10 12 올림포스+독해의+기본+2-1
10 12 올림포스+독해의+기본+2-1
10 12 올림포스+독해의+기본+2-1
{• I• {•
in the hope that it will satisfy our desire for knowledge. The result is
This can offer more insight about customers than any other data. When this information is
fully contextualized , marketers can start to understand customer behaviours in @ that has
become their very native digital environmen t. * contextualize
• •
80 2
The Internet
1 to I
I- I free , various , and easy
Our use 1
Insights ) - [ to understand ,
(1) : very great in size , amount, or degree
(2) : belonging to a particular place by birth
2 l!lEI
@ be •
@ that •
3 thatOI
The statistics will vary depending on [which articl El you read] but the story is the same
CHAPTER 03 • UNrr 10 81
In a perfect world , consumers would if the product were
@relatively homogeneous. But does this really happen? To find out, researchers conducted a
series of experiments. They showed consumers the same products - coffee and t-shirts - but
told one group the items had been made using high ethical standards and another group that
low standards had been used. A control group got no information. In all of the tests , consumers
were willing to pay a slight premium for the ethically made goods. But they went @ much
further in the other direction: they would buy unethically made products only at a steep
discoun t. What ’ s more , consumer attitudes played a big part in shaping those results. People
with high standards for corporate behavior @) rewarding the ethical companies with bigger
premiums and punished the unethical ones with bigger discounts. * homogeneous 110
1 @rv@
• the / the / prices / more / higher / to pay / the products / the consumers / were made / were
• ... J
82 2
02 Ç1 8440-0039
Life is too short to chase unicorns. It ’ s too precious to rely on a rabbit ’ s foo t. The real
solutions we seek are almost always hiding in plain sight; unfortunately, they ’ ve usually been
obscured by an unbelievable amount 0f fake , an astounding flood of “ common sense" that
turns out to be (A) 1nonsense / sensible 1. Ever hear your boss evoke the frog-in-boiling-water
metaphor? (“Toss a frog into a pot of hot water and @it will jump right back ou t. But if you
place a frog in lukewarm water and slowly (B) lower /
1 1the temperature, @ it will boil
to death.") @) It’ s a lie - a very complete lie. Anyone ever tell you “ fish stink from the head
down"? Not true. Just a fish tale that actually turns out to be fishy. You may wonder how it
ever became a maxim at all. Over time , myths and mistrusts get thrown around so often they
eventually * rabbit ’s foot
1 (A).
(A) (B)
2 @rv@
10 83
The upside of the Internet is that it is democratic - anyone can say what they like - but
the downside is that there is no quality control. Far from being an electronic oracle infallibly
dispensing wisdom , @ it contains the views not only of credentialed experts but also of
uninformed idiots - and everything in between. There is , of course , a huge amount of useful ,
accurate and trustworthy information online , but it is not always easy to find. Search engines
like Google may help , but it is important to keep in mind that page rankings are determined
by popularity rather than truth. Since conspiracy theories surrounding events such as 9/11 are
popular, they are likely to appear high on such rankings , but this does not mean @ are
true. So if we are to avoid being misled , we need not only the ability to locate information ,
but also *oracle
@ @
2 everything in betweenOI
84 2
:( ( 2 Student ID Name
(10) (5)
CHAPTER 03 • UNIT 10 85
STEP 01 1 The graph shows how teens communicate with friends using social networking sites.
2 The highest percentage of respondents said that they posted messages to a friend ’ s page
3 More than 80 percent of respondents said that they sent private messages to a friend within the
social networking system.
4 The percentage of respondents who used social networking sites to give compliments to their
friends was less than half of those who posted comments to a friend ’ s blog.
The graph shows how teens communicate with friends using social
network sites . The highest percentage of respondents said that they posted
messages to a friend ’ s page . More .than 80 percent of respondents said
that they sent private messages to a friend within the social networking
system. The percentage of respondents who used social networking sites
to give compliments to their friends was less than half of those who posted
comments to a friend ’ s blog.
