ICEBE 2018 Paper 68

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2018 IEEE 15th International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE)

A Survey on Chatbot Implementation in Customer

Service Industry through Deep Neural Networks
Mohammad Nuruzzaman Omar Khadeer Hussain
School of Business School of Business
University of New South Wales University of New South Wales
Canberra ACT, Australia Canberra ACT, Australia

Abstract— Nowadays it is the era of intelligent machine. As a result, customer experience their interactions
With the advancement of artificial intelligent, machine learning disappointed and dissatisfied which reduces the throughput
and deep learning, machines have started to impersonate as and business performance drastically. Research showed that
human. Conversational software agents activated by natural nearly 75% of customers have experienced poor customer
language processing is known as chatbot, are an excellent service [2-4].
example of such machine. This paper presents a survey on
existing chatbots and techniques applied into it. It discusses the The technology platforms allow modelling the entire
similarities, differences and limitations of the existing chatbots. credit card insurance ecosystem with Artificial Intelligent
We compared 11 most popular chatbot application systems along (AI) to simulate scenarios of different economic, market and
with functionalities and technical specifications. Research individual conditions. There is an increase in the demand for
showed that nearly 75% of customers have experienced poor AI capabilities to interact with customers in benefits,
customer service and generation of meaningful, long and insurance coverages and claims processes. Because it
informative responses remains a challenging task. In the past, removes human factors and provides 24-hours service. This
methods for developing chatbots have relied on hand-written will advise the customer on the most appropriate course of
rules and templates. With the rise of deep learning these models action such as help customers to make clearer and easier to
were quickly replaced by end-to-end neural networks. More understand embedded benefits into a credit card, summarise
specifically, Deep Neural Networks is a powerful generative-
level of coverage and insurance claims process. It will allow
based model to solve the conversational response generation
customers to utilize credit card coverages with the peace of
problems. This paper conducted an in-depth survey of recent
literature, examining over 70 publications related to chatbots mind, knowing they have independent experts looking after
published in the last 5 years. Based on literature review, this them. Furthermore, it can generate revenue and save costs for
study made a comparison from selected papers according to the credit card insurance industry.
method adopted. This paper also presented why current chatbot In order to truly be effective and make business processes
models fails to take into account when generating responses and automated an alternate system is required. An advance
how this affects the quality conversation. dialogue system known as AI chatbot application system
could automate the entire business processes. Thus, chatbot
Keywords— Chatbot, Neural Network, Deep Learning,
Natural Language Processing, Dialogue System. application system must have natural language processing
(NLP), deep neural networks (DRN) so that it can understand
what customers are looking for. In the case of the credit card
I. INTRODUCTION insurance industry, chatbot can be used to answer basic
Customer satisfaction with a company’s services is often questions, resolve insurance claims, sell products and make
seen as the key to success and long-term competitiveness for sure customers are properly covered by their insurance. AI
a company. The insurance industry such as credit card chatbot can analyse data better than humans to more
insurance, is getting a lot of attention as customer accurately predict each customer’s risk, thereby providing
satisfaction. Credit card insurance is a competitive market so customers with the right amount of insurance and companies
a strong marketing strategy is vital [1]. Its inclusions are with protection from risky customers.
confusing and complex, in a world dominated by cashless
payments, consumers are using credit cards at a growing rate. II. BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEM
Most credit cards offer their consumers some form of
embedded complimentary insurance product. Consumers are The traditional chatbot’s dialogue capability is too
often not aware of these complementary products and it is inflexible. It can answer to the user only if there is a pattern
difficult to understand the inclusions and benefits. For (lexical) matching between the user query and set of
example, the majority of cards and accounts include question-answer stored in its knowledge base [5]. The
complimentary travel insurance, however, customers are not answers are given using a set of predefined responses.
aware of the detail around what this cover includes if the Traditional chatbots are lacking in the intuitive capability of
cover includes family or travelling companions, how the human beings to see the meaning, relationships and
cover is activated and who to call when they need help or possibilities beyond the reach of sense.
need to make a claim. In addition, insurance personnel There are two main tasks in deep learning (DL). The first
required reference materials, policies and procedures. is to extract meaning from the input. The second is to
Getting all of this information they need is a challenge. generate an output from that, either a translation or a
Insurance personnel had to sift through long documents to response in the case of a chatbot application. The major
find the answer. As a result, the only way to get help quickly challenge in developing a good model is that creates an
was to pick up the phone and talk to underwriting or sales adequate sense of context and effectively related inputs to
support – even for answers to FAQs or to basic “how-to” outputs. The sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) model in deep
questions. This overloaded the call centres, resulting in long recurrent neural networks (DRNN) with attention mechanism
wait times as it takes a long time to process a single request.

