al., 2013; Sadeghifar
important residues from banana plant, generated during the harvesting et al., 2017; Sun et al., 1998, 2012, Vanderghem et al., 2012; Xu et al.,
process of banana fruits. The chemical composition analysis of that 2006). The lignin extraction process consists in their chemical solubi-
specific residue (Cordeiro et al., 2009; Tiappi et al., 2015) revealed that lization in the presence of an acid (proton donor). The process is

Corresponding author: Rue de la Station 31 (1), 1457, Walhain, Belgium.
E-mail address: mftiappi@student.ulg.ac.be (T.D.M. Florian).

Received 12 September 2018; Received in revised form 5 February 2019; Accepted 9 February 2019
0926-6690/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T.D.M. Florian, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 132 (2019) 269–274

generally carried out in hot conditions to promote hydrolysis reactions Table 2

between the ligno-cellulosic sub-fractions (Harmsen et al., 2010). Water Lignin extraction parameters by Formic/Acetic acid (FA) and Sulfuric acid/
in the solvent extraction mixture facilitates homogeneous diffusion of Ethanol (SE) extraction methods.
heat in the reactor. Finally, the extracted lignin fractions are solubilized Extraction parameters FA Method SE Method
in a solvent solution (acetic acid or ethanol)
In the current work, two solvent based lignin extraction methods Lignin extraction Solution Formic acid / Acetic acid / Sulfuric acid /
Water Ethanol / Water
(acetic acid/formic acid/water and sulphuric acid/ethanol/water sol-
30 / 50 / 20 5.4 / 92 / 2.6
vent mixtures) involving two different heating methods (direct con- Extraction temperature 50 °C–107 °C 161 °C
duction and microwave heating) were studied for banana rachis lignin (plateau)
extraction. The extracted lignin fractions were further characterized by Extraction duration 30mins–180mins 10 min.
Solid to liquid ratio (S/L) 1/25 1/20
physical (TGA/DTG, ATR-FTIR, 13C-NMR, elemental analysis), and wet
chemistry methods (Klason lignin, Size exclusion chromatography) and
the impact of the extraction method was assessed.
plateau temperature (161 °C) was 10 min. after which the microwave
treatment was stopped. After a cooling period of about 10 min., the
2. Material and methods pulp mixtures were filtered with a vacuum filter (40–100 μm pore size)
and washed with an ethanol/water mixture solution (92/8, %v/v). The
2.1. Material ethanol fraction in the collected liquid was then removed by vacuum
evaporation at maximum 45 °C. The residual solution was diluted with
Banana rachis residues were collected from an industrial farm in distilled water to reach a pH around 2 in order to allow precipitation of
Cameroon (Central Africa). Before treatment, fresh banana rachis were the extracted lignin. Finally the extracted SE lignin (SEL) was recovered
chopped, air dried until constant weight and coarsely grinded. The by centrifugation, washed with acidified water (pH 2), vacuum filtered
chemical composition of banana rachis is provided in Table 1. (Tiappi (1–1.5 μm pore size) and freeze-dried.
Deumaga et al., 2018)

