MCN Reviewer

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A Framework for Maternal and Child Health Nursing ● Respects personal, cultural, and spiritual

attitudes and beliefs as these so strongly

Goals and Philosophies of Maternal and Child Health influence the meaning and impact of
Nursing childbearing and childrearing.
The primary goal of both maternal and child ● Encourages developmental stimulation during
health nursing is the promotion and maintenance of both health and illness so children can reach
optimal family health. their ultimate capacity in adult life.
● Assesses families for strengths as well as
Examples of the scope of practice include: specific needs or challenges.
● Preconception health care ● Encourages family bonding through rooming-in
● Care of women during three trimesters of and family visiting in maternal and child
pregnancy and the puerperium (the 6 weeks after healthcare settings.
childbirth, sometimes termed the fourth ● Encourages early hospital discharge options to
trimester of pregnancy) reunite families as soon as possible in order to
● Care of infants during the perinatal period (the create a seamless, helpful transition process.
time span beginning at 20 weeks of pregnancy to ● Encourages families to reach out to their
4 weeks [28 days] after birth) community so the family can develop a wealth
● Care of children from birth through late of support people they can call on in a time of
adolescent family crisis.
● Care in a variety of hospital and home care
settings Maternal and Child Health Goals and Standards
● Immunization, childhood diseases such as
Maternal and child health nursing is: measles and poliomyelitis almost have been
● Family centered; assessment should always eradicated.
include the family as well as an individual. ● New fertility drugs and fertility techniques allow
● Community centered; the health of families is more couples to conceive.
both affected by and influences the health of ● The ability to prevent preterm birth and improve
communities. the quality of life for both preterm and late
● Evidence based; this is the means whereby preterm infants has increased dramatically.
critical knowledge increases. ● As specific genes responsible for children’s
● A challenging role for nurses and a major factor health disorders are identified, stem cell therapy
in keeping families well and optimally may make it possible to replace diseased cells
functioning. with new growth cells and cure these illnesses.

A Philosophy of Maternal and Child Health Nursing GLOBAL HEALTH GOALS

A maternal and child health nurse: ● The United Nations (UN) and the World Health
● Considers the family as a whole and as a partner Organization established millennium health
in care when planning or implementing or goals in 2000 in an effort to improve health
evaluating the effectiveness of care. worldwide.
● Serves as an advocate to protect the rights of all ● The goals are to concentrate on improving the
family members, including the fetus. health of women and children because
● Demonstrates a high degree of independent increasing the health in these two populations
nursing functions because teaching and can have such long-ranging effects on general
counseling are major interventions. health.
● Promotes health and disease prevention because ➢ To end poverty and hunger.
these protect the health of the next generation. ➢ To achieve universal primary education.
● Serves as an important resource for families ➢ To promote gender equality and
during childbearing and childrearing as these empower women.
can be extremely stressful times in a life cycle. ➢ To reduce child mortality.
➢ To improve maternal health. QSEN COMPETENCIES
➢ To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and ● QSEN Learning Collaborative created 6
other diseases. competencies necessary for quality care. 5
➢ To ensure environmental sustainability. competencies originated from a study by the
➢ To develop a global partnership for Institute of Medicine.
development. 1. Patient-Centered Care
2. Teamwork and Collaboration
A Framework for Maternal and Child Health Nursing 3. Quality Improvement
Care 4. Informatics
● Maternal and child health nursing can be 5. Evidenced-Based Practice
visualized within a framework in which nurses 6. Safety
use nursing process, nursing theory, and Quality *viewed in SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE &
& Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) ATTITUDE
competencies to care for families during
childbearing and childrearing years and through EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE
the four phases of health care: ● It is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use
Health promotion of current best evidence to make decisions about
Health maintenance the care of patients.
Health restoration ● Evidence can be a combination of research,
clinical expertise, and patient preferences or
Health rehabilitation

● Is the systematic investigation of problems that
have implications for nursing practice usually
carried out by nurses.
● Plays an important role in evidence-based
practice as bodies of professional knowledge
only grow and expand to the extent people in
that profession are able to carry out research.
● Examining nursing care in this way results in
improved and cost-effective patient care as it
provides evidence for action and justification for
implementing activities.
Roles and Responsibilities of a Maternal Child Health
1. Assessment
2. Nursing Diagnosis
● M&C health nursing carries some legal concerns
3. Planning
above and beyond other areas of nursing because
4. Intervention
care is often given to patients who are not of
5. Evaluation
legal age for giving consent.
● Reproductive healthcare rights and laws are
complex and varies.
● Designed to offer helpful ways to view patients
➢ Understanding scope practice
so nursing activities can be created to best meet
➢ Documentation
the patient needs.
➢ Informed Consent
Calista Roy “Adaptation Model”
Dorothea Orem “Self-Care Deficit Theory”
Patricia Benner “Novice to Expert Theory”
Roles and Responsibilities of a Maternal Child Health 8. GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth -
Nurse The aim is for sustainable economic growth and
● “Wrongful Birth” – birth of a disabled child decent employment for all.
whose parents would have chosen to end if they 9. GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
have been informed about the disability during - This involves building resilient infrastructure
pregnancy. and fostering innovation.
● “Wrongful Life” – claim that negligent prenatal 10. GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality - The poorest 40
testing on the part of a healthcare provider per cent of the population should be able to grow
resulted in the birth of a disabled child their income faster than average.
● “Wrongful Conception” – denotes that a 11. GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities -
contraceptive measure failed, allowing an The UN wants to increase affordable housing
unwanted child to be conceived and born and make settlements inclusive, safe and
Ethical Considerations of Practice 12. GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and
● Conception issues (in vitro fertilization, embryo Production - This goal aims to foster
transfer, cryopreservation, surrogacy). eco-friendly production, reduce waste and boost
● Pregnancy termination recycling.
● Fetal rights vs. Maternal rights 13. GOAL 13: Climate Action - Urgent action is
● Stem cell research needed, by regulating emissions and promoting
● Resuscitation (DNR, length of continuation) renewable energy.
● Number of procedures and degree of pain 14. GOAL 14: Life Below Water - The aim is to
● Confidentiality of record with multiple conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas
caregivers and marine resources.
15. GOAL 15: Life on Land - To stop degradation,
17 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS we must preserve forest, desert and mountain
1. GOAL 1: No Poverty - To end poverty, everyone 16. GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
should have basic healthcare, security and - The aim is inclusive societies with strong
education. institutions that provide justice for all.
2. GOAL 2: Zero Hunger - Globally, one in nine 17. GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal - If
people are undernourished. This goal aims to all countries are to achieve the goals,
end hunger. international cooperation is vital.
3. GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being -
Ensuring people live healthy lives can cut child
mortality and raise life expectancy.
4. GOAL 4: Quality Education - The UN wants
everyone to have access to inclusive, equitable
quality education.
5. GOAL 5: Gender Equality - Gender equality is a
human right, and is vital for a peaceful,
prosperous world.
6. GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation - Clean
water protects people from disease, yet three in
10 people lack access to it.
7. GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy - Targets
for 2030 include using more renewable,
affordable energy.
The Family ● Intimacy and sexually unite (a defining reason
why many marriages stay together)
Definition of family ● Cooperate economically
● “... a group of persons united by ties of marriage, ● May give birth or adopt
blood, or adoption; constituting a single 50 years ago this was central reason for
household; interacting and communicating with marriage.
each other in their respective social roles of Purpose for marriage has become much
husband and wife, mother and father, son and more diverse.
daughter, brother and sister, and creating and ● Legally recognized union
maintaining a common culture.” (Burgess and ○ Marriage license
Locke, 1953). ■ Not open on Saturday.
● “ ... A basic unit of kinship composed of two or ■ Fee: $50 in the USA
more members who are united by ties of blood, ■ City & County offices on 21st
marriage or adoption, and who live together S. State.
constituting a single household.” (Wong, 1975) ■ Good for 30 days, good
● “The family is a social group characterized by immediately.
common residence, economic co-operation and ■ 18 years without parents
reproduction. It includes adults of both sexes, at consent.
least two of whom maintain a socially approved ■ Second cousins may marry.
sexual relationship, and one or more children, ■ No blood tests or physical
own or adopted, of the usually co-habiting exams required.
adults.” (George Peter Murdock, 1949). ■ Both bride & groom must be
● “... a social group made up of members related present place of birth.
to one another by blood or marital ties and ■ Need to know mothers maiden
usually constituting a household.”(Lee, 1991, name & parents.
Concepts of the Family NOT
Karpel and Strauss summarizes different concepts of the ● Monogamy - one man, one woman. All 1st
family: world countries are monogamous.
(1) the functional family - defined by shared household, ● Polygamy - more than one wife or husband.
shared activities, shared responsibility for daily life and Example: Islam & Fundamental Mormons
child rearing; ● Bigamy – Marrying another person while still
(2) the legal family - defined by legal structure, altered married to someone else. It is against the law.
by divorce and adoptive placement of children; ● Serial Monogamy or Modified Polygamy –
(3) the family as seen by its members - defined by the Succession of marriages over time. Typical of
perceptions of its members; and seen as “in” the family US marriages.
by family members;
(4) the family of long-term commitments - defined by Family Structure
long-term expectations of loyalty and commitment; trust, 2 Basic Family Structures
reliability, and fairness are basic expectation; 1. Family of Orientation – the family one is born
(5) the biological family - defined by blood into; or oneself, mother, father and siblings if
relationships; parent-child relationship. What are the any
strengths and weaknesses of these definitions? 2. Family of Procreation – a family one
establishes; or oneself, spouse or significant
WHAT IS MARRIAGE? other and children.
● A legal bond or union between a man & woman.
● Commitment
Family Types ● Possible negative aspects: may lack support
1. The Dyad Family people in a crisis situation
2. The Nuclear Family
3. The Cohabitation Family 6. The Blended Family – the remarriage or reconstituted
4. The Extended (Multigenerational) Family family.
5. The Single-Parent Family ● Positive aspects: increased security and
6. The Blended Family resources; exposure to different customs or
7. The Communal Family culture may help children become more
8. The Gay or Lesbian Family adaptable to new situations
9. The Foster Family ● Possible negative aspects: rivalry or competition
among children; difficulty adjusting to a
1. The Dyad Family – refers to 2 people living together, stepparent
usually a woman and a man without children.
● Many young adults live together as a dyad in 7. The Communal Family – groups of people who have
shared apartments, dorms or homes for chosen to live together as an extended family. Usually
companionship and financial security while motivated by social, religious values rather than kinship.
completing school or beginning their careers.
● Generally viewed as temporary arrangements. 8. The Gay or Lesbian Family

