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Research paper
Keywords: This study devises a novel two-dimensional analysis framework for spatial equity in public transit accessibility.
Public transit We incorporated door-to-door travel time and ticket price by public transit into a generalized travel cost function
Spatial equity to measure utility-based accessibility following a log-sum formulation. Then, this study designed a Palma ratio of
Utility-based accessibility
accessibility and a neighboring accessibility gap index to respectively examine the collective spatial equity and
Palma ratio
individual spatial equity of public transit. Finally, we took an empirical case of Kunming city, China to analyze
Neighboring accessibility gap
Door-to-door time the unity-based accessibility distribution and checked collective and individual spatial equity levels reaching
business centers, transport hubs, and 3-A hospitals. The results show that the utility-based accessibility reaching
transport hubs by public transit is less than 50% to business centers and 32% to 3-A hospitals. Collectively, the
expected minimum generalized travel cost by public transit in the poorest 40% of traffic analysis zones is almost
2.5 times as much as in the richest 10% of traffic analysis zones, and the collective spatial equity in old blocks is
superior to new blocks. Individually, the number of traffic analysis zones with no spatial inequity, slight inequity,
and medium inequity in public transit accessibility respectively occupied almost 57%, 38%, and 5%. We also
found individual spatial equity may be associated with the walking distance during taking public transit and the
number of neighboring traffic analysis zones.
1. Introduction 2019).
In the last decade, researchers have devoted significant attention to
Promoting equitable development of public transport system in the exploring the concepts and measurements of equity in public transit.
aspect of social equity (Behbahani et al., 2018; Grengs, 2013) and spatial However, it is more difficult to measure transit equity than to under
equity (Delmelle & Casas, 2012; Kelobonye et al., 2019) has become a stand one since the principle of equity remains sophisticated and
primary agenda for traffic planners and city engineers. Especially, public diverse. There are three basic categories of transit equity: horizontal
transit has been an essential role to provide necessary access to social equity, vertical equity, and spatial equity in the existing literature. Lit
activities for low-income people without cars for a long time (Ignaccolo man (2012) developed horizontal equity and vertical equity with in
et al., 2016; Nahmias-Biran et al., 2013; Stanley & Lucas, 2008). Many come and social class, and Ricciardi et al. (2015) discussed vertical
cities have been aware of the impact of transportation projects (Nah equity with mobility demand and ability. Meanwhile, several studies
mias-Biran et al., 2013; Niehaus et al., 2016) and transportation plans attempted to apply the gap of accessibility to identify the difference in
(Behbahani et al., 2018; Camporeale et al., 2016) on equity in different transportation benefits distributed in spatial units, which was usually
aspects, and they attempt to advocate the equity-oriented transport called spatial equity (Kelobonye et al., 2019; Martens et al., 2012). As far
development for enhancing public transport services (R. J. Lee et al., as assessment methods of transportation equity are concerned, their
2016; Oswald Beiler & Mohammed, 2016). Therefore, planning an principles and measures both remain unclear. There is no doubt that
equitable public transport system has potential benefits for the sus these proposed methods based on different equitable principles may
tainable and inclusive development of urban mobility (Wang et al., exert some bias when evaluating horizontal equity, vertical equity, and
* Corresponding author. No.727 Jingmingsouth Road, Chengong District, Kunming city, Yunnan Province, China.
** Corresponding author. No.2 Linggong Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, China.
E-mail addresses: Liwu625@126.com (W. Li), haotian0813@yeah.net (H. Guan), qinww@kust.edu.cn (W. Qin), yiluxinshi@sina.com (X. Ji).
Received 19 May 2021; Received in revised form 7 February 2023; Accepted 16 February 2023
Available online 24 February 2023
0739-8859/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
W. Li et al. Research in Transportation Economics 98 (2023) 101263
others (Golub & Martens, 2014; Martens et al., 2012). accessibility-based equity related to workplaces, dining, and healthcare
In previous works, accessibility has been a prevalent tool to examine has been usually checked.
the spatial equity level in public transit accessibility. The most common Although extensive research has been carried out on public transit
research paradigm concerning accessibility-based equity measures is as accessibility-based equity formulations, to the best of our knowledge,
follows. To begin with, the travel time by public transit will be estimated there is limited research that investigates spatial equity levels in public
as accurately as possible based on a Geographic Information System transit accessibility both collectively and individually in a multimodal
(Tahmasbi & Haghshenas, 2019; Yang et al., 2017). Then, a mathe transit network. Therefore, this study is motivated to address the iden
matical model (such as the gravity model, utility model, space-time tified research niche, and the following contributions are made.
