Android-OldDetectiveVariant1 1

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~ Old Detective days - Variant ~


1. The game starts with all six Suspects in game

2. Put both Guilty and Innocent pair of the same hunch cards together into one sleeve (or
envelope) and shuffle all packs of pairs together.
3. Without looking, take one pair of hunches and put inside a Red envelope. This is the Murderer.
4. Without looking, take another pair and put inside a Black envelope. This is the Accomplice.
5. Without looking, take another pair and put inside a White envelope. This is the Fool.
6. Never open the Red envelope until last steps of "Closing the Case".
7. Never open the Black envelope until the Third Plot is solved (Second in Ray,s case).
8. Never open the White envelope until the Third Plot is solved (Second in Ray,s case).

9. Without looking, separate the remaining three guilty and innocent cards into different piles.
Those cards will be drawn at specific moment of the game

10. All players places their NPCs on the board (except Ray’s Parsons, he must be found first) in
different minor locations and each into different sectors.

11. Have pen and paper for all players take crucial secret notes.

Designer's Note: This variant uses a lot of the Plots to be more immersive. Players really need to take
care of his plots to evolve in the detective´s game mode. Also players have a important duty to keep
track of other players plots and usually tries to interfere on them.

This variant fixes the unbalanced Raymond's character naturally slowing down his investigation since he
solves his plot once a week, he may adapt and pay close attention the other players moves, since he
will probably never get a innocent or guilty cards.

The Fool is the suspect that worths nothing! He is neither innocent or guilty, he is just a stone in the
way and will provide no bonus or penalties.


Start Guessing

1. Game starts normally and players goes through the board collecting evidence tokens and placing
onto Suspect sheets randomly without knowing nothing (Just guessing, just looking through the
suspects and pointing evidences).
2. Uncover the conspiracy is locked for now. Players cannot uncover or dig deeper until first plot

3. When the First Plot resolves at the end of the third day, each player that achieved the "Good
Baggage transition" draws an Innocent Card. This is the true main innocent Key-Witness for
you, and you must protect it!
4. If player scores a "Bad Baggage transition" he discards all his Dark Cards.

5. Note that there is only three innocent cards available to draw. If playing with 4 or more players
and a tie occurs, the most Dark-Shifted players don't receive the Innocent Card, they can
instead look at the most light-shifted player's card, and take note of this quietly (assure to
secretly note the name of the witness looking only at the card and never at the sheet). They will
know who is innocent but will not receive any VP bonus at the end of the game.
6. If tie occurs in dark-shift check (or all players are in middle shift) The player with most favors
and light-shifted starts the sequence of draw.

7. At the end of the game, the player who manages to acquit his suspect receives +9VP. In case of
tie, both players receive +9VP.

Designer's Note: Now that players know that one of the suspects must be protected at all costs, they
need to manage the evidence to do so! Players must understand the importance to accumulate VPs
over the game and how they will be used later to accuse the suspect. See “Closing the Case” rules of
this variant to understand how VPs help you solving the case.

Starting the Case

1. Uncover the Conspiracy is now allowed, normal rules are applied.

2. Players play normally, placing “negative evidence” on their "key witness" to innocent them and
“positive evidence” on other suspects, trying to screw other players’ key-witnesses (by
observing patterns in other players’ acts) or just guessing which one is the real murderer.

Designer's Note: Players must understand the importance of how the score works, to place the evidence
on right spots, trying to bluff other players and combining evidence scores on correct suspects.

Getting Deeper on the Case

1. When Second Plot resolves on the end of the sixth day, each player that achieved the "Good
Baggage transition" draws a Guilty Card. This is the main Not-Murder suspect for you, and you
can now, completely ignore him!
2. If player scores a "Bad Baggage transition" he discards all his Light and Dark cards.
3. Players that scored bad baggage in previously plot (but good on this second one) can choose
either to draw an innocent remain card or a guilty not-murder card.

4. Note that there are only three guilty cards available to draw. If playing with 4 or more players
and a tie occurs, the most Dark-Shifted players don't receive the Guilty Card, they instead can
look at the most light-shifted player's card, and take note of this quietly (assure to secretly note
the name of the not-murder looking only at the card and never at the sheet). They will know
who is one not-murder as well.
5. If tie occurs in dark-shift check (or all players are in middle shift) the players with most favors
and light-shifted start the sequence of draw.

Designer's Note: With the not-murder card in hand, players can start to really dig evidence into the true
murder suspect. At this point you should know every other player's key witness by their pattern of
placing evidence and based on that, may figure which suspect is the murder and his accomplice. It is
normal that all players starts to place evidence on those same three suspects, but be aware that in the
end, the player with most VPs will have the major chances to win.