978-1-5386-7992-0/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 54

DOI 10.1109/ICEBE.2018.00019

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provides an appropriate architecture to meet these According to [8], chatbot application can be classified
challenges. into two groups such as task-oriented and non-task-oriented.
Task-oriented chatbots aim to assist the customers to
The purpose of this study is to explore the capability of complete certain tasks and have short conversations. For
the deep neural network to engage in human conversation, example, Siri, Google Now, Alexa dialogue agents can give
while at the same time sidestepping some of the limitations travel directions, find restaurants and help to make phone
of statistical models and implementation mechanism. calls or texts. On the other hand, Non-task-oriented chatbots
focus on conversing with customers to answer questions and

A. Definition of a chatbot In this paper, we divided chatbot applications into four

groups such as goal-based, knowledge-based, service-based
A chatbot is a conversational software system that is and response generated-based as shown in Fig.1.
designed to emulate communication capabilities of a human
being that interacts automatically with a user. It represents a
new, modern form of customer assistance powered by
artificial intelligence via a chat interface.
Chatbots are based on AI techniques that understand
natural language, identify meaning, emotion, and design for
meaningful responses. For example, it makes it easy for
customers to get responses to their queries in a convenient
way without spending their time waiting in phone queues or Fig 1 Taxonomy of Chatbot Application
send repeated emails. Chatbots can reduce the number of i. Goal-based Chatbot
customer calls, average handling time and cost of customer
care. However, it is not easy to achieve these functionalities Goal-based chatbots are classified based on the primary
as it requires various complex interactions between systems. goal aim to achieve. They are designed for particular task
Note that the word ‘AI chatbot application system’ or ‘AI and setup to have short conversations to get information from
chatbot’ is used in this study as a synonym for a the user to complete the task. For example, a company
conversational agent or advanced dialogue system. deploys chatbot on their websites to help the customer to
answer their question or address problems.
B. Taxonomy of Chatbot ii. Knowledge-based Chatbot
The recent interest in chatbots can be attributed to two
key developments [6]. Firstly, messaging service growth has Knowledge-based chatbots are classified based on the
spread rapidly over the past few years. It incorporates knowledge they access from the underlying data sources or
features such as payments, ordering and booking, which the amount of data they are trained on. The two main data
would require a separate application or website. So rather sources are open-domain and closed-domain. Open-domain
than downloading a series of separate applications, users can data sources answer depends on general topics and respond
perform tasks such as buy goods, book restaurant and ask appropriately. Example of open-domain are Allen AI Science
questions all through their favourite messaging apps. and Quiz Bowl. Closed-domain data sources focus on a
Example of some of the popular apps are Facebook particular knowledge domain. All information required for
Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat and Line. Secondly, answering the question is provided in the dataset itself such
advanced AI techniques in combination with machine as Daily Mail, MCTest and bAbI.
learning and deep learning techniques have made iii. Service-based Chatbot
considerable progress to improve the quality of
understanding and decision making on cheap processing Service-based chatbots are classified based on facilities
power. It can handle the vast amount of data and process it to provides to the customer. It could be personal or commercial
get results that exceed human performance. purpose. For example, logistics company could provide
copies of dispatch documents through chatbot rather than
Chatbot applications can be grouped into four different phone calls or customer can make a meal order from
categories, namely service, commercial, entertainment and MacDonald.
advisory chatbot [7]. Service chatbots are designed to
provide facilities to customers. For example, logistics firm to iv. Response Generated-based Chatbot
respond to questions about deliveries and provide copies of Response Generated-based chatbots are classified based
dispatch documents through instant messaging channel rather on what action they perform in response generation. The
than emails or phone calls. Commercial chatbots are response models take input and output in natural language
designed to streamline purchases for customers. For text. The dialogue manager is responsible for combining
example, a pizza company can take delivery orders or notify response models together. To generate a response, dialogue
promotions via messaging interface. Entertainment chatbots manager follows three steps. First, it uses all response
are designed to keep customers engaged with sports, models to generate a set of responses. Second, returns a
favourite band, movies or other events. It offers the option of response based on priority. Third, if no priority response, the
placing bets, detail on upcoming events and ticket deals. response is selected by the model selection policy.
Advisory chatbots are designed to provide suggestions, give
recommendations on service, offer maintenance or repair The focus of this research is on response generated-based
goods. This type of chatbot can contact people, offer support chatbot. In this category, there are various response models
and advice tips when it is needed. that are based on four categories namely—Template-based


