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Schaum - Signals and Systems Z - Transf
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178, ‘THE 2: TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE: IME LTI SYSTEMS, [CHAP. 4 B. Basie Properti Most of the properties of the unilateral z-transform are the same as for the bilateral z-transform. The unilateral z-transform is useful for calculating the response of a causal system to a causal input when the system is described by a linear constant-coefficient difference equation with nonzero initial conditions. The basic property of the unilateral =-transform that is useful in this application is the following time-shifting property which is, different from that of the bilateral transform. Time-Shifting Property: If x(n] X,(2), then for m 20, afm =m) 2X (2) AM [Up peal +xf-m] (4.50) aft mi] 2"X,(2)—2"%(0] 1 (4.57) ‘The proofs of Eqs. (4.50) and (4.51) are given in Prob. 4.36. D, System Function: Similar to the case of the continuous-time LTI system, with the unilateral z-transform, the system function H(z} = ¥(z)/X(z) is defined under the condition that the system is relaxed, that is, all initial conditions are zero. Solved Problems THE z-TRANSFORM 4.1, Find the z-transform of (a) xln}= —a"-n— 1) (b) xn) =a "ul -n ~ 1] (a) From Fg. (4.3) By Eq. 92) if la~*z] < Lor lz!
0, then Eq. (4.54) includes terms with both positive powers of 2 and negative powers of z. As |z|—+0, terms with negative powers of z become unbounded, and as |z|—+=, terms with positive powers of z become unbounded. Hence, the ROC is the entire z-plane except for z= 0 and =». If N, = 0, Eq. (4.54) contains only negative powers of 2, and hence the ROC includes. If. N, 5 0, Bq, (4.54) contains only positive powers of z, and hence the ROC includes 2 =0. A finite sequence x{71] is defined as x{n Find X(z) and its ROC.180 THE 2-TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS ICHAP. 4 From Eq. (4.3) and given afm] we have X()= Late Lalajee a a{-2]e? afte + ato] afte + af2}e ee fB]e 2 Set432- 24422329 For 2 not equal to zero or infinity, each term in X(z) will be finite and consequently X(2) will converge. Note that (2) includes both positive powers of z and negative powers of 2. Thus from the result of Prob, 4.2 we conclude that the ROC of X(z) is 0< [21 <=, 4.4. Consider the sequence QsneN-1a>0 xfnp = 12" \o otherwise Find ¥/z) and plot the poles and zeros of By Eq. (4.3) and using Eq. (1.99), we get Kips Bars Dw From Eq, (4.55) we see that there is a pole of (N~ Ith order at 2 = 0 and a pole at Since x{n) is a finite sequence and is zero form <0, the ROC is {21> 0, The N roots of the numerator polynomial are at 2 agian =0h NAT (4.56) The root at k=0 cancels the pole at = a. The remaining zeros of X(2) are at 2g aer2rk/s Nod (4.57) The pole-zero plot is shown in Fig. 4-4 with N tne) olane 5 Polgzerosancet ets) jg. 4-4 Pole-zera plot with N= 8.CHAP. 4] THE z-TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS 181 45, 46, Show that if x{n] isa right-sided sequence and X(z) converges for some value of 2, then the ROC of X(z) is of the form lel>r, or x lel>r, Where rng is the maximum magnitude of any of the poles of X(z). Consider a right-sided sequence x[7} so that x[n]=0 nN, and X(2) converges for | re Then from Eq, (4.3) Now if r) > ry, then ZX iatadieg= LE laters} = Eaten’ 2 (2) & tae