model, and opportunity model) is developed to compute public transit
accessibility considering main trip purposes (Ben-Elia & Benenson, (1) We introduce the generalized travel cost into a utility-based
2019; Hansen, 2007; Kelobonye et al., 2019; L. Li et al., 2017; Zhou accessibility measure that integrates door-to-door travel time
et al., 2018). Finally, the Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient are used to (including walking time, waiting time, transfer time, and travel
measure equity level (Lucas et al., 2015; Ricciardi et al., 2015; Welch, time) and ticket price by public transit. Recalling Table 1 has
2013). Table 1 summarizes related studies on public transit pointed out that accurate travel time plays a key role in public
accessibility-based equity measures in the last four years. In these transit accessibility measures. The difference and novelties of this
studies, transit modes involved common bus and metro modes. study compared with existing literature related to travel time
Recent developments in public transit accessibility-based equity estimation by public transit are summarised in Table 2. On the
measures concentrated on the following four aspects. First, in the aspect one hand, a part of previous studies adopted the self-built transit
of public transit accessibility measures, travel time has become the most network to estimate travel time by public transit. Under this
prevalent indicator for accessibility formulation. Most researchers are workflow, passengers’ walking time and waiting time usually are
used to developing a direct function or composite function of travel time assumed to be constant or directly overlooked. Meanwhile,
to measure public transit accessibility. Second, main three types of congestion effects of background traffic in the road network do
concerning equity measure indicators have been widely used, including not consider in their formulations. On the other hand, previous
several economical indexes (such as the Theil index, Paloma ratio, studies firsthand took travel time rather than generalized travel
Lorenz curves, Gini index, and average consumer surplus), statistical costs to model public transit accessibility, which led to the impact
indicators (such as Getis-Ord statistic and local indicators of spatial as of the ticket price on public transit accessibility is not considered.
sociation) and self-proposed indicators (such as accessibility sufficiency (2) We devise a two-dimensional measure framework of spatial eq
index, travel time gap/ratio). Third, in terms of equity types, most uity in public transit accessibility, including collective spatial
existing studies have been mainly focused on the collective equity level. equity and individual spatial equity. Concerning collective spatial
This is, these studies are devoted to taking the above equity measure equity, we proposed a Palma ratio to examine whether public
indicators to examine whether public transit accessibility is equitable for transit accessibility is equitable distributed in the study area.
a population group or a region. Fourth, about citizens’ trip purposes, Regarding individual spatial equity, we developed a neighboring
accessibility gap index to check which spatial units are more
advantaged or disadvantaged in the study area.
Table 1 (3) We conduct an empirical case in Kunming city, China to
Review on public traffic accessibility-based equity measure.
comprehensively examine the utility-based accessibility distri
References PTA measure Equ. indicator Equ. Activity bution reaching business centers, transport hubs, and 3-A hos
pitals, collective and individual spatial equity levels in public
Bills et al. (2022) Travel time ACS C&I Job transit accessibility, and the association between individual
Tao et al. (2022) Travel time SDC C Job spatial equity levels and some key factors including transfer times
Martens et al. (2022) Travel time ASI C&I Job
and walking distance during using public transit and the number
Jin et al. (2022) Travel time Theil index C Healthcare
Singer et al. (2022) Distance ASI I Job of neighboring traffic analysis zones.
Costa et al. (2021) Travel time TTG/TTR C&I CBD
Zuo et al. (2020) Travel time GE, Atkinson C Job The remaining of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 pro
vides a detailed introduction to the proposed model, including gener
Jomehpour Chahar Travel time / C Job,
Aman & and distance Healthcare
alized travel cost function, utility-based accessibility measure,
Smith-Colin individual spatial equity measure, and collective spatial equity level.
(2020) Section 3 conducts an empirical case in Kunming city to examine the
Li and Fan (2020) Distance TGI C / spatial equity level of public transit accessibility and its associated fac
Ermagun and Travel time / C Job, Park;
tors. Finally, Section 4 concludes this study, offers managerial insights,
Tilahun (2020)
Allen and Farber Cumulative Getis-Ord C Job and sheds light on future research directions.
