1325purl Weekly-June
1325purl Weekly-June
1325purl Weekly-June
JUNE, 2023
Useful for
CSE, ESE, PSUs, State Services Exams,
SSC and Banking Exams
2 Week-1 01st June - 07th June
About CLN
1st JUNE, 2023
• CLN, which is part of the Coalition for Epidemic
Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), consists of 15
partner facilities from 13 countries.
• Context: The Union Ministry of Jal Shakti recently
• It plays a crucial role in supporting CEPI’s mission
unveiled the unified registration portal for
‘GOBARdhan,’ a pioneering initiative aimed at to accelerate the development of vaccines against
promoting the biogas sector in India. emerging infectious diseases.
• CLN aims to identify vaccine candidates with
Key highlights the highest potential for combating emerging
• The portal will serve as a centralized platform to infectious diseases and supports the development
evaluate investment opportunities and participation of sustainable regional outbreak preparedness
in the biogas or compressed biogas (CBG) sector. infrastructure.
• The unified registration portal allows any government,
cooperative, or private entity operating or intending
National Mission for Mentoring
to establish a biogas, CBG, or Bio CNG plant in India
• Context: Recently, a capacity building workshop
to obtain a unique registration number.
was organized by the National Council for Teacher
• This registration number will serve as a key identifier
Education (NCTE), under National Mission for
for entities involved in the biogas sector, facilitating
Mentoring (NMM).
their engagement and access to various benefits and
support from the ministries and departments of the About National Mission for Mentoring (NMM)
Government of India.
• National Mission for Mentoring (NMM) was
launched in pilot mode on 29th July 2022. As part
About GOBARdhan Initiative
of this initial phase, a select number of central
• GOBARdhan initiative has the objective to convert
schools were chosen to implement the program and
waste into wealth and energy. It encompasses a
provide valuable insights for its future expansion
wide range of schemes and programs under different
and refinement.
ministries and departments.
• The primary purpose of the NMM is to facilitate the
• GOBARdhan initiative plays a pivotal role in promoting
continuous professional development of school
a circular economy, where waste materials are
teachers through mentoring.
transformed into valuable resources.
• It aims to create a robust system of mentorship
that empowers teachers to enhance their teaching
Centralised Laboratory Network (CLN)
practices and overall effectiveness in the
• Context: India has recently become a member of
the Centralized Laboratory Network (CLN), a global
• To ensure the effectiveness of the NMM, 60
collaboration aimed at testing vaccines during
outstanding professionals with expertise in various
pandemic and epidemic disease outbreaks.
domains were onboarded as mentors.
Key facts • These mentors possess specialized knowledge
and skills in areas such as instructional leadership,
The Indian Council of Medical Research-National
Institute of Virology (ICMR-NIV) is among the new digital education, socio-emotional learning,
members contributing to the global efforts in testing inclusive education, professionalism and ethics,
vaccines for emerging infectious diseases. classroom management, and more.
01st June - 07th June Week-1 3
About PM SVANidhi
3rd JUNE, 2023
• PM SVANidhi scheme provides crucial support to
street vendors in India during the challenging times Helmand River Dispute
brought on by the pandemic. • Context: Iran and Afghanistan have been involved in
• The primary objective of the PM SVANidhi scheme a longstanding conflict concerning the distribution of
is to provide handholding support to street vendors water resources from the Helmand River.
during pandemic-induced economic stress.
• This scheme offers a working capital collateral-free Key highlights
loan of ₹10,000. This financial lifeline enables vendors • Recently, clashes between Iranian and Taliban troops
to meet their immediate business needs and sustain along the border, have further escalated tensions
their livelihoods during uncertain times. between the two countries.
• With subsequent loans of ₹20,000 and ₹50,000 also • The Helmand River serves as a crucial water source
available, street vendors have access to increased for both Afghanistan and Iran, supporting agriculture,
financial resources that can help them expand and livelihoods, and ecosystems in the region.
stabilize their businesses. • Originating near Kabul in the Hindu Kush Mountain
range, the river flows for approximately 1,150 kilometers
(715 miles) before emptying into Lake Hamun, which
Phukot Karnali Hydro Electric Project
straddles the Afghanistan-Iran border. Unfortunately,
• Context: National Hydroelectric Power Corporation
Lake Hamun, once the largest freshwater lake in Iran,
(NHPC) and Vidhyut Utpadan Company (VUCL)
has suffered immensely over time.
have signed an initial pact for the development of the
Phukot Karnali hydroelectric project.
About Helmand River Treaty
Key highlights To regulate the allocation of river water, Iran and
• The Phukot Karnali Hydro Electric Project is expected Afghanistan signed the Helmand River Treaty in 1973.
to have an installed capacity of 480 MW. It is located However, the accord was not fully implemented, leading
in Kalikot district, Karnali Province of Nepal. to ongoing disagreements and tensions.
4 Week-1 01st June - 07th June
Agni-I Ballistic Missile • The proposal, which has gained support from the
• Context: The Strategic Forces Command recently steel ministry, has received a recommendation of
launched Agni-I missile from the APJ Abdul Kalam a 19% duty from the Directorate General of Trade
Island in Odisha. Remedies, a body operating under the commerce
Key highlights
• The launch verified and confirmed the operational About Countervailing Duty (CVD)
and technical aspects of the missile. • The CVD is a measure typically employed to shield
• With the ability to strike targets with a remarkable local companies from the adverse effects of cheap
degree of precision, the Agni-I missile showcased its imports that benefit from subsidies provided by
effectiveness and showcased India’s dedication to exporting nations.
enhancing its strategic deterrent capability. • By levying a duty on such imports, the aim is to restore
a level playing field and prevent unfair competition
About Agni-I Missile: that could harm domestic manufacturers.
