RPL201H Traction Controller Error Code List

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ACE0 Controller Error Code And Processing


Instructions of error code inquire

For instance:Error Code 0 2 A 7 9 或 Alarm 79 on node 2

Number represents various controller:
01:Display Con. Of Reach Truck
02:Traction Con.
03:Vice Con.
05:Hydraulic Con.
06:Steering Con.
16:Display Con.


Display Flash Flash

Alarm Reason Processing
Alarm 1 2

1) Check the continuity of U, V, W three cables from

The embedded WATCH DOG protection is not
controller to motor
able either to cut off the power stage when not
8 5 2 WATCH DOG 2) Make sure no wire or cable is connected between
triggered or it is not able to activate the power
main contactor and controller;
stage when triggered.
3) Replace the controller
due to a HW or SW defect of the non-volatile
1) Try to execute a CLEAR EEPROM operation.
13 3 7 EEPROM KO embedded memory supporting the controller
2) Replace controller;

1) Recharge the battery , and then check if the battery or

It occurs when the circuit to limit via HW the one of them is damaged ;
current peak in the controller is active. 2) Check Cables from Battery to Controller B+ B-;
3) Replace controller;
1) Close “battery check” function to drive truck to
charge area;
2) Recharge the battery , and then check if the battery or
It occurs when the circuit, to compensate for one of them is damaged by detecting the voltage drop
the dead times of the sine waves, is failed. value when lifting (normally smaller than 1V);
3) After fully charged, detect voltage of battery cell to
check if some battery cell is damaged (new cell≥2.2V,
Old cell≥2.09V)


Display Flash Flash

Alarm Reason Processing
Alarm 1 2

4) Check the cable connection from battery to controller;

5) Replace controller;

This fault is displayed when the controller 1) Make sure the battery voltage is normal, enter the
detects an overvoltage or ADJUSTMENT menu to adjust the real battery voltage;
undervoltage condition. Overvoltage 2) Recharge the battery , and then check if the battery or
19 2 6 LOGIC FAILURE #1 threshold is 35V, undervoltage threshold is one of them is damaged ;
9,5V in the 24V controller. In 48V controller 3) Check Cables from Battery to Controller B+ and B-;
overvoltage threshold is 65V, undervoltage 4) Check wires from key switch to controller;
threshold is 9,5V. 4) Replace controller;

1) Check 3 UVW Cables between Motor and Controller,

Check motor connectors for bent/pushed out pin(s) or
Before to switch the main contactor on, the SW
cut wires ;
turns on sequence the Bottom side Power
2) Check the Resistance between Frame and Motor: If
30 1 5 VMN LOW Mosfets and expects the phase V voltage falls
resistance is more than 100 Ω , replace the motor; If the
to GND value. If the phase V remains high
Resistance is less than 1 Ω, Check If Motor, Harness or
level this alarm occurs.
cables are short to Frame;
3) Replace controller;


Display Flash Flash

Alarm Reason Processing
Alarm 1 2

Before to switch the main contactor on, the SW

turns on sequence the Top side Power Mosfets 1) Check motor connections (UVW cables)
and expects the phase V voltage increases 2) If motor windings/cables have leakages towards
31 1 8 VMN HIGH toward the rail capacitor value. If the phase V truck frame
does not increases this alarm occurs. 3) If no problem are found on the motors, the problem
Main contactor lost contact although it is is inside the controller

The controller checks if the MC contact is

CONTACTOR closed when the coil isn’t driven, trying to Check the contactor contact, if it is mechanically stuck
37 5 6
CLOSED discharge the capacitor bank. If they don’t or pasted.
discharge, the fault condition is entered.

1) Check if the wires to coil are interrupted or not well

connected ;
CONTACTOR The main contactor coil has been driven by the 2) Detect the resistance of the coil of contactor (~55Ω),
38 2 3
OPEN logic board, but the contactor does not close. check if it is broken;
3) Check if the contact of the contactor works normally,
no burns;


Display Flash Flash

Alarm Reason Processing
Alarm 1 2

53 2 2 STBY I HIGH Controller fault Replace the controller

In working condition, a resistance connected

1) Check the voltage and connection of battery cells;
between the key and the Rail Capacitors, keeps
2) Check the continuity of wire from key switch to
the Rail Capacitors charged before the Main
CAPACITOR Contactor closes.
60 1 4 3) Dismantle all wire and cables, connect a
CHARGE When the voltage on the Rail Capacitors
100Ωresistance or light on the B+ and B- for a while,
(measured on the phase V) is low and does not
then reassemble the controller;
increase when the main contactor is opened
4) Replace the controller;
this alarm occurs.