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Model, Generative Model, Retrieval-based Model and emotions and physical states [13]. The botmaster must
Search Engine Model as shown in Fig 2. integrate personality elements within the AIML. However,
this is not a straightforward task. Alicebot is also incapable
of generating appropriate responses, no reasoning
capabilities and unable to generate human-like responses
(Turing test). It requires a large number of categories to
create a robust bot and may lead to unfeasible, difficult to
maintain or time-consuming application. Alicebot does not
have intelligence features like NLU, sentiment analysis and
grammatical analysis to structure a sentence. In addition, if
the same input repeats during the conversation, Alicebot
gives same answers at most of the time.
Fig. 2 Classification of Generated-based Models iii. Elizabeth bot
It is an adaptation of Eliza program developed by [14].
C. Existing Chatbots
However, it has been enhanced and generalized to increase
i. Elizabot both flexibility and its potential adaptability in selection,
Elizabot is one of the earliest well-known chatbots in its substitution, and phrase storage mechanism. Elizabeth bot
long history. It was developed at MIT Lab in 1966 [9] and uses four steps to generate a response. First is a command
was intended to demonstrate natural language conversation line script in a text file, where each line is started with a
between humans and machines to provide Rogerian script command notation, no keyword message. These
psychotherapy. As Rogerian psychotherapy primarily notations are single characters, one for each rule-type such
encourages the patient to talk more rather than engaging in a as- ‘W’ for welcome message, ‘Q’ for quitting message, ‘N’
discussion. Elizabot responses are personal questions that are for no match etc. Each script command has an index code
meant to engage the patient to continue the conversation. It that is generated automatically. It can also be indexed using a
uses rule-based techniques and a script to respond to user special code. Second is input transformation rules and
patient’s questions with keyword matching from a set of map input to another form to be compatible with the defined
templates and context identification. The model detects the keywords. Third is output transformation rules and changes
appropriate template and selects the corresponding personal pronouns to be appropriate as a response. Fourth is
responses. If there are multiple templates, a template is first keyword patterns to be matched. It tries to give a
selected randomly. which the model runs it through a set of different answer by using different selection responses for
reflections to better format the string for a response. Elizabot the same question [15]. The nature of some rules in Elizabeth
was able to convince some people and aid patient’s treatment bot may cause iteration, which is solved by applying the rule
suffering from psychological issues. Nonetheless, Eliza only once.
could not provide anything comparable to therapy with a The drawback of Elizabeth bot is, it does not provide a
human therapist. way to partition or splitting the user input sentence and then
The drawback of Elizabot is to keep a conversation combine their results. According to Elizabeth bot’s structure,
going. Besides, Eliza is incapable of learning new patterns of it will be difficult to do the splitting. Furthermore, a lot of
speech or words, discover context through interaction and complicated appears related to writing some rules in
logical reasoning capabilities [10]. uppercase and others in lowercase which may cause a lot of
errors and give unsuitable answers. However, Elizabeth bot
ii. Alicebot has the ability to give the derivation structure for a sentence
Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity also using the grammatical analysis, keywords extraction and
referred to as ALICE. It was inspired by [9] and developed pattern matching.
by [11]. Alicebot is based on the updated version of Eliza’s iv. Mitsuku
pattern or architecture. Nevertheless, Alicebot is still purely
based on pattern matching and depth-first search technique to Mitsuku is a most widely used standalone human-like
user’s input. It is a form of XML dialect that encodes rules chatbot created by [16] using AIML. It was designed for
for questions and answers. It uses a set of artificial general typed conversation based on rules written in AIML
intelligence markup language (AIML) templates to produce [17] and an integration in a bot network such as twitter,
responses given to the dialogue history and user utterance telegram, firebase, twilio to serve as a personality layer.
[12]. At first, AIML receives the user sentence as input and Mitsuku bot uses NLP using heuristic patterns and hosted at
stored in known as a category. Each category consists of a Pandorabot. Bot modules abstract a lot of the work that goes
response template and set of conditions that give meaning to into creating a robust chatbot system. In order to integrate its
the template know as context. Then the model prepossesses it module, need to include some AIML categories to route
and matched against nodes of the decision tree. When user inputs from users. Whenever bot fails to find a better match
input is matched, the chatbot will response or execute an for an input, it will automatically redirect to the default
action. The AIML templates repeat the user’s input utterance category. Mitsuku can hold a long conversation, learns from
using recursive techniques and it is not always meaningful the conversation, remembers personal details about the user
responses. Therefore, string-based rules are required to (age, location, gender, etc.). Its feature includes the ability to
determine if the response creates a correct or meaningful. reason with specific objects. For example, if someone says
“Can you eat a house?” Mitsuku will look up the properties
The drawback of Alicebot is modelling of personality to for “house” and find the value of “made_from” is set to
define the chatbot behaviour such as traits, attitudes, mood, “brick” and reply “No” as a house is not edible. Mitsuku is a