Fn Where Fy is the maximum magnitude of any of the poles of X(2). 1M, <0, then X(2)= L alnje [M]e Me bef-tpe+ Eatin: . That is, X(z) contains the positive powers of z and becomes unbounded at z = =. In this case the ROC is of the form From the above result we can tell that a sequence x{17] is causal (not just right-sided) from the ROC of A(z) if 2 =~ is included, Note that this is not the case for the Laplace transform Find the z-transform X(2) and sketch the pole-zero plot with the ROC for each of the following sequences: (a) lad = Crain + ul] (6) xbnl= Cyl) + ul —n 1) fe) xfn]= (ula) + fn - 1)ta) th) THE TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS [CHAP. 4 From Table 4-1 ie z 1 [s} ude (458) 1 2 5 {z] ies ; (4.59) We see tha the ROCS in Fay (4.98) and (4.59) ove z 1 xizy= i> (40m) From Bq. (4.60) we see that X(z) has two zeros at z= 0 and z= 4 and two poles at z=4and z=} and that the ROC is |z|> 5, as sketched in Fig. 4-Sla), From Table 41 he (4) ame (401) iy" z 1 {,)4 nia Sy lle 5 (4.02) We see that the ROCS in Eqs. (4.677 and (4.62) over, and thus : t : 4.638 Hz)= eG-nee Sy ON From Eq. (4.63) we sce that X(2) has one zero at 2 — and two poles at 2 = Land s= | anid that the ROC is |< \z1-< 1, as sketched in Fig, 4-5(6) J, i Fig. 4.5CHAP. 4] RANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS, 183 (co) From Table 4-1 |al> (4.04) (4.65) S We see that the ROCs in Egs. (4.64) and (4.65) do not overlap and that there is no common ROC, and thus x(n] will not have Xz), 47. Let aaj=a" a0 (4.66) (a) Sketch x[n] fora <1and a>1 (b) Find X(z) and sketeh the zero-pole plot and the ROC for a < Land a> 1 (a) ‘The sequence x{7] is sketched in Pigs, 4-6(a) and (h) for both @ <1 and a> 1 (b) Since xin} is « (wo-sided sequence, we can express it as afm] = aun] Ha tule ~ 1] (4.07) From Table 4-1 aulnjer lel>a (4.68) z= 1/a and that the ROC is a <|z| < 1/a, as sketched in Fig. 4-7. If a> L, we see that the ROCs in Eqs. (4.68) and (4.69) do not overlap and that there is no common ROC, and thus x{1) will not have X(2), sInlea nieu™ alll lit w % Fig. 4.6184 ‘THE z-TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS, IcHar. 4 sis Unitcite Fig. 47 PROPERTIES OF THE z-TRANSFORM 4.8. Verify the time-shifting property (4.18), that is, afm on) eoz %X(2) R'SRA[O
0, addtional poles are introduced at = 0 and will be deleted at =, Similarly, if my < be deleted at z ~ =, Therefore, the poin from the ROC by time shifting. Thus, we have mal zeros are introduced at z = 0 and will z= % can be either added to or deleted ala —ng]ere @N(2) RORO(0
| By definition (4.3) 3{zcalal) = 185 A pole (or zero) at z= 2, in X(2) moves to z= 292,, and the ROC expands oF contracts by the factor |z). Thus, we have 4.10. Find the z-transform and the associated ROC for cach of the following sequences: (a) x{nl=aln—nol (b) xln) sudan — 14) (c) x{n}sa"'uln + 1 (d) x[n)=ul-n] (e) x{n]=a-*ul-n] (a) From Eq, (4.19) B[n]or alls Applying the time-shifting property (4.18), we obtain OK Iz), n> 0 Bln molmz ce, my <0 (s (b) From Eq. (4.16) uln—nylere 1<|zl