The Childfree or Childless Family 9. The Foster Family- Children whose parents can no
● Positive aspects: companionship, possibly longer care for them may be placed in a foster or
shared resources substitute home by a child protection agency.
● Potential negative aspects: feelings of guilt for ● Positive aspects: prevents children from being
the couple who decided to delay a family and raised in large orphanage settings
who then may experience infertility issue ● Possible negative aspects: insecurity and
inability to establish meaningful relationships
2. The Nuclear Family – traditional structure that is because of frequent moves
composed of a husband, wife and children.
● Positive aspects: support for family members; Adopted Family
sense of security ● Positive aspects: Children grow up well cared
● Possible negative aspects: may lack support for and experiencing a sense of love; a woman
people in a crisis situation who relinquishes her child for adoption can feel
a sense of relief her baby will have a lifestyle
3. The Cohabitation Family – composed of better than what she could provide.
heterosexual couples who live together like a nuclear ● Possible negative aspects: Divorce of the
family but remain unmarried. adopting parents can be devastating if the child
views himself as the cause of the separation or
4. The Extended (Multigenerational) Family – as a child unable to find a secure family for a
includes not only the nuclear family but also other second time.
family members such as grandparents, aunts, uncles,
cousins and grandchildren. Family Functions and Roles
● Positive aspects: support for family members; ● The family roles that people view as appropriate
sense of security are the ones they saw their own parents
● Possible negative aspects: may lack support fulfilling.
people in a crisis situation ● As new generations takes on the values of the
previous generation, traditions and culture pass
5. The Single-Parent Family from generation to generation.
● Positive aspects: support for family members; ● As nurse, it is important to identify the roles that
sense of security the family members assume because family
roles are changing and often not as well defined Assessment of Family Structure and Function
as in the past. THE WELL FAMILY
Assessment of psychosocial family wellness
Family Task requires a measurement of how the family relates and
1. Physical Maintenance interacts as a unit, including communication patterns,
2. Socialization of Family Members bonding, roles and role relationships, division of tasks
3. Allocation of Resources and activities, governance, decision making, problem
4. Maintenance of Order solving, and leadership within the family unit.
5. Division of Labor
6. Reproduction, Recruitment and Release of
7. Placement of Members into the Larger Society
8. Maintenance of Motivation and Morale

Family Stages/ Life Cycles

Stage 1: Marriage and the Family
Stage 2: The Early Child-Bearing Family Universal Characteristics of Families
Stage 3: The Family with Preschool Children ● Universality
Stage 4: The Family with School-Age Children ● Emotional basis
Stage 5: The Family with Adolescent Children ● Limited size
Stage 6: The Family of Middle Years ● Formative influence
Stage 7: The Family in Retirement or Older Age ● Nuclear position in the social structure
● Responsibility of the members
● Social regulation

Universal Characteristics of Families

A. Universality:
There is no human society in which some form
of the family does not appear. Malinowski writes the
typical family a group consisting of mother, father and
their progeny is found in all communities, savage,
barbarians and civilized. The irresistible sex need, the
urge for reproduction and the common economic needs
have contributed to this universality.

B. Emotional basis:
The family is grounded in emotions and
sentiments. It is based on our impulses of mating,
procreation, maternal devotion, fraternal love and
parental care. It is built upon sentiments of love,
affection, sympathy, cooperation and friendship.

