Fernandes Etal2018caracteriacionaceites
Fernandes Etal2018caracteriacionaceites
Fernandes Etal2018caracteriacionaceites
SUMMARY: This work aimed to determine the major and minor compounds of avocado oils. Mono-varietal
oils from the Bacon, Fuerte, Hass, and Pinkerton cultivars were obtained by means of an Abencor® system,
while commercial oils from Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and New Zealand were purchased locally. The content of tria-
cylglycerols, fatty acids, aliphatic and terpenic alcohols, desmethyl- methyl- and dimethyl-sterols, squalene and
tocopherols were determined. The main triacylglycerols were those with ECN48. In addition, the oleic, palmitic
and linoleic acids prevailed. Desmethyl-sterols were the principal minor compounds. Low amounts of aliphatic
and terpenic alcohols were also found. Squalene concentrations were higher in Bacon, Fuerte and Pinkerton
oils than in the other oils. The most abundant tocopherol was α-tocopherol. Partial least squares discriminant
analysis made it possible to express the differences among the samples. To summarize, this work brings a differ-
ent approach to the complete characterization of avocado oil.
KEYWORDS: Avocado oils; Chemical characterization; Commercial oils; Mono-varietal oils; Persea americana Mill.
Citation/Cómo citar este artículo: Fernandes GD, Gómez-Coca RB, Pérez-Camino MC, Moreda W, Barrera-Arellano
D. 2018. Chemical characterization of commercial and single-variety avocado oils. Grasas Aceites 69 (2), e256. https://
Copyright: ©2018 CSIC. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.
2 • G.D. Fernandes, R.B. Gómez-Coca, M.C. Pérez-Camino, W. Moreda and D. Barrera-Arellano
hydroxide was from Panreac (Montcada I Reixac, (GC), according to the IUPAC Standard Methods
Barcelona, Spain). Silica-solid phase extrac- 2.301 and 2.302 (IUPAC, 1987). Transesterification
tion (Si-SPE) cartridges were from Varian (EA of the oils was carried out with a 2 N methanolic
Middelburg, The Netherlands). Standards of fatty KOH solution. The chromatographic analysis was
acid methyl esters (FAME, Supelco 37 component done using an Agilent 5890 GC system (Palo Alto,
mix), 5-α-cholestan-3β-ol, squalane and n-eicosa- CA) equipped with split injector (1:50 split ratio),
nol were from Sigma-Adrich Co. (St. Louis, MO). automated sampler (1 μL injections), polar capil-
Hexamethyl disilazane, pyridine, trimethyl chloroxi- lary column SPTM-2380 (poly (90% biscyanopro-
lane and standards of tocopherols were from Merck pyl−10% cyanopropyl-phenyl) siloxane, 60 m × 0.25
(Merck Group, Darmstadt, Germany). All chemical mm internal diameter (i.d.) × 0.20μm film thickness,
reagents were at least analytical grade. SUPELCO, Bellefonte, PA), and flame ionization
detector (FID). Hydrogen was used as carrier gas
2.2. Samples at a flow rate of 1.0mL·min−1. The detector and
injector temperatures were 225 and 250 °C, respec-
Mature fruit samples of the Bacon, Fuerte, Hass tively. The initial oven temperature was 180 °C, and
and Pinkerton cultivars were provided by Instituto the temperature gradient was from 180 to 220 °C at
de Hortofruticultura Subtropical y Mediterránea 3 °C·min−1. Data were described as the fatty acid
La Mayora (IHSM-CSIC, Málaga-Spain). The avo- profile by peak area normalization, and expressed
cado fruits arrived at the laboratory the day after as percentage of the total area of the identified fatty
the harvest under perfect phytosanitary conditions. acids. Peak identification was made by comparing
The oil content was extracted two days after the their retention times with those of the correspond-
fruits arrived at the laboratory at the Instituto de la ing FAME mixture of standards, as well as with the
Grasa (Sevilla-ES), by means of an Abencor® sys- standard chromatogram provided by the method.
tem, described in Section 2.4. Throughout the stor- Triacylglycerol composition. This determina-
age time, the fruits were kept at room temperature tion was made according to Moreda et al. (2003).