(2020) opportunity statistic
Chen and Wang Cumulative- / C Job, Dining 2. Methodology
(2020) opportunity
Boisjoly et al. (2020) Travel time / C Job
Ben-Elia and Travel time Gini index C Job 2.1. Problem description and notations
Benenson (2019)
Chen et al. (2019) Cumulative- Lorenz curves C / In this section, we first formulate the generalized travel cost
opportunity and Gini formulation by public transit for each traffic analysis zone. Then based-
Lee and Miller Space-time Elliptic shape C Healthcare
utility accessibility measure is devised. Finally, we proposed a
(2019) prism straightforward framework for spatially collective equity measures and
Slovic et al. (2019) Travel time LISA C Job individual equity measures. Furthermore, to compare the public transit
Note: PTA – public transit accessibility; Equ. – equity; C – Collective; I – indi accessibility disparity among different locations within the study area,
vidual; ACS - Average consumer surplus; SDC – standard distance circle; ASI – we distinguish the old blocks and new blocks from all traffic analysis
accessibility sufficiency index; TTG &TTR – travel time gap and ratio; GE – zones. The workflow for the two-dimensional spatial equity measure of
general entropy; TGI – transit gap index; LISA – local indicators of spatial public transit accessibility is shown in Fig. 1.
association. The related notations used in the main formulations are listed below.
W. Li et al. Research in Transportation Economics 98 (2023) 101263
Table 2
Difference between previous studies related to accessibility measures and this study.
References PTA model TTE Price Walking Waiting Transfer Congestion
Note: PTA – public transport accessibility; TTE – travel time estimation; API – application of program interface; G2FSCA – gaussian two-step floating catchment area.
W. Li et al. Research in Transportation Economics 98 (2023) 101263
W. Li et al. Research in Transportation Economics 98 (2023) 101263
(a) (b)
Kunming had respectively reached 1.37 and 0.61 million passengers per
Table 3
day. Fig. 3 (a) plots the location of Kunming and the spatial distribution
Mapping relationships between the neighboring accessibility gap and inequity
of public transit.
We use the traffic analysis zone as a spatial unit to measure public
NAG [ − 0.05, [ − 0.25, − 0.05) ∪ [ − 0.5, − 0.25) ∪ [ − 1, − 0.5) ∪ transit accessibility and its equity. Based on the urban road network of
0.05] (0.05, 0.25] (0.25, 0.5] (0.5, 1]
Kunming, the study area has been divided into 524 traffic analysis zone.
Level no slight inequity medium inequity severe For each zone, we assume that all public transit users will depart from its
inequity inequity
centroid, then ride the transit system to reach their destinations. Fig. 3
Note: NAG – neighboring accessibility gap. (b) shows the spatial distribution of traffic analysis zones used in this
Amr Regarding possible destinations related to transit-based trips, we
Atop top 10% r
r∈T10% only consider cities’ three daily activities, including leisure activities,
Pmratio = = ∑ , ∀m ∈ M
seeking medical care, and transfer of intercity travel. Correspondingly,
m 1
Abottom 40% jm
we select three types of POIs (points of interest) as destinations: the
bottom 40% r∈Br40%
In this Paloma ratio model of public transit accessibility, the business center POI (comprehensive commercial buildings where citi
numerator denotes the top 10%‘s average accessibility over the whole zens can shop, repast, visit, and recreate), the medical POI (3-A hospitals
area, and the denominator is the lowest 40%‘s average accessibility where citizens can seek medical care), the transport hub POI (airport or
across the area. Unlike the frequently used Gini index that includes the railway station where citizens can transfer for intercity travel). There are
distribution over all groups, for example, all populations in a country, or 21 business centers, 19 3-A hospitals, and 3 transport hubs within the
all spatial units (traffic analysis zones) in a city, the Paloma ratio index is study area by searching for the Gaode map (also named the Amap1), as
more concerned about extreme groups (the richest and the poorest) shown in Fig. 3 (c)–(e).