ial Again by the time-reversal property (4.23) we obtain oo (4.75) 4.11, Verify the multiplication by (or differentiation in z) property (4.24), that is, aX(z) =R From definition (4.3) X= LD alaje Differentiating both sides with respect to z, we have aXz) _ s 1 = nein} and Thus, we conclude that ax(z) m[njor 2 ER 4.12. Find the z-transform of each of the following sequences: (a) xin]=na"uln} (b) xn] = na" utr] (a) Brom Eqs. (4.8) and (4.10) aruln)me 21> lal (4.76) Using the multiplication by m property (4.24), we get a [ela lal (477) natu] ~ 2Har. 4) THE 2-TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS 187 ())_ Differentiating Eq, (4.76) with respect 10 a, we have na tun] e+ tel> lal (4.78) Gna Note that dividing both sides of Eq. (4.77) by a, we obtain Eq. (4.78). 4.13. Verify the convolution property (4.26), that is, xi[n]¢xs[n] Xz) XA(2) ROR,OR, By definition (2.35) Y= Exe lain k) yin) = ef] Thus, by definition (4.3) [n-k]2*] vay E [ E atihatmajer= ES nteal_ nvew laste (nota jon is the z-transform of the shifted we have Noting that the term in parentheses in the last expre signal x( — 4), then by the time-shifting property (4.1 yay= ¥ atelfetxcy]=( Ale a2) =) 202) aote with an ROC that contains the intersection of the ROC of X\(z) and Xx(2). Ifa zero of one transform cancels a pole of the other, the ROC of Y(z) may be larger. Thus, we conclude that ala} xatn) Xz) X22) SRNR, 4.14, Verify the accumulation property (4.25), that is, X afk] kote X(2)= From Eq. (2.40) we have s(a}= Salk] ala) eufn) Thus, using Eg, (4.16) and the convolution property (4.26), we obtain 1 yer aa) xo with the ROC that includes the intersection of the ROC of X(z) and the ROC of the z-transform of ulm). Thus, Xz) RRA (21> 1}188 THE z-TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS ICHAP. 4 INVERSE z-TRANSFORM 4.15, Find the inverse z-transform of XM(zya2(1s dr Yaz it22°') O
lal, that is, the exterior of a circle, xl] is a right-sided sequence. Thus, we must divide to obtain a series in the power of 2 '. Carrying out the long division, we obtain Lea tals + ‘Thus, X(z) and so by definition (4.3) we have x[nJ=0 0 n <0 x(O}=t 0 x{i}ea xf2}a s[kJ= a" ‘Thus, we obtain rn] =a"eln) (5) Since the ROC is |2/
lal, that is, Jaz" <1, by Bq. (4.80), Xz) has the power series cxperson x(2)= E Afar ty'= E tee nail nail from which we can identify xf”) as _[O/nja" nal ele ig neo 1 o Mn} = Loran 1) (431) ) = toe ate)190 THE 2-TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS (CHAP. 4 Since the ROC is }21
1, elm] is a right-sided sequence. ‘Thus, we must divide so as to obtain a series in power of z~! as follows Thus,CHAP, 4] ‘THE z-TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS 191 and so by definition (4.3) we obtain xa) = (0.52000) 4.19, Using partial-fraction expansion, redo Prob. 4.18, (a) x2) Using partial-fraction expansion, we have XQ) where “ and we get Since the ROC of X(2) is |2| <4, aL] is a leftsided sequence, and from Table 4-1 we act fn] = suf n= 1+ (4)"uf-n=1 ("= af-2=1) which gives alm] = (....18, I () zi>1 Since the ROC of X(z)is [21> 1, x(n] is a right-sided sequence, and from Table 4-1 we pet ala)=uln}~(2)'uln] =(5)"|eln] which ves A= (Qh Lo) 4,20. Find the inverse z-transform of X(z)= l2]>2 (4.83)THE z-TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS ICHAP. 4 Substituting these values into Eq, (4.83), we have I (2-122)? Setting 2 =0) in the above expression, we have Ad wy, 274 ‘Thus, + zl>2 (2° Since the ROC is |2|>2, x(n} is a right-sided sequence, and from Table 4-1 we get afm] = (1-284 2" ul] . Find the inverse z-transform of G@-)E-2 Note that X(2) is an improper rational function: thus, by long division, we have x) Let x Then - 1 where 5 2 1 Thuis, and x(2) ; Tgp Olls Since the ROC of X(2) is [21 <1, x{n] 1s a leftsided sequence, and from Table 4-1 we get afm] =26[m 61] + $o[m] + uf n= 1] = 22% m5] =26[n +1] + afm] + (1 2° ul — 1CHAP. 4] THE 2-TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LI SYSTEMS 193 