Key Words: Carbonized, Activated Carbon, Cypermethrin, Cocoa Pod Husks, GC

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World Rural Observations 2013;5(2) http://www.sciencepub.


Cypermethrin Adsorption unto Sodium Chloride-Activated Cacao Theobroma(Cocoa) Pod Using Digital GC

M. Turoti* and E. Bello

Department of Chemistry, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria


Abstract: Varying particle sizes of 125, 250, 500 and 1000m obtained from raw cocoa pods were separately first
carbonized at 5000C and then activated with varying concentrations of NaCl at 7000C. The physico-chemical
parameters including moisture content, bulk density, ash content, pH, dry matter and carbon yield of each activated
carbon product were determined. The elemental compositions of both carbonized and activated carbon were also
determined. The adsorption studies of these carbons onto cypermethrin, at an average concentration that is
commonly employed for spraying the cocoa fruits by some selected farmers, were carried out using the digital gas-
chromatographic techniques. The results showed that among the different carbon matrices 125m particle size
activated with 5M NaCl having 6.50% moisture content, bulk density of 0.33gcm-3, 3.10% ash content and pH of
10.40 was most effective at 94.34% removal of the pesticide. It was found that the equilibrium data fitted into the
isothermal models of Langmuir at q0 of 22.73mg/g and the Freundlich constants at n = 5.102 and KF = 25.41.
[M. Turoti, E. Bello. Cypermethrin Adsorption unto Sodium Chloride-Activated Cacao Theobroma(Cocoa)
Pod Using Digital GC. World Rural Observ 2013;5(2):20-29]. ISSN: 1944-6543 (Print); ISSN: 1944-6551
(Online). 5

Key words: Carbonized, activated carbon, cypermethrin, cocoa pod husks, GC

1. INTRODUCTION 1.2 Adsorption of Pollutants and Pesticides by

A pesticide is any chemical agent used to kill or Activated Carbons
control undesired insects, weeds, rodents, fungi, Adsorption of pollutants present in water or any
bacteria, or other organisms (Pengman, 1996). There other environmental medium has been successfully
has been tremendous production of synthetic executed using activated carbons produced from
pesticides due to their importance to man in both agricultural by-products. These include palm kernel
agricultural and non-agricultural sectors. Pesticides shells (Wu et al, 1999), groundnut shells (Gimba et
are toxic and are potentially hazardous to human, al., 2010), coconut shells (Mozammel and Masah,
animals, other organisms and the environment. The 2002), rice husks (Singh and Srivastara, 2001), corn-
toxicity of a pesticide is an index of its capacity or cobs (Tsai et al., 2001). For pesticide removal,
ability to cause injury or illness (Lorenz, 2007). activated carbons include those sourced from
These pesticides pose a lot of hazards to the groundnut shells (Gimba et al, 2010) were used to
ecological systems. For instance, apart from the remove dichlorvos from an aqueous medium. It
immediate health implications there is the remote seems that works on pesticide removal by activated
consequence of causing global warming as a result of carbons from agricultural by-products are scanty. The
photochemical reactions on these chemicals. An fundamental technology involved in the utilization of
avalanche of research works has been devoted in activated carbon is in the development of highly
isolating some of these pesticide residues from many micro-porous network within the carbon matrix,
phases of the environment including water supplies. specific surface areas and optimum pH (Abdul and
It is a common view that there is differential Aberuagba, 2005., Gimba et al., 2009). These
sensitivity of individuals to the same exposure of a important features can be attained with suitable
particular pesticide but the need to circumvent or choice of activating agent, activation temperature and
reduce pesticide effects from the environment cannot time. The adsorption efficiency of the particular
be overemphasized (Schwartz, 1996., Lorenz, 2007). activated carbon (sorbent) would then depend on its
Acute effects from exposure to certain pesticide physico-chemical parameters as well as the structure
include birth defects, toxicology to a foetus, and chemical composition of the adsorbate. The small
production benign or malignant tumours, nerve tiny pores in the activated carbon structure makes
disorders, blood disorders, genetic mutations, removal of very small organic matter possible.
endocrine disruption and reproductive effect (Lorenz, Removal of pesticides from contaminated water by
2007).But for the intervention of some remediable activated carbon adsorption is considered as one of
measures that are now available, particularly in the the best available technologies (Mishra &
use of adsorption technology, the disadvantages of Bhattacharya, 2007).
using most pesticides outweigh the advantages.

