Python Complete Notes
Python Complete Notes
Python Complete Notes
∙ It was developed by Guido Van Rossum in the late 80’s and early 90’s at
National Research Institute for mathematics and computer science in the
∙ It is a successor to ABC language.
∙ Its version 0.9.0 was released in 1991 with features functions, data types. ∙
Python version 1.0 was released in 1994 with functional programming tools
such as lambda, map, and reduce.
∙ 2.0 released in 2000 with features List comprehension, Unicode and garbage
∙ 3.0 released in 2008 by removing duplicate programming constructs and
∙ Latest python version is 3.7.4 (as on 15/8/2019)
∙ Surprisingly Python is older than Java, java script and R.
∙ Why is it called Python? When he began implementing Python, Guido van
Rossum was also reading the published scripts from “Monty Python's Flying
Circus”, a BBC comedy series from the 1970s. Van Rossum thought he
needed a name that was short, unique, and slightly mysterious, so he
decided to call the language Python.
Python Features:
Python provides lots of features that are listed below.
1) Easy to Learn and Use
Python is easy to learn and use. It is developer-friendly and high level
programming language.
2) Expressive Language
Python language is more expressive means that it is more
understandable and readable.
3) Interpreted Language
Python is an interpreted language i.e. interpreter executes the code line
by line at a time. This makes debugging easy and thus suitable for beginners.
4) Cross-platform Language
Python can run equally on different platforms such as Windows, Linux,
Unix and Macintosh etc. So, we can say that Python is a portable language. 5)
Free and Open Source
Python language is freely available at offical web address.The source
code is also available. Therefore it is open source.
6) Object-Oriented Language
Python supports object oriented language and concepts of classes and
objects come into existence.
7) Extensible
It implies that other languages such as C/C++ can be used to compile
the code and thus it can be used further in our python code. 8) Large
Standard Library
Python has a large and broad library and provides rich set of module and
functions for rapid application development.
9) GUI Programming Support
Graphical user interfaces can be developed using Python.
10) Integrated
It can be easily integrated with languages like C, C++, JAVA etc.
Literal Constants:
The Literal Constant can be 10,10.5,’A’ and “hello”. These can be directly used
in the program. Constant is a fixed value that does not change. Let us see
Number and string constants in C.
It is a numerical value. We can use four types’ numbers in python. They
are Binary numbers, Integral numbers, floating point numbers and
complex numbers.
Binary Numbers made up of with 0’s and 1’s.In python every Binary number
begins with either 0b or 0B (zero b).Eg:0b1110 , 0B1111
Integral numbers can be whole numbers or integer number or octal number or
Hexadecimal Number.
a) Integer numbers like 10, 34567, 123456778889999907788,-
9876.Integer can be small, long, positive or negative. In python integer
numbers are identified by word int. Integer number never have a decimal
b) Octal numbers start with either 0o or 0O(zero capital O).Octal number is
made of digits(0-7).Eg:0o57 is a valid octal number,0o876 is not a valid
octal number. Octal numbers identified by oct word.
c) Hexa decimal numbers start with either 0x or 0X.It is made of digits(0-9)
and letters(A-Z or a-z).Eg:oxface oXbeaf,ox975b are valid but
0xbeer,ox5vce are not valid. Hexa decimal numbers identified by hex
Floating point numbers are like 5.678,91.45e-2,91.4E-2(it equals to
91.4*10- 2).In python Floating numbers are identified by word float which
has a decimal point.
Complex numbers have real ,imaginary part like a+bj
Eg:1+5j ,7-8J
Complex numbers are identified by the word by complex.
Note: Commas are not allowed in numerical. Eg: 3,567 -8,90876 are
invalid numbers.
⮚ No size limit for integer number that can be represented in python but
floating point number have a range of 10-323 to 10308 with 15 digits
⮚ Issues with floating point numbers:
Arithmetic Overflow Problem: It occurs when a result is too large in
size to be represented. Eg: 2.7e200*4.3e200 you will get infinity.
Arithmetic Underflow Problem: It occurs when a result is too small in
size to be represented. Eg: 2.7e-200/4.3e200 you will get infinity. Loss
of precision: Any floating number has a fixed range and precision, the
result is just approximation of actual or true value. Slight loss in
accuracy is not a concern in practically but in scientific computing ,it is
an issue.
A string is a group of characters.
• Using Single Quotes ('): For example, a string can be written as 'HELLO'.
• Using Double Quotes ("): Strings in double quotes are exactly same as those in
single quotes. Therefore, 'HELLO' is same as "HELLO".