C. Limited size:
The family is smaller in size. As a primary
group its size is necessarily limited. It is a smallest social
D. Formative influence: ● Abiding familiarity with others. Can know
The family welds an environment which ourselves and others well.
surrounds, trains and educates the child. It shapes the ● Economic benefits.
personality and moulds the character of its members. It
emotionally conditions the child. CHARACTERISTICS OF HEALTHY FAMILIES
● Appreciation – notice the less obvious things,
E. Nuclear position in the social structure: express appreciation often.
The family is the nucleus of all other social ● Kindness –tends to be catching.
organizations. The whole social structure is built of ● Communication – listen so others will talk, talk
family units. so others will listen.
● Time Together – plan it, don’t wait to find it,
F. Responsibility of the members: need quantity to have quality.
The members of the family has certain ● Values and Standards – communicate them
responsibilities, duties and obligations. Maclver points clearly, follow them consistently.
out that in times of crisis men may work and fight and ● Strictness & Permissiveness – firm, fair, and
die for their country but they toil for their families all friendly.
their lives. ● Problem Solving – look for solutions, not for
G. Social regulation: ● Traditions –give a sense of identity.
The family is guarded both by social taboos and ● Fun & laughter – plan it, use props, bring home
by legal regulations. The society takes precaution to jokes.
safeguard this organization from any possible

Functions of Families
● Family ties like intimacy.
● Economic cooperation - families are consuming
and producing units.
● Reproduction and socialization.
● Only a family can produce a socialized adult.


● Values, moral
● Culture and traditions
● Self concept
● How to solve problems/conflict resolution
● Commitment to family is first
● Each member must contribute
● Change is possible
● How to make a decision
● Communication


● Love and closeness
● Offer continuity in emotional attachments,
rights, and obligations.
● Close proximity which facilitates cooperation
and communication.
Sociocultural Aspects of Mother
& Child Health - Using short, easy sentence

Diversity in a population means there is b. Nonverbal Communication

a mixture or variety of
sociodemographic groups, experiences,
and beliefs in the population. • Eye to eye contact
Culture is a view of the world and a set
of traditions a specific social group uses
• Touch
and transmits to the next generation.
Transcultural nursing is care guided
• Shaking hands

by cultural aspects and respects • Tattoos

individual differences (Darnell &
Hickson, 2015) c. Use of Conversational Space –
being aware of that use of space is
culturally determined helps you to
respect the use of space. Respect
to modesty is a way to respect
close space.

c. Time Orientation

- Cultural pattern that is geared

toward punctuality regarding
appointments or concern for time.

- Differs whether a culture

concentrates on the past, present
& future.

d. Family Orientation
Techniques of Sociocultural
- Family and structure and roles may
be culturally determined.
Communication Pattern/Language - Identifying the family decision-
- (not only what people say but also
maker is important.
how they say it) are determined by
e. Male and Female Roles
culture and are increasingly
important during times of stress. - In most culture, man is the
- Confirm it to the patient
dominant figure.

- Written Information or Interpreter

- In contrast, in some culture, the
woman may be the dominant
- Cultural variations are respected person in the family, esp. the oldest
information of the particular ovum
g. Religion and sperm that joined.
– because religion guides a person’s
overall life philosophy, it influences - Week 5 of intrauterine life-
how he or she feels about health primitive gonad is formed.
and illness. Mesonephric (wolffian) &
Paramesonephric (műllerian)
h. Health Belief undifferentiated ducts are
- Health beliefs are not universal present.

- Week 7 or 8 – in chromosomal
I.Nutrition Practices males, early gonadal tissues
- Food and methods of preparation are differentiates into primitive testes
strongly culturally related. and begins formation of
j. Pain Responses
- Week 10 – if testosterone is not
- A person’s response to pain is both present, the gonadal tissue
differentiates into ovaries.
individually and culturally
2. Pubertal Development
- Threshold sensation-amount of - The Hypothalamus, under the direction
of the Central Nervous System
stimulus that results in pain
may serve as a gonadostat or
- Pain Threshold-individual reports regulation mechanism set to
that a stimulus is painful “turn on” gonad functioning.

- Pain Tolerance-individual - The theory that the girl must reach

withdraws from a stimulus a critical weight of approximately
95 lbs (43 kg) or develop a critical
Chapter 5: Reproductive and Sexual mass of fat before the
Health hypothalamus is triggered to send
initial stimulation to APG to begin
Reproductive Development gonadotropic hormone formation.

• Physiologic readiness for Pubertal Development

childbearing begins during
intrauterine life • Role of Androgen

• Puberty - Responsible for muscular

developement, physical growth and
Reproductive Development increase in sebaceous gland
1. Intrauterine Development secretions.

- The sex of an individual is - Males- produced by the adrenal

determined at the moment of cortex and testes
conception by the chromosome
- Females- produced by the adrenal • Growth of face, axillary and pubic
cortex and ovaries hair

- Adrenarche- development of pubic • Voice Changes

and axillary hair
• Penile Growth
• Role of Estrogen
• Increase in Height
- Increse in levels during puberty
• Spermatogenesis
(females) influences the
development of the uterus,
fallopian tubes and vagina; typical
fat distribution; hair pattern; breast Anatomy & Physiology of the
development and end to growth Reproductive System
(epiphesial closure). Male Reproductive System

- Thelarche- the beginning of breast


Secondary Sex Characteristics


• Growth Spurt

• Increase in the transverse diameter

of pelvis

• Breast development

• Growth of Pubic Hair

• Onset of Menstruation

• Growth of Axillary Hair

• Vaginal Secretions
Suppose Kevin Matthews tells the nurse
he is planning on having a vasectomy
• Menarche – first menstrual period
after the birth of his new child but is
worried about having his testes removed
this way. The nurse would want the
clinic’s educational material on
Secondary Sex Characteristics
vasectomy to clearly state that this
procedure involves which of the
• Increase in Weight following structures?
a. The seminal vesicles
• Growth of Testes b. The epididymis
c. The vas deferens
d. The ducts of the bulbourethral glands
Physiology of Menstruation (Secretory Phase)


Beginning (menarche) Average age onset, 12-13 years; average range 9-17 years

Interval between cycles Average of 28 days; cycles of 23 to 35 days not usual

Duration of menstrual flow Average flow, 2-7 days; ranges 1-9 days not abnormalPhysiology of Menstru

Amount of menstrual flow Difficult to estimate; average 30-80 ml

Color of menstrual flow Dark red; a combination of blood mucus and endometrial cells

Odor Similar to that of marigolds

Female reproductive system

• Menstruation • Third Phase of Menstrual Cycle
Defined as episodic uterine (Ischemic Phase)
bleeding in response to cyclic
hormonal changes. • Fourth/Final Phase of Menstrual
Characteristics of Normal Menstrual

Menstrual Cycle

• First Phase of Menstrual Cycle

(Proliferative Phase)

• Second Phase of Menstrual Cycle

participants in helping plan or
prevent conception of children


•The cessation of menstrual


•Usually occurs between 40-55

years old.

•Both age of menarche and age

of menopause is familial.

•The earlier the age of
menarche, he earlier the age of

Sexuality and Sexual Identity

• Sexuality is a multidimensional
phenomenon that includes
feelings, attitudes and actions.

• It encompasses and gives direction

to a person’s physical, emotional,
social and intellectual responses
throughout life

• Each person is born a sexual being

and his or her gender identity and
role behavior evolve from and
usually conform to the societal
expectations within that person’s

• Nurses can play a major role in

promoting sexual health through
education and discussion.
Education Regarding Menstruation

- Vital to girls’ future child-bearing

and their self concept as women.

- Equally important for boys so that

they can appreciate the cyclic
process of women’s reproductive
system and can be active
Human Sexual Response
• The plateau stage is reached just
before orgasm.