1) Allow truck to sit a few hours at room/ambient

temperature and clean the dust on the surface to
re-check. If ok, Duty cycle or operating environment are
too severe for standard unit.
This alarm occurs when the temperature of the 2) Check the heat dissipation,check if fan works
base plate is higher than 78 °C. normally and the heat-conduction glue is not dry;
3) Check if the brake works normally or not;
4) Check if the U/V/W three cables are connected in
right order and the driving motor works normally;
5) Replace the controller;


Display Flash Flash

Alarm Reason Processing
Alarm 1 2

1) Allow truck to sit a few hours at room/ambient

temperature and clean the dust on the surface to
re-check. If ok, Duty cycle or operating environment are
too severe for standard unit.
The temperature of the motor winding
65 3 8 MOTOR TEMPERAT. 2) Check if the brake works normally or not;
overtakes the MOTOR OVERTEMP setting.
3) Check Wires between Motor Temperature Sensor and
Main Controller ; If wires are ok, close temperature
detection function or replace the temperature sensor;
4) Replace the controller;

1) Recharge the battery ;

2) 2) Recharge the battery , and then check if the battery
or one of them is damaged by detecting the voltage drop
It occurs when the battery charge is calculated value when lifting (normally smaller than 1V);
66 3 6 BATTERY LOW being less than 10% of the full charge and the 3) After fully charged, detect voltage of battery cell to
BATTERY CHECK setting is other than 0. check if some battery cell is damaged (new cell≥2.2V,
Old cell≥2.09V)
4) Check the cable connection from battery to controller;
5) Replace controller;


Display Flash Flash

Alarm Reason Processing
Alarm 1 2

This alarm occurs when the voltage on the 1) Check Wires between Main Contactor and Controller;
Main Contactor is higher than expected: this 2) Check and clean the contactor inside, like spring and
means that the Main Contactor Coil has a high contact;
voltage although it is not supplied. 3) Replace the controller;

1) Check the coils of the Main Contactor is not short

This alarm occurs when the voltage on the
circuited; (Resistance is ~55Ω)
CONTACTOR Main Contactor is smaller than expected: this
75 3 4 2) Check the continuity of two wires from controller to
DRIVER means that the Main Contactor Coil has a null
voltage when supplied.
3) Replace the controller;

1) Operate Traction VACC in Instruction; (See

This alarm occurs if the ACCELERATOR
document center of ep-care website)
reading in the TESTER menu is higher than
2) Check the wires between traction controller and
78 3 3 VACC NOT OK 1.0 V (it means the wiper of the potentiometer
is higher than 2 Vdc) when the accelerator is
3) Replace the accelerator;
4) Replace the controller;


Display Flash Flash

Alarm Reason Processing
Alarm 1 2

1) Restart the truck in right order, especially check

Accelerator and handle are Off before Key On;
This is just a warning for an incorrect starting 2) Check Tiller Switch and accelerator status in Handset
sequence or multimeter;
3) Check the main contactor;
4) Replace the controller;

1) Check the Fwd and Bwd travel demand inputs via

both the travel demands (Fwd and Bwd) are
80 3 1 FORW + BACK Handset TESTER menu;
active at the same time.
2) Replace the controller;

1) Use handset to close Encoder function (Slip control)

to check if encoder is the reason;
2) Check if the encoder is tightened properly;
3) Check if the encoder is installed in opposite way;
Two consecutive readings of the encoder speed
82 5 7 ENCODER ERROR 4) Check if there is water or dust in the encoder, clean it;
are too much different in between
5) Check the wires between encoder and controller,
reconnect the wires;
6) Replace the Encoder;
7) Replace the Controller;


Display Flash Flash

Alarm Reason Processing
Alarm 1 2

Wire connection of accelerator has some

86 1 1 PEDAL WIRE KO Check the wire connection and continuity of accelerator

1) Check the working status of accelerator through

handset (“Accelerator” parameter)
While using truck, controller will detect the
2) Check the CAN and power wires connection and
194 11 2 NO CAN TILL EP connection of accelerator, if failed, this error
continuity of accelerator
will appear
3) Check the LED light of accelerator, normally should
be on. Otherwise, replace accelerator

1) Check the working status of accelerator through

handset (“Accelerator” parameter)
While starting truck, controller will detect the
2) Check the CAN and power wires connection and
195 11 1 WAIT TILL EP connection of accelerator, if failed, this error
continuity of accelerator
will appear
3) Check the LED light of accelerator, normally should
be on. Otherwise, replace accelerator

When the remained battery electricity is less

196 11 8 EP BMS TRAC CTB Get the battery charged (lithium battery)
than 7%, truck speed will be reduced


Display Flash Flash

Alarm Reason Processing
Alarm 1 2

When the remained battery electricity is less

197 11 7 EP BMS LIFT STOP Get the battery charged (lithium battery)
than 10%, truck lift function will be stopped

When the remained battery electricity is less

198 11 6 EP BMS TRAC STOP Get the battery charged (lithium battery)
than 2%, truck speed will be reduced to 0.