• Using Triple Quotes (''' '''): You can specify multi-line strings using triple
quotes. You can use as many single quotes and double quotes as you want in a
string within triple quotes.
Escape Sequences
Some characters (like ", \) cannot be directly included in a string. Such
characters must be escaped by placing a backslash before them.
Example 2:print(“Welcome to \\Vmeg\\”)
Output:Welocme to \Vmeg\
Example 3: print(“Welcome to \’Vmeg\’ ”)
Output: Welocme to ‘Vmeg’
Example 4: print(“Welcome to\b Vmeg ”)
Output:Welcom to Vmeg
Example 5: print(“Welcome to\r Vmeg ”)
Use of Triple Quotes:
The triple quotes can be single or double i.e. ‘’’ or “””
1) Triple quotes can be used for multi line string literals
Example: print(‘’’ Hello
How are
How are
Example: print(“””Hello
How are
How are
2) Triple quotes can be used for printing a single quotes or double quotes
Example: print(‘’’ Hello
‘How are’
‘How are’
Example: print(‘’’Hello
“How are”
“How are”
String Formatting:
The format function can be used to control the display of
strings. Format(string, format specifier)
The strings can be left,right,central justification in a specified width.
Ex:format(“HELLO”,”<10”) –left justification
Rightt justification(>)
Central Justification ( ^)
By using format function, we can fill the width with other characters
also Ex:print(“Hello”,format(“*”,”*<10”))
o/p: hello **********
An identifier is a name used to identify a variable, function, class, module, or
In Python, an identifier is like a noun in English.
Identifier helps in differentiating one entity from the other. For
example, name and age which speak of two different aspects are
called identifiers.
Python is a case-sensitive programming language. Means, Age and age are two
different identifiers in Python.
Let us consider an example:
Name = "VMEG"
name = "VMEG"
Here the identifiers Name and name are different, because of the difference in
their case.
Below are the rules for writing identifiers in Python:
1. Identifiers can be a combination of lowercase letters (a to z) or uppercase
letters (A to Z) or digits (0 to 9) or an underscore ( _ ).
Eg: myClass, var_1, print_this_to_screen, _number are
valid Python identifiers.
2. An identifier can’t start with a digit.
Eg: 1_variable is invalid, but variable_1 is perfectly fine.
3.Keywords cannot be used as identifiers. (Keywords are reserved words
in Python which have a special meaning).
Eg: Some of the keywords are def, and, not, for, while, if, else and so on.
4.Special symbols like !, @, #, $, % ,space or gap etc. are not allowed
in identifiers. Only one special symbol underscore (_) is allowed. Eg:
company#name, $name, email@id ,simple interst are
invalid Python identifiers.
5.Identifiers can be of any length.
Variable is a name used to store a constant. Like other languages like c,
c++, java, no need to declare or write type of a variable.
You can store any piece of information in a variable. Variables are
nothing but just parts of your computer’s memory where information is
stored. To be identified easily, each variable is given an appropriate name.
Examples of valid variable names are a, b, c,sum, __my_var, num1, r,
var_20, first, etc.
Examples of invalid variable names are 1num, my-var, %check, Basic
Sal, H#R&A, etc.
In Python a variable is a reserved memory location used to store values.
For example in the below code snippet, age and city are variables which store
their respective values.
age = 21
city = "Tokyo"
For example :
marks = 100 # Here marks is the variable and 100 is the value assigned to it.
Python interpreter automatically determines the type of the data based on the
data assigned to it.
Note: Henceforth, where ever we say Python does this or that, it should be
understood that it is the Python interpreter (the execution engine) which we are
referring to.
In Python, we can even change the type of the variable after they have been set
once (or initialized with some other type). This can be done by assigning a value
of different type to the variable.
A variable in Python can hold any type of value
like 12 (integer), 560.09 (float), "Vmeg" (string) etc.
Associating a value with a variable using the assignment operator (=) is called
as Binding.
In Python, assignment create references, not copies.
We cannot use Python variables without assigning any value.
If we try to use a variable without assigning any value then, Python interpreter
shows error like "name is not defined".
Let us assign the variables value1 with 99, value2 with "Hello Python"
and value3 with "Hello World", and then print the result.
Sample Input and Output:
Hello Python
Hello World
#python program
Value2=”Hello Python”
Value3=”Hello World”
Python variables do not need explicit declaration to reserve memory space.
The declaration happens automatically when you assign a value to a variable.
The equal sign (=) is used to assign values to variables.