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1.3 Cypermethrin, Its Health Hazards and Studies cocoa fruit. Approximately 5.25 x 103 tons of cocoa
on its Removal. pods were produced in Nigeria between October
Cypermethrin(Cyano(3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl- 2008-September 2009 (Agritrade, 2010). Each tree
3-(2,2-dichloroethenyl)-2,2dimethyl yields 20-30 pods per year (Cadbury, 2012). The
cyclopropanecarboxylate) is a synthetic pyrethroid pods are left behind on the farm to decompose as
insecticide/pesticide that is extremely effective wastes or burnt but both methods present serious
against a wide range of insect and pests (Jones, environmental challenges. A negligible quantity of
1995). Cypermethrin is similar to the pyrethrins in the product is used in the manufacture of local soap
pyrethrum extract (which comes from the and as fertilizers due to the presence of potash in
chrysanthemum plant). Pyrethroids, including them. Awolumate (1982) worked on the production
cypermethrin were designed to be effectively longer of livestock feeds from CPH while (Adeyanju et al,
in active life than pyrethrins (Bouya et al., 2012). It is 1975) have reported the use of dried pod as a
a widely used pyrethroid pesticide for crop substitute for maize in swine ration, in milk
production and fruit tree treatment (Bouya et al, production of dairy cows and in the manufacture
2012). ration of sheep and goat or at various levels in the
The insecticide is both a stomach and a contact starter diets of chicks up to six weeks of age
poison that affects the nervous system of vertebrates (Adegbola and Omole,1973). Olugbenga et al.,
and invertebrates, by affecting voltage-dependent (2011) prepared an activated carbon from cocoa pod
sodium channels and inhibiting ATPase enzymes (Jin husk activated with CO2 which they utilized for the
and Webster, 1998). Cypemethrin is extremely toxic removal of Remazor Black B reactive dye from
to aquatic organisms, and should not be applied on or aqueous solution. Cocoa is exported to many
near water, or in a windy environment. Due to its countries and at present constitutes the largest income
high lipophilicity and low water solubility, earning in the agricultural sector of some countries. A
cypermethrin has a strong potential to consideration of the present study is the choice of the
bioaccummulate in aquatic animals (Jones, 1995). non-toxic sodium chloride, as the activating agent,
Cypermethrin was the first pyrethroid to be reported which is relatively cheap and available. Also with the
as having caused a human fatality. In Greece a man readily available and cheap cocoa pod, as precursor,
died 3 hr after eating a meal cooked in a 10% renders the cost of production of activated carbon
cypermethrin concentrate used in error instead of oil. cocoa pods (ACPH) relatively low, and may be found
Nausea, prolonged vomiting with pain, tenesmus, and effective in removing this pesticide from an aqueous
diarrhea are among the effects of ingesting this medium.
pesticide. Once released or drawn into surrounding
waters through natural underground channels. 2.0 METHODOLOGY
cypermethrin go through a variety of biochemical and 2.1 Sampling and Sample Treatment
geochemical processes in aqueous environments. The At an average of 15 pods per tree, about 250
water solubility of cypermethrin is very low, 4 ppb at freshly harvested cocoa pods were procured from an
200C (Kollman and Segawa, 1995). Cypermethrin is agricultural farm centre located in the North Local
extremely hydrophobic and will quickly move from Government of Ondo State, Nigeria, in December,
an aqueous solution to suspended particulates 2011.
(Fitzpatrick, 1982). Soils and sediments are the main They were thoroughly washed with distilled
environmental reservoirs for cypermethrin (Bacci et water, broken into smaller pieces with the aid of
al., 1987). It has been adsorbed from wastewater clean and dry mortar/pestle and then sun-dried.
using granulated cork and granulated activated Further crushing and drying were carried out and
carbon (GAC) (Valentina et al.,2007). Adsorption thereafter they were oven dried at 70-800C for about
studies on wastewaters from cypermethrin 24hrs to avoid thermal degradation of the pods.
manufacturing process using activated coconut shell Pulverization was effected using a laboratory milling
carbon were carried out by Bhuvaneswari et al., machine in the Department of Pharmaceutical
2007. From their report it was found that carbon Chemistry, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife,
dosage, pH of medium, and contact time affected the Nigeria. Using different Endecott sieves, four particle
removal of COD. Studies on removal of cypermethrin sizes of 125, 250, 500 and 1000m were obtained
by carbons produced from cocoa pod have not been and stored into well-labelled air-tight different plastic
reported. containers for further use. The activating agent,
sodium chloride was of high quality grade
1.4 Activated Carbon from Cocoa Pod (BDH,UK),was obtained from the store of Chemistry
Cocoa pod is an agricultural product of the Department, Obafemi Awolowo University ,Ile-Ife,
cocoa harvesting industry. It forms about 80% of the Nigeria. The target sorbate, cypermethrin