86 2
{• (• ( ....
1 .
3 •
-z f simplified territory
nur m m On attribute explicitly
perspective navigate
88 2
An example of a model , or a 1s of the real attributes
(1) to choose a path so that a ship , plane , or car can go in a particular direction ,
especially by using maps or instruments
(2) : a sign , symbol , or picture of something
2 do
@ @
• do
and helping one know [how to navigate the territory). as well as a means 01 communicating to others
[how •
~ the
it (can) fuliy capture ali the unique details - . "'.
canOI it
11 89
01 (A) ,
As you know, many ' sports injuries are treated with ice packs. The initial impact of the
ice is @ reduce the inflammation and the resultant swelling by shrinking the blood vessels
and , so , slowing down the rush of blood to the area. (A) , the body also has an
opposite reaction to the cold, namely to send extra blood to the chilled area to warm it up.
(You may have noticed this phenomenon yourself when you ’ ve had very cold hands. As soon
as you came inside or otherwise @ warm your hands , they seemed to glow.) Fortunately,
however, the body sends this warming blood to the area gradually without causing reswelling.
(B) , the sports physician has given his patient the best of all worlds; reduced
swelling and inflammation but increased flow of curative blood. * inflammation
(A) (B)
CD However Thus
@ However Instead
@ Therefore Thus
@ Moreover Instead
@ Moreover Nevertheless
@ reduce •
@ warm •
2 this
resultant shrink
blood vessel opposite
reaction chill phenomenon
reswell physician
90 2
02 (A) ,
The development of quality and creative musical ideas @ take time. Schools are set up such
that teachers must work on a strict and limited time schedule , with few precious moments
allowed in a week for music instruction , along with the additional burden of having to
produce excellent concerts for public performance. (A) , this hectic approach to
may be least conducive for thinking. Researchers have provided evidence 1 5
@ when given shorter time to work on a creative task , subjects produced lower scores
on fluency, flexibility , and originality tests. (B) , researchers found that students
produce their most original ideas later in creative tasks rather than ear1 ier. My own
of teaching composition to children provides anecdotal evidence to support the notion that
they need a significant amount of undisturbed time when composing. 1 often have had a 110
difficult time @ convincing students to take a break, even after hours of working on a music
composition projec t. * hectic *. conducive
(A) (B)
CD Similarly Nevertheless
@ For example
@ Unfortunately
@ Unfortunately Nevertheless
@ Similar1 y Therefore
1 @rv@
(1) (2)
03 • UNrT 11 91
03 (A) ,
(A) (B)
CD As a result moreover
@ For example instead
@ For example thus
@ Nevertheless instead
@ Nevertheless moreover
1 @rv@
92 2
( ( Student ID Name
sports center m
similarly across show however next to for example the same to sum up
The two maps how ABC City has changed over the last 40 years.
First of all , the school was located the street from the airport 40
years ago. , it is now located next to the sports center. Likewise ,
the location of the hospital has been moved; 40 years ago , it was
the school , but now it is next to the marke t. On the other hand , the locations of
the other buildings have remained , the location of the
restaurant is unchanged. , the bank has always been where it is now.
, these two maps illustrate how the city has changed over the last 40
11 93
STEP 01 1 The two maps illustrate how the city has changed over the last 40 years
2 It was located across the street from the airport.
3 It was located next to the schoo l.
4 The bank , the market, the center, the and the restaurant have not been moved.
The two maps show how ABC City has changed over the last 40 years.
First of all , the school was located across the street from the airport 40
years ago. However, it is now located next to sports center. Likewise ,
the location of the hospital has been moved; 40 years ago , it was next to the
school, but now it is next to the marke t. On the other hand , the locations of
the other buildings have remained the same. For example, the Jocation of the
restaurant is unchanged. Sirnilarly, the bank has always been where it is now.
To sum up , these two maps illustrate how the city has changed over the last
40 years.
