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American Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering

2024, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 63-66


Methodology Article

Problems of Development of Transport and Road Transport

Infrastructure of Andijan City
Khayrullo Baynazarov* , Sotvoldiyev Xasanboy
Department of Vehicle Engineering, Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Andijan, Uzbekistan

As a result of the acceleration of the urbanization process, the increase of megalopolis cities, and the growth of the population,
the demand and need for public transport is increasing every year. This, in turn, requires improving the quality of public transport
service, improving its culture, adapting it to today's times and conditions. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan told the
officials of the field to fundamentally reform public transport, to develop public transport in the districts and cities of our country,
to meet the needs of the regions, to organize transport infrastructure, to take a scientific approach to transport and logistics issues,
in particular, to study foreign experience, to hire modern personnel for the field. set the tasks of training and recruitment. Public
transport is essential for ensuring equitable access to transportation, reducing traffic congestion, protecting the environment,
promoting social interactions, shaping urban development, and providing economic benefits. It is crucial to invest in and
prioritize the development of high-quality public transport systems to address our transportation needs sustainably and improve
the quality of life for individuals and communities. This article presents tasks on improving the public transport system in
Andijan agro-development are presented.

Accessibility, Bus, Train, Subway, Stations, Peak Hours, Public Transportation System, Public Transport Infrastructure

1. Introduction
Every year, there is a greater need and demand for public or are unable to drive have a dependable means of
transportation due to the acceleration of urbanization, the rise transportation, enhancing their access to jobs,
in megalopolis cities, and population expansion. This calls healthcare, education, and other necessities.
for enhancing the standard of public transportation services, 2. Traffic reduction: The number of automobiles on the
modernizing their culture, and making necessary adjustments road decreases as more people utilize public transpor-
to fit the needs of the times. tation. By doing this, traffic congestion and its related
In current civilization, public transportation is essential for issues—such as longer travel times, air pollution, and
a number of reasons: accidents—are lessened. In metropolitan regions, traffic
1. Accessibility: Regardless of one's mobility or economic congestion may be considerably reduced with an effi-
level, public transportation offers a method of transit for cient public transportation system.
everybody. It guarantees that those who lack the means 3. Environmental advantages: Using public transportation

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Received: 4 March 2024; Accepted: 18 March 2024; Published: 15 August 2024

Copyright: © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group. This is an Open Access article, distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which
permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
American Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering http://www.sciencepg.com/journal/ajtte

is usually less harmful to the environment than driving a anteeing fair access to transportation services. Subsequent
private vehicle. To sum up, public transportation is investigations need to concentrate on pinpointing inventive
critical for guaranteeing fair access to transportation, approaches to tackle these obstacles and augment the dura-
lowering traffic, safeguarding the environment, en- bility and efficiency of public transportation networks. The
couraging social contacts, directing urban growth, and scientific literature on public transportation is extensive and
generating economic advantages. To meet our trans- covers a wide variety of topics, including operations, planning,
portation demands sustainably and raise the standard of design, efficiency, sustainability, and the effect on urban
living for both individuals and communities, it is im- surroundings.
perative that we prioritize and invest in the development Analysis shows that a number of problems related to the
of high-quality public transit networks. effective use of public transport today await their scientific
solution [1-5]. In particular, renewing the fleet of vehicles
serving the population and increasing their use, establishing a
2. Literature Review reasonable balance between passenger transportation costs
and car usage indicators, preventing unjustified increases in
For millions of people globally, public transportation pro-
public transport tariffs. Important issues such as not eating are
vides an effective and environmentally friendly form of
among these. Ceder, A.'s work [6] provides a comprehensive
transportation, making it essential in today's metropolitan
overview of public transport planning and management, in-
settings. The purpose of this study is to examine the most
cluding various modeling techniques, case studies and current
recent scientific research on a range of topics related to public
practices. Hall, D.'s research [7] focuses on various aspects of
transportation, such as its effects on the environment, cus-
public transport, including planning, management and opera-
tomer happiness, health advantages, and ability to reduce the
tion, and sustainable transport solutions. A discussion of
use of private vehicles. Through an assessment of the litera-
various aspects of transportation systems, including the
ture, this study aims to offer a thorough overview of the ad-
management, control, and planning of public transportation, is
vantages and difficulties related to public transportation sys-
covered in scientific works Hensher, D. A., & Button, K.
(Eds.) [8]. Litman, T. [9] his comprehensive research report
The effectiveness and public acceptance of public trans-
analyzes the economic, social, and environmental benefits and
portation systems depend heavily on an understanding of user
costs of public transportation, providing valuable insights for
pleasure. Many studies have looked at a variety of character-
decision makers. A review article by Cervero, R. [10] focuses
istics that affect user satisfaction, such as accessibility, safety,
on transit-oriented development and co-development in the
comfort, dependability, and journey time. The results indicate
context of public transportation systems, highlighting the
that taking action on these areas has a favorable effect on user
benefits and challenges associated with these concepts. You
happiness and raises riding rates. Additionally, research
can use these sources as a jumping off point to explore the
highlights the significance of efficient communication,
scholarly literature on public transportation. Furthermore,
cost-effectiveness, and ease of use in molding the opinions of
scholarly repositories such as Science Direct, JSTOR, and
users toward public transportation systems. Using public
Google Scholar can assist you in locating more focused re-
transportation has been associated with other health ad-
search papers and articles on this subject.
vantages as well. Because it is sometimes necessary to walk to
and from public transportation terminals, studies show that
those who regularly utilize public transportation have greater 3. Materials and Methods
levels of physical activity. When compared to the usage of
private vehicles, public transportation is also linked to a de- This study uses experimental and analytical approaches.
crease in traffic-related injuries and deaths. According to this Planning the development of all types of transport infra-
field's research, encouraging the use of public transportation structures that provide movement within the boundaries of the
can lead to better public health results. The ability of public Andijan agromerization territory requires solving the fol-
transportation to lessen the use of private vehicles and the lowing tasks:
resulting traffic congestion on the roads is a crucial feature. A 1. Implementation of transport activities on highways of
successful public transportation network is positively corre- regional, intercity and local importance, planning of
lated with fewer journeys in private vehicles, according to a events ensuring the priority of public transport traffic on
number of researches looking at how public transportation the roads;
affects travel behavior. Public transportation's capacity to 2. Development of scheme projects for improving traffic
reduce the use of private vehicles is contingent upon a number organization according to the principle of "Corridor
of criteria, including accessibility, price, availability, and planning" of roads with high demand for public
service quality. Although there are many advantages to public transport traffic. Developing and justifying the coordi-
transportation, there are a few drawbacks that should be noted. nated management of intersections included in the
These include problems with finance and funding, opposition Corridor Planning Project, including traffic light phases
to change, difficulties with design and execution, and guar- that include crosswalks:

American Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering http://www.sciencepg.com/journal/ajtte

A. Temur street, A. Navoi branch street, Babur branch the transition from transport to transport;
street, Babur branch street, (New Market Area), Yu. Otabekov 3) Revision and evolution of the existing network of
street, B. Mashrab street, Cholpon branch street, Mustaqillik routes consisting of 9 routes in Andijan based on the
Street, Sanoatchi street. needs of the population demand;
3. Planning activities for the construction, reconstruction 4) Development of a proposal for the harmonization of
and use of transport links, railway stations, bus stations intra-urban, suburban and inter-territorial routes, in
and other facilities that ensure the operation of the which the requirement is to consider according to the
transport system: parameters of the route scheme, interval, capacity of
Development of a proposal for the construction of a bus the traffic composition, depending on the needs;
stop and a parking lot at the entrance to Andijan city at the 5) Development of requirements for vehicle sizes,
beginning of Bogishamol Street, Mustaqillik Street and New passenger capacity required by studying the
Roundabout Street (post 36 and 80 meters), where: condition of roads of urban passenger transport (UPT)
1) Taking into account the flow of passengers entering routes in general use to the general plan of transport;
the Andijan bus station from the regions: 6. Development of a based network of Public Transport
2) Revision of routes operated by the branch station; for daily arrivals to Andijan and routes coming from all
3) Formation of a network of routes connecting the districts with high passenger flow.
branch station with all parts of the city; 7. To consider the network of existing routes operating
4) Ensure safe entry and exit of buses to the station, as from transport nodes connecting districts with the Re-
well as safe passage of pedestrians to the opposite gional Center and develop proposals to optimize their
side of the road, taking into account the landing activities and build new stops.
sites of passengers of light vehicles. 8. Taking into account the ―Tourist Center‖, this is
5) To develop a proposal to safely connect the terri- planned to be built in the revision of the city’s passenger
tory with the road network in Ham, the area of the transport routes, in this:
territory that will be needed taking into account the 1) development of proposals for the development of a
load on the road network from the newly added and progonosis load falling on road infrastructure from
compacted areas to the city, taking into account the Andijan city complex, transport transition link
public transport-types and containment parking. and parking, introduction, directions connecting the
4. Digitization of the address map of points of road traffic complex with tourist facilities;
accidents by 2021-2022, planning, identification of 2) development of proposals to provide quality
flights and development of solutions aimed at ensuring transport service to the passenger flow arriving at the
the safety of all participants in the settlement on identi- Andijan ―tourist center‖, providing priority for the
fied flights, agreement with the road Control Department participants of the event in the sequence of walking,
of the Traffic Safety Department of the Public Safety cycling, public transport and personal transport.
service of the Regional Internal Affairs Department in 9. Creating convenient public transport routes for pas-
accordance with the established procedure. (Including sengers arriving at 7 higher education institutions lo-
the intersection of Alisher Navoi branch and Milliy ti- cated in Andijan, optimizing existing ones in this:
klanish streets, at the intersection of national revival 1) convenient public transport route for Andijan
Street and Amir Temur streets, at the intersection of na- Mechine-Building Institute;
tional revival and Baburshok streets, at the intersection of 2) convenient public transport route for Andijan State
Yusuf Otabekov and Baburshok streets, at the junction of University;
Baburshokh and I. Karimov increase the security of the 3) convenient public transport route for Andijan State
settlement at the intersection of streets as well as at Medical Institute;
hotspots of other road Transport events). 4) development of a proposal for the introduction of
5. To create conditions for the provision of services of the bus-minibus routes connecting to streets with major
complex system of public transport (CSPT) to the res- transport arteries from higher education institutions,
idents of the region. Achieving this goal requires solv- as well as the infrastructure of velotransport.
ing the following tasks: 10. The creation of a network of roads bypassing the city for
1) To determine the level of use of public transport in trucks passing through the city of Andijan is the de-
the daily routine of the population in the city of velopment of a network of routes bypassing the city for
Andijan and develop proposals to bring it to a the flow of trucks through the M-373 highway and new
minimum of two times before 2030; roundabouts.
2) Development of proposals for the formation of 11. The production of separate lanes for thermal facilities
unified tariff zones covering regions with daily under construction in Andijan city to integrate service
arrivals to the city of Andijan and the development trucks on the timetable, road infrastructure and envi-
and implementation of tariffs that provide benefits in ronmental impact:

American Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering http://www.sciencepg.com/journal/ajtte

1) for trucks providing service for the construction of training and selection of personnel. It is important to ensure
"Andijan city" complex; the rational use of public transport, reduce congestion, protect
2) for trucks providing service for the construction of the environment, promote social interactions, develop the city,
Andijan tourist center; and bring economic benefits. It is a priority to invest in the
3) development of routes for trucks serving residential development of high-quality public transport systems to sus-
and non-residential facilities. tainably meet our transport needs and improve the quality of
12. Preventing traffic jams on the main roads entering the life for people and communities.
city, including Navoiishhokh, Boburshokh, A. Temur,
Milliy Tiksilhan, Yu. Otabekov, Uzbekistan, Bogi-
shamol, Shokhi Zinda, Osh Street and B. Mashrab Author Contributions
Street increase the permeability of the skin. Khayrullo Baynazarov: Conceptualization, Resources,
13. Limit the speed of movement of vehicles, parking and Software, Formal Analysis, Funding acquisition, Validation,
ensure priority of pedestrians around tourism facilities. Methodology, Writing – original draft, Project administration,
14. Reviewing the condition of existing parking lots in the Writing – review & editing.
city, making proposals for expanding or reducing them, Sotvoldiyev Xasanboy: Data curation, Supervision, In-
building new ones. Also, develop proposals to reduce vestigation, Visualization.
the use of private cars and build parking lots outside the
city by ensuring the priority of public transport at points
of high tourism and other passenger traffic. Conflicts of Interest
15. Development of proposals for the creation of infra-
structure for bicycle transport connecting the electric The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
car and public transport network.
16. Development of recommendations on reducing the
impact of vehicles on the environment. In this:
1) development of proposals and measures to reduce [1] Singh Hooda & Sehrawat. Sustainable Development and Pub-
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[2] Diana Henezi, Agoston Winkler The Role of Public Transport
of electric buses in the public transport fleet;
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3) development of proposals to reduce the use of private
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cars in the city. STEM), 2023 Volume 23, Pages 505-512.
17. Study the feasibility of creating metro and tram
transport infrastructure in the city of Andijan until 2030 [3] Gao T.: No traffic jam, no congestion, very convenient trans-
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to the Mainland. Traffic and Transport (06), 15 (2012).
18. Development of requirements for traffic organization
projects and schemes for regional, intercity and local [4] Chen RDH.: Hong Kong: the combination of public transpor-
highways, as well as infrastructure elements of other tation and transportation. China's highway (14), 30 (2018).
types of transport aimed at achieving the goals of the
[5] Stańczak J., Barski A., Sęp K., Owsiński J. W. (2016), The Prob-
transport master plan.
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4. Conclusion
[6] Ceder, A. (2018). Public Transportation Planning and Man-
In conclusion, the demand and need for public transport is agement: Modeling, Practice, and Behavior. CRC Press.
increasing every year as a result of the growth of the popula-
tion, the growth of megapolis cities, the development of a [7] Hall, D. (2016). Public Transport: Its Planning, Management,
urbanization. This, in turn, entails improving the quality of and Operation. Routledge.
transportation service to the population, raising the culture, [8] Hensher, D. A., & Button, K. (Eds.). (2003). Handbook of Transport
adapting to today's era and conditions. Systems and Traffic Control (Volume 3). Elsevier Science.
As mentioned above, the president of the Republic of Uz-
bekistan stressed the need for a radical reform of public [9] Litman, T. (2020). Evaluating Public Transit Benefits and
Costs. Victoria Transport Policy Institute.
transport to the officials of the transport sector, the develop-
ment of public transport in districts and cities of the country, [10] Cervero, R. (2013). Transit-Oriented Development and Joint
the satisfaction of the needs of the regions, the organization of Development in the United States: A Literature Review. Uni-
transport infrastructure, a scientific approach. transport and versity of California Transportation Center.
logistics issues, in particular, determine the tasks of studying
foreign experience, attracting modern personnel to the field,


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