and no changes were noted. Commercial avocado oil Oil samples were purified using a Si-SPE cartridge.
samples from the Hass variety were obtained from The cartridge was washed under gravity with 6 mL
common and commercial brands in a local grocery hexane. After that, a solution of the oil (0.12g) in
store from Brazil, Chile (named ‘Chile A’ and ‘Chile 0.5 mL hexane was added. The solution was pulled
B’), Ecuador, and New Zealand. Four bottles with through the cartridge and then eluted with 10 mL
500 mL of each sample were purchased from the of a hexane-diethyl ether (87:13 v/v) solution. The
same lot. They were taken to the laboratory, at the eluted solvents were evaporated to dryness under
Instituto de la Grasa (Sevilla-ES), by air mail, and reduced pressure at room temperature. The residue
properly stored at 4 °C until analysis. For ethical rea- was dissolved in 2 mL acetone. For TAG analysis
sons no commercial brand will be cited in this paper. this solution (10 μL) was injected directly using the
auto-sampler (508 system) in a RP-HPLC system.
2.3. Extraction of mono-varietal avocado oils The separations were done on a Merck Li-Chrospher
100 RP-18 column (250 mm × 4 mm i.d. × 4 μm
For each extraction, 500 g mature avocados, particle size) thermostated at 20 °C. The liquid chro-
without seeds, were milled in a knife mill and the matograph (Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA) was
paste was taken for extraction by means of an equipped with a pumping unit (118 solvent module)
Abencor® system malaxer, and centrifuge (MC2 and propionitrile was used as the mobile phase at
Ingenierıa Sistemas, Seville, Spain) followed by an a flow rate of 0.6 mL·min−1. Detection was done
additional centrifugation step. Malaxation was car- with a PerkinElmer 200 RI detector (PerkinElmer,
ried out below 40 °C for 40 min, with talc addition Waltham, MA). TAG peak assignment was carried
(~10g·100g–1 paste). Distilled water, (20 mL·100g–1 out by means of comparison with the elution time
paste) was added after 10 min of starting the malax- and the standard chromatograms described by the
ation process. The first centrifugation was carried authors. Data were processed by peak area normal-
out in the Abencor® system centrifuge at 3000 rpm ization and expressed as TAG percentages. TAG
during 60 s. The paste was then spilt out and the were grouped according to their equivalent carbon
liquid phase was further centrifuged in a bench cen- number (ECN), with ECN being the number of
trifuge (5000 rpm, 10 min). The oil obtained was fil- carbons from the fatty acids of the TAG molecule
tered and stored at 4 °C until analysis. minus two times the number of double bonds.
Sterol composition and aliphatic alcohols. Sterols
2.4. Chemical Characterization and aliphatic alcohols are minor components of the
oil unsaponifiable fraction. Therefore, it is advis-
Fatty acid composition. The fatty acid (FA) able to remove the saponifiable compounds previ-
composition was determined as the composition ously in order to get better analytical results. In this
of fatty acid methyl esters by gas chromatography line, we followed the methodology proposed by the
International Olive Council (IOC, 2013; IOC, 2015). The acquisition of data was done with the Agilent
In short, samples of 5g of oil were saponified under Chem Station for the GC System program. The
reflux with 50 mL of a 2 N ethanolic KOH solution conditions for the GC assays were: DB5-HT col-
for 1h. The unsaponifiable compounds were then umn (5% diphenyl- 95% dimethylpolysiloxane; 30 m
extracted with diethyl ether (3 × 80 mL) and the × 0.25 mm i.d. × 0.10 μm film; Agilent Technologies),
organic phase was neutralized by means of washing 1.0 μL injection volume, with hydrogen carrier gas at
it with distilled water. The residue (unsaponifiable 0.8mL·min–1 and 20:1 split injection. The oven was
matter) was fractionated by silica TLC using plates set at 250 ºC for 10 minutes. The injector and detec-
impregnated with potassium hydroxide. The plate tor temperatures were 300 ºC and 345 ºC, respec-
was developed twice with a mixture of hexane:diethyl tively. The quantitative evaluation of squalene was
ether (65:35, v/v). Three fractions were obtained: carried out using squalane as internal standard, and
desmethyl-sterols, methyl-sterols together with ali- the data expressed in mg·kg–1. Peaks were identi-
phatic alcohols, and dimethyl-sterols. Each of them fied according to relative retention times together
was scratched off and extracted with hot chloro- with comparison with the standard chromatogram
form and diethyl ether. The solution was evapo- described in the method.