4.22, Find the inverse z-transform of X(z) can be rewritten as X(z)= Sinee the ROC is |2> 2, xf] is a righ ruta] > Using the time-shifting property (4.18), we have 2 tuln = Woe ‘Thus, we conclude that afm) =3(2)" tala 1) 4.23. Find the inverse z-transform of izl>0 We see that X(z) can be written as X(2)= (22 S42 S432 )aX\(2) where Thus, if xn] Xz) then by the linearity property (4.17) and the time-shifting property (4.18), we get afm] =2xj[n— 42,23] 4 3xln- 5] (4.84) "|e ‘Thus, from Eg, (4.84 we get aln}= [2 Cay Jute eS (3 Jade 3] afiecors194 THE 2-TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS 4.24, Find the inverse z-transform of X(2)= [> lal From Eq. (4.78) (Prob. 4.12) na” bul n) o> [ior] ome and applying the time-shifting property (4.20) to Eq, (4.86), we get Now, from Eq. (4.85) ala] = (nt Batam + 1] = (n+ tatu] 1 since x{~1]=0 at n= SYSTEM FUNCTION 4.28, Using the 2-1 wsform, redo Prob. 2.28. From Prob. 2.28, x{in] and Ala] are given by x(m}euln] An) =a%{n] Oc aed From Table 4-1 ala} =uln]X(z) = — 21> UI nlm) = aun} H(z) = \21> lal Then, by Eq. (4.40) Y(z) = XCQ)M(z jl>t Using partial-fraction expansion, we have yz) z “1G where ‘Thus, ¥(z)= CHAP, 4 (4.85) (4.86) (4.87)CHAP. 4] THE z-TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS 195 ‘Taking the inverse z-transform of (2), we get vim) = aude) soyetuled uf] Ina which is the same as Eq, (2.134), 4.26, Using the z-transform, redo Prob. 2.29. (a) From Prob, 2.29(a), x[] and h{n} are given by aln]=aruln] Alm) = Buln] From Table 41 afr] =aruln} e+ X(2) = lel> lal Hn] = Buln] (2) = lel> il Then YK HO= Hoy Ema) Using partial-fraetion expansion, we have “aa a ip where Thus, and v(n}=|—= rer) which is the same as Eq. (2.135). When a= 8, laloa Using partial-fraction expansion, we have xe) where and196 ‘THE 2-TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS ICHAP, 4 Setting 2 = 0 in the above expression, we have At 02-24 saat ‘Thus, and from Table 4-1 we get pln) = (a + na" )un] =a" + nj] Thus, we obtain the same results as Eq, (2.135) (6) From Prob. 22%b), xl] and Alvt] are given by xn} = aula] From Table 4-1 and Eg. (4.75) O
a le slal=2| 5 | alles veer Hence, the system function H(2) is ya) ‘X(z) x H(z) = Using partial-fraction expansion, we have H(z) where a4 Thus, I HU) =6 21> 5 ‘Taking the inverse 2-transform of H(z), we obtain Aln] = 68{n] -4(4)"ufn] 1 4 5] dale xt) ll> 5 2 1 Then, Ye) ale 5 where ¢ ~6 -8 Thuis, ‘Taking the inverse z-transform of ¥(z), we obtain vln] = [-6(2)" +808)"Joln]CHAP. 4) THE 4.30, 431. 4.32. CRETE-TIME LTT SYSTEMS 199 RANSFORM AND DI If a discrete-time LT system is BIBO stable, show that the ROC of its system function H(z) must contain the unit circle, that is, |21= 1 A discrete-time LTI system is BIBO stable if and only if its impulse response Al) is absolutely summable, that is (Eq. (2.499) ¥ tiln}
Is1> lat Since the ROC of H(z) is |z|> lal, 2 => is included. Thus, by the result from Prob. 4.5 we conclude that fila] is 4 causal sequence. Thus, the system is causal (B) If Jal > 1, the ROC of H(z) does not contain the unit citete [21= 1, anid hence the system will not be stable. If lal < 1, the ROC of H(z) contains the unit circle |z| = 1, and hence the system will be stable A causal discrete-time LTI system is described by y[m] = iyle— a} + byln 2] =a] (4.88) where x{] and yf] are the input and output of the system, respectively. (a) Determine the system function H(z). (b) Find the impulse response f{rr] of the system (c) Find the step response s{71] of the system (a) Taking the z-transform of Eg. (4.88), we obtain200 THE :- TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS (CHAP. 4 Thus, z 1 @-)e-) 2 (6) Using partial-fraction expansion, we have He) where ¢ oe Thus \ >t i> Taking thei (ce) ax{n] = ula] X(2) l2l> 1 The ¥(z) =X(2) H(z) = > ele * (2) XQHC)~ aE D ‘Again using partal-fraction expansion, we have Thus, 3a T Taking the inverse z-transformation of ¥(2z), we obtain vin] = stn] 5-264)" + 4G)" |e]CHAP. 4] THE 4.33. 