The operand to the left of the = operator is the name of the variable and the
operand (or expression) to the right of the = operator is the value stored in the
Let us consider the below example:
counter = 100 # An integer assignment
print(counter) # Prints 100
miles = 1000.50 # A floating point assignment
print(miles) # Prints 1000.5
name = "John" # A string assignment
print(name) # Prints John
In the above example 100, 1000.50, and "John" are the values assigned to the
variables counter, miles, and name respectively.
The above example program produces the result as:
Here an integer object is created with the value 100, and all the three
variables are references to the same memory location. This is called chained
We can also assign multiple objects to multiple variables, this is called multiple
Let us consider the below example:
value1, value2, value3 = 1, 2.5, "Ram"
Here the integer object with value 1 is assigned to variable value1, the float
object with value 2.5 is assigned to variable value2 and the string object with
the value "Ram" is assigned to the variable value3.
Write a program to assign the integer 999, float 24.789 and string "Python
Interpreter" to three variables using multiple assignment and print them
Sample Input and Output:
Python Interpreter
n Python, assignment statements do not return a value. Chained assignment
is recognised and supported as a special case of the assignment statement.
A statement like a = b = c = x is called a chained assignment in which the value
of x is assigned to multiple variables a, b, and c.
Let us consider a simple example:
a = b = c = d = 10
print(a) # will print result as 10
print(b) # will print result as 10
print(c) # will print result as 10
print(d) # will print result as 10
Note: Let us assume that input() is used to read values given by the user. We
will learn about input() later sections.
a = b = c = str
Data Types:
Variables can hold values of different data types. Python is a dynamically typed
language hence we need not define the type of the variable while declaring it.
The interpreter implicitly binds the value with its type.
Python enables us to check the type of the variable used in the program.
Python provides us the type() function which returns the type of the variable
Consider the following example to define the values of different data types and
checking its type.
1. A=10
2. b="Hi Python"
3. c = 10.5
4. print(type(a));
5. print(type(b));
6. print(type(c));
<type 'int'>
<type 'str'>
<type 'float'>
Standard data types
A variable can hold different types of values. For example, a person's name
must be stored as a string whereas its id must be stored as an integer.
Python provides various standard data types that define the storage method on
each of them. The data types defined in Python are given below.
1. Numbers
2. String
3. List
4. Tuple
5. Dictionary
Python Keywords
Python Keywords are special reserved words which convey a special meaning to
the compiler/interpreter. Each keyword have a special meaning and a specific
operation. These keywords can't be used as variable. Following is the List of
Python Keywords.
True False None and as
A computer program is a collection of instructions or statements.
A Python program is usually composed of multiple statements.
Each statement is composed of one or a combination of the
following: 1. Comments
2. Whitespace characters
3. Tokens
In a computer program, a comment is used to mark a section of code as non
Comments are mainly used for two purposes:
1. To mark a section of source code as non-executable, so that the Python
interpreter ignores it.
2. To provide remarks or an explanation on the working of the given section
of code in plain English, so that a fellow programmer can read the
comments and understand the code.
In Python, there are two types of comments:
1. single-line comment : It starts with # (also known as
the hash or pound character) and the content following # till the end of
that line is a comment.
2. Docstring comment : Content enclosed between tripple quotes,
either ''' or """. (We will learn about it later).
In Python, to read the input from the user, we have an in-built function
called input().
The syntax for input() function is :
here, the optional prompt string will be printed to the user output
and then will wait for the user input. The prompt string is to used to
tell the user what to input.
Python Operators
The operator can be defined as a symbol which is responsible for a particular
operation between two operands. Operators are the pillars of a program on
which the logic is built in a particular programming language. Python provides
a variety of operators described as follows.
o Arithmetic operators
o Comparison operators
o Assignment Operators
o Logical Operators
o Unary operators
o Bitwise Operators
o Membership Operators
o Identity Operators
1.Arithmetic Operators:
Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations between two
operands. It includes +(addition), - (subtraction), *(multiplication), /(divide),
%(reminder), //(floor division), and exponent (**).In the table a=100,b=200
2.Comparison Operators:
Comparison operators are used to comparing the value of the two operands
and returns boolean true or false accordingly. The comparison operators are
described in the following table a=5,b=6
3. Assignment operators
The assignment operators are used to assign the value of the right expression
to the left operand. The assignment operators are described in the following
Operator Description
= It assigns the the value of the right expression to the left operand.
4. Logical Operators:
The logical operators are used primarily in the expression evaluation to make a
decision. Python supports the following logical operators.
Operator Description
And If both the expression are true, then the condition will be true. If
a and b are the two expressions, a → true, b → true => a and b
→ true.
5. Unary Operators:
Unary operators act on single operands. Python supports unary minus
operator. Unary minus operator is strikingly different from the arithmetic
operator that operates on two operands and subtracts the second operand from
the first operand. When an operand is preceded by a minus sign, the unary
operator negates its value.