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World Rural Observations 2013;5(2)

(formula,wol.wt= 416.30g/mol Eastsun Chemical )and pH were determined according to the method
Co. Ltd. Sanghai, China, was procured from Growell described in an earlier study (Gimba et al.,2009).
Agro Services. Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria.
2.4 Preparation of Cypermethrin Stock Solution
2.2 Activation by Two-Step Process An interactive survey with some farmers, who
This involved carbonization requiring heating engaged cypermethrin in spraying their cocoa pods in
the raw material of a particular particle size at the rural community where the pods were procured,
relatively low temperature in vacuum for a period of was conducted. The usage involved mixing certain
time and then cooled to room temperature. After this, quantity of the pesticide with water and poured into
the activating agent is introduced and heated to the spraying machine for application to the pods. The
higher temperature before cooling to room average concentration was found and this was
temperature. With little modification the method employed in preparing the stock solution of the
adopted was as described earlier (Gimba et al., 2009). adsorbate (cypermethrin). 0.25cm3 of cypermethrin
3.0g of the raw cocoa pod husk of 125m was added to 10cm3 of distilled water in a 100cm3
particle size was weighed separately into four, clean volumetric flask, shaken for about 5minutes and then
and dry glass crucibles and introduced into a carbolite made up to the mark with distilled water producing a
furnace at 5000C for 5 minutes after which they were white suspension. This was the ratio used for all the
quenched in distilled water and sun dried for 4hrs. adsorption studies in this work since the farmers
They were then allowed to dry at room temperature normally employ this proportion prior to application
for 24hrs after which they were stored in air-tight of the pesticide.
plastic containers for the next step of activation. The
activating agent was sodium chloride. This procedure 2.5 Adsorption Studies of Cypermethrin
was repeated in turn, using the 250, 500 and 1000m Batch (discontinuous) adsorption was carried
particle sizes. In each of previously weighed clean out using the method of Rozada et al., (2003) with
three crucibles, 10.0cm3 of 0.5M, 1M or 5M NaCl little modification. 0.60g of ACPH obtained from
were mixed with 0.9g of the 125 m particle sized 125m particle size CPH activated by 5M NaCl was
carbonized cocoa pod husks to form flaky pastes. The weighed into a 250cm3 Erlenmeyer flask. 10cm3 of
three crucibles and their contents were introduced the stock solution was added to the CPHAC and left
into the Carbolite furnace at 7000C for 5minutes after standing for 24 hours. The content of the flask was
which they were separately quenched in cold water, filtered using Whatman No.40 filter paper and the
washed with distilled water and dried to constant filtrate was subjected to determination of the
weights at the room temperature (26-270C).The concentration of unadsorbed cypermethrin by digital
activated carbons were stored in three air-tight plastic gas chromatography (GC/FID/ECD, SRI Japan).The
containers after labelling them. The activation difference in concentration from that of the stock was
procedure was repeated in turn, using the 250, 500 obtained. A blank with same amount of the liquid
and 1000m particle sizes. The samples of the ACPH without the adsorbent was subjected to the same
are contained in Table 2. procedure to serve as the control. The above
procedure was repeated using 0.80, 0.7 and 0.6g of
2.3 Characterization of Carbonized and Activated the 125m ACPH separately. Using the same
Carbon from Cocoa Pod Husk procedure, 0.90g of ACPH obtained from each of
Elemental Analysis: The samples were first 250, 500 and 1000m particle sizes were separately
digested before the analysis. 0.5g of a sample was treated for adsorption and subsequent determination
introduced into the digestion tube, mixed with 4.0cm3 of cypermethrin concentration.
of H2SO4 and 2.0cm3 of H2O2 followed by heating in
a block digester at 2700C for 30 minutes. It was 2.8 GC/FID/ECD conditioning.
removed and allowed to cool at room temperature The gas chromatography machine SRI 8610
after which another 2.0cm3 of H2O2 was added and equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) and
heated continuously till completion of digestion an electron captured detector (ECD) was used in this
indicated by a clear solution. Elemental analysis of analysis. The capillary column used was HP-5MS,
carbonized and activated cocoa pod husks was 30x25mm ID x 0.25m film. An air sample from the
executed using Atomic Absorption Tedlar bag was injected into a 1cm3 sample loop
spectrophotometer (AAS),Aanalyst 800,Perkin using the inbuilt vacuum pump interface and the
Elmer) at the International Institute of Tropical event program. Before injecting any sample into the
Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria. sampling loop, the FID detector temperature was
Moisture and Dry matter content %, ash content raised to 300C and the ECD detector temperature to
and carbon yield,%, as well as bulk density(gcm- 350C. The system was operated on a Argon carrier