4.34, TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS, 201 Using the z-transform, redo Prob. 2.41 ‘As in Prob. 2.41, from Fig, 2-30 we see that alm) = 2aln— 1) +20] y[n]=a{n] + 3afn— 1 Taking the z-transform of the above equations, we get Q(z) = 22 1O(2) +X(e ¥(z) = Q(z) + 327101 Rearranging, we get (1-22 O(z)=¥(2) (1432 °'JQ(2)=¥(2) from which we obtain ¥(z)_ 1432 MO May a (+9) ig. (4.89), we have (1=22-))¥(2) = (1432 X(z) or ¥(2)- 22 '¥(z)=X(2) +32 'X(2) (4.99) Taking the inverse z-transform of Eg. (4.90) and using the time-shifting property (4.18), we obtain vl) =2vtn— 1) =xEn] «axle 1] which is the same as Eq, (2.148), Consider the discrete-time system shown in Fig, 4-8. For what values of & is the system BIBO stable?202 THE 2-TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS. (CHAP. 4 From Big, 4-8 we see that ala} alm) + Saln y k vba} =alal + Salm) Taking the 2-transform of the above equations, we obtain k Oz) =X(2) + 5 'O(e) oe) ‘Q(2) Rearranging, we have from which we obtain F(z) L+(k/3)2 Mad which shows that the system has one zero at z= —k/3 and one pole at z= 4/2 and that the ROC is {21> 1k /2). Thus, as shown an Prob. 4.30, the system will be BIBO stable if the ROC contains the unit circle, |2) = 1 Hence the system is stable only if \k) <2 UNILATERAL 2-TRANSFORM 4.38. Find the unilateral z-transform of the following x(n} aun) outa +t (a) xln (by xb (a) Since a] =0 for a <0, (2) = X(2) and from Example 4.1 we have Xs) ie) lal (4.91) 1 (b) By definition (4.49) we have Xz) = Dat laf + jet lel> lal (4.92) Note that in ¢ Prob. 4.10) ease xf] is not a causal sequence; hence X (2) # XZ) [see Eq. (4.73) inCHAP. 4] ‘THE 2-TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS 203 4.36. Verify Eqs. (4.50) and (4.57), that is, for m > 0, (a) ln mle Xa) be atte Pala + alm] (5) xln te m)eo 2X2) — 210) 2" belt] = + ~axtm =1] (a) _ By definition (4.49) with m > 0 and using the change in variable k =n —m, we have Eafe Bilan =m) = E \ eel Satet+ F alk) imo wea } 2 m{Xj(2) oaf= lp te -2]2? = xf -m]2"} SPryj(z) te" efi] te peo taf-m) (6) With m=O B,lxln + m)} — Eate tmz 5 x[ejeer™ oeo| Eatket= "Eu: | ™[X(2) = (x0) afte t+ oe ttm = Hey) = 29K,(2) ~ em af0] 2 Naf] = sam 1] . Using the unilateral z-transform, redo Prob, 2.42. The system is described by vn] arf} = fn) (493) with y[—1]=y_, and xln]= Kb"aln). Let vin] Kz) ‘Then from Eq. (4.50) vn esa (2) ey 1] 2 (2) 8, From Table 4-1 we have =F EP Ii alm) 92) = Ke Taking the unilateral z-transform of Eq. (4,93), we obtain ¥i(z) ale '¥(2) +y- or (Loa Y(2) =ay + ¥(2) =ay_.+K 25204 4.38, THE TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS ICHAP. 