Abdallah Al Terek - MENG555L Final Report

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School of Engineering

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Thermal Analysis for Designing an Electronic Component

Final Project Report

MENG555L- Finite Element Model Analysis Lab

Abdallah Al Terek

Dr. Carole Challita

Spring 2021-2022
Table of content

 Introduction 3
 Problem Statement 4
 Modeling and description of the project 5
 Steps for Ansys modeling 7
 Results and conclusion 9
1. Introduction.

Ansys Mechanical finite element analysis software is used to simulate

computer models of structure. Ansys is a general purpose, finite element
modeling package for numerically solving a wide variety of mechanical
problems. These problems include static/dynamic, structural analysis, heat
transfer, and fluid problems, as well as acoustic and electromagnetic

Thermal analysis is a branch of material science where the properties of

materials are studied as they change with temperature. The most basic
thermal analysis techniques for the determination of the variables of a state
are: thermogravimetric, differential thermal analysis and differential scanning
In this project, we will deal with the problem of two-dimensional thermal
analysis on a body, where we give it various elements such as heat generation,
temperatures, isolation… and using ansys we will study the various thermal
indicators, and plot several graphs showing the distribution of the related

Figure 1 Thermal Analysis Management of an electronic packaging.

2. Problem Statement.

An electronic component is any device or physical entity in an electronic

system used to affect electrons or their associated fields.

Figure 2 some types of similar electronic components.

Thermal analysis shows the impact of power supply on heat generation and
its effect on an electronic device’s different components. In electronic circuit,
heat is produced due to a gain in energy provided by active electronic
components, this heat can harm the circuit and cause permanent damage to
the device, owing to this, the selection of electronic components is essential
while designing an electronic device.

In this project, we will study the thermal analysis to a 2D electronic

component exists in an electronic packaging which is used in any electrical
machines including household.

To avoid any electrical problem inside the machines, especially the household,
which is often caused by a fire in their electronics packages due to thermal
problems inside it, we will study this components in 2 cases, the first one is
subjecting it to a given heat generation with convection at surrounding ( the
normal situation when the machine turn on ), and the second case, a high
temperature fluid will flow inside it ( when the machine overheat), and we
will compare the results in order to estimate the reaction of this component if
exposed to high temperature.
So, the aim of this project, is to choose and design an electronic component, to
fix it in an electronic packaging need in several machines, to subject a thermal
loads to it in 2 cases, and compare the final results to judge it if it’s suitable for
installation or not.
3-Modeling and description of the project.

Figure 3 The Electronic Component dimensions and materials.

The electronic components used by millions of people daily are made of

many tiny electronic components, and those components are made from a
variety of raw materials. These raw materials, have special characteristics,
ranging from superior conductivity to unmatched insulating properties
that make them perfect for use in electronic packaging.

So we need to choose the materials of this component that contribute to

satisfying the thermal properties.

This electronic component consists of a Silver hollow square with a

thermal conductivity of 429 W/m.k, surrounded by pieces of Nickel in the
form of blades with a thermal conductivity of 97.5 W/m.k. the enclosing
containers made of Aluminum with a thermal conductivity of 180 W/m.k.

So, as we said, we will study this component in 2 case:

● Case 1: → we add a copper between the Silver and Aluminum,
with a thermal conductivity of 386 W/m.k, and that it generates
heat at the rate of 0.63e7 W/𝑚2.

→ There is convection along all the boundaries except

the outer radius which is insulated. The convection
coefficient is h=65 W/𝑚2 . 𝑘, and the bulk temperature
is 310 degree Kelvin.
● Case 2: → we ignore the convection on the boundaries, and a
hot fluid will flow in the Silver hollow square at T1=200
degree Celsius, and the outer radius remains insulated.
We mesh the model with a smart size of 3.
Thermal Conductivity (K) W/m.k Convection Heat Heat
Generation flux
Silver Aluminum Nickel Copper h Bulk T (W/m2) insulated
(W/m2.k) (K)
Case 1 429 180 97.5 386 65 310 0.63e7 0
Case 2 429 180 97.5 386 --- --- 0.63e7 0
Table 1 Different parameters needed to solve this project in the 2 cases.
4-Steps for Ansys Modeling:

The most important step to study this thermal project is to use Ansys to solve
the problem after modeling it. So we can starts modeling the project by
applying the following steps:
1. First, we must put the preferences as thermal studies, than we go to add
the element type from the preprocessor section, which is Solid/ Quad 4
node 55.

Figure 4 Adding the element type used in this project.

2. Defining the thermal conductivity of each materials used, from the

material property section.

Figure 5 Defining the thermal conductivity of Silver

3. Modeling the shapes by create areas, here we need rectangles for silver
and nickel, solid circle for copper and a partial annulus for aluminum.

Figure 6 Modeling of the electronic component in Ansys.

4. Operation of the needed area, like subtract the hollow square, glue all
the areas, to get the desired shape.
5. Meshing the model by pick each area in order to define its material, by a
smart size of 3, the areas will meshing into finite elements.
6. Defining the applied loads of the first case: temperatures, heat
generations, convection and isolation, than we solve the problem.

Figure 7 Apply the convection by defining

the convection coefficient and its bulk temperature

Figure 8 Applying the heat generation Figure 9 Applying the insulation on lines.

Figure 9 The applied convection loads on the surroundings.

7. Re-apply the defining load section by apply the case 2 conditions and
resolve the problem.
5- Results and conclusion:

We reached the final step, where we solve this structure in the 2 cases.
We compare the 2 results by ploting the temperature distributions,
thermal gradient vector, and thermal flux vector.

Figure 10 The temperature distribution of case 1

Figure 11 The temperature distribution of case 2.

After plotting all the graphs we can compare between the 2 cases.
Temperature Distribution Analyze:
We noticed a difference between the temperature distribution in case 1
(Figure 6) compared with it in the case 2 (Figure 7), in case 1 the maximum
temperature is 657.6K that exists in the copper section and in the bottom of
the aluminum area, whereas in case 2 the maximum temperature is 201.348K
that exists in the copper section only.
Due to the appropriate temperature distribution on the component in the first
case, while it is good in the second one due to the ignoring of the convection,
the materials used for the design of this component can withstand heat, and
therefore, it can be used in varies electric machines no matter how hot it gets.

Figure 12 The thermal flux vector of case 1

Figure 13 The thermal flux vector of case 2

Thermal Flux Vector Analyse:

In the other hand, we show a big difference too between the thermal flux
vector in case 1 (Figure 8) compared with it in the case 2 (Figure 9). In case 1,
the thermal flux vector is present in dense numbers and it is randomly
directed with maximum value of 22195.8 W/𝑚2, in contrast, the thermal flux
vector in case 2 is present orderly and flowing in one direction upward with
maximum value of 30494.2 W/𝑚2, due to the removing of the convection.

Figure 14 The thermal gradient vector of case 1

Figure 15 The thermal gradient vector of case 2

Thermal Gradient Vector Analyse:

Whereas, we show a big difference too between the thermal gradient vector in
case 1 (Figure 10) compared with it in the case 2 (Figure 11). In case 1, the
thermal gradient vector is present in less-dense numbers compared with the
thermal flux vector in case 1, and it is randomly directed with maximum value
of 2466.61 W/𝑚2, in contrast, the thermal gradient vector in case 2 is present
orderly and flowing in one direction downward with maximum value of
79.0004 W/𝑚2, due to the removing of the convection.

After comparing the results, we can say that the chosen electronic component
can be installed and fixed in electronic packaging which used in electrical
machines, including household ones, due to the satisfactory results achieved
through these experiments.

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