Eoi Sbcci
Eoi Sbcci
Eoi Sbcci
Chartered Accountants
Dated: Dhaka
October 22,2022
The President
Switzerland Bangladesh Chamber Of Commerce & lndustry
House # 37, Road # 24, Gulshan-1,
Dhaka-1 21 2. Bangladesh.
Sub: Expression of lnterest (EOl) for Statement _of Receipts and Payments of
switzerland Bangladesh chamber of commerce & lndustry.
Dear Sir,
We, tM. Z. lslam & Co., Chartered Accountants are pleased to submit Expression of lnterest
(EOl) for Expression of lnterest (EOl) for Statement of Receipts and Payments of Switzerland
Bangladesh Chamber Of Commerce & lndustry.
We introduce our firm, M Z lslam & Co. (MZl), Chartered Accountants, established on April
w 1g, 1gg3. Our firm consists of five Partners and has been in practice for more than 24 years.
We have the renowned list of clients which includes Government Organizations, Foreign
Companies, World Bank Finance Projects, Non-Banking Financial Institutions, NGOs, Private
Limited Companies and so on.
Chartered Accountants
$('j An lnternational Affiliated Member Firm of
MGM Accountants Pty Ltd. Australia
Our firm has foreign affiliation with MGM Accountants Pty Ltd. Australia and also
as a member since February 24, 2020. MGIVI Accountants Pty Ltd. Australia_is a registered
Act 200'1 and is taken to be registered in New South Wales.
company under the Corporations
l/embers of tVlGIr/ Accountants pty Ltd. Australia provide various professional services including
but not limited to Audit, Accountincy, Taxation, Corporate Finance, Corporate Recovery and
lnsolvency, Litigation, company secretarial and other servtces.
We have five service divisions in our firm i.e. (a) Audit & Assurance, (b) Accounting &
Financial (c) Taxation & VAT, (d) Consultancy, (e) Company Secretarial. We are fully
equipped to provide one stop professional services to our clients.
Professional Fees :
Our professional fees for the audit of your organization shall be Tk. 20,000/- (twenty thousand)
only exclusive of VAT.
ln case of any query, please do not hesitate to contract us for further clarification.
Thanking you
ours truly,
ional of
Accountants Pty Ltd.