• In the woman, the clitoris is drawn

forward and retracts under the
clitoral prepuce, the lower part of
the vagina becomes extremely
congested (formation of the
orgasmic platform), and there is
increased breast nipple elevation

• Orgasm occurs when stimulation

proceeds through the plateau
stage to a point at which a vigorous
contraction of muscles in the pelvic
Sexual Response Cycle
area expels or dissipates blood
and fluid from the area of

• As the shortest stage in the sexual

response cycle, orgasm is usually
experienced as intense pleasure
affecting the whole body, not just
the pelvic area

1. Excitement • The resolution is a 30-minute

2. Plateau period during which the external
3. Orgasm and internal genital organs return
4. Resolution to an unaroused state

• Excitement occurs with physical

Men VS Women
and psychological stimulation Female Sexual Response Cycle
(sight, sound, emotion, or
thought) that causes
parasympathetic nerve
stimulation. This leads to arterial
dilation 251 and venous
constriction in the genital area.
The resulting increased blood
supply leads to vasocongestion
and increasing muscular tension
Types of Sexual Expression
Female Sexual Response Cycle
• Celibacy

• Masturbation

• Erotic Stimulation

• Fetishism

• Transvestism

• Voyeurism

• Sadomasochism
Other types of sexual expression
- Exhibitionism
- Pedophiles
Male Sexual Response Cycle
Disorders of Sexual Function

• Primary Sexual Dysfunction

• Erectile Dysfunction
• Premature Ejaculation
• Failure to achieve orgasm/
decreased sexual desire
• Vaginismus
• Dyspareunia
• Inhibited sexual desire

Secondary Sexual Dysfunction

Types of Sexual Orientation

• Caused by chronic diseases such
• Heterosexuality as peptic ulcers, chronic pulmonary
ds, obesity, STDs and other
• Homosexuality debilitating ds.

• Bisexuality

• Transsexuality
Chapter 6: Reproductive Life • Personal values
Planning • Ability to use a method correctly
• If the method will affect sexual
Reproductive life planning enjoyment
• Includes all the decisions an • Financial factors
individual or couple make about • If a couple’s relationship is short term
having children. or long term
• An individual or couples choice of • Prior experiences with contraception
contraceptive method should be • Future plan
made carefully with complete
knowledge about the advantages, An ideal contraceptive should be:
disadvantages, and side effects • Safe
of the various options. • Effective
▪ Things to consider are • Compatible with spiritual and cultural
✓ Personal Values beliefs and personal preferences of
✓ Ability to use method correctly both
✓ How the method will affect sexual the user and sexual partner
enjoyment • Free of bothersome side effects
✓ Financial factors • Convenient to use and easily
✓ Status of couple’s relationship obtainable
✓ Prior experiences • Affordable and needing few
✓ Future plans instructions for effective use
• Free of effects (after discontinuation)
Assessment for Contraception on future pregnancies
Options and Possible
Contraindication Information that needs to be
Important things to consider when • Vital signs, possibly a Pap smear,
helping a couple choose a method that pregnancy test, gonococcal and
will be right for them include: chlamydial screening, and perhaps
hemoglobin for detection of anemia
• Obstetric history, including STIs, Abstinence
past pregnancies, previous Refraining from sexual relations, has a
elective abortions, failure of theoretical 0% failure rate and is also
previously used methods, and the most effective way to prevent STIs.
compliance history with
previously used methods
• Subjective assessment of the Lactation Amenorrhea
patient’s desires, needs, feelings,
and understanding of conception
- As long as a woman is breast-
feeding an infant , there is some
(a teen may believe she is too
natural suppression of ovulation.
young to get pregnant; a woman
in the immediate postpartum
period may believe she cannot
- However, the method is not
dependable because a woman
conceive immediately, especially
may ovulate but not menstruate.
if she is breastfeeding)
• Sexual practices, such as - After 6 months of breast-feeding
frequency, number of partners, the woman should be advised to
feelings about sex, and body choose another method of
image contraception.

Family planning methods

1. Natural Methods of Reproductive Coitus Interruptus
Life Planning
2. Artificial Methods of
- The couple proceeds with coitus
until the moment of ejaculation.
Reproductive Life Planning
The man withdraws and
3. Surgical Methods of
spermatozoa are emitted outside
Reproductive Life Planning
the vagina.
4. Abstinence
- Unfortunately, ejaculation may
occur before withdrawal is
complete and despite the care
used, some spermatozoa may be
deposited in the vagina.
- To use the method, a woman takes
- It offers little protection against her body temp. each morning
conception. immediately after waking before
she undertakes any activity
Natural Methods of Reproductive Life
Planning Cervical Mucus (Billings) Method

Calendar/ Rhythm Method

- Uses the changes in cervical
mucus that occur naturally with
- Requires a couple to abstain from
ovulation. Before ovulation each
coitus on the days of a menstrual
month, the cervical mucus is thick
cycle when the woman is most
and does not stretch when pulled
likely to conceived (3 to 4 days
between the thumb and finger
before and 3 to 4 days after

- Woman should keep a diary of

- Just before ovulation, mucus
secretion increases.
six menstrual cycles.

- To calculate “safe days “ she

- With ovulation (the peak day),
cervical mucus before copious,
subtracts 18 from the shortest
thin, watery and transparent. It
cycle and 11 from her longest
feels slippery and stretches at least
cycle documented.
1 inch before the strand breaks.

Basal Body Temperature Method

Two-Day Method
- Before the day of ovulation, a
woman’s BBT falls about half a - A woman assess for vaginal

degree and at the time of ovulation, secretions daily. If she feels

her BBT rises a full degree secretions for 2 days in a row, she

because of the influence of avoids coitus that day and the day

following as the presence of
secretions suggests fertility.
- A woman can plan or prevent
pregnancy easily and effectively

- The method requires conscientious with this easy to use tool.

daily assessment.

Symptothermal Method Ovulation Awareness

- This is the use of over-the-counter
- Combines the cervical mucus and ovulation detection kit. It detect the
BBT methods midcycle surge of luteinizing hormone
that can be detected in urine 12 to 24
hours before ovulation.

Fertility Beads/ Cycle Beads Artificial Methods of Reproductive

Life Planning
- A hands-on visual tool used by
millions of women worldwide,
Cycle Beads is the original way
to identify your fertile days
using the Standard Days
Method® of family planning.

- Cycle Beads is a color-coded

string of beads representing a
woman's menstrual cycle. It
helps a woman track her cycle,
identify when are fertile days
and non-fertile days, and
monitor that her cycles are in
range for effective use of this
family planning method.
Male Condoms
- Should not be place longer than 24
- A latex rubber or synthetic sheath hours
that is placed over the erect penis Cervical Caps
before coitus.
- Caps are made of soft rubber, are
shaped like a thimble and fit snugly

- Prevents pregnancy by depositing over the uterine cervix.

the spermatozoa in the tip of the

- Many women cannot use cervical
cap because their cervix is too
short for the cap to fit properly.
Female Condom
- It can remain longer than
- Latex sheaths made by diaphragms because they do not
polyurethane and lubricated by put pressure on the vaginal walls or
nonoxynol-9. urethra.