• The medium-range Agni-I ballistic missile has a strike • The decision to reintroduce the CVD comes after its
range from 700-1200 kilometres and weighs around removal in the Union Budget for the fiscal year 2021-
12,000 kilograms.
• It is also capable of carrying a payload of up to 1,000
kg. GPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation
• Agni-I was first tested in 1989 at the Interim Test (GAGAN)
Range in Chandipur, but they were Short-range • Context: Using GPS Aided GEO Augmented
ballistic missiles (SRBM). Navigation (GAGAN) satellite technology, India
• Agni-I is used by the Strategic Force Command successfully carried out the first-ever performance-
(SFC) of the Indian Army. based navigation demonstration for helicopters in
Asia, with a flight from Juhu in Mumbai to Pune.
4th JUNE, 2023
• GAGAN, an acronym for GPS Aided GEO Augmented
Countervailing Duty
Navigation, is an Indian Satellite-Based Augmentation
• Context: In order to safeguard the interests of
local manufacturers and counter the influx of System (SBAS).
cheap imports, India is considering the imposition • Developed jointly by the Indian Space Research
of a countervailing duty (CVD) on stainless steel Organisation (ISRO) and the Airports Authority of
imports. India (AAI), GAGAN has transformed the way aircraft
navigate the skies.
Key highlights • It was certified by the Directorate General of Civil
• The surge in cheap imports has had a detrimental Aviation (DGCA) in 2015, marking a significant
effect on domestic steelmakers in India. These imports milestone for the Indian aviation sector.
have distorted the steel market by flooding it with • Notably, only four space-based augmentation
subsidized products. As a result, local companies, systems exist worldwide, with GAGAN being the first
especially smaller ones, have been compelled to put developed for India and neighboring countries in the
their hiring and expansion plans on hold. equatorial region.
01st June - 07th June Week-1 5
• To promote academic flexibility and student mobility, was released in 2022 by the Comptroller and Auditor
the revised guidelines make it mandatory for deemed General of India (CAG). This report is in the news
universities to register on the Academic Bank of due to recent derailment of three trains in Balasore,
• The launch of India’s first international cruise • The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bengaluru
vessel and the opening of the international cruise emerged as the leading university, reaffirming its
tourism terminal mark a significant milestone in the commitment to academic excellence. Additionally,
development of the country’s cruise tourism sector. IISc Bangalore was recognized as the second-best
institution in the overall category. Jawaharlal Nehru
The Grand Order of the Chain of Yellow University (JNU) and Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI)
secured the second and third spots, respectively.
• IIT Madras emerged as the top performer in the
• Context: President Droupadi Murmu became the first
Engineering categories for the second consecutive
Indian to receive the Grand Order of the Chain of
Yellow Star, the most prestigious state decoration in
• In the field of management, the Indian Institute of
the Republic of Suriname.
Management (IIM) Ahmedabad secured the top spot.
• The NIRF rankings also acknowledge the top performers
Key highlights
in other domains such as Pharmacy, Colleges, Medical,
• The award holds great significance and is awarded to
Research Institutions, Innovation, Law, Architecture,
individuals who have made meritorious contributions to
Dental, and Agriculture and Allied Sectors.
the Surinamese people or nation. In a historic moment,
• The Order was established in 1975, coinciding with
Importance of NIRF Rankings
Suriname’s independence, and replaced the Dutch
• The NIRF rankings play a crucial role in evaluating
Order of the Netherlands Lion.
and improving the quality of higher education in
• The Order recognizes both Surinamese citizens
and foreigners who have demonstrated exceptional
• By providing a comprehensive assessment and
service and dedication. It serves as a symbol of
comparison of institutions, the rankings help students
honor and appreciation for their contributions to the
make informed decisions about their academic
welfare and progress of Suriname.
• One of the key advantages of the Antardrishti dashboard is its ability to facilitate greater financial inclusion
through a multi-stakeholder approach.
• By involving various entities, such as financial institutions, regulators, and policymakers, in the decision-making
process, the dashboard promotes collective efforts to enhance financial inclusion.
Key Highlights
• The Sustainability Report provides insights into NHAI’s governance structure, emphasizing transparency and
accountability in its operations. It also highlights the involvement of various stakeholders in NHAI’s sustainability
• NHAI’s report showcases significant progress in reducing direct emissions. From FY 2019-20 to 2021-22, direct
emissions decreased by 18.44% primarily due to reduced fuel consumption.
• The report highlights a commendable decline in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. In FY 2020-21, GHG
emissions from energy consumption, operations, transport, and travel saw a reduction of 9.7%, followed by a 2%
decline in FY 2021-22.
• NHAI has made remarkable strides in improving energy efficiency during its operations. In FY 2020-21, energy
intensity measured in Giga Joules per kilometer reduced by 37%.
• To mitigate man-animal conflicts and protect wildlife, NHAI has created more than 100 Wildlife Crossings across
20 states in the last three years. These crossings serve as crucial measures for safeguarding wildlife habitats and
promoting sustainable development.
• Through a performance-based management system, NHAI has achieved a 7.4% increase in female hiring and
an overall 3% increase in its workforce over the past three financial years.