Lec 4

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Experimental Stress Analysis - An Overview

Prof. K. Ramesh
Department of Applied Mechanics
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Lecture - 1.4
Basic information provided by
Various Experimental Methods

In the last lecture, we have seen how optical methods provide, whole field information in
the form of contours without explicitly solving any differential equations. What you need
to know now is, for each of the experimental technique, what is the information that it
gives directly.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:25)

You may want to use this information and use your mechanics of solids or other methods
to process this information, to get additional data that is a different aspect, but basically
when you exploit the physics, what is the information that we get out of it? That is you
need to know and in photoelasticity you get principal stress or strain, because
photoelasticity has transmission approach you get principal stress difference if we use a
reflection methodology for analyzing prototypes you can get the principal strain
difference, and you can also get the principal stress or strain orientation. So, if you look
at photoelasticity it can give only these information it cannot give you normal stress
components or shear stress components.

But shear stress components if you know principal as difference and the theta you can
process it and get it. But directly what it gives depends on the physics because the
physics, we are already seen at least partly that it uses stress induced birefringence and
some that you will be able to find out difference and principal stresses directly, so you
get only stress information from photo elasticity and if you go to Geometric Moiré.
Geometric Moiré provides directly only in plane displacements or out-of-plane
displacements. What will have to do is if you want to get in-plane displacement, you
should go for a particular optical arrangement. If you want to go for out-of-plane
displacement you should have some modifications the optical arrangement.

And even if you want to get displacement you should have gratings oriented in a
particular way. So, you are an exploit in the physics, you should also know what is a how
you use it. So, at a time you will get only one information by enlarge, but there are also
techniques which uses more than one combination and you get combined information as
comfortably as possible.

The next is Moiré Interferometry. In Moiré Interferometry you can get in-plane
displacements. Here, you can go and make very precise measurements compared to
Geometric Moiré because the displacements is very accurate, strains can be obtained by
differentiation. Like I said, in the case of photo elasticity, you could get in-plane shear
stress, if you know the principal difference, principals orientation in Moiré
Interferometry. Because the displacement information is very precise because, we have
use high density gratings strains can also be obtained by differentiating the displacement.

Now, you should know numerical differentiation is error prone than integration. So, even
my small errors in displacement will get more, will become more. When you do a
numerical differentiation and you have Holography and essentially it gives a
displacement vector and you all know that as a security device but, from a stress analysis
point of view it is a displacement vector, very attractive for out-of-plane displacement. In
fact, in the early days when they were developing turbine blades, the vibration modes of
turbine blades were recorded by Holography and it was very revealing and Holography is
very sensitive as well the amount of effort that you need to do Holography is, much more
than you do an experiment using Photoelasticity and you have another experimental

(Refer Slide Time: 04:51)

The name itself signifies I use the coating which is brittle and this directly provides
principal stress direction. So, I think, right now you will know that we have seen variety
of experimental techniques; some give only stress information, some give only
displacement and some give only principal stress direction. So, depending on what you
want. So, from as an analyst, you should know what you want and based on that you
should select the experimental technique. Then you have Speckle interferometry, which
is a variation of a Holography and which gives in-plane displacements and you can also
get out-of-plane displacements, yes.

see when you are looking at three displacement components UV and W in plane
displacement means you are essentially looking at U and V displacements. If you are
looking at, if you want out-of-plane displacements that is a W component then, it is out-
of-plane displacement. Particularly in a mode shape you have essentially vibration
perpendicular to it. Then you will see that easily captured by Holography and for each of
this you need to have appropriate optics. The optical arrangement is very important
which tells you which one you get and we will definitely spend time on each of this
techniques, later to see what is optical arrangement? The initial exercise nowadays, to
know in our mind that what an experimental technique can give directly and then you
have a Shearography, which is a radiation of a speckle interferometry and which is very
popular in non destructive testing where you can find out slope and curvature

For example, when they make honeycomb panels for satellites, all of this, honeycomb
panels have to go through a screening test before it is assembled on the satellite, where
you do not want to have any surprises when the satellite is launched. You have to see
whether that honeycomb panel, the top sheet is gloved properly with the honeycomb and
if there is not gloved properly you have to use non destructive testing and shearography
is a very ideal tool where you could do the test on the complete panel, satisfy yourself,
that it is free of defects or defects within permissible limits then you allow the satellite to
be fabricated.

Then the next technique you have which is a very recent origin it is about 10 years old is
digital image correlation and this again gives in plane displacement out of plane
displacements. You may also wonder I do not have one experimental technique which
gives only in-plane displacements. I have many experimental techniques to measure in
plane displacements and for example, even you go on yesterday I mention that you have
to measure the length, you can measure by tape, length you can measure by scale, you
can measure by vernier. When you are using a vernier, you have a least count when you
go to screw gauge you have a much finer least count and when you go to optical methods
you still talk in terms of wavelengths.

