cell migration, hematopoietic stem cells, homing, mobilization, mesenchymal stem cells,
mesenchymal stromal cells
osteoblasts and osteoclasts.23,24 Stem cell retention in the endosteal function-associated antigen-1; CD11a) on the HSPCs.35 HSPCs also
niche is also facilitated by calcium receptors and the Tie2 receptor, express several other adhesion molecules such as L-selectin (CD62L)
which is necessary for binding to collagen and fibronectin. Cyto- which binds GlyCAM-1 (glycosylation dependent cell adhesion mole-
kines such as thrombopoietin are also produced by the osteo- cule), MAdCAM-1, P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (CD162; PSGL-1),
blasts.26,27 Thrombopoietin plays a role in maintaining adult stem cells CD34, sialyl Lewisx (sLex), and PCLP1 (podocalyxin-like protein).36 The
in a quiescent G0 state. The endosteal niche is often considered as P (CD62P)- and E-(CD62E) selectins are expressed on the surface of
important for long-term HSPC maintenance through induction of stem the endothelial cells. P-selectin binds to CD162, sLex, and CD24, and
cell quiescence. Transplanted HSPCs are thought to ultimately lodge E-selectin binds to CD15, SLeX, CD162, and other ligands. Interac-
primarily in the endosteal niche. tions with selectins allow the leukocytes to roll on the endothelial sur-
face after which adherence and tethering occur. The initial binding of
stem cell integrins to endothelial ligands is weak, but CXCL12 and c-
4 | HSPC HOMING: ROLLING, ADHESION, kit ligand signaling interactions trigger conformational changes in
engraftment of these cells in immune deficient mice possibly through as S1P and ceramide-1-phosphate, both of which can function as
upregulation of CXCR441 or via affecting HSPC cell cycle status.47 chemoattractants for HSPCs.50
This axis is also important in stem cell retention in marrow, so it is In addition to the CXCL12/CXCR4 axis, there is also evidence in
likely that concentration gradients of CXCL12 and HSPC CXCR4 murine models that CD82, a tetraspanin, aids in regulation of HSPC
expression levels are important in determining site of stem cell resi- maintenance, homing, and engraftment. In CD82 knockout mice,
dence. The CXCL12/CXCR4 axis may also interact with the α4/VCAM HSPCs from the knockout exhibited stem cell migratory and spreading
axis to enhance homing as noted above.48 Sphingosine-1 phosphate defects. This was found to be related to hyeractivation of Rac 1
(S1P) is a bioactive lipid which is also involved in HSPC homing and GTPases in these CD82 knockout HSPCs since Rac1 inhibition res-
engraftment. Mice deficient in sphingosine kinase 1 demonstrate cued homing capacity.51
defective homing and engraftment by normal HSPCs and especially
by HSPCs from mice with conditional deletion of CXCR4.49 When
marrow is lethally irradiated, a proteolytic state results which activates 4.1 | Homing and retention of malignant cells
the membrane attack complex of the complement cascade and simul-
taneously impairs the chemotactic activity of CXCL12. This is com- The same processes which affect normal HSPC homing can also affect
pensated for by increases in proteolysis-resistant bioactive lipids such leukemia stem cell migration and homing to extramedullary tissue
niches or their return to marrow where they can pirate the normal also been demonstrated to lead to progression of MLL-AF9 and other
hematopoietic niche.52 These leukemia initiating cells often circulate leukemias. TWIST1 is a highly conserved transcription factor, and this
along with leukemia blasts. In pathologic extramedullary hematopoie- model suggests that certain microenvironmental factors have diverse
sis, there is evidence that the CXCL12/CXCR4 axis is involved in effects on normal and leukemia stem and progenitor cells.63
recruitment of leukemia HSPCs. For example, liver sinusoidal endo- In chronic leukemias, cell homing mechanisms can also be of
thelial cells are a source of CXCL12 which can attract extramedullary importance in disease propagation. In a murine CML model, CD44 on
hematopoietic cells.53 CXCR7 has also been found to contribute to leukemia cells and E-selectin on marrow endothelium were found to
homing of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) progenitor cells to mar- be mediators of engraftment. CD44 and CD44 variants contributed to
row and spleen of NOD/SCID mice in response to CXCL12.54 β3 not only normal but also leukemia-initiating cell homing to and main-
integrins are also involved in the homing of xenografted primary tenance within the niche. This relates to its interaction with adjacent
human AML cells. 55
The β3 integrin (ITGB3) chain forms heterodimers cells and with the hyaluronan receptor.64 Treatment with the E-
with αIIb and αV exclusively. This integrin class is important for the selectin inhibitor GMI-1271 in combination with imatinib prolonged
(G-CSF) is the most commonly used pharmacologic agent to cause TABLE 1 Methods to enhance hematopoietic stem cell homing
mobilization, and it works through myeloid compartment expansion, Method Mediator(s) Reference
neutrophil elastase activity, cathepsin G release, and through decrease
Stromal cell coculture to CXCL12/ 81-85
in CXCL12 levels.73 Plerixafor, a CXCR4 inhibitor, can also result in increase HSPC CXCR4 endothelial cells
rapid stem cell mobilization due to rapid cleavage of binding to expression
CXCL12. It was first developed as an HIV virus entry inhibitor and Modulation of CXCR4/CXCL12 PGE2/HDAC 86-89
was noted to increase white cell count. It reversibly blocks CXCL12- to increase HSPC CXCR4 inhibitors
CXCR4 binding, and it is approved with G-CSF for stem cell mobiliza-
tion in multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.74 Other Fucosylation of selectin ligands Fucosyltransferases 90,91
CXCR4 inhibitors have also entered clinical trials (reviewed in Refer- Erythropoietin receptor Hyperbaric oxygen 92-95
modulation on HSPCs
ence 71).