- The inner ring (closed end) covers - Length of time should not exceeds
the cervix and the outer ring (open to 24- 48 hours.
end) rests against the vaginal
opening. Barrier methods and their effects

- Male and female condom should • Pregnancy

not be used together.
• Sexual Enjoyment

• Adolescent-girls: uses

- A circular rubber disc that is placed spermicide,fitted for diaphrams

over the cervix prior to intercourse. or cervical cap

- They should be left in place for 6 • Boys: Condom (never reused)

hours afterwards.
• Perimenopuase: cervical caps
not ideal
HORMONAL CONTRACEPTION - Known as the progestin only pills.

Oral Contraceptives / Pills Progestin not allowed the

endometrium to develop
- Composed of varying amount of
synthetic estrogen combined - Taken by women who cannot take
with small amount of an estrogen-based pill because of
progesterone. the dangrer of thrombophlebitis.

- Commonly packed in 28 pills - Risk for clotting due to increased

(21 active pill and 7 placebo estrogen
pills) Estrogen/Progesterone Transdermal

- Estrogen suppresses LH and


FSH - Refers to the patches that slowly,

but continuously release a
combination of estrogen and

- 3 weeks applied on, 4th week to

take it out

- May be applied to one of four

areas: upper outer arm, upper
torso (front or back, excluding the
breast), abdomen or buttocks.

• Sunday start
Vaginal Rings

• Quick Start
- Commonly known as the
• First Day
- Consist of a thin, flexible plastic
• After Childbirth ring that contains a combination of
Mini Pills estrogen and progestin.
✓ Progestin impregnated rings or
- Inserted in the vagina and left in
progestin patches
place for 21 days then removed for
✓ Subdermal implants
7 days.
Subcutaneous/ Subdermal Implants

- The implants slowly release the Intrauterine Devices

hormone, suppressing ovulation,

stimulating thick cervical mucus, - A small plastic device inserted into the

and changing the endometrium so uterus through the vagina.

that implantation is difficult.

IUD Insertion & removal
- Inserted and removed using local

- Costly

Artificial Methods of Reproductive Life

Intramuscular Injections

- A single injection of
medroxyprogesterone acetate
(DMPA or Depo-Provera).

- Given every 12 weeks to inhibit

ovulation, alter the endometrium
and change the cervical mucus.
Hormonal contraception and its
✓ Estrogen/progestin combination
Surgical Methods of Reproductive AND CONTINUE TO PRODUCE
- A small incision is made in each EJACULATE SEMINAL FLUID; IT WILL
side of the scrotum. The vas JUST NOT CONTAIN SPERM
deferens is then cut and tied ,
cauterized or plugged, blocking the b. Tubal Ligation
passage of spermatozoa.
- The fallopian tubes are occluded
by cautery, crushing, clamping or
- Done in an ambulatory setting such blocking the tubes (Essure),
as physician’s office or thereby preventing passage of both
reproductive life planning clinic. sperm and ova.

- Should not be undertaken unless

the woman does view it as a
permanent irreversible procedure.
Thank you


Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are SKIN OR MUCUS MEMBRANE AND INTO THE
infections transmitted through sexual contact. While BLOODSTREAM.
some STIS are easily treated, others are dangerous and
can lead to serious illness, infertility or even death. It is S/S: A painless sore called a chancre appears in the point
important that we know how STIS are transmitted and area where the organism enters the body usually the
how we can protect ourselves and sexual partners from genital organs: sometimes the mouth and anus in their
infection. Anyone can catch an STI. Don't believe that early stages, 2 to 3 weeks after- infection. Usually, it
only one certain sorts of people get STIs. It's not true. It's clears up after 2 to 3 weeks, but the bacteria still remain.
not who you are but what you do that put's you at risk of Women may not notice symptoms because sooner it can
getting infected with STIs. be painless and out of sight on the vaginal walls. The
next sign appears three to twelve weeks later. They may
GONORRHEA include a rash and ulcers in the mouth and genital area.
GONORRHEA IS CAUSED BY A BACTERIA Years later syphilis can damage the brain and the heart.
CALLED NEISSERIA GONORRHEA. It is spread A mother can also infect her baby. These are very
through sexual contact. It can't be picked up from toilet serious complications. They only occur if the infection
seats, towels etc. has not been diagnosed and treated.

S/S: Symptoms don't always occur. If they do, it is Treatment: It is important that it is diagnosed in its early
usually 3 to 7 days after sexual contact with an infected stages and treated
partner. with antibiotics.

Men experience a burning sensation when CHLAMYDIA

urinating and there is a white or yellow discharge from CHLAMYDIA ONE IS OF THE COMMON
the penis (urethral gonorrhea). Women may experience a STIs. It is called the silent STI because it causes mild
burning sensation when urinating and sometimes a symptoms in men and usually no symptoms in women. It
heavier-than-usual vaginal discharge, abnormal is caused by chlamydia trachomatis, which can infect
menstruation. Gonorrhea in women can move up from the cervix, uretha, rectum and throat and eyes. Like
cervix to uterus and fallopian tube (Pelvic Inflammatory gonorrhea, the chlamydia can move up from your vagina
Disease) and cause a severe illness with pain in your and cervix to uterus and fallopian tube to cause Pelvic
abdomen and fever for which may need hospitalization. Inflammatory Disease (PID). It can result to a fatal
blockage in the fallopian tube from searing which can
This can be threatening situation. In males it can make you sterile (unable to have children). If the tubes
cause secretal pain and swelling which can lead to are partially blocked, the baby can start to grow outside
infertility. Both men and women may catch gonorrhea in of the normal place in the uterus (Ectopic Pregnancy),
the anus (rectal gonorrhea) or throat (pharyngeal for instance in one of the tubes or abdominal cavity. In
gonorrhea). Rectal and pharyngeal gonorrhea often have men it can cause infection in the testicles, resulting to
no symptoms. Gonorrhea and chlamydia often go swelling then scarring that can lead to infertility.
together. Pregnant mothers with gonorrhea can infect the
child when it passes through the birth canal causing Treatment: Chlamydia is treated with 7 day course of
blindness to the newborn child. antibiotics from the tetracycline group.

Treatment: Gonorrhea is usually treated with a single GENITAL HERPES

dose of an antibiotic, either a tablet or a capsule, or an IT IS CAUSED BY A VIRUS CALLED
injection. HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS. It is spread by vaginal, or
anal or oral sex, or direct skin to skin contact.
S/S: Clusters of blisters or ulcers on the genitals which is ● through blood transfusion and sharing of
painful, tingling or itchy. It may be accompanied by injecting instruments such as needless and
flu-like symptoms and occasionally pain on urinating. syringes
The Virus remains in the body and can cause on-and-off ● from an HIV-positive mother to her baby during
outbreaks, usually of decreasing frequency and severity. pregnancy, delivery and breast feeding.
The attack eventually stops.
The virus cannot be passed on through touching,
Treatment: An anti-herpes drug (e.g. acyclovir) may be shaking hands, hugging/embracing food, drink or
prescribed, though it may not sure but help speed of mosquitoes.
healing. Also the Sores in salty water would relieve pain
and discomfort. S/S: HIV infection causes no signs or symptoms for 5-10
years or longer. Nevertheless, it is a chronic infection
HEPATITIS B and people with it are chronic carriers. They can infect
HEPATITIS B IS A VIRUS THAT CAN other people for the rest of their lives. Unless they have
CAUSE AN INFECTION IN THE LIVER. It is been tested for HIV, they are not aware that they are
transmitted when semen, mucus or blood from an infected.
infectious person enters the body of another person. This
can occur during vaginal and anal sex and through When an HIV infection progresses to AIDS,
needle-sharing among drug users. Hepa B does not there are many possible signs and symptoms that would
usually enter the body through the mouth, but it can arise. The most common are: unexplained weight loss
during oral sex if semen or mucus enter a mouth with and persistent tiredness, night sweats, persistent or on
inflamed gums. Hepa B is not spread by food or drink. and off LBMs, swollen glands in the neck, armpits and
groin; shortness of breath and persistent dry cough.
S/S: It can vary from a mild, unnoticed infection to an
obvious illness with jaundice (this means a yellow color Treatment: Currently there is no cure and treatment is
of the skin and white of the eyes, dark urine and pale experimental.
stools), fever, loss of appetite, body weakness and joints
Treatment: Rest and avoiding alcohol seem to be the best SARCOPTES SCABICI. It is passed on through
ways of dealing with it, although recovery may take skin-to-skin contact.
some months. Hepa. B is the only STI which has a
preventive vaccine. This is useful to protect partners of S/S: Red itchy lumps in hairy parts of the body and other
people who carry the virus. places such as wrists, forearms and penis.