For example, if a number is positive, it becomes negative when preceded with a
unary minus operator. Similarly, if the number is negative, it becomes positive
after applying the unary minus operator. Consider the given example.
b = 10 a = -(b)
The result of this expression, is a = -10, because variable b has a positive
value. After applying unary minus operator (-) on the operand b, the value
becomes -10, which indicates it as a negative value.
6. Bitwise Operators:
The bitwise operators perform bit by bit operation on the values of the two
Operator Description
& (binary If both the bits at the same place in two operands are 1, then 1
and) is copied to the result. Otherwise, 0 is copied.
| (binary or) The resulting bit will be 0 if both the bits are zero otherwise
the resulting bit will be 1.
^ (binary The resulting bit will be 1 if both the bits are different
xor) otherwise the resulting bit will be 0.
~ (negation) It calculates the negation of each bit of the operand, i.e., if the
bit is 0, the resulting bit will be 1 and vice versa.
<< (left The left operand value is moved left by the number of
shift) bits present in the right operand.
>> (right The left operand is moved right by the number of bits present
shift) in the right operand.
For example,
1. if a = 7;
2. b = 6;
3. then, binary (a) = 0111
4. binary (b) = 0011
5. hence, a & b = 0011 (3 in decimal number)
6. a | b = 0111 (7 in decimal number)
7. a ^ b = 0100 (4 in decimal number)
8. ~ a = 1000
9. a<<2=11100(28 in decimal number)
10. a>>2=0001(1 in decimal number)
Similarly 5 binary equivalent is 0101 and 3 is 0011
7. Membership Operators:
Python supports two types of membership operators–in and not in. These
operators, test for membership in a sequence such as strings, lists, or
tuples. in Operator: The operator returns true if a variable is found in the
specified sequence and false otherwise.
For example,a=6
a in nums returns True, if a is a member of nums.
not in Operator: The operator returns true if a variable is not found in
the specified sequence and false otherwise.
For example, a=99
a not in nums returns True, if a is not a member of nums otherwise
returns False.
8. Identity Operators
is Operator: Returns true if operands or values on both sides of the operator
point to the same object (Memory location)and False otherwise. For example, if
a is b returns True , if id(a) is same as id(b) otherwise returns False. id(a)
gives memory location of a
is not Operator: Returns true if operands or values on both sides of
the operator does not point to the same object(Memory location) and
otherwise. For example, if a is not b returns 1, if id(a) is not same as id(b).
Operator Precedence
The precedence of the operators is important to find out since it enables us to
know which operator should be evaluated first. The precedence table of the
operators in python is given below.
Operator Description
** The exponent operator is given priority over all the others used
in the expression.
<= < > >= Comparison operators (less then, less then equal to, greater
then, greater then equal to).
Example 2:
Write a program to find small number of two numbers
a=int(input(“enter two numbers”))
b=int(input(“enter two numbers
print(a,“is small number”)
print(b,“is small number”)
Note: This program is an example of multiple if
statements Exercise:
1. Write a Program to find biggest number of three numbers using if
2. Write a Program to find whether the given character is vowel or didgit
using if statement.
2. if else statement:
It’s another kind of if statement. It is a two way selection
statement. Syntax:
statementx #this statement is optional
∙ In this statement first expression will be evaluated.if the expression
evaluates to true then statementblock1 under if condition executed and
executes the remaining statements of the program.
∙ Otherwise statementblock2 under else part will be executed and executes
the remaining statements of the program.
Flow chart:
1. Write a Program to input age and check whether the person is eligible to
vote or not
print(b,“ is small number”)
print(c,“is small number”)
2. Program to check whether the given number is zero ,positive or
negative using nested if statement concept.
n=int(input(“enter a number”))
print(n,”is zero”)
print(n,”is a positive number”)
print(n,”is a negative number”)
In this the expressions are evaluated from top to bottom. Whenever the
expression evaluates true then the corresponding statement block will be
executed and come out of the if elif else statement process. If that expression is
false we move to next expression and evaluate it.if all the expressions evaluate
to false then last else part will be executed i.e. staementblockn . The statement
may have single or multiple statements.
Flow chart:
Example Programs:
1. Write a Program to check whether the given number is zero, positive or
negative using if elif else statement.
2. Write a Program to accept five subject marks and then calculate the
total,average.Display the total marks,average marks and result based on
the following criteria.