2.3. Klason Lignin analysis and structural characterization

2.2. Lignin extraction methods
Acid insoluble lignin also known as Klason lignin was determined
2.2.1. Lignin extraction with Formic acid/Acetic acid/water
after the two steps hydrolysis method (1 h pre-hydrolysis with 72%
The FA lignin extraction parameters was adapted from the method
sulfuric acid solution followed by a 1 h 4% sulfuric solution treatment)
by Vanderghem et al. (Quoc Lam et al., 2001) and are summarized in
as described by Sluiter et al. (2010).
Table 2. Pre-treatments were performed in a 500 mL double-necked
Thermogravimetric degradation analyses were performed with a
boiling flasks and heated by heating plates (direct conduction). At first,
TGA/DSC1 instrument from Mettler-Toledo (Greifensee, Switzerland).
the dried banana rachis straw was soaked at 50 °C for 30 min with the
The pyrolysis was conducted under a nitrogen flow of 20 mL/min. The
extraction solvent mixture at a solid to liquid ratio of 1/25. After the
experiments were conducted in triplicate using 70-μl alumina pan
soaking phase, the temperature was set to 107 °C and the mixture was
containing 10 mg of dried banana rachis straw. The thermal degrada-
cooked for 3 h (lignin extraction phase). The extraction reaction was
tion analysis was carried out over a temperature range comprised be-
stopped by removing the flasks from the heating plates, and the pulps
tween 40 and 600 °C at 10 °C/min heating rates. DTG graph was de-
were directly filtered with a vacuum filter (40–100 μm pore size). The
termined as the degradation rate over the temperature increment.
pulps were further washed with hot water. The liquor and washes were
For ATR-FTIR structural analysis, about 5 mg of the extracted lignin
collected and diluted with distilled water to reach a pH around 2 in
residues (freeze-dried) were mixed with potassium bromide in a ratio of
order to allow precipitation of the extracted lignin. Finally the FA lignin
1/100 and then mechanically pressed in order to form a pellet. The
(FAL) was recovered by centrifugation, washed with acidified water
pellets were then analyzed by infrared spectroscopy and the FTIR
(pH 2), vacuum filtered (1–1.5 μm pore size) and freeze-dried.
spectra were recorded in the 4000–500cm−1 range with a resolution of
4 cm−1 on a Bruker IFS 48 spectrometer.
2.2.2. Lignin extraction with sulphuric acid/ethanol/water Molecular mass distribution of the extracted lignin sub-fractions
The lignin extraction parameters with microwave heating are was determined by Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC, Agilent
summarized in Table 2. The dried banana rachis straw was mixed with Technologies, 1200 series, equipped with Ultraviolet (UV) and
the extraction solvent mixture made of Sulphuric acid/Ethanol/Water Refraction Index detectors (RI)). Sodium polystyrene sulphonates mo-
(5.4 / 92 / 2.6, %v/v) with a solid to liquid ratio of 1/20. The mixtures lecules with molecular weight varying from 4.3 to 32 KDa were used to
were realized just before the launch of the microwave extraction pro- generate the correlation equation (Retention time Vs Molecular
cess to avoid influence of pre-hydrolysis reactions. Microwave extrac- weight).
tions were carried out inside 80 mL reactors (EasyPrepPlus 80 mL Te- 13
C NMR analyses were performed using a Varian Unity 600 MHz
flon vessels, max 12 vessels/run) at 1200 W power in a Mars6 NMR analysis instrument. About 75 mg of each extracted lignin samples
microwave device (One Touch Technology, CEM, equipped with IR and was dissolved in 0.75 mL of DMSO. Samples were then transferred in
optic fiber thermal probes). The extraction reaction holding time at the 5 mm SHIGEMI NMR micro-tubes and analyzed (50 °C/90° pulse angle/
0.865 s acquisition time/2 s relaxation).
Table 1
Chemical composition of crude dried rachis from Grande naine (Musa spp.)
banana variety. 3. Results and discussion

Chemical component %w/w in crude material

3.1. Lignin extraction results
Total ash 28.5
Total proteins 4.3 Results of lignin extraction by the FA and SE methods from banana
Extractives* (water & ethanol) 9.7 rachis and characterization data are summarized in Table 3.
Cellulose (Van Soest) 35.3
The extraction yield obtained for SE extraction method (58.7%) was
Hemicelluloses (Van Soest) 17.9
Acid insoluble lignin (Klason) 6.0 higher than FA extraction method (45.3%). However, these results were
higher than those obtained for lignin extraction from banana rachis by

T.D.M. Florian, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 132 (2019) 269–274

Table 3 for SE lignin can therefore be explained by its higher purity relatively to
Results of lignin extraction by Formic/Acetic acid (FA) and Sulfuric acid/ FA lignin (see Table 4).
Ethanol (SE) extraction methods.
FAL SEL 3.4. Thermogravimetric analysis