excluding the groups with middle accessibility. In the context of spatial
accessibility, using the Paloma ratio rather than other measures is 3.2. OD pairs generation
because of the ease of interpretability and communication, which
directly shows how much the richest accessibility is higher than the Based on the identified traffic analysis zones and possible destina
poorest. This just fills a drawback that the Gini index is not very sensitive tions, the origin and destination (OD) pairs between them are extracted
to measure differences in the bottom portion of the distribution. to estimate the OD travel time and trip fare for public transit
Therefore, the Paloma ratio has been gradually adopted in existing accessibility-based equity research in this paper. It should be indicated
studies related to assessing accessibility-based equity (Guzman & we only consider the most possible public transit trips rather than all
Oviedo, 2018; Liu et al., 2021; Rosas-Satizábal et al., 2020). trips. For example, for leisure activities, we only examine the public
transit trips from each traffic analysis zone to business centers with the
3. Case study top 5 shortest travel times. The process of seeking medical care is the
same. Due to only three transport hubs in the study area, for public
3.1. Study area transit-based intercity travel, we check all public transit trips from each
traffic analysis zone to each transport hub. Table 4 describes the number
The main urban area of Kunming city is used as an empirical area in of OD pairs used for public transit accessibility-based equity modeling.
this study. As the capital of Yunnan Province located in southwestern Then, the Application Programming Interface (API) of the Gaode
China, Kunming city has a population of 3.58 million inhabitants and map LBS (Location Based Service) open platform2 has been adopted to
covered an area of 3, 243 km2. It owns a convenient, dense, and efficient automatically query trip information including travel distance,
public transit system that serves citizens’ daily trips by 280 lines and
10,136 bus stops. Thus, it is also one of the outstanding transit metro
polises in China. By 2020, the bus ridership and metro ridership in 1
W. Li et al. Research in Transportation Economics 98 (2023) 101263
Table 4 Table 5
OD pairs information. Three samples of trip information of all OD pairs.
Trip scenarios Leisure Seeking medical Transfer of intercity OD id TAZ_154 – TAZ_132 – TAZ_175 –
activities care travel BC_21 3AH_18 TH_3
Origin points 524 TAZs 524 TAZs 524 TAZs Price (RMB) 1.0 4.0 7.0
Destinations 28 business 19 3-A hospitals 3 transport hubs Distance (km) 5.72 17.29 42.68
points centers Duration (minutes) 38.97 78.75 91.53
Effective Top 5 Top 5 Top 3 In-bus time (minutes) 28.77 50.76 64.85
destinations Out-bus time 10.20 27.97 26.64
All OD pairs 14,672 9956 1572 (minutes)
Effective OD pairs 2620 2620 1572 Walking distance 0.71 1.96 1.87
Note: O – origin; D – destination; TAZ – traffic analysis zone. Transfer times 0 1 2
W. Li et al. Research in Transportation Economics 98 (2023) 101263
year, the number of weeks per month, the number of working days per which makes convenient public transit accessibility to transport hubs
week, and the number of working hours per day. In our study, the value available in these areas, providing affordable and also efficient services.
of time is assumed to be homogeneous for all users. The effect of het
erogeneous users is left for future study. According to the GDP per capita 3.4. Collective spatial equity
level in Kunming city in 2021, the value of in-vehicle time is set as 40
RMB per, and the out-vehicle VOT is set as 1.5 times the value of in- To calculate the public transit accessibility-based Palma ratio, we
vehicle time. classified each traffic analysis zone by accessibility decile considering
Fig. 4 presents the spatial distribution of public transit accessibility the expected minimum generalized travel cost. Each decile is composed
in all traffic analysis zones. Considering the expected minimum gener of a different number of traffic analysis zones. The top 10% of public
alized travel cost in routes, citizens in a part of traffic analysis zones that transit accessibility is concentrated in 53 traffic analysis zones, and the
are either close to the business centers, transport hubs, or 3-A hospitals poorest 40% of public transit accessibility is distributed among 210
or directly linked by transit lines (inappreciable walking) can arrive at traffic analysis zones across the whole study area. Fig. 6 presents the
them within 30-RMB travel cost by public transit. Citizens living in the statistical distribution of the accessibility-based Palma ratio in Kunming
majority of traffic analysis zones can reach business centers, transport city when taking into account distinct destinations and locations.
hubs, and 3-A hospitals within 30-RMB to 90-RMB generalized travel Fig. 6 (a) shows how the magnitude of public transit accessibility
costs. For some traffic analysis zones, however, citizens’ generalized inequity among traffic analysis zones with rich accessibility and poor
travel costs are more than 90 RMB away from them. Most of these traffic accessibility in Kunming city when considering different destinations.
analysis zones are the furthest from business centers, transport hubs, and The public transit accessibility-based Palma ratios for business centers,
3-A hospitals or are located in suburban and semi-rural areas where transport hubs, and 3-A hospitals are respectively 0.40, 0.41, and 0.38.