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at 20 PSI for the ECD, while hydrogen and air were detection by the reduction of the amount of
supplied to the FID/methanizer using a built-in air interfering or masking agents such as protein/volatile
compressor at 20psi.Gas chromatographs were components as one proceeds from carbonization
recorded and analyzed with the Peak Simple during the first step to the second step of activation
Chromatography Data System Software (Version which led to the production of the ACPH in line with
3.72). Before and after sample analysis, calibration Mozammel and Masahirom (2002) and Gimba et al.,
gases were used to ensure that the GC was (2009). The transformation was effected by heating to
functioning properly. Blank samples were also run 5000C during the first step and then to 7000C for the
between samples using the same procedure to check second step. The elemental increase was most
any contamination from previous analysis. pronounced for Ca, Mg and K i.e. alkali/alkaline
earth metals. However, such significant increase
would be expected to produce more alkaline activated
3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION surfaces of the ACPH compared to the CCPH. Such
3.1 Elemental Analysis alkaline surfaces could also be facilitated by the
As presented in Table 1, concentration of elements appropriate choice of activating agent that can deposit
(ppm) increased from the carbonized to activated an alkaline product on the surfaces of ACPH (see
carbons of the cocoa pods. This could be attributed to table 2).
the fact that the elements became more vulnerable to

Table 1. Elemental Analysis of carbonized (CCPH) and activated(ACPH)