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multi-lingual bot and uses supervised machine learning. As it pattern match for an input, ChatScript first finds the best
learns something new, the data is sent to the human manager topic match, then executes a rule contained in that topic.
for verification. Only verified data can be further ChatScript is well suited for stand-alone application such as
incorporated and used by the app. However, Mitsuku is not information kiosks, help desk. Though it has an excellent
effective without a large amount of training data, fail to documentation, it is difficult to implement. The drawback of
provide dialogue management components. CharScript is it is difficult to learn and there are no hosting
services. It is also difficult to embed in a web page [20].
v. Cleverbot
viii. IBM Watson
Cleverbot is one of the most popular entertainment
chatbots that implement rule-based AI techniques to Watson is rule-based AI chatbot developed by IBM's
communicate with human [18]. It is developed by [19] to DeepQA project [23]. It is designed for information retrieval
collect a large amount of data based on conversational and question-answering system that incorporates natural
exchanges with people online through crowdsourcing. language processing and hierarchical machine-learning
Unlike other chatterbots, Cleverbot’s responses are not pre- method. Watson uses a broad range of mechanisms to
programmed. Instead, it simulates natural conversation by identify and assign feature values such as names, dates,
learning from user input and relying on feedback to interact. geographic locations or other entities to generated response.
When user input a sentence, Cleverbot finds all keywords or The machine learning system then learns how to combine the
phrase matching the input. After searching through its saved values of these features into a final score for each response.
conversations, it responds to the input by finding how a user Based on that score, it ranks all possible answers and selects
responded to that input when it was asked. Cleverbot is one as its top answer. Watson incorporates a variety of
unique in that it ‘‘learns’’ what users have said to it in technologies including Hadoop, Apache Unstructured
previously saved conversations and uses this knowledge to Information Management Architecture (UIMA) framework
determine how to respond to new conversations [20]. To to examines the phrase structure and the grammar of the
enhance the realism of the conversation, the bot has its own question to better gauge what's being asked.
human avatar that shows emotions. The underlying
Applications for the Watson's underlying cognitive
technology in Cleverbots not only processes verbal and
computing technology are almost endless. Because it can
textual interactions but also facial expressions and
process text mining and complex analytics on huge volumes
movements to create a more authentic conversation. The
of unstructured data and handle enormous quantities of data.
drawback of Cleverbot is unpredictable responses and bad
As the application gains experience with more input, it can
tendency to suddenly change the subject and respond without
find enough patterns to make accurate predictions. Besides
context. It is also unable to continue a long conversation, not
the advantages of Watson, it has some major drawback such
accurate in language translation and may not suitable for