Average Result
>=70 distinction
60-70 first class
50-60 second class
40-50 third class
a=int(input(“enter first subject marks”))
b=int(input(“enter second subject marks”))
c=int(input(“enter third subject marks”))
d=int(input(“enter fourth subject marks”))
e=int(input(“enter fifth subject marks”))
if(a<35 or b<35 or c<35 or d<35or e<35):
print(“ fail”)
print(“ first class”)
print(“ second class”)
else :
print(“ third class”)
print(b,“ is biggest number”)
print(c,”is biggest number”)
5. Read the user input to enter a temperature in Celsius. The program
should print a message based on the temperature:
• If the temperature is less than -273.15, print that “The
temperature is invalid” because it is below absolute zero.
• If it is exactly -273.15, print that “The temperature is absolute 0”.
• If the temperature is between -273.15 and 0, print that “The
temperature is below freezing”.
• If it is 0, print that “The temperature is at the freezing point”. • If
it is between 0 and 100, print that “The temperature is in the
normal range”.
• If it is 100, print that “The temperature is at the boiling point”. •
If it is above 100, print that ”The temperature is above the boiling
t=float(input(“enter a temperature in Celsius”))
print(“The temperature is invalid”)
print(“The temperature is absolute 0”)
elif(t>-273.15 and t<0):
print(“The temperature is below freezing”)
print(“The temperature is at freezing point”)
elif(t>0 and t<100):
print(“The temperature is in the normal range”)
print(“The temperature is at boiling point”)
print(“The temperature is at boiling point”)
1. Write a program to display the day of a week based on number. 2. Write a
program to generate electricity bill amount based on the following
Consumed Units amount
<100 Rs. 1.60/unit
100-200 Rs.2.35/unit
201-400 Rs.3.40/unit
>400 Rs.5.25/unit
3. Write a Program to input a digit and then display that digit in word using if
elif else statement.
Important Topics:
1.Expalin various conditional or selection statements(if,if else,nested if ,if elif
else statement) with an example.(Hint:For every statement,write
synatax,explanation,draw a flow chart(diagram) and small example program)
2. Programs on if else and if elif else statements.
Loop statements or iterative statements or Repetitive statements:
Looping means executing a statement or set of statements repeatedly until a
specified condition becomes false.
Generally the loop control statements has two things .one thing is body of the
loop which to be executed repeatedly and second thing is the condition which
is tested for termination of the loop.
Python supports two types of loop statements
1) While loop
2) For loop
While loop:
loop control statement contains three things
● Loop variable initialization:loop variable has to be initialized with initial
value or final value.
Eg: i=5;
● Loop condition/expression: it can be a relational expression or logical
Eg: i>0
i>10 &&j<100
● Loop variable increment/decrement operation(Updation Statement):In
this we can increment or decrement the value of variable using
increment/decrement operators.
Eg: i=i+1
n//=10 etc
while (Expression):
statementbolck #this is called body of loop
In the while loop,first the initialization statement gets executed,then condition
or expression is verified if that is true then all the statements in statement
bloxk (body of while loop) gets executed. After that again the condition will be
verified if it’s false then we stop the process otherwise the execution continues.
Flow Chart:
Example Programs:
Out of loop
1.Wrie a Program to display the 1 to 5 numbers line by line using while
i=1 #This is called initialization
i=i+1 # This is called Updation
1. Write a program to check whether the given number is palindrome
number or not.
2. Write a program to check whether the given number is perfect number or
(Hint: If a number equals to sum of it’s factors (except the number itself)
then that number is called perfect number.Ex:6 is a input number and
it’s factors are 1,2,3,6 ---6 is a perfect number because 6=1+2+3)
3. Write a program to the given decimal number into binary number using
while loop.(Ex: if decimal number is 5 then it’s equivalent binary
number is 101,Hint: use %,// and denominator is 2)
4. Write a program to the given binary number into decimal number using
while loop.(Ex: if binary number is 101 then it’s equivalent decimal
number is 5)
5. Write a Program to display all the numbers divisible by 3,divisible by 5
,divisible by both 3 and 5 from 1 to n numbers
Solutions for your reference
Solution for 3:
#Program to convert decimanl number to binary number
n=int(input("enter a decimal number"))
sum=sum + r*10**i
print(t,"binary equivalent is",sum)
enter a decimal number34
34 binary equivalent is 100010
Solution for 4:
#Program to convert binary number to decimal number
n=int(input("enter a binary number"))
sum=sum+ r*2**i
print(t,"decimal equivalent is",sum)
enter a binary number1011
1011 decimal equivalent is 11
range() function: This function used to generate a sequence of integer
numbers in a range.It’s an inbuilt function like input(),print()
start: it’s optional and it’s an integer value. It indicates starting point of the
sequence. By default its value is 0(zero)
stop: it’s required and it’s an integer value.It’s an ending of the sequence but
this value will not be included in the sequence.