HIV/AIDS Treatment: Application of lotion to the affected areas

HIV stands for HUMAN and elsewhere.
IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS. It is the virus that
causes (AIDS) Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. PUBIC LICE (CRABS)
When someone is infected with HIV, the virus attacks INFESTATION BY THE CRAB-LIKE LICE
the person's Immune system (the system that defends the CALLED PTHIRIUS PUBIS. It is spread directly from
body from illness.) A person develops AIDS when his or one person to another during intimate contact.
her immune system becomes so damaged that it can no
longer fight off diseases and infection, HIV is spread S/S: Itchiness in the public hair or occasionally other
mainly in on of three ways. hairy parts of the body. A close look can spot the tiny
lice clinging to the pubic hair.
● through unprotected penetrative sexual
intercourse (vaginal and anal) Treatment: Application on lotion to the affected areas
and elsewhere.
Treatment: A course of antibiotics for a week or less in
GENITAL WARTS both men and women.
CONTACT. It is spread through vaginal, or anal sex or VAGINA CAUSED BY ONE OR SEVERAL TYPES
other direct contact. OF BACTERIA, MOST COMMONLY
S/S: Small, painless lump looking like small
cauliflowers appear on the penis, on the vulva or cervix S/S: A small amount, white, sticking homogenous foul
or in or around the anus. Some women may have warts smelling vaginal discharge could be bacterial vaginosis.
inside the vagina or in the cervix and be quite unaware
of them. In men the warts are more obvious. In both Treatment: A course of antibiotics for
sexes, warts can also appear around the anus. a week or less.