as it does not process structure data directly, no relational
databases, higher maintenance cost, targeting towards bigger
vi. Chatfuel organizations and take longer time and effort to teach
Watson in order to use its full potential.
Chatfuel provides a drag and drop user-friendly interface
for making a rule-based chatbot. It was developed by [21]. It ix. Microsoft LUIS
is an artificial intelligence module train the bot to map input
Language Understanding Information Service (LUIS) is a
sentences to output. It allows response prompts and
domain-specific AI engine developed by Microsoft [24]. It
integration with services such as social media, third-party,
makes natural language and information processing using
CRM. With analytics capabilities, users can collect and view
intents and prebuilt domain entities model. LUIS performs
valuable information on chatbot performance and
NLP against Big Data to find intents from a sentence. It is
subscriptions quickly and effectively. Users can dictate the
designed to identify valuable information in conversations,
conversational rules via the Chatfuel dashboard to ensure the
interprets user goals (intents) and extracts information
chatbot understands and answers user requests efficiently. It
(entities). Active learning is also used to continuously
also allows a json integration for accommodating custom
improve the quality of the natural language models. A model
logic into the bot. the most attractive point of service is
starts with a list of general user intentions such as "Book
simple to build a rule-based bot which is suitable for small
Flight" or "Contact Help Desk." Once the intentions are
businesses. The drawback of Chatfuel is- it is quite inflexible
identified, user supply example phrases called utterances for
in terms of conversation flows and does not support
the intents. Then label the utterances with any specific details
knowledge-based and multi-language. Additionally, NLP is
user wants LUIS to pull out of the utterance. After the model
limited, funky to setup and poor documentation. However, it
is designed, trained, and published, it is ready to receive and
is capable of grabbing the user’s intent.
process utterance. LUIS receives the utterance as an HTTP
vii. ChatScript request and responds with extracted user intentions.
ChatScript is a scripting-based commercial chatbot Powerful developer tools are combined with
developed by [22]. It uses pattern matching techniques customizable pre-built apps and entity dictionaries, such as
similar to AIML. It is a combination NLP engine and Calendar, Music, and Devices, so the user can build and
dialogue management system. It included some control deploy a solution more quickly. Dictionaries are mined from
scripts. This is merely another ordinary topic of rules that the collective knowledge of the web and supply billions of
invokes API functions of the engine. A rule consists of a entries, helping the model to correctly identify valuable
type, label, pattern and output. Rules are bundled into information from user conversations. The major drawback of
collections called topics such as keywords that allows the LUIS required Azure subscriptions. However, LUIS
engine to automatically search the topic for relevant rules integrates seamlessly with the Azure Bot Service, making it
based on user input. Unlike AIML, which finds the best easy to create a sophisticated bot.


