visual identification of soils is an important field and laboratory procedure for
developing an approximate grain size distribution curve (Fig. 3.1). This curve can be
used to evaluate the suitability of a
visual identification of soils is an important field and laboratory procedure for
developing an approximate grain size distribution curve (Fig. 3.1). This curve can be
used to evaluate the suitability of a
visual identification of soils is an important field and laboratory procedure for
developing an approximate grain size distribution curve (Fig. 3.1). This curve can be
used to evaluate the suitability of a
visual identification of soils is an important field and laboratory procedure for
developing an approximate grain size distribution curve (Fig. 3.1). This curve can be
used to evaluate the suitability of a
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Meyerhof also found higher values of f3 for tapered
piles, reflecting the higher horizontal stresses produced.
For piles bored or driven into stiff overconsolidated clays the Ko and hence Ks value can be expected to vary with depth. Meyerhof (1976) stated that, for bored piles, Ks varies from about 0.7 Ko to 1.2 Ko but for driven piles it varies from about Ko to more than 2Ko' Randolph and Wroth (1982) suggest a relationship between f3 and the ratio c / (j '. However, although it u v is clear that shaft resistance is governed by effective stresses, the empirical correlations required to determine values of f3 make this approach no better than the traditional total stress or a method, at the present time. Driven piles in sand Effects of installation Driving piles into loose sands compacts them, increasing their density and angle of internal friction and increasing the horizontal stresses around the pile. Driving piles into dense sands may not compact them. Instead, dilatancy and negative pore pressures may temporarily increase the pile load capacity, make driving difficult and possibly result in overstressing and damage to the pile. Dissipation of this negative pore pressure after driving will cause the pile load capacity to decrease so a false impression of load capacity can be derived from the driving records. This is often referred to as relaxation. The extent to which driving may increase the density of the sand could be up to 4-6 diameters away from the pile and 3-5 diameters below the pile (Broms, 1966). This zone of influence is larger for loose sands than dense sands and will obviously affect the driving of piles in groups where piles are typically 2-3 diameters apart. It is also presumed that the sands are hard, clean quartz grains which will not deteriorate under driving stresses. Softer crushable grains will produce lower angles of friction after driving and be more compressible. The design of a pile must consider installation effects and the final state of the sand. It can only be considered as approximate and should be checked by in situ pile loading tests. End bearing resistance qb (Figure 10.7) The conventional approach to end bearing resistance is to use the surcharge term of the bearing capacity equation (Equation 8.11) as c' = 0 and the width of a pile is small compared to its length: (10.15) where 0' is the vertical effective stress at the base of v the pile and N is a bearing capacity factor. The values q of N provided by Berezantsev et al (1961) are comq monly used, Figure 10.7. \000 / /' L \00 / ./ ./ /' /' / V 30 35 40 45 Angle of internal friction 1/>' Figure 10.7 Bearing capacity factor N" for piles in sand (From Berezantsev et 01. 1961 ) Critical depth (Figures 10.8-10.10) Equation 10.15 suggests that as the pile penetrates more deeply into the sand the end bearing resistance will increase with depth. However, field tests have shown that end bearing resistance does not increase continually with depth. It seems more logical that end bearing resistance depends on the mean effective stress at pile base level rather than just the vertical stress: o '=1(0 '+20 ,) m 3 v H (10.16) Since 0H' = Ko 0v' end bearing resistance will then be affected by the Ko value which forThe Mohr-Coulomb criterion for soils at higher stress levels often shows some curvature rather than the straight line assumed. Thus as the stresses at pile base level increase the <P' value and, hence, the bearing capacity factor Nq decreases. Arching is also considered to be a contributory factor. The combined effect is to obtain decreasing end bearing resistance with depth. The simplest way of incorporating this effect into pile design is to adopt the concept of a critical depth Zc as shown in Figure 10.8. Even though the vertical effective stress 0/ increases with depth the end bearing resistance qb and the skin friction/, are considered as constant below the critical depth, having the value at the depth zc' The critical depth has been found to be shallow for loose sands and deeper for dense sands. T critical depth -I Figure 10.8 Critical depth in