Treatment: Warts are easily treated by applying What should you do if you think you have STI?
chemicals or freezing them or by operating on them. If you notice signs and symptoms of any of the
Other treatments are laser and diathermy (heat STI mentioned or have had unprotected sex (Vaginal or
treatments). Sometimes warts don't clear up with the first anal) with a person who has an STI, you should see a
course of treatment, so follow up checks are important. doctor immediately. Remember that some STI do not
show any signs and symptoms especially in women. An
CANDIDIASIS (MONILIASIS) infected person may infect others without knowing it.
INFECTION IS FROM THE FUNGUS You do not have to wait in the hope that the STI will go
CALLED CANDIDA ALBICANS. Candidiasis is away. Even if they do, the disease may still be present.
usually a vaginal infection. It maybe worsen by sexual
activity but occurs in women who are not sexually IF YOU HAVE AN STI...
active. Pregnancy, diabetes or the use of birth control 1. Take the complete course of antibiotics or
pills and antibiotics can make a women more prone to medicine prescribed
develop this infection. 2. Return for a follow up with your doctor to make
sure that you are completely treated.
S/S: In women there is an abnormal white or yellow 3. Do not have sex until you are certain that you
vaginal discharge, with redness and itching. In men, are cured. But if you do, use a condom. Use a
there is an itchy rash on the head of the penis or under waterbased lubricant (KY) jelly to prevent
the foreskin. irritation.
4. Have your sexual partner treated.
Treatment: Vaginal tables and antifungal
TRICHOMONIASIS 1. Abstinence - no sex at all. People make this
IT IS CAUSED BY A PARASITE CALLED choice at certain times in their lives, perhaps
TRICHOMONAS VAGINALIS SPREAD THROUGH until they have established a trusting
VAFINAL SEX. relationship.
2. Be faithful - maintain a mutually single-partner
S/S: Women develop an abundant watery, bubbly relationship. Have a partner who is not having
yellowish discharge with a fishy smell and an itch. Men sex with anyone.
carry the organism often without symptoms or they may 3. Condoms - correct and consistent use of
not feel comfortable when urinating. condom during penetrative sex reduces the risk
of getting an STD.
For accurate, credible and confidential information call:
Remedios AIDS Hotline:
Dumaguete City Health Office
Women's AIDS Hotline:
ReachOut AIDS Hotline:
Iloilo City AIDS Hotline:
Legaspi City AIDS Hotline:
Cebu City AIDS Hotline:
Davao City AIDS Hotline:
Baguio City AIDS Hotline:
METHAMPHETAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE schizophrenia, characterized by the presence of
What you should know about paranoid, auditory and visual hallucinations.
Some chronic users have difficulty concentrating
GENERAL FACTS and remembering things. Diminished ability to cope with
Methamphetamine hydrochloride, a type of problems and difficulties in facing reality are common.
amphetamine is also known as "poor man's cocaine." Lack of interest, ambition and motivation may also result
Other names are "shabu," "ubas," "siopao," "sha," and from long term use.
Chronic snorters may suffer from severe
SOURCE irritation of the nasal passages and at times may develop
This chemical substance is being smuggled into tissue perforation of the nasal septum so that they
the country by drug traffickers, and syndicates. It has become prone to frequent nose bleed. Renal damage,
been reported that there are clandestine laboratories in heart disease and stroke have been documented among
the Philippines suspected of manufacturing this chronic abusers.
Injecting "shabu" from contaminated needles
USUAL FORM OF THE PRODUCT may lead to risk of infections resulting in inflammation
"Shabu" is a white, odorless crystal or crystalline of blood vessels (phlebitis), infections of the heart valves
powder with a bitter numbing taste. (endocarditis), blood posioning (septicemia), and HIV/
AIDS, all of which can lead to death.
Abusers are known to take this drug through TOLERANCE
ingestion inhalation (chasing the dragon), sniffing Abusers who frequently take the substance
(snorting) or by injection. Amphetamines are taken require higher doses to achieve the desired effects.
orally and are associated with a rapid onset of action, Tolerance sets in after a few weeks of regular use.
within one hour. If taken intravenously or through
injection, they have an almost immediate effect. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL
ADVERSE EFFECTS The chemical substance is known to produce
● Produces anxiety, tension, irritability, irrational psychological and physical dependency. These are
behavior, talkativeness, and loss of self-control. characterized by anxiety, tension and craving for the
● Results in loss of appetite and inability to sleep. substance. This substance-seeking behavior can lead to
● Euphoria, elation. various crimes and other anti-social acts.
● Can lead to acute psychotic reactions, violent
and destructive behavior and recklessness that These are feeling of apathy, hypersomnia
may result in accidents (excessive period of sleep) and depression which may
lead to suicide.
Includes chest pain, irregularity of heartbeat, PENALTY: Article II Section 11, RA9165
elevated or lowered blood pressure, evidence of weight Section 11. Possession of Dangerous Drugs - the
loss, convulsion and death from cardiac arrest. penalty of LIFE IMPRISONMENT TO DEATH and a
fine ranging from Five Hundred Thousand Pesos
LONG TERM EFFECTS (P500,000.00) to Ten Million Pesos (P10,000,000.00)
Psychiatric consequences are the major feature shall be imposed upon any person, who, unless
of chronic "Shabu" abuse and dependency. Prolonged authorized by law, shall possess any dangerous drug
use and even a single exposure especially if administered regardless of the degree of purity thereof (50 grams or
intravenously can lead to psychosis, resulting to more of methamphetamine hydrochloride or "shabu").
BREAST CARE Press it firmly against your breast with your
Self Examination Guide for Women fingers held flat.
● Make small circles from the breast bone towards
STEP 1: VISUAL EXAMINATION the nipple feeling your entire breast and
● Face the mirror with arms at your side and look underarm area for lumps.
at both breasts carefully for lumps, puckering, ● Then raise your other arm and examine your
any change in skin color, fluid around the nipple other breast.
or other changes in appearance. ● It is normai to feel a ridge of firm tissue around
● Repeat the procedure with your arms raised over the lower curve of each breast.
your head.
● Next, place your hands on your hips and with ● Ilagay ang kamay sa likod ng ulo
your chest muscles tensed. Repeat the careful ● Sabunin ang kabilang kamay at idiin sa iyong
visual inspection. suso na nakalapat ang mga daliri.
● Finally gently squeeze each nipple and check for ● Paikot na imasahie ang iyong suso mula sa
discharge breast bone hanggang sa may utong. Kung may
makapang isang matigas na laman dito, huwag
● Humarap sa salamin nang nakalagay ang mga matakot sapagkat ito ay normal na bagay
braso sa iyong tagiliran. Suriing mabuti ang lamang.
iyong suso sa maaring pagbabago ng hugis o
laki nito. Tingnan ang balat nito kung mayroong ● Ibutang ang usang kamot luyo sa imong ulo
pangungulubot o may lumabas mula sa utong. ● Saboni ang pikas kamot ug iduot imong suso
● Itaas ang dalawang braso nang lagpas sa iyong samtang maaayong pagkadapat ang mga tudlo.
ulo. Ulitin ang buong nabanggit na paraan ng ● Hapuhapa ang palibot sa imong suso gikan sa
pagsusuri. bukog sa dughan ngadto sa atngal ug pamatia
● Ilagay naman ang iyong braso sa magkabilang ang tibuok suso ngadto na gayudsa dapit ilok,
balakang. Patigasin ang iyong mga muscles sa kung aduna bay bukol o tibugol.
dibdib at ulitin ang nabanggit na pagsusuri.
● Dahan-dahang pigain ang iyong utong at STEP 2: CLOCK EXAMINATION (Lying Down)
tinignan kung may lumabas na discharge. ● Lie on your back in a comfortable position.
● Place a pillow under your left shoulder.
● Atubang sa salamin samtang pinahimutang ang ● Place your left hand under your head, then
imong bukton sa masigkakilid. Tan-awa pag-ayo examine you're your left breast with your right
ang imong mga suso kung aduna bay mga bukol hand using the same procedure you used in the
o tibugol, o bisan unsang kausaban sa porma o shower.
gidak-on niini. ● Now move the pillow under your right shoulder
● Usba ang unang gibuhat nga paagi samtang and examine your right breast using your left
gi-isa ang imong duhang bukton sa imong ulo. hand. Repeat the procedure for self-examination.
● Sunod, ibutang ang imong duha ka kamot sa .
imong bat-ang samtang pinatigson ang dughan. ● Humiga nang nakalapit ang katawan
Usba ang maayong pag-usisa pinaagi sa ● Maglagay ng unan o tuwalya sailalim ng iyong
pagtan-aw sa imong suso. ulo at suriin ang kaliwang suso sa pamamagitan
● Sa katapusan, pislita ang matag atngal ug ng kanang kamay. Gamitin ang nabanggit na
usisaha kung aduna bay tolobig nga mugavas paraan.
gikan niini. ● Ulitin ito sa kabilang suso na ginagamit naman
ang kaliwang kamay.
STEP 2: CLOCK EXAMINATION (Standing/Taking a
Bath) ● Higda nga hamugaway ang imong posisyon.
● Put one hand behind your head. ● Butangig unlan ilalum sa walang abaga
● Soap your other hand
● lbutang ang walang kamot ilalom sa imong ulo makabatyag o makakita ug talagsaong tibugol sa imong
dayon susi- hon ang walang suso gamit ang suso, pakunsulta gayud dayon sa doktor, AYAW
tuong kamot sa samang paagi nga imong gibuhat KAHADLOK. Kadaghan sa mga tibugol dili
samtang naligo. maka-kanser, apan ang imo rang doktor ang makasulti
● Karon, ibalhin ang unlan sa tuong abaga ug niini.
susihon ang tuong suso pinaagi sa walang
kamot. Himoa pag-usab ang pamaagi alang sa
kinaugalingong pag usisa.

➢ Examine your breast every month one week
after menstruation
➢ It is still necessary for post-menopausal women
to examine themselves.
➢ For mothers who are breastfeeding, it is best to
examine themselves after nursing.
➢ It is necessarty for women ages 35 and above to
undergo PAP SMEAR once a year for two
consecutive years. If results are negative for two
consecutive years, PAP SMEAR should be done
once every three years thereafter.

Do not hesitate to discuss anything unusual with

your doctor What you report can help you stay healthy.
If you feel or see a lump in your brest consult your
doctor at once. DO NOT BE AFRAID. Most lumps are
not cancerous, but only the doctor can determine this.


➢ Usisahon ang imong suso kada bulan o use ka
semana pagkahuman sa imong binulang regla.
➢ Gikinahanglan pa gihapong usisahon ang
kaugalingong suso bisan pa sa mga babayeng
➢ Alang sa mga inahan nga nagpasuso, labing
maayo nga susihon usab ang kaugalingong suso
human magpasuso.
➢ Gikinahanglan sa mga babaye nga nag-edad ug
35 pataas pa, nga magpa-PAP SMEAR. Buhaton
kini ka-usa sa usa ka tuig sulod sa nagsunod nga
duha ka tuig. Kung negatibo ang resulta sulod sa
nagsunod nga duha ka tuig, ang PAP SMEAR
buhaton kausa sa matag tulo ka tuig human