When the remained battery electricity is less

199 11 5 EP BMS MC OPEN than 2%, truck speed will be reduced to 0 and Get the battery charged (lithium battery)
BMS will open the contactor

1) Check the power and CAN wires connection and

While starting truck, controller will detect the
continuity, make sure BMS is connected well
200 11 4 NO CAN BMS EP connection of BMS, if failed, this error will
2) Check BMS working status, if BMS is broken or not
(By BMS connection equipment)

201 10 7 WRONG PASSWORD Input wrong password Input the right password


Display Flash Flash

Alarm Reason Processing
Alarm 1 2

Remind the operator of the use time is already Ask for assistance of EP technicians when this alarm
arriving the setting rental time occurs

No communication between controller and

203 10 5 WAIT ACTIVIATION Restart truck

While using truck, controller will detect the 1) Check the CAN wires connection and continuity of
204 10 4 NO CAN DISP EP connection of display, if failed, this error will display
appear 2) Replace the display

While starting truck, controller will detect the 1) Check the CAN wires connection and continuity of
205 10 3 WAIT DISP EP connection of display, if failed, this error will display
appear 2) Replace the display

1) Get battery charged

2) Check if some battery cells exist damage situation,
Remind operator the battery electricity is
210 9 5 BATTERY CHARGE result in this problem;
less than 10%, need to get battery charged
3) Check the cables and wires connection and
continuity from battery to controller;


Display Flash Flash

Alarm Reason Processing
Alarm 1 2

EPS steering controller report error to traction

211 8 6 EPS RELE OPEN See detail error code in EPS steering controller
It occurs the first time a controller is switched 1) Restart truck;
212 8 3 WRONG RAM on when the nonvolatile eeprom memory is not 2) Ask for assistance of EP technicians when this alarm
initialized yet. occurs
1) Check the “EVP1” parameter setting in set options
The Evp1 coil is not connected between Paux
2) Detect the resistance and continuity of EVP1 coil by
and NEVP1 output, and the parameter EVP
214 8 7 EVP1 COIL OPEN multimeter
TYPE in the set-option menu is set Analog or
3) Check the wires connection and continuity from
EVP1 to controller;
1) Check the “EVP2” parameter setting in set options
The Evp2 coil is not connected between Paux
2) Detect the resistance and continuity of EVP2 coil by
and NEVP1 output, and the parameter EVP
215 8 8 EVP2 COIL OPEN multimeter
TYPE in the set-option menu is set Analog or
3) Check the wires connection and continuity from
EVP2 to controller;
1) Check the correct connection of the motor
temperature sensor.
A) The motor temperature sensor is not
2) Close motor thermal sensor detection function
218 8 4 SENS MOT TEMP KO correctly connected to controller.
through handset, which is in “Document center” of
B) The motor temperature sensor is damaged.
ep-care website.
3) Replace new controller


Display Flash Flash

Alarm Reason Processing
Alarm 1 2

1) Key input signal down-going pulses (below under

voltage threshold) due to external loads, like DC/DC
converters starting-up, relays or contactor switching,
solenoids energizing / de-energizing.
2) Check the connection of power cables to the battery
This fault is displayed when the controller terminal, positive and negative, to MC and to
220 8 2 KEY OFF SHORT detects a low logic level of Key-Off signal controller +Batt and –Batt, which must be
during Start-Up diagnosis. screwed with a torque comprised in the range
3) If no voltage transient is detected on the supply line
and the alarm is present every time the key is
switched ON, the failure is probably in the controller
hardware, so it is necessary to replace the logic board.
1) Operate “Clear epprom” to make software back to
factory default setting;
221 8 1 FLASH CHECKSUM The software is not correct to controller
2) Reinstall right software into the controller
3) Replace

1) Check the positive wire input of A3 connector

Smart driver is open, not able to provide EB
222 4 3 SMARTDRIVER KO 2) Check if one of the EV/EVP/EB coil is open circuit
3) Replace the controller


Display Flash Flash

Alarm Reason Processing
Alarm 1 2

Before switching the LC on, the software

checks the power bridge: it turns on
alternatingly the Low side and High side
Power Mosfets and expects
223 1 2 POWER MOS SHORT Replace the controller
the phases voltage to decrease down to –
BATT (increase up to +Batt). If the phases
voltage do not follow the commands, this
alarm occurs.
1) Check the CAN-BUS wires continuity and connection
between controllers;
2) If step1 is OK, try to disconnect one by one the
It occurs if the controller does not receive any
224 7 6 WAITING FOR NODE module connected to the CAN Bus and check if this
message from the CAN Bus line.
alarm disappears.
3) When you are quite sure the problem is in the present
module, it is necessary to replace the controller.

