Tooth consists of 3 layers of calcified tissue-
1. Dentine-which surrounds the pulp cavity
and extends throughout the entire portion of
2. Cementum-a layer covering the the portion
of tooth lying buried in the gum
3. Enamel-a white, hard material covering the
portion of tooth projecting above the gum
Dental products
A wide variety of inorganic compounds are
used as dental products in dental care and
Dental products include
2.Cleaning or dentifrices
3.Polishing agents
Anticaries agents
Dental caries or tooth decay is caused by acids To prevent dental caries and to maintain clean
produced by the action of microorganism on and healthy teeth, it becomes necessary to
carbohydrates. use dentifrices, which clean the surface of
It is believed that food particles containing
carbohydrates lodged between the teeth Example-Ammoniated toothpaste, urea
undergo decay because of bacterial action and ammonia containing powders, antibiotic
produce acids. containing mistures.
This disease is characterised by decalcification
of tooth (calcium deposition) accompanied by
foul mouth odour.
Cleaning agents or dentifrices
A dentifrice is a substance used with a tooth . Toothpaste contain liquids such as glycerine,
brush for the purpose of cleaning the surface propylene glycol, sorbitol solution, water,
of teeth. It is available in the form of pastes alchol and thickening agents such as starch,
and powders. Many dentifrices contain tragacanth, algin and cellulose derivatives.
flavours and soap or detergent.
Example-Calcium carbonate, Calcium
The powders and pastes contain abrasive such phosphate dibasic and tribasic, Sodium
as calcium carbonate, calcium sulphate, metaphosphate
insoluble sodium metaphosphate, hydrated
aluminium oxide, magnesium carbonate and
phosphates, sodium bicarbonate and sodium
Polishing agents
Polishing is achieved by abrasive action
(polishing and cleaning the hard surface) of
dentifrices. It provides whiteness to the
Example- sodium metaphosphate
Desensitising agents
Usually teeth are sensitive to heat and cold
especially during tooth decay.
Therefore some desensitising agents are used
in dental preparations to reduce sensitivity of
teeth to heat and cold.
They act as local anaesthetic.
Example- Strontium chloride, Zinc chloride
Role of fluoride
Fluoride ion is a trace material which occurs in When a fluoride having salt or solution is taken
our body. It is generally adequated in food and internally, it is rreadily absorbed, transported and
water. In some parts of world, ground water is deposited in the bone or developing teeth and
totally lacking fluoride. In such places dental the remaining gets excreted by kidneys. The
caries is a common problem. deposited fluoride does not allow the action of
acids or enzymes in producing lesions.
Addition of fluoride to the municipal water
supply, known as fluoridation is able to help in A small quantity of fluoride (1ppm) is necessary
reducing and preventing dental caries. to prevent caries. But when its amount becomes
high it gives rise to mottled enamel.
But this is not true because those who take
continue ingestion of fluoride may suffer from Fluoride is administered by 2 routes
mottling of teeth (excess fluoride in teeth),
increased density of bones, gastric problem, i. Orally ii. Topically.
muscular weakness and even heart failure.
The use of fluoridation is the way of oral
administration. Alternatively it can be given in
drinking water or juice of about 1ppm per day.
Sodium fluoride tablets or sodium fluoride in a
dose of 2.2mg per day are used. Topically 2% of
solution is used on teeth
Calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
It is the most abundant and widely distributed It furnishes both abrasive and antacid effect in
calcium salts. It occurs as chalk, marble, the mouth. The precipitated calcium
calcite, corals, pearls. It is prepared by carbonate when dried at 2000C for 4hrs is
precipitation by mixing the boiling solutions of having calcium equivalent to not less than 98%
calcium chloride and sodium carbonate and of calcium carbonate.
allowing the precipitation to cool.
The preparation is used externally as a
CaCl2+ Na2CO3 2NaCl+CaCO3 dentifrice because of its abrasive quality
because of its crystalline nature. Calcium
Properties- it is a fine white crystalline powder, carbonate is used as a dental cleaning-
odourless, tasteless, stable in air, insoluble in polishing agent for most tooth paste and
water. It is also insoluble in alcohol but powders.
dissolves in most common dilute acids.
It is incompatible with fluoride salts because it
forms insoluble calcium fluoride.
Sodium fluoride (NaF)
Preparation- it may be prepared by neutralising HF with sodium Properties-
It forms colourless, odourless crystals or as white powder. It is
2HF+Na2CO3----------2NaF+H2O+CO2 soluble in water but is insoluble in alcohol. Its aqueous solution
corrodes ordinary glass bottles and hence the solution should be
Double decomposition of calcium fluoride with sodium carbonate prepared in distilled water and stored in dark, pyrex bottles.
where insoluble calcium carbonate can be removed by filtration
It is used in dental practice for retarding or preventing dental
caries. A 2% solution of sodium fluoride in water may be applied
to childrens’ teeth after preliminary cleaning.