Similarly when you look at experimental techniques also you can get information of
varied accuracies from each one of this. So, you will also have to know see, suppose I
want to work on rubber I going to have large displacements, digital image correlation is
very ideal I do not want to measure large displacement with a very fine measuring
instrument. Suppose, I want to work on nano structures and I want to see in nano devices
what is the kind of displacement I would naturally go to Holography and then find out
the displacements. Though each technique gives seemingly similar information, the
physics what we have used or what we have exploited dictates the possible level of
accuracy and what I would say is physics as well as the technology. Physics may be
same, but the technology is improved then also you can improve the accuracy of

Another non contact technique what you have is Thermoelastic stress analysis. This
gives only change in sum of principal stresses or strains under cyclic or random loading
and you all know fatigue loading is very common in actual structures. So, for handling
problems of this nature, thermoelastic stress analysis as come into play particularly, for
high temperature measurements you want to have non-contact measurement, this method
has been developed. So, directly it can view change in sum of principal stresses. Photo
elasticity gave difference in principal stresses; thermoelastic will give in only change in
difference sum principal stresses that means, the physics what you have used demands or
it gives it is capability of doing that only information. Here, it uses the temperature
developed because of stress applied that is what you will basically the information is
used, yes.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:35)

Student: What are non-contact techniques?

See most of the optical techniques are non-contact. If you look at the optical techniques,
they are all non-contact techniques. Now, I am showing strain gauges, when you go to
strain gauge, what you do? You actually take a strain gauge, paste it on the specimen. So,
if you paste it on the specimen you are disturbing it. Any coating technique whether, it is
brittle coating or photo elasticity coating or strain gauges, it modifies a stress pattern to
an extent.

On the other hand, if I do not make any contact with this specimen or I just send only
light waves and then receive the light waves like, what I do in transmission
photoelasticity or what I do in digital image correlation or in Holography, you have a
non-contact application. This is what I would like to emphasize. See when you look at
strain gauge people think strain gauge give strain. They talk loosely it does not give
strain, it gives component of strain. There is a fundamental difference between strain and
component of strain. Strain is a tensor of rank 2, when you say strain, you indirectly
imply it is strain tensor, but a strain gauge, a single strain gauge can give you only
component of strain along the gauge length of the strain gauge. This is a very subtle and
very important information.

So, if I have to find out strain tensor in 2 dimensional situations, I need to use three strain
gauges, I cannot measure strain tensor with one strain gauge. So, if you, only if you
understand a single strain gauge give component of strain. So, you have to come out of
your earlier understanding or strength of material. You have looked at as components
many of you may not even recollect that stress is a tensor and strain is a tensor. You still
think in terms of that as one in numbers and the danger is that you may even think that it
is scalar like a temperature, it is not so, it is a tensor, tensor of rank 2 whether, you
understand or not.

Material understands are tensor because if you break the material the failure planes are
dictated by whatever the failure criteria that depends on stress is a tensor. We have also
noted what a caustic is; we saw the caustics in a tea cup. I said caustics is the name of the
physics behind it. This is particularly used for stress concentration and stress
intensification problem. See, if I take photoelasticity I can do it on regions which is not
under stress concentration, uniformly loaded also I can get information. Only when I
have stress concentration that is suppose I have a load application point, near the load
application point you have a concentration of stress and for only in that zone, I would be
able to get information by caustics. Because what it uses is it uses the specimen becomes
divergent. The specimen become divergent because of poison effect and what over the
light you send the light is deflected, you would see that.

So, in a sense it is also localized information you get and a variation of caustics what you
see is coherent gradient sensor. In this, it is an optical method and sum of in-plane
normal stress gradients you get it in transmission arrangement or out-of-plane
displacement gradients in reflection arrangement. As I said earlier, although several
methods may measure similar parameters, the inherent accuracy of different techniques
is different. So, is any question at this stage? So, the key point here is although several
methods may measure similar parameters, the inherent accuracy of different techniques
is different and this knowledge you need when you want to solve a problem on hand.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:08)

Sometimes you may want a high accuracy. So, demand on accuracy may also dictate the
particular choice of an experimental method in relation to other techniques. And
everything cost money, if you want more accuracy, you need to pay more. It may also
take little more time for you to get the result. So, the idea is there is a fundamental
difference, if you are able to solve the problem analytically there is nothing better than
like that, but reality is the number of problems you can solve analytically methods are
very much limited. You cannot live with analytical methods alone it has definitely given
you an understanding that trust you have axial force members where the material is fully
utilized in load sharing the moment you come to bending the inner core or the material is
not contribute into load sharing.

So, you can have I beams for rails and when you go to torsion the inner core can be
removed and you have hollow shafts and if you go and look at is it human beings which
are intelligent enough who have understood a mechanics of solids, and they are able to
say for a bending member you do not have to have material in the core. If we go and
look at nature, it is very surprising nature is much more intelligent than what we think of.
You have bones which have hollow portion which actually you have the bone marrow
where you have hemoglobin developed, you have birds they fly because of hollow bones
and if you look at nature. You have a new branch of science biomimetics, if people go on
do look at various natural creatures as well as plants and how do they function and we
will only mimicate in our engineering.

And you should not feel, yes, nature is great, in it is own merit human beings also great
in their own merit because I always consider all this stress analysis, you are
understanding a fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, vibration if we look at what is the
product that you can really think proud of is an aeroplane, a huge metallic bird flies and
comes back with a such a heavy weight is not a joke.

In fact, all these techniques have contributed to it is development. You have taken certain
advantage from numerical techniques you have verified many of this from experimental
approach only. Now, people want to fly composite aircraft because they would like to
have the least weight, it has it is own advantages as well as problems. So, this class what
we have covered is basic information which each experimental technique. I have focused
only on basic information; if we use mechanics of solid or combine combination of more
than one experimental technique we could derive many of the quantities, that is not the
issue here. Why we look at direct information provided by experimental technique is, we
would like to know and relate what is the relationship between the physics and what is
the information we get.

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