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x. Google Dialogflow network. In the evaluation, the study conducted an
experiment on two public datasets to test their performance.
Dialogflow known as and it was developed by Experimental results showed that both models can
Google [25] and part of Google Cloud Platform. It lets app significantly outperform the state-of-art matching methods.
developers provide their users to interact with interfaces The authors demonstrated the models are interpretable with
through voice and text exchanges powered by machine visualizations that provide insights on how to capture and
learning and natural language processing technologies. This leverage the important information in contexts for matching.
lets them focus on other integral parts of app creation rather
than on delineating in-depth grammar rules. Dialogflow Stroh and Mathur [28] applied RNN to solve question
recognizes the intent and context of what user says. Then answering task. Authors created an example in Tensorflow
match user input to specific intents and uses entities to GRU using seq2seq model with GloVe word vectors
extract relevant data from them. And finally, allow the proposed in [29]. They separated representations for the
conversational interface to provide responses. The drawback query and each sentence of an essay. At first, RNN encoder
of Dialogflow is no handheld device version, not interactive process the essay and mark ‘Q’ as question start symbol.
user interface and poor documentation. Then added ‘GO’ symbol to instruct the network to start
decoding. The decoder produces an answer sequence
xi. Amazon Lex
followed by ‘STOP’ symbol. This indicates that processing
Amazon Lex is an AWS service for building has ended. The study trained the RNN using cross-entropy
conversational interfaces into applications using voice and error on the decoder output with bAbI English dataset. The
text. It was developed by Amazon [26]. It provides deep dataset is a set of 20 QA tasks with 1000 training examples.
learning functionality and flexibility of natural language Each task consists of several context-question-answers. It
understanding (NLU) and automatic speech recognition prepared and released by Facebook. Each task aimed to test a
(ASR) to build highly engaging user experiences with unique aspect of reasoning and towards testing a specific
lifelike, conversational interactions. Amazon Lex integrates capability of QA learning model. The result shows that this
with AWS Lambda that user can easily trigger functions for approach often underperforming relative to other approaches
execution of back-end business logic for data retrieval and such as dynamic memory networks, end-to-end networks.
updates. The drawback of Amazon Lex is not multilingual, However, it tended to do well on tasks with yes/no questions.
currently, support only English. Unlike Watson, Lex has a The Authors suggested that the model might be improved if
critical process to follow for web integration. Besides that, it is replaced with an attention mechanism that treats
preparation of dataset is complicated, the utterances and sentences independently. Additionally, sentence selection
entities mapping are somewhat critical. schema can be replaced by a more intelligent sentence
selection module with learnable weights.
IV. RELATED WORKS One study [10] introduced an attention mechanism that
Information extraction and user intention identification allows DNN to focus on different parts of their input. This
are central research topics in natural language processing idea was successfully applied to neural machine translation
(NLP). There have been several models introduced by (NMT) by [30]. Followed by [31], the authors form an
researchers in past years. Recent development in deep opinion that the use of a fixed-length context vector is
learning, deep neural network models have shown interest problematic for translating long sentences. Their approach
and promise for building self-learning chatbots. However, was multilayered Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) with a
there have been several related attempts to address the limited vocabulary. They used one LSTM to map the input
seq2seq model problems with deep learning approaches such sequences to a vector of fixed dimension and then another
as recurrent neural networks (RNN), deep neural networks deep LSTM to decode the target sequences from the vector.
(DNN) and convolutional neural networks (CNN). When they concatenate an input sentence with a target
sentence, each word is far from its corresponding word. The
Wu et. al., (2017) studied the problem of response average distance between corresponding words in input and
selection for long conversation in retrieval-based chatbots. target sentence is unchanged. During training, the authors
The task required matching a response candidate with a were able to reverse the order the words in the source
conversation context, whose challenges include how to sentences, but not the target sentences. By doing so, they
recognize important parts of the context, and how to model introduced many short-term dependencies that made the
the relationships among utterances in the context. Existing learning problem much simpler. The simple trick of
matching methods may lose important information in reversing the words in the source sentences is the key
contexts. The authors interpret them with a unified contribution of their work. The result of their work obtained
framework in which contexts are transformed to fixed-length a BLEU score of 34.81 on the WMT’14 dataset to rerank
vectors without any interaction with response before 1000 hypotheses. It was involved in four deep LSTM layers
matching. The authors proposed a new matching framework using a beam-search decoder and 1000 parameters at each
called sequential matching framework (SMF) that can LSTM layer. The result suggested that the approach would
sufficiently carry the important information in contexts to likely do well on other seq2seq problems. Finally, they
matching and model the relationships among utterances at demonstrated that a simple, straightforward and unoptimized
the same time. At the first step, SMF interacts with a approach could outperform a mature LSTM system.
response and transforms the pair to matching vector. The
matching vectors are then accumulated following the order In the seq2seq approach, the decoder has to keep track of
of the utterances in the context with a recurrent neural the output and generated content can be transformed from the
network (RNN). Finally, the context-response matching is relevant parts in the source. However, standard seq2seq
calculated with the hidden states of the RNN. The study used model struggles with generating long responses since it has
a sequential convolutional network and sequential attention to keep track of everything. And decoder has fixed-length