there is inadequate coverage of public transit services. They look very close, the value of which means that the expected min
Fig. 5 (a) shows a significant disparity in public transit accessibility imum generalized travel cost from the poorest 40% of traffic analysis
of all traffic analysis zones. As far as all traffic analysis zones are con zones to these destinations is almost 2.5 times (1/0.4) as much as from
cerned, citizens to transport hubs usually bear the highest travel cost. the richest 10% of traffic analysis zones. This should be noticed by
Specifically, the mean public transit accessibility to business centers, public transit planners and managers because the disadvantages in
transport hubs, and 3-A hospitals are respectively 30 RMB, 45 RMB, and utility-based accessibility for the poorest 40% can lead to deterioration
34 RMB. The expected minimum generalized travel cost to transport in socioeconomic status. It is also worth noting that there are no sig
hubs is more than 50% to business centers, and 32% to 3-A hospitals. nificant public transit accessibility gaps among reaching business cen
The public transit accessibility to business centers and 3-A hospitals are ters, transport hubs, and 3-A hospitals when considering the collective
very close. A possible reason is that the number of transport hubs in Palma ratio.
Kunming city is relatively less than the number of business centers and Moreover, the disparity of collective accessibility-based equity
3-A hospitals. In our study, we only considered three key transport hubs among different locations in the study area is compared, as shown in
in the study area, e.g., the Kunming Changshui International Airport, Fig. 6 (b)–(d). As expected, collective spatial equity levels of public
Kunming Railway Station, and Kunmingnan Railway Station. transit accessibility for reaching each kind of destination seem to be
As shown in Fig. 5 (b), the statistical distribution of public transit changed among different urban locations. A consistent finding can be
accessibility for three types of locations, including old blocks, new seen for three types of destinations, public transit accessibility-based
blocks, and other locations, is significantly different. Recalling that the Palma ratio in old blocks are both higher than in new blocks. For
old blocks are located in the city center, and the new blocks are located example, for reaching business centers by public transit, the
in the south of Kunming city. In terms of public transit accessibility to accessibility-based Palma ratio in old blocks and new blocks are
business centers and 3-A hospital, their accessibility distributions are respectively 0.62 and 0.46. This result indicates that for citizens in old
consistent that both follow such a pattern: old blocks > new blocks > blocks, it will take 1.61 times (1/0.62) the expected minimum gener
other locations. Interestingly, the public transit accessibility to transport alized travel cost departing from the poorest 40% of traffic analysis
hubs is the opposite. It can be found the accessibility to transport hubs zones to reach business centers than departing from the richest 10% of
from new blocks is superior to old blocks and other locations. This is ones. However, for citizens in old blocks, the gap in expected minimum
attributed to the Kunmingnan railway station located in new blocks, generalized travel cost between the top 10% of traffic analysis zones and
W. Li et al. Research in Transportation Economics 98 (2023) 101263
the bottom 40% of traffic analysis zones can reach 2.17 (1/0.46) times. 3.5. Individual spatial equity
A similar situation exists in the public transit accessibility-based Palma
ratio reaching transport hubs and 3-A hospitals. That is to say, traffic The collective Palma ratio in section 4.3 uncovers that public transit
analysis zones in new blocks may face inequity in public transit acces accessibility may be inequitable distributed in the study area. However,
sibility relative to old blocks. A possible explanation is that there is it does not indicate which traffic analysis zones maybe face poorer
complete coverage in public transit networks and stops in the old blocks. public transit accessibility. Therefore, following the neighboring acces
However, in new blocks, some feeding transit networks need further sibility gap index model (see Eqs. (3) and (4)), this section shows the
improvement. individual equitable level for each traffic analysis zone. We first drew
the scatter diagram and histogram of its public transit accessibility and
its neighboring public transit accessibility for each traffic analysis zone
W. Li et al. Research in Transportation Economics 98 (2023) 101263
(see Fig. 7). Fig. 7 shows that the traffic analysis zones’ public transit 3.6. Analysis of associated factors
accessibility is not far greater than that of their neighbors. The vast
majority of scattered points are distributed on both sides of the gray After showing the spatial pattern of individual spatial equity in
dotted line (y = x), meaning that the expected minimum generalized public transit accessibility, we further examine whether the transfer
travel cost by public transport for each traffic analysis zone is likely to its times and walking distance during riding public transit and the number
neighboring zones. This is, the public transit accessibility is equitable for of neighboring traffic analysis zones are associated with the individual
these traffic analysis zones. However, a few scattered points are falling spatial equity level. Fig. 9 depicts the scatter diagram and regression plot
on the lower part of the gray dotted line (y = x), indicating that the gap of the above factors and the neighboring accessibility gap for each traffic
in citizens’ expected minimum generalized travel cost between given analysis zone. Correspondingly, it can be first observed that the neigh
traffic analysis zones and their neighbors becomes large. boring accessibility gap seems to be not directly associated with transfer
Furthermore, based on the mapping relationships between the times during the whole trip as the regression plots almost overlap with
neighboring accessibility gap and the inequity level of public transit the red dotted baseline (y = 0). Interestingly, it can be found that the
accessibility (see Table 1), the histogram distribution and spatial dis neighboring accessibility gap can gradually increase with the growth of
tribution of the neighboring accessibility gap values for each traffic walking distance during taking public transit. When the walking dis
analysis zone are shown in the following (see Fig. 8). The value of the tance is within 2 km, the neighboring accessibility gap is very small.