Be aware with the Fool, try not to lose your time placing evidence on him if you have a guess which
suspect it is.

The Climax approaches!

1. Until next Wednesday, players may go to the crime scene and by spending 1 time, place one
hero marker there to unlock the next plot feature. Be aware you must place the marker in order
to receive the next bonus feature!
2. When Third Plot resolves at the end of the third day (sixth for Ray's case) of second week,
each player that has his hero marker on crime scene location and achieved the "Good Baggage
transition" AND already has the innocent and/or guilty cards can look at the Accomplice card
quietly by cost of four favor tokens, one of each kind (assure to secretly note the name of the
accomplice looking only at the card and never at the sheet). If the player doesn't have his hero
marker at crime scene location and/or can't fulfill the favor tokens cost, he miss the chance to
look at the card!
3. If player scores a "Bad Baggage transition" he discards two +4VP tokens earned by conspiracy
5-in-a-row if able but, he may also look at the Fool card quietly (assure to secretly note the
name of the fool looking only at the card and never at the sheet).
4. Players that scored bad baggage in previous plot (but good in this third one) can choose either
draw an innocent remain card (if there is any) or a guilty not-murder remain card (if there is any)
but may not look at the accomplice card.

5. Players that have seen the Fool card are now vulnerable. Players can interrogate NPCs from the
player who saw the Fool in order to get the information (see how in NPC session).

Designer's Note: The accomplice is not the murder! And because of that, now you should know which
suspect is the real murder. Now it is the right moment to place strong evidence against him, or seriously
screw up or kill other player’s key-witnesses to let yours win the 10VP bonus. Also, some players may
now know who the Fool is and stop wasting time placing evidence on wrong suspects.

Closing the Case

1. Players flip their Innocent cards.

2. Score the innocent suspects following normal rules.
3. The player with most “negative score” on his key witness suspect is the winner and receives
+9VP. In the case of a tie, both players receive +9VP.
4. Players total their VPs following normal rules.
5. The final score will be used to boost the suspect score which he believes is the murder.
6. Players now, put their investigators miniature on one of the three suspect sheets they believe is
the murderer.
7. Flip the remain suspect tokens and tally the points.
8. The player with most VP gains the chance to "Close the Case" first.
9. That player reveals the Murder Card on the Red envelope.
10. The player with his Investigator's miniature and most VP in the murder sheet, wins the game!
11. If murder is dead the Accomplice is the murderer.
12. If both are dead every player lose the game.
13. If a player chooses the Fool as murder, he is busted by false accusation and badly loses the
game X_X

Designer's Note: The step “6”, is the last chance to players guess which one is the murderer. If the
game was played in “normal” way, the suspect with most evidence tokens should be the murderer.



1. All players places their NPCs on the board (except Ray’s Parsons, he must be found first) in
different minor locations and each into different sectors.

Encountering a NPC
When an investigator stops at the same location as an NPC he can spend some time doing one of the

1. Talk (1Time): Gain an NPC favor token equal to the current interrogated NPC. If no more tokens
are available, you can steal any other player´s token.
2. Defame (1 Time): Play one Dark card on npc´s owner player.
3. Spank (1 Time): Removes a good baggage from npc´s owner plot card.
4. Force interrogate (2 Time + 1 Trauma Token): If third plot has already been resolved (only),
you can force the player who saw the Fool to tell you quietly which suspect it is (take note of
5. Abduct (3 Time + 2 Trauma Token): If third plot has already been resolved (only), you can
force the player who saw the Accomplice to tell you quietly which suspect it is (take note of
6. Dropship dismiss (1 Time + 1 Dropship Token): Remove the NPC from the board and retrieve to
his owner. The npc vanishes and cannot be encountered anymore.

To bring back a vanished NPC, just pay 1 Time and 1 dropship token to retrieve it to the game board
(the owner player chooses where to place the NPC).

NPC Movement

1. At the end of the day phase, players may move their NPCs to any place on the board, but
placing each one in a different district.


1. Three hit tokens one the same suspect do not kill him instantly but injury him. If the suspect has
3 or more hit tokens on it at the end of the second week, he dies. If he is the murderer,
nothing happens, but if he is one of the key witness of other players, that players doesn't
receive his 9VP bonus.
2. Hits acquired at the Humanity Labour can either Hit or Heal a suspect.


1. Any card that allows players to look at hunch cards, allows you to look at other player’s ONE
hunch card instead.


1. Light or dark result is defined by target players twilight track at the moment, if neutral, target
players choose one.

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