Sample Ca Mg K Na Mn Fe Pb Al Cl Br

CCPH 7.009 0.2658 3.654 0.664 0.103 0. 065 0.006 0.002 O.264 0.017

ACPH 16.244 59.344 7.677 1.266 0.265 0.114 0.198 0.102 3.251 2.852

Table 2: Physico-chemical parameters of cocoa pod husk


Samples(m) %Moisture % Dry Matter % Ash % Carbon Yield pH Bulk Density

125m 5M NaCl 6.50 93.50 3.10 18.04 10.40 0.28

125m 1M NaCl 7.85 92.15 5.75 33.26 10.30 0.36

125m 0.5M NaCl 5.95 94.05 3.80 21.97 10.30 0.34

250m 5M NaCl 8.30 91.70 4.90 28.00 10.40 0.33

250m 1M NaCl 6.10 93.90 5.85 33.83 10.50 0.33

250m 0.5M NaCl 7.15 92.85 4.95 28.63 10.50 0.31

500m 5M NaCl 5.95 94.05 6.05 34.59 10.20 0.32

500m 1M NaCl 5.40 94.60 6.00 34.70 10.40 0.32

500m 0.5M NaCl 5.20 94.80 3.10 18.24 10.20 0.31

1000m 5M NaCl 6.05 93.95 6.40 37.00 10.10 0.30

1000m 1M NaCl 5.25 94.75 6.15 35.57 10.20 0.26

1000m 0.5M NaCl 5.50 94.50 4.20 24.71 10.10 0.27

500m Carbonized 7.05 92.95 7.45 43.00 9.50 0.35

Raw Sample 4.69 95.30 8.55 49.45 5.70 0.62

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3.2 Physico-Chemical Parameters carbon. It is a common view that the more porous a
These parameters are as shown in Table 2. It can carbon the greater its adsorbate uptake.
be seen that for the same molar concentration of the The bulk density has been viewed as an
activating agent the moisture content (%) generally important parameter in adsorptive technology as
decreased with increasing particle size of the higher density generally gives rise to better retention
activated carbon. The moisture content of the 500 m of adsorbate per unit volume of the adsorbent (Jibril
increased with increased molar concentration of the et al, 2007).Table 2 shows that the density of the
activant but no such linear relationship for the other carbonized and ACPH ranged from 0.26-0.36 and for
particle sizes. For this reason, the moisture content of the same molar concentration of the AA bulk density
the 500m particle size of the carbonized was used. generally decreased with increasing particle size. The
On the basis of this, it could be seen that most of the bulk density of the samples generally decreases as the
activated carbons have lower moisture contents than raw material went through carbonization to activation
the carbonized carbon. As it can be seen, the ACPH that led to the ACPH carbon products. One would
that had the smallest moisture content (5.20%) therefore expect the raw or carbonized carbon that
possessed the greatest dry matter content (94.80%). had higher bulk density to be more effective in
Adsorption efficiency of an adsorbent generally sorbate adsorption as claimed by earlier studies
has some inverse dependence on its moisture content. (Gimba et al., 2009; 2010). The generally lower
It has been reported that moisture contents has this values of the bulk densities of the activated compared
pattern of relationship with porosity network of to those of the raw and carbonized samples might
adsorbents (Aziza et al., 2008., Gimba et al., 2010). have arisen from the relatively low activation
Sorbent with high moisture content is expected to temperature at 7000C yielding ACPH with less
swell less reducing pore size expansion for sorbate density since the earlier studies were carried out at
adsorption. 8000C for the same activation time. However, the
Ash content is a measure of inorganic impurities earlier studies employed a different precursor,
in carbons (Bansode et al., 2003). In Table 2, two groundnut shell and NaCl as AA in only one case.
carbon matrixes, 500m and 125 m activated with The pH of the carbon surfaces increased from
0.5M and 5M NaCl respectively had the same ash the raw material (5.70) to the carbonized (9.50) and
content of 3.10% and hence may be expected to have then to the narrow range of 10.10-10.50 for the
the least inorganic component. Generally, sorbents activated samples. The raw cocoa pod was acidic
with less ash content have higher sorption uptake and while the carbonized and activated forms were
the level of ash content has been found dependent on alkaline in tandem with earlier studies (Gimba et al.,
the ash content of the starting material (Ahmedna et 2009; 2010). These results were also in agreement
a.l., 2000). In this report, the ash content of the with a much earlier work which showed that alkaline
activated samples were all lower than the ash content surfaces are characteristic of activated carbons having
of the carbonised and raw material samples, vegetable origins (Cheremisinoff and Ellerbusch,
increasing in that order (Table 2). However, ash 1978). Such alkaline surfaces have been found
content may be dependent on the type of activating favourable to adsorbing methylene blue(dye) from
agent (AA) as pointed in an earlier work (Gimba et aqueous medium (Abram,1973, Gimba et al., 2009)
al., 2010). In this study, as the same AA (NaCl) was as well as dichlorvos, a pesticide from the same
used, ash content largely depends on the medium (Gimba et al., 2010). The amount of
concentration of the AA (Table 2). The carbon yields adsorbate uptake is expected to be more favourable as
(%) of the activated carbons were lower than those of the carbon surfaces become more alkaline (Abram,
the carbonized and raw material samples and in some 1973). The increase in pH of the adsorbents could be
matrixes the carbon yields were significantly lower in as a result of chemical activation with NaCl which
the ACPH. For instance, the two samples that had the resulted in higher pH in line with a previous work
same ash content, as mentioned above, also had (Gimba et al, 2009)
almost the same carbon yield of 18.24 and 18.04 (%) NaCl Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq)
respectively. Chemical activation, as employed in this H2O OH-(aq) + H+(aq)
study, enhances the weakening of the cellulose
material and release of volatile organic matter of the Net: NaCl (aq) NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq)
precursor structure resulting into microporous
activated carbon (Malik et al., 2006). The organic HCl(aq) HCI(g)
matter clogs the carbon pores and the greater the At a relatively high temperature of 7000C used
evolution of volatiles from the matter during for activation in this work, HCl(aq) would probably
activation, the greater the porosity of the activated have gasified (HCI(aq) HCl(g)) in the carbolite
furnace and leaving NaOH(s) on the surfaces of the