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hidden state vector which leads to incoherent or even The rewrite is submitted to the recommendation system to
contradictory outputs. To combat this, one of most recent retrieve a set of candidate answers. Secondly, they evaluated
study [32] has introduced chatbot’s response generation seq2seq model to score and pick better question-answer. The
problem through a practical approach, referred as seq2seq result showed that with attention mechanism and LSTM the
with glimpse model and stochastic beam-search decoding model could rewrite questions with better quality measured
technique. Authors’ defined input sequence is the by BLUE score. Finally, to make active user interactions,
conversation history and the output sequence is the response. they built a prototype of a chatbot, which can ask questions
At the first, glimpse model included on the encoder side and that maximize information gain, allowing for a more efficient
then trained dataset on fixed-length segments of the target- user intention identification process. At the end of their
side. It allowed scaling up the training to larger datasets study, they evaluated by BLEU and human judge evaluation.
without running into any memory issues. Second, to generate Both demonstrate significant improvements compared with
long, coherent and diverse responses using MAP-decoding of current state-of-the-art systems. However, it is ongoing
the beam-search technique. It is to break up the reranking research and required more improvement and experiment.
over shorter segments and rerank segment-by-segment. This study would like to take this opportunity and enhance
Thereby, injecting diversity earlier during the decoding their work with a helpful experiment which can measure
process. Finally, they integrated target-side-attention better efficiency for a user to acquire the information they
mechanism into the decoder so it can keep track of what has need.
generated. Together, their study found that these two
methods lead to increase capacity in the hidden state for Another study (Guo, H. 2015) introduced a novel schema
modelling semantics required during generation of longer for seq2seq learning with a Deep Q-Network (DQN) which
responses. In the end, authors have trained on a combined decodes the output sequence iteratively. In each iteration, an
dataset of over 2.3B conversation messages from the web. In encoder-decoder LSTM employed to automatically generate
human evaluation studies showed that their method informative features to represent the internal states and
generated longer responses with a higher proportion rated as formulate a list for DQN. The list contains words
acceptable and excellent. probabilities at each time step and DQN learns to make
decision on which action will be selected from the list to
According to Microsoft and Standford University modify the current sequence.
research (2016), showed how to apply DL to model future
reward in chatbot dialogue. despite the success of Seq2Seq For evaluation, a straight forward and effective method
models in dialogue generation, two problems arise. First, for decoding search as suggested by (Sutskever, Vinyals, Le,
Seq2Seq models are trained by predicting the next dialogue 2014) to deploy beam search algorithm. At each timestep,
turn in a given conversational context. The authors used the the decoder extends each partial sentence in the beam search
maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) objective function. with every possible word in the vocabulary. Finally, the
However, it is not clear how well MLE the real-world goal of model was trained to decode 10,000 natural sentences. Their
chatbot development, teaching a machine to converse with experiments indicated that when compared to a beam search
human, providing informative feedback, interesting and LSTM decoder, the proposed method performed
diverse. Second, the dialogue system becomes stuck in an competitively well. When decoding sentences from the
infinite loop of repetitive responses. This is due to MLE- training set, it significantly outperformed, in terms of BLUE
based Seq2Seq model’s inability to account for repetition. score obtained. It was calculated based on the closeness
The authors suggested that a conversation framework model between the target sentence and the decoded output sentence
needed that has the ability to integrate developer-defined after DQN takes an action. The authors computed the
rewards which mimic the true goal of chatbot development. similarity of this sentence pair using the popular score metric
The model used the encoder-decoder architecture as its in statistical translation.
backbone, simulated conversation between two virtual agents
to explore the space of possible actions while learning to V. CHATBOT’S LIMITAITONS
maximize expected reward. The parameters of an encoder- There are several studies found that are trying to develop
decoder RNN define a policy over an infinite action space ideal application of a chatbot, that can have a natural
consisting of all possible utterances. At the end, the authors conversation and indistinguishable from humans. But it is far
evaluated the model on diversity, length as well as human from to achieve. From the summary of the literature, the
judges. The result demonstrated that the proposed framework following drawbacks exist for providing with efficient and
model generates more interactive responses and manages to effective chatbot conversation.
foster a more sustained conversation in dialogue simulation.
i. Fixed Rule-based: Previous chatbots are built with a
In [9], the authors proposed an attention-based seq2seq fixed set of rules, template-based matching and very simple
mechanism. They enhanced the top hidden vector at the machine learning approach.
decoder side with a weighted average of the encoder hidden
vectors. The weights can be calculated through a generalized ii. Grammatical Errors: It does not recognize
matrix where the weight matrix is part of the parameters to grammatical errors.
be learnt. By adding attention to the deep seq2seq model, the iii. Predefined or Closed-domain: Most of them are
authors were able to better align inputs and outputs. Another able to answer questions only on closed-domain or based on
study [33] proposed DeepProbe which built on attention- predefined in the database.
based seq2seq RNN for query understanding, ad
recommendation and user interaction. The authors first iv. Ambiguity: The context and meaning of the
applied the seq2seq model in DeepProbe to understand and sentences are unclear or not appropriate meaning with the
rewrite user questions into one of standard query form, word.
which is submitted to an ordinary recommendation system.