The controller chopper current sensor feedback

225 6 4 CURRENT SENS. KO Replace the controller
is not right

1) Calibrate the voltage of accelerator by handset;

226 2 1 VACC OUT RANGE The voltage output of accelerator is not right 2) Check the voltage output value of accelerator in
TESTER menu, if the value is not right, check the wires


Display Flash Flash

Alarm Reason Processing
Alarm 1 2

from accelerator to controller; Otherwise replace


1) Restart truck
Main contactor will be open automatically after
228 5 8 TILLER OPEN 2) Check the status of tiller switch and accelerator
1min non-operation
3) Check the main contactor

Output of built in Smart Driver, which supplies

Check the wire connection and continuity from
229 2 8 POS. EB. SHORTED Eb coil positive, is high (= +batt) when the
controller to EB brake coil, if short circuit
tiller switch is opened.

The PAUX connector A3 is not connected to 1) Check the battery voltage

the battery or the voltage is different 2) Check the A3 wire connection and continuity

233 5 5 POWER MOS SHORT Controller Logic board error Replace the controller

1) Check the resistance and continuity of EV coil, make

sure the EV coil is not short circuit
Controller detects the one of the EV coil is
235 1 7 COIL SHOR. EV. 2) Check the wires connection and continuity from coils
of EV to controller, no short circuit;
3) Replace the controller


Display Flash Flash

Alarm Reason Processing
Alarm 1 2

The Maximum current gain parameters are at

the default values, which means the 1) Restart the truck
maximum current adjustment procedure has 2) Replace controller
not been carried out yet.
This alarm occurs when the A/D conversion
of the analog inputs gives frozen value, on
all of the converted signals, for more than
If the problem occurs permanently it is necessary to
237 5 1 ANALOG INPUT 400msec. The goal of this diagnosis is to
substitute the controller.
detect a failure of the A/D converter or a
problem in the code flow that omits the
refreshing of the analog signal conversion.
Check the harness related to CAN#1 with a voltmeter.
Mismatch between the H&S input and the If the state of these inputs is right, then it could be a
tiller input. problem inside the controller, which has to be
1) If truck doesn’t equip EVP, check the parameter
Evp2 driver is failed shorted (always ON) “EVP2” in set option
239 6 5 EVP2 NOT OK mismatch between the valve set-point and 2) Check the status of EVP, and make sure there is no
its feedback short circuit between negative of EVP2 coil and –BATT
3) Replace the controller


Display Flash Flash

Alarm Reason Processing
Alarm 1 2

1) If truck doesn’t equip EVP, check the parameter

Evp1 driver is failed shorted (always ON) “EVP1” in set option
240 6 6 EVP1 NOT OK mismatch between the valve set-point and 2) Check the status of EVP, and make sure there is no
its feedback short circuit between negative of EVP1 coil and –BATT
3) Replace the controller

Check the connection and continuity of UVW cables of

244 8 5 PHASE KO One of the motor cables is open

The driver of the electromechanical brake

246 4 8 AUX DRIV.OPEN Replace the controller
coil is not able to drive the load

1) Check the CAN-BUS wires continuity and connection

between controllers;
2) If step1 is OK, try to disconnect one by one the
It occurs if the controller does not receive any
248 4 6 NO CAN MSG. module connected to the CAN Bus and check if this
message from the CAN Bus line.
alarm disappears.
3) When you are quite sure the problem is in the present
module, it is necessary to replace the controller.
1) Remind clients need to maintenance the truck, enter the ADJUSTMENT menu to close the Check up
249 4 5 CHECK UP NEEDED type and check up done parameters after maintenance
2) Replace the controller


Display Flash Flash

Alarm Reason Processing
Alarm 1 2

250 4 2 THERMIC SENS. KO The thermic sensor inside controller is broken Replace the controller

When the key is turned ON, the controller

1) Replace the battery with a correct battery
251 4 1 WRONG BATTERY check the battery voltage and verifies it is
2) Select the right voltage set in ADJUSTMENT meny
within a window around the nominal value.

The outputs of the amplifiers (used to measure

the traction motor voltage)
252 9 3 WRONG ZERO are checked to be included into a range . This Replace the controller
alarm occurs when the voltage signals >3V or
<2V at the init.

It occurs the first time a controller is switched 1) Restart truck;

253 2 4 SLIP PROFILE on when the nonvolatile eeprom memory is not 2) Ask for assistance of EP technicians when this alarm
initialized yet. occurs

1) Check if there is a short or a low impedance

The driver of the electromechanical brake pull-down between NEBCNA#4 and –BATT.
254 2 5 AUX DRIV.SHRT.
coil is shorted 2) The driver circuit is damaged in the controller,
which has to be replaced.


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