94 2
event are (A) easy / hard to determine. @ If it is a c1 0se contest and our team wins , we may
1 1
feel excitement and joy. @ But if it is a boring event and our team loses , the
we receive is quite (B) 1 similar / different 1. @ The reasons the team loses are that the
players are not committed, lack focus , are not confident, or couldn’t let go of their mistakes.
@ Because of its spontaneous nature , sport producers face a host of challenges that are 1 10
% 2
Entertainment Predetermined Emotions
forms things we may feel
none hard to
(• spontaneous) 3 Sport producers face challenges
plays 2 that are 4 than
those of other entertainment
programs predictable providers.
movles genres
(A) (B)
One important way [in which {sport differs from other common entertainment forms}) is that sport is
CHAPTER 04 • 12 97
Strive to make your presentations as personal as possible and avoid speaking in a space
larger than necessary. CD Smaller rooms create a more intimate atmosphere , which will
heighten the energy and emotion of an audience. @ Speaking in a smaller space will also
allow you to make eye contact with your audience , an important personal touch. @ If 25
people are expected to attend your presentation , find a space with a maximum capacity of
30 instead of 100. @ Although deciding the proper space for your presentation can become a
surprisingly difficult task, it ’ s safer to reserve a vast room with enough seats for everyone to
seat for sure. @ A crowded room will seem more impressive than an empty hall and people
will be more in c1ined to remember a full house rather than an auditorium of empty seats.
1 to
98 2
02 08440-0047
Those in the field of children's sports need something to guide their efforts , a guiding
philosophy so to speak. CD @ 0therwise they are like sailors of long ago who sometimes sailed
about aimlessly and without confidence of their course when away from land. @ At times ,
individuals involved in children ’ s sports need to be able to “ check the course" by referring
to a compass in their own minds so as to @ know if they are moving in the proper direction. I 5
@ In order to do this , they must have a “ magnetic north" composed of a purpose and of
clearly defined worthwhile objectives. @ They must be good athletes if they want to become
successful coaches for children ’ s sports. @ If they have their worthy objectives in mind as
they make decisions about their programs , they will not be sailing blind.
1 @ (A),
If those in the field of children ’ s sports (A) have (B)
so to speak otherwise aimlessly
refer to compass direction
magnetic north worthwhile
objective athlete blind
CHAPTER 04 • UNrT 12 99
Artists will often physica11y turn their artwork upside down to view it in a new way and
expose areas @ which the work could be improved. Doing so a110ws them @ to see flaws and
other easy-to-overlook details they couldn ’ t see after looking at the artwork right-side up
for so long. CD The same goes for your everyday lives , inc1 uding your problems , ideas , and
work. CID You see them “ right-side up" for so long that you can ’ t see them in any other way.
@ By flipping your perspective upside down , you expose yourself to a new way of viewing
the same old stuff. @) Likewise , changing your point of view @ is the result of many hours
of reflection. @ If you can physica11y change your perspective - by sitting on your head ,
or flipping something you ’ re looking at upside down - you ’ 11 notice things you never did
before as a result of the altered 10
1 @"-'@
2 Doing
nF VJ a ---,
upside down expose
””‘a W right-side up
nF nh
nur -” rn
reflection altered
100 2
( ( Student ID Name
Title Lion
(10) (5)
STEP 01 @ gets lost
@m m a Il v
@· S @ s
@ for several months
fine acting
Lion is a film directed by Garth Davis , . based on the non-fiction book A
Long Way Home by Saroo Brierley. The film stars Dev Patel , Rooney Mara,
David Wenham and Nicole Kidman. The story is as follows: Five-year-
old Saroo gets lost on a train , which takes him thousands of miles across
India, (;lway from home and family. After wandering for several months ,
Saroo is adopted and raised by a warm-hearted couple in Australia. Saroo ,
now a young man , recalls his childhood during a meal with some Indian
friends . Saroo searches for his hometown using an online satellite imagery
map service. Finally, he finds his hometown and reunites with his biological
family. This film impresses us with the adoptees ’ losses and pains , the true
meaning of family, and fine acting of the actors.
102 2