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ACPH. This could be an additional reason for the pesticide from the aqueous medium while the
relatively high pH of the ACPH samples. 1000m particle size had only 54.737% removal.
This could be attributed to the common view that
3.3 Batch Adsorption Study of Cypermethrin by surface area increases as particle size of a sorbent
Activated Cocoa Pod decreases (Itodo et al, 2010).The increase in surface
The present study centres on some key factors area creates greater effective contact points or
that affected the adsorption of the test pesticide using collision with the sorbate and hence increases the
some of the prepared activated cocoa pod sorption efficiency of the carbon sample in line with a
husk(ACPH).The selected carbon samples were recent work (Khazaei et al., 2011). Also the bigger
based on the earlier sections of this report and a few the particle size the greater the inter-particulate
preliminary studies. These included the observation distance, the greater the level of porosity of the
that greater removal of the test pesticide by all the carbon matrix and hence relatively low adsorption
ACPH than all the CCPH in line with earlier workers capacity. On the other hand, for the same residence
(Gimba et al., 2009).The batch adsorption study time, smaller particle sizes enjoy greater association
considered the effects of sorbent particle size, molar (smaller inter-particulate distance), less or delayed
concentration of the activating agent (NaCl) and passage of sorbate solution and greater level of
sorbent dosage on the adsorption of the pesticide adsorption by the ACPH particles. The smaller the
(cypermethrin). The possible fittings of the batch data particle size the greater the association of the
into the Langmuir will be considered. adsorbent particles, smaller volume for the same
mass of the different particle sizes and hence the
3.4 Effect of Particle Size of ACPH increased density which generally increases removal
Table 3 shows that adsorption of 1.52 gdm-3 of the adsorbates (Khazaei, 2011). However, this
cypermethrin increased with decreasing particle size trend could be reversed if there is better development
of the ACPH using 5M of the activating agent (AA). of micropores in matrixes of smaller densities. It is
The choice of the molar concentration was based on a clear from Table 2 that low level of moisture content
preliminary investigation which showed that for each and ash content as well as relatively high pH of
particle size of the ACPH, the higher the ACPH accomplished by using 5M NaCl at particle
concentration (for the experimental 0.5,1 and 5M of size of 125 m must have been responsible for the
the AA) the greater the removal of the pesticide. Thus relatively high adsorption of the test pesticide.
the 125m/5M NaCl) had 94.342% removal of the

Table 3. Batch equilibrium experimental data for cypermethrin adsorption showing the effect of particle size of adsorbent at
C0(gdm-3 ) Ce(gdm-3) Ca(gdm-3) %RE M(g) qe(mg/g)
particle size(m)

125 1.52 0 .086 1.432 94.342 0.0143 15.933

250 1.52 0.195 1.325 87.171 0.0172 14.722

500 1.52 0.477 1.043 68.618 0.0I04 11.588

1000 1.52 0.688 0.832 54.737 0.0083 9.244

3.5 Effect of ACPH Dosage Increasing adsorbent dosage provides greater

The mass of the 125m particle size of the surface area and, generally, more adsorption sites
ACPH activated with 5M NaCl was varied for this with concomitant greater level of adsorption
aspect. Table 4 shows that adsorption of the test capacity(qe).On the other hand, qe i.e. the amount of
pesticide increased with increasing dosage of the adsorbate (cypermethrin) adsorbed per unit mass of
carbon matrix. As it can be seen, 0.9g of the 125 m the adsorbent decreased with increase in the
particle carbon/5M NaCl had 94.342% removal of adsorbent dose in line with a previous work (Mousavi
cypermethrin which decreased generally as mass of et al, 2010).It is probably clear from Table 2 the
the adsorbent decreased. For instance 83.618% summative effect of relatively low moisture content
removal was obtained for the 0.6g of the same carbon and ash content with the attendant high microporosity
matrix. of a high carbon dosage enhanced the uptake of
cypermethrin in this study (see Fig.1).