neighboring accessibility gap ranges from − 0.4 to 0.4 under scenarios That is to say, the traffic analysis zones are spatially equitable in public
reaching business centers, transport hubs, and 3-A hospitals. Overall, transit accessibility under this scenario. However, a long walking dis
public transit accessibility for given traffic zones and their neighbors tance out of travelers’ acceptable walkability can lead to some spatial
does not present a huge gap because of around 300 traffic analysis zones inequities in public transit accessibility. The number of neighboring
(almost 57%) with a neighboring accessibility gap index between − 0.05 traffic analysis zones also presents a similar association with individual
and 0.05. These traffic analysis zones are almost located in new blocks spatial equity in public transit accessibility. But the growth affected by
and old blocks of Kunming city. The number of traffic analysis zones the number of neighboring traffic analysis zones is obviously less than
with values of neighboring accessibility gaps within an interval of − 0.25 the ones affected by walking distance. The traffic analysis zones with
and − 0.05 and an interval of 0.05 and 0.25 was relatively medium, 5–8 neighbors usually have more equitable public transit accessibility.
accounting for around 38%. These traffic analysis zones with slight
inequity are mainly concentrated in the peripheral urban areas and 4. Conclusions
urban-rural fringe areas, which indicates that the layout of transit net
works and stops in these areas should be paid attention to improve Due to lacking related studies in both examining individual spatial
spatial inequity in public transit accessibility. In addition, a few traffic equity and collective spatial equity in public transit accessibility, we
analysis zones are with medium inequity in public transit accessibility, hope to obtain some referred insights for developing helpful policies on
the number of which only occupied less than 5% of all traffic analysis equitable public transit planning and operation. This research develops
zones in the study area. These zones are distributed in the urban fringe a novel measure framework for public transit accessibility that in
area where the public transit networks have little service catchment. tegrates individual equity and collective equity to cope with such two
meaningful questions: how is the spatial equity in public transit acces
sibility for the whole region and which zones’ public transit accessibility
W. Li et al. Research in Transportation Economics 98 (2023) 101263
is more disadvantaged in the region? generalized travel cost by public transit in these zones is nearly
Considering a multimodal transport network covering walking, bus, equal to the ones in their neighboring traffic analysis zones. The
and metro, a utility-based accessibility measure model embedded with number of traffic analysis zones with slight inequity in public
the log-sum formula is proposed to quantitatively evaluate spatial transit accessibility accounts for around 38%, which are mainly
accessibility from each traffic analysis zone to possible activity desti located in the peripheral urban areas and urban-rural fringe
nations. The utility function of accessibility measure encompasses the areas. Only less than 5% of traffic analysis zones are with medium
generalized travel cost by public transit considering travelers’ travel inequity in public transit accessibility.
time, waiting time, transfer time, and ticket price. They are connected by (4) Fourth, we also found that the individual spatial inequity level in
travelers’ value of time. We then apply a Palma ratio of public transit public transit accessibility can be associated with the walking
accessibility to examine the accessibility gap between the top 10% of distance during taking public transit and the number of neigh
traffic analysis zones and the bottom 40% of traffic analysis zones, boring traffic analysis zones. However, a direct connection be
which is defined as the collective spatial equity in our study. Closely tween the individual spatial inequity level and the transfer times
followed by this, we design a neighboring accessibility gap index to during using transit is not been obviously observed.