sands At the present time, values of this critical depth are somewhat tentative, the values suggested by Vesic (1967) and Meyerhof (1976) are given in Figure 10.9. For the determination of Nq and Zc on Figures 10.7 and 10.9, respectively, the angle of internal friction <P' should relate to the state of the sand after pile installation so the values given in Table 10.1 are suggested (Poulos, 1980). The initial angle of internal friction <PI', before installation of the pile, is not an easy parameter to determine, since sampling disturbance will largely destroy the initial mineral grain structure, making laboratory tests meaningless. The <P/ value is usually obtained from correlations between the SPT 'N' value or the cone penetrometer qc as illustrated on Figure 10.l0. Pile Foundations 227 15~------~--------~~-+----~ 5~~-----4--------~------~ 33 38 43 Angle of internal friction ¢f Figure 10.9 Values of critical depth Table 10.1 Values of<P' after installation (From Poulos, 1980) Values of <P after installation Requirement Bored piles Driven piles Nq <Pi + 40 -2- tA' - 3 zc/d 3/44>1' + 10 K,tan8 <PI' <P I ' is the <P value before installation Skin friction/. (Figures 10.11 and 10.12) Assuming effective stresses acting on the pile/soil surface the unit skin friction/, at a depth z below the top of a pile is given by: f =K a 'tan8 s s v (10.16K = coefficient of horizontal stress 0'= angle of friction between the pile surface and the soil. 400 Since both Ks and tanS will be governed by the method of installation, and values of these factors may be difficult to assess separately, a simple approach is to consider values of the lumped parameter Kstano (cf. f3 for effective stress approach to piles in clay, Equation 10.14). Values of this parameter are given in Figure 10.11 related to the initial angle of internal friction. These are based on Ks values given by Meyerhof (1976), the lj> values given in Table 10.1 and assuming o = 0.75lj>', for a normally consolidated sand. Higher values may be possible for overconsolidated sands. 1.2~-------------+----~~------~ It has been found that skin friction values also decrease with depth in a similar fashion to end bearing resistance so a critical depth Zc approach should be adopted. Values of Zc can be obtained from Table 10.1 and Figure 10.9. The total shaft load must then be summated from the shaft loads Q,), QS2' etc, as illustrated in Figure 10.12. 0.8~-------------+'~------~~--~ 0.4 f-------,f-----;~+---__r_'------1 35 Initial angle of internal friction ¢i)' Figure 10.11 Skin friction parameter K, tanb (From Poulos. 1980) 40Bored piles in sand Boring holes in sands loosens an annulus of soil around the hole and reduces horizontal stresses, so bored piles constructed in initially dense sands can be expected to have low load capacity. If jetting techniques are used then the loosening can be even more severe. Casting concrete in situ will produce a rough surface but this effect is diminished by the loosening of the sand. Poulos (1980) suggests using the methods given for driven piles but with reduced values of the final angle of internal friction as given in Table 10.1. Meyerhof (1976) suggests that for preliminary estimates the base resistance of a bored pile could be taken as one-third of the value determined for a driven pile with about onehalf for the shaft resistance. Factor of safety A factor of safety is applied to safeguard against the uncertainties in the ground conditions and installation effects, and to limit settlement to a permissible value. Although piles are often designed by applying a factor of safety to the ultimate load to obtain a working load, the over-riding performance criterion for a pile is that it must not settle more than a permissible amount. Tomlinson (1987) stated that, from his experience for piles up to 600 mm diameter, if an overall factor of safety of 2.5 is adopted to give: k· I d ultimate load wor mg oa = factor of safety (10.17) the settlement of the pile under the working load is unlikely to exceed 10 mm. ;;, ------------1-- ;;, I 3 • t Qb (Value at critical depth) For piles larger than 600 mm diameter, it has been found that, in clays the two components, shaft resistance and base resistance are mobilised at different amounts of settlement. Approximately, the full shaft resistance is mobilised at a pile head settlement of about 1- 2% of the pile diameter, whereas to mobilise the full base resistance the pile must be pushed down about 10--20% of the diameter. This is illustrated in Figure 10.13. \ \ ~- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I I I Base Load Working load SI aft Load Load on pile Total Load Figure 10.13 Mobilisation of base and shaft loads For a typical pile diameter and a permissible settlement of Pall' it can be seen that when the working load is applied to obtain this settlement a large proportion of the shaft resistance is mobilised with only a small proportion of the base resistance acting.