Lignin extraction yield (%) 45.3 58.7 Thermal degradation graphs (TGA & DTG) of FA and SE lignin
Pulp Yield (%) 43.6 61.3
fractions are displayed in Fig. 1. The analysis of the DTG graph allowed
Insoluble lignin (Klason) in material residue (%) 10.0 2.2
us to distinguish 4 degradation phases. The first phase from 35 °C to
125 °C was related to the residual moisture elimination from the rachis
the soda/dioxane solvent extraction method (33%) and from banana straw samples. The second phase from 125 °C to 280 °C was mainly
stem by FA solvent extraction method (38%) (Cordeiro et al., 2009; related to the destruction of carbohydrates (mainly hemicelluloses) co-
Delmas et al., 2005). The higher extraction yield observed for SEL could extracted with lignin and also the destruction of low molecular weight
be explained by a better selectivity of this method for the hydrolysis of lignin. The third and fourth phases from 280 °C to 430 °C and from
covalent lignin-carbohydrates linkages compared to the FAL extraction 430 °C to 480 °C respectively was associated mainly to the degradation
method. higher molecular weight and high density lignin fraction. Finally, the
On the other hand, the pulp yield obtained for FA extraction method last phase from 480 °C to 600 °C was associated to the degradation of
was less (43.6%) than the pulp yield for the SE extraction method residual crystalline cellulose (Wu et al., 2009). These lignin fractions
(61.3%). Also, a higher lignin content in residual pulp from FA ex- degradation profiles were similar to those obtained by Vanderghem
traction method (10.0% Vs 2.2%) was observed. The most probable et al. and Ibrahim et al. (Ibrahim et al., 2010; Quoc Lam et al., 2001). It
hypothesis to explain this phenomenon could be a significant solubili- was also observed that the degradation rate of the SEL fraction was
zation of celluloses and hemicelluloses fractions during the FAL ex- higher than the FAL fraction during the carbohydrate degradation
traction process, resulting in a relatively higher lignin content in re- phase (125 °C to 280 °C). This could be due to the presence of lower
sidual pulp. This pattern has been observed during lignin extraction by molecular weight hemicelluloses or lower molecular weight lignin in
steam explosion treatment (Ibrahim et al., 2010). the SE lignin fraction due to the harsher hydrolytic conditions as sub-
jected above. However, during the lignin degradation phase (from
280 °C to 480 °C), a reverse trend was observed: the degradation rate of
3.2. Chemical composition of the extracted lignin
SE lignin was slower than FA lignin. The slower degradation of SEL
could be explained by its higher purity and its potentially higher lignin
The chemical analysis of the insoluble lignin extracted by the FA
density (Ibrahim et al., 2010) which resulted in a greater resistance to
and SE extraction methods was carried out and the results are displayed
thermal degradation.
in Table 4. It was observed that the Klason lignin content in the SE
lignin (76.5%) was higher than the FA Klason lignin content (71.0%).
3.5. Molecular weight analysis
That difference could be explained by the comparatively harsher hy-
drolytic conditions of the SE method thanks to the use of a strong acid
The molecular weight analysis of the extracted lignin (see Table 4)
as proton donor as well as the higher temperature, and also by its
showed that SE lignin had a lower molecular weight (5957.7 g/mol)
higher selectivity. In general, the significant purity values obtained
than FA lignin (7622.7 g/mol). This result could be related to harsher
with both extraction methods were comparable to those obtained by
hydrolytic conditions of the SE extraction method leading to greater
Vanderghem et al (Quoc Lam et al., 2001) for the lignin extraction by
depolymerization reactions of the extracted lignin macromolecules.
the FA method from Miscanthus gigantus (80%). Argyropoulos et al.
This hypothesis can also be justified by the higher fraction of soluble
(2002) demonstrated that extraction of higher purity lignin (> 90%)
lignin (low molecular weight lignin) in the SEL fraction (4.6%) com-
specifically for analytical purposes required additional acidolytic and
pared to FAL lignin (3.2%). On the other hand, the higher molecular
enzymatic treatments. We therefore considered that the purity of the
weight found for FA lignin residues could be due to the contribution of
lignin fractions extracted both by the simple FA and SE methods was
co-extracted carbohydrates residues and bounded to lignin macro-
significant. However, the use of sulphuric acid as a hydrolysis promoter
was potentially the main drawback for SEL as additional neutralization
purification treatments could be required in some lignin application.
3.6. Infrared spectroscopy analysis

3.3. Elemental analysis of extracted lignin The infrared spectroscopy analysis of the extracted lignin is shown
in Fig. 2. Identification of the lignin moieties absorption wavelengths
The results of the elemental analysis in Table 4 show a higher was based on literature (Ibrahim et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2010; Manara
proportion of carbon in SE lignin (63.8%) relatively to FA lignin et al., 2013; Quoc Lam et al., 2001). It appeared that for the aromatic
(58.6%). The carbon atoms content in lignin fractions can be correlated C–H group’s absorption region (1121 & 1032cm−1) and also for the
to the amount of aromatic carbons from lignin sub-units (p-hydro- aromatic carbon atoms absorption region (1510–1460 cm−1), absorp-
xyphenyl, guaiacyl, and syringyl). The higher carbon content observed tion intensity was higher for the SEL fraction. That could be explained
by the higher purity of the SEL fraction in comparison to FAL fraction.
Table 4
Similarly, the absorption intensity at 1332 cm−1 and 1220 cm−1, re-
Chemical composition of FA and SE lignin fractions.
presentative of synapyl and conyferyl unit respectively was greater for
Chemical component FAL SEL the SEL fraction. In addition, the higher absorption intensity for ali-
phatic C–H groups (1370 cm−1 and 2850-2920 cm−1) for SE lignin
Insoluble lignin (Klason) of extracted lignin residue (%) 71.0 76.5
Soluble lignin (Klason) of extracted lignin residue (%) 3.2 4.6 could be related to methoxyl groups of synapyl and conyferyl units. A
Molecular Weight (g/mol) 7622.7 5957.7 higher content in synapyl and conyferyl units for the SEL fraction could
C / H / N Elementary analysis (%) justify the hypothesis of its higher density compared to FAL fraction. In
Carbon 58.6 63.8 fact, the high substitution degree of synapyl and conyferyl aromatic
Hydrogen 6.6 7.3
rings (-methoxy groups principally and also -ethoxy groups from
Nitrogen 3.7 2.5
Final residue 31.0 26.4 ethanol) renders their reactive positions sterically less available for
polymerization and thus contributing to a higher macromolecule