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Table 4. Batch equilibrium experimental data for cypermethrin adsorption showing the effect of adsorbent dose at 298K

Dose(g) C0(gdm-3 ) Ce(gdm-3) C a( gdm-3) %RE M(g) qe(mg/g)

0.60 1.52 0.249 1.271 83.618 0.01271 21.183

0.70 1.52 0.194 1.326 87.237 0.0133 18.942

0.80 1.52 0.210 1.310 86.184 0.0131 16.375

0.90 1.52 0.086 1.434 94.342 0.0143 15.933

C0, Ce , Ca, %RE, M & qe, as in Table 3.

Sorption efficiency of cypermethrin uptake (%RE) by activated cocoa pod husk.

Figure 1. Sorption Efficiency of Cypermethrin Uptake (%RE) by Activated Cocoa Pod husks using different Adsorbent Dosage

3.6. Effect of Concentration of Activating Agent 5M of the activating agent in line with the previous
This effect was investigated by varying the work(Gimba et al.,2009 ).Moreover increasing
molar concentration of NaCl. Three different concentration of the AA might have led to enhanced
adsorbents were obtained using (5M, 1M and 0.5M) production of micropores, lower ash content and
NaCl for activation. Table 5 revealed a direct higher pH values in the activated cocoa pod husks
relationship between molar concentration of NaCl (table 2) which resulted in greater removal of the
and cypermethrin uptake. The trend follows 5M > pesticide as shown in Figure 2.
1M > 0.5M. This could probably be attributed to The report so far has revealed that substantial
increasing density of solution as molar concentration amount of cypermethrin can be removed from an
of the AA increased (Jibril et al, 2007).The aqueous medium by employing appropriate particle
increasing molar concentration could also have size of ACPH sample activated with NaCl at an
contributed to increasing pH of the carbon surfaces effective concentration.
leading to higher uptake by the carbon activated with

Table 5. Batch equilibrium experimental data for cypermethrin adsorption showing the effect of concentration of activating agent
at 298K
Conc, of AA (moldm-3) C0 (gdm-3) Ce(gdm-3) Ca( gdm-3) %RE M(g) qe(mg/g)

0.5 1.52 0.189 1.331 87.566 0.0331 14.789

1.0 1.52 0.141 1.379 90.723 0.0179 15.322

5.0 1.52 0.086 1.434 94.342 0.0143 15.933

C0, Ce , Ca, RE,M & qe, as in Table 3.

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Figure 2. Effect of molar concentration of activating agent(NaCl) on sorption effciency of activated cocoa pod husk for
3.7 Langmuir and Freundlich Isotherms al., 2011). The Freundlich isotherm parameters of
Langmuir plots involved plotting Ce/qe against n=5.102 (1/n=0.196) and k=25.41 showed that the
Ce and Freundlich plots were those of log10 qe against adsorption data obtained in this work generally
log10Ce. .The good fit of the experimental data and the agreed with previous work (Gimba et al., 2009). It is
correlation coefficient (R2) indicates the applicability known that small n (1< n < 10) indicates high
of the Langmuir isotherm model to the adsorption of adsorption capacity and the relatively high value of k
cypermethrin by the ACPH in line with earlier works shows high adsorption capacity ( Rozada et
(Langmuir, 1916, Gimba et al., 2009, Olugbenga et al.,2002,Weber Jr., 1973, Gimba et al.,2009).

Table 6. Langmuir and Freundlich Isotherms Parameters

Parameters Langmuir Freundlich
q0 22.73 -
K 43.99 25.41
R2 0.875
n - 5.102
1/n - 0.196
RL 0.015 -

4. CONCLUSION improvement possibly with higher activation

This work provides a procedure for temperature.
obtaining carbonaceous adsorbents from the
agricultural wastecocoa pod. Removal of pesticide ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
(cypermethrin) from solution using sodium chloride- Our profound appreciation goes to the technical
carbon prepared from cocoa pod husk was achieved. staff of Department of Material Science and
There is an indication that cocoa pod husk could be Engineering of the Federal University of Technology,
an excellent precursor for preparation of AC that is Akure, Nigeria and those of the International Institute
effective for cypermethrin removal. From this study, of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria for
adsorption of cypermethrin increased with increase their assistance during analysis of the carbons
in dosage of adsorbent and molar concentration of the including the digital GC.
activating agents as well as decrease in the adsorbent
particle size. A relatively high removal of 94.32%
cypermethrin by the ACPH products gives room for

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World Rural Observations 2013;5(2)

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