Step: It’s an integer value that determines the increment between each integer
in sequence .Default increment value is 1.
1. range(5) ---it generates sequence of numbers from 0 to 4
2. range(0,5)—it generates sequence of numbers from 0 to 4
3. range(n)--- it generates sequence of numbers from 0 to
n-1 4.range(5,10)-- it generates sequence of numbers from 5
to 9 5.range(5,10,2)-- it generates sequence of numbers 5 ,7,
6.range(-2,2,2)-- it generates sequence of numbers -2,0
7.range(-100,-95,2)-- it generates sequence of numbers
-100,-98,-96 FOR LOOP:
∙ Used to execute group of statements depending upon number of
elements in the sequence.
∙ It can work with sequence like range,string,list,tuple etc
∙ Syntax:
for var in sequence:
∙ The first element of the sequence is assigned to variable var and then
statement block executed.
∙ Next the second element of the sequence is assigned to variable var and
then statement block executed.
∙ This process will be continued until the entire sequence is exhausted or
completed Means for each element of the sequence ,the statement block
executed once.
1.for i in range(1,4):
output: 1
2. for i in range(1,4):
output: 1
3. for i in range(-100,-95,2):
output: -100
1. Write a program to find factorial of a number
#Program to find the factorial of a number
n=int(input("enter a number"))
for i in range(1,n+1):
print("factorial of ",n,"is",f)
enter a number 6
factorial of 6 is 720
Nested Loops:
If any loop contains any other loop of same or different then it’s called nested
loop. Any loop can contain any number of other loops.
Python allows its users to have nested loops, that is, loops that can be placed
inside other loops. Although this feature will work with any loop like while loop
as well as for loop.
A for loop can be used to control the number of times a particular set of
statements will be executed. Another outer loop could be used to control the
number of times that a whole loop is repeated.
Loops should be properly indented to identify which statements are contained
within each for statement.
1) 2)
while(condition1): while(condition1):
--- #some statement(s) --- #some statement(s) while(condition2):
for var in sequence:
------ #some statement(s) ------ #statement(s)
------ ------
-------#some statement(s) --------- #statement
3) 4)
for var in sequence: for var in sequence: -------# statement(s)
-------# statement(s) for var in sequence: while(condition): -------#
statement(s) ----#statement
Example programs:
1) Write a Program to print all the prime numbers from 1 to 1000
for i in range(1,1001):
for i in range(1,n+1):
print(n,"is a prime number")
2) Write a Program to check whether the given number is strong
number or not
# program to check whether the given number is strong number or
not num=int(input("enter a number"))
for i in range(1,n+1):
print(t,"is a strong number")
print(t,"is not a strong number")
enter a number 145
145 is a strong number
1) Write a Program to print the following pattern
2) Write a Program to print the following pattern
3) Write a Program to print the following pattern
4) Write a Program to print the following pattern
5) Write a Program to print the following pattern
6) Write a Program to print the following pattern
7) Write a Program to print the following pattern
""" *
for i in range(1,5):
for s in range(1,5-i):
print(" ",end="")
for j in range(1,i+1):
print("*",end=" ")
8) Write a Program to print the following pattern
#to print square pattern
for i in range(1,11):
for j in range(1,11):
if(i==1 or j==1 or i==10 or j==10):
print(" ",end="")
9) Write a Program to print the following pattern
10) Write a Program to print the following
pattern * * * * *
#To print C pattern
for i in range(1,9):
for j in range(1,6):
if(i==1 or i==8 or j==1):
print("*",end=" ")
print(" ",end=" ")
11) Write a Program to print the following pattern
12) Write a Program to print the following
pattern 1
#To print the pattern
for i in range(1,5):
for s in range(1,5-i):
print(" ",end="")
for j in range(1,i+1):
13. Write a Program to print the following
pattern 1
14. Write a Program to print the Heart symbol following pattern
15. Write a Program to print the following
pattern 123454321
1234 4321
123 321
12 21
12 21
123 321
1234 4321
16. Write a Program to print the following pattern
Break, continue and Pass statements:
Break Statement:
The break statement is used to terminate the execution of the nearest enclosing
loop in which it appears. The break statement is widely used with for loop and
while loop. When interpreter encounters a break statement, the control passes
to the statement that follows the loop in which the break statement appears.
The Continue Statement
Like the break statement, the continue statement can only appear in the body
of a loop. When the interpreter encounters a continue statement then the rest
of the statements in the loop are skipped and the control is unconditionally
transferred to the loop-continuation portion of the nearest enclosing loop.