rated until dryness, derivatized with 500 μL of the Tocopherols. Tocopherols were determined
1:3:9 (v/v/v) trimethyl chloroxilane:hexamethyl according to the IUPAC Standard Method 2.432
disilazane:pyridine admixture, and analyzed by GC. (IUPAC, 1987). Oil samples were diluted in hex-
The gas chromatograph (Agilent 6890N, Agilent, ane (10 mg·mL–1) and directly injected into a liquid
Santa Clara, CA) was equipped with a fused silica chromatograph fitted with a Si-column (250 mm ×
low-polarity capillary column (DB5-HT, poly (5% 4 mm i.d. × 4 μm particle size). The elution solvent
diphenyl− 95% dimethyl) siloxane, 30 m × 0.25 mm was a hexane:2-propanol (99:1, v/v) mixture at a
i.d. × 0.2 μm film thickness, Agilent Technologies), flow rate of 1mL·min–1. Detection was done by fluo-
and FID. The oven program for the determination rescence (RF-10AXL Shimadzu fluorescence detec-
of the desmethyl-sterols (first fraction) was set iso- tor, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan), setting excitation and
thermally at 260 °C, with a 1:50 split ratio. Hydrogen emission at λ = 290 and λ = 330 nm, respectively.
was used as carrier gas at a flow rate of 1 mL·min–1. For quantitative determinations, a calibration curve
For the second and the third fractions, a tempera- was performed by mean of injections of tocopherol
ture gradient was applied starting at 220 °C (2 min) standards at concentrations between 4−6 μg·mL–1
until 295 °C at 2 °C·min–1. The temperature of the in hexane and the data corresponding to each
injector and detector was 300 °C. The quantitative tocopherol compound was expressed in mg·kg–1.
determination was done using α-cholestanol as The retention time of the standards was used for the
the internal standard for desmethyl-sterols and qualitative analysis.
n-eicosanol for aliphatic alcohols, methyl- and Stigmastadienes. Stigmastadienes were deter-
dimethyl-sterols. Data were always expressed in mined only in the commercial samples in order to
mg·kg-1 as the total of each compound class, and the check the presence of refined oils. An IOC method
profile of each class was described as the percentage was used for this determination (IOC, 2001).
of each compound within the class, according to the Thus, 20 g oil and 1 mL internal standard solution
method recommendation. Peak identification was (3,5-cholestadien, 20 µg·m–1) were saponified under
performed by relative retention time calculations reflux with 75 mL alcoholic KOH (10 g·100g–1) for 30
and comparison with the chromatogram described min. The unsaponifiable matter was then extracted
in each method. with hexane (2 × 100 mL), and the organic extract
Squalene. The procedure was derived from that was washed with an ethanol-water (1:1) solution
published previously (Lanzón et al., 1995; Gómez- until neutral pH. The solvent was then evaporated
Coca et al., 2015): 0.04 g oil and 40 μL internal stan- to dryness in a rotary evaporator at 30 °C. After this
dard (5 mg·mL–1 squalane) were dissolved in 1mL preparation, the residue (unsaponifiable matter) was
hexane and saponified at room temperature with fractionated on a silica column using hexane as the
200 μL 2 N methanolic KOH. Two phases appeared, mobile phase. The first eluate (30mL) was discarded
the upper phase (hexane) was transferred to a new and the following one (40 mL) collected, dried and
vial and washed with an ethanol:water 1:1, v/v, solu- injected into the chromatograph. The GC system
tion. In other words, 400 μL of this solution were used was an Agilent 6890N Gas Chromatograph
added to the hexane phase, mixed by pipetting, and equipped with an Agilent 7683B Automatic Liquid
again two phases appeared. The upper phase was Sampler and FID. The parameters for the GC
transferred to a new vial, and the washing procedure assays were: DB5-HT column (5% diphenyl- 95%
was carried out two more times. After that, 1μL of dimethylpolysiloxane; 30 m × 0.25 mm i.d. × 0.10
the supernatant was analyzed by GC. GC analy- μm film; Agilent Technologies), 1.0 μL injection vol-
ses of squalene were carried out with an Agilent ume, hydrogen carrier gas at 1 mL·min-1 and 15:1
6890N Gas Chromatograph equipped with an split injection. The oven temperature program was:
Agilent 7683B Automatic Liquid Sampler and FID. 235 °C for 6 minutes, then raised at 2 °C·min-1 up