T.D.M. Florian, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 132 (2019) 269–274

Fig. 1. TGA and DTG analysis of FA and SE lignin fractions.

density (Tondi et al., 2016). processing of biomass with low generation of degradation compounds,
microwave heating processing allows selective hydrolysis reactions for
3.7. C NMR analysis dipolar chemical bounds. In the case of lignin extraction, mainly ester
and ether covalent bounds within the lignin polymer and also between
The 13C NMR spectrum of FAL & SEL fractions are presented in lignin and hemicellulose residues are targeted. Those hydrolysis reac-
Figs. 3 and 4. Chemical movement analysis was conducted using lit- tions are also promoted by the higher temperature obtained with the
erature databases (Cordeiro et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2010; Quoc Lam microwave heating compared to direct conduction where the reaction
et al., 2001; Sun et al., 2011). The area between δC 100 and δC 165 ppm temperature is limited by the solvent boiling point.
was representative of aromatic carbons from monolignols structural
units. The specific peak at 165.8 ppm observed in the FAL fraction was
characteristic of acetate groups in residual acetic acid molecules from 4. Conclusion
the extraction solution.
Moreover, similar signals were also identified both in FAL and SEL Two organosolv pretreatment methods were investigated for lignin
fractions, notably the NMR signals for lignin’s C5-C5 bonds extraction from banana rachis straw. The first method involved Formic
(130.8–132.8 ppm) as well as signal for the lignin’s C6 carbon in p- acid/Acetic acid/water (FA solvent) with a direct conduction heating
coniferyl units (118.9 ppm). The main structural difference between the and the second method involved Sulphuric acid/Ethanol/water (SE
two lignin residues were found in the aliphatic area with the presence solvent) with microwave heating. SE extraction method showed a
of β-O-4 bonds signals in the SEL fraction (62.6–73.0 ppm). The pre- higher extraction yield (58.7% Vs 45.3% for FAL) and also a higher
sence of these signals in the SEL residues could explain the higher purity of the extracted lignin fraction (76.5% Vs 71.0% for FAL). In
polymerization degree and thus higher density of SE lignin extract. This addition, SE extraction method allowed a higher pulp yield which
assumption was also consistent with a higher density of the SE lignin meant a better selectivity for lignin extraction thanks to the microwave
extract. heating method. SE lignin also showed a higher thermal stability due to
its higher purity and higher density. The higher molecular weight found
3.8. Influence of the heating method for FA lignin residues (7622.7 g/mol Vs 5957.7 g/mol for SEL) was
suspected to be due to co-extracted carbohydrate residues bounded to
Microwave and direct conduction heating methods were studied in extracted lignin macromolecules. These results allowed us to establish
the current research work for lignin extraction with sulphuric acid/ the SE extraction method (Sulphuric acid/Ethanol/water solvent with
ethanol/water and formic acid/acetic acid/water solvent mixtures re- microwave heating) as effective for lignin extraction from banana ra-
spectively. Considering the above results, the microwave extraction chis straw. However, depending on the application of the extracted
technique was demonstrated to be the most effective in term of ex- lignin, the presence sulphuric acid residues would require additional
traction yield and lignin purity. These result were consistent with the purification treatments.
research by Ruiz et al. (2017) describing the potential of microwave
heating in biorefinery. In fact, while providing fast and cost effective

Fig. 2. ATR-FTIR analysis of FA and SE lignin fractions.

T.D.M. Florian, et al. Industrial Crops & Products 132 (2019) 269–274

Fig. 3. C RMN analysis of FA lignin fraction.

Fig. 4. C RMN analysis of SE lignin fraction.

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