4 Thus, Taking the inverse z-transform of ¥;(2), we get b v[n] =ay auf] + K—b"uln] ~ Kaul) which is the same as Eq, (2.158). For each of the following difference equations and associated input and initial conditions, determine the output yl (a) yl) ~ dye Wale, with xf) =O)" yf t= (6) 3yln)~ 4yle~ 1) + yar 2d eal), with afr) = Ch", of 2 1 zl>| \3 i ain] XG) ‘Taking the unilateral 2-transform of the given difference equation, we get Yee He Me) +E MK) Substituting v1 1 and X,(2) into the above expression, we get (5 hy yale or (S)ne-fe ss Thus, 2 Tor z YE-h 722-4 =3 Hence, cy 2Gy i afmlorXa)~CHAP. 4] ‘THE z-TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LT1 SYSTEMS 208 Substituting yl—1]= 1, yl 21= 2, and X;(z) into the above expression, we get Qasetertyyayeree te 25 on EME Dyey woes Thos, ¥(z)= viel 2G) 3G) 4.39. Let x[71] be a causal sequence and Show that x[0] = lim X(2) (4.94) Equation (4.94) is called the initial value theorem for the z-transform. Since x{n]= 0 for nm <0, we have XLe]= Eadnf-t =afo) + afte! + afd? + As z+, 2°" +0 for n> 0. Thus, we get fim X(z) = x{0) 4.40, Let x{rt] be a causal sequence and an] X(2) Show that if X(z) is a rational function with all its poles strictly inside the unit circle except possibly for a first-order pole at 2 = 1, then gin x{.N] = fim (1 2°)X(2) (4.95) Equation (4.95) is called the final value theorem for the z-transform. From the time-shifting property (4.19) we have lel) ata} = 2X2) (4.96) The left-hand side of Ea. (4.96) can be written as Jim, ¥ fated ate ay)" aso [x] ~ xl}206 THE z-TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS. ICHAP. 4 If we now let 2 —+ 1, then from Bq. (4.96) we have lim E (s(] af )) = fim x] Jim (1-2-2 Supplementary Problems 441. Find the z-transform of the following x(a} (a) ln. $.1,- 4) (by xl 5[n + 2] ~ 35[n ~ 2] fe) xt win) — 2G )"uf —n — 1) (d) xin ul ~n 1) (b) 32 0 igl
3 () Ie 44, Verily the time-reversal property (4.23), that is, 11) st-njoex[=| R= Hint’ Change nt —n in definition (4.3).CHAP, 4] THE 2-TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTT SYSTEMS 207 445, 446, 447, 448, Show the following properties for the z-transform, (a) Af x{n]is even, then X(2~9) = X(2). (6) Mf x{n) is odd, then X(2-) = ~X(2), (©) Mf x(n) is odd, them there is 4 zero in X(z) at 2 > 1 Hint (a) Use Eqs. (1.2) and (4.23), (b) Use Eqs. (1.3) and (4.23) (ec) Use the result from part (6). Con: jer the continuous-time signal x(t) Let the sequence x{n] be obtained by uniform sampling of x(2) such that x[n) =x(n7,), where T, is the sampling interval, Find the z-transform of xIv]. Ans, Xtz Derive the following transform pairs £7 (cos) 2 (QeosQ,)2 +1 (cos Qyn)uln] a+ (sin Q4)2, (sin Qgm)uln] Hint: Use Euler’s formulas. cos Mon Find the z-transforms of the following xin} (a) fa] in 3] (6) xfn] = (n ~ 3)uhn] (eo) xf] = ul] ~ ain ~ 3] (a) alm] = nul] ~ ln ~ 31h Ans, (a)208, THE z- TRANSFORM AND DISCRETE-TIME LTI SYSTEMS (CHAP. 4 4.49, Using the relation aul] l21> lal find the z-transform of the following x[n]: (a) xlnl=na” “ula (6) xlnl= nbn = Da" Fada] (co) xlnbe nln = Dek + Daub] Hint: Dilleremtiate both sides of the given relation consecutively with respect to a Ans. (a) ) kz © a (a) 4.50. Using the s-transform, verify Eqs. (2.130) and (2.137) in Prob, 2.27, that is, (a) x(n dn) = abe] (b) alls ln ng] = sl — ng) Hint: Use Eq. (4.26) of the z-transform and transform paits 1 and 4 from Table 4-1 451. Using the z-transform, redo Prob. 2.47 Hint: Use Bq, (4.26) and Table 4-1 4.82, Find the inverse z-transform of Xz) z1>0 Hint: Use the power series expansion of the exponential function e'. Ans. adn] = “ula 4.53. Using the method of long division, find the inverse z-transform of the following X(z): (a) —, sl2i
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