to 285 °C. The injector and detector temperatures palmitoleic acid were also detected. However, the
were 300 ºC and 320 ºC, respectively. The quantita- ω7 isomer was always above 91% of the sum of the
tive evaluation of 3,5-stigmastadien was carried out three of them. Another important characteristic is
using 3,5-cholestadiene as internal standard. Data the C18:1ω9/C18:1ω7 ratio, which was always above
acquisition was done with the Agilent Chem Station 5. The presence of C18:1 and C16:1 isomers (ω7, ω9
for the GC System program. Data were expressed and ω11) in avocado oil is described in this work for
in mg·kg–1. Peak identification was conducted by the first time. Very low amounts (< 0,05%) of trans-
retention time calculation based on the internal fatty acids were detected, and they were considered
standard. irrelevant for the characterization of this vegetable
2.5. Statistical analysis All results obtained in the FA composition are
within the ranges already described for avocado oil
A multivariate statistical analysis was performed and cited in the Introduction. Nonetheless, look-
with the complete information from the chemical ing at the quality standards proposed by Woolf
characterization. The tables of data were saved as et al. (2009) some results do not match with those
.csv files and uploaded onto the Metaboanalyst 3.0 described in this work. The Brazilian sample stands
web-based tool (Xia et al., 2012). A partial least out due to three parameters (oleic, palmitoleic, and
square discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was per- stearic acid contents); while Chile A and B are dif-
formed in order to express graphically and in a mul- ferent as far as linolenic and stearic acids are con-
tivariate way the relationships among the samples. cerned. On the other hand, Ecuador, Fuerte and
A range scaling (mean-centered and divided by the Pinkerton samples differed from the published data
value range of each variable) was used to make the due to their stearic acid contents. Therefore, since
features more comparable. the samples are in accordance with other studies
In order to select the most important features for and some of the parameters measured for some of
sample grouping, we used the variable importance the mono-varietal samples are even out of the estab-
in projection (VIP-score) calculation for the compo- lished ranges, it is possible to consider the need for
nent 1. We plotted the VIP score for the ten most more comprehensive studies and probably to mod-
important features to distinguish the sample. ify the standard table.
It is important to clarify that we used the PLS-DA Another important observation is that the fatty
as a multivariate statistic tool to represent the rela- acid profiles obtained for these avocado oil sam-
tionships among the full chemical compositions ples were quite similar to those described for other
of the samples. We did not use this tool to create vegetable oils, such as olive oils and nut oils (IOC,
a mathematical model to classify samples, since we 2015b; Fernandes et al., 2017). Especially, regard-
believe that more studies must be done on different ing the comparison with olive oil, the FA profile is
crops, growing places, ripening stages and shelf life very similar, including the minor FA; actually, the
to create a valid model. only meaningful difference can be noticed in the
palmitoleic acid content in the Chile A sample.
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Technologically, the high amount of monounsatu-
rated FA is closely related to the high oxidative
3.1. Major compounds, fatty acids and stability of oils, since oils with high amounts of poly-
triacylglycerol profiles unsaturated FA are more susceptible to an oxidation
process due to the number of double bonds avail-
The FA profile is the most common parameter for able to react with oxygen. Nutritionally, the con-
oil characterization. It is widely described in many sumption of oleic acid has been reported as healthy,
books and in the legislation. Table 1 shows the FA supported by the positive effects of the consump-
profile of all avocado oil samples. As expected, the tion of avocado oil, as already cited in the introduc-
main FA was oleic acid (C18:1ω9), which reached tion (Lerman-Gaber et al., 1994, Ortiz-Avila et al.,
the highest concentration in the Fuerte cultivar 2013; Carvajal-Zarrabal et al., 2014).