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v. Language Structure: Each language has a different VI. COMPARISON
sentence making structure. For example, structure of texts, Technical Specification
punctuation and use of spaces differ between languages. Chatbot Input/output Technique Drawback
Existing chatbots are not able to differentiate it.
Eliza [9] Basic Pattern Template- No logical
vi. Semantics: Semantics is the meaning of sentences matching with based reasoning
or words in the form of human natural language. Previous templates to capabilities,
chatbots are not coped with natural language processing
generate a inappropriate
whether it is for creating a response or analysing questions.
response responses
vii. Sentiment Analysis: The existing chatbots are not Alice [11] Pattern Recursive Grammatical
able to detect the emotion of the subject human is talking matching to techniques analysis to
about. The chatbot should be able to tell from the way the represent input structure sentences
text or speech pattern is presented whether the human is and output
angry, sad or happy. Elizabeth Command line Iterative Does not split
viii. Recommender System: Existing chatbots do not ask [14] script as Input input and combine
questions, explain or advice on the user topic. They just rules, and output the result
collect information and provide responses from knowledge- transformation
base. The chatbot should able to write questions based on rules to generate
previous answers. responses.
Mitsuku AIML Category NLP with Failed to provide
ix. Accuracy: Chatbots are programmed have a
[16] to route input heuristic dialogue
conversation like human to accomplish a task. However,
from the user patterns, components
existing chatbots have bad tendency to suddenly change the
subject and generate unpredictable responses. Sometimes it supervised
responds without context. Thus, the accuracy does not ML
achieve at satisfactory level. Cleverbot Matches Rule-based Unpredictable
[19] keywords for responses without
x. Self-learning: The previous chatbots do not use input and context
supervised machine learning approaches. They are incapable response based
of learning new patterns of speech or words, discover context on previous chat
through interaction and logical reasoning. Most of them are
Chatfuel Map input Rule-based Inflexible
not able to train a classifier to map from sentences to intents
[21] sentences to conversation flows
and sequence model to slot filters.
xi. Support Third-party Integration: Existing chatbots Chat Pattern Script- Difficult to learn
do not support third-party Integration such as knowledge- Script [22] matching based and embed in a
based and is not multilingual. Most of them support English web page
language only. It is also difficult to embed in a web page due Watson Identify feature Rule-based Does not process
to the critical process flow for web integration. [23] values to NLP, structure data.
xii. Data Processing: They do not process structure data generate UIMA No relational
directly and there are no relational databases. Besides that, responses based databases
preparation of datasets are complicated, the utterances and on the score
entities mapping is critical. LUIS [24] Identify NLU with Required Azure
valuable info. the prebuilt subscription
xiii. User Interface: Existing chatbots do not have an
from user domain,
interactive user interface and maintain poor documentation.
conversation Active
A newer chatbot is required with deep learning learning
capabilities to overcome the above mention limitations. It Dialog Match input to NLP, ML No interactive UI
will not only analyse human input but also generate flow [25] specific intents and does not
appropriate responses. if chatbots are well “trained”, it can and uses entities support handheld
recognize the human natural languages and can react to extract devices
accordingly to any situation. However, the big disadvantage
Amazon Matches NLU, AWS Not multilingual,
is that these natural responses require a great amount of
Lex [26] keywords for Lambda mapping
learning time and data to be able to learn the vast amount of
input and utterances &
possible inputs. The training will prove if the AI chatbot able
response entities are very
to handle the more challenging issues that are normally
obstacles for simpler chatbots. difficult

The insurance industry has long been bogged down by
outdated practices. However, the combination of a new wave
of thinking and newly developed artificial intelligence
technology has the potential to completely change the


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