SWOT Sunshine

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SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats

1. Relevant Skills: I possess 1. Limited Experience: 1. Learnings: While 1. Work-Academic

the relevant skills that are Though I possess the working as a member, I Balances: I need to be
required for my contribution appropriate skills, but I still will be able to learn careful while managing
to the team. lack with hands-on various things in my my academics and team
2. Dedication: I can strongly experience with my skills. area. This will not only together. Not managing
emphasize that I have a true Sunshine can provide the develop my skill set but the same efficiently can
dedication to learning. needed platform to work also will lead to the lead to overload and
3. Teamwork: I believe with my skills. improvement of the cell. stress.
working together is the best 2. Perfectionism: I 2. Personal Development: 2. Competition: An extra
way to achieve something. I sometimes do-over things As a part of the team I competitive environment
know how to work as a team to get the perfectionism in will also be able to while working in the team
and get the best outcome for my work. I believe I will be improve my soft skills can lead to disharmony of
my team. able to get over this by like communication, the social skills.
4. Adaptability: I am flexible working in a team and time management,
to change, and I can quickly taking others' opinions. problem solving, etc.
adapt to new environments 3. Creative-Mindset
or circumstances that helps Development: As a part
me in the challenging of the content team, I
situations. will develop a creative

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