(64.62±0.20%). In contrast, the lowest oleic acid The FA distribution in the TAG is another
presence was found in the Brazilian commercial important identity parameter related to the saponi-
avocado oil (45.18±0.10%). The ω7 oleic acid iso- fiable fraction of lipids. The experimental TAG
mer was also observed (7.87±0.55% - 10.08±0.32%). profiles are described in Table 2. For all samples,
Palmitic acid was the second most abundant FA, the ECN48 and ECN46 TAG groups were the
with a range between 11.64±0.13% (Chile A) and most abundant ones. The Brazil sample had the
21.05±0.06% (Brazil). Linoleic acid (C18:2) fluc- most different profile due to the high amount of
tuated between 8.25±0.02% in Pinkerton and palmitic and palmitoleic acids. The TAG profile
16.50±0.04% in Chile B; while palmitoleic acid of the Brazil sample was very particular, with the
(C16:1ω7) varied from 3.99±0.05% in Chile B to peak corresponding to POO+SOL as the biggest
11.41±0.02% in Brazil. The ω9 and ω11 isomers of one (21.14±0.98%), followed by OOO+PLP+PoPP
P – Palmitic acid; Po – Palmitoleic acid; S – Stearic acid; O – Oleic acid; L – Linoleic acid; Ln – Linolenic acid
ND – Non-detected Value
(18.47±0.94%) and in almost equal amounts of were present at values from 39.68±1.56 mg·kg–1 in
PoOP+SPoL+POLn+SPoPo (10.48±0.31%) and Chile B to 545.33±25.84 mg·kg–1 in Pinkerton.
SLL+PLO (10.44±0.33%). For the other samples, Bacon was the only sample in which 24-methylen
the highest peak matches OOO+PLP+PoPP and cycloartenol was relevant (74.47±0.58%) since in
ranged from 27.61±0.20% in Hass to 40.67±0.40% the other cases, cycloartenol was always the main
in Fuerte. Other important TAG were POO+SOL, compound oscillating between 50.77±0.62% in
which varied between 17.72±0.31% in Chile B and Pinkerton and 70.43±3.24% in Chile B.
24.98±0.35% in Chile A, and OLL+LnPP which The health effects of squalene have already
ranged from 8.72±0.10% to 16.98±0.25%. Although been described and they come mainly from olive
the Brazil sample was the most different one, its oil consumption (Newmark, 1997). In the sam-
TAG profile was closer than those to those given ples under study, squalene concentrations were
by Hierro et al. (1992). Finally, the TAG profiles of between 190.52±5.40 mg·kg–1 (New Zealand) and
samples other than those from the Brazil cultivar 1366.64±6.52 mg·kg–1 (Fuerte). From the data
were very close to the olive oil TAG profile described in Table 4, it can be deduced that the amount of
by Moreda et al. (2003); as explained above, the squalene in avocado oil is comparable to corn
presence of monounsaturated fatty acid in the main and olive oil. Therefore, the high amount of squa-
TAG molecules is responsible for the high oxidative lene in avocado oil possibly has an important
stability of avocado oil. contribution to its healthy effects (Gómez-Coca
et al., 2015).