Pass Statement:
Pass statement is used when a statement is required syntactically but no
command or code has to be executed. It specified a null operation or simply No
Operation (NOP) statement. Nothing happens when the pass statement is
Difference between comment and pass statements In Python programming,
pass is a null statement. The difference between a comment and pass
statement is that while the interpreter ignores a comment entirely, pass is not
ignored. Comment is not executed but pass statement is executed but nothing
Write a program that asks the user to enter a string. The program should
print the following:
(a) The total number of characters in the string
(b) The string should repeat 10 times using ‘*’(multiplication). (c) The first
character of the string (remember that string indices start at 0) (d) The
first three characters of the string
(e) The last three characters of the string
(f) The string backwards(means reverse)
(g) The seventh character of the string if the string is long enough and a error
message otherwise
(h) The string with its first and last characters removed(use slice
operation) (i) The string in all caps
(j) The string with every ‘a’ replaced with an ‘e’
(k) The string with every space replace by ‘ –‘
(l) The string with every letter replace by space
(m) Remove a specific character of a string based on index value(use slice
s=input("Enter a String")
print("string",s,"repeated 10 times:",s*10)
for i in s:
s=s.replace(i," -")
for i in s:
s=s.replace(i," ")
print("String \" ",os," \"after repalcing every letter by space:",s)
Ch=chr(ord(Ch)+1) # now the Ch value is B
1.Write a Program to display the following pattern
2. Write a Program to display the following pattern
Comparing Strings
We can use all comparison or relational operators with strings.
Iterating String or Looping a string:
String is a sequence type (sequence of characters). You can iterate through the
string using for loop.
1.Write a program to input a string and check whether it is palindrome
string or not
s=input("enter a string")
rs=s[::-1] # rs is a reverse string
print(s,"is a plaindrome string")
print(s,"is not a palindrome string")
enter a stringmadam
madam is a plaindrome string
2. Write a Program to input a sentence and find number of alphabets,
digits and special symbols in it.
s=input("enter a sentence")
s=input("enter a sentence")
for i in s:
nod = nod+1
print("no of alphabets=",noa,"no of digits=",nod,"number of special
enter a sentencewelcome to python@007
no of alphabets= 15 no of digits= 3 number of special symbols= 3 3.Write
a Program to input a sentence and find number of vowels in it. (Hint:
for I in “aeiouAEIUOU” :)
The String Module
The string module consist of a number of useful constants, classes and
functions (some of which are deprecated). Some constants defined in the string
module (string)are:
import string
1) string.ascii_letters: it refers both upper case and lower case constants
2) string.ascii_lowercase: Refers to all lowercase letters from a-z 3)
string.ascii_uppercase: Refers to all uppercase letters from A-Z 4)
string.digits:Refers to digits from 0-9
5) string.printable:Refers to all digits,letters,special symbols
Z Some functions:
Data Structure
A data structure is a group of data elements that are put together under one name.
Data structure defines a particular way of storing and organizing data in a computer so that it
can be used efficiently.
Data Structure: Sequence
A sequence is a data type that represents a group of elements. The purpose of any
sequence is to store and process group elements. In python, strings, lists, tuples and
dictionaries are very important sequence data types.
A list is similar to an array that consists of a group of elements or items. Just like an
array, a list can store elements. But, there is one major difference between an array and a list.
An array can store only one type of elements whereas a list can store different types of
elements. Hence lists are more versatile and useful than an array.
Creating a List:
Creating a list is as simple as putting different comma-separated values between
square brackets.
student = [556, “Mothi”, 84, 96, 84, 75, 84 ]
We can create empty list without any elements by simply writing empty square
brackets as: student=[ ]
We can create a list by embedding the elements inside a pair of square braces []. The
elements in the list should be separated by a comma (,).
Accessing Values in list:
To access values in lists, use the square brackets for slicing along with the index or
indices to obtain value available at that index. To view the elements of a list as a whole, we
can simply pass the list name to print function.
84, 75, 84 ]
print student
print student[0] # Access 0th
print student[0:2] # Access 0th to 1st
print student[2: ] # Access 2nd to
Ex: end of list elements print student[
:3] # Access starting to 2nd
elements print student[ : ] #
Access starting to ending elements
print student[-1] # Access last
index value
print student[-1:-7:-1] # Access
student = [556, “Mothi”, 84, 96, elements in reverse order
[556, “Mothi”, 84, 96, 84, 75,
84] Mothi
[556, “Mothi”]
Deleting an element from the list can be done using ‘del’ statement. The del statement
takes the position number of the element to be deleted.
del lst[3] # delete 3rd element from the list i.e., 8
print lst # [5,7,1,9,6]
If we want to delete entire list, we can give statement like del lst.