measure individual equity levels in public transit accessibility. Finally,
an empirical study of Kunming city is conducted to analyze the present For policymakers working to improve spatial inequity in public
equity situation in public transit accessibility individually and collec transit networks and increase public transit users, this research provides
tively, including accessibility reaching business centers, transport hubs, some referable insights. While encouraging public transit use, seamless
and 3-A hospitals. Additionally, the relationships between individual connection for bus and metro and excellent walkability between origin/
spatial equity and transfer times, walking distance, and the number of destination points and nearest bus stops may be efficient measures to
traffic analysis zones are also checked. By considering our results, increase public transit ridership, as they may be associated with the
several conclusions can be drawn as follows. expected minimum travel cost by transit. The high levels of neighboring
accessibility gaps in some traffic analysis zones indicate that many cit
(1) First, in the aspect of utility-based accessibility measures, there is izens lack convenient alternatives to public transit use. Our results
a significant disparity in public transit accessibility of all traffic suggested that this risk can be somewhat easily found in urban periph
analysis zones. The expected minimum generalized travel cost of eries and transport poverty areas. These findings can be useful for pol
reaching transport hubs by public transit is more than 50% to icymakers to design equitable transit networks and attract more users to
business centers, and 32% to 3-A hospitals in Kunming city. The shift the car mode to transit mode. On the one hand, authorities and
public transit accessibility reaching business centers and 3-A agencies can take ride-hailing or taxi services as a feeder to connect with
hospitals in old blocks are superior to the new blocks. the transit network (Singer et al., 2022; Yan et al., 2019; Zhang & Khani,
Conversely, the accessibility to transport hubs is more advan 2021; Zuniga-Garcia et al., 2022). Incorporating ride-hailing and transit
taged in new blocks. services is conducive to decreasing passengers’ waiting time costs in
(2) Second, in terms of collective spatial equity in public transit these disadvantaged traffic analysis zones. On the other hand, this result
accessibility, accessibility-based Palma ratios reaching business can motivate operators and managers to optimize transit networks with
centers, transport hubs, and 3-A hospitals are both very close to the schedule- and frequency-based services in accessibility-equitable
0.4, which means that in Kunming city, the expected minimum and accessibility-inequitable traffic analysis zones respectively (Jiang
generalized travel cost by public transit from the poorest 40% of et al., 2022).
traffic analysis zones to these destinations is almost 2.5 times as Several extensions under this study need to be carried out in the
much as from the richest 10% of traffic analysis zones. For three future. For example, (1) this study mainly involved three daily activities:
types of destinations, the public transit accessibility-based Palma leisure activities, seeking medical care, and intercity travel correlated
ratio suggested that the collective spatial equity in old blocks is with public transit. The public transit accessibility-based equity of other
superior to new blocks. activities, such as commute activities and city tourism activities also is
(3) Third, concerning individual spatial equity in public transit worth noticing and comparing. (2) In utility-based accessibility mea
accessibility, almost 57% of traffic analysis zones have no sures, the value of time (VOT) is assumed to be homogeneous for all
obvious spatial inequity because the expected minimum traffic analysis zones. One way to improve this would be to incorporate
W. Li et al. Research in Transportation Economics 98 (2023) 101263
Fig. 9. The scatter diagram and regression plot of some factors and neighboring accessibility gaps.
spatially heterogeneous VOT into the accessibility measure. (3) In accessibility for designing the equitable public transit system.
spatial equity measure, we do not consider the effects of zonal popula
tion and economics. The following studies can involve these factors to CRediT authorship contribution statement
develop a population/economics-weighted Palma ratio and neighboring
accessibility gap index in spatial equity measure. (4) With a zonal-level Wu Li: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Investigation,
unit of analysis, the results of the accessibility measure and spatial eq Validation, Visualization, Writing - original draft, Writing - review &
uity measure in traffic analysis zones may be inevitably sensitive to the editing. Haotian Guan: Validation, Writing - review & editing. Wen
modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP). Although the generation of wen Qin: Methodology, Validation, Writing - review & editing. Xiao
traffic analysis zones in this study is consistent with the layout of the feng Ji: Supervision, Funding acquisition, Conceptualization, Project
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