Other agents which lead to stem cell mobilization include SIP-1 CD26 cleavage of CXCL12 Diprotin A/ 96-98
Because stem cell transplantation relies on homing of adequate stem Lipid rafts are specialized areas of the membrane involved in signal
cell numbers to reconstitute marrow function, in cases of inadequate transduction. CXCR4 is incorporated into lipid rafts. Enhanced lipid
autologous stem cell mobilization or in the case of single cord blood raft formation and therefore improved homing through CXCR4 via
transplants with low stem cell availability, methods to enhance stem activation of Rho and Rac is one means to increase homing.83 Mild
cell homing are needed (Table 1). Direct injection of stem cells into heat treatment has been proposed as a means to accomplish this.84
marrow has been attempted to bypass the low efficiency of engraft- Such treatment increased HSPC response to CXCL12 gradients and
ment after intravenous injection, but these approaches have not yet increased HSPC homing in an NSG mouse model.84 Prostaglandin E2
had broad application in clinical transplantation. (PGE2) increases CXCR4 expression and engraftment of HSPCs.85 In a
phase 1 clinical trial, ex vivo exposure of a single umbilical cord blood
unit to 16,16-dimethyl prostaglandin E2 before reduced-intensity,
5.1.1 | Stromal cell coculture double cord transplantation was found to be safe, and long-term
engraftment of the treated vs untreated unit occurred in 10/12
In vitro, the combination of mild hypoxia (5% oxygen) with MSC treated participants.104 Treatment with histone deacetylase (HDAC)
coculture has been found to enhance the homing capacity of HSPCs inhibitors can lead to increased chemotaxis to CXCL12, thus
enhancing homing in NSG mice.105 This was found to be specific to to an increase in systemic EPO.91 Accordingly, the recipient condi-
HDAC5 inhibition. An HDAC inhibitor, valproic acid, may also increase tions at time of HCT are in opposition to the physiologic conditions
CXCR4 expression and promote homing. Inhibition of CD26, a pro- which favor HSPC marrow homing at birth. To reverse this unfavor-
tease which degrades other growth factors as well as CXCL12, may able condition, investigators have utilized hyperbaric oxygen (HBO)
also improve homing and engraftment87,88 (see below). therapy to reduce EPO prior to HSPC infusion to lower EPO and thus
Activation of the glucocorticoid receptor bound to a glucocorti- facilitate marrow homing.110 In vivo studies showed improvement in
coid response element in the CXCR4 promoter results in subsequent early UCB CD34+ cell homing110 and in UCB CD34+ cell engraft-
recruitment of the SRC1/p300 histone acetyltransferase complex ment110 in HBO-treated mice. This approach has been investigated in
which promotes histone H4 acetylation of CXCR4 to increase tran- two pilot clinical trials. In a phase I study, HBO exposure before cord
scription. Short-term treatment of cord blood stem cells with gluco- blood graft infusion resulted in erythropoietin reduction and favorable
corticoids enhanced homing of HSPCs in NSG mice. Peroxisome engraftment kinetics as compared with historical controls.90 In an
proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARΥ) also expanded HSPCs autologous peripheral blood transplant setting where HBO exposure
extravascular migration toward chemokine gradients.97 MSCs express some studies have shown that MSCs also express CXCR7, the other
CD44 which initiates rolling. Which selectin MSCs use is not well receptor for CXCL12.119
understood as they do not express PSGL-1. Galectin-1 or CD24 may MSCs also variably express multiple other chemokine receptors,
serve as ligands for P-selectin on MSCs.98,111 The activation step is and this expression profile is likely of importance in determining to
mediated by chemokines such as CXCL12 or monocyte chemo- which tissues MSCs will migrate. For example, transforming growth
attractant protein-1 (MCP-1), and this serves to increase the affinity factor-β (TGF-β)-3 is able to increase migration of endogenous mar-
of the integrins which then cause cell arrest. Integrin arrest is probably row MSCs to the femoral head with resultant increase in bone volume
mediated mostly by CD49d (α4β1) which binds to VCAM-1 (CD106) and mineral density in a femur defect model. Indirectly in this model,
on endothelial cells.112 Overexpression of CD49d on MSCs can TGF-β can increase macrophage chemotactic protein (MCP)-1 expres-
increase homing to marrow, and MSCs themselves can express VCAM sion and recruit vascular CD31+ cells as well.120 Tumor necrosis fac-
and ICAM. In order to traverse the endothelial basement mem- tor-α can increase MSC migration by upregulating CCR2, CCR3, and
brane, MSCs secrete matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Which CCR4.121
production of paracrine factors through calcium ion exchange via con- costly and time consuming in vitro cell expansion and infusion proto-
nexin gap junctions, or via transfer of mitochondria and microRNAs cols.147 Many obstacles to adequately track MSC homing both from
by extracellular vesicles and tunneling nanotubules. exogenous infusion and from native tissues exist, and these have been
previously reviewed.148 Table 2 summarizes interventions designed to
modify MSC homing.
6.1 | Methods to enhance MSC homing
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