Concatenation of Two lists:
We can simply use „+‟ operator on two lists to join them. For example, „x‟ and „y‟
are two lists. If we wrte x+y, the list „y‟ is joined at the end of the list „x‟.
print x+y # [10,20,32,15,16,45,18,78,14,86]
Repetition of Lists:
We can repeat the elements of a list „n‟ number of times using „*‟
operator. x=[10,54,87,96,45]
print x*2 # [10,54,87,96,45,10,54,87,96,45]
Membership in Lists:
We can check if an element is a member of a list by using „in‟ and „not in‟ operator. If
the element is a member of the list, then „in‟ operator returns True otherwise returns False.If
the element is not in the list, then „not in‟ operator returns True otherwise returnsFalse.
print a in x # True
print a in x # False
print a not in x # False
print a not in x # True
Aliasing and Cloning Lists:
Giving a new name to an existing list is called ‘aliasing’. The new name is called
‘alias name’. To provide a new name to this list, we can simply use assignment operator
(=). Example:
x = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]
y=x # x is aliased as y
print x # [10,20,30,40,50,60]
print y # [10,20,30,40,50,60]
x[1]=90 # modify 1st element in x
print x # [10,90,30,40,50,60]
print y # [10,90,30,40,50,60]
In this case we are having only one list of elements but with two different names „x‟
and „y‟. Here, „x‟ is the original name and „y‟ is the alias name for the same list. Hence, any
modifications done to x‟ will also modify „y‟ and vice versa.
Obtaining exact copy of an existing object (or list) is called „cloning‟. To Clone a list,
we can take help of the slicing operation [:].
x = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]
y=x[:] # x is cloned as y
print x # [10,20,30,40,50,60]
print y # [10,20,30,40,50,60]
x[1]=90 # modify 1st element in x
print x # [10,90,30,40,50,60]
print y # [10,20,30,40,50,60]
When we clone a list like this, a separate copy of all the elements is stored into „y‟.
The lists „x‟ and „y‟ are independent lists. Hence, any modifications to „x‟ will not affect „y‟
and vice versa.
Basic List Operations
List Methods:
More Methods in Lists:
Method Description
lst.copy() Copies all the list elements into a new list and returns it.
Nested Lists:
A list within another list is called a nested list. We know that a list contains several
elements. When we take a list as an element in another list, then that list is called a nested list.
print b # display [ 45, 65, [ 10, 20, 30 ] ]
print b[1] # display 65
print b[2] # display [ 10, 20, 30 ]
print b[2][0] # display 10
print b[2][1] # display 20
print b[2][2] # display 30
for x in b[2]:
print x, # display 10 20 30
Nested Lists as Matrices:
Suppose we want to create a matrix with 3 rows 3 columns, we should create a list
with 3 other lists as:
mat = [ [ 1, 2, 3 ] , [ 4, 5, 6 ] , [ 7, 8, 9 ] ]
Here, „mat‟ is a list that contains 3 lists which are rows of the „mat‟ list. Each row
contains again 3 elements as:
[ [ 1, 2, 3] , # first row
[ 4, 5, 6] , # second row
[ 7, 8, 9] ] # third row
for r in Mat:
print( )
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
print( )
One of the main use of nested lists is that they can be used to represent matrices. A matrix
represents a group of elements arranged in several rows and columns. In python, matrices are
created as 2D arrays or using matrix object in numpy. We can also create a matrix using nested
Even_squares = [ x**2 for x in range(1,11) if x%2==0 ]
It will display the list even squares as list.
[ 4, 16, 36, 64, 100 ]
Looping in Lists
Python's for and in constructs are extremely useful especially when working with lists. The
for var in list statement is an easy way to access each element in a list (or any other
sequence). For example, in the
following code, the for loop is used to access each item in the list.
for i in list:
Index=0 value=1
Index=1 value=2
print("no of evens in list=",c)
2.Write a Program to define a list of countries as BRICS member and check whether give
country is a member or not.
3.Write a program to create a list of numbers from 1 to 100 and then delete all the even
numbers from list and finally display it.
4.Write a Program to input a list and value to be searched in the list.If value is found print it
index and count how many times it’s repeated.
5.Write a program to remove all duplicates from a list.
6.Write a Program to create a list of 100 numbers and then create two others lists for even
numbers and odd numbers separately and print them finally.
7.Write a Program to generate the Fibonacci series , store in a list and print that