Ayaw pagduhaduhag adto sa doktor ug hisgoti

gayud dayon ang bisan unsang dili normal nga
mamatikdan sa suso. Ang pagkabana maoy makatabang
pagbaton ug maayong panglawas Kung ikaw
RESBAKUNA KASANGGA NG BIDA Samtang nagpaabot sa pag-abot sa mga bakuna,
 magpakisusi ug magpakisayod gikan sa mga kasaligan
UNSA NGA MGA BAKUNA ANG GAMITON SA nga tinubdan. Mas maayo nga adto mangutana sa mga
PILIPINAS? lisensyado nga mga medical professionals sa tukmang
Sa pagkakaron, limitado ang supply sa bakuna pagbakuna alang sa COVID-19. Ato usab nga susihon
sa tibook kalibutan. Ang 80% niini nga mga bakuna ang mga kasayuran nga atong nahibaluan aron
napalit na sa mga adunahan nga nasud. mahatagan kita og giya sa hukom nga pagpabakuna.
Tungod kay walay usa nga kompanya nga
mahimong makahatag sa 110 milyones ka mga bakuna. SCREENING
Tungod niini ang atong kagamhanan nakigsabot sa 7 ka Ang imong kahimtang sa panglawas sa
mga tigbuhat sa bakuna. pagkakaron ug sa nilabay nga mga panahon
Ang kagamhanan naningkamot nga ang bakuna gikinahanglan nga mahibaloan sanglit kini ang mohatag
nga pagakuhaon adunay Emergency Use Authorization og giya kon ikaw angay nga bakunahan, ug unsa ang
(EAU). Kini naghatag og pagmatuod nga kini miagi sa bakuna nga angay kanimo. Kinahanglan nga isugilon
makuti nga pagsusi ug gisuportahan sa gawas o lain nga ang tinuoray nga kahimtang sa imong panglawas. Dili ka
pundok sa mga eksperto. mahimong mahatagan og schedule kon wala ka moagi sa
Dili angay nga mabalaka nga ang pagbakuna screening.
makahatag kanimo sa sakit nga COVID-19.
MAGPABAKUNA? Moadto sa vaccination site diin ikaw nakalista.
Ihatag sa gobyerno ang bakuna nga libre. Wala Magsul-ot sa face mask ug face shield. Kinahanglan nga
kay bayaran para magpabakuna. mopirma sa "informed consent." Kini ang dokumento
nga magpamatuod nga boluntaryo ang imong
KINSA ANG UNA NGA MAKADAWAT SA pagpabakuna. Motuman sa pagsubay sa minimum health
BAKUNA? standards sama sa usa ka metro nga distansya,
Tungod kay kinahanglan natong maseguro nga paghugas/pagsanitize sa kamot. Human mabakunahan,
ang atong sistema sa maayong panglawas nga padayong hatagan ka og vaccination card aron nga masulatan sa
maglihok, ang mga frontliner sa medisina mao ang una imong pagbakuna ug ang sunod nga pagpabakuna.
nga makadawat sa bakuna. Magpabilin sa vaccination site sulod sa usa ka
Ang mosunod mao ang kwalipikado nga mga oras aron maobserbahan sa mga reaksyon o simtomas
senior citizens kay sila ang daling mataptan og sakit o human sa pag bakuna. Kay mahinungdanon man ang
kamatayon, kini tungod base sa among lokal nga datos imong kahimtang sa imong panglawas, pagasubayon ka
nga ang COVID-19 labi ka peligro sa mga tigulang. sulod sa 12 ka bulan.
Ang pagkahan-ay kong kinsa ang ma
makadawat sa bakuna gitino sa tabang sa mga eksperto. UNSA ANG ANGAY BUHATON HUMAN
Alang sa pinakaulahi nga kamanduan, palihug sa MAGPABAKUNA? ADVERSE EVENTS
pagpakli sa pinakabag-ong kasayuran gikan sa Mamahimo nga makasinati og mga side effects
Department of Health. sama sa trangkaso apan mawala ra kini sa pipila ka
adlaw. Ayaw kabalaka, senyales ra kini nga naay
KANUS-A UG ASA MAGPABAKUNA? nahimong panalipod batok sa sakit sa lawas nimo. Ang
Ang national government nakipaglambigit lokal uban makabati og hilanat o sakit ug normal ra kini.
nga kagamhanan aron mahatod ang bakuna. Ang lokal Tawagi ang imong health care provider kong anaay
nga panggobyerno ang marehistro ug matarong ang pagpamula o panakit sa dapit nga naigo sa dagum
pagbakuna. Atangi ang mga pahibalo nga nagakigan sa pakahuman sa 24 oras ug kong nabalaka ka sa imong
mga mayor ug gobernador mahitungod niini. mga simtomas, o tan-aw nimo nga wala kini mawala
paghuman sa pipila ka adlaw. Mahinungdanon nga ● Atong malikayan ang mga sintomas sa
masibya sa imong health authorities aron tun-an sa mga impeksyon
eksperto kung konektado kini sa bakuna o dili. Dili ● Malikayan ang grabe nga empeksyon
namo gusto nga ang publiko mabalaka nga dili ● Mapugngan ang pagtakod niini
Bisan pa man niini, sama sa mga bakuna nga
GIDAGHANON SA DOSES gigamit sa nakalabay nga mga dekada, ang pagpanalipod
Sa mga bakuna sa COVID-19 sa atong nasud batok sa sakit mahimong epektibo kon 70% sa tibook
kinahanglan ang 2 ka tusok aron pagsiguro sa nga gidaghanon sa populasyon maong lugar
proteksyon mahimong magpabakuna sa ikaduhang dose nabakunahan Pananglitan kon ang imong barangay
bisan makasinati sa mga side effects, gawas kon adunay 100,000 ka mga lumulopyo, kinahanglan nga dili
moingon ang health care worker nga dili una ihatag ang moubos sa 70,000 ang proteksyon sa tibook nga
bakuna. komunidad. Busa atong sa mga lumulupyo ang
nabakunahan aron maseguro hinumduman nga ang
UNSAY ANGAY NGA BUHATON ARON PADAYON pagpabakuna dili lamang alang kanimo ug sa imong
NGA MAPANALIPDAN ANG ATONG pamilya kini alang sa imong barangay, lungsod ug
Sama sa ubang pagbakuna, manginahanglan og
panahon ang imong lawas nga makahimo sa panalipod MAGKUYOG KITA SA BIDA BAKUNATION!
sa COVID-19. Kinahanglan gihapon nga motuman sa
mga health protocols sama sa pagsul-ot sa face mask pag
distansya usa ka metro nga gilay-on sa laing tawo;
paglikay sa mga pagpundok ug ang kanunay nga
paghugas sa kamot, aron maghatag ug proteksyon sa
kaugalingon ug ang imong pamilya.


Ang pagdumala ug pagpahiluna sa bakuna
kinahanglan ang pagpahimutang ug pagsiguro nga mga
bakuna nahimutang sa mga sudlanan nga nagsubay sa
mga lagda. Sanglit ang mga bakuna gitawag og
biological products ug kini sensitibo sa temperatura ug
ang kahimtang sa palibot. Subay nini kinahanglan ang
pagseguro nga kini may pagmatuod nga nagagikan sa
lehitimo ug aprobado nga tinubdan.


Ang pandemya karon mikalas na sa daghang
kinabuhi ug padayon nga nagdala sa peligro sa kinabuhi
sa kadaghanan. Kini nagpaluya sa atong ekonomiya ug
daghan nga mga Pilipinhon ang nawad-an sa trabaho
tungod niini.

Sa pagkaplag sa bakuna batok sa COVID-19 kita

nahatagan sa kahigayunan nga masumpo kining maong
pandemya. Sa tabang sa bakuna:

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