Week 5
Week 5
Week 5
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter FIRST QUARTER : WEEK 5
The learners demonstrate an understanding of Key concepts and approaches in the Social Sciences.
A. Content Standard
The learners shall be able to:
1. Interpret personal and social experiences using relevant approaches in the Social Sciences; and
B. Performance Standard
2. Evaluate the strength and weaknesses of the approach.
1. Structural-Functionalism 1.1 Structuralism (the learners will interpret and evaluate structural functionalism as dominant approach)
(HUMSS_DIS11 -IIIe-f-1)
C. Learning
Competency/Objectives The learners define Structural The learners interpret personal and social The learners explain the social The learners evaluate the
Write the LC code for each. Functionalism experiences using relevant approaches in function/dysfunction, manifest and latent strength and weaknesses of structural
the Social Sciences function functionalism.
B. Other Learning Resource Jose, M. D. and Ong, J. (2017) Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences, Vibal Group, Inc.,
A. Reviewing previous lesson or The Teacher will ask the students to give Teacher will ask the following. The Teacher will ask the students The teacher will write the manifest
presenting the new lesson the different fields study under the social 1. Defined structural functionalism What was the lesson yesterday? function and latent
sciences. 1. What keeps societies together? How was the lesson discussed? function on the board and the
(5 minutes) 2. What other institutions can you consider (5 minutes) students will give some examples of
as having particular function in the society? these two functions and they will write
(5 minutes) their answer on the board.
(5 minutes)
The Teacher will write the word Group Activity: Paper Tower The teacher will post jumbled letters on the The Teacher will ask the students
CONSENSUS on the board and each Group the learners into 5. board and some student will arrange the What are your Strengths and
student will write with his/her own idea Give each group an equal number of jumbled letters to make it right. Weaknesses?
about CONSENSUS. papers. Ask them to erect a tower. The (JUMBLED LETTERS) And the students will write their answer
(concept map) highest paper tower is the winner of the 1. SOCIAL FUNCTION on the board.
(5 minutes) game. 2. SOCIAL DYSFUNCTION (5 minutes)
Processing Questions: 3. MANIFEST FUNCTION
B. Establishing a purpose for the
1. How were you able to build the tower 4. LATENT FUNCTION
appropriately? 5. SOCIAL EQUILIBRIUM
2. How does the activity relate to structural (10 minutes)
(Possible answer: The members have to
cooperate in order to achieve a common
(10 minutes)
The class will be divided into 5 groups. Group discussion. Group Activity.
Each group will present role playing that The students will be divided in to four The class will be divided in to five
shows the role or function of the following groups. A social structure will be assign to groups and each will share their idea
in society each group (family, social hierarchy, about the Strength and weaknesses of
1. FAMILY politics and sports) The group will discuss Structural functionalism using
C. Presenting examples/Instances
2. CHURCH the manifest and latent function of the “KWL approach” after the group
of the new lesson
3. SCHOOL structured assigned to them. After the discussion they will write their output or
4. GOVERNMENT discussion, the group leader will share idea in manila paper or cartolina.
5. MEDIA what they have discussed within the group. (10 minutes)
(20 minutes) (20 minutes)
E. Discussing new concepts and One representative in each group will give
practicing new skills # 2 the GIST of their discussion. After every
presentation, the teacher will give his/her
Video Analysis Group Activity Using the T-chart the students will Group Activity
https://www.youtube.com/watch? The class will be divided into five groups enumerate the social function/ dysfunction, The class will be divided in to five
v=BKl6HSnlaIk each group will present their personal manifest and latent function. groups each group
(7 minutes) experiences of structural functionalism in (5 minutes) will present the strength and
the assign institution. weaknesses of structural functionalism.
F. Developing mastery 1. role playing 1. role playing
(leads to Formative Assessment 3) 2. poster making 2. poster making
3. Tableau 3. Tableau
4. talk show 4. talk show
5. jingle 5. jingle
(20 minutes) (20 minutes)
Teacher will ask the Teacher will ask the following Teacher will ask the following question Teacher will ask the
Following questions. question How will you explain the social Following questions.
1. What GIST of the video? How did structural functionalism help you function/dysfunction, manifest and latent 1. Do you concentrate on your
2. What specific scene struck you the interpret some personal experiences? function? strengths or your weaknesses? Why?
G. Finding practical application of most? Why? (2 minutes) (5 minutes) 2. What new realizations do you have
concepts and skills in daily living 3. As a student and a member of the about the topic?
society, how will you promote solidarity 3. What new connections have you
and stability? made for yourself?
(5 minutes) (5 minutes)
The teacher will ask the students. Why is there’s a need to interpret personal The teacher will ask the students to answer The teacher will ask the students to
Why are the social structures and social experiences using structural functionalism? the following questions. answer the following question.
functions important in structural (5 minutes) 1.Why do we need to explain the social What are the strengths and
functionalism? function/dysfunction, weaknesses of the functionalist theory?
(4 Minutes) manifest and latent function (5 minutes)
H. Making generalizations and
2. How do you differentiate social functions
abstractions about the lesson
from social dysfunctions?
3. What are the differences
between manifest and latent functions?
(5 minutes)
I. Evaluating learning Define Structural functionalism Reflection Paper The teacher will ask the students to explain Using Venn Diagram.
(4 minutes) The learners will reflect on the question the following. The students will give at least 5
below. 1. SOCIAL FUNCTION Strength and structural functionalism.
How important is structural 2. SOCIAL DYSFUNCTION (5 minutes)
functionalism in understanding the different 3. MANIFEST FUNCTION
institutions in society? 4. LATENT FUNCTION
(5 minutes)