3.2. Minor compounds, unsaponifiable components Phytol and geranylgeraniol are primary alkenols
with terpenic skeletons. Total concentrations were
Minor compounds are widely related to fat and below 100 mg·kg–1 for all samples. Chile B oil was
oil identity and they are normally found in the the sample with the highest amount, 92.36±16.46
unsaponifiable matter (Gómez-Coca et al., 2015). mg·kg–1, and the New Zealand oil sample contained
Sterols are one of the most representative class of the lowest, at 41.68±2.04 mg·kg–1. Geranylgeraniol
unsaponifiable components and among them, des- was normally the compound in the highest
methyl-sterols are the most commonly analyzed. proportion among all of them (54.97±3.14%-
However, in this work methyl- and dimethyl-sterols 79.44±2.47%), except for the case of Chile A oil, in
were also determined (Table 3). The total amount which the p roportion of the two compounds were
of desmethyl-sterols in avocado oil was very high, almost the same.
ranging from 3828.78±11.67 mg·kg–1 in Chile A The aliphatic alcohol profile is dominated by
to 7611.88 ±0.91 mg·kg–1 in Hass. When the pro- molecules with even carbon numbers, such as
file of desmethyl-sterols was evaluated, β-sitosterol C22-OH, C24-OH, C26-OH, and C28-OH. In the
was the most abundant one with concentrations Bacon, Brazil, Fuerte, Hass, New Zealand and
between 80.56 ±0.08% (Fuerte) and 86.03 ±0.03% Pinkerton cultivars the main alcohol was C22-OH
(New Zealand). The second-most important sterol (31.59±0.09%-43.75±6.35%;, whereas in Chile
was ∆5-avenasterol (4.36±0.03-9.26±0.03%), fol- A and B samples, C26-OH was the main one
lowed by campesterol (3.71±0.01-6.09±0.03%). (21.34±4.18% and 31.59 ±1.36%, respectively). Only
The amount of the major sterols was very close to in the Ecuador sample, C28-OH stood out among
that cited for avocado oil. However, the detailed the others (27.28 ±6.79%).
composition shown in Tables 3 and 4 has not been The presence and the concentration of tocopher-
reported before (Salgado et al., 2008; Gómez-Coca ols are closely related to both identity and quality
et al., 2015; Woolf et al., 2009). The amount of des- since these molecules have antioxidant activity and
methylsterols (phytosterols) in the case of vegetable may indicate the resistance of oil to oxidation as well
oils was very high even when compared to olive oil as the fact of having been exposed to oxidation con-
(around 1500 mg·kg–1). The consumption of phy- ditions. The total amount of tocopherols (Table 4) in
tosterols is related to the reduction in the absorption commercial samples was very low when compared to
of cholesterol and, consequently, to the prevention mono-varietal oils. In the case of the Ecuador sam-
of cardiovascular diseases, contributing in this way ple, tocopherols were not possible to quantify and
to the beneficial effects of avocado oil intake (Ortiz- in other commercial samples the concentration was
Avila et al., 2013; Carvajal-Zarrabal et al., 2014). below 50 mg·kg–1. However, in the mono-varietal
Regarding methyl-sterols, Pinkerton was the sam- samples, the tocopherol concentration ranged from
ple with the highest concentration (1091.66±2.84 107.39±0.71 mg·kg–1 to 141.50±4.15 mg·kg–1. This
mg·kg–1); whereas Chile A had the lowest one (287.98 fact can be related to a long storage period or to
±7.32 mg·kg–1) among all the analyzed oils. Within bad storage conditions in the grocery, taking into
this class, citrostadienol was the predominant com- account that tocopherols are natural antioxidants of
pound ranging from 71.21±0.21% (Ecuador) to vegetable oils and that they are the first molecules
83.04±0.23% (Bacon). Dimethyl-sterols, the most to be consumed during the oxidation process, which
variable class of compounds within the sterol group, suggests a certain degree of oxidation in this sample.
ND – Non-detected Value
γ-Tocopherol 71.61 ± 0.57 20.35 ± 1.22 9.02 ± 0.09 13.71 ± 0.56 6.08 ± 0.06 12.30 ± 0.24 4.15 ± 0.02 ND 2.42 ± 0.04
ND – Non-detected Value
Chemical characterization of commercial and single-variety avocado oils • 11
2 Stigmasterol
Chile B
Sterols Total
1 High
Chile A
Hass Campestanol
Component 2 (16.5 %)
0 Pinkerton
Brazil New 24-Methylene
Zealand Cycloartenol
Tocopherols Low
Methyl sterols
Chile A
New Zealand
Chile B
-3 1.4 2.0 2.6
VIP scores
-2 -1 0 1
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